The Modern Lawyer №4(33)





Yury V. Stepanenko

doctor of Law, professor, professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Process, University of O.E. Kutafina (MSLA); Chief Researcher of the Federal State Institution VNII of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


Legal and methodological basis of monitoring implementation of measures to remove administrative barriers within sti


Subject / Topic Analyzes the regulatory legal acts and methodological materials regulating the procedure for the preparation and monitoring of the application of legal acts and standardization documents adopted in pursuance of action plans («road maps») to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers within the framework of the implementation of the National Technology Initiative.

Goals / Objectives Scientific expert assessment of the existing legal and methodological framework for monitoring law enforcement, including operational monitoring of regulatory legal acts and standardization documents aimed at eliminating administrative barriers that prevent the promotion and entry into large markets of domestic innovative technologies and other products of intellectual activity.

Methodology Methods of description, comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, legal modeling, forecasting were used.

Conclusion and Relevance The legal and methodological framework for monitoring the application of legal acts and standardization documents adopted in pursuance of action plans («road maps») to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers within the framework of the implementation of the National Technology Initiative has been formed. At the same time, it requires revision, in particular: release from unnecessary administrative procedures, expanding the list of information sources available to each participant in legal monitoring; development of such monitoring indicators that would minimize manifestations of subjectivity in assessing the quality of existing regulatory legal acts and technical regulation documents and would take into account their specificity; development of a memo to the monitoring participant with a detailed description of the content and value of each of the indicators.

Keywords: monitoring, law enforcement monitoring, administrative barriers, National Technology Initiative, standardization documents.


Stepanenko (2018) – Stepanenko Yu.V. Administrative barriers as a deterrent to the implementation of the National Technological Initiative // ​​Topical issues of the application of administrative law («Korenev readings»): collection of scientific papers of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference (November 15, 2018): scientific electronic publication. M .: Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya [Administrativnyye bar’yery kak sderzhivayushchiy faktor realizatsii Natsional’noy tekhnologicheskoy initsiativy // Aktual’nyye voprosy primeneniya norm administrativnogo prava («Korenevskiye chteniya»): sbornik nauchnykh trudov II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (15 noyabrya 2018 g.): nauchnoye elektronnoye izdaniye. M.: Moskovskiy universitet MVD Rossii imeni V.YA. Kikotya]. 2018. 674 p. (p. 621-627).

Stepanenko (2018) – Stepanenko Yu.V. Constitutional freedom of scientific creativity through the prism of administrative barriers // Administrative law and process [Konstitutsionnaya svoboda nauchnogo tvorchestva skvoz’ prizmu administrativnykh bar’yerov // Administrativnoye pravo i protsess]. 2018. № 12. P. 30-35.

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Arzamasov, Nakonechny (2007) – Arzamasov Yu.G., Nakonechny Ya.E. The concept and functions of monitoring regulatory acts // State power and local government [Ponyatiye i funktsii monitoringa normativnykh aktov // Gosudarstvennaya vlast’ i mestnoye samoupravleniye]. 2007. № 10.

Astana (2012) – Astanin V.V. Methodological foundations for monitoring law enforcement in the context of scientific doctrine and legislative requirements // Administrative and municipal law [Metodologicheskiye osnovy monitoringa pravoprimeneniya v kontekste nauchnoy doktriny i trebovaniy zakonodatel’stva // Administrativnoye i munitsipal’noye pravo]. 2012. № 4. Р. 5-13.

Gerasimov (2014) – Gerasimov A.V. Monitoring of law enforcement: search for conceptual (terminological) unity // Monitoring of law enforcement [Monitoring pravoprimeneniya: poisk ponyatiynogo (terminologicheskogo) yedinstva // Monitoring pravoprimeneniya]. 2014. № 4 (13). Р. 52-54.

