Sergey F. Ostapyuk
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate professor, leading researcher, Institute of problems of science development of RAS, 32 Nakhimovsky Prospekt, Moscow, 117218, Russia.
E-mail: S.
Vyacheslav P. Fetisov
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate professor, leading researcher, Institute of development of science of RAS, 32 Nakhimovsky Prospekt, Moscow, 117218, Russia.
Ilya S. Ostapyuk
Russian State Social University, Wilhelma Pick str., 4, bldg. 1, Moscow, 129226, Russia. Ull-time postgraduate student, Russian State Social University, Moscow, 129226, Russia.
Directions for improving the system of
personnel training in the context of
ensuring the technological sovereignty of
the countryAnnotationSubject/topic. Interaction of Subjects of Strategic Management of Organizations Engaged in Personnel Training and Directions for Improving the Practice of Managing this Sphere of Activity Goals/objectives. The purpose of the study is to analyze the law enforcement practice of the Russian legislation on education and the main directions for improving the consolidation and interaction of the subjects of strategic management of organizations engaged in training. The task was set to develop measures to improve the model of management of the development of education in the context of ensuring the competitiveness and technological sovereignty of the state.
Methodology. Retrospective analysis and generalization of the Russian law enforcement practice of legislation on education and the concepts of foreign higher education organizations in the management of scientific and educational activities, acceptable for improving domestic models of management of scientific and educational activities.
Results/conclusions and proposals: the role and place of the training system in solving the tasks are determined; the factors that hinder the development of Russian university science and education are identified; the main problems and directions of the organization of personnel training are formulated; the approach to assessing and improving the model of management of the development of education and university science is shown; measures to strengthen the role of public administration of Russian university science are formulated; the structure of criteria for evaluating models of management of education and university science has been determined; proposed to develop and update: a strategy for the development of the personnel training system in the Russian Federation, giving it the status of a strategic planning document; forecasting methodology and medium- and long-term forecast of the state’s need for specialists at various levels of education; methods of monitoring and evaluating the quality of teaching in higher education and the quality of knowledge gained by its graduates
Keywords: management, scientific and pedagogical activity in higher education, legal support, technological sovereignty.
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Goryacheva, Myzrova (2023) – Goryacheva T. V., Myzrova O. A. Role and Place of Technological Sovereignty in Ensuring the Stability of the Russian Economy [Rol’ i mesto tekhnologicheskogo suvereniteta v obespechenii ustojchivosti ekonomiki Rossii] // – Proceedings of Saratov University. New series. Series: Economics. Management. Right [Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. Novaya seriya. Seriya: Ekonomika. Upravlenie. Pravo. 2023] T. 23, vyp. 2. S. 134-145.
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Diligensky, Dymova, Sevastyanov (2004) – Diligensky N.V., Dymova L.G., Sevastyanov P.V. Fuzzy Modeling and Multi-Criteria Optimization of Production Systems under Uncertainty: Technology, Economics, Ecology. [Nechetkoe modelirovanie i mnogokriterial’naya optimizaciya proizvodstvennyh sistem v usloviyah neopredelennosti: tekhnologiya, ekonomika, ekologiya]. — Moscow. Mashinostroenie Publ [Moskva. Izd-vo Mashinostroenie]. 2004. 397 p
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Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics of Intellectual Property, Associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Svetlana B. Varlamova
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Development of digitalization of the
Russian Financial sector in the condition
of strengthening sanctions Abstract Subject/topic. Since March 2022, the sanctions pressure of the collective West on the Russian economy has sharply increased, which caused a severance of business and financial ties, the curtailment of most international projects and transactions, etc. A significant dependence of the Russian financial sector on foreign vendors has been revealed. Successful confrontation of these challenges is ensured by the accelerated transfer of the country’s financial and banking sector to domestic software development and electronic equipment under the import substitution program. To date, all large and medium-sized banks have replaced ABS and DBMS with more modern technologically advanced domestic systems; Oracle DBMS has been replaced by Postgres Pro, Arenadata, Greenplum. Office suites from Microsoft will be replaced by “MyOffice” or P7. Astra Linux and other domestic operating systems have become worthy alternatives to Windows. The process of replacing “zhedez” is accelerating due to domestic products, supplies from China and parallel imports. Goals/objectives: The purpose of the study: to analyze the results of the negative impact of economic sanctions on the Russian banking system and financial market. Identify the main directions and trends of import substitution in the Russian financial and banking sector.
Methodology: Methods of analysis, comparison and generalization in the study of financial results and the impact of government support measures on them based on the methods of induction and deduction.
Conclusions. Result/practical significance: The successful confrontation of the Russian financial and banking sector with modern challenges lies in the accelerated transition to domestic platforms and programs, electronic equipment, units and services, liberation from dependence on foreign vendors. Based on the results of 2023, the banking sector of the Russian economy demonstrated tangible progress in this direction.
