Economy Buisness Banks №2(11)




Vladimir I. Trukhachev

Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor, E-mail:

Yuliya M. Sklyarova

Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, E-mail:

Igor Y. Sklyarov

doctor of economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of economic analysis and audit, Stavropol state agrarian University, E-mail:

Assessment of problems and ways of development of agricultural market


The article gives an evaluation for the market for agricultural products , and the main directions of development of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector on the example of the Stavropol region of the Russian Federation on the basis of data analysis of the balance resources and their use in the context of product groups . It allowed to determine that the Stavropol region is self-sufficient in grain, meat and milk , and the most dependant on the export of fruit , but the share of imported food supply decreases annually . The application of the BCG Matrix of the investment strategic positions of commodity groups of agricultural products of the Stavropol Territory has allowed to establish the priority sub-sectors for the development of entrepreneurship in agriculture.

Keywords: market, agricultural organizations, agriculture, business, agricultural market, the market of agricultural products, efficiency, agriculture, business, agricultural sector


Tatiana G.Gurnovich

doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Financial Management & Banking, Stavropol State Agrarian University, E- mail:

Elena N. Lapina

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management & Banking, Stavropol State Agrarian University, E- mail:

Gennadiy I. Malov

graduate student of the Department of Finances, Credit and insurance, Stavropol State Agrarian University, E-mail:

Priorities of technical and technological modernization of regional AIC


The article substantiates the need for technical and technological modernization of agricultural production, as well as a systematic priorities for its implementation in regional agriculture, which will increase the efficiency of agricultural producers and on this basis to ensure the competitiveness of their products in terms of the course of the Russian government on import substitution. Moreover, offered the author’s differentiation of subsystems on technical and technological characteristics and refined their key structural components in order to enhance the state participation in the modernization of the technical base of regional AIC.

Keywords: technical and technological modernization, agricultural production, innovative development, regional AIC


Elena N. Lapina

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management & Banking, Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

Tatiana G. Gurnovich

doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Financial Management & Banking, Stavropol state agrarian University, E- mail:

Features of the circulation and structure of foreign trade in food products in the Stavropol region


The article describes the main indicators of foreign trade in foodstuffs and raw materials of the Stavropol territory, the factors that have a negative impact on agriculture and food security in the region, which allowed to determine the direction of state support for agriculture in the conditions of Russia’s membership in WTO.

Keywords: foreign trade, WTO, government support, food security, food products and raw materials, agriculture.


Andrеy О. Blinov

Doctor of Еconomic Sciences, Professor of General Management and Project Management of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Е-mail:

A new view on the industrial policy of Russia


Importancе. In a market economy, thе success of industrial еntеrprisеs dеpеnds on thеir ability to survivе, еfficiеncy, productivity and compеtitivеnеss, which arе dеtеrminеd by thе lеvеl of modern management. It’s safе to say that today, in thе intеrеst of survival and rеsponsivеnеss to rapidly changing markеt conditions, businеssеs must consistеntly pursuе organizational changеs. Thanks to ovеrcomе this inеrtia and stagnation in govеrnancе structurеs in thе еxisting systеm of connеctions and rеlationships.

Objеctivе. Thе aim of thе articlе is to еvaluatе thе innovativе and tеchnological potеntial of thе Russian еconomy. In this rеgard, is еxpеctеd to dеvеlop indicators and approachеs to thе diagnosis of thе truе potеntial of Russia, idеntify kеy tеchnological indicators of Russia in thе contеxt of dеvеlopеd countriеs. Analyzе thе moral aspеcts of еconomic sеcurity.

Mеthods. Arе – sistеmny approach, structural and functional analysis, еconomic matеmatichеskoе modеlirovaniе. Thе study usеd sciеntific mеthods of cognition (thе dialеctical mеthod of analysis and synthеsis, systеmatic, logical, mеthodical approach), mеthods of еmpirical knowlеdgе (sciеntific simulation, analysis of еconomic and statistical indicators, comparativе analysis).

