The Modern Lawyer № 4(37)




Oksana N. Petyukova

Oksana N. Petyukova, Doctor of Law, Professor of the International and Public Law Department of the Law Faculty at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail:

Employment of the population and realization of the citizens rights to the free use of their capabilities for business and other economic activities


Subject/Topic The article is devoted to topical issues of the population employment in the context of modern challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to freely use their abilities for entrepreneurial and other economic activities.

Goals/objectives The aim is to study the formation of a legal policy for promoting employment of the population in a public-legal context, as well as the effective implementation of the citizens’ rights to freely use their abilities for various types of economic activity, including entrepreneurial. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of International and Russian legislation, identification of the prospects for its development.

Methodology The study used dialectical, systemic, comparative legal, statistical methods, as well as analysis and synthesis.

Conclusion. The pandemic of the new coronavirus infection has a significant impact on the labor market and on the development of Russian legislation on employment. The anti-crisis measures formulated in the National Action Plan approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on September 23, 2020 and calculated for the period until December 31, 2021, are ultimately aimed at maintaining employment and social support for the population. At the same time, the main provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation of 19.04.1991, No. 1032-1 “On employment of the population in the Russian Federation” have not changed significantly recently. There are no unified conceptual approaches to the formation of legal policy in the labor market and systemic modernization of legislation in this area. Legal mechanisms for ensuring the mobility of labor resources throughout the country with the possibility of settling people in a new place of work, providing them with housing, need to be improved. A unified digital platform for the promotion of employment and vocational retraining is also needed, taking into account various aspects of both internal and external labor migration.

Keywords: employment, legal policy, realization of rights, rights of citizens, use of abilities, entrepreneurial activity, economic activity.


Entrepreneurial law: modern view: monograph [Predprinimatel’skoye pravo: sovremennyy vzglyad: monografiya] / Е.А. Abrosimova, V.K. Andreev, E.G. Afanasyev and others; otv. ed. S.A. Karelin, P.G. Lakhno, I.S. Shitkin. M .: Justicinform, 2019.

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Lushnikov (2011) – Lushnikov A.M. Strengthening the flexibility of labor relations as a response to the challenges of the XXI century: the reasons for the introduction and the limits of implementation [Usileniye gibkosti trudovykh otnosheniy kak otvet na vyzovy XXI veka: prichiny vvedeniya i predely osushchestvleniya] // Labor market in the XXI century: in search of flexibility and protection: Mater. int. scientific. conf. May 12 – 14 [Rynok truda v XXI veke: v poiskakh gibkosti i zashchity: Mater. mezhdunar. nauch. konf. 12 – 14 maya], 2011 Vilnius, 2011.S. 120.

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Machulskaya (2021) – Machulskaya E.E. COVID-19: New Challenges for People with Disabilities [COVID-19: novyye vyzovy dlya invalidov]// Social and Pension Law. [Sotsial’noye i pensionnoye pravo.] 2021. N 2.P. 20 – 26.


Roman B. Logvin

Roman B. Logvin, Deputy General Director for Government Relations, IVK AIR GROUP, 1 postgraduate student (Moscow State Law Academy), Moscow.


Optimization of the functions of federal executive bodies


Subject /Topic This article examines certain structural and functional aspects of the organization and activities of federal executive bodies. In particular, the interrelation of the supporting functions and the structure of the federal executive bodies is investigated, the possibility of optimizing the structure of the federal executive bodies by centralizing the supporting functions and the establishment of a single personnel agency is analyzed.

Goals / objectives The purpose of this work is to develop theoretical proposals for optimizing the structure of federal executive bodies by centralizing the supporting functions of these bodies and the establishment of a Unified Personnel Agency.

Methodology The methodological basis of the work is the structural-functional and systemic research methods, the use of which allows us to consider federal executive bodies as a complex developing system, to trace the structural links between various elements of the system, and also to formulate theoretical proposals for optimizing the functions of these bodies.

