Economy Business Banks № 1(67)
Aleksey Yu. OborskyOborsky, Cand. Sci. (Phil.), Associate Professor, Depute Vice-Rector for Strategy and Work with Authorities, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Financial University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Victoria V. ZinovievaMaster of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
To the questions of digital divide in modern Russian societyAbstract
Subject/Topic Social factors affecting digital inequality and the digital divide in modern Russian society. The article analyzes the state of digital inequality of the digital divide in modern Russian society. Theoretical approaches to the study of inequality are analyzed. Goals/Objectives Assessment of the factors influencing the digital divide in modern Russian society/ Definition of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the problem of the digital divide in modern Russian society Methodology The methodology of the empirical level based on the application of General scientific research methods is applied: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, secondary analysis of research results. Conclusions and Relevance An assessment of the factors influencing the digital divide in modern Russian society has been carried out. The analysis of theoretical approaches to the study of digital inequality is carried out. In Russia, the need to create social mechanisms aimed at reducing the digital divide in modern Russian society has been identified. Reducing the digital divide in Russian society will improve the quality of life of citizens, strengthen the country’s position on the world stage as a “digital state”, integrate more citizens into the digital economy and politics, which will significantly affect income and strengthen the position of power. Keywords: social inequality, factors of digital inequality, information society, digital divide, digital inequality, levels of digital divide, digital society. References: Albov, Kupriyanova (2020) – Albov A.P., Kupriyanova L.M. Digital law in the digital environment of the economy: implementation problems and risks [Cifrovoe pravo v cifrovoj srede ekonomiki: problemy realizacii i riski]. Economy. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2020. No. 4 (42). pp. 8-20. Bell (2004) – Bell D. 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Problems of poverty reduction and socio-economic inequality in Russia: sociological analysis [Problemy snizheniya bednosti i sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoi neravenstva v Rossii: sotsiologicheskii analiz]. Journal “Gumanitarnye nauki” [Humanities]. Vol. 30 (No. 6). 2017. pp.47-56. Kalimullina (2018) – Kalimullina M. T. Information and communication inequality: causes, possibilities of overcoming in Russia [Mformatsionnoe i kommunikatsionnoe neravenstvo: prichiny, vozmozhnosti preodoleniya v Rossii] / M.T. Kalimullina // Media. Information. Communication”. 2018. №2. URL: 639-mformatsionnoe-i-kommunikatsionnoe-neravenstvo Kupriyanova and Efimova (2014) – Kupriyanova L.M., Efimova O.N. Information society: the modern stage of development of the new economy [Informatsionnoe obshchestvo: sovremennyi etap razvitiya novoi ekonomiki]. The world of the new economy. 2014. No. 3. pp. 71-85. Kuznetsova (2017) – Kuznetsova K.I. Digital inequality as a complex and dynamic phenomenon [Tsifrovoe neravenstvo kak kompleksnoe i dinamicheskoe yavlenie]. New contours of social reality. -Stavropol: Publishing House of NCFU, 2017. pp. 183-184. Morev (2017) – Morev A.V. Change of life values in the information society [Izmenenie zhiznennykh tsennostey v informatsionnom obshchestve]. Youth Scientific Forum: Social and Economic Sciences. 2017. № 2(42). Polosikhina (2017) – Polosikhina M.A. Information and digital inequality as a new type of socio-economic differentiation of society [Informatsionno-tsifrovoe neravenstvo kak novyy vid differentsiatsii obschestva]. ESPR. 2017. №2. URL: article/n/informatsionno-tsifrovoe-neravenstvo-kak-novyy-vid-differentsiatsii-obschestva Pomigueva (2015) – Pomigueva E.A. The problem of information inequality: the main aspects [Problema informatsionnogo neravenstva: osnovnye aspekty]. International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. 2015. No. 12. pp. 1731-1741. Sergeev (2005) – Sergeev M. How to overcome digital inequality [Kak preodolet’ tsifrovoe neravenstvo]. URL: Shapovalova (2015) – Shapovalova I.S. Information sphere as a modern priority of human habitat [Informatsionnaya sfera kak sovremennyy prioritet zhilishchno-bytovoy sredy]. Scientific bulletin of Belgorod State University. Series: Philosophy. Sociology. Right. 2015. №20 (217). Pp.30-42. Yadov (2005) – Yadov B. A. Social transformations in Russia: theories, practices, comparative analysis [Sotsial’nye transformatsii v Rossii: teorii, praktiki, sravnitel’nyy analiz]. M. Flint: MPSI, 2005. 583p. |
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Taliya Kh. UsmanovaShief researcher. Institute of economic forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: Liliуa I. КhayrullinaAssistant, Department of Management Accounting and Controlling, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University.
