Economy Business Banks №11(37)
Evgeny V. SumarokovCandidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor, the Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: Philipp P. OrlovPostgraduate student, the Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Bitcoin processes: the computer network’s self-governing and cryptocurrency value formationAbstract Subject/Topic. The study focuses on the analysis of processes occurring under the influence of various participants in the Bitcoin computer network. The authors use both the theoretical concept of distributed database technology and the situations that arise in practice. Goals/Objectives. To determine whether the Bitcoin computer network and its analogues are self-governing systems and what factors influence the cryptocurrency value formation. Methodology. In the work was used the Elinor Ostrom’s Institutional Analysis and Development Framework as well as the methods of collecting facts, synthesis and analysis of information. Conclusion and Relevance. Computer networks based on distributed databases do not yet solve all problems with computer algorithms. The processes taking place inside of such networks are not as transparent as their theoretical concept suggests. Thus, the regulation and supervision by external organizations is necessary. Factors affecting the pricing of cryptocurrencies vary significantly from the factors affecting fiduciary money. These factors include: the cost of electricity and equipment, the complexity of the mining process, trading activity and the actions of programmers. Key words: Bitcoin, Blockchain, distributed databases, “trust” effect, self-governing system, cryptocurrency pricing, code base, Internet platform, investors, miners, mining pools, cryptocurrency regulation.
References: Halpern S. Bitcoin Mania // New York Review of Books – 2018. – P. 54. Tsarkova V.S. Prospects of development of block-chain technologies in Russian Federation // World financial system: past, present, future. – M.: Science technologies, 2018. – P. 126–130. Ostrom, E. Crafting Institutions; Self-Governing Irrigation Systems // San Francisco, CA: Institute for Contemporary Studies Press. – 1992. – PP. 67–79. Ostrom, E. Understanding Institutional Diversity // Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. – 2005. – P. 59, 259. Bitcoin Foundation [electronic resource] // Bitcoin Foundation официальный сайт. – 2019. – URL: (access date: 02.09.2019). Hughes, S.J., Middlebrook, S.T., Regulating Cryptocurrencies in the United States: Current Issues and Future Directions // William Mitchell Law Review. – 2014. – Vol. 40. – P. 813. Abramowicz, M. “Cryptocurrency-Based Law.” // Arizona Law Review – 2016 – Vol 58(359). – PP. 359–420. Decker, C., Wattenhofer, R. “Information Propagation in the Bitcoin Network.” // Thirteenth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing. – 2013. Gervais, A., Ghassan, O.K., Srdjan, C., Vedran C. “Is Bitcoin a Decentralized Currency?” // IEE Security & Privacy. – Vol 12 (3). – 2014. – PP. 54–60. Azouvi, S., Maller, M., Meiklejohn, S. 2018. “Egalitarian Society or Benevolent Dictatorship: The State of Cryptocurrency Governance.” // International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security FC 2018: Financial Cryptography and Data Security. – 2018. – PP 127-143. Evans, D.S. “Economic Aspects of Bitcoin and Other Decentralized Public-Ledger Currency Platforms.” // Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics, University of Chicago. – Vol. 685. – 2014. Saleh, F. Blockchain Without Waste: Proof-of-Stake // McGill University – Desautels Faculty of Management – 2019. Gruber, S. Exchanges the Next Virtual Havens for Money Laundering and Tax Evasion.” // Quinnipiac Law Review – Vol 32(1). – 2013. – PP. 135–208. Bohme, R., Christin, N., Edelman, B., and Moore, T. “Bitcoin: Economics, Technology, and Governance.” // Journal of Economic Perspectives – Vol 29(2). – 2015. – PP. 213–238. Irwin, N. “Should the Fed Create “FedCoin” to Rival Bitcoin?” // The New York Times. – 2018. Papadopoulos, G. “Expanding on Ceremonial Encapsulation: The Case of Financial Innovation.” // Journal of Economic Issues – Vol 49(1). – 2015. – PP. 127–142. Hughes, S.J., Middlebrook, S.T. “Advancing a Framework for Regulating Cryptocurrency Payments Intermediaries.” // Yale Journal on Regulation – Vol 32(2). – 2015 – PP. 495–559. Hughes, S.D. “Cryptocurrency Regulations and Enforcement in the U.S.” // Western State University Law Review – Vol 45(1). – 2017. – PP. 1–28. Tu, K.V. “Perfecting Bitcoin.” // Georgia Law Review – Vol 52(2). – 2018. – PP. 505–580. Liedel, D.A. “The Taxation of Bitcoin: How the IRS Views Cryptocurrencies.” // Drake Law Review – Vol 66 (1). – 2018. – PP. 107–145. |
