The Modern Lawyer
ISSN 2304-960X
Yuriy V. Stepanenkodoctor of juridicial sciences, professor of the department «State-legal disciplines», the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, honoured lawyer of the Russian Federation (Email: |
Wishes for a future lawyerThe article is devoted to the problem of self-education, self formation of students of law schools and directions of preparation of the necessary knowledge and skills. Provides guidelines for working with legal and literary sources, streamlining the process of self-study.
Keywords: education, self-education, lawyer, lecturer, teacher |
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Sergey G. Pavlikovthe department chair it is state – legal disciplines of the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation (E-mail: |
About the doctrine and prospects of its development as right sourceAuthor of article the judgment that derogation of value of the doctrine as the most important, traditional exercised source of the right causes negative consequences for the Russian legal system locates. Keywords: Doctrine, right, state, precedent, court, source, theory, science. |
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Alibek S. Goukovassociate professor of Department the «Theory and history of State and law» the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Email: |
Some ethnic aspects of legal consciousnessThe present article is devoted to a research of ethnicity’s role in law consciousness. Author believes that state, law and law consciousness always have ethnic base.
Keywords: state, law, law consciousness, ethnicity, ethnos. |
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Viktor N. OmelinChief researcher of the INSTITUTE of FGKU the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia», doctor of legal sciences, Professor (E-mail: |
Criminogenic factors determine bacterial crimes committed by organized criminal groups in Central AsiaThe article addresses the criminogenic factors determine bacterial crimes committed on the territory of the Russian Federation, representatives of Asian organized crime groups.
Keywords: criminogenic factors, organized crime, ethnic crime, prevention of crimes. |
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Alexander V. Kosovadvocate, Associate Professor of criminal-law disciplines of the Moscow new juridical Institute, candidate of legal sciences, Assistant Professor. Research interests: criminal law, criminal procedure, Criminology, Criminology (E-mail: Elena G. Krysanovaadvocate, postgraduate student, faculty of criminal law and process of Peoples Friendship University of Russia (E-mail: |
Procedural status of the victim in the Russian and French criminal processesIn the article the authors conduct comparative-legal analysis of the procedural status of the victim in criminal processes of France and Russia.
Keywords: the victim; criminal process of France; criminal process of Russia; procedural status of the victim. |
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Stanislaw V. Nikoliykincandidate of juridicial sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of theory and history of State and law of the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation (e-mail: |
Institute legal assistance in civil proceedings involving foreign persons: theory and practiceAs a general rule, the court may perform procedural actions within their state. As for the commission of such proceedings in a foreign country, the consent of that State. This article discusses the features of the implementation of orders from foreign institutions of Justice, which forms the basis of the concept of «legal aid».
Keywords: legal aid, legal aid, court orders, legal mutual assistance, mutual legal assistance, international legal assistance. |
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Aleksandr G. Bogatyrevdoctor of legal sciences, Professor of financial law financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (E-mail: |
Problem of relationships sources in modern international law of foreign investmentThe article contents analyses of the problem of relationships sources in modern international law of foreign investment.
Keywords: sources of law, investments, principle of law regulation, nation treatment, principle of the most favorite nation. |
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REVIEWS | 135 | |
Natalia A. FrolovaDoctor of juridical sciences, Professor, Department of theory of State and law, Russian Academy of national economy and the public service under the President of the Russian Federation (Email: |
Law forms of relations of Soviet State and Russian Orthodox Church in 1917-1945Review of monograph of O.N. Petyukova “Law forms of relations of Soviet State and Russian Orthodox Church in 1917-1945”.
Keywords: legal forms of relations between the state and religious organizations, church-state relations, the Russian legislation, freedom of conscience, the Soviet state, the Russian Orthodox Church. |
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Abstracts | 142 | |
Authors | 146 |