Economy Business Banks №1(63)





Sergey F. Ostapyuk

Sergey F. Ostapyuk, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), candidate of technical Sciences, leading researcher of the Institute of problems of science development of the Russian Academy of Sciences E-mail:

Vyacheslav P. Fetisov

Vyacheslav P. Fetisov, Candidate of technical Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of problems of science development of the Russian Academy of Sciences E-mail:

Basis for the development of the RANS of long-term forecast of basic and explorer scientific research


Topic Regulatory and legal grounds for the development of a thematic forecast for the development of fundamental and exploratory scientific research in Russia and their contribution to the balanced solution of socio-economic and scientific-technological problems of a long-term nature.

Objectives Development of provisions, factors and conditions governing the development of a forecast for the development of fundamental and exploratory scientific research and the implementation of which will ensure the balance of this forecast with the documents of strategic planning of the socio-economic and scientific-technological sphere of activity.

Methodology Historical and logical analysis of the experience and legal support of state management of scientific and technical activities; analysis of strategic prospects for the development of various scientific institutions and legal norms; system analysis and synthesis; forecasting the development of scientific research.

Results The article provides an analysis of the regulatory and legal grounds for developing a forecast of fundamental and exploratory scientific research. Provisions and factors that need to be implemented to ensure the consistency of this forecast with strategic planning documents have been developed. The stages of the procedure for developing this forecast have been allocated. The analysis of the provisions that regulate possible scenarios of strategic management of scientific and scientific-technical activities and the process of forecast formation is given. Proposals for the development of information support of this forecast have been formulated.

Findings. To ensure the consistency of this forecast with strategic planning documents, it is necessary: to give the organization responsible for its formation the right to request and receive forecast information; develop scenarios for the organization of strategic management of scientific and scientific-technical activities, the formation and implementation of the forecast; develop a list of organizations and experts involved in the development of the forecast; develop methodological recommendations for the preparation of initial data for the formation of a forecast.

Keywords: development strategy, long-term forecast, fundamental research, regulatory framework, forecasting methodology


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Dmitriy S. Termosesov

Dmitriy S. Termosesov, Bachelor of Economics, Laboratory Assistant, Department of Economic Security and Risk Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:


Scientific director: Grigoriy G. Sidorenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, department of economic security and risk management at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Risks of developing renewable energy sources in Russia


Subject / topic: In Russia, inflation is a very important element of the economic system. Absolutely all economic subjects are guided by it. Banks include inflation in interest rates, investors compare the profitability of projects with inflation, real economic growth is important for the state (cleared from the inflation component), and real wage growth is important for ordinary people. Therefore, understanding what inflation is and what factors affect it is very important in Russia. One of these factors is the exchange rate of the national currency. The paper analyzes data from 2014 to 2020 and establishes the relationship between inflation and the exchange rate of the national currency, and also explains some discrepancies in the dependence of these indicators.

Goals / objectives: The purpose of the study is to establish the impact of the national currency exchange rate on inflation in Russia.

Methodology The methodological basis of the research is made up of both general and specific scientific methods of cognition. Used methods such as induction and deduction, methods of comparison and generalization.

Results / conclusions: The author reveals the correlation dependence of inflation on external and internal factors of the functioning of business, the life of the population and public administration, and identifies the main factors that most significantly affect its change.

Keywords: inflation, national currency, central bank, targeting, budget rule, pass-through effect, inflation factors.


Martyanov (2016) – Martyanov V.A. Inflation: the concept of inflation, factors influencing inflationary processes [Inflyaciya: ponyatie inflyacii, faktory vliyanie na inflyacionnye processy]/ V. A. Martyanov, D. V. Muradov // Problems and prospects for the development of science in Russia and the world: a collection of articles of the international scientific and practical conference: in 7 parts, Ufa, December 01 [Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya nauki v Rossii i mire: sbornik statej mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 7 chastyah, Ufa, 01 dekabrya 2016], 2016. – Ufa: Limited Liability Company “Aeterna” [Ufa: Obshchestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost’yu “Aeterna”], 2016. – P. 100-104. [In Russ.]

