The Modern Lawyer №1(6)
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Yuri A. Ezhovassociate professor Of Department the «Administrative and Informational law» the Finance University Under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Administrative reform in the Russian FederationAbstract. This article considers the peculiarities of the Russian Federation of administrative reform, the success of the realization of which depends on the understanding and support of citizens and business goals and objectives of the administrative reform, the interest of civil society in the results of reforms, as well as the availability of objective information on its progress. Keywords: administrative reform, governance, public servants, executive, administrative-legal status of executive power, the functions of the executive bodies. References: 1. The message of the President of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2005 Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation // the Russian newspaper dated 26 April 2005 2. Tikhomirov Y. A. Legal aspects of the administrative reform // Law and Economics. 2004. #4. C. 29. 3. Federal constitutional law from 17.12.1997 #2-FKZ «On the Government of the Russian Federation // Sz RF. 2003. #51. Article. 5712. 4. Sharov L.V. On the main elements of administrative reform //Journal of Russian law. 2011. #5. 5. Russian Federation Government decree dated 31.07.2003 #451 // C3 of the Russian Federation. 2003. #31. Article. 3150. 6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 23.07.2003 #824 «About measures on realization of administrative reform in 2003-2004» // Sz RF. 2003. #3. Article. 3046. |
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Natalia F. PopovaThe Doctor of juridical sciences, Professor, the main scientific worker Of VNII MVD of Russia, Moscow (E-mail: |
To a question about the state administration of financesAbstract. In the article is given the characteristic of term «state administration» in the theory of administrative right in two senses of word (narrow and wide). Changes in the state administration under the conditions of the market economy in comparison with the Soviet period are shown. Are opened the levers of the action of state on the sphere of financial regulation, the lawful the basis of control of this sphere. Are analyzed the changes, which occurred in the system of control elements of finances since 2004. Are examined the function of the federal organs of executive power — the Board of Exchequer, Federal Service, which accomplish a state administration in this sphere. Special attention is given to the disclosure of the role of Russia bank in control of finances. Are noted deficiencies in the lawful regulation of the realization of insurance supervision by the bank of Russia, innovation of federal law dated April5, 2013. «About the State Auditing Chamber of the Russian Federation». The content of financial control is shown. Keywords: state administration, financial policy, financial control, state Audit, normative-lawful regulation, the function of the organs of executive power, the Board of Exchequer RF, the Federal Service for financial monitoring, the Federal Service for financial-budgetary supervision, federal tax service, Russia bank, Census Chamber References 1. Cherkasov K.V. To a question about the content of concept «state administration» in Russian juridical science // administrative and municipal right. 2008. #11. p. 24; 2. Masharov I.M. State administration as the category of Russian administrative right: historical aspect and contemporary understanding // the history of state and right. 2006. #9. p. 54. 3. Administrative right of Russian: Textbook. — M.: Yurist, 2004.p. 15. 4. Administrative reform in Russia: Practical-scientific benefit/edited by. S.E. Naryshkin, T.YA. Khabrieva — M., 2006. p. 6. 5. Gorevoy E.D., Suslikov V.N. History of the development of Russian insurance legislation // civil liberty.2012. #2. 6. Gryaznova A.G., Markina E.V., Sedov M.L. Finances: Textbook. — M.: Finances and statistics. 2012. 496s. 7. Kiselev I.A., Lebedev I.A., Nikitin D.V. «Lawful problems of control of corporate risks for purposes of opposition to money laundering and to financing terrorism» / hearth are general. Ed. V.I. Avdiyskiy М.: «Jurisprudence», 2012. 8. Presidents Decree RF dated June 13, 2002. #808. 9. Presidents Decree RF dated March 4, 2011. #270 (ed. from 25.07.2013) «about the measures for the improvement of government control in the sphere of the financial market for the Russian Federation». 