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Alexander S. RodionovPhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Professor of the Department of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Director of Scientific and Information Consulting Center of safe life and work, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. President of Graduate School MВА «IntegraL» (Corporate University). E-mail: Lyudmila M. KupriyanovaCandidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, analysis and audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of Economics of intellectual property, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow E-mail: |
Risk-management of capitalization of intellectual capitalAbstract Subject / Topic. The article analyzes and critically assesses the roadmap for the transition from post-industrial to the information formation of socio-economic development. The relevance of the topic is associated with ultrafast (“with the speed of thought”) transformation of the basic foundations of civilization development. The senseless movement to the heights of scientific and technological progress (STP) without taking into account the environmental, social, cultural, political and spiritual consequences may lead to the global social and economic cataclysm in the coming years. Goals / Objectives. In accordance with the paradigm of one of the authors of the article, Professor Rodionov A.S., in the development of civilization, phenomenologically, one can single out the sequential (evolutionary) development of the three pyramids of vital resources: matter, energy and information. Each pyramid has a peak, which can be considered as the core (structure) of the corresponding material, energy and informational formation of socio-economic development. Considering the structures as the spheres of life, one can postulate a phenomenological epoche, that each subsequent structure, by analogy with the litho-, hydro-, and atmospheres of our planet, on the one hand, prevails over the “nested” spheres. But on the other hand, it largely depends on their circadian rhythms, which are not always amenable to prediction and evaluation. Industries 4.0 of the sixth technological order essentially confirm this interpenetration and interdependence. Methodology. Methods of divergent and convergent thinking, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, method of comparison and analogies, the theory of similarity, and phenomenological assessment of the drivers of civilization. Conclusions and Relevance. In the author’s paradigm, developing the ideas of O. Comte, physics gives knowledge of matter, chemistry of energy, and biology of information. Sociology, together with economics, ecology, and cultural studies, have sectors of responsibility for the welfare of civilization. Ecology in alliance with economics is responsible for life saving. Economics and sociology create the scientific basis for maintaining a decent standard of living. Sociology and cultural studies determine the all-Russian and national structures. Cultural studies and ecology monitor and set guidelines for maintaining the quality of life. The results are summarized in the form of the Rodionov pentahedron. The height from the point of intersection of the diagonals at the base of the pentahedron (ECOSocioculturology of life) to its top is a reflection of the role of political science in ensuring safe life at the next phase of the life cycle of an individual, society, civilization in the framework of the new technological structure and the era as a whole Keywords: risk management, digital economy, life safety, national priorities.
References: Rodionov, Kupriyanova (2019) – Rodionov A.S., Kupriyanova L.M. The risks of capitalization: scenario planning // Economy. Business. Banks. [Riski intellektualizatsii kapitala: stsenarnoe planirovanie //Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2019, No. 7 (33). p.19-37 Rodionov (2016) – Rodionov A.S. Economic security, environmental risks and quality of life // Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions. [Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost, ekologicheskie riski i kachestvo zhizni // Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemyi, resheniya.] 