Economy Business Banks №3(73)





Tatyana E. Gvarliani

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Chair of the department of innovative technologies in economics and management at Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia.


Artur O. Altunyan

postgraduate at Sochi State University, Department of Economics and Finance, Sochi, Russia.


Martin O. Altunyan

postgraduate at Sochi State University, Department of Economics and Finance, Sochi, Russia.


The role of sanatorium-resort services in the context of socio-economic transformations


Subject/Topic Sanatorium and resort services in the context of socio-economic transformations. The article reflects the specifics of sanatorium and resort activities and their role in the context of socio-economic transformations. The main problems and shortcomings of the sanatorium and resort services market are identified. Recommendations for the development of sanatorium and resort activities in Russia are formulated.

Goal The aim of the study is to identify and analyze sanatorium and resort activities in modern economic conditions, to determine the key factors affecting their development and competitiveness at the international level.

Methodology The research methodology is based on systemic, comprehensive, and comparative approaches, as well as on methods of economic analysis, statistical data processing, correlation, and regression analysis.

Conclusion Sanatorium and resort activities have not only an economic but also a social character. They contribute to improving the health of the population, create new jobs, and stimulate the development of regional infrastructure. A comprehensive approach to the study and development of sanatorium and resort activities allows considering the interests of all stakeholders and adapting to changing market conditions. The effective combination of advantages in providing services in healthcare and tourism opens up new opportunities for the development of the sanatorium and resort services market.

Keywords: sanatorium-resort activity, sanatorium-resort services, development of sanatorium-resort activity, healthcare, tourism, service sector.


Balashova (2022) – Balashova, S.P. The Market of Sanatorium-Resort Services: Problems and Development Prospects [Rynok sanatorno-kurortnyh uslug: problemy i perspektivy razvitiya] // Economics Profession Business, 2022. No. 3. Pp. 32-39.

Limonov (2010) – Limonov, V.I. Evolution of the Sanatorium-Resort Sphere of the Russian Federation (Organizational-Economic Aspect) [Evolyutsiya sanatorno-kurortnoy sfery rossiyskoy federatsii (organizatsionno-ekonomicheskiy aspekt)] // Bulletin of Moscow State Regional University. Series “Economics”. – 2010 – No. 4 – Pp. 110-115.

Berlin (2021) – Berlin S.I. Measures to ensure the economic security of the tourist and recreational cluster of the Krasnodar Territory in modern conditions//Natural sciences and humanities research. – 2021.-№ 33(1) – Pp .52-58

Kleiman (2014) – Kleiman A. A. Problems of ensuring Russia’s economic security in an unstable economy and unfavorable foreign policy factors //Scientific and methodological electronic journal “Concept”. – 2014. – Vol. 20. – pp. 3461-3465. – URL:

Kotler (2011) – Kotler, P. Principles of Marketing. A Brief Course [Osnovy marketinga. Kratkiy kurs] / P. Kotler. – Moscow: Williams, 2011. – P. 233. – 647 p.

Limonov (2016) – Limonov, V.I. Socio-Economic Nature of Sanatorium-Resort Services [Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskaya priroda sanatorno-kurortnykh uslug] // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. – 2016. – No. 8-5. – Pp. 792-796.

Bomberuk (2020) – Bomberuk, I.Yu. The Current State and Prospects of Development of the Sanatorium-Resort Industry of the Russian Federation [Sovremennoye sostoyaniye i perspektivy razvitiya sanatorno-kurortnoy otrasli Rossiyskoy Federatsii] // Alley of Science. 2020. No. 2 (41).

Stytsyuk (2018) – Stytsyuk, R.Yu. Prospects for Program Development and Promotion of Tourist Product of Territories [Perspektivy programmnogo razvitiya i prodvizheniya turistskogo produkta territoriy] // Economy. Business. Banks. 2018. – No 3(24). Pp 114-122.

Usmanova, Trifonov (2018) – Usmanova T.H., Trifonov P.V. Trends and prospects for the development of the tourism sector. Economy. Business. Banks. 2018. No. 4 (25). pp. 55-66.

Stytsyuk, Motagali (2014) – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Motagali Ya.B. Problems and prospects of development of adventure tourism on the basis of mountain resorts. Economy. Business. Banks. 2014. No. S2. pp. 106-115.

Bursakova (2017) – Bursakova E.S. The influence of the national brand on strengthening Russia’s economic position in the world community. Economy. Business. Banks. 2017. No. S4. pp. 156-163.