Bezdenezhnykh (2019) –Bezdenezhnykh V.M. Financial and tax security [Finansovaya i nalogovaya bezopasnost’]/ V.M. Bezdenezhnykh, V.V. Zemskov, O.V. Konovalova [and others]. – Moscow: Limited Liability Company “Prometheus Publishing House”, 2019. – 388 p. [Moskva : Obshchestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost’yu “Izdatel’stvo Prometej”, 2019. – 388 s]– ISBN 978-5-907166-32-5. [In Russ.]

Sidorenko (2021) – Sidorenko G.G. Management and minimization of risks of damage associated with the postponement or cancellation of major international events [Upravlenie i minimizaciya riskov ushcherba, svyazannogo s perenosom ili otmenoj krupnyh mezhdunarodnyh meropriyatij]/ G. G. Sidorenko, O. G. Sidorenko, D. S. Termosesov // Economics: yesterday, today, tomorrow. – 2021. – T. 11. – No. 6-1. – S. 366-373. [Ekonomika: vchera, segodnya, zavtra. – 2021. – T. 11. – № 6-1. – S. 366-373.]– DOI 10.34670/AR.2021.44.15.032. [In Russ.]

Gvylev (2017) – Gvylev M.O. Cost inflation versus demand inflation [Inflyaciya izderzhek v sravnenii s inflyaciej sprosa]/ M. O. Gvylev // Competitiveness of territories: Proceedings of the XX All-Russian Economic Forum of Young Scientists and Students. In 8 parts, Yekaterinburg, April 27–28, 2017 / Responsible for the issue: Ya.P. Silin, E.B. Dvoryadkin. – Yekaterinburg: Ural State University of Economics, [Konkurentosposobnost’ territorij: Materialy XX Vserossijskogo ekonomicheskogo foruma molodyh uchenyh i studentov. V 8-mi chastyah, Ekaterinburg, 27–28 aprelya 2017 goda / Otvetstvennye za vypusk: YA.P. Silin, E.B. Dvoryadkina. – Ekaterinburg: Ural’skij gosudarstvennyj ekonomicheskij universitet] 2017. – P. 42-45. [In Russ.]

Sidorenko (2020) – Sidorenko G.G. Management of the economy of territories in order to protect the health and life of people in modern conditions [Upravlenie ekonomikoj territorij s cel’yu zashchity zdorov’ya i zhizni lyudej v sovremennyh usloviyah]/ G. G. Sidorenko, O. G. Sidorenko // Modern Economy Success. – 2020. – No. 6. – P. 95-98. [In Russ.]

Karnafel (2020) – Karnafel A.A. Inflation in Russia: specifics, inflation during the coronavirus pandemic, forecasts [Inflyaciya v Rossii: specifika, inflyaciya v period pandemii koronavirusa, prognozy]/ A. A. Karnafel // Proceedings of the Ivanovo Readings.[Materialy Ivanovskih chtenij] – 2020. – No. 3 (29). – S. 94-105. [In Russ.]

Boltenkov (2021) – Boltenkov I.A., Grosheva E. K., Grosheva N. B. Inflationary expectations as a price growth factor [Inflyacionnye ozhidaniya kak faktor rosta cen]// Business education in the knowledge economy. [Biznes-obrazovanie v ekonomike znanij] – 2021. – No. 3 (20). – S. 19-22. [In Russ.]

Artyukhova (2020) – Artyukhova P.E. Causes of increased inflationary expectations in Russia [Prichiny povyshennyh inflyacionnyh ozhidanij v Rossii]/ P. E. Artyukhova, K. E. Karabitsina // Student Bulletin.[Studencheskij vestnik] – 2020. – No. 20-8(118). – S. 72-76. [In Russ.]