2016. Vol. 2 (56). No. 8. p.199-206 Rodionov (2019) – Rodionov A.S. Investments in safe life: preservation, level, lifestyle, quality. //Economy. Business. Banks [Investitsii v bezopasnuyu zhiznedeyatelnost: sohranenie, uroven, uklad, kachestvo. //Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2019, No. 3 (29). S.54-66 Bezdenezhnyih, Rodionov (2017) – Bezdenezhnyih V.M., Rodionov A.S. Proactive risk-based approach in scenario planning of business entities // Economy. Taxes. Law. [Proaktivnyiy risk-orientirovannyiy podhod v stsenarnom planirovanii deyatelnosti hozyaystvuyuschih sub’ektov // Ekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo]– 2017. – Volume 10, No. 6 (December). – p. 76 – 83. Einstein Albert The evolution of physics. – M.: AST Publishing House, 2018 – 320 p. 284 Marshall (1984) – Marshall A. Principles of political economy. tr. from English – M.: Progress, V. 1, 1983; V. 2, 1984; V. 3, 1984 Leontiev Vasily. Economic essays. Theory, research, facts and politics. tr. from English – M.: Politizdat, 1990. Osipov, Kara-Murza (2013) – Osipov G.V., Kara-Murza S.G. Knowledge society: transition to the innovative development of Russia [Obschestvo znaniya: perehod k innovatsionnomu razvitiyu Rossii.] M.: Book House “LIBROCOM”, 2013. – 368 p. (Future Russia.) P.55. Dolgin (2010) – Dolgin A. Manifesto of the new economy. The second invisible hand of the market [Manifest novoy ekonomiki. Vtoraya nevidimaya ruka ryinka] Alexander Dolgin. – M.: AST, 2010 – 224 p. S.27 Bykov (2019) – Bykov A.Y. The digital economy and the future of the gold standard. Essays on the history of the global digital economy [Tsifrovaya ekonomika i buduschee zolotogo standarta. Ocherki po istorii mirovoy tsifrovoy ekonomiki.] – M.: Prospect, 2019 – 228 p. 5, 8-9 Pentland Alex Social Physics. How big data helps us to follow and take privacy from us / A. Pentland – AST Publishing House, 2014 – 392 p. (Digital economy and digital future) Hobbes T. About the citizen // Hobbes Elect. Mfr. In 2 volumes T. T. 1. – M.: Thought, 1964. Ma Huaten et al. Digital Transformation of China. Experience in transforming the infrastructure of the national economy / Ma Huateng, Meng Zhaoli, Yang Delhi, Wang Huali; trans. with a whale. – M.: Intellectual Literature, 2019 – 250 p. 13 Piketty Thomas Capital in the XXI century. M.: Publisher: Ad Marginem (Ad Marginem) – 2015 – 592 p. 14 Dzarasov S.S. Where is Keynes calling Russia? – M.: Algorithm, 2012 – 304 p. 131 Popper Karl Raimund Objective knowledge: An evolutionary approach. tr. from English Ed. 3rd – M.: Editorial URSS, 2010 – 384 p. Gumilev L.N. The end and the beginning again: popular lectures on ethnology [Konets i vnov nachalo: populyarnyie lektsii po narodovedeniyu] – M.: Iris-press, 2012 – 384 p. The library of the “psi factor”. Psychology and society. Sociology and psychology of the masses, psychology of the crowd, mass effects. Electronic resource, 03/28/2008: [access date 10/14/19] Valiev R.M. Information mechanisms to improve the competitiveness of modern companies / under total. ed. Prof. Dr. Sc. Medvedeva V.P. – M .: Nauka-Inform LLC. – 2017 – 168 p.12 Shipov, Akimov (1997) – Shipov G., Akimov A. Physical vacuum and torsion fields. Videoconference “Science of Russia. A look into the future” / TO Rainbow, 1998); Shipov G.I. Theory of physical vacuum. – M.: Nauka, 1997 – 450 p. Moazed A. Platform: The practical application of the revolutionary business model / Alex Moazed, Nicholas Johnson; tr. from English – M .: Alpina Publisher, 2019 – 288 p. 12, 19,27,35,37,40,128. Srnichek N. Capitalization of platforms / trans. from English and scientific. Ed. M. Dobryakova: University “Higher School of Economics”. – M.: Publishing. House of the Higher School of Economics, 2019 – 128 p. – (Economic theory). p.7,30,31,35,75,76,79 Florida R. Creative class: people who change the future. M.: Classic – XXI, 2007. 421 p. Standing G. Prekariat: a new dangerous class. M.: Ad Marginem, 2014.328 p. Electronic resource, Gas. RBC 04.10.2019. Economists analyzed the well-being of middle-income Russians 04/10/2019/5d95e0b99a79470a6a29a042 [access date 10/14/2019] Dobrinskaya D.E., Martynenko T.S. Prospects for the Russian information society: levels of the digital divide. Bulletin of the RUDN University. Series: SOCIOLOGY. 2019 Vol. 19 No.1 108 – 120 Castells M. The Information Age: Economics, Society and Culture. M.: HSE, 2000 – 608 p. Rodionov, Kupriyanova (2019) – Rodionov A.S., Kupriyanova L.M. Free market economy as a necessary factor for the sustainable economic growth. Economy. Business. Banks. [Svobodnaya ryinochnaya ekonomika kak neobhodimyiy faktor dlya ustoychivogo ekonomicheskogo rosta. Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2019. No 8 (34). p. 28-43 Rodionov, Kupriyanova (2019) – Rodionov A.S., Kupriyanova L.M. Effective administration of risk management in the real time formation of the digital economy of Russia. Economy. Business. Banks. [Effektivnoe administrirovanie risk-menedzhmenta v rezhime realnogo vremeni stanovleniya tsifrovoy ekonomiki Rossii. Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2019.No 9 (35). p. 81-95 |
