The Modern Lawyer № 4 (45)





Oksana N. Petyukova

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of International and Public Law, Faculty of Law; Professor of the Department of History of State and Law.


Modern theoretical and legal approaches to understanding of the value foundations of russian law


Subject/topic: the scientific article analyzes various doctrinal approaches to the essence in understanding of the value foundation of law, taking into account the constitutional changes adopted in 2020 based on the results of the all-Russian vote in the Russian Federation.

Goals/objectives: The main goal of the study was to identify qualitative changes in the theoretical and legal interpretation of the values of Russian law at the present stage from the point of view of axiology, agatology, and deontology.

Methodology: when preparing a scientific article, both general scientific methods (dialectical, analysis and synthesis), and special scientific (for example, statistical) and special legal (formal legal, historical and legal) methods were used.

Results/conclusions: It is substantiated that the system of values of the Constitution of the Russian Federation updated in 2020, including the values of socio-economic development, state-legal and socio-political, socio-cultural, spiritual, taking root in the public consciousness, strengthens social-state unity and serves as an axiological basis development and prosperity of Russia. In order to impart a systematic and purposeful character to the development of Russian legislation, taking into account its axiological component, it is proposed to intensify public discussion of bills that form the value basis of Russian law as part of the implementation of the plan for legislative work, taking into account amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: law, values, legislation, legal doctrine, axiology, agatology, deontology.


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Sergey I. Girko

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Center for Security Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Director, Chief Researcher, Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Research Institute, chief research fellow Doctor of Law, professor.


National interests of the Russian Federation and problematic issues of public security


Subject/topic National interests of the Russian Federation and problematic issues of public security

Goals/tasks In the article, the author, based on the analysis of the approaches that have developed to the concept of the term, the phrase national interests, as well as the main provisions of the basic documents of national, state and public security of the Russian Federation, as well as the decision to suspend work on the Concept of public security of the Russian Federation, individual studies conducted by scientific experts, including the author’s, comes to the conclusion that the fact that with the suspension of work on the Concept of Public Security of the Russian Federation and the withdrawal of this document from law enforcement circulation, scientists and practitioners were, on the one hand, deprived of the conceptual apparatus characterizing the legal provisions of public security, and on the other hand, did not receive adequate consolidation in federal regulations that consider and regulate the legal tools and glossary of public security, as the main national priority, designed to ensure national security of a social phenomenon subject to protection by the state. The conceptual apparatus of public security has not been consolidated in regulatory legal acts. All of the above leads to the conclusion that the most important national priority, designed to ensure national security, should receive regulatory and legal consolidation in a special legislative act as soon as possible.

Methodology Analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, problem statement, hypothesis building, specification, monitoring.

Conclusion Based on the results of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that the need to ensure legal protection of public relations, which together constitute the format of public security, which is a strategic national priority for ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation and were the subject and objects of the Concept of Public Security of the Russian Federation, actually turned out to be devoid of regulatory and legal regulation. He shares the point of view that the scientific hypothesis about the possibility of solving the complex of existing problems is possible through the development and adoption of a federal legislative act on public security, which, in a regulatory and legal manner, should consolidate not only the basic conceptual apparatus, but also approaches to ensuring public security as a strategic national priority of the national security of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: public security, national security, strategy, concept, national interests, strategic national priorities, public security sphere.


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Yuri V. Stepanenko

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the O.E. Kutafin University (MGUA); Chief Researcher at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.


Vladimir V. Zhuravlev

PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities of the Ryazan Branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot.


Place of disciplinary law in the russian legal system


Subject/topic The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the concept of disciplinary law, the analysis of its place in the modern Russian legal system, and the establishment of existing intersectoral relations.

Goals/objectives. The authors state that disciplinary law should be considered as a complex branch of Russian law, which has a specific subject and method of legal regulation. It is proved that the place of disciplinary law is determined by the interrelation of its institutions and norms with public and private branches of scientific knowledge (administrative law, criminal law, labor law, church law, etc.) regulating disciplinary and labor relations, as well as educational and sports activities.