Gorokhov (2009) – Gorohov D.B. Legal monitoring: the concept, directions of institutionalization, the state of legislation and prospects // Legislation and Economics [Pravovoy monitoring: kontseptsiya, napravleniya institualizatsii, sostoyaniye zakonodatel’stva i perspektivy // Zakonodatel’stvo i ekonomika]. 2009. № 7.

Zheldybina (2016) – Zheldybina T.A. On the importance of monitoring as an independent legal institution // Actual problems of Russian law [O znachenii monitoringa kak samostoyatel’nogo pravovogo instituta // Aktual’nyye problemy rossiyskogo prava]. 2016. № 1. Р. 34-41.

Kapitsyna (2012) – Kapitsyna D.V. Legal monitoring (concept, directions, subjects, levels) // Constitutional and municipal law [Pravovoy monitoring (ponyatiye, napravleniya, sub”yekty, urovni) // Konstitutsionnoye i munitsipal’noye pravo]. 2012. № 8. Р. 25-28.

Kuzmina (2015) – Kuzmina E.M. Monitoring of law enforcement activity: questions of theory and practice // Bulletin of PAGS [Monitoring pravoprimenitel’noy deyatel’nosti: voprosy teorii i praktiki // Vestnik PAGS]. 2015. Р. 53-58.

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Sologub (2015) – Sologub A.Yu. Legal monitoring: concept and meaning // Russian justice [Pravovoy monitoring: ponyatiye i znacheniye // Rossiyskaya yustitsiya]. 2015. № 8. Р. 11-13.

Gorokhov, Spector, Glazkova (2007) – D.B. Gorokhov, EI Spector, M.E. Glazkova. Legal monitoring: concept and organization // Journal of Russian law [Pravovoy monitoring: kontseptsiya i organizatsiya // Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava]. 2007. № 5. Р. 30-34.


Artemiy A. Rozhnov

Professor of the Department of international and public law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor.


Russian law sources during the formation of the russian centralized (Moscow) state (the 14th century – the first half of the 16th century)


Subject / Topic The article represents a description of the Russian law sources during the formation of the Russian centralized (Moscow) state (the 14th century – the first half of the 16th century).

Goals / Objectives The aim of the work is to give a description of such law sources of the Russian law during the formation of the Russian centralized (Moscow) state as customary law, ecclesiastical (canonical) law, normative legal acts, inter-princely and international treaties. The article also deals with a problem of the influence that the foreign law had on the Russian law during the specified era. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the relationship between normative legal acts and customary law. The article is based on the study of the relevant normative legal sources, act material and scientific literature on this topic.

Methodology The methodological basis of the article includes the universal methods of cognition; general scientific methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, etc.

Conclusion and Relevance As a result of studying the relevant historical and legal materials the author comes to the conclusion that the main legal sources of the Russian law in this period were ordinary and ecclesiastical (canonical) law but at the same time the regulatory role of legislative acts increased. The key role among different laws played the Sudebnik of 1497. A significant influence on the Russian law had the Greek-Roman (Byzantine) law which actually acted as an «auxiliary» law in relation to the Russian law.

Keywords: the Russian centralized (Moscow) state, history of Russian law, law sources, customary law, ecclesiastical (canonical) law, normative legal acts, the Sudebnik of 1497.


Belogrits-Kotlyarevsky (1888) – Belogrits-Kotlyarevsky LS The role of custom in criminal law [Rol’ obychaya v ugo-lovnom zakonodatel’stve]. Yaroslavl, 1888.

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Kuchma (1995) – Kuchma V. V. The phenomenon of the reception of Byzantine law in the Russian military-criminal legislation of the era of Peter I [Fenomen recepcii vizantijskogo prava v rossijskom voenno-ugolovnom zakonodatel’stve epohi Petra I]// Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Byzantium and medieval Crimea. Simferopol, 1995.

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Cherepnin (1951) – Cherepnin LV Russian feudal archives of the XIV-XV centuries [Russkie feodal’nye arhivy XIV–XV vekov]. M., 1951, Part 2.


