The Modern Lawyer №3(44)





Alexey P. Albov

Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of Theory of Law, State and Comparative Law, Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities; Professor of the Department of Theory, History of State and Law, Russian Customs Academy, Moscow, Russia.


Imperative of sovereignty AS a legal ontological category


Subject/topic The article considers “sovereignty” as the most important imperative category of jurisprudence, examines the problems of sovereignty in modern international politics, highlights the signs of sovereignty.

Goals/tasks. In this paper, an attempt is made to present an approach to the study of the phenomenon of sovereignty, as well as to give a unified idea of sovereignty and sovereignty, to show the historical and logical formation of forms and types of sovereignty.

Methodology When preparing the material and writing the article, the dialectical method was used, which allowed to explore the scientific category of “sovereignty” in its self-development and interdependence; the concrete historical method was used to identify the unique features, characteristics and features of various forms and types of sovereignty inherent in its various carriers; the comparative legal method allowed by comparing various sources to identify the features of genesis and the subsequent development of forms of sovereignty as an ontological category of law; the formal legal method was used in the analysis of the legislative material based on.

Results/conclusions An element of the novelty of the study is the analysis of the ontological essence of the legal category “sovereignty”, as a result of the study, the conclusion is made: sovereignty in the public-legal and political dimension, which includes the sovereignty of the sovereign, which is mostly a historical phenomenon transferred to the state, the sovereignty of the state and the sovereignty of the people and the nation. From a scientific point of view, it is possible to display various aspects of the manifestation of the phenomenon of sovereignty: economic, political, national and popular, and cultural. The ontological essence of sovereignty is understood as expressed in public-power relations of various aspects of public life, in which the sovereignty of the people, national and economic is represented.

Practical significance The materials of scientific research can be used in scientific theoretical and legal and socio-political studies, as well as used in pedagogical practices of educational institutions of humanitarian and legal profile. In addition, taking into account the objective realities of the formation of a multipolar world in which the interests of all participants in the social process should be represented, the material provides a certain methodology for the formation of a unique legal system of the state based on national sovereignty.

Keywords: sovereignty, national legal system, legal system, legal reality, bearers of sovereignty, ontology of law.


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Vladislav S. Tkachenko

General Director of the Association of Manufacturers of Pipeline Systems; Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), postgraduate student Department of Administrative Law and Procedure


Government oversight over construction products in circulation


Subject/topic The article discusses the problem of vesting Rosstandart with the powers to exercise government control (oversight) over construction products in circulation in the context of the state reform of control and oversight activities and the “regulatory guillotine”

Goals/objectives Identification of the reasons for the lack of regulatory functions of government control (oversight) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations

Methodology I have carried out analytical work to study draft regulatory legal acts, correspondence with authorized executive authorities

Conclusions The article focuses Attention on the particular importance of government oversight over construction products, including for conscientious producers, as well as differences in views on the prospects for reform in this area within the Government of the Russian Federation. The author concludes that it is necessary to strengthen the role of public institutions in resolving such issues.

Keywords: government control (oversight) over compliance with technical regulations, construction products, regulatory guillotine, confirmation of conformity, reform of government control and oversight activities.


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Natalia M. Lakotsenina

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Administrative Proceedings, Krasnodar, Russia.


Institute of restitution in russian civil law


Subject/topic In the civil science of Russia, there is no consensus on the legal nature of restitution, which negatively affects the quality of legislative and law enforcement activities on the recognition of transactions as invalid. It is this debatable aspect that requires its own scientific analysis.

Goals/objectives The article deals with the issues of the characteristics of the legal institution of restitution, restorative legal relations and their implementation, the correlation of restorative measures (consequences) with the vindication of property (rei vindicatio).

Methodology General scientific methods contributed to the analysis and synthesis of the scientific problem under study.

Conclusions The analysis of scientific works, legislation and judicial practice shows that restitution is a civil law institution, a legal means of implementing one of the basic principles of civil law – “restoration of the original position”. This is a legal concept that includes the norms of objective and subjective civil law, the legal obligations of the restitution participants, the return of property in kind, the reimbursement of its value, the restorative procedure and the mechanism of restitution. This institution is closely connected with vindication, conditioning, methods (measures) of civil protection and liability, restorative legal relations, which, in turn, relate to the system of protective civil legal relations.

Keywords: invalidity of transactions, legal consequences of invalidity, restitution, restorative legal relations, vindication.


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Anna R. Purge

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute of Law of Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok.


Vladislava M. Mamed-Zadeh

Bachelor of Law, Institute of Law, Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok.


Problems of criminalization and penalization of child abuse in russian and foreign law


Subject/topic The subject of the study is a set of regulatory legal acts regulating responsibility for child abuse in the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

Goals/task The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze legal problems in the application of responsibility for child abuse in Russian and foreign law.

Methodology The methodological basis is represented by a set of methods of scientific cognition of objective legal reality applied in the course of preparation and writing: comparative legal method, formal legal method, logical method, method of legal modeling.

