Economy Business Banks №1(39)
Lyudmila M. KupriyanovaCandidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of Economics of intellectual property, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation. E– mail: Natalia E. SokolinskayaCandidate of Economic Science, Professor, Professor of the Depаrtment of Finаnciаl mаrkets аnd bаnks, Finаnciаl University under the Government of the Russiаn Federаtion, Moscow, Russian Federation. E– mаil: Nsokolinskаyа@fа.ru |
Intellectual property: current status and roleAbstract Subject/Topic The value of intellectual property in the development of society. Methodology All this will contribute to the harmonious combination of production, socio– cultural and natural spheres of modern society. Intellectual property created on its basis becomes a condition for the preservation of the intellectual fund and creative activity. This means that the transformation of intellectual property into a paradigm of sociocultural development usually affects the cultural and socio– economic spheres of human life. The latter requires legislative consolidation, which determines the competitiveness of organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership. So, this is a key factor in the development of all subjects of socio– cultural and economic activity. In the paradigm of the sociocultural development of society, the category of “property” is rather contradictory. Ownership is central to the economic system, since it determines the social structure of society, which specifies the features of managing economic processes and the nature of products’ use and creation. Conclusions and Relevance Intellectual property was formed as a self– sufficient specific scientific category. In addition, it became an independent research reflection with its capabilities. Moreover, it has entered the scientific space, as well as the conceptual field of modern humanitarian research. Therefore, this is a confirmation of the understanding of the multidimensional idea of intellectual property as a sociocultural phenomenon. Keywords: intellectual property, investment, economic growth, copyright, literary property, innovation, trademark, industrial design, patent.
References: Novoselova (2017) – Novoselova L.A. Intellectual right Property [Pravo intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] Statute [Uchebnik] 2017. p. 115– 117 [in Russian] Zharova (2019) – Zharova A. K. Intellectual property protection // Textbook for bachelor and master programs [Zashchita intellektual’noj sobstvennosti // Uchebnik dlya bakalavriata i magistratury] National Research University Higher School of Economics [Nauchnaya shkola: Nacional’nyj issledovatel’skij universitet «Vysshaya shkola ekonomiki»] 2019. # 4. p. 77– 79 [in Russian] Kalyatin (2018) – Kalyatin V.O. Intellectual property law. [Pravo intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] Legal regulation of databases [Pravovoe regulirovanie baz dannyh]. 2018. p. 15– 25 [in Russian] Zimneva (2019) – Zimneva S.V., Kirillov D.A. The use of intellectual property in civilian traffic [Ispol’zovanie ob”ektov intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v grazhdanskom oborote]. 2019. p. 123– 129 [in Russian] Scherbak (2019) – Scherbak N.V. Copyright [Avtorskoe pravo] Textbook and practical work for bachelor and master programs [Uchebnik i praktikum dlya bakalavriata i magistratury]. 2019. p. 77– 79 [in Russian] Sergo (2017) – Sergo A.G., Pushchin V.S. The foundations of intellectual property rights for IT professionals [Osnovy prava intellektual’noj sobstvennosti dlya IT– specialistov] Moscow: Internet University of Information Technologies, Binom. Laboratory of Knowledge [Internet– universitet informacionnyh tekhnologij, Binom. Laboratoriya znanij]. 2017. p. 240 [in Russian] Lopatina (2016) – Lopatina V.N. Legal protection of intellectual property. Problems of theory and practice [Pravovaya zashchita intellektual’noj sobstvennosti. Problemy teorii i praktiki] Collection of materials of the III International IP Forum. RG– Press [Sbornik materialov III Mezhdunarodnogo IP foruma]. 2016. p. 392 [in Russian] Kozyrev (2017) – Kozyrev A.N. Evaluation of intellectual property [Ocenka intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] Expert Bureau. [Ekspertnoe Byuro]. Number 3 2017. p. 219 [in Russian] Leontyev (2018) – Leontyev B.B. The price of intelligence: Intellectual capital in the Russian business [Leont’ev B.B. Cena intellekta: Intellektual’nyj kapital v rossijskom biznese] Shareholder [Akcioner]. 2018. p. 200 [in Russian] Gavrilov (2019) – Gavrilov E.P. Legal protection of intellectual property as an integral part of civil law [Pravovaya ohrana intellektual’noj sobstvennosti kak sostavnaya chast’ grazhdanskogo prava]. 2019 #5. p. 579 [in Russian] Kupriyanova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M. Economics of Intellectual Property. [Ekonomika intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] In the collection: Science, innovation, technology and education. Collection of articles of the International scientific– practical conference. [V sbornike: Nauka, innovacii, tekhnologii i obrazovanie. Sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno– prakticheskoj konferencii] 2017.p. 231– 233. [in Russian] Kupriyanova (2018) – Kupriyanova L.M. Intellectual law in the intellectual property market [Intellektual’noe pravo na rynke intellektual’noj sobstvennosti.] Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2018. No. 1 (22). p. 92– 101. [in Russian] Kupriyanova, Petrusevich (2019) – Kupriyanova L.M., Petrusevich T.V. Information and analytical support for the sustainable development of the organization: intellectual and human capital [Informacionno– analiticheskoe obespechenie ustojchivogo razvitiya organizacii: intellektual’nyj i chelovecheskij kapital] [Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2019.No 5 (31). p. 26– 49. [in Russian] |
