Economy Business Banks № 2 (68)





Sergey F. Ostapyuk

Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Institute of Science Development Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

E-mail: S.

Vyacheslav P. Fetisov

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Institute of Science Development Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Ilya S. Ostapyuk

Full-time post-graduate student of the Russian State Social University.


On improving the model of public administration in the field of science, technology and innovation


Subject/topic Regulatory framework for the formation of a coherent architecture of public administration of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities.

Goals / objectives To formulate the problems and reasons that determine the need to improve the model of public administration of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities; to make changes to this model aimed at mastering the achievements of science in the real sector of the economy, improving the intersectoral coordination of management subjects, and forming the country’s technological sovereignty.

Methodology Analysis of the regulatory and legal support of public administration; systematic approach, analysis and synthesis; interdisciplinary analysis, logical generalization, forecasting methodology.

Results/conclusions The key problems and reasons emphasizing the need to improve the model of public administration of scientific and scientific-technical activities in the context of the transformation of the Russian economy and solving the problems of ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country are formulated. It is shown, that in order to implement the target scenario of the “Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia”, it is necessary to make changes to the structure and functions of executive bodies that manage scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities. Such changes include a proposal to form a single state interdepartmental center for managing scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities in the structure of the Government of the Russian Federation in order to ensure the development of scientific achievements in the real sector of the economy, intersectoral coordination of the activities of management subjects, and technological sovereignty of the country. The tasks, powers, rights of the specified authority, its relations with the current subjects of management and other participants in solving the problems of scientific and technological development are formulated.

Keywords: experience of public administration, scientific, technical and technological activities, development priorities, technological sovereignty, introduction of scientific and technological achievements.


Onishchenko, Kablov, Ivanov (2020) – Onishchenko G.G., Kablov E.N., Ivanov V.V. Scientific and Technological Development of Russia in the Context of Achieving National Goals: Problems and Solutions [Nauchno-tekhnologicheskoe razvitie Rossii v kontekste dostizheniya nacional’nyh celej: problemy i resheniya.] INNOVATIONS [INNOVACII] №. 6 (260) 2020. P.3 -16.

Ostapyuk, Fetisov (2022) – Ostapyuk S.F., Fetisov V.P. Strategic management of scientific and scientific-technical activities: problems and solutions [Strategicheskoe upravlenie nauchnoj i nauchno-tekhnicheskoj deyatel’nost’yu: problemy i resheniya] – M.: IPRAN RAN [IPRAN RAN], 2022. – 428 p.

Mindeli, Ostapyuk, Fetisov (2018) – Mindeli L.E., Ostapyuk S.F., Fetisov V.P. State management of scientific and technical activities in Russia: state and prospects [Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie nauchno-tekhnicheskoj deyatel’nost’yu v Rossii: sostoyanie i perspektivy] Moscow: IPRAN RAN, 2018 -108 p.

Manturov (2018) – Manturov D.V. On the industrial policy of Russia for the future 2018 – 2030 [O promyshlennoj politike Rossii na perspektivu 2018 – 2030 gg.]. – M.: Bulletin of MGIMO-University [Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta]. 2018. 4(61). P. 7-22.

Afanasyev (2022) – Afanasyev A.A. Technological sovereignty: the main directions of the policy for its achievement in modern Russia [Tekhnologicheskij suverenitet: osnovnye napravleniya politiki po ego dostizheniyu v sovremennoj Rossii] // Issues of innovative economy [Voprosy innovacionnoj ekonomiki]. – 2022. – Volume 12. – № 4. – P. 2193-2212.


Oleg D. Averchenko

PhD of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Global Financial Markets and Fintech of the Plekhanov.


Transformation of the financial services market in the digital economy


Importance The modern direction of the evolution of the international economy is the dynamic spread of digital technologies. The use of technology in the digital environment has found its greatest application in the financial sector of the economy, having significantly changed the market for the provision of traditional financial services to corporate and retail clients.

Objectives The purpose of this scientific article is to study current trends and analyze the directions for the development of financial services provided by financial organizations in the context of the transition to a digital economy.

Methodology With the help of methods of general and system-structural analysis, scientific abstraction, logical generalization, modern trends and directions for the development of financial services in the context of the transition to a digital economy are studied.

Results Modern directions and trends in the development of financial services in the context of the transition to a digital economy are identified. Various disruptive innovative solutions in the financial services market are identified. The degree of influence of digital technologies on the global and national financial services markets is determined. Proposals for the development of financial services in the context of the transition to a digital economy are formulated.

