Economy Business Banks №3(69)





Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics of Intellectual Property, Associate professor of the Department of Business-Intelligence-Abteilung at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Commercialization of high-tech technologies: problems and prospects


Subject/ Topic The growth and stability of the country’s leading enterprises depend on the efficiency of their use of advanced technology and resources. The majority of implemented new scientific inventions are the objects of intellectual property (IP). Commercialization of high technologies is the process of movement of innovative products from the creators to the consumers.

Goals / Objectives Investigation of the ways of transformation of intellectual property object into a commodity and its implementation in the production process in order to obtain commercial results; systems of monitoring and evaluation of introduced results of intellectual activity (RIA) in industrial environment  of innovation activity as an obligatory commercial use of high technology.

Methodology Analysis of practice of high technologies commercialization and active implementation of technological capital of enterprise, as a component of intellectual capital; method of commercialization of products of innovation activity as its use, bringing the company maximum profit and sustainable position in the market.

Conclusion and Relevance The main problems of management and commercialization of RIA and methods of effective management of intellectual property transfer were defined. Innovatively active companies focus not only on the achievements in the sphere of production, but also on icreasing of innovative capital. Increase of efficiency of domestic companies activity under the current market conditions directly depends on the company’s strategy of the development through the implementation of innovative reforms, constant updating of the range of products and services, the introduction of new technological processes. A perspective direction is the creation and active promotion of high technologies to the market.

Keywords: commercialization, high technologies, transfer, innovation, investment, intellectual property, intellectual capital, profit, profitability, franchising, leasing, engineering, industrial cooperation, expertise.


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Ekaterina V. Zakharevich

Graduate student at the Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Specificity of Canada's modern policy on the exploration and development of its arctic territories


Subject/topic Sovereignty over the Arctic lands has become a key national priority for the Canadian government in the 21st century, when the Arctic has become one of the global centers of numerous geopolitical and economic interests. As the second largest state in the Arctic, Canada strives to create and implement a national Arctic strategy that would take into account the interests of the indigenous people, environmental vulnerability and economic potential of the North and would create better conditions for the sustainable socio-economic development of the region and the country as a whole.

Goals/objectives To characterize the modern Canadian Arctic strategy by analyzing the main priorities and objectives of Canada for the exploration and development of its northern territories. Highlight the main features.

Results/findings Since the mid-1990s and the creation of the Arctic Council, Canada has been tasked with creating and developing the country’s modern Arctic policy while simultaneously protecting national interests and expanding international cooperation in the region. The process of constantly increasing the range of issues covered in strategic documents, being constantly updated, indicates an integrated approach to covering the problems of the North and the participation of indigenous peoples and northerners in this process. The desire for such a progressive development of the strategy of the Canadian North is determined by the goal of preserving Canadian sovereignty in the region by creating conditions for increasing the level of economic activity, ensuring employment, increasing social well-being and environmental sustainability of the region.

Keywords: Arctic state, Arctic, Canadian Arctic policy, Canadian Arctic strategy, Canadian North, Canadian priorities in the Arctic, international cooperation in the Arctic.


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Anton V. Grebelny

IT Director at “JTI Russia”; Russian New University, Institute of Management, Economics and Finance; Moscow.


Dmitriy Yu. Popov

Sales analyst at United credit burean; Russian New University, Institute of Management, Economics and Finance; Moscow.


Supplier selection methods: theoretical aspect


Subject/ Topic The article provides the results of analysis of methods for selecting suppliers of economic resources, which are most often found in academic literature and are used in the practice of Russian companies.

Objectives The main objective of the study is an examination of the theoretical aspects of the choice of sources of supply, as well as the factors that have the greatest influence on this choice, further application of suppliers’ selection methods. Additional objectives of this study are: 1) examination of the features of such supplier selection methods as the rating method, the cost method, the method of dominant characteristics, the method of preferences and the method of hierarchies; 2) determination of the pros and cons of these methods; 3) an identification of possible directions for modernizing supplier selection methods in order to improve the quality of supplier selection in the current economic realities.

Methodology The study was conducted using the methods of analysis, classification and generalization.

Conclusions and Relevance The study substantiates the importance and necessity of assessing suppliers of economic resources in the current economic realities, and provides a comparative description of the most common methods in the practice of Russian enterprises of choosing sources of supply. The main conclusion of the study is that the most commonly used supplier selection methods in Russia are mainly based on the use of rating scales, in the construction of which, due to the peculiarities of the applied assessment methods, priority is given to expert, i. e. subjective evaluation. Undoubtedly, this does not allow us to consider the methods of rating assessments, as well as other supplier selection methods based on ratings (and other forms of ranking suppliers) as unified approach for selecting suppliers of economic resources. The authors substantiated and proposed an alternative approach which is based on the usage of mathematical evaluation methods, such as a decision tree, machine learning, ABC analysis in order to assess the reliability of the suppliers and choose the most reliable supplier of economic resources.

Keywords: logistics, interaction with suppliers, suppliers’ selection and evaluation methods, procurement organization.


Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2022 No. 166 “On measures to ensure the technological independence and security of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation” [Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federatsii ot 30.03.2022 № 166 «O merakh po obespecheniyu tekhnologicheskoj nezavisimosti i bezopasnosti kriticheskoj informatsionnoj infrastruktury Rossijskoj Federatsii»].