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Svetlana B. VarlamovaPh.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation E– mail: |
IT outsourcing for the Russian small businessAbstract Subject / Topic World practice shows a significant share of small and medium– sized enterprises (SMEs) in the structure of GDP, employment and the level of well– being of the population; therefore, the development of SMEs in Russia is one of the state priority tasks. The process of formation of SMEs historically coincided with the process of digitalization of the Russian economy, which objectively contributes to acceleration of its development and increasing efficiency. Modern fintech offers to the market a wide variety of systems, software and tools for collecting, processing, storing and analyzing various data for making effective management decisions, as well as new business models in the field of SMEs, which potentially increases its demand for IT outsourcing services. Goals / Objectives Analysis of the existing demand of SMEs for the services of fintech enterprises – IT outsourcers, identification of the reasons for its low level, systematization and grouping of business processes of SMEs and their corresponding digital tools, the use of which can solve the problems of developing and improving the efficiency of conducting small and medium– sized businesses in Russia. Methodology The present study was carried out using general scientific research methods, methods of analogy, comparison and scientific generalization, presenting the results in the form of a list of identified areas and reserves for the development of research objects. Conclusion and Relevance Further development of SMEs in Russia requires the preservation of existing state support programs. The stimulation of demand for IT outsourcing services should be promoted by increasing financial literacy and awareness among entrepreneurs about the possibilities of fintech in the field of the best solutions to the challenges ahead. Keywords: SMEs, self– employment of the population, digitalization of the economy, fintech, demand for IT outsourcing, IT outsourcing opportunities for SMEs, demand stimulation.
References: Federal Law No. 209– FZ of 07.24.2007 “On the Development of Small and Medium– Sized Enterprises in the Russian Federation” [O razvitii malogo i srednego predprinimatel’stva v Rossijskoj Federacii] (as amended on 08/02/2019 with amendments that came into force on 08/13/2019) [in Russian]. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.06.2016 No. 1083– r (as amended on March 30, 2018) “On Approval Of The Strategy For The Development Of Small And Medium Enterprises In The Russian Federation For The Period Until 2030” [Ob Utverzhdenii Strategii Razvitija Malogo I Srednego Predprinimatel’stva V Rossijskoj Federacii Na Period Do 2030 Goda] [in Russian]. 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Anna S. TumasyanPostgraduate student of the Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, E– mail: Scientific adviser: Natalia Brovkina, Ph.D., Assistant professor of the Department of Financial markets and banks, Moscow. E– mail: |
Specifics of customer service in private bankingAbstract Subject/Topic The article discusses the features of segmentation of commercial bank clients, the range of products and services offered, the role and influence of competition on the development of customer service in the banking system, in particular in the framework of private banking. The author considers the fundamental difference between the clients of the segments: retail business, premium segment and private banking segment. The quantitative ratio of commercial banks that provide private banking services and banks that do not have this service and, accordingly, specially allocated structural units is given. The role of non– financial services in servicing clients with large private capital is determined. Goals/Objectives Improvement of the level and quality of customer service in private banking. Methodology Comparative method, analytical method. Conclusions and Relevance Modern conditions for the development of the banking system force Russian banks to improve the quality of the service provided at a high rate, and to strengthen measures to monitor compliance with information confidentiality. Banks begin to pay attention to improving their image and reputation, absolutely all services are provided at the highest level, regardless of the clientele. For their own development and the development of the banking system as a whole, market participants are looking at their competitors and to some extent adopt the experience of their Russian and foreign colleagues. All areas of customer service are being improved: from retail clients with small and medium income to particularly wealthy and socially