Borlakova (2020) – Borlakova Z.F. Inflation: types and causes of inflation [Inflyaciya: vidy i prichiny inflyacii]/ Z. F. Borlakova // Economic Forum: collection of articles of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, Penza, June 30, 2020. – Penza: “Science and Education” (IP Gulyaev G.Yu.), [Ekonomicheskij forum: sbornik statej II Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, Penza, 30 iyunya 2020 goda. – Penza: “Nauka i Prosveshchenie” (IP Gulyaev G.YU.)]2020. – P. 10-12. [In Russ.]

Prasolov (2020) – Prasolov V. I. Political risks: classification and analysis: Textbook for undergraduate and graduate studies [Politicheskie riski: klassifikaciya i analiz : Uchebnoe posobie dlya bakalavriata i magistratury]/ V. I. Prasolov, V. A. Dadalko, S. N. Kashurnikov. – Moscow: Limited Liability Company “Prometheus Publishing House”, [Moskva: Obshchestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost’yu “Izdatel’stvo Prometej”] 2020. – 138 p. – ISBN 978-5-907244-21-4. [In Russ.]


Oksana P. Anikeeva

Oksana P. Anikeeva, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Institute of Finance and Economics, Tyumen State University.


Social responsibility and formation of competitive advantages of the organization


Subject/Topic: In the article social responsibility of the organization is investigated and analyzed from the position of stakeholders in descriptive, instrumental and normative dimensions, which allows to reveal the targeting and optimize the system of interaction with stakeholders, to consider the direction, strength, closeness and quality of interaction with external and internal environment of the company as a source of formation of its competitive advantages.

Goals / objectives: to substantiate social responsibility as a source of formation of competitive advantages of the organization in the context of its interaction with the internal and external social environment (stakeholder theory).

Methodology: the scientific novelty consists in the substantiation of criteria for identifying stakeholders; presenting the author’s classification of organizational interest groups as the basis for determining the structure of its social environment; proposing a way to assess the degree of satisfaction of counter expectations of the organization and the subjects of interaction; solving the problem of determining ways to change the socially responsible behavior of the organization, depending on the transformation of its internal and external social environment.

Results/conclusions: the modern understanding of the organization leads to the need to consider it as a system of goals – each goal implies a particular group of stakeholders, and has its own embodiment. The competencies acquired by the organization in the process of meeting all the goals are considered unique and non-reproducible, and the advantages are considered competitive.

Key words: concept of corporate social responsibility, stakeholder theory, stakeholders, subjects of interaction, competitive advantages, competitiveness.


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Olga V. Ledneva

Olga V. Ledneva, Associate Professor, Head of Business Statistics Department, Moscow University for Industry and Finance “Synergy”, Candidate of Sciences in Economics Moscow, Russia.


Development of electronic government within the framework of digitalization of Russia


Subject/Topic Digital transformation is an objective process of our time. This article examines the massive introduction of electronic services in the field of public administration, which leads not only to an increase in the ease of use of public services by citizens, but also reduces time and human costs in the implementation of the activities of government bodies.

Goals/Objectives Establishment of factors that can negatively affect the development of digitalization in the field of interaction between authorities and the population. In addition, the degree of implementation and efficiency of domestic public electronic services was assessed in comparison with other states.

The research methodology In the process of research, general scientific methods were used, such as graphical, tabular, methods of scientific knowledge, analysis and comparison.

Results The study noted that the distribution of the Internet across regions is uneven, and a complete transition to electronic services instead of personal visits would be a premature decision. International comparisons allow us to state that the degree of development of e-government in Russia is at a relatively high level.

Conclusions The regions with the highest and lowest prevalence of the broadband Internet have been identified, and the reasons hindering the expansion of the use of the network by the population have been identified. The degree of development of e-government in Russia on an international scale is assessed. The results obtained can be useful in drawing up plans for further improvement of the work of e-government.

Keywords: international comparisons, Russian regions, digital economy, e-government, digital transformation, ratings


Adilkhodjaeva (2019) – Adilkhodjaeva Surayyo Makhkamovna. Analysis of modern «E-government» models in the world // Review of law sciences, vol. 1, # 7, 2019, S. 14-19.

