Economy Business Banks №4(5)
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Yuriy N. EgorovDr. of Economics, professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
The concept of «Requirements/resource Planning» as an example of coordination of logistics and marketingThe article describes the author’s interpretation of logistic concepts «Requirements/resource Planning». Proposed principle of group products based on a combination of the ABC–analysis and XYZ–analysis. Is implementation of the concept in the form of eight consecutive actions that allow to optimize inventories of finished products and resources for its production.
Keywords: requirements/resource planning, logistics, marketing, ABC–analysis, XYZ–analysis, planning, sales, adjustment of plans, stocks of finished products. |
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Irina K. ZaharenkoPh.D., associate professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: Ekaterina V. SumarokovaPh.D., associate professor Department of Marketing the State University of management, Moscow (E-mail: |
Branding as the marketing tool of forming and development the company human capitalThe article is completely devoted to the one of the effective tools of human capital forming and development – branding. The basic stages of the brand forming are represented in the interrelation with the special features of forming and development the company human capital. We are formulated the advantages, which obtains the company builds “employer brand”.
Keywords: brand, human capital, model of the brand identity, employer brand, brand advantage, positioning brand, brand differentiation, target audience of the employer brand. |
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Marina А. KalininaPh.D., associate professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Capturing and sustaining customer’s value strategyThis article proposes an approach termed “sandwich” as one of the pricing strategies that create and capture value for channeling members.
Keywords: value, creation and retention value, the strategy of «sandwich», cost leadership, competitive scenario, expansion of sales markets. |
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Larisa G. TitovaDr. of Economics, associate professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Method of scientific reflection of image technologies in system marketingThe article considers methods research of image technologies and is defined by collection of the main methods of its analysis in system marketing.
Keywords: image technologies, modeling method, economic-mathematical method, dialect method, reflection, marketing. |
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Nadezhda P. KozlovaPh.D., associate professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Socially responsible business and social marketingThe article is devoted to the topical questions of formation of the corporate social responsibility of Russian companies and analyzes the priority directions and mechanisms for implementation of CSR, the main benefits of CSR business and problems impeding the implementation of CSR principles in modern Russia.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, social marketing, reputation, image, socially responsible behavior, brand, social program, social behaviour. |
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Vasily M. KomarovPh.D., associate professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Social and territorial oriented service organization as the element of sustainable regional developmentThe article examines signs of territorial differentiation of service product and analyzes foreign experience of using educational programs in European service organizations.
Keywords: sustainable development, territorial marketing, social responsibility, innovations, system approach, marketing management. |
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Svetlana V. KarpovaDr. of Economics, Head of the Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Peculiarities of transformation of the concept of the traditional marketing in an interactiveThe article shows the advanced pace of development of Internet-marketing and e-commerce compared to traditional marketing approaches.
Keywords: traditional and Internet marketing, e-Commerce, innovation, online banking, model business-to-business (B2B), metamarket and metaintermediaries |
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Ilya V. RozhkovPh.D., associate professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Improvement of technologies of marketing activity in the process of Informatization of societyIn the article the basic directions of perfection of marketing technologies in the conditions of Informatization of the society. Is the characteristics of the information-marketing centres, sectoral and geographic information marketing systems, automation of marketing activities, systems, customer relationship management, interactive voice services, technologies of monitoring of social networks.
Keywords: information society, marketing information systems, information-marketing centres (IMC), geomarketing information systems (ГМИС), CRM-systems, IVR-systems, social networks. |
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Olga N. RomanenkovaPh.D., associate professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
New forms of organization of commercial activity in modern conditions of remote accessThe article considers the conditions of market globalization, the emergence of new professions (blogger, designer, layout, web editor, Manager on work in social networks and other), the high rate of human life and limited resource of time, which entails the development of new forms of work organization in the sphere of marketing and advertising.
Keywords: freelance, remote access, remote operation, the rating of professions. |
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Vyacheslav N. RusinPh.D., associate professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Concept of the present stage “Marketing 3.0” and tendencies of development of a services sectorThe article shows global trends in the economy, and the concept of the modern stage «Marketing 3.0». There is a tendency of strengthening of the spiritual component in the results of economic activity in respect of production and sales of goods. Tendencies of development of a services sector are given.
Keywords: industrial and post-industrial society, trend development, marketing 3.0, public services, taxes. |
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Tamara S. Samsonovapostgraduate student Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Research of the market of agricultural equipment: problems and prospectsIn this paper, the influence on the development of modern agricultural machinery and technical and technological progress, the needs of agricultural production. Substantiated are the main advantages of the use of farming through the use of machines of high class, enhance the investment attractiveness of the industry, the profitability of agricultural production, its performance.
Keywords: agricultural machinery, types of agricultural equipment, agricultural potential, the market of agricultural machinery. |
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Vasily V. SinyaevDr. of Economics, associate professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
The controlling system – provision of effective outsourcingThe article is disclosed the content and meaning of the controlling system in the field of outsourcing services. In a logical system of controlling the value represented as a basic foundation for the planning and decision-making in outsourcing mode, integrating quality, price, time and service.
Keywords: outsourcing, the business model, controlling system, SWOT–analysis, controlling for outsourcing. |
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Inga M. SinyaevaDr. of Economics, professor Department of Marketing and Logistics the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Business model for smart product as part of super systemThe article reveals the theoretical aspects of building a commercial system of intellectual products with elements of systems theory as a science of the structure, relationships and behavior of any system. According to the principles of systems theory, a model of smart commercial product based on its ties with super systems – nature, economy, society.
Keywords: market, commercial system, an intellectual product, the model of a commercial system of intellectual products; the scientific, an educational, engineering and market components. |
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