Beskov (2019) – Beskov A.A. Specialization in niche tourism products as a marketing approach to attracting foreign tourists. Economics. Business. Banks. 2019. No. 1 (28). pp. 163-171.

Trifonov, Tolga (2019) – Trifonov P.V., Tolga A. Development of projects in the field of international cooperation between Russia and Turkey. Economy. Business. Banks. 2019. No. 3 (29). pp. 8-17.


Tatyana V. Petrusevich

Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Analytics, Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


The use of business analysis tools to improve the activities of economic entities


Subject/Topic The article discusses the approaches and methods of process modeling in the system of business analysis and business management of companies, as well as the directions of their improvement in the context of sustainable development. This topic is especially relevant, since the foundations of sustainable development until recently were the modern paradigm of the existence of responsible business, a new level of its corporate responsibility, which has a significant impact on the development and efficiency of the functioning of economic entities.

Goals/objectives The purpose of the study is to analyze existing approaches and directions of development of the methodological foundations of the business analysis tool base in the Russian corporate environment, to study current trends in the use of innovative analytical methods in the business sphere and their impact on further effectiveness.

Methodology During the research, such methods as deduction and induction, comparison and generalization of domestic practice of applying analytical methods and concepts of process modeling of business environment objects were used.

Conclusion and relevance The main approaches and modeling tools in business analysis are identified and analyzed. Effective work in the field of creating and improving the information, analytical and methodological base for the study of sustainable ways of developing business units and managing financial and economic entities emphasizes the importance of this issue in a progressive market and modern quasi-economy.

Keywords: Business analysis, business process, sustainable development, business standards, stakeholder, process modeling, notation, crisis, professional competencies.


Barilenko (2024) – Barilenko V.I. Business analysis: textbook. [Biznes-analiz: uchebnik] – M.: “KnoRus Publishing House [«Izdatel’stvo «KnORus»], 2024. 340 p.

Barilenko (2014) – Barilenko V.I. Business analysis as a tool for ensuring sustainable development of economic entities [Biznes-analiz kak instrument obespecheniya ustojchivogo razvitiya khozyajstvuyushchikh sub”ektov] // Accounting. Analysis. Audit. [Uchyot. Analiz. Audit] 2014. No. 5 vol. 10. pp. 26-49.

Gerasimova (2018) – Gerasimova E.B. Standardization of economic analysis as the driving force of the management innovation process [Standartizaciya ehkonomicheskogo analiza kak dvizhushchaya sila processa upravlencheskikh innovacij] // Management in Russia and abroad. [Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom] 2018. No. 25. pp. 3-8.

Gerasimova (2021) – Theory and practice standardization business analysis and statistics: monograph [Teoriya i praktika standartizacii biznes-analiza i statistiki: monografiya] / Kohl. author; in order. Well. B. Gerasimov. – M.: “Publishing House “Knorus”[«Izdatel’stvo «KnORus»] 2021. 268 PP.

Gerasimova, Petrusevich (2024) – Petrusevich T.V. Analysis of business processes as a stage of their improvement: approaches, techniques, application features [Analiz biznes-processov kak ehtap ikh sovershenstvovaniya: podkhody, priemy, osobennosti primeneniya] / Actual problems of information and analytical support of sustainable development in new economic conditions: monograph [Aktual’nye problemy informacionno-analiticheskogo obespecheniya ustojchivogo razvitiya v novykh ehkonomicheskikh usloviyakh] / Col. authors ; edited by E.B. Gerasimova. — Moscow: KNORUS [KnORus], 2024. — 544 s

Kupriyanova, Petrusevich (2019) – Kupriyanova L.M., Petrusevich T.V. Information and analytical support for sustainable development of the organization: intellectual and human capital [Informacionno-analiticheskoe obespechenie ustojchivogo razvitiya organizacii: intellektual’nyj i chelovecheskij kapital] // Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2019. No. 5 (31). pp. 26-49.

The international standard GOST R ISO 9001:2015 and the Interstate standard GOST ISO 9000-2011 “Quality management system. Basic provisions and vocabulary”. [ ]   URL: /document/1200174969

Petrusevich (2019) – Petrusevich T.V. Analytical approaches to assessing the impact of intellectual capital on the sustainable development of an organization [Analiticheskie podkhody k ocenke vliyaniya intellektual’nogo kapitala na ustojchivoe razvitie organizacii] // Information and economic aspects of standardization and technical regulation. [Informacionno-ehkonomicheskie aspekty standartizacii i tekhnicheskogo regulirovaniya] 2019. No. 2 (48). p. 7.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), Version 2.0.2 URL:


Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

Cand. Sc. (econ.), Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Intellectual Property Management, Associate professor of the Department of Department of Business Analytics at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Business segment risk analysis and management


Subject Segment alanalysis of business risks in order to assess the formation of financial results and effective business development.