Galkin (2021) – Galkin A. G., Enikeev A. A., Pastukhov M. M. Electronic government: analysis of foreign integration practices [Elektronnoye pravitel’stvo: analiz zarubezhnykh praktik integratsii]// Uchenye zapiski V.I. Vernadsky. Legal Sciences. 2021. – Vol. 7. – # 1. – S. 11-15.

Tagarov (2018) – Tagarov B. Zh. Analysis of the current state of the electronic government of Russia [Analiz sovremennogo sostoyaniya elektronnogo pra-vitel’stva Rossii] // Creative Economy. 2018. – Vol. 12. – # 4. – S.447-458.

Yarunichev (2021) – Yarunichev A. I. World experience in the use of digital technologies in public-private partnership [Mirovoy opyt primeneniya tsifrovykh tekhnologiy v gosudarstvenno-chastnom partnorstve] // Efficiency of national projects: socio-economic processes, civil society institutions, education: XX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kursk, April 22, 2021. – Kursk: Private educational institution of higher education “Kursk Institute of Management, Economics and Business”, 2021. – S. 157-160.

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Svetlana V. Krivoruchko

Svetlana V. Krivoruchko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Banking and Financial Markets at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E mail:

Lopatin V. Alekseevich

Lopatin V. Alekseevich, Ph.D. in Economics, Non-profit partnership “National Council of the Financial Market”, Moscow, Russia.


Anatoly S. Neberа

Anatoly S. Neberа, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

E mail:

Evaluation of the digital transformation index payment services in the context of the transition to the digital economy


Subject/Topic The paper examines the issue of assessing the state of digital transformation of payment services in the context of the transition to a digital economy in Russia. The relevance of the work is due to the need to use the index to manage the process of digital transformation of payment services, including the development and implementation of their development strategy.

Goals/Objectives The fundamental purpose of the study is to develop an index of digital transformation of payment services in the context of the transition to a digital economy. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to carry out a multi-level decomposition of payment services (as an economic system) into structural elements, calculate the sub-indices of the digital transformation of structural elements and their contributions to digital transformation at all levels of decomposition.

The research methodology is based on the application of expert assessments of the sub-indices of the digital transformation of structural elements and their contributions to the digital transformation of a generalized payment service. The tools include methods of analysis and synthesis, modeling and classification.

Results and conclusions Based on the estimates received, recommendations were developed to increase the index to increase the index of digital transformation of structural elements of payment services and the final index of digital transformation of payment services.

Keywords: payment services, digital transformation, digital transformation index of payment services.


Babkin, Burkaltseva, Kosten, Vorobyov (2017) – Babkin A.V., Burkaltseva D.D., Kosten D.G., Vorobyov Yu.N. Formation of the digital economy in Russia: essence, features, technical normalization, development problems // Scientific and technical bulletin of SPbGPU. Economic sciences. 2017. – Vol. 10 No 3. – P. 9-25.

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Efremova, Artemyeva, Makeikina (2021) – Efremova T.A., Artemyeva S.S., Makeikina S.M. Features, trends and prospects of digital transformation of the economy: world and national experience // Theory and practice of social development. – 2021. – No 1. – P. 53-58.

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Osmanova (2019) – Osmanova Z.O. Monitoring the results of digital transformations in the Russian Federation based on the national index of digital economy development // Scientific Bulletin: Finance, Banks, Investments. – 2019. – No. 3. – P. 159-167.

Osmanova (2019) – Osmanova Z.O. Monitoring the results of digital transformations in the Russian Federation based on the national index of digital economy development // Scientific Bulletin: Finance, Banks, Investments, 2019. No. 3. – P. 159-167.

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Olga E. Sidorova

Olga E. Sidorova, Associate Professor, Department of Business Statistics, Moscow University for Industry and Finance “Synergy”, Candidate of Sciences in Economics Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Prospects for mining cryptocurrencies in Russia


Subject/Topic This article presents the prospects for cryptocurrency mining in Russia in terms of the impact on the electric power industry, the legal aspects of circulation, as well as the possibility of influencing the value of cryptocurrencies.

