Economy Buisness Banks №1(6)


The management of innovative processes


Vladimir I. Barilenko

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chair of Department of Economic Analysis The Finance University under The Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Conceptual framework to choose the direction of innovation development of business entities

Abstract. The article is devoted to the nature of the business-analysis as an important tool for the motivation of innovation and substantiation of ways of innovative development companies.

Keywords: Motivation innovation, business-analysis, requirements of stakeholders, business problems, analysis tasks of innovation projects.


The International Institute of Business Analysis. URL:

Introduction to business analysis: a training manual. Ed. V.I. Barilenko. – М: Financial University, 2012.

P. Drucker classical works in management. – M.: Alpina business books, 2008.


Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor Of Department of economic analysis The Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Innovative processes in banking

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main vectors of development banking in interaction with the customer of the Bank in the process of selling banking products; a marketing survey consumer preferences and the introduction of innovative people-centric technology; need analysis and evaluation of the use of modern banking systems in commercial banks in Russia.

Keywords: innovative processes, the potential of the innovation economy, banking capability, innovation potential, assessment of the potential for innovation, Internet, “Internet-banking”, “Mobile-banking”, “Client-Bank”, remote banking service, innovation, the financial competition, financial indicators of effectiveness, the effectiveness of the innovation process.


Kondrashov V.A. trends in banking innovation in modern Russia//Russian enterprise. – 2012. # 8 (206).

Panova G.S. Innovations in the banking business banking technology/art/modern banking technology: theoretical basis and practice/under. Ed. N.F. Karpyčevoj. М: the finance and statistics, 2011, p. 73-84.

Teterin V.S. Expert RA//Internet banking in Russia: from cost reduction to income: the scientific and economic magazine. 2012, # 4, p. 6-10

Lavrušin of world trends in development of banking and banking technology//modern banking technology: theoretical basis and practice/under. Ed. N.F. Karpyčevoj. М: the finance and statistics, 2005, p.10-15.

New banking services: specialized depository. //A. Bogdanov. Agency investment projecting IMAC/ /

The analytical report «Strategy of development of the financial system”. Mirkin J.M. 2011/

Materials of the Russian banking system Banking Conference “2013: growth potential and the scenario of its realization” March 22, 2013 years:

Antonov K.A. Development systems of remote banking service: abstracts on IY international scientific-practical Conference “development of the Russian economy”. – Tver: TvGU. – 2012. p. 133-134.

Shadrin. K.V. Assessment, appraisal, real estate appraiser, standards, procedures, evaluation of commercial banks. Scientific journal: the economy. Business. Banks. 2013 # 1. S. 43-48.

Internet banking in Russia: from cost reduction to income The results of the III International Conference «Mobile Finance 2013» 24.04.2013

Bank retail. # 1 (29). 2013 The guarantor [Electronic resource]: the legal information system. – Mode of access:

ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]: the legal information system. – Mode of access:

Electronic Banking. The Ultimate Guide to Business and Technology of Online Banking Series: XHOTT Guide (Ed.) 2001

Internet Banking. Der Bankvertrieb im Umbruch Lange, Thomas A. (Hrsg.) 1998

Internet-Banking. Gestaltungsformen — Rechtsfragen — Sicherheitsaspekte Reihe: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft 1998

Managerial Issues in Finance and Banking. A Strategic Approach to Competitiveness. Hacioglu, Ümit; Dincer, Hasan (Eds.) 2014

Globalization of Financial Institutions A Competitive Approach to Finance and Banking Dincer, Hasan; Hacioglu, Ümit (Eds.) 2014

New Frontiers in Banking Services. Emerging Needs and Tailored Products for Untapped Markets Anderloni, Luisa; Braga, Maria Debora; Carluccio, Emanuele Maria (Eds.) 2007


Larisa N. Gerasimova

doctor of economic sciences, Professor, Department of accounting in commercial organizations The Finance University under the Government Of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Christina V. Grigorieva

student 4 of the Faculty of accounting and audit, Department of accounting in commercial organizations The Finance University under the Government Of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Dmitriy A. Grishchenko

student 4 courses of the Faculty of finance and Economics Department accounting in commercial organizations the Finance University under The Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

The development of Islamic banking in Russia

Abstract. The article discusses the introduction of Islamic banking in the financial system of the state. Islamic banking is regarded as one of the components of a new financial model. The article highlighted the main difference from traditional data banks – the lack of interest on deposits and loans. The basic problems of the development of Islamic banking in the Russian Federation – a misunderstanding of the term and the lack of support from the legislation. The analysis of regulations and highlighted a list of documents that need to be amended. To solve the problem of introducing Islamic banking in the Russian Federation is an experience of implementing this system in the Republic of Kazakhstan: considered adopted laws and regulations to remove the obstacles in this direction are the basic principles of Islamic banking, as well as several positive moments after the introduction of this system.