Conclusion The problem of child abuse has only recently become one of the most significant problems studied in the field of human rights protection. At the same time, it is impossible not to recognize the natural nature and evidence of its significance and topicality. Indeed, if human rights are currently regarded as the most significant constitutional value and as the basic area of research of the entire legal science, then the rights of the child as actually the least protected subject cannot but be considered as a priority for the institute of human rights.

Keywords: child, parents, ill-treatment, family legal responsibility, criminal liability, multiple elements of the crime, Muslim law, Russian law, Romano-German law.


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Yuri V. Stepanenko

Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Process of the University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSUA); Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow.


Review of the monograph by V.V. Zhuravleva «Industry coercion in the activities of ministry affairs bodies»


The review provides a scientific analysis of the content of the monograph by Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Zhuravlev, dedicated to the problem of applying multi-branch measures of state coercion in the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the topic is confirmed, the positive aspects of the study are noted: original author’s conclusions, judgments, inferences, statements, arguments, proposals and recommendations that are important both for public law doctrine and for the practice of public administration, public service activities. An advantage of the monographic research is its interdisciplinary nature, based on the provisions of jurisprudence, management theory, philosophy, psychology, morality, ethics, morality and other areas of scientific knowledge. Attention is drawn to certain aspects of the monographic research that could lead to further scientific discussion. A final assessment of the monograph is given.

Keywords: internal affairs bodies, criminal law coercion, administrative law coercion, civil law coercion, disciplinary coercion.


Zhuravlev (2023) ‒ Zhuravlev V.V. Industry coercion in the activities of internal affairs bodies: monograph. – Ryazan: Ryazan branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot [Otraslevoye prinuzhdeniye v deyatel’nosti organov vnutrennikh del : monografiya. – Ryazan’ : Ryazanskiy filial Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii imeni V. YA. Kikotya], 2023. – 150 p.Balandyuk (2015) ‒ Balandyuk O.V. Execution of measures of criminal procedural coercion: author’s abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.09 – Criminal procedure, criminology and forensic examination; operational investigative activities. – Omsk: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” [Ispolneniye mer ugolovno-protsessual’nogo prinuzhdeniya : avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk : 12.00.09 – Ugolovnyy protsess, kriminalistika i sudebnaya ekspertiza; operativno-rozysknaya deyatel’nost’. – Omsk: FGKOU VO «Omskaya akademiya Ministerstva vnutrennikh del Rossiyskoy Federatsii»], 2015. – 22 p.Baryshev (2007) ‒ Baryshev V.V. Institute of administrative coercion: the relationship between substantive and procedural law: author’s abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.14 – Administrative law; administrative process. – Rostov-on-Don: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” [Institut administrativnogo prinuzhdeniya: sootnosheniye material’nogo i protsessual’nogo prava : avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk : 12.00.14 – Administrativnoye pravo; administrativnyy protsess. – Rostov-na-Donu: FGKOU VO «Rostovskiy yuridicheskiy institut Ministerstva vnutrennikh del Rossiyskoy Federatsii»], 2007. – 27 p.Garayeva (2021) ‒ Garayeva T.B. Grounds for the use of other measures of criminal procedural coercion: author’s abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.09 – Criminal procedure, criminology and forensic examination; operational investigative activities.” – Omsk: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” [Osnovaniya primeneniya inykh mer ugolovno-protsessual’nogo prinuzhdeniya : avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk : 12.00.09 – Ugolovnyy protsess, kriminalistika i sudebnaya ekspertiza; operativno-rozysknaya deyatel’nost’». – Omsk: FGKOU VO «Omskaya akademiya Ministerstva vnutrennikh del Rossiyskoy Federatsii»], 2021. – 23 p.Kaplunov (2005) ‒ Kaplunov A.I. Administrative coercion applied by internal affairs bodies (systemic and legal analysis): abstract. dis. … Doctor of Law Sciences: 12.00.14 – Administrative law; administrative process.” – Moscow: FGKOU VO “Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”[ Administrativnoye prinuzhdeniye, primenyayemoye organami vnutrennikh del (sistemno-pravovoy analiz) : avtoref. dis. … doktora yurid. nauk : 12.00.14 – Administrativnoye pravo; administrativnyy protsess». – Moskva: FGKOU VO «Moskovskiy universitet MVD Rossii»], 2005. – 59 p.Korkin (2004) ‒ Korkin A.V. Institute of Administrative Legal Coercion: Measures Applied by Police Officers: Abstract of thesis. dis. …cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.14 – Administrative law; administrative process. – Chelyabinsk: Yuzh.-Ur. state univ [Institut administrativno-pravovogo prinuzhdeniya: mery, primenyayemyye sotrudnikami militsii : avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk: 12.00.14 – Administrativnoye pravo; administrativnyy protsess. – Chelyabinsk: Yuzh.-Ur. gos. un-t], 2004. – 23 p.Kuzbagarov (2020) ‒ Kuzbagarov E.A. Coercion in civil law in the public interest: abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.03 – Civil law; business law; family law; international private law. – Moscow: Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Ya. Kikotya [Prinuzhdeniye v grazhdanskom prave v publichnom interese : avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk : 12.00.03 – Grazhdanskoye pravo; predprinimatel’skoye pravo; semeynoye pravo; mezhdunarodnoye chastnoye pravo. – Moskva: Moskovskiy universitet Ministerstva vnutrennikh del Rossiyskoy Federatsii imeni V.YA. Kikotya], 2020. – 25 p.Kutuev (2004) ‒ Kutuev E.K. Criminal procedural coercion in the pre-trial stages: author’s abstract. dis. … doc. legal Sciences: 12.00.09 – Criminal procedure, criminology and forensic examination; operational investigative activities. – St. Petersburg: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” [Ugolovno-protsessual’noye prinuzhdeniye v dosudebnykh stadiyakh : avtoref. dis. … dokt. yurid. nauk : 12.00.09 – Ugolovnyy protsess, kriminalistika i sudebnaya ekspertiza; operativno-rozysknaya deyatel’nost’. – Sankt-Peterburg: FGKOU VO «Sankt-Peterburgskiy universitet MVD Rossii»], 2004. – 41 p.Kuchenin (2013) ‒ Kuchenin E.S. Administrative and legal support of service discipline in internal affairs bodies: author’s abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.14 – Administrative law; administrative process. – Moscow: Mosk. University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Administrativno-pravovoye obespecheniye sluzhebnoy distsipliny v organakh vnutrennikh del : avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk : 12.00.14 – Administrativnoye pravo; administrativnyy protsess. – Moskva: Mosk. un-t MVD Rossii], 2013. – 26 p.Lezhenin (2004) ‒ Lezhenin A.V. Administrative and preventive measures of legal coercion: author’s abstract. dis. …cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.14 – Administrative law; administrative process. – Voronezh: Voronezh. state univ.[ Administrativno-predupreditel’nyye mery pravovogo prinuzhdeniya : avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk : 12.00.14 – Administrativnoye pravo; administrativnyy protsess. – Voronezh: Voronezh. gos. un-t], 2004. – 23 p.Maksimov (2005) ‒ Maksimov I.V. Administrative punishments in the system of administrative coercive measures: (conceptual problems): author’s abstract. dis. … doc. legal Sciences: 12.00.14 – Administrative law; administrative process. – Saratov: State educational institution of higher professional education “Saratov State Academy of Law” [Administrativnyye nakazaniya v sisteme mer administrativnogo prinuzhdeniya : (kontseptual’nyye problemy) : avtoref. dis. … dokt. yurid. nauk : 12.00.14 – Administrativnoye pravo; administrativnyy protsess. – Saratov: Gosudarstvennoye obrazovatel’noye uchrezhdeniye vysshego professional’nogo obrazovaniya «Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya akademiya prava»], 2005. – 55 p.