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Oleg U. Avisin Economics, Researcher of the Research Center for Monetary Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
E-mail Svetlana V. AkimenkoJunior Researcher of the Research Center for Monetary Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail |
To the question of the essence of money and credit, the mechanism of their interaction in the emission processAbstract Subject / Topic. The study of the essence of money and credit, their similarities and differences, as well as the mechanism of interaction of money and credit at theoretical and practical levels. Goals / Objectives. The work attempts to update the theoretical views on the credit nature of money and assess the impact of commercial banks and central bank on the process of issuing money in modern conditions. In the era of financial and banking crises, more detailed and comprehensive analysis of all the factors of influence of money and credit market participants on the formation of monetary policy is required. Methodology. includes general philosophical methods of cognition. The authors relied on the principles of systematic and integrated approach, used the methods of grouping, detailing, etc. Conclusion and Relevance. It is important to strike a balance between the need for the economy’s crediting by commercial banks in accordance with its requests and the task of regulating the structure, quality and completeness of its sources by the central bank, together with the degree of impact of lending on money emission. Keywords: money, credit, factors, money supply, non-cash money issue, commercial banks, central bank.
References: Finance, money, credit: textbook / team of authors [Finansyi, dengi, kredit: uchebnik] edited by M.A. Abramova, E.V. Markina. – Moscow: KnoRus, 2017. – 256 p. – ISBN 978-5-406-05545-8. Abramova, M.A. Discussion questions of the categorical characteristics of modern money and their reflection in the basic elements of the monetary system [Diskussionnyie voprosyi kategorialnoy harakteristiki sovremennyih deneg i ih otrazhenie v bazovyih elementah denezhnoy sistemyi] M.A. Abramova // Finance, Money, Investments. – 2013.– No. 2 (46). – p. 016-021. – ISSN: 2222-0917. Lavrushin, O.I. Evolution of the theory of credit and its use in the modern economy: monograph [Evolyutsiya teorii kredita i ego ispolzovanie v sovremennoy ekonomike: monografiya] O.I. Lavrushin. – Moscow: KNORUS, 2016.– 394 p. – ISBN 978-5-406-05108-5. Sabitov, N.K. The essence and nature of money in economic theory [Suschnost i priroda deneg v ekonomicheskoy teorii] N.K. Sabitov, F.G. Chistyakova // Finance and credit. – 2005. – No. 23 (191). – p. 9-19. – ISSN 2071-4688. Huerta de Soto, H. Austrian School of Economics: Market and Entrepreneurship = La Escuela Austriaca: mercado y creatividad empresarial [Avstriyskaya ekonomicheskaya shkola: ryinok i predprinimatelskoe tvorchestvo = La Escuela Austriaca: mercado y creatividad empresarial] Jesus Huerta de Soto. – Chelyabinsk: Socium, 2011. – 212 p. – ISBN 978-5-91603-044-0.
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Olga V. ZakharovaMaster of Economics, Senior lecturer of the Department of Financial markets and banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail: Ekaterina D. MyagotinaStudent of the Faculty of Financial Markets, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:
The development of long-term lending and project financing in the banking sphere of RussiaAbstract Subject / Topic. The article is devoted to the analysis of problems and prospects for the development of long-term lending and project financing in modern Russia. Goals / Objectives. The aim of the work is to study the features and directions of development of long-term lending and project financing in Russian banks. Methodology. The work provides a comparative analysis of long-term lending and project financing, the advantages and disadvantages of each type of provision of long-term resources by banks, and considers the development prospects of the analyzed banking products. Results. Based on the analysis, the authors draw conclusions about the development directions of long-term lending and project financing in the Russian banking sector. Conclusions and Relevance. As a result of studying the problem under consideration, the authors make suggestions for the improvement of the processes of long-term lending and project financing in Russian banks. Key words: long-term lending, project financing, commercial bank, escrow accounts.