Conclusion The staffing of personnel and other support units is striking in its scale even now, when the last administrative reform has actually been completed, as a result of which the maximum number of civil servants in the support units of the central offices of the federal executive authorities was officially fixed. Thus, it can be stated that the establishment of a Unified Personnel Agency can significantly optimize the modern state apparatus of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: executive power, system and structure of federal executive bodies, functions of federal executive bodies, state administration. 


Tikhomirov (2013) – Tikhomirov Y.A. State: monograph [Gosudarstvo : monografiya] // Norm [Norma] 2013.

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Dmitry M. Matyushenkov

Dmitry M. Matyushenkov, Chairman of the Youth Chamber at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia; Postgraduate student of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)”, Moscow.


On the status of young scientists in the Russian Federation


Subject / Topic Aspects of the legal status of young scientists in the Russian Federation are considered, taking into account the adopted Federal Law of December 30 2020 “On Youth Policy in the Russian Federation”, regional legislation and foreign experience in this field are analyzed, a comparative study of some aspects of this problem is carried out.

Goals / Objectives Determination of the current legal status of young scientists in the Russian Federation, taking into account the adopted Federal Law of December 30 2020 “On Youth Policy in the Russian Federation”. The study of the regulatory framework of the subjects of the Russian Federation and foreign experience, to conduct a comparative analysis and highlight common laws, in order to form proposals for improving legal regulation.

Methodology Methods of analysis, synthesis, descriptions, comparisons, historical method, method of comparative jurisprudence, methods of formal logic were used.

Conclusion and Relevance Despite the adoption of the Federal Law of December 30 2020 “On Youth Policy in the Russian Federation”, the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation still lacks a unified approach to determining the status of young scientists. It is necessary to consolidate a single concept at the level of federal law, which will allow to harmonize the development of natural science and improve the quality of personnel training.

Keywords: science, education, scientists, young scientists, youth. 


Gutnikov (2007) – Gutnikov O.V. The legal status of young scientists and research workers who retired // Journal of Russian Law [Pravovoy status molodyih uchenyih i nauchnyih rabotnikov, vyishedshih na pensiyu // Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava], 2007, No 7. (ATP Consultant Plus).

Mehrishvili, Skrauch (2012) – Mehrishvili L.L., Skrauch O.N. Young scientists as a social group: on the issue of motivation of scientific activity and vocational guidance // Specificity of pedagogical education in the regions of Russia [Molodyie uchenyie kak sotsialnaya gruppa: k voprosu motivatsii nauchnoy deyatelnosti i professionalnoy orientatsii // Spetsifika pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya v regionah Rossii], 2012, № 1. P. 152-163.

Shamsutdinova, Yagafarova, Isyangulova (2016) – Shamsutdinova N.K., Yagafarova D.G., Isyangulova E.I. Young scientists in the system of the scientific community // Collection of scientific articles of the Institute of Social Research, INGGU. – Magas: Ingush State University [Sbornik nauchnyih statey instituta sotsialnyih issledovaniy INGGU. – Magas: Ingushskiy gosuniversitet], 2016. P. 227-230.

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Matyushenkov D. M. Stepanenko (2019) – Matyushenkov D.M. Stepanenko Yu. V. On the legal status of young scientists/ international scientific journal “Modern Lawyer” No. 3 (28) 2019. 19-28.


Arpine A. Manukyan

Arpine A. Manukyan, Department of Administrative Law and Process, Master’s Student at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL).


Academic advisor: Yury V. Stepanenko, Professor, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Process of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.


Administrative justice as a way of ensuring legality in public administration


Subject / Topic The problems of improving the quality of public administration and enhancing the legitimacy in public administration.

Goals / Objectives This study aims to develop ways of optimizing judicial control over public administration and improving the institution of appeal.

Methodology The methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, historical, comparative legal method were used.