Methodology In preparing the article, the authors used a combination of general scientific and private scientific methods. The dialectical method made it possible to explore the prerequisites for the professionalization of disciplinary law as a complex branch of Russian law; the comparative legal method made it possible, by comparing various legal institutions, to identify and justify the existence and conditionality of existing intersectoral relations; the formal legal method was used in the analysis of legislative norms.

Results/conclusions An element of the scientific novelty of the research carried out is the analysis of the essence of disciplinary law as an integral element of the modern Russian legal system. The authors have identified the interdependence and proved the relationship of disciplinary law with the theory of state and law, constitutional, criminal, administrative, labor, and ecclesiastical branches of law.

The materials of this study are one of the first attempts at scientific understanding and substantiation of the validity of disciplinary law as a complex branch of Russian law and can be used in the educational process, as well as in the framework of further development of its provisions, conducting theoretical and legal research on the legal institute of discipline.

Keywords: disciplinary law, legal system, constitutional law, administrative law, labor law, criminal law, church law.


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Vladislav S. Tkachenko

General Director of the Association of Manufacturers of Pipeline Systems;

1 Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), postgraduate student Department of Administrative Law and Procedure.


The concept of false industrial products in the Russian legislation


Subject/topic: The article examines the problems caused by the lack of a unified concept of counterfeit industrial products in the legal acts of the Russian Federation. The similarities and differences between the concepts of “counterfeit products” and “falsified products” are given. Separate industry regulatory documents are analyzed, including the experience of regulation in the USSR.

Goals/objectives: To analyze the current situation in legislation from the point of view of legal qualification of the phenomenon of product counterfeiting in various fields of activity and in various historical periods. Explore the possibility of introducing a unified concept.

Methodology. Methodology Analytical work was carried out to study regulatory legal acts, legal acts, publications of other researchers.

Conclusions. The author concludes that an integrated approach to the legal regulation of relations related to the prevention of production and introduction into circulation of counterfeit industrial products is more preferable than regulation within the framework of industry legislation. The author argues that the impact of falsified products is of great importance for both the economic and national security of the state as a whole.

Keywords: falsified products, falsified industrial products, counterfeit products, falsification of products, products of inadequate quality, products, measures of administrative responsibility.


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Stepanenko (2019) – Stepanenko Yu.V. On improving legislation in order to ensure the implementation of the national technological initiative. Modern lawyer [O sovershenstvovanii zakonodatel’stva v celyah obespecheniya realizacii nacional’noj tekhnologicheskoj iniciativy. Sovremennyj yurist]. 2019. No. 4 (29). pp. 21-32.

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Bodrenkov (2023) – Bodrenkov V.A. Which manufacturers are protected by the moratorium on state control? // Product quality control [Kakih proizvoditelej zashchishchaet moratorij na goskontrol’? // Kontrol’ kachestva produkcii] 2023. No. 9. p. 34-38.

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Panov (2008) – Panov S.L. Correlation of the concepts “Counterfeit”, “Falsified”, “Pirated” products: Theoretical aspect // Law and Politics [Sootnoshenie ponyatij “Kontrafaktnaya”, “Fal’sificirovannaya”, “Piratskaya” produkciya: Teoreticheskij aspekt // Pravo i politika]. 2008. No. 2. p. 453-458.

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Aishat N. Bayrambekova

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Law of Astrakhan State Technical University (ASTU), Astrakhan, Russia.


Maksim L. Romanov

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Law of Astrakhan State Technical University (ASTU), Astrakhan, Russia.


On the issue of the administrative and legal essence of tax debt collection


Subject/topic: social relations emerging regarding the collection of tax debts as a measure of state coercion.

Goals/objectives: identifying the essence and highlighting the characteristic features of tax debt collection as a comprehensive measure of administrative coercion of a restorative nature.