Goals Evaluation of business segments,analysis of information about segments and effective management.

Methodology Comparativeanalysis of performance indicators characterizing the work of operational and geographical segments, allowing to identify the problems of the organization’s functioning.

Results/Conclusions It is recommended to identify the functional areas of business segments and assess the state of the internal and external environment, evaluate the performance indicators necessary for managers, analysts and other authorized persons in accounting, reporting and analytical, off-the-record information on specific business segments for making strategic management decisions.

Keywords: business segments, risk assessment, profit, prices, profitability, management, market conditions, reputational risks, market risks.


Gerasimova (2014) – Gerasimova L.N. Features of the formation of reportingsegmentsandsegmentalreporting [Osobennosti formirovaniya otchetnyh segmentov i segmentarnoj otchetnosti] //Financialanalytics: problemsandsolutions.2014.No.8.pp.20-25.

Dikareva, Silantieva (2016) – Dikareva D.S., Silantieva A.V. Reporting on segments of activity in the oil and gas industry [Otchetnost’ po segmentam deyatel’nosti v neftegazodobyvayushchej otrasli] // In the collection: Current problems and trends in the development of the modern economy. 2016. pp. 515-520.

Zhambekova and others (2016) – ZhambekovaR.L.,ShogentsukovaZ.H., MashukovI.A.,KarovaZ.H.Algorithm for generatingsegmentinformation forexternalandinternalusersaccording to IFRSandRussianlegislation [Algoritm formirovaniya informacii po segmentam dlya vneshnih i vnutrennih pol’zovatelej po MSFO i rossijskomu zakonodatel’stvu] //FundamentalResearch.2016.No.5-3.p. 574

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Igonina,Zotova (2016) – IgoninaM.F., ZotovaK.I.Organization of accountingbasedon a segmentalapproachatindustrialenterprises of the RussianFederation [Organizaciya buhgalterskogo uchet na osnove segmentarnogo podhoda na proizvodstvennyh predpriyatiyah Rossijskoj Federacii] //Science of the XXIcentury: problems andprospects.2016.No.1(4).pp.101-105.

Smirnova,Tsyganova (2014) – SmirnovaE.V.,TsyganovaI.Y.Analysis of businesssegmentsas a tool for strategicmanagement of an organization [Analiz segmentov biznesa kak instrument strategicheskogo upravleniya organizaciej] // OrenburgStateUniversity.2014.pp.16-24

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Mikhail N. Kiselev

post-graduate student of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow, Russia.


Kristina A. Kovrigina

Project manager, Gazpromneft–Industrial Innovation, Saint Petersburg, Russia.


Mikhail V. Nikulin

doctoral student of the Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Saint Petersburg, Russia.


Andrey V. Kleymenov

Head of the Department of PJSC Gazpromneft, Saint Petersburg, Russia.


Formation of an intellectual property portfolio as part of the technology replication process support


Subject/Topic the article is devoted to the study of approaches to the formation of intellectual property portfolios in the context of the development of the direction of replication of domestic innovative technologies.

Goals/Objectives to determine the basic rules for forming a patent portfolio.

Methodology analysis of the existing regulatory framework in the field of technology transfer, synthesis, generalization

Сonclusions and Relevance: A comparative analysis of various practices for implementing technologies through licensing transactions both within one jurisdiction and within the framework of international technology transfer were carried out. The key principles of managing the process of building a patent portfolio are presented, proposed for implementation when replicating within dependent groups of persons (integrated structures or consortia), replicating on a national scale and outside the state of which the developer is a resident.

Keywords: intellectual property, licensing transaction, technology transfer, patent portfolio.


Abramtseva (2023) – Abramtseva A.N. Main trends and prospects for the transfer of Russian technologies: a statistical study [Osnovnyye tendentsii i perspektivy transfera rossiyskikh tekhnologiy: statisticheskoye issledovaniye] // Economy. Law. Innovations [Ekonomika. Pravo. Innovatsii]. 2023. No. 1. PP. 27-36.