10. Kostennikov M.T. Kurakin A.V., Pavlyuk A.V. To a question about the concept and the methods of state administration in the administrative right // administrative and municipal right. 2013. #5. p. 430-439. 11. Kupreev S.S. Licensing as the administrative-legal method of the state administration: contemporary state // administrative right and process. 2013. #4. p. 18-21. Administrative and municipal right. 12. Bogdanov A.V. Problems of the lawful regulation of the state foreign debt of the subject of the Russian Federation // reforms and right. 2013. #1. S. 19-24. 13. Khamenusko I.V. Currency exchange regulation in the Russian Federation: rule, control, the responsibilite: studies. — prakt. Benefit. M.: Norma, 2013. P.352. 14. Kurbatov T. YU. On forms and methods of tax control // financial right/ 2013. #4. p. 46-48. 15. Golubyov A.V. Juridical expression of result and effectiveness of the use budget fund // financial right. 2013. #2. p. 22-27. 16. Vlasov K.A. General characteristic of the system of state administration in the sphere of the bank activity of the Russian Federation // bank right. 2009. #1. p. 17 -23. 17. FZ dated July 10, 2002. #86-FZ «About the central bank of the Russian Federation (bank of Russia)». 18. Riabov E.V. Parliamentary financial control as the necessary element of the specific-program budgeting: some questions of lawful guarantee // Russian justice. 2013. #6. p. 5 — 7 19. Stepashin S.V. State financial control in the opposition to corruption // the periodical of Russian right. 2012. #7. p. 15-17. |
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Viktor A. BaranovPhD, Assistant Professor, Head of Chair of civil and arbitral process The Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: Alena N. PrijennikovaCandidate of juridical sciences, Docent of the Department Of civil and arbitral process The Finance University under the Government Of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Judicial power, justice and legal proceedings as the basic categories of the theory of the judiciaryAbstract. The ongoing administrative reform in Russia and other changes in the life of the state concern all branches of power, causing a natural interest and practitioners in the field of the right to organization and activities of different institutions of power, including the judiciary. Judicial power in Russia in recent years has become one of the important institutions of state power. During the formation of the judiciary was made many changes and innovations in the Russian legislation. Question of the theory of the judiciary is being developed in various branches of science: constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law. Currently, there are many different approaches to the definition of the judiciary, since the current Russian legislation contains no definition of the term «judicial authority». Due to the fact that there is no unity in the definition of the concepts of «judicial power», there is a need in the determination of correlation of the concepts «court», «justice», «judicial system», «legal proceedings», «process». Keywords: judicial power; the court; justice; judicial system; judicial proceedings; process; judicial reform; specialized courts; judge; the judicial system. References Matiakin E.E. Concept of judicial power: formulation of the problem // the Society and law. — 2011. — #3 // SPS «Consultant Plus». Foinitskii I.Y. Course of criminal proceedings. SPb., 1996. So 1. P. 158. Point information М.Р. Function of the judiciary // Justice in the Russian Federation. 2002. #3. — P. 7 — 11. Eremina S.N. Legal forms of the exercise of labour rights in the administration of justice, court Administrator. 2013. #1. Raikova N.S. Essence of the constitutional legal proceedings, Journal of constitutional justice. 2008. #5. Russian legal encyclopedia. M, 1999. P. 951. Civil proceedings: a Textbook. 3-e Izd., Rev. and supplementary / Ed. by V.A. Musina, N.A. Tchetina, D.M. Tchechot. M.: Unincorporated business Grijenko EM, 2001. C.3. Civil proceedings: the Textbook / Ed. amended by Professor V.V. Yarkov. M: Walters Kluwer, 2004. section 2 sec. I chef. I (company «Garant»). Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. 16-e Izd., Corr. M., 1984. P. 575. Legal encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1984. C. 361, 365. Court and justice in the USSR / edited by Professor B.A. Galkina. M.: Throne. lit., 1981. P. 63. Legal encyclopedia, Ed. Tikhomirova M. et al Atlas. M.: Publishing Tikhomirova M. et al Atlas, 2001. P. 830. Constitutional right. Encyclopedic dictionary / Resp. amended S.A… – M.: Norma, 2001. P. 567. Aleksandrova Р. Unity judicial system is the most important principle of the judicial system in the Russian Federation, Arbitration and civil procedure. 2006. #11. P. 10-14. European Judicial Systems. Edition 2008 (data 2006): Facts and Figures on the Basis of a Survey Conducted in 40 Council of Europe State, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) April 2008 Belgium. URL: The new policy (Internet magazine)/URL: // |