Methodology: both general scientific ones are used: systemic, logical methods, analysis and synthesis, and specific scientific ones: comparative legal and formal legal methods of research.

Results/conclusions: a scientifically substantiated position on the issue of the legal nature of collection of tax debts as a measure of administrative coercion of a restorative nature has been proposed, characteristic features confirming this have been identified and relevant arguments and norms of tax legislation have been presented; the multicomponent composition of tax debt is recognized and considered, which nevertheless does not indicate that the collection has any other purpose besides the compensatory purpose, since the collection is implemented not by individual measures, but directly and in the form of a total property (monetary) supply (amount) forming the total tax liability.

Keywords: state coercion, administrative and restorative measures, tax debt, collection of tax debt.


Bakhrakh (1996) – Bakhrakh D.N. Administrative law [Administrativnoye pravo]: Textbook. M.: Beck, 1996. 355 p.

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Kolesnichenko (2002) – Kolesnichenko Yu.Yu. Administrative coercive measures for violation of legislation on taxes and fees – classification and conditions of application [Mery administrativnogo prinuzhdeniya za narusheniye zakonodatel’stva o nalogakh i sborakh – klassifikatsiya i usloviya primeneniya] // Journal of Russian Law. 2002. No. 7. Pp. 57-62.

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Sergei I. Zubenko

Postgraduate student of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)”, Moscow.



Academic Supervisor: Yuri Viktorovich Stepanenko, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure at the University named after O.E. Kutafina (Moscow State Law Academy), Chief Researcher of the PKU NII FSIN of Russia Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

Administrative and legal regulation of interaction of federal executive authorities with civil society institutions in the sphere of education and youth policy


Subject/Topic The subject of the study is a system of regulatory legal acts regulating the interaction of federal executive authorities with civil society institutions in the field of education and youth policy.

Goals/Objectives This article examines the administrative and legal regulation of the interaction of federal executive authorities engaged in public administration in the field of education and youth policy with civil society institutions. The paper analyzes the current legislation defining the legal basis for the interaction of these entities, and also examines the mechanisms and tools used in the implementation of this interaction. Special attention is paid to the role of public-state associations and the functions of federal executive authorities in the field of education and youth policy, as well as interaction with civil society institutions in order to achieve public interests and strengthen democratic principles of governance. The author examines the trends of changes in legislation over the past few years, as well as the problems faced by federal executive authorities and civil society institutions in the process of interaction, offers recommendations for improving the legal regulation of this area. The purpose of the study is to analyze the legal mechanisms of interaction between federal executive authorities and civil society institutions in the field of education and youth policy.

Methodology Methods of description, comparison, and analysis were used.

Conclusion and Relevance The results of the research can be used for further development of models of legal interaction between federal executive authorities and civil society institutions in the field of education and youth policy, as well as in other areas.

Keywords: federal executive authorities, civil society institutions, administrative and legal regulation.


Komarova (2023) – Komarova V.V. Constitutional and legal status of public associations in modern Russia: a textbook for magistracy / ed. by V. V. Komarova. — 2nd ed., add. — Moscow: Norma: INFRA-M [Konstitucionno-pravovoj status obshchestvennyh ob”edinenij v sovremennoj Rossii: uchebnoe posobie dlya magistratury], 2023. — 256 p.

Kurilyuk (2020) – Kurilyuk Y.E. Family values in the balance of public and private interests: legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights // Modern Lawyer [Semejnye cennosti v balanse publichnyh i chastnyh interesov: pravovye pozicii Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii i Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka]. – 2020. – N. 2.-pp.109-120.

Nozdrachev (2018) – Nozdrachev A.F. On the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Citizen and executive power: constitutional foundations of relations // Administrative law and process [K 25-letiyu Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii. Grazhdanin i ispolnitel’naya vlast’: konstitucionnye osnovy vzaimootnoshenij]. 2018. №. 12. pp. 21-30.

