Information for authors
Articles may be sent by email to the address listed in the magazine and on the website, regular mail (to the email contains the printout and disk file of the article), or the author directly to hand over the article (electronic and print) in the journal. All scientific articles submitted to the journal «The Modern Lawyer», are reviewed. Executive editor is controlled by the profile of the journal, the requirements for registration and sends it for review to the specialist, doctor or candidate of Sciences with the appropriate scientific specialty. The review deadline in each case is determined taking into account the creation of conditions for the most rapid publication of articles. The review is confidential. The reviewer recommends, recommends taking into account the correction of deficiencies noted or not recommend the article for publication in the journal. If the reviewer recommends the article taking into account the correction of deficiencies noted, the managing editor will send the author a proposal for revision of the article, with specific comments. A revised paper is resubmitted for review. The article is not recommended by the reviewer for publication, to be re-reviewed. Author by e-mail sent a reasoned refusal. The decision on whether the publication of the article is taken at the meeting of the editorial Board and recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the editorial Board.
After the editorial Board’s decision on publication editor informs the author about the approximate date of publication. The date of publication set in accordance with the order of admission of articles to the editor, the editorial content of the portfolio and subject headings, and the relevance of the material presented, as well as the focus of the next issues of the journal. The editorial Board sends authors of submissions copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal. The editorial Board of the journal «The Modern Lawyer» shall send copies of reviews to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation for admission to the editor of the request.
The originals are stored in the Editorial Office five years.