important clients of private banking. The retail segment has a wide range of investment services available to invest its capital, the premium segment client also provides with investment consulting services, and further, private banking is available for individual investment planning. Private banking is developing due to improving the quality of the level of services provided, expanding the product line, taking into account existing experience in a particular area, the level of competition, the ability to correctly determine the consumer’s contingent, its segmentation and further quality service. A positive factor for preventing the outflow of large capital abroad was the geopolitical conditions for the development of the banking market. In the context of blurring geographical boundaries for the economy and expanding the availability of banking products, banks begin to focus on providing additional services in the non–financial field. Keywords: private banking, art– banking, banking, personal services, investment advice, non– financial services, banking competition
References: Aleksandrov 2017 – Aleksandrov A.V. Development of private banking: retention and growth of owners of large private capital [Razvitie private banking: uderzhanie i rost vladeltsev krupnogo chastnogo kapitala], Banking [Bankovskoe delo] 2017 # 6. p. 57– 61. Bezprozvannaya 2018 – Bezprozvannaya A.S. Trust asset management [Doveritelnoe upravlenie aktivami], Scientific and educational potential of youth in solving urgent problems of the XXI century [Nauchno– obrazovatelnyiy potentsial molodezhi v reshenii aktualnyih problem XXI veka] 2018. # 11. p. 7– 10. Brovkina, N.E. Market of banking services for individuals: trends and prospects of development [Ryinok bankovskogo obsluzhivaniya fizicheskih lits: tendentsii i perspektivyi razvitiya]: monograph, N.E. Brovkina. – Moscow: KNORUS, 2014. – 264 p. – ISBN 978– 5– 406– 03448– 4. Valinurova 2017 – Valinurova A.A. Specifics of banking competition in modern Russia [Spetsifika bankovskoy konkurentsii v sovremennoy Rossii], A.A. Valinurova, R.A. Burganova, N.V. Balabanova, Kazan economic Bulletin [Kazanskiy ekonomicheskiy vestnik] 2017. # 6 (32). p. 65– 70. Gazprombank (joint– Stock company): official website. – Moscow. – Updated during the day. – URL: (date of access: 05.01.2020). – Text: electronic. David Maude, Dr Philip Molyneux Private Banking: Maximising performance in a competitive market / translation from English by A. M. Dzyura edited by E. E. Kharitonov. – Moscow– Alpina Publisher– 2003. – 338 p. – ISBN 5– 94599– 074– 4. Kosyih 2018 – Kosyih N.S. On the issue of reliability of commercial banks in modern conditions [K voprosu o nadezhnosti kommercheskih bankov v sovremennyih usloviyah], Central scientific Bulletin [Tsentralnyiy nauchnyiy vestnik]. 2018. T. 3 # 9 (50). p. 82– 83. Lavrushin, O. I. Banking: textbook / O. I. Lavrushin, N. I. Valencia, etc.; under the editorship of O. I. Lavrushina. – 12th ed., erased. – Moscow: KNORUS, 2016. – 800 p. – ISBN 978– 5– 406– 04591– 6. Morozova 2013 – Morozova Y.V. Art investments and private equity as non– traditional investment directions in the Russian economy [Art– investitsii i private equity kak netraditsionnyie napravleniya investirovaniya v rossiyskuyu ekonomiku], Science and society [Nauka i obschestvo] 2013. # 6 (15). p. 164– 169 Central Bank of the Russian Federation: official website. – Moscow. – Updated during the day. – URL: (date of access: 30.12.2019). – Text: electronic. Eleshov 2018 – Eleshov M.A. Russian practice and world experience in private banking [Rossiyskaya praktika i mirovoy opyit chastnogo bankovskogo obsluzhivaniya], M.A. Eleshov, O.N. Yanina, Y.N. Loktionova, Actual problems of financial sector development: materials of the VII international scientific conference [Aktualnyie problemyi razvitiya finansovogo sektora: materialyi VII mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii] Tambov, 2018. p. 673– 679. Private banking &wealth management: the official site. – Moscow. – Updated during the day. – URL: (date of access: 07.01.2020). – Text: electronic. |
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Vladislav V. ZiminPostgraduate student of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, E– mail: Supervisor: Anna A. Bakulina, Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of State and municipal management, Vice– rector for scientific work of the department at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E– mail:
Methodological tools for achieving a positive synergy effect in mergers and acquisitionsAbstract Subject / Topic The study is devoted to the analysis of methodological tools for achieving a positive synergistic effect in mergers and acquisitions. Goals / Objectives Formation and analysis of methodological tools for mergers and acquisitions. To achieve this goal, the procedural aspects and conditions of transactions, factors potentially and realistically affecting the result, information support of the transaction were studied. Methodology On the basis of the analysis of foreign and domestic practice, procedural aspects and success factors of the merger and acquisition transaction were determined. In the course of the study were used: theoretical and practical analysis, system analysis, classification methods. Conclusions and Relevance The achievement of a positive synergistic effect depends on the properly developed methodological tools: the conditions and procedural aspects of achieving a synergistic effect, the choice of key indicators of the analysis of the corporation’s activities and various factors of the transaction success, information support. Considering, analyzing and evaluating these elements, it is possible to provide the necessary result in the implementation of transactions. The information base at the pre– integration stage of the transaction is extensive and depends on the goal. Keywords: synergy, synergistic effect, mergers and acquisitions, methods of evaluation, strategy, information support
