Economy Business Banks № 4 (70)





Igor A. Filkevich

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, leading specialist of the Higher School of Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, Moscow, Russia.


Jianfei Zhang

PhD student of the Department of Economic Theory and Management at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia.


Priorities of energy cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union


Subject/Topic This article is devoted to the study of changes in the vector of development of energy cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Cooperation in favor of expanding the practice of using renewable energy resources. The subject of the study is the system of economic relations arising in the process of interaction between the EAEU member states within the framework of the development of the energy sector.

Goals/objectives The purpose of the work is to substantiate the recommendations of a phased transformation of energy cooperation between the EAEU member states in the context of changes in the modern energy market. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the article: an assessment of the prospects for the development of the renewable energy market within the EAEU was carried out; recommendations were developed for the development of the oil and gas industry based on deepening economic cooperation between the EAEU member states; prospects for the formation of a common oil and gas market of the Eurasian Economic Union were assessed.

Methodology The methods of induction, diagnosis, comparison, analysis and synthesis, a systematic approach and logical generalization were used in the study of the prospects for further development of the Eurasian energy transformation.

Conclusion and relevance As a result of the conducted research, the trends leading to the strengthening of forms of energy cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union against the background of a general increase in geo-economic uncertainty in the global economy are identified. It is concluded that the expansion of the energy integration of the EAEU member states creates opportunities for the dynamic development of the industry in the Eurasian space in the medium and long term.

Keywords: energy cooperation, Eurasian Economic Union, global climate agenda, new technological structure, oil and gas industry.


Filkevich (2006) – Filkevich I.A. The New Era. Globalization and Russia: history, realities, prospects: a monograph. [Novaya era. Globalizaciya i Rossiya: istoriya, realii, perspektivy: monografiya]. Moscow: MGIPK and PK Publishing House, 2006. – 303 p.

Modern trends and trends in economic development: a monograph. [Sovremenny`e napravleniya i tendencii razvitiya e`konomiki: monografiya.] – M.: PERO, 2022 – 362s.

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Economics and politics of post-socialist states: the experience of transformation: a monograph. [E`konomika i politika postsocialisticheskix gosudarstv: opy`t transformacii: monografiya] Volume 2 – Moscow: Veche, 2017 – 520 p.

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Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics of Intellectual Property, Associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Svetlana B. Varlamova

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Russian financial and banking sector in the process of overcoming sanctions challenges


Subject/topic A significant tightening of sanctions pressure on the Russian economy with the beginning of the CWO was expressed in the introduction of a number of prohibitions and restrictions on the export to the Russian Federation of a number of products and goods important for industrial production and the population, a ban on the continuation of the activities of joint ventures and other types of partnerships, which, in the context of many years of orientation the Russian economy to the international division of labor, led to disruptions and stoppages of the majority of Russian enterprises, and the emergence of a rather acute shortage in the retail market. The sanctions also put the financial sector of the Russian Federation in difficult conditions: the cessation of international transactions with foreign currency, restrictions on the use of SWIFT system services, the freezing of bank accounts in foreign banks and Russian financial assets, including funds of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation placed abroad, etc.All this led to a drop in production, a deterioration in most macroeconomic indicators at the end of 2022, and the development of an inflationary process in the Russian economy. However, already in 2023, the main burden of the negative impact of sanctions on the Russian economy was overcome, and the overall results of 2023 show positive results and pronounced dynamics of further growth of the Russian economy.

Goals/tasks Purpose of the study: to analyze the results of the negative impact of economic sanctions on the Russian banking system and financial market, as well as the effectiveness of government measures to protect the Russian economy by regulating and supporting the financial sector in overcoming the negative impact of economic sanctions. The task has been set to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of support measures and positive trends in overcoming the crisis provoked by economic sancti.

Methodology Comprehensive modeling of the process of the negative impact of economic sanctions on the financial and banking sector of the Russian economy, methods of analysis, comparison and generalization in the study of financial results and the impact of government support measures on them, based on induction and deduction method.