Nikitina, Gaunova (2021) – Nikitina E.E., Gaunova J.A. Interaction of public authorities with civil society institutions in the implementation of the state national policy of the Russian Federation // Journal of Russian Law [Vzaimodejstvie organov publichnoj vlasti s institutami grazhdanskogo obshchestva pri realizacii gosudarstvennoj nacional’noj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii]. 2021. N 10. p. 5-19.

Suleymanova (2019) – Suleymanova S.R. Typologization of legal models of activity of youth associations of the world through the analysis of their goals and objectives // Constitutional and municipal law [Tipologizaciya pravovyh modelej deyatel’nosti molodezhnyh ob”edinenij mira posredstvom analiza ih celej i zadach]. 2019. N 1. pp. 33-37.

Spiridonov (2022) – Spiridonov P. E. Public administration in the period of legal postmodernism // Lex Russica [Publichnoe upravlenie v period pravovogo postmodernizma]. 2022. No. 11 (192). [Electronic resource] URL: (date of appeal: 30.09.2023). pp. 79-89.

Komarova (2017) – Komarova V.V. Public authorities and subjects of civil society: legal formalization of interaction// Law and the State: Theory and Practice [Organy publichnoj vlasti i sub”ekty grazhdanskogo obshchestva: pravovoe oformlenie vzaimodejstviya]. 2017. No. 2(146). pp. 104-107.


Alexey V. Novikov

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Russian State Social University, Wilhelm Peak str., 4 p. 1 Moscow, 129226, Russia.


Ilya S. Dubovsky

Master’s student of the Department of Anti-Corruption Activities and Public Counteraction Russian State Social University, Wilhelm Peak str., 4 p. 1 Moscow, 129226, Russia.


Rotection of intellectual property: aspects of legal qualification of commercial bribery


Subject/Topic A pressing issue in the field of intellectual property remains the issue of combating corruption and public counteraction to commercial bribery, which is one of the most common ways of violating intellectual property rights.

Goal/Objectives Study of the legal qualification of commercial bribery in the protection of intellectual property/ Consider aspects of commercial bribery in the protection of intellectual property.

Methodology The authors consider commercial bribery in the field of intellectual property to be situations where an illegal transfer occurs to a person who has the right to perform managerial functions in a commercial or other organization, while actions (inaction) are within the official powers of this person, or if he, by virtue of his official position may contribute to the specified actions (inaction), money, securities, other property, as well as the illegal provision of services of a property nature to him, the provision of property rights, for the commission of an action (inaction) determined by agreement in the interests of the giver or other persons.

Research results / conclusions according to the authors, the object of commercial bribery in the field of intellectual property is primarily social relations regulating the official interests of the interested organization, which distinguishes commercial bribery in the field of intellectual property from other corruption crimes in government bodies and organizations / The authors believe that it is advisable, in accordance with the established procedure, in order to clarify and specify the definition of the concept of commercial bribery in the field of intellectual property, to make changes and additions to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which will help to practically ensure the application of the rules of law in this area.

Keywords: intellectual property, commercial bribery, copyright, corruption, bribery.


Shirokov (2022) – Shirokov I.D. Vazhnost’ ohrany ob”ektov intellektual’noj sobstvennosti dlya predpriyatij [The importance of intellectual property protection for enterprises]. // Innovacionnaya nauka, No. 6-1, 2022, pp. 51-53. (In Russian)

Vashko (2020) – Vashko I.M. Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’ organizacii kak faktor sozdaniya konkurentnyh preimushchestv [Intellectual property of an organization as a factor of creating competitive advantages] // Molodezhnyj sbornik nauchnyh statej «Nauchnye stremleniya», No. 27, 2020, pp. 54-60. (In Russian)

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Bikeev, Kabanov (2021) – Bikeev I.I., Kabanov P.A. Antikorruptsionnoe planirovanie: teoreti-cheskie osnovy i pravovoe regulirovanie v sub”ektakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Anti-corruption planning: Theoretical foundations and legal regulation in the Subjects of the Russian Federation]. Kazan’, Publ.”Poznaniе” Kazanskogo innovatsionnogo universiteta, 328 p. (In Russian)