Conclusions It is concluded that the active dissemination of innovative solutions in the digital environment carries potential risks for financial market participants, as well as the stability of the entire financial system. For the development of financial services in the context of the transition to a digital economy, it is necessary to regularly analyze the modern digital financial infrastructure and its interaction with innovative technologies, as well as analyze problematic issues regarding information security in the system of providing financial services in the digital environment.

Keywords: innovative solutions, financial technologies, financial services, digital economy, financial innovations, artificial intelligence.


Shvejkin, Korobov (2023) – Shvejkin I.E., Korobov YU.I.  Digital investment instruments in the financial market (overview) [Cifrovye investicionnye instrumenty na finansovom rynke (obzor)] // Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki. 2023. № 1 (67). S. 49-57.

Ahvlediani (2021) – Ahvlediani YU.T. Transformation of the insurance market in the context of digitalization [Transformaciya strahovogo rynka v usloviyah cifrovizacii] // Vestnik Rossijskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni G.V. Plekhanova. – 2021. – T.18. №3 (117). S. 5-11.

Krivoruchko, Lopatin, Nebera (2022) – Krivoruchko S.V., Lopatin V.A., Nebera A.S. Estimation of the index of digital transformation of payment services in the context of the transition to a digital economy [Ocenka indeksa cifrovoj transformacii platezhnyh uslug v usloviyah perekhoda k cifrovoj ekonomike] // Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki. 2022. № 1 (63). S. 64-76.

Averchenko (2020) – Averchenko O.D. Transformation of models of development of the global financial market [Transformaciya modelej razvitiya mirovogo finansovogo rynka] // Strahovoe Delo. – 2020. – № 10. – S. 21-27.

Sokolinskaya, Kupriyanova (2020) – Sokolinskaya N.E., Kupriyanova L.M. Risks of development of information technologies in the banking sector [Riski razvitiya informacionnyh tekhnologij v bankovskom sektore] // Mir novoj ekonomiki. 2020. T. 14. № 3. S. 44-53.

Averchenko (2020) – Averchenko O.D. The impact of digitalization of the economy on the management of the economic security of the Russian Federation [Vliyanie cifrovizacii ekonomiki na upravlenie ekonomicheskoj bezopasnost’yu Rossijskoj Federacii] // Finansovaya ekonomika. – 2020. – № 8. – S. 245-249.

Ahvlediani (2021) – Ahvlediani YU.T. Digital insurance as a factor in the sustainable development of the economy [Cifrovoe strahovanie kak faktor ustojchivogo razvitiya ekonomiki] // Strahovoe delo. – 2021. – №11 (344). S. 43-49.

Averchenko (2019) – Averchenko O.D. Disruptive innovations in the financial services market [Dizruptivnye innovacii na rynke finansovyh uslug] // Bankovskoe Delo. – 2019. – № 8. – S. 57-61.

Averchenko (2019) – Averchenko O.D. ICO as a way to raise capital: opportunities, benefits, risks [ICO kak sposob privlecheniya kapitala: vozmozhnosti, preimushchestva, riski] // Finansovyj menedzhment. – 2019. – № 4. – S. 96-104

Al’bov, Kupriyanova (2020) – Al’bov A.P., Kupriyanova L.M. Digital Law in the Digital Environment of the Economy: Implementation Problems and Risks [Cifrovoe pravo v cifrovoj srede ekonomiki: problemy realizacii i riski] Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki. 2020. № 4 (42). S. 8-20.


Artem А. Snatenkov

Candidate of Economics, associated professor, associate professor of finance and management lepartment, REU Orenburg branch of G.V. Plekhanov.


Tatyana V. Timofeeva

Candidate of Economics, associated professor, head of the department of physical education and sports, Orenburg State University for Agricultur.


Bogdan A. Ryzhkov

Student, REU Orenburg branch of G.V. Plekhanov.


Russia's credit market under sanctions pressure


Subject/topic The article examines the credit market of the Russian Federation and the transformations that have occurred with it due to the geopolitical situation and the pressure to which it has been subjected as a result of the imposed sanctions restrictions.

Goals/tasks To assess the current state of the credit market of the Russian Federation under the conditions of sanctions pressure.

Methodology. The study was conducted using the open information of the Bank of Russia through the use of grouping methods, the Lorentz curve, the Gini coefficient and others.

Results The assessment of the credit market showed that under the conditions of sanctions pressure, the size of the loan portfolio in 2022 decreased insignificantly, while its structure was relatively preserved. However, the restructuring of the Russian economy in the new economic conditions has led to a change in the loan portfolio by type of economic activity. The assessment of the structure of lending across the subjects of the Russian Federation showed the uneven distribution of credit flows across the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Conclusions. In the face of unprecedented sanctions restrictions, in 2022 the Russian banking sector maintained the level of lending volumes and resource base.