References Porter M. Competitive advantage: how to achieve high results and ensure their sustainability [Konkurentnoe preimushhestvo: Kak dostich’ vysokogo rezul’tata i obespechit’ ego ustojchivost’] // M. Porter. – Al’pina Didzhital, 2016. – p. 1020. [in Russian] Tjutyk O.V. Corporate management. The market for corporate control: mergers and acquisitions: textbook. Manual [Korporativnyj menedzhment. Rynok korporativnogo kontrolja: slijanija i pogloshhenija kompanij: ucheb. Posobie] // O.V. Tjutyk. – / O. V. Tytyk. – Perm state national research University, 2019. – p. 121. [in Russian] Ficery K, Herd T, Pursche B. Where has all the synergy gone? The M&A puzzle [Where has all the synergy gone? The M&A puzzle]. Journal of Business Strategy [Journal of Business Strategy], 2007, 28(5): p. 29– 35. Grant A. (2014) Give and take: Why helping others drives our success [Give and take: Why helping others drives our success]. Penguin [Penguin]. 320 p. Krishnan HA, Hitt MA, Park D. Acquisition premiums, subsequent workforce reductions, and post– acquisition performance. [Acquisition premiums, subsequent workforce reductions, and post– acquisition performance]. Journal of Management Studies [Journal of Management Studies], 2007, 44(5), p. 709– 732. Payne AF. Approaching Acquisitions Strategically [Approaching Acquisitions Strategically]. Journal of General management [Journal of General management], 1987, 13(2), p. 5– 27. Sirower M. (1997) The Synergy Trap: How Companies Lose the Acquisition Game [The Synergy Trap: How Companies Lose the Acquisition Game]. New York: The Free Press [New York: The Free Press]. 288 p. Weber Y., Tarba S.Y. and Öberg C. (2013). A comprehensive guide to mergers & acquisitions: Managing the critical success factors across every stage of the M&A process [A comprehensive guide to mergers & acquisitions: Managing the critical success factors across every stage of the M&A process]. FT Press [FT Press]. 221 p. Zadrazil N. The Crucial Role of Time in M&A Activities: An Inductive Exploration [The Crucial Role of Time in M&A Activities: An Inductive Exploration]. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing [Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing], 2017, 13(8), p. 350– 370. |
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Elena A. NikiforovaHead of the Laboratory for Vocational Orientation “Talents of the Future” of the Directorate for Vocational Guidance and Work with Gifted Students, Postgraduate Student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation E– mail: Scientific adviser: Leonid A. Zhigun, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Personnel Management and Psychology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Management, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia– 0002– 7751– 4144 E– mail: |
Current trends in the development of professional orientation projects in higher education institutionsAbstract Subject / Topic Career guidance for Russian youth is increasingly becoming an impossible task. This is connected not only with factors that are objectively independent of future specialists and are difficult to predict. In many ways, the problems of young participants in the labor market are caused by the lack of project management of career guidance at various levels of education, and the mismatch of the actions of its subjects. The article discusses the experience of organizing career guidance work in rating universities of Russia, and in the conclusion, directions and recommendations are formulated to increase the effectiveness of career guidance projects in the school– university model. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to analyze the level of implementation of vocational guidance for the future applicants in higher education institutions. Methodology The study uses general scientific methods: scientific continuity, comparison, observation, dialectical logic, epistemological, logical analysis and modeling. The object of the study is the process of career guidance of a general educational organization. Conclusion and Relevance The use of the presented knowledge allows to find competitive advantages of the universities. The introduction of the knowledge allows to make the management of the project approach at the university more modern, sustainable, and opens up various perspectives for the development of career guidance. Therefore, in order to achieve the level of rating criteria of international standards by the university, one of the requirements is the transition to project career guidance in the labor market. Keywords: project approach; professional orientation of the person; project; career guidance; control; University; professional self–determination.