Akimkina (2022) – Akimkina D.A. Transfer of defense industry technologies as an alternative to technology imports under sanctions [Transfer tekhnologiy OPK kak al’ternativa importu tekhnologiy v usloviyakh sanktsiy] // Economy and business: theory and practice [Ekonomika i biznes: teoriya i praktika]. 2022. No. 8 (90). PP. 7-11.

Peterson (1959) – Arthur F. Peterson. Pharmaceutical Selling, “detailing,” and Sales Training // Heathcote-Woodbridge, 1959

Kiselev (2022) – Kiselev M.N. Patent research preceding investments in new developments. Tools and effects from the use of patent analytics [Patentnyye issledovaniya, predvaryayushchiye investitsii v novyye razrabotki. Instrumentariy i effekty ot primeneniya patentnoy analitiki] // Scientific journal: Economics. Business. Banks [Nauchnyy zhurnal: Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. Moscow. 2022 – No. 3 (65)

Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Four) (with amendments and additions) [Grazhdanskiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (chast’ chetvertaya) (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami]. – Access from the reference and legal system ConsultantPlus. Text: electronic. URL:

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.05.2023 N 1315-r «On approval of the Concept of technological development for the period up to 2030» (together with the “Concept of technological development for the period up to 2030”) [Rasporyazheniye Pravitel’stva RF ot 20.05.2023 N 1315-r «Ob utverzhdenii Kontseptsii tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya na period do 2030 goda» (vmeste s “Kontseptsiyey tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya na period do 2030 goda”)]. – Access from the reference and legal system ConsultantPlus. Text: electronic.

Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 23.04.2019 N 10 “On the application of Part Four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation” [Postanovleniye Plenuma Verkhovnogo Suda RF ot 23.04.2019 N 10 “O primenenii chasti chetvertoy Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii”]. – Access from the reference and legal system ConsultantPlus. Text: electronic. URL:

Ershov (2011) – Ershov A.S. Reducing the risks of intellectual property transfer [Snizheniye riskov transfera intellektual’noy sobstvennosti] // Economic and humanitarian sciences [Ekonomicheskiye i gumanitarnyye nauki]. 2011. No. 11 (238). PP. 3-7.

Erivantseva (2021) – Erivantseva T.N. Patent strategy, or how to make intellectual property work [Patentnaya strategiya, ili kak sdelat’ tak, chtoby intellektual’naya sobstvennost’ rabotala]. Moscow. Planeta Publ. 2021. 136 p.

Dyakov, Sher, Dudnik, Mironov (2022) – Dyakov S.A., Sher M.L., Dudnik D. V., Mironov L. V. Business process modeling: methodology, modern factors in the context of digitalization [Modelirovaniye biznes-protsessov: metodologiya, sovremennyye faktory v usloviyakh tsifrovizatsii] // Bulletin of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law [Vestnik Altayskoy akademii ekonomiki i prava]. 2022. No. 4-2. PP. 181-190.

Kovrigin, Rodikov (2022) – Kovrigin K.A. Patent research in the commercialization of developments [Patentnyye issledovaniya pri kommertsializatsii razrabotok] / K. A. Kovrigin, A. Yu. Rodikov // Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2022. No. 4 (66). PP. 27-36.

Zubov (2022) – Zubov Yu. S. Promoting the formation of Russia’s technological sovereignty is a key task of Rospatent [Sodeystviye formirovaniyu tekhnologicheskogo suvereniteta Rossii – klyuchevaya zadacha Rospatenta] // FIPS Bulletin [Vestnik FIPS]. 2022. Vol. 1, No. 1. PP. 10-15.


Sergey F. Ostapyuk

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate professor, leading researcher at Institute of problems of science development of RAS.

E-mail: S.

Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

Cand. Sc. (econ.), Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Intellectual Property Management, Associate professor of the Department of Department of Business Analytics at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

On the development of international education within the framework of the Shanghai cooperation organisation


Subject Development of international activities in universities; international relations in the field of education; new educational technologies; Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Goals Assessment of the development of new educational technologies and the rating of the attractiveness of Russian universities in the international market; integration into global higher education, the quality of training of specialists in priority are as of study that are in demandon the worldmarket.

Methodology The tasks of integrating education and science into the global academic system, training personnel who meet the highestinter national requirements and are able to solve urgent problems of civil society development. Features of the development of international activities in Russian universities. The development of educationin the Russian Federation, taking into account accepted concepts and strategies, inparticular, the concept of openinnovation, the triplehelixmodel of innovation, etc. models of management of scientific, educational and scientific-technical activities.