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Indicators of economic growth of regionsAbstract
Subject/topic. The modern development of socio-economic systems requires a qualitative and quantitative revision of methods and methodologies for assessing, monitoring and analyzing the development of regions, as well as the placement of projects to ensure their economic growth. It is necessary to analyze the indicators and indicators that form the goals and objectives of the modern digital economy. A set of elements of the methodology for assessing and analyzing the constituent indicators and indicators of the socio-economic development of the regions should show the main goal: the state of the quality of life of the population. Analysis of the recommended integral indicators within the framework of the UN, state and regional regulation showed their narrow and incomplete focus for setting results-oriented tasks Goals/objectives: The article is aimed at substantiating the indicators and indicators of regional development in order to ensure the economic growth of Russia. To achieve economic growth, both the levels of indicators and indicators and their qualitative characteristics are essential. The research methodology is based on the use of the method of comparison, estimates and statistics, economic analysis. Findings. The result/practical significance of the study is. Modern coverage of big data of economic development allows us to optimally present the results of accounting, analysis to decision-makers at the level of executive power in the country. The more the function of the integral model is saturated with indicators of socio-economic development that ensure economic growth, the more specifically the priorities of the country’s national security will be determined, clearer goals and objectives will be defined by the executive bodies of state and municipal authorities to improve the quality of life of the population. Keywords: indicators, indicators, economic growth, digital economy, regions of Russia. References: Komkov (2019) – Komkov N.I. Analysis and assessment of the prospects for the implementation of the strategy of scientific and technological development of Russia. [Analiz i ocenka perspektiv realizacii strategii nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya Rossii] Problems of forecasting. 2019. № 5 (176). S. 73-87. Mikheeva (2020) – Mikheeva N.N. Possible alternatives to the indicator of gross regional product. [Vozmojnyie alternativai pokazatelu valovogo pegionalnogo produkta] // Problems of forecasting. 2020. №1. Pp.32-41 Senchagov (2009 – Economic security of Russia: a general course: a textbook [Economicheskaya bezopasnost Russian: obshiy kurs uchebnik] / Ed. by V.K. Senchagov. M.: BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2009.-815 p. Strategy of economic security in the development of indicative plans for socio-economic development for the long and medium term.[Strategiya economicheskoyi bezopasnosti pri razrabotke indikativnix planov socialno-economicheskogo razvitiya na dolgosrochny I srednesrichny perspektivy] Monograph/M.: Institute of Economics RAS.2009.-232p. Senchagov (2011) – Senchagov V.K. Modernization of the financial sphere [Moernizachiya finansovoy sistemy] // Voprosy ekonomiki, No3, 2011. P.53-64 Senchagov (2012) – Economic security of Russian regions: monograph – [Economicheskaya bezopasnost regionov Russian] V.K. Senchagov [et al.] – Novgorod, 2012.-254p. Usmanova (2017) – Usmanova T.Kh. Formation of standards for the quality of life in the digital economy. [Formirovanie standartov kachestva jizni v usloviyax thifrovoy economiki] Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions. 2017. T. 3. № 6. S. 177-181. Usmanova (2017) – Usmanova T.Kh. Quality of life: theory, politics and practice. [Kachestvo jizni teoriya politika I praktika] Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions. 2017. T. 4. № 3. S. 195-199. Usmanova (2013) – Usmanova T.Kh. Methodology and methodology of project management and strategy for the development of project management of the cluster and PPP [Metodologiya I metody upravleniya proektami I strategiya razvitiya proektnogo menedjmenta klstera I PPP] / educational and methodical recommendations / Moscow, 2013. |
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Alexander V. LomonosovSenior Lecturer of the Department of Financial Market and Financial Institutions of Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management. E-mail: Alina D. RogozhinaMaster of the Department of Financial Market and Financial Institutions of Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management. E-mail: |
Targeted educational loanAbstract
Subject/Topic The article considers the problem of educational lending in Russia. The dynamics of the cost of paid higher education for 11 years (2011-2021) is investigated, the problem of accessibility of higher education in the Russian Federation is identified. The prerequisites for the creation of a new credit product are listed. Goals/Objectives To investigate the relevance of support systems for students studying under contracts for the provision of paid educational services. To propose a mechanism for the functioning of a new educational credit product – a targeted educational loan. Methodology When writing the work, such generally accepted methods of cognition as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, generalization were used. Results Three stages of cost change are identified: starting (2011-2012), moderate (2013-2016), reactive (2017-2021). A new financial product is proposed – a targeted educational loan. The mechanism of functioning, recommendations for implementation on the financial market are formulated. Modeling of the use of a new credit product has been carried out. Conclusions It is necessary to expand the list of banking organizations capable of issuing an educational loan with state support; in the future, the rejection of educational lending in favor of targeted educational lending with individual conditions regarding the terms of the loan payment schedule, as well as the deadline for fulfilling obligations on the part of the employee. Keywords: higher education, accessibility of education, lending, educational credit, targeted contract training, targeted educational credit. References:
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Igor E. ShveikinCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Banking Saratov State Technical University named after Yuri Gagarin, Saratov, Russian Federation. Email: Yury I. KorobovPhD in Economics Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Finance and Banking Saratov State Technical University named after Yuri Gagarin, Saratov, Russian Federation Email: |
Digital investment tools in the financial market (review)Abstract
Subject / topic a review of digital investment instruments in the financial market, which are very diverse; some of which combine digital and traditional look; investment instruments are presented that can only be in digital form, such as, for example, digital money (cryptocurrencies); certain conditions are highlighted, subject to which one can become issuers of digital investment instruments; considered digital investment tools; the advantages and disadvantages of each digital investment tool are highlighted; the definition of the concept of “digital investment tool” is given. Goals / objectives explore digital investment instruments in the financial market and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Methodology: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, methods of comparison and analogy, similarity theory, phenomenology. Results / conclusions the author’s definition of the concept of “digital investment instrument” is proposed, the main advantages and disadvantages of “digital investment instruments” are identified, the need for further research on this issue is highlighted, taking into account the changes taking place in the financial market. Keywords: investment, tools, digital investment, investment tool, financial market. References: Gorbunov (2020) – Gorbunov M.S. Initial placement of digital signs (tokens) as a way to make investments: foreign approaches and prospects for national regulation // Modern economic relations: prospects for legal regulation and problems of balancing the interests of the state, society and business: Materials of the international scientific and practical round table, Minsk, October 15, 2020 of the year. – Minsk: Belarusian State University. 2020, р. 47-53. Azieva (2020) – Azieva R.H. Digital direction of investments for oil and gas companies / R.H. Aziev, H.E. Taymaskhanov // Bulletin of the Buryat State University. Economics and Management. 2020, No. 4. р. 3-9. Graur (2019) – Graur N.M. Digital investment management as the basis of future financial technologies // Millionshchikov – 2019: Proceedings of the II All-Russian scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the State National Technical University named after academician M.D. Millionshchikov, Grozny, May 30–31, 2019. – Grozny: Spektr Printing House (IP Almatova Z.S.). 2019, p. 96-100. Shveikin (2014) – Shveikin I.E. Monitoring the development of competition in the market of banking investment services in Russia // Science and Society. 2014, No. 3(18). p. 94-97. Shveikin (2016) – Shveikin I.E. State and prospects for the development of competition in the market of banking investment services // Saratov Socio-Economic Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Plekhanov Russian University of Economics”, Saratov: Kubik. 2016. 102 p. Shveikin (2017) – Shveikin I.E. Features of income and risks in the investment activities of commercial banks / I.E. Shveikin, G.G. Korobova // Economics. Business. Banks. 2017. No. 1(18). p. 86-93. Lavrushin (2019) – Lavrushin O.I. A look at challenges in the development of the financial market / O.I. Lavrushin, N.E. Sokolinskaya // Economics. Business. Banks. 2019. No. 12 (38). p. 54-74. Genkin (2017) – Genkin A.S. Regulation of the use of cryptotechnologies – anti-laundering aspect / A.S. Genkin, A.A. Mikheev Modern lawyer. 2017. No. 4 (21). p. 62-70. Genkin (2017) – Genkin A.S. Blockchain plus “smart” contracts: advantages of application and emerging problems / A.S. Genkin, L.A. Mavrina // Economics. Business. Banks. 2017. No. 2 (19). p. 136-149. |
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Lyudmila M. KupriyanovaPhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Nikita I. Karitichstudent, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Faculty of Economics and Business Moscow, Economic Security, undergraduate, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Valentina N. Zholobenkostudent, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Faculty of Economics and Business Moscow, Economic Security, undergraduate, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Innovative business model for enterprise developmentAbstract