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Stanislav.V. NikolyukinCandidate of juridical sciences, Deputy Head of Department of History and Theory of State and Law Financial University at The Government of the Russian Federation (Email: )
The periodization of the historical development of the arbitration courts after 1917Abstract. This article discusses the historical periodization of arbitration courts in Russia since 1917 and the present. Keywords: arbitration, stages of arbitration, the decree of the court in 1917, a decree of the Court of Arbitration in 1918, features the arbitration. References 1. Terms and conditions of trade and industry in the USSR. Sat Articles / Ed. NA Toporova EV Merkel. L. 1924. P. 156. 2. Soviet civil proceedings / ed. AF Kleinman. M., 1964. P. 423 (the author of head Loginov P.V.). 3. Komarov AS International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation: the 70th anniversary of the formation; Topical issues of international commercial arbitration: to 70 — anniversary of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation. M.: Spark 2002. 4. Grigorov A.A. Legal nature and procedure of international commercial arbitration in the USSR: Author. dis. … Cand. jurid. Sciences. Rostov-on-Don, 1971. P. 4-5. 5. Brezhnev L.I. Progress Report CPSU XXIV Congress of the CPSU. M., 1971. P. 34. 6. Komarov A.S. Three quarters of a century with the times: the 75th Anniversary of the ICAC / / In. International commercial arbitration: modern problem and solution: a collection of articles on the 75th anniversary of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation / Ed. A.S. Komarov. M.: Statute, 2007. P.5. 7. Wolin A.A. Resolution of commercial disputes by arbitral tribunals. M., 1962. P. 9. 8. Kleandrov M.I. Past courts of arbitration for settling economic disputes / / Court of Arbitration. 2000. Number 5. P. 68. 9. Pobirchenko I.G. Commercial disputes and their resolution forms: Author. dis. Dr. … jurid. Sciences. Kharkiv, 1971. P. 31. 10. Zamenhof Z.M., Shugaev A. Law on State Enterprises: how to apply it. — M., 1989. P. 44-55. 11. Gazette of the Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. 1992. #30, p. 1790. 12. Treushnikov M.K. Arbitration process. — 3rd ed., Rev. and add. M., 2007. P. 118. 13. Meeting of the legislation. — 2002. — #30, p. 3019. |
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Valeriy U. DayirabaevDean of the Correspondence faculty of taxes and law, Professor of chair «Administrative and information law», PhD (History), associate professor Financial University under the Government Of the Russian Federation (E-mail: Dmitriy V. LokhmanovHead of Learning Lab of chair «Administrative and information law», Student of the Law faculty Financial University under the Government Of the Russian Federation (E-mail: |
International legal status of the Kuril Islands in the historical aspectAbstract. The article reveals the story of the discovery and development of the Kuril Islands. The article provides the information about Russian and Dutch travelers, Japanese documentary sources in XVII — XVIII centuries, showing who really was the first to discover the Kuril Islands. The author briefly describes the history of development of the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and Hokkaido by Russian industrialists and securing Russia’s sovereignty over these territories. the author also talks about the rivalry between Japan and Russia over possession of the Kuril ridge. The author tells about different agreements between the two countries and international legal acts, which at various times was determined by the nationality of the disputed islands. The author proves the illegality of territorial claims of Japan to Russia from international law. The author evaluates the Southern Kurils for Russia and suggests measures that can gradually settle the problem of the disputed areas. Keywords: Etorofu, Shikotan, Archipelago of the Lesser Kuril Ridge Habomai, Kuril Islands, Treaty of Portsmouth, the Yalta Conference, the Tokyo Declaration, Shimoda “Treatise on trade and borders”, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, United Nations Convention on the Law of Treaties, the exclusive economic zone, the status quo law. References: 1. Taksami Ch.M. Kosarev VD Who are you, the Ainu? Essay on the history and culture. M., 1990, p. 44 2. Stepanov N. The first Russian expedition to the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk in the seventeenth century. — Proceedings of the All-Union Geographical Society. 