References: Vernikov A.V. (2006) – Vernikov A.V. Long-term bank lending in Russia: what banks deal with it and why? [Dolgosrochnoye bankovskoye kreditovaniye v Rossii: kakiye banki im zanimayutsya i pochemu?]/ A.V. Vernikov, M.E. Mamonov // All-Russian Economic Journal [Vserossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal] – 2006 – No. 9 – p.135-150. Vernikov A.V. (2009) – Vernikov A.V. The share of state participation in the banking system of Russia [Dolya gosudarstvennogo uchastiya v bankovskoy sisteme Rossii] // Money and credit [Den’gi i kredit] – 2009. – No. 11. – p. 4-11. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 11, 2014 No. 1044 “On approval of the Support Program for investment projects implemented in the Russian Federation on the basis of project financing” [Ob utverzhdenii Programmy podderzhki investitsionnykh proyektov, realizuyemykh na territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii na osnove proyektnogo finansirovaniya] (as amended on February 21, 2015, November 1, 2016, 23 May 2017, February 1, 2018). Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2018 No. 158 “On the program “Factory of project financing” [O programme «Fabrika proyektnogo finansirovaniy]. Federal Law of July 1, 2018 No. 175-ФЗ “On Amending the Federal Law “On Participation in the Shared Construction of Apartment Buildings and Other Real Estate Objects and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation “and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation ” [Ob uchastii v dolevom stroitel’stve mnogokvartirnykh domov i inykh ob”yektov nedvizhimosti i o vnesenii izmeneniy v nekotoryye zakonodatel’nyye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii” i otdel’nyye zakonodatel’nyye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii] PFI Financial League Tables Q1 2019 [Electronic resource]. URL: chrome-extension: // oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm / http: // |
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Oleg D. AverchenkoPhD of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial markets, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. 36 Stremyanny per., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation.
E-mail: |
Directions for improving the financial mechanism of integrated interaction of the financial market participantsAbstract Subject/Topic. An important feature of the modern financial sector of economy is the tendency to integrate various segments of the financial market and the creation of unified national financial market. The functioning and development of the financial market is associated with ensuring the effective interaction of its participants. Goals/Objectives. The purpose of this article is to study the directions for improving the financial mechanism of integrated interaction of financial market participants. Methodology. In this work the financial mechanism of integrated interaction of financial market participants is determined using the methods of analysis, logical generalization, scientific abstraction, as well as system-structural analysis. Results. The work studies the market of integrated interaction of financial market participants at the present stage. The dynamics of transactions in the Russian market of mergers and acquisitions is presented. The factors affecting the Russian market of integrating interaction of financial market participants are identified. The approaches to determining the essential content of the concept of financial mechanism are systematized. Conclusions and Relevance. The work defines the essence of the content and concepts of the financial mechanism of integrated interaction of financial market participants. Elements of the financial mechanism of integrated interaction of financial market participants are highlighted, including financial resources, methods of support, tools, levers, incentives, regulatory support. The directions of improving the financial mechanism of integrated interaction of financial market participants are proposed. Keywords: integration, financial market, financial institutions, financial mechanism, integrated interaction