Anna A. Berdnikova

Assistant of the department of legal regulation of economic activities of the Law faculty in the Financial University under the

Government of the Russian Federation, E-mail:


Some issues of legal regulation of grain quality (by the example of Russia and Canada)


Subject / Topic This article deals with the issues of legal regulation of the rules imposed on the quality of grain and its safety. The article provides a comparative characteristic of legislation of Russia and Canada, which fix the requirements for grain quality. Currently, grain is a strategic product, both in the external and internal markets. The quality of the products produced from grain depends on the quality of grain. Today the world trend is a healthy lifestyle. One of its important components is a balanced diet. In this regard, the quality of grain and products of its processing are essential for the consumer.

Goals / Objectives Expansion and strengthening of the position of grain in the world market depends on its properties. Therefore, it is very important to comply with requirements for grain quality. Simultaneously with the development of the country’s grain complex, it is necessary to modify regulatory and legal framework that could meet modern requirements and could help to regulate conditions for grain quality.

Methodology There are used both general scientific (comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization, systemic approach) and private scientific research methods including: formal legal, comparative legal method and legal modeling.

Conclusion and Relevance Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Russian legal framework regulating the country’s grain complex, which was created in the early 90s, is noticeably outdated, insufficiently developed and harmonious. Undoubtedly, the quality of grain must be ensured by the presence of enough regulatory framework. Supporting the concept of ensuring the country’s food security, which is contained in the Strategy, we may say that it is necessary to modernize the Russian legislative framework regulating the grain industry.

Keywords: cereals, grain quality, food security, agriculture, grain complex, export, legal regulation.


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Vinogradova, Melkina, Fomicheva (1991) – Vinogradova A.A., Melkina G.M., Fomicheva L.A. Laboratory workshop of general technology of food production [Laboratorniy praktimum po obshey tehnologii pischevyh proizvodstv] M.: Agropromizdat, 1991. P. 335.

Mukimov, Tursunov (2019) – Mukimov Z., Tursunov S.T. Modern requirements for high-quality processing of grain and grain products [Sovremennye trebovaniya k kachestvennoy pererabotke zerna I zernoproductov] // Universum: technical sciences. 2019. № 9 (66). P. 50-54.

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Fedorov (2015) – Fedorov M.V. Comparative analysis of legal regulation of food safety (with the example of Canada, China, EAEU) [Sravnitelniy analiz pravovogo regulirovaniya bezopasnosty productov pitaniya (na primere Kanady, Kitaya. EAES) // Izvestia SPbGAU. 2015. № S. P. 139-142.


Natalia M. Lakocenina

teacher North-Caucasian BranchRussian state University of Justice Department of civil and administrative proceedings. E-mail:

On the relationship between the invalidity of sham transactions and related transactions: general and special


Subject/ theme In the context of the rapid development of public relations and the improvement of civil legislation, the relevance of research related to clarifying the ratio of sham transactions with other (related) transactions, establishing their common and distinctive features has increased.It is this controversial aspect that requires its scientific analysis.

Goals/objectives The article analyzes the signs of sham transactions, their qualitative and distinctive features, the specifics of their invalidity (nullity), the relationship with adjacent invalid (void) transactions (contracts) in the civil law of Russia. The content of the article predetermines its theoretical and practical significance and relevance.

Methodology General scientific methods contributed to the analysis and synthesis of the scientific problem under study, and the comparative legal method helped to clarify the relationship of fake transactions with other transactions.

Сonclusion Sham transactions occupy a special place in the system of invalid (void and disputed) transactions due to their legal nature, content, structure, specific correlation of will and expression of will, and features of execution.Taking into account certain factors (the purpose of the transaction, the subject matter, the form, content of will and expression, the ratio of will and expression), fake transactions may have some identical features with transactions that contradict the law (article 168 of the civil code), the basics of law and order and morality (article 169 of the civil code), are very closely related to imaginary transactions (paragraph 1 of article 170 of the civil code), transactions with vices of will and expression(article 178, article 179 of the civil code), abuse of subjective rights, actions circumventing the law.