Conclusions and Rеlеvancе. Thе innovativе naturе of contеmporary world dеvеlopmеnt can not bе considеrеd a survival stratеgy and rolе modеls as accеptablе for Russia. That lеavеs Russia with only onе option to survivе as an influеntial subjеct of thе historical procеss – to gеnеratе and implеmеnt a stratеgy for socio-еconomic and intеllеctual and crеativе sеlf-еxprеssion sociеty – mеdia rich national culturе. Should takе into account thе vеry limitеd historical timе to changе thе naturе of thе country and the nееd to improvе thе еfficiеncy of its usе of natural, industrial and intеllеctual potеntial for sеlf-prеsеrvation and strеngthеning of Russia its global position in thе modеrn world. Wе nееd a moral mеss, and you nееd to cook it now, today, for tomorrow may bе too latе, as wе facе thе irrеvеrsiblе consеquеncеs of thе disintеgration of sociеty, thе loss of statеhood. Kеywords: changе managеmеnt, organizational changе, human rеsourcеs, rеsistancе to changе.


Maria I. Seredina

PhD in Sociology Associate professor of the Department of Foreign languages Russian state University of Tourism and Service, Moscow, E-mail:

On the interaction of ethnic communities in the modern megacities


The article analyzes the characteristics of the formation and interaction of ethnic communities in the modern world metropolis prayer and practical recommendations. The practical significance of this article is based on a system of theoretical sociological propositions and scientific position of the author, consisting in the fact that study of the formation and interaction of the ethnic communities in the city will determine the path of positive interaction between them and the host community that contributes to the solution of social problems.

Keywords: ethnic communities, metropolis, migration flows, multiculturalism, identichenost model of ethnic communities, adaptive scenario




Natalia V. Sobchenko

candidate of economic Sciences, senior professor of the Department of Financial management and banking, Stavropol state agrarian University, E-mail:

Tamara V. Skrebtsova

candidate of economic Sciences, senior professor of the Department of Financial management and banking, Stavropol state agrarian University, E-mail:

Analysis of the dynamics of credit transactions and overdue credit indebtedness of the leading Russian banks


In the article the analysis of the loan portfolio, lending to individuals and businesses and organizations, arrears leaders of the Russian banking sector in the dynamics. It is shown that during the study period as a whole growth of overdue debts at a faster pace than the increase in banks ‘ loan portfolios.

Keywords: loans to individuals, loans to legal entities, loan portfolio, arrears, changes, the dynamics.


Yliya M. Sklyarova

doctor of economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Financial management and banking, Stavropol state agrarian University, E-mail:

Igor Y. Sklyarov

doctor of economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of economic analysis and audit, Stavropol state agrarian University, E-mail:

Lyudmila A. Latysheva

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Financial management and banking, Stavropol state agrarian University, E-mail:

Improvement of mechanisms of information and analytical support of credit institutions: LING technology and control system operating function of the bank


The article deals with new forms of organization service client calls to the bank and bank instruments. The company strives to develop the operating function (operations), which are subject to more stringent requirements in terms of convenience, speed, completeness, reference data, the organization of the primary control on the stage of initiation of operations and customer service specialist for all subsequent steps. Banks appears the role of COO – chief of operation office, the head of the operating unit, the scale and impact of the level of responsibility varies from bank to bank. Total in different banks – one responsible to the customer for operational quality of customer service. Especially precious time for the bank direct contact with clients seeking service. Therefore, the Savings Bank was set the task of developing a strategic sector sales “Face to the customer.” Time customer in this process is the most expensive and limited resource, so it is absolutely logical step for the bank became the task of freeing the maximum possible time employee service to communicate with the client and offer new products.

Keywords: information-analytical support of the commercial, ling technology, operational function of the bank, customer support




Lyubov V. Agarkova

doctor of economic Sciences, Professor оf the Department of finance, credit and insurance, Stavropol state agrarian University, E-mail:

Irina M. Podkolzina

candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of finance, Credit and insurance, Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

Ways to improve the financial results of the enterprise


This article discusses ways to improve financial results and substantiated two variants of the forecast aggregate balance of the organization through the introduction of new services, as well as optimization of receivables and inventories.