References: Zalivansky, Samokhvalova (2014) – Zalivansky B.V., Samokhvalova E.V. Problems of organizing career guidance work at the university // Higher education in Russia. 2014. №7. URL:– organizatsii– proforientatsionnoy– raboty– v– universitete (accessed: 05/03/2019). [in Russian] Koltunova, Molotkova (2014) – Koltunova Y.I., Molotkova T.L. Features of professional self– determination of modern youth // Bulletin of the Surgut State Pedagogical University. 2014. №2 (29). URL:– professionalnogo– samoopredeleniya– sovremennoy– molodyozhi (accessed: 05/03/2019). [in Russian] Zhigun (2018) – Zhigun L.A. Methodological foundations of building a system of key performance indicators to stimulate participants of project activities in the executive bodies // Actual problems of economics and law. 2018. V. 12. № 4 (48). P. 775– 788. [in Russian] Nikiforova, Zhigun (2019) – Nikiforova E.A., Zhigun L.A. Management of professional orientation of an individual in the early stages of training and development // Economy. Business. Banks 2019.№7 (33). p. 104– 117. [in Russian] Kumpilova (2009) – Kumpilova B.A. The principles of improving the organizational structure of enterprise // Bulletin of the Adygea State University. Series 5: Economics. 2009. №1. URL:– sovershenstvovaniya– organizatsionnoy– struktury– predpriyatiya (accessed: 11/22/2018). [in Russian] Nikiforova, Zhigun (2019) – Nikiforova EA, Zhigun L.A. The organizational and managerial mechanism of vocational guidance in the early stages of life and human learning // Humanities. Bulletin of the University of Finance. 2019. Vol. 9. № 2 (38). p. 74– 80. [in Russian] Bubeneva (2009) – Bubeneva A.A. Problems of project management // Siberian Journal of Science and Technology. 2009; 1 (1): 131– 134. URL:– upravleniya– proektami (accessed: 12/04/2018). [in Russian] Guluk (2017) – Guluk N.V. The principles of successful project management // Business education in the knowledge economy. 2017. №(7). URL:– uspeshnogo– upravleniya– proektami (accessed: 03/31/2019). [in Russian] |
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Oleg I. LavrushinDoctor of economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Financial markets and banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation E– mail: Nataliya E. SokolinskayaPhD in Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Financial markets and banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation E– mail: |
On scientific work and research seminars in higher educationAbstract The article presents the problems and possible ways to solve them based on the results of discussions at the all– Russian scientific conference “University practice of conducting educational and scientific, research and scientific–methodological seminars in bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate courses and directions of their modernization”. Subject/Topic Analysis of trends in the development of the practice of conducting educational and scientific, research and scientific–methodological seminars in bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate courses and directions of their modernization Goals / Objectives To analyze the main areas of practice of conducting educational and scientific, research and scientific–methodological seminars in bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate courses and areas of their modernization and to predict their further development Methodology In the course of writing the article, the authors applied the methods of economic and statistical analysis used by the Financial University scientists, studied the latest legislative acts of the Ministry of Higher education, the Central Bank of Russia as a mega– regulator, and conducted a survey of banks on the requirements for university graduates. Conclusions and Relevance In order to strengthen the development of the practice of academic research and scientific– methodological seminars in bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate and modernization directions, it is necessary to discuss the emergence of new phenomena and innovations; to consider further analysis of the existing methodological developments with the aim of sharing good practices of universities. Keywords: educational and scientific, research and scientific–methodological seminars bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate, modernization.
