The Modern Lawyer № 2(43)
Alexey P. AlbovDoctor of Law, Head of the Department of Theory of Law, State and Comparative Law, Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities; Professor of the Department of Theory, History of State and Law, Russian Customs Academy, Moscow, Russia. E– mail: Aleksandr V. PishchulinPh.D in Law, Docent of the Department of Theory of Law, State and Political Science Law Faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow, Russia.
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Legal responsibility as a component of legal realityAbstract
Subject/topic: The article deals with the legal phenomenon of “legal responsibility” as one of the components of legal reality through the prism of scientific approaches to its historical and logical genesis in various legal doctrines of legal understanding. Goals/objectives. The target of the study is the formation of a scientifically based concept of legal responsibility in the context of legal reality, consideration of the legal phenomenon of “legal responsibility” from the point of view of various schools of legal thinking. Methodology. The study used both general scientific methods: dialectical, analysis and synthesis, and special legal ones: legal– technical, dogmatic method (for understanding the external and internal forms of legal phenomena). Results/conclusions. An element of the novelty of the study is the analysis of the ontological essence of legal responsibility and the establishment of a connection between its transformational processes and legal reality. As a result of the study, it was concluded that due to the obligatory observance of laws and rules, designed to ensure the security, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, legal responsibility is closely related to the existing social and legal reality, which determines the formation of its substantive aspects in the modern legal realities of Russia, and cannot considered outside the context of classical legal methodology. Practical significance. The materials of scientific research can be used in scientific, philosophical, legal and humanitarian research, as well as used in pedagogical practices of educational institutions of the humanitarian and legal profile. Keywords: legal responsibility, civil society, legal doctrine, system of law, legal reality, schools of legal understanding, law enforcement mechanism. References: Theory of State and Law (1995) – Theory of State and Law: Course of Lectures / [M. I. Baitin, N. A. Barinov, F. A. Grigoriev et al]; ed. by N. I. Matuzov, A. V. [Teoriya gosudarstva i prava: Kurs lekcij] Malko; Sarat. State Academy of Law, Sarat. higher schools. Saratov: Saratov Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1995. 559 p. Polyakov (2010) – General theory of law: problems of interpretation in the context of the communicative approach: textbook for students of universities studying in the field (specialty) “Jurisprudence” [[Obshchaya teoriya prava: problemy interpretacii v kontekste kommunikativnogo podhoda: ucheb. dlya studentov un– tov, obuchayushchihsya po napravleniyu (special’nosti) \”Yurisprudenciya\”]; S – Peterburg State University. Saint– Petersburg: Publishing house of S – Petersburg State University, 2004. 863 p. Chetvernin (1997) – Chetvernin, V. A. Concepts of law and state: Introduction to the course of the theory of law and state: Tutorial for universities [Ponyatiya prava i gosudarstva: Vved. v kurs teorii prava i gosudarstva: Ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov] / V. A. Chetvernin; Acad. of national economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. The legal factor of M.M.Speranskiy. M.: Delo, 1997. 237 p. Nersesyants (2012) – Nersesyants, V.S. Philosophy of law: textbook for students of higher education institutions studying in the field of jurisprudence [Filosofiya prava: uchebnik dlya studentov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij, obuchayushchihsya po special’nosti \”Yurisprudenciya\”] Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academic Law University. – 2nd ed. revised and supplemented. M.: Norma: INFRA– M, 2013. 835 p. Alekseev (1999) – Alekseev, S.S. Philosophy of law: history and modernity. Problems. Trends. Prospects [Filosofiya prava: istoriya i sovremennost’. Problemy. Tendencii. Perspektivy]. M.: NORMA, 1999. 