Keywords: banks, lending, debt, interest rates, regional differentiation.


Astakhova, Gerasimova (2021) – Astakhova D.N., Gerasimova N.V. Dynamics of development of the banking sector of the Russian Federation during the coronavirus [Dinamika razvitiya bankovskoj sfery RF v period koronavirusa], Economy. Business. Banks. [International scientific-practical journal Èkonomika, biznes, banki] 2021. No.9. pp. 79-87.

Protas, Mikhailyuk, Korolkov (2022) – Protas N.G., Mikhailyuk I.V., Korolkov E.A. Sustainable development of credit institutions: regional aspect [Ustojchivoe razvitie kreditnyh organizacij: regional’nyj aspekt], Economy. Business. Banks. [International scientific-practical journal Èkonomika, biznes, banki] 2022. No. 4 (66). pp. 37-56.

Blazhevich, Safonova (2021) – Blazhevich O.G., Safonova N.S. Features of the development of the financial market in the conditions of digitalization [Osobennosti razvitiya finansovogo rynka v usloviyah cifrovizacii], Scientific Bulletin: finance, banks, investments. 2021. No. 1 (54). pp. 106-124.

Danilova, Manina, Leksina (2022) – Danilova S.V., Manina E.A., Leksina A.V. Analysis of the current state of the financial market of Russia and the Republic of Belarus [Analiz sovremennogo sostoyaniya finansovogo rynka Rossii i respubliki Belarus’], Regional problems of economic transformation. 2022. No. 10 (144). pp. 115-122.

Merkulova, Shaptala (2020) – Merkulova N.S., Shaptala A.R. Modern trends in retail bank lending [Sovremennye tendencii roznichnogo bankovskogo kreditovaniya], Fundamental Research. 2020. No. 2. pp. 54-58.

Ushanov (2020) – Ushanov A.E. Tools to increase the interest of banks in lending to the real sector of the economy [Instrumenty povysheniya zainteresovannosti bankov v kreditovanii real’nogo sektora ekonomiki], Economy. Business. Banks. [International scientific-practical journal Èkonomika, biznes, banki] 2020. No. 11 (49). pp. 54-63.

Avis, Akimenko (2019) – Avis O.U., Akimenko S.V. On the question of the essence of money and credit and the mechanism of their interaction in the emission process [K voprosu o sushchnosti deneg i kredita i mekhanizme ih vzaimodejstviya v emissionnom processe], Economy. Business. Banks. [International scientific-practical journal Èkonomika, biznes, banki] 2019. No. 10 (36). pp. 42-54.

Yagupova (2020) – Yagupova E.A. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the banking system of Russia [Vliyanie pandemii koronavirusa na bankovskuyu sistemu Rossii], Scientific Bulletin: finance, banks, investments. 2020. No.3 (52). pp. 49-55.

Kartsev (2019) – Kartsev A.S. Features of the activities of credit bureaus abroad and in Russia [Osobennosti deyatel’nosti byuro kreditnyh istorij za rubezhom i v Rossii], Economy. Business. Banks. [International scientific-practical journal Èkonomika, biznes, banki] 2019. No. 1 (28). pp. 104-117.

Timofeeva, Snatenkov (2007) – Timofeeva T.V., Snatenkov A.A. Workshop on social statistics [Praktikum po social’noj statistike]. Orenburg: OGAU Publishing Center, 2007.


Mikhail N. Kiselev

IP director of llc Gazpromneft–Industrial Innovations(GPN-II), member of the standardization committee 481 “Intellectual Property”member of the commissions on the roadmap activities Transformation of the business climate. Intellectual property.


Integration of intellectual property indicators in TRL/CRL/MRL


Subject / Topic Formation of possible indicators characterizing the quality of patent and legal support and strategic management of intellectual property, proposed for inclusion in the methodology for assessing the levels of technological readiness (continuation of the topic presented in the issue of the journal 2022. 4 (66)

Goals/Objectives Formation of proposals for practical use and (or) for inclusion in existing / prospective standardization documents that determine the procedure for using the assessment of technological readiness levels in the management of the innovation process.

Methodology Analysis of the existing regulatory framework and standardization documents, study of implemented practices, synthesis to the level of the final goal – the formation of effective innovation management, preparation of initial conditions for conducting a practical experiment.

Results The article considers the IP process management system decomposed into separate process groups, which, based on the justification of the use of IP markers in the methods for assessing readiness levels of the system of IP markers, presented in the previous work of the author, is presented as a set of indicators for integration into TRL/CRL/MRL scales.