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Kislyj (2018) – Kislyj O.A. O metodike provedeniya antikorrupcionnoj ekspertizy normativnyh pravovyh aktov i proektov normativnyh pravovyh aktov v operativno-rozysknoj deyatel’nosti.’» [On the methodology of conducting anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and draft regulatory legal acts in operational investigative activities.] Setevoe izdanie «Akademicheskaya mysl’. № 2 (3). 2018. (In Russian)

Kozlova, Fomenko (2021) – Kozlova E.B., Fomenko E.V. Takticheskie i metodicheskie proschety v organizacii sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravleniya kak negativnyj faktor snizheniya rejtinga urovnya vospriyatiya korrupcii i rosta urovnya prestuplenij korrupcionnoj napravlennosti v gosudarstve. Aktual’nye voprosy protivodejstviya v publichnom i chastnom sektorah = Aktuelle Fragen der korruptionsbekämpfung im öffentlichen und privatrechtlichen sektor: materialy rossijsko-germanskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Sankt- Peterburg, 1 dekabrya 2021 g.) [Tactical and methodological miscalculations in the organization of the public administration system as a negative factor in reducing the rating of the level of perception of corruption and the growth of the level of corruption-oriented crimes in the state. Topical issues of counteraction in the public and private sectors = Aktuelle Fragen der korruptionsbekämpfung im öffentlichen und privatrechtlichen sektor: materials of the Russian-German scientific and practical conference (St. Petersburg, December 1, 2021)]. / ed. Col.: D.V. Rybin (prev.), E.V. Trofimov (rel. ed.) [et al.]. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Institute (branch) VGUYU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), 2021 (In Russian)

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Rushan R. Galyautdinov

Candidate of Law, Docent of the Department of Criminology of the Institute of Law of the Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia.


The protocol of the investigative action as primary and derivative evidence


Subject/topic For the correctness, objectivity and completeness of the investigation of criminal cases, it is necessary to comply with both criminal procedural and criminalistic rules. One of these rules, which we decided to pay attention to in this study, is compliance with the procedural form of conducting investigative actions, namely the correct and complete preparation of the protocol. The protocol is drawn up based on the results of investigative actions. Moreover, there may be several protocols for one investigative action, including at various stages of the preliminary investigation. These facts are the subject of our research. We believe that it would be logical to include in the subject the tactical features of some investigative actions and their logging.

Goals/tasks The purpose of this publication is to define the protocol of an investigative action as evidence in a criminal case, taking into account the analysis of its form and content, as well as the evidentiary information contained therein. The purpose of the study is also due to the need to study the protocol of the investigative action, taking into account law enforcement practice as a primary and derivative evidence.

Methodology When preparing the material and writing the article, a comparative legal method was used, which allowed, by comparing various sources, to identify the features of drawing up investigative protocols, an analysis of regulatory regulation, thanks to which the foundations of the means of special legal and logical interpretation of criminal procedural norms were compiled, a formal legal method that was used in the analysis of legislative material.

Results/conclusions On the basis of theory and law enforcement practice, four provisions concerning the protocol of the investigative action are defined, expressed in its primary or derivative form of evidence, general provisions of the content of the protocol are formulated, the relationship between direct information and information contained in the protocol for consideration in court, definitions of initial and derivative evidence are given.

Practical significance The materials of scientific research can be used in scientific criminal law research, as well as used for training law enforcement officers in specialized institutions. In addition, the practical significance of scientific research is determined by its focus on improving the detection and investigation of crimes.

Keywords: official crimes, investigative action protocol, law enforcement practice, interrogation protocol, victim, witness, inspection protocol, accused, suspect, testimony.