329 p. Kovler (2002) – Kovler, A.I. Anthropology of Law [Antropologiya prava] M.: Publishing house NORMA, 2002. 467 p. Paleha (2010) – Paleha, R. R. Modern domestic legal understanding: the state and prospects for development: a monograph [Sovremennoe otechestvennoe pravoponimanie: sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya: monografiya]; author of the opening article Sorokina Y. V. M.: RAP, 2010. 230 p. History of political and legal doctrines (2005) – History of political and legal doctrines: Textbook. [Istoriya politicheskih i pravovyh uchenij: Hrestomatiya] Voronezh: Publishing house of Voronezh State University, 2000. Part 2: Russian Political and Legal Thought. Part 2/ comp. and author of the preface. V.V. Yachevsky, 2005. 892 p. Ter– Akopov (2001) – Ter– Akopov, A. Christian principles and their development in Russian law [Hristianskie nachala i ih razvitie v rossijskom prave] // Russian Justice. 2001. № 7. pp. 67– 68. Kirabayev (1987) Kirabayev, N.S. Social philosophy of the Muslim East: (Epoch of the Middle Ages) [Social’naya filosofiya musul’manskogo Vostoka: (Epoha srednevekov’ya)]. M.: Publishing house of the Peoples’ Friendship University, 1987. 173 p. Lukov (2013) – Lukov, V.A. Renaissance [Epoha Vozrozhdeniya]// Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2013. №1. p.300. Zhukov (2021) – Zhukov, V.I. Ideas of philosophy of law in the Renaissance and the first bourgeois revolutions (XIV– XVII centuries) [Idei filosofii prava v epohu vozrozhdeniya i pervyh burzhuaznyh revolyucij (XIV– XVII vv.)] // Proceedings of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2021. Vol. 16. №2. p. 15. Hobbes (1936) – Hobbes, T. Leviathan or matter, form and power of the ecclesiastical and civil state [Leviafan ili materiya, forma i vlast’ gosudarstva cerkovnogo i grazhdanskogo] Preface and editorship by A. Cheskis. M.: State Socialist– Economic Publishing House, 1936. pp. 237– 240. Zagidullin (2018) – Zagidullin M. R. Norms on legal responsibility in the judicial process in the Sobornaya Udozheniya 1649 [Normy o yuridicheskoj otvetstvennosti v sudebnom processe v Sobornom Ulozhenii 1649 goda] //Ex jure. 2018. № 3. p. 7. |
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Artemiy A. RozhnovProfessor of the Department of international and public law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor. |
Transformation of the supreme royal power in the reign of Peter IAbstract
Subject / Topic The article represents a description of transformation of the supreme royal power in the reign of Peter I. Goals / Objectives The aim of the work is to give a description of transformation of the supreme royal power in the reign of Peter I. The author reviews such problems as the reasons for the transformation of the “moscovite” autocracy into an absolutist– despotic power that took place in the reign of Peter I, as well as the manifestations of Peter’s unlimited autocracy in public and at home, in relation to members of the royal family and in the political and managerial sphere. The article is based on the study of the relevant normative legal sources, act material and scientific literature on this topic. Methodology The methodological basis of the article includes the universal methods of cognition; general scientific methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, etc. Conclusion and Relevance As a result of studying the relevant historical and legal materials the author comes to the conclusion that the reign of Peter I was marked by a fundamental change in the essence of the supreme royal power compared to the previous “muscovite” period of Russian history, what was expressed in the transformation of the “moscovote” autocracy into absolutism (which means the autocracy of the monarch unlimited by any written or unwritten norms or state or public institutions) and outright despotism given the methods of Peter’s “reforms”. Keywords: history of Russian law, Peter I, the reforms of Peter I, the state system, autocracy, absolutism. References: Bokhanov (2002) – Bokhanov A. N. Autocracy. The idea of the Zarist power [Samoderzhavie. Ideya tsarskoy vlasti]. M., 2002. Ospennikov (2015) –Ospennikov Yu. V. The history of Russian state and law: textbook / edited by Yu. V. Ospennikov [Istoriya