Goals/Objectives Determine the impact of the cryptocurrency mining process on the technical and economic indicators of the work of the Russian electric power industry.

The research methodology During the study, general scientific methods were used, such as comparisons, analysis and synthesis, as well as mathematical and statistical methods, in particular tabular, graphical and generalizing quantities.

Results.The placement of computational capacities for cryptocurrency production has a positive effect on the technical performance of power plants – the value of the utilization factor of the installed capacity of power plants is growing, thus the excess generating capacity is included in the work.

Conclusions Russia is an attractive mining area. However, an excessive increase in cryptocurrency production may entail a shortage of electric capacity, which was observed in China in 2021. At the same time, with an increase in mining on a global scale, there are opportunities to influence cryptocurrency exchange quotes.

Keywords: bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, mining, international comparisons, power industry.


Features of financial management in the context of the development of the digital economy [Osobennosti upravleniya finansami v usloviyakh razvitiya tsifrovoy ekonomiki] / Yu. V. Zementsky, E. A. Fursova, F. I. Aminova et al. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics, 2018. – 252 s.

Zainullina (2018) – Zainullina S. F., Gabaidullin A. R., Mardanov A. M. Cryptocurrency history and prospects [Kriptovalyuta istoriya i perspektivy] // Alley of Science. 2018. – Vol. 2. – # 10(26). – S. 576-579.

Ivantsov (2019) – Ivantsov S. V., Sidorenko E. L., Spasennikov B. A. et al. Cryptocurrency-related crimes: main criminological trends [Prestupleniya, svyazannyye s ispol’zovaniyem kriptovalyuty: osnovnyye kriminologicheskiye tendentsii] // All-Russian Journal of Criminology. 2019. – Vol. 13. – # 1. – S. 85-93.

Lemaikina (2020) – Lemaikina S.V. Topical issues of countering cybercrime [Aktual’nyye voprosy protivodeystviya kiberprestupleniyam] // Forensic science: yesterday, today, tomorrow. 2020. – # 4(16). – S. 54-59.

Andryushin (2020) – Andryushin S.A. Cryptocurrencies: issuance, circulation and regulation problems [Kriptovalyuty: vypusk, obrashcheniye i problemy regulirovaniya] // Russian Journal of Economics and Law. 2020. # 3. – S. 455-468.

Shaidullina (2018) – Shaidullina V. K. Cryptocurrency as a new economic and legal phenomenon [Kriptovalyuta kak novoye ekonomiko-pravovoye yavleniye] // University Bulletin. 2018. – # 2. – S. 137-142.

Shcherbik (2017) – Shcherbik E. E. Cryptocurrency phenomenon: experience of system description [Fenomen kriptovalyut: opyt sistemnogo opisaniya] // Scientific and methodological electronic journal Concept. 2017. – # S1. – S. 56–64.

Malakhova (2018) – Malakhova A. A. Cryptocurrency: history and prospects [Kriptovalyuta: istoriya i perspektivy] // Alley of Science. 2018. – Vol. 2. – # 1. – S. 172-180.

Verdikhanov (2021) – Verdikhanov F. N., Tagirova A. V. Risks of introducing cryptocurrency into the national economy [Riski vnedreniya kriptovalyuty v natsional’nuyu ekonomiku] // Theoretical and applied issues of economics, management and education: Collection of articles of the II International scientific and practical conference. In 2 volumes, Penza, June 15–16, 2021. – Penza: Penza State Agrarian University, 2021. – S. 65-70.

Prokop’eva M.N. (2019) – Prokopyeva M. N. Problems of cryptocurrency turnover in Russia and prospects for legal regulation [Problemy oborota kriptovalyut v Rossii i perspektivy pravovogo regulirovaniya] // Skif. 2019. # 12-2 (40). – S. 286-289.