Conclusions. Result/practical significance Important measures to accelerate the recovery of the Russian economy from the crisis provoked by tightening economic sanctions were the development of a state import substitution program and reorientation to the commodity and financial markets of friendly countries. Effective measures to support the Russian economy and achieve positive results in 2023 were the use of part of the national financial reserves, and in the financial and banking sector of the Russian Federation – timely adjustment of the value of the key stack in curbing the development of the inflation proce.

Keywords: economic sanctions, restrictions and bans on exports to Russia, inflation, decline in production, import substitution, financial state reserves, key rate, adjustment of the key rate, growth trends.


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Dmitriy. V. Varlamov

Applicant at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Money and cryptorevolution


Subject/topic The wide dissemination of modern information technologies has brought into the financial sphere the need to clarify some concepts and terms formulated almost a century and a half ago during the period of rapid development of commodity production and commodity exchange operations. The gradual strengthening of the role of money in the lives of both individuals and society as a whole has determined the need to rethink the nature of money, its essence. In modern economic science, there are three debatable questions (competing meanings of the concept), while none of the approaches gives a comprehensive answer to the questions “what is the essence of money”, “what is the nature of money”, therefore the subject of the study is money and its nature, the topic – money in modern information technology society.

Goals/tasks The purpose of the study: an attempt to rethink the concept of “the essence of money” in the context of informatization of the economy and public consciousness, to search for an approach that can offer an unambiguous interpretation of any of the diverse situations of the functioning of money in society with any type of economic relations, to formulate an appropriate definition.

Methodology Complex modeling of processes in the monetary and financial sphere in the conditions of the modern information revolution and digitalization of the economy; analysis, comparison and generalization of the opinions of various scientists and scientific schools on the problems of studying the nature of money, definition of basic and auxiliary concepts.

Conclusions. Result/practical significance The following definition of the essence of money as an economic category is substantiated and proposed: “Money is basic liquidity, existing in the form of a socially recognized system of signs issued by the state and institutions authorized by it, and accepted as payment for legal (primarily mandatory) payments”

Keywords: crypto assets, cryptocurrency, money, digital money, benefit, liquidity, basic liquidity, information essence of money, digitalization, electronic cash cryptocurrencies.


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Alexander S. Rodionov

PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Professor of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Big Data Analysis, Director of the Analytical Center for Scientific and Information Consulting in the Field safe life and work, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation, President of Graduate School MВА «IntegraL» (Corporate University).


Education as a doctrine of paradoxicity


Subject / Topic The study is aimed at developing innovative values of the sixth technological paradigm of Industry 4.0. The paradoxical nature (divergence) of declared and realized goals in the economy is shown. A GAP analysis of the “gap” between reality and planned (desired) results was carried out. The new (old) educational paradigm has been updated according to the “Factory – Higher Technical School” system, when training is inextricably linked with the real production of material and intangible goods within the framework of multi-universities being created.

Goals / Objectives. Based on system analysis, propose a proactive risk-oriented approach to overcoming “flutter” – self-oscillations that destroy infrastructure and society, against the background of the dynamic instability of the state-civilization when changing the technological way of life

Methodology The author’s paradigm of normal life, phenomenological analysis, synergetics, paradoxical resolution, infographics, expert assessment method, matrix approach, scenario forecasting

Conclusions and Relevance. Within the framework of a risk-oriented approach to the analysis of “supply and demand” of training, including moral education, representatives of the creative class in countries around the world, key trends in the digitalization of the life of business entities and the population as a whole are being formed in the new technological order (TS). Economic, environmental, social and cultural risks for humanity are identified as a consequence of underestimating the necessary condition for the “peaceful” transformation of society into a new technical system – the key contribution of the actors of universal lifelong education.

Keywords: author’s paradigm of normal life, economics of digital platforms, social Darwinism, digital migrants.


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Taliya Kh. Usmanova

Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Additional Education “Tatar Academy of Innovative Economy Management”, Deputy Director for Science.


Liliуa I. Кhayrullina

Assistant, Department of Management Accounting and Controlling, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University.


Scientific and innovative development of projects in modern conditions


Subject/topic. Large-scale creation of innovative projects for deep processing of agricultural raw materials is one of the main directions of solving issues of national and food security of the Russian Federation and the development of an innovation system in the industry

Goals/objectives: the article presents the features and methods of forming an innovative project in modern conditions

The research methodology is based on the methods of comparative analysis, expert assessments, as well as business modeling.