1958, Vol 90, no. 5, p. 417 3. Adashova Т.А. (k.geogr.n., Assoc.), the Southern Kuriles — Russian geopolitical space // Komsomolsk -on-Amur, “Geography” #14 /2005 yr 4. Koshkin А.А. Russia in the Kuril Islands // Journal «Problems of the Far East», 2007, #1. 5. Koriyama Yoshimitsu. Bakumatsu Nitiren kankeysi kenkyu (Study of the history of Japanese- Russian relations during Bakumatsu). Tokyo, 1980. 6. Russian expedition to explore the northern part of the Pacific in the first half of the eighteenth century. Collection of documents, Moscow, 1984. 7. Zilanov V.K., Koshkin A.A., Latyshev I.A., Carpenters A.Y., Senchenko I.A.. Russian Kuril Islands: Past and Present. Collection of documents on the history of the formation of the Russian-Japanese and Soviet-Japanese border. Moscow. 1995. 8. Tehran — Yalta — Potsdam: A Collection of Documents / Comp.: Sh.P. Sanakoev, BL Tsybulevsky. — 2nd ed. — Moscow: Publishing House «International Relations», 1970. — 416. 9. United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea 1982 / / NW. 1997. Number 48. St. 5493. 10. Public International Law: A Collection of Documents in 2 volumes” Volume 1, M. Beck, 1996. 11. Simkin V.S. Luxembourg A.V. Review of Japan’s territorial claims to Russia from the point of view of international law // International Public and Private Law, 2006, #3. |
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Maksim V. DemchenkoPhD, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor at the Department Of business law the Finance University Under the Government Of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Еmail: |
To the question of harmonization of civil liability of an operator of direct combined transportationAbstract. The article is devoted to research of specific issues of harmonization of the rules of civil liability of an operator of direct combined transportation, using foreign experience of legal regulation of the considered sphere Keywords: Civil liability; cargo transportation; direct intermodal traffic; transport operator; harmonization of the law References 1. Private international law: Textbook / L.P. Anufrieva, K.A. Bekyashev, G.K. Dmitrieva and others; resp. Ed. G.K. Dmitrieva. 2nd ed., additional and modernized. M: TK Velby, Publishing company Prospect, 2004. 2. Gavrilov O.A. Role of information in the harmonization of legislation // Drama of Russian law. M., 1996. 3. Doronina N.G. Unification and harmonization of law in the context of economic integration of States // Law and Economics. 1997. #17/18. 4. Sirovapko V. Difficult path to harmony: The challenges of implementation of the Federal Treaty // National deputy. 1992. #16. 5. The UN Convention On international multimodal transport of goods // International private law. Collection of documents. M.: BECK, 1997. 6. Mambetaliev N.T., Mambetalieva ZH.N. About the prospects of harmonization of national tax legislations of the member States of the Eurasian economic community / Tax alert, 2001 [Electronic resource] // Access mode: 7. Grechukha V.N. International air transport. International carriage of goods in mixed traffic. M: SGA, 2006. 8. Lonchakova U.A. The contract of transportation of cargo in the system of transport contracts of the Russian Federation: Abstract of PhD dissertation. M., 2009. 9. Egiazarov V.A. Transport law: Textbook. 6th ed., additional and modernized [Text] / V.A. Egiazarov. M: CJSC Ustitsinform, 2008. 10. Civil law: textbook.: in 3 volumes. Vol. 2. 4th ed., additional and modernized / E.U. Valjavina, I.V. Eliseev [and other]; resp. Ed. A.P. Sergeev, U.K. Tolstoy. M: TK Velby, Publishing company Prospect, 2006. 11. Gusakov A.G. Railway law in the legislation of the USSR. M :Transpechat NKPS,1929. 12. Izvolenskii V.N. Legal issues of rail transportation, Transzheldorizdat, 1955. 13. Jaichkov K. K. Contract of railway transportation of cargo according to Soviet law. M, Ed. AN SSSR, 1958. 14. Hakkelberg B.L. Responsibility of Railways for non-safety of cargo. M: Jurid.lit., 1966. 15. Morgunova G.A. Legal regulation of obligations under the carriage of cargo by railway: PhD dissertation of legal sciences. Moscow, 2004. 16. Commentary to the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Part two (article by article) 2nd ed., additional and modernized / E.A. Valiavina [and other]; edited by A.P. Sergeev, U.K. Tolstoy. М.: TK Velby, Publishing company Prospect, 2006. 