In contrast to imaginary transactions, the real will of its participants is aimed at performing an act of economic exchange, which implies the occurrence of civil consequences provided for by the norms of the law of obligations.Unlike other types of invalid transactions, pretended transactions can only take the form of contracts, which implies finding out the actual will of each participant in the transaction, its focus on achieving a common legal result.

Keywords: sham deal, invalidity of sham deals, sham deals, deals that are contrary to the law, deals that are contrary to the foundations of law and order and morality, deals with vices of will.


Sergeev (2004) – Sergeev A.P. Some questions about the invalidity of transactions. Essays on commercial law: collection of articles.scientific. tr. [Nekotorye voprosy nedejstvitel’nosti sdelok. Ocherki po torgovomu pravu: sb. nauch. tr.] // Ed. E.A. Krasheninnikov. Issue 11.Yaroslavl, 2004.P. 24.

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Suvorov (2009) – Suvorov E.D. Problems of legal qualification of transactions and other actions committed bypassing the law [Problemy pravovoj kvalifikacii sdelok i inyhdejstvij, sovershennyh v obhodzakona]: Dis. …Cand.jurid. sciences. M., 2009.P. 7

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Elena D. Kostyleva

candidate of law, associate Professor senior researcher of the direction constitutional and legal studies Center for justice research FGBOU VPO «Russian state University of justice», Moscow, Россия.


Principle of respect human rights in assessing the legality of restrictions


Subject/theme The subject of research is the constitutional principle of respect for human rights in the decisions of the constitutional Court, Supreme Court and ECHR.

Goals/objectives To conduct a comparative legal analysis of the application of the principle of respect for human rights in the decisions of the constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the ECHR in assessing the legality of restrictions of constitutional rights and freedoms.

Methodology The methodological basis of the study is a systematic, comprehensive legal analysis, using social and comparative approaches to the study.

Conclusion The study concluded that the content of the principle of respect for human rights is not sufficiently doctrinally developed. A comparative legal analysis of the decisions of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, on the one hand, and the ECtHR, on the other, shows a significant convergence of positions in determining the priorities of the principle of respect for human rights, in assessing a person’s private life, and especially in the case of restrictions.

Keywords: principle of respect for human rights, restriction of constitutional rights and freedoms, Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, ECHR.


Kostyleva (2020) – Kostyleva E. D. Application of the principle of equality by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights in assessing the legality of restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms in decisions // The modern lawyer. 2020. № 3 (32). Pp. 77-89.

Umnova-Konyukhova (2018) – Umnova-Konyukhova I. A. Principles of restriction of human rights and freedoms: application and interpretation by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in order to ensure national security of the Russian Federation // Implementation of constitutional human and civil rights in the Russian Federation in the context of national security: Proceedings of the all-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation (February 27, 2018). Collection of articles / Ed. by T. N. Matyusheva, A. E. Gorban, S. V. Radaeva, I. V. Kardanova; SKF FGBOUVO «Russian state University of justice». Krasnodar: Publishing House-Yug, 2018. PP. 128-137.

Lipkina (2014) – Lipkina N. N. International legal obligation to respect human rights: main elements of content and limits // Journal of Russian law. 2014.№ 4. Pp. 112-118.

Krotov (2018) – Krotov A.V. the Concept of «broad» interpretation of the right to privacy in decisions of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation //Actual problems of Russian law. 2018. № 5 (90) may. Pp. 81-87.



Natalia N. Bocharova

senior lecturer, Department of financial law Federal state Autonomous educational institution «Southern Federal University», Rostov-on-don. E-mail:

Banking control and supervision at the present stage: problems of legal regulation


Subject/theme Object of research are public relations connected with realization of Bank control and supervision implemented by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in modern conditions – identified the main trend in the regulation of the banking market, analysed the most acute problems of the current stage of development of the banking system, mentioned the active role of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and its rigid regulatory policy, which still does not solve all problems, and sometimes even creates them.