Conclusions and Relevance The integration of individual indicators on intellectual property is necessary, and if this is done through state standards, it is possible both to make certain changes to GOST R 58048-2017 and to create a separate standard.

Keywords: intellectual property, readiness levels, TRL, MRL, CRL, innovation process, R&D.


Dzenzelyuk, Novosad (2022) – Dzenzelyuk N.S., Novosad V.M. Assessment of readiness levels as a tool for managing technological projects: tasks, problems and features of application for REC projects [Ocenka urovnej gotovnosti kak instrument upravleniya tekhnologicheskimi proektami: zadachi, problemy i osobennosti primeneniya dlya proektov NOC] // Bulletin of SUSU. Series “Economics and Management”. 2022. V. 16, No. 3. S. 153–164.

Kiselev (2022) – Kiselev, M.N. Integration of intellectual property into the TRL methodology [Integraciya intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v metodiku TRL] / M. N. Kiselev // Scientific journal: Economics. Business. Banks. M.: 2022 – No. 4 (66)

Kiselev (2022) – Kiselev, M.N. Patent research, anticipating investment in new developments. Tools and effects from the use of patent analytics [Patentnye issledovaniya, predvaryayushchie investicii v novye razrabotki. Instrumentarij i effekty ot primeneniya patentnoj analitiki], / M. N. Kiselev // Scientific journal: Economics. Business. Banks. M.: 2022 – No. 3 (65)

Bogomolova (2022) – Bogomolova, M.N. Effective IP management of R&D projects [Effektivnyj IP menedzhment proektov NIOKR] / M. N. Bogomolova // Bulletin of FIPS. – 2022. – V. 1, No. 1. – S. 36-42.

Petrov, Sartori, Filimonov (2016) – Petrov, A.N. Petrov A. N., Sartori A. V., Filimonov A. V. Comprehensive assessment of the state of scientific and technical projects through the level of technology readiness  [Kompleksnaya ocenka sostoyaniya nauchno-tekhnicheskih proektov cherez uroven’ gotovnosti tekhnologij] // Economics of Science. – 2016. – V. 2, No. 4. – S. 244-260.

Antipin, Antipina (2022) – Organizational aspect of intellectual property accounting when creating modern technologies [Organizacionnyj aspekt ucheta intellektual’noj sobstvennosti pri sozdanii sovremennyh tekhnologij], Antipin V.V., Antipina V.V. // Scientific and practical journal: Intellectual property. Industrial property. – 2022 – №10, S. 4 – 16

Korneev (2022) – Kornev, A. V. The use of domestic supercomputer technologies to create advanced models of aviation equipment [Primenenie otechestvennyh superkomp’yuternyh tekhnologij dlya sozdaniya perspektivnyh obrazcov aviacionnoj tekhniki] / A. V. Kornev, A. S. Kozelkov // Status and prospects for the development of modern science in the direction of “IT technologies” : Collection of articles of the I scientific and technical conference, Anapa, March 24–25, 2022. Volume 2. – Anapa: Military innovative technopolis “ERA”, 2022. – P. 275-302.

Stytsyuk (2019) – Stytsyuk, R. Yu. Innovative features of aviation marketing [Innovacionnye osobennosti aviacionnogo marketinga] / R. Yu. Stytsyuk // Economics. Business. Banks. – 2019. – No. 1 (28). – S. 65-73.

Anokhov (2022) – Anokhov, I. V. TRL technological readiness level scale and prospects for its modification [Shkala urovnya tekhnologicheskoj gotovnosti TRL i perspektivy ee modifikacii] / I. V. Anokhov // Business strategies. – 2022. – T. 10, No. 11. – S. 289-294.

Panfilov (2020) – Panfilov, I. A. The concept of system readiness levels [Ponyatie urovnej gotovnosti sistem] / I. A. Panfilov // Science Bulletin. – 2020. – V. 5, No. 5 (26). – S. 249-252.


Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

Candidate of economic sciences, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Analytics, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics of Intellectual Property, Moscow, Russia


Assessment of the quality of the pedagogical activity of higher school teachers


Subject/topic. The article presents the materials of the study of the activities of teachers of higher education. The author’s methodology for assessing the quality of real educational opportunities.

Goals / objectives Development of a methodology for assessing the quality of pedagogical activity; substantiation of the principles of assessment based on the parameters of pedagogical activity, the scientific qualification of the teacher and the results of his scientific activity, the level of pedagogical skills and social technology. Methodology The proposed methodology for assessing the quality of pedagogical skills and the principles of its evaluation was developed based on the results of the experiment for assessing the pedagogical skills of teachers. The rating of indicators was built taking into account weight coefficients determined by experts. An expert established evaluation of indicators in points and the maximum value.