gosudarstva i prava Rossii: uchebnik / pod red. Yu. V. Ospennikova]. M., 2015. Vol. 1. Klyuchevskiy (2001) – Klyuchevskiy V. O. Full course of lectures // Klyuchevskiy V.O. The Russian history / edited by A. M. Kuznetsov [Klyuchevskiy V. O. Polnyi kurs lektsiy // Klyuchevskiy V. O. Russkaya istoriya / sost. A. M. Kuznetsov]. M., 2001. Vol. 1. Latkin (2004) – Latkin V.N. Textbook of the history of Russian law of the Empire period (18th and 19th centuries) [Uchebnik istorii russkogo prava perioda imperii (XVIII i XIX veka)]. M., 2004. Solonevich (2003) – Solonevich I.L. The people’s monarchy [Narodnaya monarkhiya]. M., 2003. Tikhomirov (1998) – Tikhomirov L.A. The monarchist statehood [Monarhicheskaya gosudarstvennost’]. M., 1998. Uspenskiy B. A. (2000) – Uspenskiy B.A. Tsar and Imperator: anointing to the kingdom and the semantics of monarch titles [Tsar and Imperator: pomazanie na tsarstvo i semantika monarshih titulov]. M., 2000. |
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Alexey A. TerenichenkoPhD in History, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International and Public Law of the Faculty of Law at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
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New directions of youth policy in Russia: problems of implementationAbstract
Subject: The relevance of this topic is determined by the need to improve the legal regulation of the implementation of new areas of youth policy in the Russian Federation. Aims/Objectives The article deals with the problem of finding additional funds to increase the attractiveness of youth work in the Russian regions, as well as the introduction of preferential mortgage programs for young professionals and young families. Methodology The formal– legal method, methods of synthesis and analysis are used. Conclusion The author gives the reader a general idea of the problems of legal regulation of the implementation of new areas of youth policy in the Russian Federation, the main of which include increasing the “attractiveness” of the regions for the work and life of young professionals, as well as the introduction of special mortgage programs for young professionals and their families. It is concluded that attracting young people to the Russian regions requires a combination of strategies aimed at solving many aspects of the problems. And subsidized mortgage programs are one of many types of financial programs designed for people of all ages and income levels. Keywords: youth policy strategies, Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, public– private partnership. Reference: Solovieva (2021) – Solovieva N.Yu. On the development of youth self-government [O razvitii molodezhnogo samoupravleniya] / N. Yu. Solovieva // Innovative processes in modern education: practices, technologies, solutions: a collection of papers based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference, Moscow, June 17–19, 2021 / Rev. ed. A. V. Lukash; scientific ed. V. N. Morozov. – Moscow: Informio, 2021. – S. 192-194. Satina (2023) – Satina A.V. Integration of youth policy into the practice of social policy and government management [Integraciya molodezhnoj politiki v praktiku social`noj politiki i upravleniya gosudarstva] / A. V. Satina, V. V. Velikorossov // Genesis and ontology of innovation-oriented corporate governance in the conditions of transformation of the economy and society: collection of scientific articles of the international scientific-practical conference “Innovations in the management of socio-economic systems” (ICIMSS-2022), Moscow, December 22, 2022. Volume 9. – Moscow: Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, 2023. – S. 524-532. Gubachev (2022) – Gubachev N.N. Improving public administration and infrastructure in the implementation of youth policy [Sovershenstvovanie gosudarstvennogo upravleniya i infrastruktury` v realizacii molodezhnoj politiki] / N. N. Gubachev, T. F. Morozova // Youth in the system of state and municipal management: Collection of scientific papers. – Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art)”, 2022. – P. 4-20. Antsupova (2022) – Antsupova A.S. Youth policy as an integral part of social policy [Molodezhnaya politika kak neot”emlemaya chast’ social’noj politiki] / A.S. Antsupova // Modern School