Goals/objectives The article is aimed at studying the main trends in the implementation of banking control and supervision carried out by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation-the study of the dynamics of the banking market in the historical aspect and at the present stage; proposals are made to improve regulation in an unstable economy and accelerating digitalization.

Methodology The methodological basis of the research consists of: General methods of cognition; General scientific methods that include a systematic and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and comparison; the main method is formal-logical.

Conclusion Further development of banking regulation and supervision requires active improvement of legal and organizational support by reviewing the requirements for the stability of banks and the powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: banking control; banking supervision; Central Bank of the Russian Federation; competition; sustainability.


Vorobeva, Malhasyan (2018) – Vorobeva I.G., Malhasyan N.R. Sovremennoe sostoyanie i napravleniya razvitiya sistemyi regulirovaniya deyatelnosti kommercheskih bankov v Rossiyskoy Federatsii // Innovatsionnyie tehnologii v mashinostroenii, obrazovanii i ekonomike. 2018. # 1-2. T. 14.

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Informatsionnyiy portal «» // URL:

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Andrey A. Inyushkin

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Business Law, Samara University.


Study of the system of regulatory legal acts for the regulation of blockchain technology in the context of digitalization of the information field


Subject / topic The subject of the research is the system of regulatory legal acts in the field of regulation of blockchain technology through the prism of digitalization of the information field. The influence of interstate regulations on the formation of a blockchain technology regulation system is analyzed.

Goals / objective The aim of the research is to study the system of legal regulation of blockchain technology to develop recommendations for the effective use of this technology.

Methodology The methodological basis of the research is formed by both general and particular scientific methods of cognition. At the same time, a special emphasis in the study of the legal regime of databases is made on special-branch methods of cognition based on modern advances in jurisprudence, in particular, the method of legal modeling.

Conclusion and Relevance The relationship between the legal regime of databases and blockchain technology is substantiated. Examples of special regulations governing the use of blockchain technology in the electoral process are given. The gradation of the legal regime of databases into levels is proposed, which provides for the consideration of a combination of public and private law principles in the regulation of blockchain technology. It is concluded that it is necessary to integrate foreign best practices in regulating blockchain technology into domestic legislation.

Keywords: blockchain technology, databases, big data, legal regime, information technology, private law, public law, electoral legislation, interstate regulations.


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Kseniya I. Korobko

candidate of legal ciences,  associate professor,  head of the department of civil law and procedure at Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin,  Syktyvkar, Russia


Content of the category «medical activity»: legal aspect


Subject / topic The subject of scientific analysis within the framework of this article is to establish the content of the category of “medical activity” using a formal-logical method for determining its content. The correct definition of the content of the category under consideration determines the choice of the necessary legal tools for regulating social relations in the studied area.

Goals / objectives The aim of the study is to establish the content of the category «medical activity», on the basis of which a holistic understanding of the forms of medical activity in the Russian Federation will be formed.

Methodology Logical techniques (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), general scientific and particular scientific methods were used: comparative, systemic-structural, formal-legal, formal-logical.

Conclusion Based on the study, the author comes to the conclusion that medical activity can be considered in a narrow and broad sense. Medical activity in the narrow sense is a professional activity, the content of which follows from paragraph 10 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law № 323-FZ of 21.11.2011. «On the protection of the health of citizens in the Russian Federation». Medical activity in a broad sense includes medical activity in a narrow sense, as well as alternative medicine, consisting of traditional medicine, traditional medicine, and quackery.

Keywords: Medical practice, traditional medicine, traditional medicine, quackery, alternative medicine, complementary medicine, non-complementary medicine.