Keywords: bank services, Islamic banking, legislation, application, principles


Bank marketing [electronic resource]: article. -The access mode:

Gerasimova L.N. Hedge accounting under modern conditions / Audit and financial analysis. #3.2012.

Garant [electronic resource]: information and the legal system. Access:

ConsultantPlus [electronic resource]: the legal information system. Access:

Rakhmetova A. Role of Islamic banking in the convergence of banking and real sectors of the economy//banking. #9.2013.

Chizhov N.A. As the Bank can attract new clients//banking. #4.2013


Efficiency is the main driver of growth of national economy


Viktor V. Berdnikov

PhD (Economics), Association Professor, Deputy Head of Department Of Economic Analysis the Finance University under The Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Methodological aspects of the business performance analysis

Abstract: Тhe article reviews the concept of business performance assessment based on consideration of the different types of activities and aspects of the analysis. The importance of dynamic changes in accounting estimates of the effectiveness and efficiency of business is determined. A method for forming integral performance indicators taking into accounts the socio-economic and environmental responsibility and requiring appropriate disclosure in the company’s integrated reporting is proposed.

Keywords: business, methodology, analytical evaluation, stakeholders approach, types of activities, an integral performance indicator, efficiency and productivity, performance.


Berdnikov, V.V. Business-Intelligence as perspective tool the efficiency controlling in business / V.V. Berdnikov// Audit and financial analysis. 2012, # 1, p. 261-269

Berdnikov, V.V. Problems of formation and prospect of application of analytical model of business controlling / V.V. Berdnikov // The Economic analysis: Theory and Practice. 2013 # 46 (349). p. 27-42

Vorozeikina T.M. Defining of paths development agro-business company by strategy maps / Т.М. Vorozeikina // Economic and Management.2010. # 8 (58). p. 65-68.

Efimova O.V. Analysis of sustainable development of company: stake-holder approach / O.V. Efimova // The Economic analysis: Theory and Practice. 2013 # 45 (348). p. 26-40

Olve, N-G. Performance drivers. A pratical guide to using the balanced scorecard / Nils–Goran Olve, Jan Roy, Magnus Wetter; Translation from English. Мoscow, Isdatelski dom «Wiliams», 2004. – 304 p.

Olve, N-G. Marking scorecards actionable. Balancing strategy and control / Nils–Goran Olve, Carl-Johan Petry, Jan Roy, Sofie Roy; Translation from English.– St. Petersburg, Piter, 2005. – 320 p.

Ranadivu V. Foresight: new evolutionary model of proactive business / Vivec Ranadivu; Translation from English. Мoscow, Ecsmo, 2008. – 240 p.

Sliwotzky A. J. Value migration will happen to your business the after tomorrow / Adrian Sliwotzky; Translation from English. Мoscow, Ivanov, Mann, Ferber, 2006. – 432 p.

Suri R. Time – money. Competitive benefits of quick-response manufacturing. Translation from English – М.: BINOM. Laboratory znaniy, 2013. – 326 с.

Hope J. Freiser R. Beyond budgeting. As heads to escape from trap of annual plans; Translation from English, Мoscow, Vershina, 2007. – 272 с.


Nina N. Pogostinskaya

Head of the Finance Department, International Banking Institute Doctor of Economics, Professor Academician of International Academy of Science (E-mail:

Yriy A. Pogostinskiy

Professor of the Finance Department, International Banking Institute Doctor of Economics, Professor (E-mail:

Yriy V. Putikhin

Head of the Economic and Finance Department Saint-Petersburg branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Candidate of Economics, associate professor (E-mail:

Оleg V. Sukhanov

Associate professor of the Economic and Finance Department Saint-Petersburg branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Candidate of technical Science (E-mail:

Balance of efficiency and effectiveness in the dynamic standard

Abstract: In article the problem of integrating in one model of two aspects of efficiency – productivity and profitability is considered. Approach to formation of the dynamic standard, based on ranging of indicators on growth rates is offered. The “ideal” order of growth rates of indicators locates. Such order represents “a golden rule of economy of the enterprise” which essence consists in ensuring development of the enterprise according to the typical dynamic standard. Possibility of formation of the dynamic standard on the basis of purposes of two types aiming at profitability and on the end result is shown. Such standard allows to reach balance of efficiency and effectiveness. Examples of dynamic standards are given. The method of an integrated assessment of efficiency by means of the dynamic standard is offered.

Keywords: golden rule of economy, standard dynamic standard, standard streamlining of indicators.


Pogostinskaya N. Coordination, control, foresight and adaptation in the system strategic management, Saint-Petersburg, IBI, 2009, p. 175.

Pogostinskaya N. Finance and economic diagnostic: training manual for universities, Saint-Petersburg, IBI, 2007, p. 159.