Danil V. Konokin

Dispatcher of the Law Clinic «Legal support Center» of the Faculty of Law; Student of the Financial University under thе Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation.



Academic supervisor: Kurilyuk Yu.E.,  PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International and public law, Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.. E-mail:

Institute of scientific advisory council in the legal system of the Russian Federation


Subject / topic The article considers the specificity and role of interaction between the scientific community and public authorities in the judicial process. The institute of the scientific advisory council is considered as an element of the relationship between representatives of the scientific environment and public authorities. The object of the study is the social relations that develop in the course of the activities of scientific advisory councils within the legal framework of the Russian Federation. Subject of research: legal norms regulating the specifics and role of scientific advisory councils in the Russian legal system, as well as the institute of «friends of the court».

Goals / tasks The purpose of this study is to examine the institutional effectiveness of scientific advisory councils, their influence on the adoption of legislative decisions and the development of the legal system in the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of the study to develop proposals aimed at improving the institution of scientific advisory councils. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to study and analyze the historical development of the Institute of scientific advisory councils in Russia, to determine the main functions and tasks assigned to scientific advisory councils, to analyze the role of the scientific advisory council in the legal system, to evaluate the effectiveness of the scientific advisory council in solving legal problems and supporting development legal system, identification of problems and the proposal of recommendations for the improvement of the institute of scientific advisory councils in the Russian Federation.

Methodology Methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, description, methods of formal logic were used.

Conclusion The article provides an analysis of the historical development of scientific advisory councils in Russia. The evaluation of the effectiveness and role of scientific advisory councils in solving legal issues and supporting the development of the legal system is given. Problems have been identified and recommendations for changes in the organization of scientific advisory councils have been proposed. It is concluded that the recommendations of scientific advisory councils are a valuable source of information, as they help to overcome disagreements arising in the process of implementation of norms in practice, and contribute to filling gaps in the legal system.

Keywords: Scientific Advisory Council, initiative scientific conclusions, science and law, recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Council, interaction of the court and the scientific community, friends of the court.


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