Keywords: financial results sales revenue, profitability, property, investments


Alexandr A. Gladilin

candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department Finance, credit and insurance chair, Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

Sergey G. Shmatko

candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department Finance, credit and Insurance chair, Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

The securities valuation based on multiples


The paper presents the methodology of securities valuation based on multiples and identified the specific application of the comparative approach to securities valuation and justified the use of the capital market in their assessment. Presents practical recommendations for the application of multipliers to the estimated object and calculate the total estimated value of the paper.

Keywords: securities, multipliers, cash flows, profit shares.




Irina I. Glotova

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Finance, credit and insurance chair, Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail: irin-glotova

Elena P. Tomilina

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Finance, credit and insurance chair, Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

Formation of investment potential the agrarian Sector of the economy of the region in terms of Russia's WTO membership


The paper presents the characteristics of the agricultural sector of the economy through increased investment processes and identified trends and preconditions for the development of the agricultural sector, justified the role of investment in fixed assets in the conditions of membership in the WTO. Provides practical recommendations for the development of the agricultural sector of the Russian economy on the basis of investment and innovation.

Keywords: investment potential, agriculture, public-private partnership, the WTO, the financial resources.


Elena А. Ostapenko

candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor of the Department «Financial Management and Banking», Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

Svetlana Y. Shamrina

candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor of the Department «Financial Management and Banking», Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

Investment tool for sustainable development of socio-economic subsystems based on their specialization


The relevance of this article due to the fact that at the present stage of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, one of the most important tasks is to attract investment and based on them – to ensure sustainable economic growth in the regions and countries. Formation of investment potential and development of control systems reproduction process – the necessary conditions for active and effective socio-economic activities in the regions of Russia. Possibilities of socio-economic development of regions is largely determined by their investment climate, attractive implemented and proposed investment projects and programs. Estimation of investment potential and risks of the Federation reveals the factors hindering the development of the regional economy, from the standpoint of the stability of the political and economic situation, providing guarantees to investors, the formation of legal systems, credit and material-technical base of enterprises, development of monitoring and priority areas of socio-economic development regions.

Keywords: investments, investment attractiveness, risk, investment policy, socio-economic subsystem


Tamara V. Skrebtsova

candidate of economic Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of economic analysis and audit, Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

Nataliya V. Sobchenko

candidate of economic Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of economic analysis and audit, Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

The problems of venture capital financing of small innovative business in Russia


In article says that one of the key problems of the economy of modern Russia is the lack of use of existing innovative potential. The development of the venture capital industry and direct investment at the moment is one of the priorities of the state innovation policy and a prerequisite for enhancing innovation and increasing the competitiveness of the domestic industry. Among the reasons of this situation- is underdevelopment of such important element of the national innovation system as a small innovative entrepreneurship in economy of RF(Russian Federation).

Keywords: venture, venture financing, innovative entrepreneurship, innovative potential, small innovative entrepreneurship, small business, national innovative system (Venture- this interaction startup projects developing companies and major investors(investment of venture capital funds). Investments are at the initial stage of development, as well as in the later stages of company development. Venture investing is very risky business).




Lyudmila A. Latysheva

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management and banking, Stavropol state agrarian University E-mail:

Yuliya M. Sklyarova

doctor of economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Financial management and banking, Stavropol state agrarian University E-mail:

Igor Y. Sklyarov

doctor of economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of economic analysis and audit, Stavropol state agrarian University E-mail:

Financial risk management the agricultural enterprises of the Stavropol region


Article updated conceptual approaches to the technique and methodology of financial risk management of agricultural enterprises, as well as codified and amended classification of financial risks agricultural structures in the context of the main areas of financial management that will improve the quality of management of this group of risks organizations of agrarian profile. In addition, the author’s approach to financial risk management agricultural business, which will improve the management efficiency of agrarian business structure and to reduce the risk of financial losses.

Keywords: risk, financial risk, financial risk management, agricultural entrepreneurship, risk management.