Pogostinskaya N, Pogostinckiy Y, Konovalov N. Innovation methods of economic analyses in enterprise management, Saint-Petersburg,2012, p. 220-228

Pogostinskaya N., Pogostinskiy Y. Approaches to definition and management of enterprise cost, Saint-Petersburg, 2011, p. 113-116.


Management of business processes


Andrey O. Blinov

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of General Management and Project Management of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

The Process approach in the system of management of modern organizations

Abstract. Business process management or “process approach” is one of the most popular methodologies of management companies. From the point of view of the authors, the main obstacle to the implementation of the process approach in the practice of companies is the need to restructure the thinking of managers and staff. This article explains the necessary concepts, the meaning of the process approach, an attempt has been made to the system address the phenomenon.

Keywords: the process approach, business process, reengineering, quality management system


Blinov D.D. Ugryumova N.V. mechanism of integration techniques fundamental and continuous improvement of business processes of industrial enterprises//entrepreneurship. -2012. #. 3.

Gludkin O.P. total quality management: a textbook for universities: Radio and communications, 1999.

Grigoriev L.Yu., D.V, Kudryavtsev, “a systematic approach and optimization of organizations”. Methods of quality management, 2009, p. 8-9.

Pereverzev P.P. Ugryumova, N., Lavrent’ev I.V. Formation mechanism of sustainable development of enterprises in the services and production on the basis of the continuous reengineering approach to governance//Herald of the South Ural State University. 2012. #.9 (268).

Guidance on the concept and use of the process approach for management systems. The document ISO/TC 176/SC 2/N 544R3, October 15, 2008

“Seven notes management”, 5th Edition, third. – Moscow: Eksmo, 2002.

Hammer, Champy D. Reengineering Corporation: a manifesto for business revolution. from English. — SPb.: Publishing House of St.-Petersburg State University, 1997. information and training materials/Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation.


Erection problems and evaluate the information in the conditions of development of the financial market


Larisa N. Gerasimova

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Anastasia О. Panina

postgraduate, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Formation segmental reporting in financial market

Abstracts The article considers the problem of segmental reporting and reflection in her detailed information on the various activities the organization under IFRS and RAS . The technique of segmentation in industrial organizations and its reflection in the accounting policies. Shows how management accounting can affect the reduction of variable costs and, consequently, to improve the financial condition of the organization and explain what measures must be implemented. But for achieving real benefits from the measures set forth in article, seems highly relevant implementing integrated management accounting in the organization as a whole, and by industry.

Keywords: revenue, segment information, income, control, financial result


International financial reporting standard (IFRS 8 Operating segments (effective on the territory of the Russian Federation by the Order of the RF Ministry of Finance from 25.11.2011, #160н (in the wording changes and additions from 18.07.2012, #106n))

PBU 12/2010 “segment Information” (approved by the RF Ministry of Finance from 08.11.2010, #143н «On approval of accounting Regulations «segment Information»)

Rozhkova N.K cost Accounting method «direct-costing» // Bulletin of the University (State University of management). – 2012. – 3. #3. p.243-248.

Taranov I.V. Diagnostics of parameters of socio-economic and spatial development of the regions of the Collection of scientific papers Sworld. – 2013. – 32. #1. p.75-79.

the guarantor [Electronic resource]: the legal information system. – Mode of access:

ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]: the legal information system. – Mode of access:


Victoria B. Frolova

Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Professor Of the “Financial management” The Finance University under the Government Of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

IPO issues as a source of funding activities of the Organization

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of formation of capital structure in order to optimize the sources of funds. In the above article the author presents the results of research problems IPO, as one of the modern methods of attracting capital. Urgency of the problem stems from the fact that the theory and methodology of the issue are not sufficiently studied and the scale of the use of IPO Russia lags behind developed countries in dozens of times. In the article the importance of IPO for the formation of sources of funding for the organization and the advantages of this kind of source, both for issuers and creditors represented classification criterion IPO, identified interests and goals of various actors IPO, substantiated the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the difficulty of the process, including the Russian market.

Keywords: IPO, the issuer, investor, finance, securities, stock exchange, shareholder.


Frolova VB Franchising as a basis for long-term business development / / Concept. – 2013. #11 (November). – ART 13213. 0.4 pl. – URL: – State. Reg. E FS number 77 – 49965. – ISSN 2304 -120X.

Ryabov DY some features of the privatization transaction of shares of the Savings Bank of Russia / / “Economics. Business. Banks” 2013, T2. – P.66-73.

Frolova VB Financial management: the conceptual apparatus. / / “Economics. Taxes. Law “, 2011, #5. – p.72-83.

Alekseev AN IPO: General principles. IPO in Russia. / / Magazine “Academic Bulletin”, Tyumen, TGAMEUP, 2012, #4 (22). – P.16 -119.

Shpilkina TA Prospects for the development of investment activity in Russia, as a factor of strategic planning. / / Journal” Bulletin of the Academy “, 2012, # 2 – p.18-19. – World War I and the Russian IPO market.