of Russia. Issues of modernization. – 2022. – No. 3-1 (40). – S. 68-69. Klimova (2022) – Klimova E.Z., Pertseva L. N., Sof’in N. A. Youth policy as an integral part of the cultural policy of the region [Molodezhnaya politika kak sostavnaya chast` kul`turnoj politiki regiona] // Management accounting. – 2022. – No. 11-1. – S. 64-71. Olekseenko (2022) – Oleksenko A.V. Youth policy is an important strategic direction in the development of the modern education system [Molodezhnaya politika – vazhnoe strategicheskoe napravlenie razvitiya sovremennoj sistemy` obrazovaniya] / A. V. Oleksenko // Scientific aspect. – 2022. – V. 5, No. 4. – S. 536-543. Voitovich (2022) – Voitovich V.Yu. Management of youth policy in the field of preventive work with minors in the municipal district “City of Izhevsk”[Upravlenie molodezhnoj politikoj v sfere profilakticheskoj raboty` s nesovershennoletnimi v municipal`nom okruge «Gorod Izhevsk»] / V. Yu. Voitovich, Ya. A. Suvorova // State and municipal management: collection of scientific articles / Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Udmurt State University”, Institute of Economics and Management, Department of Public Service and Personnel Management. – Izhevsk: Udmurt State University, 2022. – S. 78-86. Satina (2023) – Satina A.V. Mechanisms for the implementation of state social policy on the example of youth policy [Mexanizmy` realizacii gosudarstvennoj social`noj politiki na primere molodezhnoj politiki] / A. V. Satina, V. V. Velikorossov // Genesis and ontology of innovation-oriented corporate governance in the context of the transformation of the economy and society: a collection of scientific articles of the international scientific -practical conference “Innovations in the management of socio-economic systems” (ICIMSS-2022), Moscow, December 22, 2022. Volume 9. – Moscow: Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, 2023. – S. 533-540. Tupitsa (2021) – Tupitsa D.M. Youth self-government bodies in the structure of the municipality: problems and ways to solve them [Organy` molodezhnogo samoupravleniya v strukture municipal`nogo obrazovaniya: problemy` i puti ix resheniya] / D.M. Tupitsa // Youth Municipal Forum: Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Internet Conference, Yekaterinburg, April 21, 2021 / Ed. editor E.I. Vasiliev. – Yekaterinburg: Ural Institute of Management – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the RF”, 2021. – P. 248-251. References: Kolomatskaya (2004) – Kolomatskaya A.S. Warehouse storage agreement [Dogovor skladskogo xraneniya]: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Alyona Sergeevna Kolomatskaya. – Moscow, 2004. – 224 p. Kravchenko (2004) – Kravchenko I.V. Storage contract in a commodity warehouse: problems of regulation, qualification and application [Dogovor xraneniya na tovarnom sklade]: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Irina Viktorovna Kravchenko. – Moscow, 2004. – 187 p. Solovyova (2008) – Solovyova Yu.S. Warehouse storage agreement under the civil legislation of the Russian Federation: on the example of a storage agreement for grain and its processed products [Dogovor skladskogo xraneniya po grazhdanskomu zakonodatel`stvu Rossijskoj Federacii: na primere dogovora xraneniya zerna i produktov ego pererabotki]: dissertation … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Solovyova Yulia Sergeevna. – Krasnodar, 2008. – 174 p. Kolishchuk (2007) – Kolishchuk K.I. The civil– legal nature of the relations of responsible storage of valuables of the state material reserve [Grazhdansko– pravovaya priroda otnoshenij otvetstvennogo xraneniya cennostej gosudarstvennogo material`nogo rezerva]: dis. … cand. jurid. Sciences’: 12.00.03 / Konstantin Ivanovich Kolishchuk. – Rostov– on– Don, 2007. – 226 p. Yakhontov (2007) – Yakhontov R.N. Civil law regulation of property storage relations with the participation of internal affairs bodies [Grazhdansko– pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij po xraneniyu imushhestva s uchastiem organov vnutrennix del]: abstract. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Roman Nikolaevich Yakhontov. – St. Petersburg, 2007. – 23 p. Larin (2007) – Larin S.A. Civil law regulation of hotel storage obligations [Grazhdansko– pravovoe regulirovanie obyazatel`stv po gostinichnomu xraneniyu]: abstract. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Larin Sergey Alexandrovich. – St. Petersburg, 2007. – 21 p. Dorokhova (2011) – Dorokhova N.A. Contracts for the search, processing, storage and (or) transfer of information [Dogovory` po poisku, obrabotke, xraneniyu i (ili) peredache informacii]: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Dorokhova Natalia Alexandrovna. – Moscow, 2011. – 247 p. Krasheninnikov (2011) – Article– by– article commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part Two [Postatejny`j kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii, chasti vtoroj]: in 3 vols. Volume 3 / Edited by P.V. Krasheninnikov. – Moscow: Statute, 2011. – 574 p. Belov (2022) – Belov V.A. Classifications of legal facts: the problem of the upper level [Klassifikacii yuridicheskix faktov: problema verxnego urovnya] / V.A. Belov // Bulletin of Economic Justice of the Russian Federation. – 2022. – No. 8. – pp. 63– 92. Mamonova (2020) – Mamonova M.A. Ensuring the safety of funds in bank safes. [Obespechenie soxrannosti denezhny`x sredstv v bankovskix sejfax]/ M.A. Mamonova. // Modern Lawyer. – 2020. – № 3 (32). – Pp. 172– 178. |
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Anna R. PurgeCandidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute of Law of Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok.
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Features of the storagerage agreement in judicial practiceAbstract Subject/topic. The subject of the study is the regulatory and legal provisions of the storage contract institute in the Russian Federation. Goals/objectives. The purpose of the study is to analyze the legislative provisions governing the procedure for concluding, amending and terminating a storage agreement in the Russian Federation. Methodology. The methodological basis is represented by a set of methods of scientific cognition of objective legal reality applied during preparation and writing: comparative legal method, formal legal method, logical method, method of legal modeling. Conclusion. The need to ensure the safety of property in conditions when the owner himself is deprived of the opportunity to take care of it, for a long time – since the advent of Roman private law – has brought to life the existence of special legal norms on storage. In Russian civil law, this institution appeared in the Civil Code of the RSFSR in 1964, and received the most developed differentiation into types in Chapter 47 of Part Two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in 1996. However, until now, depositors, including commodity owners, make a significant number of mistakes in their relations with keepers, which do not allow them to protect their rights in a timely and complete manner. rights. The paper analyzes and summarizes the practice of the most typical litigation from storage contracts, and makes proposals to improve the regulation of this category of relations. Keywords: civil law storage agreement, custodian, commodity warehouse, depositor, presumption of fulfillment by the custodian of its obligations, consumer storage, commercial storage, sequestration. References: Kolomatskaya (2004) – Kolomatskaya A.S. Warehouse storage agreement [Dogovor skladskogo xraneniya]: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Alyona Sergeevna Kolomatskaya. – Moscow, 2004. – 224 p. Kravchenko (2004) – Kravchenko I.V. Storage contract in a commodity warehouse: problems of regulation, qualification and application [Dogovor xraneniya na tovarnom sklade]: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Irina Viktorovna Kravchenko. – Moscow, 2004. – 187 p. Solovyova (2008) – Solovyova Yu.S. Warehouse storage agreement under the civil legislation of the Russian Federation: on the example of a storage agreement for grain and its processed products [Dogovor skladskogo xraneniya po grazhdanskomu zakonodatel`stvu Rossijskoj Federacii: na primere dogovora xraneniya zerna i produktov ego pererabotki]: dissertation … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Solovyova Yulia Sergeevna. – Krasnodar, 2008. – 174 p. Kolishchuk (2007) – Kolishchuk K.I. The civil– legal nature of the relations of responsible storage of valuables of the state material reserve [Grazhdansko– pravovaya priroda otnoshenij otvetstvennogo xraneniya cennostej gosudarstvennogo material`nogo rezerva]: dis. … cand. jurid. Sciences’: 12.00.03 / Konstantin Ivanovich Kolishchuk. – Rostov– on– Don, 2007. – 226 p. Yakhontov (2007) – Yakhontov R.N. Civil law regulation of property storage relations with the participation of internal affairs bodies [Grazhdansko– pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij po xraneniyu imushhestva s uchastiem organov vnutrennix del]: abstract. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Roman Nikolaevich Yakhontov. – St. Petersburg, 2007. – 23 p. Larin (2007) – Larin S.A. Civil law regulation of hotel storage obligations [Grazhdansko– pravovoe regulirovanie obyazatel`stv po gostinichnomu xraneniyu]: abstract. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Larin Sergey Alexandrovich. – St. Petersburg, 2007. – 21 p. Dorokhova (2011) – Dorokhova N.A. Contracts for the search, processing, storage and (or) transfer of information [Dogovory` po poisku, obrabotke, xraneniyu i (ili) peredache informacii]: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Dorokhova Natalia Alexandrovna. – Moscow, 2011. – 247 p. Krasheninnikov (2011) – Article– by– article commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part Two [Postatejny`j kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii, chasti vtoroj]: in 3 vols. Volume 3 / Edited by P.V. Krasheninnikov. – Moscow: Statute, 2011. – 574 p. Belov (2022) – Belov V.A. Classifications of legal facts: the problem of the upper level [Klassifikacii yuridicheskix faktov: problema verxnego urovnya] / V.A. Belov // Bulletin of Economic Justice of the Russian Federation. – 2022. – No. 8. – pp. 63– 92. Mamonova (2020) – Mamonova M.A. Ensuring the safety of funds in bank safes. [Obespechenie soxrannosti denezhny`x sredstv v bankovskix sejfax]/ M.A. Mamonova. // Modern Lawyer. – 2020. – № 3 (32). – Pp. 172– 178. |
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Michael Y. KhanPracticing lawyer, postgraduate student of International law Department of Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow Russia. E– mail: |
Formation of arbitration as a mean of resolving interstate disputesAbstract
Subject/theme The article analyzes the history of the formation of arbitration as a means of resolving interstate disputes. Goals Objectives The purpose of the research is to consider the history of the development of interstate arbitration. In the course of the research, the basic principles governing interstate arbitration were also analyzed, and a number of international arbitration institutions were cited. Methodology methods The methodological basis of the study was made up of historical, analytical and systematic methods. Conclusion In the early stages of the development of international relations, States resolved their disputes by military means. However, in order to prevent large losses and the desire of States to resolve their disputes peacefully, methods and means of peaceful dispute resolution began to be developed, one of which was arbitration. Meanwhile arbitration occupies a stable position among other methods and means of resolving interstate disputes, as it contributes to the peaceful and fair dispute resolution through the involvement of independent arbitrators. The history of interstate arbitration testifies to the constant evolution of this practice and its important role in resolving disputes between States. An important role in the development of interstate arbitration is played by the principles that serve as the foundation for a comprehensive consideration of the dispute and a fair decision. Keywords: international arbitration, state, dispute, international law, types of international arbitration. References: Kamarovsky (1881) – Kamarovsky L. About the International Court [O mezhdunarodnom sude] / [Op.] Kamarovsky L. – Moscow: type. T. Malinsky, 1881. – [8], 542 p. Tolstykh (2015) – Tolstykh V.L. International courts and their practice [Mezhdunarodnye sudy i ikh praktika]: studies. manual. M.: International Relations, 2015. – 504 p. Martens (1898) – Martens F.F. Modern international law of civilized peoples [Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo tsivilizovannykh narodov]. In 2 volumes. Volume 1. – St. Petersburg, 1898. Glickman (2017) – Glickman