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Irina A. Nesmeianova

сandidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Operations of the Law Faculty Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:

Free movement of goods in the common economic space OF Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in terms of turnover of medicines


Subject / Topic The article analyzes the normative legal acts adopted within the framework of the Eurasian integration. Various stages of development of legal regulation of integration processes are investigated. The Agreement on the Eurasian economic Union, regulatory legal acts, and the Agreement on common principles and rules for the circulation of medicines within the framework of the Eurasian economic Union are considered.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of the study is to analyze the free movement of goods in the common economic space of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in terms of drug turnover, namely: problematic aspects of the pharmaceutical market, in particular, the likely positive and negative consequences of harmonization of national legislation of the EAEU countries in the field of registration and circulation of medicines on the territory of the Union.

Methodology The methodological basis of the research consists of: General scientific, private scientific methods: dialectical, analysis, synthesis, comparative legal and formal legal.

Conclusions and Relevance The launch of the single pharmaceutical market of the five Union States is a significant event for the economies of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, and the harmonization of market regulation can bring certain benefits to the participating countries.

Keywords: integration, super-mandatory norms, national legal system, unified policy, intellectual property, exclusive rights, confidential information, international legal regulation of copyright relations.


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Vladimir V. Kulakov

doctor of jurisprudence, professor, head of the department of civil law, The Russian state university of justice, Professor of the department of civil law Moscow state regional University, Moscow, Russia.


Intersectoral relations of labor law


Subject/theme The article analyzes the features of intersectoral relations of labor law with the branches of private and public law.

Goals/objectives The aim of the study is to analyze the intersectoral relations of labor law, in the subject of which the main are relations from the labor contract, as purely private in nature. In addition, their effective settlement is impossible without appropriate public law, which creates guarantees for the protection of workers’ rights.

Methodology The methodological basis of the research consists of: general scientific, private scientific methods: dialectical, analysis, synthesis, comparative legal, formal legal, linguistic.

Conclusion Postulated objectively existing division of law into branches, due to the independence of their subjects, which are based on fundamentally different socio-economic laws. Such independence means that competition between different forms of law is impossible. The independence of the subject of labor law is caused by its non-subordination to the norms of other industry affiliation, including the constitutional one. Intersectoral relations within private law also indicate the independence of labor law and the impossibility of applying the norms of civil law to labor relations by analogy, as well as the inadmissibility of qualification as civil labor contracts.

Keywords: labor law, intersectoral relations, legal system, private law, public law, statute of limitations, employment contract.


Kulakov (2010) – Kulakov V. V. On the problem of determining the quality of services [K probleme opredeleniya kachestva uslug]// Commercial Law. 2010. № 1 (6). P. 63 – 65.

Kulakov (2020) – Kulakov V.V. Family, civil, business law: intersectoral relations [Semejnoe, grazhdanskoe, predprinimatel’skoe pravo: mezhotraslevye svyazi] / Legal fate of business in the dissolution of marriage and research and / Otv. ed. I.V. Ershova, A.N. Levushkin. M.: Prospect, 2020.P. 68-77.

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Ilia M. Burov

student of the faculty of training specialists for the judicial system (full-time faculty of law), 2nd year of the Russian state University of justice (Moscow). E-mail:

Research supervisor: Marina V. Ulyanova, candidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of civil law of the Russian state University of justice (Moscow). Е-mail:

Implementation of the principle of good faith in Russian and foreign civil law


Subject / Topic The problems of implementing the principle of good faith in Russian and foreign civil law are considered in a comparative legal analysis: subjective and objective meanings, distinguishing features of the principle of good faith from the principle of reasonableness and the principle of justice.

Goals / Objectives Identify the main problems that hinder the full and comprehensive implementation of the principle of good faith in judicial practice.

Methodology The methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction, methods of formal logic were used.

Conclusion and relevance In modern Russian and foreign civil law, there are still no clearly defined criteria for determining the subject of a legal relationship as good-conscientious, which leads to the problem of judicial subjectivism. Also, due to the abundance of legal systems, there is no single approach to distinguishing between good faith, reasonableness and fairness. The existence of a complex of problems hinders the objective application of the principle of good faith in judicial practice.