Nazarenko (2021) – Nazarenko G. V. Identification of laundering of proceeds from crime using digital currencies [Identifikatsiya otmyvaniya dokhodov, poluchennykh prestupnym putem s primeneniyem tsifrovykh valyut] // Philosophy of Law. – 2021. – # 4 (99). – S. 149-154.


Lyudmila M. Kuprianova

Lyudmila M. Kuprianova, Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Business Analytics Department, Deputy Head of the Chair of “Economics of intellectual property” at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow


Olga V. Schneider

Olga V. Schneider, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Analytics, FSOBU HE “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow (E-mail:

Current issues of sustainable development of economic subjects


The relevance of the issues of sustainable development of economic entities is due to the modern conditions of relationships and phenomena at the level of global significance. The subject of the research in this scientific article are the key tasks, directions, tools, as well as the stages of implementing a model of sustainable development of various economic entities.

Importance. The purpose of the study is to identify problems related to key tasks, as well as implementation stages, principles of reporting and methodology of sustainable development.

Objective. Methods. The methodology of the study was based on analytical methods of analysis, assessment of the reliability of economic approaches, synthesis, comparison, comparison, etc.

Conclusions and Relevance. Every year, key stakeholders pay more and more attention to the reporting that characterizes the aspects of sustainable development of an economic entity, since the information provided in the sustainable development reports allows making more informed investment decisions. Key stakeholders use information that determines financial and non-financial indicators as a serious tool for assessing the activities of an economic entity in their area of attention.

Keywords: analytical aspects, informativeness, key stakeholders, non-financial indicators, reporting, sustainable development, financial indicators, performance.


Report “Our Common Future” of the World Commission on Environment and Development, Forty-second session of the UN General Assembly [Doklad «Nashe obshchee budushchee» Vsemirnoj komissii po voprosam okruzhayushchej sredy i razvitiya, sorok vtoraya sessiya General’noj assamblei OON]– 08/04/1987.

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Elkington (1994) – Elkington J. Towards the Sustainable Corporation: Business Strategies for Sustainable Development [Towards the Sustainable Corporation: Business Strategies for Sustainable Development] // California Management Review. 1994. No. 36.

Directive of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation of 30.03.2012 No. 1710p-P13 [Direktiva Predsedatelya Pravitel’stva RF].

Efimova (2018) – Efimova O.V. Integration of aspects of sustainable development into the process of substantiating investment decisions [Integraciya aspektov ustojchivogo razvitiya v process obosnovaniya investicionnyh reshenij]// Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice. – 2018. -No. 1. – pp. 48-65.

Nikiforova (2016) – Nikiforova E.V. Formation and disclosure of information about the sustainable development of the company [Formirovanie i raskrytie informacii ob ustojchivom razvitii kompanii]// Actual problems of economics and law. 2016. Vol. 10, No. 2. pp. 113-123.

Nikiforova, Klepikova, Schneider (2018) – Nikiforova E.V., Klepikova L.V., Schneider O.V. Sustainable development of economic entities: key tasks, stages and interests of stakeholders [Ustojchivoe razvitie ekonomicheskih sub”ektov: klyuchevye zadachi, etapy i interesy stejkkholderov]// Azimut of scientific research: economics and management. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 3 (24). pp. 120-124.

Kupriyanova, Schneider (2020) – Kupriyanova L.M., Schneider O.V. Analysis and evaluation of the availability of the market segment for economic entities [Analiz i ocenka dostupnosti rynochnogo segmenta dlya ekonomicheskih sub”ektov]// Economy. Business. Cans. 2020. No. 2 (40). pp. 36-44.


Lyudmila M. Kuprianova

Lyudmila M. Kuprianova, Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Business Analytics Department, Deputy Head of the Chair of “Economics of intellectual property” at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Viktor V. Schneider

Viktor V. Schneider, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Analytics, FSOBU HE “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow (E-mail:

On formation of reliable information in financial statements


Manipulation of revenue is one of the most frequently used fraudulent schemes in the activities of economic entities. However, methods of combating fraud in the financial sphere exist in almost all countries of the world and in many states special compositions dedicated to criminal liability for this type of crimes have been introduced into criminal legislation. The subject of research in this scientific article is effective tools and mechanisms for determining fraud with the financial statements of economic entities and the suppression of such actions.