O.V. The international legal significance of the Second Hague Peace Conference of 1907 and the role of Russia [Mezhdunarodno– pravovoe znachenie Vtoroj Gaagskoj konferencii mira 1907 g. i rol’ Rossii] / O.V.Glickman // International analytics, 2017. – №2 (20). – Pp. 91– 93. Peshnin. (2009) –Peshnin A.S. The Permanent Chamber of the Arbitration Court as a means of peaceful settlement of international disputes [Postoyannaya palata tretejskogo suda kak sredstvo mirnogo razresheniya mezhdunarodnyh sporov] // Actual problems of Russian law. – M., MGUA, 2009. – No. 4 (13). pp. 298– 305. Glikman (2018) – Glikman O.V. The significance of the Hague Conventions and Declarations of 1899 and 1907 [Znachenie Gaagskih konvencij i deklaracij 1899 i 1907 gg]. / O.V.Glikman // International criminal law and international justice. – 2018. – №3. – P. 6–9. Entin (1984) – Entin M.L. International judicial institutions: The role of international arbitration and judicial bodies in resolving interstate disputes [Mezhdunarodnye sudebnye uchrezhdeniia: Rol mezhdunarodnykh arbitrazhnykh i sudebnykh organov v razreshenii mezhgosudarstvennykh sporov] / M.L. Entin. – Moscow: International. relations, 1984. – 176 p. Ispolinov (2017) – Ispolinov A.S. Evolution and ways of development of contemporary international justice [Evolyuciya i puti razvitiya sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo pravosudiya] // Lex Russica. 2017. No. 10. pp. 58– 87. Kirilenko, Alekseev (2021) – Kirilenko V.P., Alekseev G.V. Classification of Maritime Disputes and Modern Legal Means of their Resolution [Klassifikaciya morskih sporov i sovremennye pravovye sredstva ih razresheniya]. EURASIAN INTEGRATION: economics, law, politics. 2021, 15(4):67– 81. Popkov (1998) – Popkov A.N. The Concept of International Arbitration and its Historical Evolution [Koncepciya mezhdunarodnogo arbitrazha i eyo istoricheskoe razvitie] // Belarusian Journal of International Law and International Relations. — 1998. — № 4 |
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Yuri V. StepanenkoFederal State Institution «All– Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation», st. Povarskaya, 25, building 1, Moscow, 121069, Russia. Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief Researcher of the First Department of the Research Center No. 4 of the FGKU “VNII of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”; Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Process of the University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSUA); Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow Е– mail: |
Review of A.P. Pichkur «police in the administrative legal mechanism of ensuring public security in railway transport»Abstract
The review provides a scientific analysis of the content of Anna Petrovna Pichkur’s dissertation, devoted to the problem of determining the role and place of the police in the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring public safety in railway transport. The relevance of the topic is confirmed, the positive aspects of the study are noted: original author’s conclusions, judgments, conclusions, statements, arguments, suggestions and recommendations that are important both for public law doctrine and for the practice of public administration, law enforcement activities of the police in the field of ensuring national, including public safety. The advantage of the study is its interdisciplinary nature, it is based on the provisions of the theory of management, constitutional, administrative, criminal and other branches of law and areas of scientific knowledge. Attention is drawn to certain points of the dissertation research that can lead to further scientific discussion. The final assessment of the dissertation is given. Keywords: police, administrative and legal mechanism, public security, railway transport. References:
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Daniil S. MaksimovMA student at the Faculty of Law, State University of Education, Moscow. E– mail: |
Problems of proving the conclusion of cartel agreements in tendersAbstract