Results The author’s methodology is focused on self-analysis and self-assessment of pedagogical activity; assessment of pedagogical competence is assessed by qualified experts based on the results of attending lectures and seminars, analysis of online broadcasts of the remote format of educational and methodological material of a higher education teacher.

Conclusions The results of the experiment on assessing the pedagogical skills of teachers, conducted using the proposed methodology, made it possible to evaluate: the scientific level; expediency of didactic systems of taught disciplines; setting methodological work at the department, the degree of its provision of methodical work with didactic materials and their use in the educational process; the degree of assimilation of the studied material by students, the organization and provision of independent work, the possible results of studying this course; the quality of accounting for interdisciplinary links and their impact on the final result; identify cases of duplication, violation of the logical sequence of the presentation of the material and the conduct of various types of classes; to carry out methodological work to improve the pedagogical skills of teachers on the example of setting a specific training course.

Keywords: education, quality of education, pedagogical skill, professional competencies, assessment criteria, quality of education, teacher, assessment criteria, advanced training, promotion of professional growth.


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Kupriyanova (2003) – Kupriyanova L.M. Organizational and economic mechanism for managing the quality of pedagogical activity in higher education (on the example of economic specialties). Dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences [Organizacionno-ekonomicheskij mekhanizm upravleniya kachestvom pedagogicheskoj deyatel’nosti v vysshej shkole (na primere ekonomicheskih special’nostej). dissertaciya na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata ekonomicheskih nauk] Moscow, 2003.

Kupriyanova (2003) – Kupriyanova L.M. Organizational and economic mechanism for managing the quality of pedagogical activity in higher education (on the example of economic specialties). Abstract dis. … Candidate of Economic Sciences [Organizacionno-ekonomicheskij mekhanizm upravleniya kachestvom pedagogicheskoj deyatel’nosti v vysshej shkole (na primere ekonomicheskih special’nostej). avtoreferat dis. … kandidata ekonomicheskih nauk] / Ros. economy acad. them. G. V. Plekhanov. Moscow, 2003 6.

Kupriyanova (2003) – Kupriyanova L. Pedagogical excellence: principles of assessment [Pedagogicheskoe masterstvo: principy ocenki. Higher education in Russia [Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii]. 2003. No. 1. S. 78-80. 7.

Kupriyanova (2003) – Kupriyanova L.M. Problems of financial support for advanced training of teachers of Russian universities [Problemy finansovoj podderzhki povysheniya kvalifikacii prepodavatelej rossijskih vuzov]. Economics of education. 2003. No. 2 (15). pp. 31-40. 8.

Kupriyanova (2003) – Kupriyanova L.M. Foreign practice of advanced training of teachers of economic disciplines [Zarubezhnaya praktika povysheniya kvalifikacii prepodavatelej ekonomicheskih disciplin] Economics of education [Ekonomika obrazovaniya].  2003. No. 4 (17). pp. 40-47. 9.

Kupriyanova (2002) – Kupriyanova L.M. Scientific and methodological bases for determining the cost of advanced training of pedagogical staff of higher education [Nauchno-metodicheskie osnovy opredeleniya stoimosti povysheniya kvalifikacii pedagogicheskih kadrov vysshej shkoly]. Economics of education [Ekonomika obrazovaniya].  2002. No. 5 (12). S. 5.


Artem Y. Vasiliev

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.



Scientific adviser: Svetlana V. Karpova, Professor of the Department of Logistics and Marketing, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Influence of economic factors on consumer behavior


Subject/Topic The change in consumer behavior is directly related to the assessment of economic factors and should be carried out taking into account the national development goals of the country.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of the research work is devoted to assessing the impact of economic factors on consumer behavior in modern conditions. The purpose of the research work is devoted to assessing the impact of economic factors on consumer behavior in modern conditions. In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks are formulated: the concept of consumption and responsible consumption is disclosed; the concept of factors is given; each economic factors are separately considered: production, financial and structural (of a social nature).

Methodology In this work, a general analysis and applies an integrated approach were applied to study the problem.

Conclusion and Relevance The paper reveals the problems of the influence of economic factors on structural changes in consumer behavior towards “responsible consumption”, which allows us to determine the ways of further socially oriented development of Russia and its regions. Certain economic factors are disclosed: production, financial and structural (of a social nature), taking into account the current situation in Russia. It is determined that economic factors influence responsible consumption in the consumer market of a particular region.

Keywords: consumer behavior, responsible consumption, production factors, structural (social factors), financial factors, economic factors.


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