Keywords: The principle of good faith, justice, reasonableness, legal relationship, ssubjectivism.


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Main provisions of civil law: article-by-article commentary to articles 1-16. 1 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation [Princip dobrosovestnosti v GK RF i sravnitel’noe pravovedenie. Kategorii «dobrosovestnost’» i «razumnost’» v grazhdanskom prave: voprosy sootnosheniya. 20.         Osnovnye polozheniya grazhdanskogo prava: postatejnyj kommentarij k stat’yam 1–16.1 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii] / / A.V. Asoskov, V. V. Baibak, R. S. Bevzenko [et al.]; resp. edited by A. G. Karapetov. Moscow: M-Logos, 2020. P. 156.

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Kulakov (2015) – Kulakov V.V. Termination of obligations under the civil legislation of Russia: monograph. M.: RSUJ, 2015.


Darya V. Nagornaya

student of the faculty of training specialists for the judicial system (full-time faculty of law), 4nd year of the Russian State University of Justice, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Scientific Leade: Stanislav V. Nikolyukin, PhD in Law, Russian State University of Justice, Moscow, E-mail:

Actual problems and features of regulation of the specialized housing fund


Subject / topic The topic of the study is the current problems and features of the legal regulation of the specialized housing stock, as well as the problems of providing residential premises with specialized housing stock, the main features of the contract for the rental of specialized residential premises.

Goals / objectives The aim of the study is to identify signs of the contract.

hiring specialized living quarters; highlighting the distinguishing features of a contract for the rental of specialized residential premises from other contracts; analysis of the current Russian housing legislation and the Housing Code of the RSFSR of 1983, the Federal Law «On the Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation» dated December 29, 2004 № 189-ФЗ; study of the actual problems of the contract of employment of specialized residential premises.

Methodology The methodological basis of the study is the universal methods of cognition, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, description, comparison, forecasting, legal modeling, methods of formal logic.

Output The contract for the rental of specialized residential premises is a novelty of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. This agreement has certain specifics, as well as distinctive features that allow you to distinguish it from other employment contracts (social, commercial). In connection with the novelty and specifics of this institute, within the framework of this article, some problems were identified that require legislative regulation to prevent housing disputes, as well as improving the legal protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the parties to the contract for the rental of specialized residential premises. So, for example, when the institution of a contract for the rental of specialized residential premises was introduced into the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the legislator significantly reduced the list of categories of citizens who are not subject to eviction from office premises and from residential premises to dormitories without providing another residential premises, which caused a lot of disputes between the owners of the specialized premises and employers. Another relevant issue is the ratio of the legal status of family members of the employer and the legal status of the employer.

Keywords: housing fund; specialized housing stock; residential premises; dormitory; lease of specialized residential premises.


Svit Yu.P. The contract of employment of specialized residential premises // Housing law. 2005. № 3. [Svit YU.P. Dogovor najma specializirovannogo zhilogo pomeshcheniya // ZHilishchnoe pravo. 2005. № 3.]

Petrov A.N. About the application of the norms of the RF LC on eviction // Housing law. 2007. № 1. [Petrov A.N. O poryadke primeneniya norm ZHK RF o vyselenii // ZHilishchnoe pravo. 2007. № 1.]

Krasheninnikov P.V. Housing law. 12th ed., Rev. I’m Doping Moscow: Statute, 2020. [Krasheninnikov P.V. Zhilishchnoe pravo. 12-e izd., pererab. i dop. Moskva: Statut, 2020.]

Nikolyukin, S.V. Housing law: a textbook and practice for secondary vocational education. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2020. [Nikolyukin, S. V. ZHilishchnoe pravo: uchebnik i praktikum /S. V. Nikolyukin. — Moskva : Izdatel’stvo YUrajt, 2020.]