Object The research focuses on the antitrust law and practical findings of the antimonopoly authority and courts in the framework of proving the fact of a cartel agreement by business entities in tenders. Aims/objectives The research is aimed at finding and analyzing the main problems of proving the fact of cartels’ conclusion during tenders and development of proposals concerning their relevant practical solutions. Methodology The methodological framework is represented by the formal– logical (analysis, synthesis, instantiation, deduction and induction) and special legal methods of knowledge. Conclusion Cartelization of the economy is an important negative factor in the Russian economy that weakens the development of competition, including in tenders. The study of law enforcement agencies’ approaches to proof of cartels in tenders has revealed a number of significant problems, including lack of unity and certainty in assessing objective economic reasons for the behavior of business entities, in the actions of which signs of cartel collusion in tenders were identified. As a solution to the problems, the author suggests that law enforcement authorities should summarize the existing best practices of proving cartel agreements and amend the internal acts of the FAS Russia in relation to the analysis of the state of competition in tenders. Keywords: cartel, antitrust law, antitrust authority, tenders. References: Chernenko (2015) – Chernenko T. I. World anti– cartel practice and Russian anti– cartel system [Mirovaya praktika bor’by s kartelyami i rossijskaya sistema protivodejstviya kartelyam] // Actual problems of aviation and cosmonautics [Aktual’nye problemy aviacii i kosmonavtiki]. 2015. Т. 2, № 11. С. 616– 617. Yevtushenko (2013) – Yevtushenko V. Covert anticompetitive behaviour of commodity market participants: global practice of governmental fight against cartels [Tajnoe antikonkurentnoe povedenie uchastnikov tovarnogo rynka: mirovaya praktika gosudarstvennoj bor’by s kartelyami] // Legal Science and Practice: History and Modernity [Yuridicheskaya nauka i praktika: istoriya i sovremennost’]. 2013. № 1. С. 261– 263. Okhotnikova (2021) – Okhotnikova O. E. Cartels in tenders: a view from the business side [Karteli na torgah: vzglyad so storony biznesa] // Science journal [Vestnik nauki]. 2021. Т. 4. № 5(38). С. 135– 140. Okhotnikova (2021) – Okhotnikova O. E. To a question on cartel proving [K voprosu o dokazyvanii kartelya] // Science journal [Vestnik nauki]. 2021. Т. 4. № 6(39). С. 83– 88. Frolov (2021) – Frolov A.I. Scheme of “silence” in bidding as a cartel [Skhema “molchanie” na torgah kak kartel’] // Criminalist [Kriminalist]. 2021. № 1(34). С. 66– 74. Shastitiko (2013) – Shastitko A.Е. Cartel: organization, incentives, policy of counteraction [Kartel’: organizaciya, stimuly, politika protivodejstviya] // Russian Journal of Management [Rossijskij zhurnal menedzhmenta]. 2013. Т. 11. № 4. С. 31– 56. Kinev (2013) – Kinev A.Y. Criminal liability for cartels: practice of application of Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation [Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost’ za karteli: praktika primeneniya stat’i 178 UK RF] // Moscow Lawyer [Moskovskij yurist]. 2013. № 1(8). С. 78– 91. Avdasheva, Shastitko (2010) – Avdasheva S., Shastitko A. Economics of criminal sanctions for violation of antimonopoly legislation [Ekonomika ugolovnyh sankcij za narushenie antimonopol’nogo zakonodatel’stva] // Economic issues [Voprosy ekonomiki]. 2010. № 1. С. 129– 142. Shastitko (2021) – Shastitko A. Е. The realism of the individual choice model matters: on the punishment of the cartel [Realistichnost’ modeli individual’nogo vybora imeet znachenie: o nakazanii za kartel’] // Research of the Faculty of Economics. Electronic journal [Nauchnye issledovaniya ekonomicheskogo fakul’teta. Elektronnyj zhurnal]. 2021. Т. 13. № 2(40). С. 7– 25. Schwartz (2018) – Schwartz L.V. The standard of cartel proof in the aspect of national economic security [Standart dokazyvaniya kartelej v aspekte nacional’noj ekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti] // Actual problems of law and economics: collection of scientific papers / Saratov Social and Economic Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian Economics University [Aktual’nye problemy prava i ekonomiki: sbornik nauchnyh trudov / Saratovskij social’no– ekonomicheskij institut (filial) REU im. G.V. Plekhanova]. 2018. С. 54– 59. |
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