Importance The purpose of the study is to identify possible fraud in the accounting system and the formation of accounting financial statements, as well as timely elimination of the negative consequences of such actions.

Objective. Methods. The methodology of the conducted research is based on the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, evaluation, logical thinking, etc.

Conclusions and Relevance The formation of reliable and objective information in accounting financial statements and the suppression of the spread of facts of distortion of financial statements, the purpose of which is to mislead its users, are at the first stage of the priority tasks of top management of economic entities of modern economic relations. In this regard, the need to develop an effective control capable of identifying a greater number of manipulations in the accounting system is necessary and significant.

Keywords: accounting, information, control, fraud, financial reporting, economic entity, effective tools.


The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation No. 63–FZ of 13.06.1996 (as amended on 09.03.2022) [Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 #63–FZ (red. ot 09.03.2022)] (with amendments and additions, intro. effective from 03/17/2022).

Information on the differentiation of fraud and civil law relations [Informaciya o razgranichenii moshennichestva i grazhdansko-pravovyh otnoshenij] URL: https: //18.xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/news/item/3250483 . (date of appeal 11.03.2022).

Federal Law No. 402-FZ dated 06.12.2011 “On Accounting” [Federal’nyj zakon ot 06.12.2011 # 402–FZ «O buhgalterskom uchete»] (ed. from 30.12.2021 N 435-FZ, from 30.12.2021 N 443-FZ).

Shvetsova (2020) – Shvetsova K.A. Topical issues of tax legislation as an economic threat factor affecting the influx of fraud in the field of economics [Aktual’nye voprosy nalogovogo zakonodatel’stva, kak faktor ekonomicheskoj ugrozy, vliyayushchij na pritok moshennichestva v oblasti ekonomiki] / Shvetsova K.A., Soloviev M.A. // In the collection: Scientific Almanac. Collection of scientific papers. – 2020. – pp. 219-225.

Which of the employees is prone to fraud? [Kto iz sotrudnikov sklonen k moshennichestvu?] URL: (accessed 08.02.2022)

Kadnikov (2018) – Kadnikov N.G. On the issue of liability for fraud in the sphere of economic activity [K voprosu ob otvetstvennosti za moshennichestvo v sfere ekonomicheskoj deyatel’nosti] // Union of criminologists and criminologists. – 2018. – # 2 – Pp. 70-74.

Problems of fraud in the audit [Problemy moshennichestva v audite] URL: /problemy_moshennichestva_audite (accessed 18.02.2022)

Brayley (2008) – Brayley R. Principles of corporate finance [Principy korporativnyh finansov] / R. Brayley, S. Myers – M.: Olympus-Business, 2008. – 1008 p

Parushina (2020) – Parushina N. V. Audit: practicum: textbook [Audit: praktikum: uchebnoe posobie] / N.V. Parushina, S.P. Suvorova, E.V. Galkina– – 3rd ed., pererab. and additional – Moscow : FORUM: INFRA-M, 2020 – 286 p.

Kireeva (2018) – Kireeva N.V. Economic and financial analysis: textbook. manual [Ekonomicheskij i finansovyj analiz: uchebnoe posobie] / N.V. Kireeva. – M. INFRA-M, 2018. – 293 p.

Kupriyanova, Schneider (2020) – Kupriyanova L.M., Schneider O.V. Analysis and evaluation of the availability of the market segment for economic entities [Analiz i ocenka dostupnosti rynochnogo segmenta dlya ekonomicheskih sub”ektov] // Economy. Business. Cans. 2020.  No. 2 (40). pp. 36-44.