Conclusion and Relevance One of the mechanisms for resolving these problems is strengthening judicial control over the public authorities and their officials and improving the institution of appeals by establishing specialized administrative courts in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: public administration, ensuring legality, administrative justice, judiciary control, appeal, administrative courts.


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Sergey I. Girko

Sergey I. Girko, Doctor of Law, professor, chief research fellow at Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Research Institute.


A vicious circle of problems around penitentiary crime


Subject/Topic A vicious circle of problems around penitentiary crime.

Goals/Tasks Based on the analysis of the main problems related to the phenomenon of crime in the penal enforcement system, the author analyzes the state of the criminal procedural competence of the subjects of procedural legal relations-bodies and institutions that execute sentences in the form of deprivation of liberty and those sentenced to forced labor and held in correctional centers, comes to the conclusion that it does not correspond to the tasks of countering penitentiary crime. Based on the analysis of data on the crime of persons sentenced to imprisonment and held in correctional institutions of the penal enforcement system, personnel of institutions and bodies of the penal enforcement system, persons who found themselves in the location of a correctional institution for various reasons and other subjects contained in the relevant departmental statistical forms, information about the joint criminal activity of convicts and staff of correctional institutions, it examines the question of whether the officially registered information about the state of penitentiary crime corresponds to its real state.

The author puts forward a hypothesis that the scientific and practical problems that have developed around the phenomenon of crime in the penitentiary system that outwardly resemble a “vicious circle” can actually be consistently solved, starting with the establishment of accurate accounting of penitentiary crimes.

Methodology Analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, problem statement, hypothesis building, specification, monitoring.

Conclusion Based on the results of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that the consolidation and expansion of the criminal procedural competence of the subjects of the penitentiary system, the level of security of penitentiary institutions directly depend on the state of penitentiary crime and that the aggregate information on the level of crime in the penitentiary system contained in statistical forms of accounting, as well as its high degree of latency, do not allow to assess the real state of the phenomenon of penitentiary crime in Russia, and in addition, they create an obstacle to the effective solution of scientific and practical tasks aimed at countering this type of crime.

Keywords: penal enforcement system, criminal procedural competence of subjects of the penal enforcement system, criminal procedural powers, correctional institution, penitentiary crime, latency of penitentiary crimes, criminological characteristics of crime in the penal enforcement system, the state of penitentiary crime, subjects of penitentiary crimes 


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Kubasov (2015) – Kubasov A.V. Supervision of inquiry and other procedural activities in the penal enforcement system. [Nadzor za doznaniem I inoy processualnoy dejatelnostju v ugolovno-ispolnitelnoy sisteme] Legality. 2015. No. 7. p. 26-28;

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Anastasia Yu. Kochurina

Anastasia Yu. Kochurina, 2nd year master’s student of the Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, assistant to the bankruptcy commissioner. E-mail:

Research Supervisor: Ekaterina S. Yulova, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Termination of bankruptcy in connection with insufficient property of the debtor


Subject/Topic the positive aspects and modern problems of legal regulation of termination of bankruptcy proceedings due to insufficient funds of the debtor are considered. The main attention is paid to the problems related to the absence of legally established grounds for continuing the bankruptcy case by the court in conditions of insufficient financing, criteria and legal consequences of the temporary lack of sufficient funds from the debtor, the responsibility of the arbitration manager for failure to file a motion to terminate the proceedings. The legal positions of Russian courts and judicial statistics are analyzed.

Goals / objectives: to identify and group the problems of legal regulation of termination of bankruptcy proceedings due to insufficient funds of the debtor, to propose ways to eliminate them at the legislative level.

Methodology: dialectical, comparative-legal and system method, formal logic techniques were used.

Conclusions the termination of bankruptcy proceedings on the basis under consideration is a diminution of the legitimate rights and interests of creditors, since it prevents the use of effective instruments for replenishing the bankruptcy estate provided for by bankruptcy legislation, and also allows insolvent persons to increase accounts payable. The author presents a number of proposals to solve the problems raised, including in terms of determining the grounds, conditions and criteria for the expediency of such termination, the concept of temporary

Keywords: insolvency, bankruptcy, termination of bankruptcy proceedings, reimbursement of court costs, financing of bankruptcy proceedings, bankruptcy estate.