Svetlana Y. Shamrina

candidate of economic sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department «Financial Management and Banking», Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

Elena А. Ostapenko

candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department «Financial Management and Banking», Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

The organization's risk management system based on the process approach


In the article methodical approaches to the organization of the process approach, involving review of the activities as a set of interrelated business processes within the bank management. The proposed approach has certain advantages over the applicable functional-oriented control scheme also offered the author “Examination of projects submitted to the Credit Committee”

Keywords: process approach, liquidity, commercial banks,credit project.


Olga N. Uglitskikh

candidate of economic Sciences, Professor of Department “Finance, credit and insurance”, Stavropol state agrarian University, E – mail:

Yuliya E. Klishina

candidate of economic Sciences, Professor of Department “Finance, credit and insurance”, Stavropol state agrarian University, E- mail:

Insurance, as a method to reduce banking risks


The article deals with topical issues of banking insurance, including disclosure of major insurance programs offered by banks, insurance companies. Studied complex insurance products offered to cover banking risks detailed program for the insurance of credit risks, insurance cards, both Russian and foreign insurance companies. In conclusion, the basic principles of insurance banking risks financial institution.

Keywords: insurance, insurance programs, banking risks, credit risk, insurance cards




Ksenia B.Baranchikova

Master degree student (MF2-5 group) оf Department оf Global finance, International economic relations faculty, The Finance University under the Government оf the Russian Federation, Moscow, E-mail:

Corporate debt as a risk for the state


The article is devoted to the problem of excessive debt in developed countries. The author analyzed debt problems of such countries as the USA, Iceland, Ireland and Spain during the crisis of 2008. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that currently, many corporations have become so backbone that their bankruptcy leads to the collapse of the economy of the whole country. It is identified and justified the correlation between corporate debt of “too big to fail” corporations and the sovereign debt. It is shown that the state due to various factors cannot be abstracted from the problems of the private sector. Based on the conducted research the author concludes that excessive corporate debt can suddenly lead the country almost to default.

Keywords: Sovereign debt, developed countries, gross debt, too big to fail, crisis, USA, Iceland, Ireland, Spain


Natalia V. Gurenkova

specialist on economics, master of program “International finance in global economy”, Department of “International finance”, “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow, E-mail:

Role of savings in the formation of the monetary and financial systems in the countries of BRIC


The article analyzes the role of savings in the currency – financial systems of the BRICS countries, owing to the strengthening of regionalism trends in developing countries and the signing of the agreement on the establishment of a new development bank on the results of the BRICS Summit VI. The VII BRICS summit is planned in the summer of 2015, where the main issue will be the transition from the hegemony of the United States to a “polycentric world order” and “changing to new currences” of the World Economy. The aim of the paper is to show positive and negative trends in the economies of these countries, using the analysis of their main macroeconomic indicators. On the basis of comparison of gross domestic savings to GDP, net lending / net borrowing, direct foreign investments and other things, the conclusion of China leadership among the BRICS countries and its prominent position on the world arena, as well as about the main Russia’s economy slowdown risks and possible slowdown of the Chinese economy due to the falling demand for Chinese labor force and transition of labor demand to Africa.

Keywords: total national savings BRICS; gross domestic product (GDP) BRICS; bank discount rate of BRICS countries; inflation rate in BRICS; actual interest rate (blended) in BRICS countries; Gross domestic savings (% of GDP), net lending/borrowing of BRICS; foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$) BRICS.


Sergey E. Petyukov

graduate student of chair “Investment and Innovation”, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, E-mail:

The key points of transnational power grids creation with Russian Federation participation


This article analyzes highlights of power grids creation, taking into account the recommendations of the World Bank, which provides the benefits of regional integrated power grids, the requirements for the development of regulations that would adhere to the interconnected national grid. The author cites the provisions of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.12.2009 №2094-p “On approval of the Strategy of socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region for the period up to 2025”, describes the features of transnational electricity cooperation between Russia on the east, south and west.

Keywords: power grids, the World Bank, regional infrastructure, energy cooperation.