Results/Conclusions Stable ties with Russian and foreign subjects of partnership in the field of education and science, access to the world market of high-tech technologies and scientific and technical products will ensure positive dynamics of economic growth and social development of society, guarantee the well-being and security of the country. It is important to create a system of education for foreign citizens, which will ensure: a high attractiveness rating of universities in Russia and the SCO member states; academic exchange of teachers and students; the convergence of educational standards that will contribute to improving the quality of education and solving important tasks of implementing intergovernmental and interregional agreements and agreements with foreign countries on cooperation in the field of higher education and science.

Keywords: higher education, cooperation, SCO, international programs, China, Shanghai University, youth educational conference, SCO Model, SCO Generation, cultural exchange, Chinese students, study at foreign universities.


Kupriyanova (2008) – Kupriyanova L.M. Organizational and economic mechanism of quality management of pedagogical activity in higher education [Organizacionno-ekonomicheskij mekhanizm upravleniya kachestvom pedagogicheskoj deyatel’nosti v vysshej shkole]. // M: Socio-political thought. 2008 M: [Social’no-politicheskaya mysl’]. 2008

Prizhennikova (2018) – Prizhennikova A.N. Personnel potential in innovative activity [Kadrovyj potencial v innovacionnoj deyatel’nosti] International Scientific and Practical Journal Modern lawyer. [Sovremennyj yurist] 2018. № 2 (23). S. 138-146.

Frolova (2019) – Frolova V.B. Foreign practice of personnel development of the processes of digitalization of the financial market [Zarubezhnaya praktika razvitiya kadrovogo obespecheniya processov cifrovizacii finansovogo rynka]. International Scientific and Practical Journal ECONOMICS. BUSINESS. BANKS. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2019. № 7 (33). S. 38-48.

ZHuk, Seleznev (2016) – ZHuk S.S., Seleznev P.S. Education in Russia and abroad: quality, accessibility, sources of financing [Obrazovanie v Rossii i za rubezhom: kachestvo, dostupnost’, istochniki finansirovaniya] // International Scientific and Practical Journal ECONOMICS. BUSINESS. BANKS. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2016. № 4 (17). S. 173-183.

Gasanova, Gasanov (2024) – Gasanova Z.B., Gasanov M.I. Formation of digital competencies in human resources as the basis of national security [Formirovanie cifrovyh kompetencij u kadrovyh resursov kak osnova nacional’noj bezopasnosti] // International Scientific and Practical Journal ECONOMY. BUSINESS. BANKS. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2024. № 1 (71). S. 69-79.

Kupriyanova (2023) – Kupriyanova L.M. Assessment of the quality of pedagogical activity of teachers of higher school [Ocenka kachestva pedagogicheskoj deyatel’nosti prepodavatelej vysshej shkoly] // International Scientific and Practical Journal ECONOMICS. BUSINESS. BANKS. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2023. № 2 (68). S. 55-65.

Kupriyanova (2014) – Kupriyanova L.M. Development of professional competencies of university teachers [Razvitie professional’nyh kompetencij prepodavatelej vuza] // International Scientific and Practical Journal ECONOMICS. BUSINESS. BANKS. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2014. № 2 (7). S. 101-118.

Kupriyanova (2012) – Kupriyanova L.M. Effective mechanism of quality management of pedagogical activity in higher school [Effektivnyj mekhanizm upravleniya kachestvom pedagogicheskoj deyatel’nosti v vysshej shkole] // International Scientific and Practical Journal ECONOMICS. BUSINESS. BANKS. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2012. № S2. S. 1-280.

Ostapyuk, Fetisov, Ostapyuk (2024) – Ostapyuk S.F., Fetisov V.P., Ostapyuk I.S. Personnel training in the context of ensuring competitiveness and technological sovereignty of the state [Podgotovka kadrov v kontekste obespecheniya konkurentosposobnosti i tekhnologicheskogo suvereniteta gosudarstva] // International Scientific and Practical Journal ECONOMY. BUSINESS. BANKS. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2024. № 2 (72). S. 8-24.

Kupriyanova (2015) – Kupriyanova L.M. Global ranking of foreign universities [Global’nyj rejting zarubezhnyh universitetov] // International Scientific and Practical Journal ECONOMICS. BUSINESS. BANKS. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2015. № 4 (13). S. 115-123.


Alexander M. Serebrennikov

Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Moscow, Russia. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia.