Fraud in financial statements in emerging markets [Moshennichestvo v finansovoj otchetnosti na razvivayushchihsya rynkah.] URL: / (accessed 21.02.2022)

Audit methodology: procedures, tips, recommendations: monograph [Metodika auditorskoj proverki: procedury, sovety, rekomendacii: monografiya]/ D. Y. Samygin, N. G. Baryshnikov, A. A. Tuskov [et al.]; edited by N. G. Baryshnikov. – Moscow: INFRA-M, 2020 – 231 p.


B. Haddad

B. Haddad, PhD student, Department of Logistics and Marketing at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,


Development of marketing strategies for islamic banks


Subject/topic: development of marketing strategies, profit and loss ratios, risks, competition, lending to small businesses and the financial sector. The banking sector occupies a vital position in the economic and financial systems of any country. The entire economic activity of the country largely depends on the efficiency of the functioning of banks. Islamic technologies for building financial products have become widespread in world markets, including in many developed countries of Europe and America, in order to set and successfully solve market problems, it is necessary to understand the mechanism for implementing marketing programs and take into account the situational characteristics of the environment.

Goals/objectives: methods and means of developing marketing strategies for Islamic banking.

Methodology: Methodology: divergent and convergent thinking, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and analogy methods.

Results/conclusions: socially oriented approaches are proposed to explain the principles of Islamic banking to a potential consumer, the modern environment for the existence of Islamic banking and various marketing approaches used by Islamic banks at this stage of development are considered, the problems of the lack of professionally trained personnel in the field of marketing Islamic products and services are revealed. Banking; shows the results of both the competition of Islamic banking with traditional banking and the positive results of their potential merger.

Keywords: Islamic finance, Islamic banking, financial marketing, innovative products, Islamic Sharia, Islamic marketing.


Абедифар, Молинье, Тарази (2013) – Абедифар П., Молинье П., Тарази А. Риск в исламском банкинге. Рев Финанс 17 (6): 2035–2096

Ахмад Родони Медина, Яман, Сопян (2020) – Ахмад Родони, Медина А.Р., Яман Б., Сопян А. Эффективность и стабильность исламского банкинга в АСЕАН. Аль-Иктишад Дж. Ислам Экон 12 (1): 63–76

Хусейн Халид. (2018) – Хусейн Халид «Этические инвестиции: эмпирические данные исламского индекса FTSE», Исламские экономические исследования, том 12, № 1 (август), стр. 21-40.

How attractive are bonds for an investor // Expert, No21 (130), 2018

الرسمية – Official Gazette of the Syrian Arab Republic, No. 79. 2019.

Обайдулла (2019) – Обайдулла М. Стратегии в индустрии исламских фондов; Исследовательский анализ (соавтор; Зафар Сарешвала), Материалы 5-го Гарвардского форума по исламским финансам, США, 2019 г.


Anastasia V. Spesivtseva

Anastasia V. Spesivtseva, Student of Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis, FSOBU HE “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow.



Scientific supervisor: Svetlana Milovidova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Transparency of financial reporting and methods of its assessment


Subject/Topi The article explores the concept of “transparency” in financial reporting and the relevance of methods for its assessment, considers the types of falsification with accounting (financial) reporting. The problems of accounting transparency and methods of detecting falsification and veiling are considered. Transparency in financial reporting is a key aspect in the whole business process, as it is through the use of reporting data that you can analyze, make different models and predict the economic future of the company. The problem of transparency in accounting (financial) reporting has not been sufficiently studied in the scientific space, because the scientific approach to the study requires the definition of qualitative characteristics, but such aspects have not been fully tested.  The subject of research in this scientific article is accounting (financial) statements, which is the main information document regulating the financial position and activities of an economic entity.

Objectives. The purpose of the study is to determine the methods of assessing the transparency of financial reporting, by which the veil in reporting can be prevented.

Methodology The methodology of the study was based on analytical methods of synthesis, analysis, comparison, benchmarking and evaluation.

Conclusions The study has identified the factors that make transparent reporting relevant. As a result of the study, the main approaches to the characterisation of information transparency have been considered and systematised.

Key words: transparency, financial (accounting) reporting, information transparency, methods for assessing information reliability.


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