Topic: Studying the business model of a company that successfully implements an innovative strategy. Objectives: to explore new business models focused on attracting highly qualified employees and increasing profitability, to form conclusions about the specifics of the business model of a company that successfully implements an innovative strategy. Methodology: The research is based on theoretical methods (analysis, classification, generalization) Results: A study was made of the specifics of the business model of a company that successfully implements an innovative strategy in modern economic realities, a SWOT analysis was carried out, basic patterns were identified in cases of successful application of innovative strategies, and real examples of successful application of innovative strategies were studied. Conclusions: Conclusions are made about the feasibility of applying innovative business models for specific conditions. In the current realities of scientific and technological progress, interest in new business models associated with innovation will only grow, including in Russia. Innovations increase profits and attract highly qualified employees. An innovative business model allows you to achieve success with less effort in development. The innovative business model of the company is designed to ensure the effectiveness of the strategy, focusing on high business results. Keywords: Innovation strategy, innovation management, innovation business model, business model, implementation of innovation strategies. References: Dolenko (2020) – Dolenko A.A. Implementation of innovative approaches to business process management at enterprises [Vnedrenie innovacionnyh podhodov k upravleniyu biznes-processami na predpriyatiyah] // Innovations and investments. – 2020. – No. 9. Mironov (2019) – Mironov D.S. Economic and mathematical model for optimizing investment in the development of innovative business [Ekonomiko-matematicheskaya model’ optimizacii investirovaniya v razvitie innovacionnogo biznesa] // Moscow Economic Journal. – 2019. – No. 6. Naumova (2021) – Naumova E.A. Analysis of the definitions of strategy and its place in the system of enterprise functioning. Variety of views and approaches to strategy [Analiz opredelenij strategii i ee mesto v sisteme funkcionirovaniya predpriyatiya. Raznoobrazie vzglyadov i podhodov k strategii] // Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Economics and Management. – 2021 – №3. Nuryshov (2022) – Nuryshov N. Innovative business technologies and features of business process optimization [Innovacionnye biznes-tekhnologii i osobennosti optimizacii biznes-processov] // Economics and business: theory and practice. – 2022 – №1. Steblyuk (2015) – Steblyuk I.Yu. Typification of platform concepts [Tipizaciya platformennyh koncepcij] // Eurasian Union of Scientists. – 2015. – No. 4. Tokarev (2019) – Tokarev B.E. Business model of an innovative product start-up [Model’ biznesa startapa innovacionnogo produkta] // Bulletin of the University. – 2019. – No. 2. Shevtsov, Kalugin (2020) – Shevtsov V.V., Kalugin D.A. From innovative products and processes to innovative business models [Ot innovacionnyh produktov i processov k innovacionnym biznes-modelyam] // Moscow Economic Journal. – 2020. – No. 11.
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Rinat I. MingazovPostgraduate student of the Faculty of Higher School of Management at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
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Current problems of implementing public-private partnership investment projectsAbstract
Subject The article describes and analyzes the main, existing to date, problems of implementation of investment projects of public-private partnership. Objective: The purpose of the study is to highlight and structure the existing problems of public-private partnership, with further proposals for their elimination. Methodology The research is based on theoretical methods (analysis, classification, generalization) Conclusions By analyzing the scientific literature and studying the current situation of PPP, the following existing problems are identified: differences in organizational culture between public and private partners, weak political and legal framework, unreliable mechanisms for risk and responsibility distribution, problems with the competent choice of a private partner within the framework of a competition, a discrepancy between financing and the quality of services provided, insufficient transparency and monitoring. Within the framework of the article, the author proposed ways to eliminate the main problems that arise during the implementation of PPP projects. Keywords: public-private partnership, risks, investment project, private sector, public sector. References: Gobikas, Čingienė (2021) – Gobikas M and Čingienė V. Public-private partnership in youth sport delivery: Local government perspective. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(2) – 2021 – 1185–1190 Nuhu S, Mpambije, Ngussa (2020) – Nuhu S, Mpambije CJ and Ngussa K. “Challenges in health service delivery under public-private partnership in Tanzania: Stakeholders’ views from Dar es Salaam region” – 2020. Twinomuhwezi IK and Herman C (2020) – Critical success factors for public-private partnership in universal secondary education: Perspectives and policy lessons from Uganda. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, 12(2) – 2020 – 133-146. Zasimkina (2016) – Zasimkina A.S. State Management of innovation and investment projects [Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie innovacionno-investicionnymi proektami] // Economy. Business. Banks. – 2016 – №S11 – c. 60-67; Pashatskaya (2014) – Pashatskaya T.S. Evaluation and monitoring of investment projects [Ocenka i monitoring investicionnyh proektov] // Economy. Business. Banks. – 2014 – №S3 – c. 236-244. Rogozhin (2019) – Rogozhin A.A. Experience of public-private partnership in infrastructure development in Southeast Asian countries [Opyt gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva v razvitii infrastruktury v stranah YUgo-Vostochnoj Azii] // Contours of global transformations: politics, economics, law – 2019 – No. 6 – pp. 268-286; Sazonov (2012) – Sazonov V.A., Public-private partnership in France: problems and prospects [Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo vo Francii: problemy i perspektivy] // Bulletin of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series: Legal Sciences – 2012 – pp.136-139; Semenova (2020) – Semenova N.N. Risks of public-private partnership [Riski gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva] // Russia: trends and prospects of development – 2020 – pp. 363-366; Federal Law “On Public-Private Partnership, Municipal-Private Partnership in the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” dated 13.07.2015 No. 224-FZ; Khairullina (2016) – Khairullina L.I. Formation of the accounting process of the investment component in PPP projects [Formirovanie uchetnogo processa investicionnoj sostavlyayushchej v proektah GCHP] // Economy. Business. Banks. – 2016 – №S10 – c. 72-81. |
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B. Haddad1PhD student, Department of Logistics and Marketing at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
Doctoral advisor: Ilya V. Rozhkov, PhD, Associate Professor of the Logistic and Marketing Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Introduction of the principles of islamic banking in the marketing activities of financial organizationsAnnotation
Subject/Theme: This article highlights the principles of implementation of the marketing ethics of Islamic banking. Ethics is based on the principles of Islamic Sharia, which has a significant impact on the sequence of implementation of the principles of Islamic banking in the marketing activities of the traditional banking system. The introduction of marketing begins with the identification of several stages of sequential implementation, the essence of which is to convey to the maximum number of potential customers, information that a financial institution begins to offer consumers Islamic financial products and services, which means that a financial institution, being non-Islamic, has changed financial activities one or more branches, or a common practice is to open an Islamic window in a branch of a traditional bank. Purpose / objectives: the purpose of the article is to highlight the main stages of the introduction of Islamic banking in the marketing activities of financial organizations, taking into account the sanctions pressure, in order to increase the effectiveness of marketing activities. Methodology: divergent and convergent thinking, different methods of analogy and comparison, deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis. Results / Conclusions: three main stages are proposed for the introduction of Islamic banking marketing activities into the marketing activities of financial organizations, since in the modern economy, banking services and products are becoming more individual and adapt to the desires of consumers, and sometimes to the wishes of an entire market share of potential consumers in order to increase the effectiveness of the marketing activities of a financial organization. Keywords: marketing, Islamic banking, Islamic finance, Islamic marketing, marketing implementations. References: Haron, Ahmad, & Planisek (1994) – Haron, S., Ahmad, N., & Planisek, S.L. Bank patronage factors of Muslim and Non-Muslim customers. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 12(1). 32–40. Haron, S., & Wan Azmi, W.N. (2005) – Haron, S., & Wan Azmi, W.N. Marketing strategy of Islamic banks: A lesson from Malaysia. KLBS Working Paper Series (No. 006). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: KLBS. Hasan (2004) – Hasan Z. Measuring the efficiency of Islamic banks: Criteria, methods and social priorities. Review of Islamic Economics, 8(2). 5–30. Karpova (2015) – Karpova S.V. Marketing policy of organizations: theory, methodology and practice: Collective monograph / Karpova S.V. – Moscow: University textbook, SIC INFRA-M, 2015. – 104 p. (In Russ.). Kazakova, Karpova, Rozhkov (2010) – Kazakova N.V., Karpova S.V., Rozhkov I.V Information support of marketing activities in the field of innovation. Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. Volume 130. M.: VEO of Russia. (In Russ.). Masih (2009) – Masih M. Recent and ongoing advances in econometric methodology for applied research. European Journal of Management, 9(3). 72–87. Rust, Ambler, Carpenter, Rust, Ambler, Carpenter, et al. (2004) – Rust, R. T., Ambler, T., Carpenter, G. S., Rust, R. T., Ambler, T., Carpenter, G. S., et al. Measuring marketing productivity: Current knowledge and future directions. Journal of Marketing, 68(4). 76–89. Musaeva, Mohamad, Shah (2014) – Musaeva, G., Mohamad, S., & Shah, M.E. Research on Islamic banking in Malaysia: A guide for future directions. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 10(4). 102–128. (In Russ.). Mirakhor, Bao, (2013) – Mirakhor, A., & Bao, W.Y. Epistemological foundation of finance: Islamic and conventional. In Z. Iqbal & A. Mirakhor (Eds.), Economic development and Islamic finance: Directions in development (pp. 23–66). Washington, DC: The World Bank. Kwaku, Alan, F. Singh. (2001) – Kwaku, S.-A.-A., & Alan, F. Singh. Marketing effectiveness and business performance in the financial services industry. Journal of Services Marketing, 15(1), 18–34. |
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