Gulyaev (2015) – Gulyaev A.P. Commentary on the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Practical guide for investigators, interrogators, prosecutors, lawyers. [Kommentarij k ugolovno-processual’nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlya sledovatelej, doznavatelej, prokurorov, advokatov] M.: “Exam”, 2015. – 290 p.

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Sankov (2015) – Sankov V.I. Testimony of a suspect (accused) confessing to committing a crime: problems of forensic tactics and ways to solve them [Pokazaniya podozrevaemogo (obvinyaemogo), priznayushchegosya v sovershenii prestupleniya: problemy kriminalisticheskoj taktiki i puti ih resheniya] // Actual problems of modern criminalistics: materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Moscow, April 15, 2015, Moscow: RUDN, 2015. pp. 193-197.


Arthur A. Adamyan

Postgraduate student, Department of “State-legal and financial-legal disciplines” scientific specialty – Law 5.1.2. “Public-legal sciences”.



Academic Supervisor: Alexey Vladimirovich Iglin, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of State Legal and Financial Legal Disciplines, Moscow Financial and Legal University (MFLU). E-mail:

Legal regulation of state procurement within the framework of meeting state needs


Subject/topic: The scientific article focuses on public procurement in the Russian Federation, illuminating aspects of Federal Law № 44 dated April 5, 2013, titled «On the Contract System in the Sphere of Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services for State and Municipal Needs».

Goals/tasks: Based on references to the norms of existing legislation, the author attempts to provide a substantive characterization of legal proceedings within the framework of the discussed topic. The goal of the research is to analyze Federal Law №. 44, assessing the practical utility of this law.

Methodology: The methods employed included analysis, description, legal modeling, and abstraction.

Conclusion: Based on the results of the analysis, the author concludes that Federal Law № 44 represents a significant tool in shaping public procurement in the Russian Federation. Its implementation is accompanied by a range of positive effects for various participants in the process, including government bodies, suppliers, and contractors. Transparency, competition, and efficiency, ensured by this law, contribute to the creation of fair conditions for participation in public procurement. This mechanism leads to a reduction in prices for acquired goods, works, and services, as well as an improvement in the quality standards of the provided products and services.

Keywords: public procurement, Federal Law № 44, procurement participants, claims activities, procedures.


Tsyganova M.S., Buresh S.V., Chernushenko (2020) – Tsyganova M.S., Buresh S.V., Chernushenko D.A. Development of tools for analyzing data on state procurement under federal laws №. 44 and №. 223 (based on the analytical platform Loginom) [Razrabotka instrumentariya analiza dannyh o gosudarstvennyh zakupkah po federal’nym zakonam № 44-FZ i № 223-FZ (na baze analiticheskoj platformy Loginom)] // Vestnik Cherepovets State University. [Vestnik CHerepoveckogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta].– 2020. – No. 6 (99). – P. 59-72.

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Anton A. Dereglazov

Postgraduate student of the International and Public Law Department of the Law Faculty at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.



Academic advisor: Oksana N. Petyukova, Doctor of Law, Professor of the International and Public Law Department of the Law Faculty at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail:


Formation of the land use system in Russia in the XVIII century


Subject / Topic The article examines the key processes of transformation of the Russian land management system in the 19th century, the development of land ownership forms, as well as the improvement of state accounting of real estate.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of the study is to identify the vector of development of land relations in Russia in the XIX century, as well as the impact of the abolition of serfdom on the distribution and effective management of land resources.

Methodology Descriptive, analytical, statistical, system-historical and comparative-historical methods were used.

Conclusion and Relevance Despite the preservation of feudal remnants, the development of capitalist relations was observed in Russia in the 19th century. The formation of the land market, the development of lease and purchase and sale of land plots took place. In general, the land management of the XIX century in Russia was a period of complex transformations and the search for ways to modernize the agricultural sector of the economy. These changes had a profound impact on the social structure and economic development of the country, laying the foundation for subsequent historical events, including the revolution of 1917.

Keywords: history of land surveying, legal regulation of land management, land cadastre, special land surveying, land relations, abolition of serfdom.


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