Scientific advisor: Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Business Analytics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

Prospects of development for the industry of mineral fertilizers


Subject A study of the prospects for the development of producers of mineral fertilizers operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Goal Assessment of the financial stability of the mineral fertilizers industry, prospects for international cooperation and the balance of trade relations between Russia and a bloc of unfriendly countries.

Methodology Analysis of indicators of the financial condition of companies, in conditions of sanctions restrictions and the possibility of exerting political pressure by regulating the volume of exports of mineral fertilizers.

Results The decline in the financial performance of the industry is mainly determined by a decrease in global and domestic prices for fertilizers. This affects the reduction of total revenue, leads to a decrease in the level of financial stability.

Conclusions. There is the development of new sales markets, with a certain vector for the long-term economic stability of the mineral fertilizers industry, and the high importance of trading partners interested in cooperation.

Keywords: mineral fertilizers, PhosAgro, Acron, Kuibyshevazot, balance of trade relationships with unfriendly countries, financial stability of the industry, prospects for the development of economic relations.


Levkevich R.E., Senotrusova S.V. Production of mineral fertilizers in Russia: trends in the development of the industry // Innovations and Investments [Proizvodstvo mineralnyh udobrenij v Rossii: tendencii razvitija otrasli // Innovatsii i investitsii] 2023. No. 8. P. 361-365.

Danilevich A.R., Fedotov I.A. Import Substitution in the Agricultural Industry of Russia: Analysis and Prospects // Economics. Business. Banks [Importozameshchenie v otrasli rossijskogo selskogo khozjajstva: analiz i perspektivy // Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2023. No. 3 (69). P. 56-66.

Rykova I.N., Shkodinsky S.V., Yuryeva A.A. Reducing Risks to the Federal Budget in Implementing Federal Projects in Agriculture // Economics. Business. Banks [Snizhenie riskov Federalnogo byudzheta pri realizacii federalnyh proektov v selskom khozjaistve // Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2019. No. 6 (32). P. 74-88.

Mezentseva T.M., Zhukova V.S. Features of Accounting and Taxation in Agriculture // Economics. Business. Banks [Osobennosti bukhgalterskogo i nalogovogo ucheta v selskom khoziajstve // Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2018. No. 3 (24). P. 96-103.


Orkhan E. Mamedov

Postgraduate student of the department of political analysis and social-psychological processes. G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow. E

Adaptation of russians to socio-economic realities after their SVO


Subject/Topic the article presents an analysis of the main factors that contributed to the social and economic adaptation of Russians to the Special Military Operation (SMO) over the past two years, and examines the accompanying socio-economic processes.

Goals / Objective the present study aims to analyse the impact of SWO on social stability and economic well-being of the population, as well as to identify changes in social integration and quality of life of Russians.

Methodology the toolkit includes secondary analysis of Rosstat data and statistics of analytical organisations, as well as expert assessments on the topic of population adaptation, and publicly available analytical articles. The main focus is on the processes of adaptation of Russians to the social and economic changes that took place in society after the beginning of the NWO, the key aspects of the impact of these changes on the social structure and economic situation of citizens. The authors’ research approach is based on the application of structural-functional and systemic analyses.

Results The outcomes of the analysis may be important for socio-cultural and socio-political understanding of the ongoing processes, allowing to deepen knowledge about the effectiveness of management tools and political technologies that demonstrate how cultural codes and traditional values in a multi-ethnic society can be used or changed in favour of political-economic transformations.

Conclusions and Relevance the beginning of the SWO and the events that were its consequence led to noticeable social and economic changes in society.

Keywords: special military operation, social adaptation, economic adaptation, social structure, welfare, standard of living, quality of life, economic indicators, political processes, economic processes, social processes.


Rodionov A.S. Social economy on the example of fire and rescue garrisons. [Social’naya ekonomika na primere pozharno-spasatel’nyh garnizonov] International scientific journal – Economy. Business. Cans. 2021. No. 1 (51). pp. 8-28.

Kupriyanova L.M., Varlamova S.B. The Russian financial and banking sector in the process of overcoming the sanctions challenge. [Rossijskaya finansovo-bankovskaya sfera v processe preodoleniya sankcionnyh vyzov] International scientific journal – Economy. Business. Cans. 2023. No. 4 (70). pp. 18-33.

Burtseva T.A., Frenkel A.A., Tikhomirov B.I., Surkov A.A. Monitoring inflation in a new geopolitical reality. [Monitoring inflyacii v usloviyah novoj geopoliticheskoj real’nosti] The world of the new economy. 2023. Vol. 17. No. 2. pp. 48-61.

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