References: Commentary on the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-ФЗ “On Education in the Russian Federation” [Kommentarij k Federal’nomu zakonu ot 29 dekabrya 2012 g. N 273-FZ “Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii”] Modern technology in the teaching of special disciplines: a collection of materials Intern. Scientific and methodological conf. “Smart-technologies in education: portrait of graduate 2020” [Sovremennye tekhnologii pri prepodavanii special’nyh disciplin: sbornik materialov Mezhdunar. nauchno-metodich. konf. “Smart-tekhnologii v obrazovanii: portret vypusknika 2020”] M.A. Abramova et al.; Financial University, Department of Financial Markets and Banks; under the editorship of N.E. Sokolinskaya [M.A. Abramova i dr.; Finuniversitet, Departament finansovyh rynkov i bankov] — Moscow: Rusyns [Moskva: Rusajns]. 2017. — 103 p. 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Information and analytical support for the sustainable development of the organization: intellectual and human capital [Informacionno-analiticheskoe obespechenie ustojchivogo razvitiya organizacii: intellektual’nyj i chelovecheskij kapital] International Journal: Economics. Business. Banks [Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal: Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2019.No 5 (31). S. 26-49. Sokolinskaya (2014) – Sokolinskaya N.E. Student Science Laboratory [Nauchnaya Studencheskaya Laboratoriya.] International Journal: The World of the New Economy [Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal: Mir novoj ekonomiki] 2014. No. 3. S. 122-130. Sokolinskaya (2014) – Sokolinskaya N.E. development of scientific research in the field of risk management and their implementation in the program of courses for masters [Razvitie nauchnyh issledovanij v oblasti risk-menedzhmenta i ih vnedrenie v programmu kursov dlya magistrov] International Journal: Economics. Business. Banks [Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal: Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2014. No. 2 (7). S. 119-126. Lavrushin, Sokolinskaya (2019) – Lavrushin O.I., Sokolinskaya N.E. Development of personnel potential of financial market institutions [Razvitie kadrovogo potenciala institutov finansovogo rynka]. Banking Journal [ZHurnal Bankovskoe delo] No. 7, 2019.p. 26-35 Markova (2019) – Markova O.M. The integration of universities and banks in the preparation of qualified personnel for the financial industry [Integraciya vuzov i bankov pri podgotovke kvalificirovannyh kadrov dlya finansovoj industrii]. Banking Journal, No. 7, 2019 p.35-39 Sokolinskaya (2019) – Sokolinskaya N.E. The role of banking innovation disciplines in the formation of competencies in the digitalization of banks [Rol’ bankovskih innovacionnyh disciplin v formirovanii kompetencij v usloviyah cifrovizacii bankov]. Banking Journal [ZHurnal Bankovskoe delo] No. 6, 2019.p. 49-53 Lavrushin (2019) – Lavrushin O.I. 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Darya A. Kosareva4d year student of the Financial markets faculty at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation. E– mail: Scientific adviser: Olga V. Zakharova, Master of Economics, Senior lecturer of the Department of Financial markets and banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation |
The structure of the loan portfolio of Russian banking sector: analysis and assessmentAbstract Subject/Topic Specific features of structure of the corporate loan portfolio of Russian banks Goals/Objectives To identify trends of the loan corporate portfolio in aspects of different economic sectors. To analyze the dynamics of the structure and find out the reasons of certain changes in the corporate portfolio. Debt volume in foreign currencies and volume of overdue debt are compared with sectors’ shares in loan portfolio Methodology The main research methods include statistical and analytical tools, theoretical analysis as well as a detailed review of theoretical and analytical articles and researches Conclusion and Relevance As a result of the study, the author assesses positive and negative trends of loan portfolio, define historical and current priorities of Russian banks. The author concludes that the structure of the loan portfolio of Russian banks has a fairly stable base of stably developing sectors of the Russian economy and does not indicate a pronounced raw material orientation of the Russian economy. Keywords: structure of loan portfolio, corporate portfolio, economic sectors, overdue debt, volume of debt in foreign currencies