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Artemii O. Babanin

Research assistant, Institute of Management Research and Consulting Faculty “Higher School of Management” at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


The influence of scientific activity on students' academic performance on the example of the analysis of the 4CS approach


Subject/topic The article examines the main hypotheses of the influence of scientific activity on the development of STEM skills of modern students, as well as the direct and indirect effects of their influence on the academic performance of students.

Goals/objectives The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of scientific activity of modern students on their academic performance, as well as to determine their propensity to develop STEM skills through scientific activity.

Methodology During the research, such methods as reduction and induction approaches, situational analysis, as well as predictive modeling using exploratory factor analysis were used.

Results/conclusions The author has constructed a significant model reflecting the relationship between academic performance and the development of STEM skills, as well as investigated the mechanisms of their mutual influence.

Keywords: science, education, academic performance, students, personal development of students.


Alekseenko, Gaivoronskaya, Drobot (2020) – Alekseenko S.N., Gaivoronskaya T.V., Drobot N.N. – Analysis of factors affecting the academic performance of medical university students // Modern problems of science and education. [Analiz faktorov, vliyayushchih na uspevaemost’ studentov medicinskogo vuza] – 2020. – No. 6. – pp. 48-48.

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Labyntseva (2011) – Labyntseva I.S. Student learning activity: the relationship of objective and subjective components [Uchebnaya aktivnost’ studentov: vzaimosvyaz’ ob”ektivnyh i sub”ektivnyh komponentov] // Proceedings of the Southern Federal University. Technical sciences. – 2011. – Vol. 123. – No. 10. – pp. 239-246.

Semenova (2016) – Semenova T.V. The influence of educational motivation on students’ academic performance [Vliyanie uchebnoj motivacii na uspevaemost’ studentov: rol’ uchebnoj aktivnosti]: the role of educational activity //Higher education in Russia. – 2016. – No. 7. – pp. 25-37.

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Arsenij R. Danilevich

3rd year student of the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, study group IE&IB21-7.


Ivan A. Fedotov

3rd year student of the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, study group IF21-5.


Import substitution in the sector of russian agriculture: analysis and prospects


Subject/Topic Challenges in the agricultural sector in the Russian Federation due to the sanctions imposed on imports and exports necessary for the effective functioning of the sector.

Aims/Objectives To analyse the situation of the sector at the time of publication of the article, to investigate possible prospects and dangers, to provide an accurate summary of the available data to facilitate work on further resolution of the current challenges.

Methodology In the process of methodology and writing the article the following methods were used: method of analysis, method of synthesis, method of comparison, method of grouping, method of evaluation, method of logical thinking, – and others.

Conclusions The available data were analysed, leading to a corresponding conclusion. In the increasingly difficult situation with the countries of the West, as well as taking into account the currently imposed sanctions, Russia still has a wide potential to stabilise the situation of the agricultural sector and to further develop it. It is worth paying special attention both to increase the quantity and quality of innovations in the relevant area, and to consider friendly African countries as possible markets for the products produced.

Keywords: agricultural economy, import substitution, sanctions, agricultural innovations.


Astafieva, Astafiev (2017) – Astafieva O.V., Astafiev E.V. Issues of food security to maintain sustainable development of the country [Voprosy obespecheniya prodovol’stvennoj bezopasnosti dlya podderzhaniya ustojchivogo razvitiya strany]. Economics. Business. Banks. 2017. № 4 (21). р. 39-50.

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Rykova, Shkodinsky, Yurieva (2019) – Rykova I.N., Shkodinsky S.V., Yurieva A.A. Reduction of Federal Budget Risks in the Implementation of Federal Projects in Agriculture [Snizhenie riskov Federal’nogo byudzheta pri realizacii federal’nyh proektov v sel’skom hozyajstve]. Economics. Business. Banks. 2019. № 6 (32). р. 74-88.

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Yulia А. Chagina

Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Moscow, Russia. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia.


Ways of disposal of intellectual rights to the results of intellectual activity


Subject/Topic This article is devoted to the study of ways to dispose of intellectual rights to the results of intellectual activity. The study of the concept of intellectual activity, areas of its application, as well as the study of the ways of disposition of intellectual rights includes understanding how these rights can be transferred or used.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of this article is to analyze and systematize information on the ways of disposition of intellectual rights to the results of intellectual activity. This means structuring and organizing the data obtained in order to better understand how these rights can be used and transferred in different contexts.

Methodology To achieve the above goal, the methodology used includes the study of the legislative norms regulating the use and transfer of intellectual rights on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Results As a result of the study, the main ways of disposing of intellectual rights and the areas of their application are identified, the main meaning of intellectual activity is considered and the importance of intellectual property rights is confirmed. This study has led to a consideration of how intellectual rights can be transferred or licensed and where they can be applied in practice. The significance of intellectual activity and the importance of intellectual property rights in today’s economy and society has also been given important attention.

Conclusions Based on the findings, it can be concluded that it is important to choose the right way to dispose of intellectual rights in order to successfully commercialize the results of intellectual activity. This emphasizes the need for a reasonable and effective approach to managing intellectual resources in order to maximize value and benefit.

Thus, this article is a comprehensive study that covers various aspects of the disposal of intellectual rights and also identifies their importance and role in modern business and economy.

Keywords: the concept of intellectual property rights, the scope of intellectual activity, the ways of disposing of intellectual rights, the importance of the application of intellectual rights.


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