17. Egiazarov V.A., scientific Ed.: Masevich M.G. Improvement of the legislation on the carriage of cargo in intermodal traffic. Kazan., publishing house of Kazan. Univ., 1984. 18. Contracts in the business.// Responsible editors E.A. Pavlodskii, T.L. Levshina «Statute», 2008 [Electronic resource] / informational system «Garant». 19. Pripuzova O.N. Civil regulation of the contract of transportation by inland waterway: PhD dissertation of legal sciences. Moscow, 2006. 20. Grechukha V.N. To the question of civil liability of carriers of cargo in intermodal traffic //Actual problems of civil law and entrepreneurial law: Collection of articles. Vol. 1 / edited by Professor G.F. Ruchkina. M: Publishing company — Tax Academy of the Russian Federation, 2008. 21. Prokopyeva Е.Z. International combined transport of cargo and settlement of disputes related to them: PhD dissertation of legal sciences. St. Petersburg, 1996. 22. Yakushev V. General trends of development of contemporary law of transportations of cargoes and their impact on the legal regulation of multimodal transport // Economy and law. M., 1996. #9. 23. Popondopylo V.F. Legal regime of entrepreneurship. S.-Pb.: Publishing house S.-Pb. Univ., 1994. 24. Morgunova G.A. Transportation of containerized cargo by rail. M., 2005. 25. Massey E.A. Prospects for a new intermodal legal regime: A critical look at the TCM// Journal of Maritime Law and Commrece.1972. Vol. 3. #4. 26. Ivanov G.G. Problems of legal regulation of combined transport / Maritime law: Col.of articles. L.: CNIIMF, 1974. Vol. 188. 27. Grechukha V.N. The concept of international transport. International ground transportation. M: MUH, 2006. |
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Yulia S. TyuzinaStudent of law faculty Second year of studies group YU2-6 the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
The institutional and legal establishment of the WTO: historical and theoretical aspectAbstract. In this article institutional and legal formation of the WTO is considered: the history of development from the General agreement on tariffs and trade to the modern World Trade Organization. The special attention is paid to the legal bases of GATT institution, state and political, social and economic preconditions of its creation. Debatable questions during WTO formation are revealed. The important place in this work is taken by a problem of preservation of the national sovereignty of the countries — participants of the WTO. Keywords: legal institute, the World Trade Organization, the rounds of the General agreement on tariffs and trade, the national sovereignty of the countries — participants of the WTO, conventional collisions. References: 1. Apostol P.N. The problems of currency circulations at the Brussels financial conference // Sovremenniye zapiski. 1920. Vol. II. p. 251–259. 2. Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs [Electronic source]. Access mode: 3. Galdin V.A. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and international legal regulation of international trade dissertation of the candidate of juridical sciences. Moscow 1991. 4. The plea of the soviet delegation at the first plenary meeting of the Genoa Conference// Documents of the foreign policy of the USSR. Moscow. 1961. Vol. 5. p. 58-59. 5. D. Carro, P.Juillar International economics law/ Moscow, «Mezhdunarodniye otnosheniya», 2002. P.580 6. Materials of the Geneva Conference// S.V. Moshenskiy Promissory note. Basic conceptions. K. Rovno: “Planeta-druk”, 2007. р. 178 — 773. 7. A.Poluektov Multiway system of GATT: before and after the “Uruguay round”. Vneshnyaya torgovlya. 1994. #4. p. 23-36. 8. Russia and the World Trade Organization: site URL: A. Uzbekova EU filed a complain to the WTO// Rossiyskaya gazeta [Electronic source]. Access mode: 9. A.B. Tsepov «International law aspects of the World Trade Organization’s activity» dissertation of the candidate of juridical sciences. Moscow, MGIMO. 1999. 169 p. 10. V.M. Shumilov “World Trade Organization: law and system” study guide Moscow, «Prospect» 2011. 180 p. 11. Marrakesh Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 [Electronic source]. Access mode: 12. Ministerial declaration // The World Trade Organization. [Electronic source]. Access mode: Режим доступа: 13. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1947) [Electronic source]. Access mode: 14. 15. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 [Electronic source]. Access mode: 16. The World Trade Organization: site [Electronic source]. Access mode: |
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