References: Eranosyan (2017) – Eranosyan A. A. Peculiarities of the Russian corporate lending market [Osobennosti rossijskogo rynka korporativnogo kreditovaniya], Economics and innovations management, [Ekonomika i menedzhment innovacionnyh tekhnologij], 2017#3 [in Russian] Matisheva, Mirskaya (2015) – Matisheva V. V., Mirskaya S. Y. Analysis of sectoral diversification of credit portfolios of the largest banks in Russia [Analiz otraslevoj diversifikacii kreditnyh portfelej krupnejshih bankov Rossii], Engineering journal of Don, [Inzhenernyj vestnik Dona] 2015#4. Pp 23– 26. [in Russian] Shereuzheva (2018) – Shereuzheva M. A. Trends in the development of the banking sector of Russia [Tendencii razvitiya bankovskogo sektora Rossii], Economics: yesterday, today, tomorrow, [Ekonomika: vchera, segodnya, zavtra] 2018#9A. Pp262– 270. [in Russian] Nigmatullina (2019) – Nigmatullina O. O. The analysis of indicators of bank corporate crediting in Russia and the factors determining them [Analiz pokazatelej bankovskogo korporativnogo kreditovaniya v Rossii i faktory, ih opredelyayushchie], Economic research and development, [Ekonomicheskie issledovaniya i razrabotki] 2019#5. [in Russian] Bicheva, Burlutsky (2019) – Bicheva E. E., Burlutsky D. N. Analysis of lending to legal entities by commercial banks [Analiz kreditovaniya yuridicheskih lic kommercheskimi bankam], MODERN SCIENCE, 2019#11– 4. Pp 47– 50. [in Russian] New trajectories of development of the financial sector of Russia [Novye traektorii razvitiya finansovogo sektora Rossii] / Edited by M.A. Eskindarova, V.V. Maslennikova. – M .: Kogito– Center, 2019. Р. 367. [in Russian] |
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Ekaterina S. Artemievamaster’s student of Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University, Russia, economist of JSC “Russian space systems”, Moscow.
E–mail: |
Improving assessment and monitoring of innovation project management effectiveness at high– tech enterprisesAbstract Subject / Topic The model for assessing and monitoring the effectiveness of innovative process management in science– intensive enterprises and the corresponding system of indicators presented in the article were formed basing on a synthesis of best practices identified in the analysis of scientific literature and the proposals of interviewed experts. Goals / Objectives Generalization of the management practices of national high– tech enterprises has revealed the predominant use of traditional performance indicators at the company level when planning and monitoring the implementation of innovative projects. The main disadvantages in this case are the insufficient consideration of the time gap between the creation of the innovative potential of the company and the results of its use, as well as poor detail of the factors necessary for the operational management of innovative activities. This sets the tasks of developing and verifying the system of indicators to fill the existing gaps. Methodology The study is based on actual data of functioning national high– tech enterprises. The information processing was carried out by using the principles of a systematic and integrated approach. The tools include methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, methods of logical, morphological and semantic analysis. Conclusions and Relevance Dividing the process of management of innovative processes into a number of assessment areas and applying a balanced scorecard makes it possible to overcome the limitations inherent in traditional approaches. The formed system of indicators can be applied to both assessment and stimulation of innovative activity, which allows it to be used both for direct control and management of innovative processes. KEI can be considered as universal “LEGO blocks” for creating an assessment system for a specific high– tech enterprise, creatively adapting them in accordance with the specificity of the applied business model, innovative strategy, and established organizational culture. Keywords: high–tech enterprises, project management, performance assessment, monitoring, innovation activity.
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Dmitriy S. Gusevstudent of the Management Faculty of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 49 Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, 125993, Russia Scientific adviser: Rita Y. Stytsyuk, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Logistics and Marketing, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation |
The application of digital marketing instruments by modern companiesAbstract Subject / Topic Modern information and digital technologies pose new challenges to business, opening up at the same time new immense opportunities for it. Today it is already impossible to imagine a modern company that somehow does not use digital marketing tools, both in social networks and in the process of SEO optimization. In this regard, it is of interest to study the possibilities for companies to use digital marketing tools to increase their competitiveness in the market. Goals / Objectives The aim of the study is to systematize the theory and analysis of the use of various instruments and channels of digital marketing by companies, to determine the most effective and popular of them, and consider the attitude of modern consumers to certain channels. Methodology In the research process, the author has applied such research methods as: generalization, analysis and synthesis, statistical method, mathematical and others. Conclusion and Relevance It is concluded that the further development of both business and the economy as whole is impossible without the use of digital marketing technologies. This trend is forcing modern business to invest more and more in digital marketing tools, thereby increasing competitiveness in the market and consumer interest in such companies. Keywords: digital marketing, information technology, artificial intelligence, data analysis technology.
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