References: Statistics of mergers and acquisitions. Results of 2018 [Statistika sdelok sliyaniya i pogloscheniya. Itogi 2018 goda]: AK & M. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: Companies were merging and placing. Kommersant [Kompanii naslivalis i narazmeschalis. «Kommersant’»]. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: Official site of the Federal State Statistics Service [Ofitsialnyiy sayt Federalnoy sluzhboy gosudarstvennoy statistiki] [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: Balabanov (2001) – Balabanov I.T. Fundamentals of financial management. How to manage money? [Osnovyi finansovogo menedzhmenta. Kak upravlyat kapitalom?]- M.: Finance and Statistics [Finansyi i statistika], 2001. – 175 p. Sheremet (2009) – Sheremet A.D. Business finance [Finansyi predpriyatiy]. / A.D. Sheremet, R.S. Sayfulin. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009. – 343 p. Kovaleva (2000) – A. Kovaleva Finance [Finansyi]. / Ed. A.M. Kovaleva. – M.: Finance and Statistics [Finansyi i statistika], 2000. – 336 p. Volkova (2001) – Volkova O.I. Enterprise economy [Ekonomika predpriyatiya]. – M.: Infra-M, 2001. – 520 p. Kolgina (2004) – Kolgina N.V. Business finance [Finansyi predpriyatiy]. – M.: Unity-Dana, 2004. – 413 p. Bazarova (1985) – Bazarova G.V. The financial mechanism of industrial management [Finansovyiy mehanizm upravleniya promyishlennostyu] / G.V. Bazarova – M.: Finance and Statistics [Finansyi i statistika], 1985. – 269 p. Cossack (1991) – Cossack A.Y. The financial and credit mechanism for the development of the sphere of production. SPb.[Finansovo-kreditnyiy mehanizm razvitiya sferyi proizvodstva. SPb]: Publishing house LFEI [Izdatelstvo LFEI], 1991, – 144p. Balabanov (2000) – Balabanov A.I. Finance [Finansyi] / A.I. Balabanov, I.T. Balabanov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. – 192 p. Sheremet (2009) – Sheremet A.D. Finances of enterprises: management and analysis [Finansyi predpriyatiy: menedzhment i analiz] / A.D. Sheremet, A.F. Ionova. – M.: INFRA, 2009. – 479 p. |
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Sophia A. Mamontova4th year student of the Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, group SOC4-1, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
E-mail: |
Some aspects of intellectual property protectionAbstract Subject/Topic. Measures of intellectual property rights protection, especially the legal protection of intellectual property results and the reasons that hinder the creation of an effective and mutually beneficial legal field. The relevance of the research topic is connected with the development of informational technology and the simplification of the access to information by the means of the Internet. The object in this case is taken as the intellectual property. Goals/Objectives. To examine existing measures to protect intellectual property rights for the identification of imperfections and making suggestions for improvement of the existing system. Based on the goals and subject of the research, the following tasks were set: to identify what is meant by using the concept of “intellectual property”; to determine what legislative acts already exist in the Russian Federation to protect intellectual property rights; to analyze the statistics of the number of claims regarding intellectual property among all claims considered by the courts of the Russian Federation over the past year; to define directions for improving the system of protection of intellectual property rights in the Russian Federation. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research was the work of both Russian and foreign authors in the field of protection of intellectual property rights, as well as general scientific Internet resources on this subject. Conclusion and Relevance. Based on the analysis of legal acts, lawsuits and other administrative documents, it was concluded that the main problem of intellectual property rights protection is the inaccuracy of the legislation, which essentially blocks the possibility of creating conditions under which any result of intellectual activity will be protected. As a result, in the author’s opinion, the State Duma needs to revise the legislation, expanding it, and also to think over a system for monitoring the implementation of the law. The author also suggests to start a company to change public opinion; to instruct the media to think over social banners, videos that can influence the attitude of citizens to any result of intellectual property, in order to prevent such situation, when some works are valued highly and protected by all possible tools, while others are ignored and simply lost in the modern information space; for sociologists-researchers – to continue the study of this issue with the study of public opinion using a mass questionnaire survey and an expert survey to obtain more complete and high-quality data. Keywords: intellectual property protection, legal action, intellectual activity, the problem of protection of rights, the problem of protection.