Gribanovskaya, Shushkanov (2020) – Gribanovskaya M.S., Shushkanov P.A. Lack of sufficient funds to finance the procedures used in the bankruptcy case as one of the grounds for terminating the bankruptcy proceedings [Otsutstvie dostatochnyh sredstv na finansirovanie procedur, primenyaemyh v dele o bankrotstve, kak odno iz osnovanij prekrashcheniya proizvodstva po delu o bankrotstve] // Magistrate judge [Mirovoj sud’ya].. – 2020. – # 3 – S. 30–35.

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Yulova (2020) – Yulova E.S. Some problems of the implementation of the principle of social justice in the legislation on bankruptcy of legal entities [Nekotorye problemy realizacii principa social’noj spravedlivosti v zakonodatel’stve o bankrotstve yuridicheskih lic]// Education and Law [Obrazovanie i pravo]. 2020. # 1.

Sarnakova (2020) –Sarnakova A.V. Ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of creditors in the event of a debtor’s bankruptcy (beginning) [Obespechenie zashchity prav i zakonnyh interesov kreditorov pri bankrotstve dolzhnika (nachalo)]// Lawyer [YUrist]. 2020. # 4.

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Peter N. Savenko

Peter N. Savenko, 4rd year student of the Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


Research Supervisor: Artemy Rozhnov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity of the Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

Legal analysis of the protection of workers rights in the industrial labor charter of 1913


Subject/Topic: the article provides a legal analysis of the Industrial Labor Charter of 1913 from the standpoint of protecting workers’ rights, analyzes the labor legislation of the Russian Empire in the 1910s, examines the historical aspect of the formation of domestic labor law, identifies historical and legal patterns of development of the branch of law under consideration, characterizes the employment contract, and also determines the overall effectiveness of the Industrial Labor Charter of 1913 in the field of workers’ rights protection.

Goals/Objectives: to conduct a comparative analysis of the labor legislation of the Russian Empire and some Western countries, to determine the legal status of workers in the Russian Empire, as well as to analyze some provisions of the Charter on Industrial Labor of 1913 from the perspective of modern law.

Methodology: the methods used in this article are generalization, systematization, analysis, analogy, as well as the comparative legal method.

Conclusions: the labor legislation of the Russian Empire did not lag behind the legislation of Western countries, it was determined that the modern Labor Code is largely based on the Industrial Labor Charter of 1913, and also that from the standpoint of modern law, many norms of the law in question were extremely relevant for their period of validity.

Keywords: Industrial labor


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Abdulvosit A. Husenov

Abdulvosit A. Husenov, Student of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Moscow, Russia.


Academic Supervisor: Kyrlan Marchel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Self-employed citizens as subjects of economic activity


Subject/Topic The subject of the study is the analysis of legislative provisions regulating the legal status of self-employed citizens as subjects of economic activity.

Goals/Tasks The purpose of this article is to study the legal regulation of the status of the self-employed through the prism of economic entities. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to investigate the legal status of self-employed citizens, to define the definition of the self-employed through the prism of them as subjects of economic activity.

Methodology Methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, description, methods of formal logic were used.

Conclusion There is a serious problem in the field of self-employment. The problem is also the lack of established law enforcement practice in the field of self-employment – because of this, it is unclear to what extent and how the state protects the rights of this category of persons. There is also no clarity in terms of the legal personality of self-employed persons. Most of the problems listed above can be solved by legislating the concept of self-employment. Based on the conducted research, a number of proposals are being made to improve the situation in the field of self-employment and to solve existing problems.

Keywords: self-employed; taxation; legal status of self-employed; entrepreneurial activity; professional activity.


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