Nevostruev A. G. Process features of the review and resolution of housing: a training manual. M.: Statute, 2015. [Nevostruev A.G. Processual’nye osobennosti rassmotreniya i razresheniya zhilishchnyh del: uchebnoe posobie. M.: Statut, 2015.]


Ekaterina V. Semenova

PhD student 3 course, Irkutsk.


Svetlana I. Suslova

Doctor of Law, Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Irkutsk.


Unilateral transactions related to the activities of housing cooperatives


Subject/theme The subject of the research is the unilateral expression of will in the activities of housing and housing-building cooperatives.

Goals / objectives The aim of the study is to identify and systematize unilateral transactions made by members of the cooperative in interaction with the cooperative and directly by the legal entity itself.

Methodology The research methodology is based on: general methods of cognition; general scientific methods, including the systemic and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods such as the method of comparative jurisprudence and the formal legal method

Conclusion Revealed and systematized unilateral transactions made directly by the cooperative itself and transactions made by members of the cooperative.The necessity of considering decisions of the general meeting or the board of the cooperative from the internal and external sides is substantiated. The «inner side» allows you to concentrate on the process of forming the will of a legal entity and reaching a compromise between the participants (members) of the cooperative. The «external side» refers to the manifestation of the formed will «outside», in the relationship of the cooperative with third parties, or members of the cooperative. The classification of the revealed unilateral transactions into unilaterally binding and unilaterally authorizing ones has been made.

Keywords: unilateral transactions, housing cooperative, decision of meetings, legal fact, unilateral transactions granting rights, unilateral transactions aimed at imposing duties.


Transactions, representation, limitation period: article-by-article commentary to articles 153-208 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation [Sdelki, predstavitel’stvo, iskovaya davnost’: postatejnyj kommentarij k stat’yam 153–208 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii] [Electronic edition. Revision 1.0] / ed. by A. G. Karapetov. M.: M-Logos, 2018. 1264 p.

Information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme arbitration COURT of the Russian Federation № 162 dated 10.12.2013, according to which judicial practice recognizes applications of a participant of a limited liability company to withdraw from the company as a unilateral transaction

Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation № 305-ES19-19253 of 01.11.2019 in case no. A40-92719/2018 (the document was not published) / / SPS «Consultant Plus»

The decision of the Arbitration court Severo-the Western district from 12.04.2018 № F07-2500/2018 in the case № A56-42422/2017 (document has not been published) // ATP «Consultant Plus»

The appellate decision of the Saratov regional court from 22.08.2017 in case № 33-5017/2017 (the document has not been published) // ATP «Consultant Plus»

Appeal ruling of the Saratov regional court of 22.04.2014 № 33-2363(the document was not published) / / SPS «Consultant Plus»

Kovalenko Yu. N. the Legal nature of Assembly decisions in Russian civil legislation [Pravovaya priroda reshenij sobranij v rossijskom grazhdanskom zakonodatel’stve]// prologue: journal of law. 2017. № 3 (15). Pp. 41-48.

Ganizhev A. Ya. Legal nature and types of decisions of the General meeting of the economic society [Pravovaya priroda i vidy resheniya obshchego sobraniya hozyajstvennogo obshchestva]// Journal of Russian law. 2012. №8 (188). Pp. 112-120.

Bejashe L. K., Stepanova Yu. G. Legal nature of decisions of meetings [Pravovaya priroda reshenij sobranij]// Theory and practice of social development. 2014. № 15. Pp. 133-136.

Gazizullina L. Z. On the legal nature of the decision of the General meeting of members of the homeowners ‘ Association [K voprosu o pravovoj prirode resheniya obshchego sobraniya chlenov tovarishchestva sobstvennikov zhil’ya]// Society: politics, Economics, law. 2017. № 8. URL: arhiv_zhurnala/pep/ 2017/8/law/gazizullina.pdf.

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