References: Akhmedov G. A., Vainikainen E. A., Glazunov, K. D. and others Main trends in the development of intellectual property law in the modern world, including the new objects of intellectual property rights and global security. – M.: JSC “Russian venture company”, 2017. P. 149-150, Gavrilov E. P. Intellectual property rights in the new Civil code of the Russian Federation // State and law. 1995. N 11. P. 63-64. Dozortsev V.A. The concept and system of exclusive rights. A new era in the protection of exclusive rights / / Intellectual property rights. Concept. System. Codification tasks: Coll. of articles. M.: Statute, 2003. P. 59. Mukhina M. G. Evolution of views on the role and place of man in labor activity / M. G. Mukhina // Modern problems of science and education– 2013. -№6. Muhopad V.I. Commercialization of intellectual property. – M.: Master: INFRA=M, 2010. P. 374. Pilenko A. Privileges on inventions and their protection in Russian and international law. Vol.1. SPb.: M. M. Stasyulevich’s Printing House, 1902. P. 345. Potekhina N. V. The role of human capital in the economic growth / N. V. Potekhina // Bulletin of Tomsk state University -2007. – 207-208 p. Civil Code of The Russian Federation. Part one: Federal law No. 51-FZ of 30.11.1994 // Coll. Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1994. No. 32. art. 3301. World Declaration on intellectual property of June 26, 2000 // Intellectual property. – №4. – 2002. Indicators of the digital economy in 2018. HSE statistical collections [Electronic Resource]. – URL: (access date: 20.04.2019) Report on the work of the Court on intellectual rights [Electronic resource]. – URL: (date accessed: 20.04.2019) [Electronic resource]. – URL: (accessed: 20.04.2019) The role of information in modern society [Electronic resource]. – URL: Https://информатика-1-курс/лекции/роль-информации-в-современном – society/ (date of access: 20.04.2019) ICC Russia (International Chamber of Commerce) – international chamber of Commerce [Electronic resource]. – URL: (date of access: 20.04.2019) |
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D. NikolishviliStudent of the Faculty of International Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, gr. ME4-7, Moscow/
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Development features of the international automobile marketAbstract Subject/Topic. Development features of the international automobile market. Goals/Objectives. Analysis of foreign passenger car markets such as: American, European and Japanese; Study of general global directions of the market; Analysis of prospects for improvement of international automobile manufacturing. Methodology. The study of various problems of improvement of the international market in the context of the totality of the international financial market provokes scientific and fundamental interest, emphasizing the increasing role of the automobile construction sphere for the economic activity of our State and strengthening the competitiveness in the international market. The purpose of this scientific article is to study the international market. In this regard, total analysis of trading means and basic trends in the development of international and national car markets of passenger cars is of great importance. Conclusions and Relevance. In conclusion, it is necessary to highlight the main points of this scientific project. At the beginning of 2016, the processes of dividing the world into the most influential automobile regions were almost over. Thus, the latest directions of the automobile industry are clearly planned – the latest markets of sale and production arise, certain automobile giants are already losing their own position. The international market of passenger cars in this period is represented by a certain number of firms. A couple of years ago, 70% of the world market was controlled by a dozen firms, and at the moment 5 leaders remain the main ones. In addition, the main conclusion is that under the impact of the main international car companies automobile production is intensively developing. Keywords: international automobile production, transport activities, automobile market development.
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Gadzhimurad M. Abdulaevthe MBA student of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
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The problem of protection of intellectual rights to the objects of Russian military equipmentAbstract Subject / Topic. The study is aimed at studying the main problems associated with the protection of the results of intellectual activity in the military-industrial sector, as well as assessing the relevance of this problem in the Russian and international practice. Goals / Objectives. To identify problems in the field of protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity, to develop the methods to improve the quality of protection of these rights, as well as to analyze statistical data according to the state registry. Methodology. In the research process, the following methods were applied: theoretical analysis, trend analysis, a review of scientific historical and scientific literature, as well as the analysis of statistical data. Conclusions and Relevance. In the course of the study, the main problems of protection of the rights to the results of intellectual activity in the field of military equipment and technologies were identified, and the methods for protecting these rights were developed in order to prevent their further copying, the main indicators characterizing the relevance of this problem to date were analyzed. Keywords: results of intellectual activity, military-industrial sector, military equipment, weapons, problem, protection, rights, copying.
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Angelina V. Vlasova3rd year student of the Faculty of Sociology and political science, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia. E-mail: |
Methods for assessing the results of intellectual activityAbstract Subject / Topic. The article is devoted to the problem of assessing the results of intellectual activity; the problem lies in the social contradiction between the owners of the intellectual property (copyright holders) and the users of the results of such activities. Goals / Objectives. To study different methods and systematize approaches to the assessment of intellectual activity. Tasks: to study different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “result of intellectual activity”, to consider the procedure for evaluating the results of intellectual activity, to analyze the list of basic methods used to evaluate the results of intellectual activity. Methodology. The analysis of approaches and methods for assessing the results of intellectual activity. Conclusions and Relevance. Economic approaches stipulated by the law allow to evaluate the results of intellectual property. Based on the list of existing methods, a comparative model of approaches and methods for assessing the results of intellectual activity was compiled. Recommendations: it is necessary to develop a unified system of criteria for evaluating the results of intellectual activity; criteria characterizing the effects of the application of the results of intellectual activity should be considered in terms of the contribution of the results of intellectual activity to the economic / commercial attractiveness of the final product; to identify the possibilities and limitations to the use of a particular method of evaluating the results of intellectual activity. Keywords: intellectual activity, evaluation methods, copyright, right holder, RIA
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