Result/practical significance: the methodology for the formation of an innovative project for the production of plant polymers is substantiated. The recommendations given in the article are aimed at achieving effective and sustainable development of the domestic agro-industrial complex (AIC) to enter competitive international markets. The result of the work: the application of methodological recommendations and an algorithm for making managerial decisions in the formation of an innovative project creates an objective platform for comparing existing problem solutions within the framework of systemic managerial and organizational decisions, as well as in the context of a gap in planning, financing the results of fundamental and applied science with innovative projects for the production of plant polymers.

Keywords: innovation project, standards, scientific and technological development, methodology, agro-industrial complex, transnational corporations.


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Roman S. Gusev

Master’s student of the Department of Audit, Accounting and Finance of Novosibirsk State Technical University.


Mikhail K. Chernyakov

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Audit, Accounting and Finance Department of Novosibirsk State Technical University,


The quality of corporate governance in assessing the investment attractiveness of a public company


Subject/topic Sustainable development of the company is impossible without a sufficient level of financing. The expenditure of funds may be related to the implementation of capital investments in order to enter new markets, renovation of outdated equipment and other reasons. It is the level of investment attractiveness of the company that determines the availability of financing both in terms of volumes and in terms of the cost of borrowed resources. Corporate governance is the most important factor affecting the attractiveness of a company for investment. The low level of development of this factor creates limitations with the involvement of resources. That is why the company’s strategy should include tasks to improve the level of corporate governance. The article presents the results of a review of research in the field of corporate governance, the author’s methodology and a system of criteria for assessing the quality of corporate governance of the company were also proposed.

Goals/tasks To propose a methodology for a comprehensive assessing the quality of corporate governance. As well as the formation of a system of criteria, the use of which within the framework of existing methods of comprehensive assessment will allow us to give a full-fledged description of the level of corporate governance of the company, taking into account the interests of various types of investors and the proposed instruments for attracting financing.

Methodology The research is based on the use of the method of monographic research, analysis and synthesis. The article provides an overview of research in the field of corporate governance, discusses the main methods of assessing this factor, and also suggests the author’s methodology and a system of criteria characterizing the quality of corporate governance of the company for various types of investors.

Results The methodology, which is based on the benchmarking method and a comprehensive system of criteria, will allow enterprises to assess the level of their corporate governance, taking into account the interests of capital suppliers. The need for such an assessment is necessary for the successful implementation of the goal of attracting the necessary level of funding.

Conclusions For a more effective assessment of such an important factor of a company’s investment attractiveness as the quality of corporate governance, further research in this area is needed. In particular, the issue of choosing optimal criteria is particularly relevant, the solution of which is possible through the use of econometric methods.

Keywords: corporate governance, management quality, non-financial reporting, information disclosure, investment attractiveness.


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Oksana V. Nazarenko

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Accounting, S.Y. Witte Moscow University, Russia.


Vladimir V. Arefyev

Master’s student of the Department of Finance and Credit, S.Y. Witte Moscow University, Moscow. An employee of GEA PHARM Technologies RUS LLC


Strategic financial planning of the corporation


Subject/topic Financial and economic relations regarding the formation and implementation of a strategic long-term financial policy aimed at solving the strategic goals of Danone Russia Corporation and its competitors.

Goals/objectives To identify areas for improving the strategic financial planning system in corporations; to assess the economic effectiveness of the implementation of the improvement mechanism.

The research methodology Conducting horizontal and vertical analysis of the balance sheet of the organizations under consideration, SWOT analysis, analysis of accounting statements, criteria for application of relative importance coefficients (RIC)

Result/practical significance the application of the proposed methodology will allow the most accurate assessment of the importance of individual goals of the organization for its structural units, to identify the degree of importance of their achievement for specific job units, to develop a more adequate incentive system for employees to achieve the general goals of the enterprise and the implementation of its strategy.

Keywords: financial planning, corporation, the market position of an organization in the industry, strategy, economic value added (EVA) and market value (MVA), criteria for application of relative importance coefficients (RIC).


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