Keywords: import substitution, domestic software, software, technical infrastructure.
Bezbogov (2024) – Bezbogov S. VTB: In the development of technology, we try to behave like a startup – to be fast and flexible in decision-making [VTB: V razvitii tekhnologij my staraemsya vesti sebya kak startap — byt’ bystrymi i gibkimi v prinyatii reshenij]. // Article. Access: (Access date 05/12/2024)
Varlamov (2023) – Varlamov D.V. Money and the crypto revolution [Den’gi i kriptorevolyuciya] / Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2023.№ 4 (70). With. 33-48.
Inyushkin (2020) – Inyushkin A.A. A study of the system of regulations aimed at regulating blockchain technology in the context of digitalization of the information field [Issledovanie sistemy normativno-pravovyh aktov, napravlennyh na regulirovanie tekhnologii blokchejn (blockchain) v usloviyah cifrovizacii informacionnogo polya] / Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist] 2020 No. 4 (33). With. 73-82.
Kozlova (2019) – Kozlova N.P. Ustinova E.V. Digitalization of the banking sector: trends and cases of development of the Russian market [Cifrovizaciya bankovskogo sektora: tendencii i kejsy razvitiya rossijskogo rynka] / Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2019.№ 1 (28). With. 18-34.
Kupriyanova, Varlamova (2023) – Kupriyanova L.M., Varlamova S.B. The Russian financial and banking sector is in the process of overcoming the sanctions challenge [Rossijskaya finansovo-bankovskaya sfera v processe preodoleniya sankcionnyh vyzov] / Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2023.№ 4 (70). S. 18-33
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The DFA market will concentrate around large banks [Rynok CFA budet koncentrirovat’sya vokrug krupnyh bankov] / Vedomosti newspaper dated 02/20/2024 /finance/articles/ 2024/02/20/1021187-tsfa-budet-kontsentrirovatsya-vokrug-krupnih-bankov (Date of access 05/12/2024)
Chuvakhin (2020) – Chuvakhin P.I. International legal issues of the institution of responsibility of international financial organizations [Mezhdunarodno-pravovye voprosy instituta otvetstvennosti mezhdunarodnyh finansovyh organizacij] / Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist] 2020 No. 2 (31). With. 121-132.
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Nadezhda K. SavelyevaDoctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Vyatka State University, Kirov.
Anastasia A. SozinovaDoctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Management for Scientific Activities, Vyatka State University, Kirov.
Ekaterina A. BerezinaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Vyatka State University, Kirov.
Marketing research of the level of
population satisfaction with financial
services in the novosibirsk regionAbstractSubject/topic. Finding out the level of satisfaction and the causes of possible dissatisfaction is the first step towards establishing interaction between financial market entities. Responding to the needs of consumers, financial services customers, financial organizations act not only for the benefit of the customers themselves, but also increase their own profits, reducing the cost of attracting new consumers [3]. The relevance of the study of the level of satisfaction with the activities of financial organizations for different categories of the population of the Novosibirsk region consists in identifying possible problems of the mechanism of providing services, aspects that do not meet the needs of the population. Goals/tasks. The purpose of the work was to conduct a marketing study of the level of satisfaction of the population with activities in the field of financial services carried out in the Novosibirsk region.
Methodology. The following research methods were chosen: content analysis of previous reports on monitoring the accessibility of financial services provided to the population in the Novosibirsk region; personal survey and CAWI surveys of consumers of financial services. When writing the article, data from a survey of the population regarding the satisfaction of the population with activities in the field of financial services and data from the annual monitoring of financial accessibility conducted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation were used.
Conclusions. Result/practical significance. As a result of the marketing research, questionnaires were collected and the results were processed, characterizing the satisfaction of the population with activities in the field of financial services in the Novosibirsk region. The authors have given recommendations in order to increase the level of satisfaction of the population with the activities of organizations providing financial services in the Novosibirsk region. The scientific novelty of the research results consists in identifying the current level of public satisfaction with financial services in the Novosibirsk region according to a survey of citizens, which allows updating the content of measures to increase public satisfaction with financial services.
Keywords: marketing research, market parameters, level of satisfaction, level of trust, financial organizations, financial products (services), population of the Novosibirsk region.
Serebrennikova (2016) – Serebrennikova A.I. On the importance of loyalty for the bank’s activities [K voprosu o znachenii loyal’nosti dlya deyatel’nosti banka] // USUE News. 2016. No. 6(68). pp. 46-56. (In Russ.).
Sozinova (2021) – Sozinova, A.A. (2021) Investigating the Prospects of New Institutional Theory in the Smart Economy / Modern Global Economic System: Evolutional Development vs. Revolutionary Leap: Institute of Scientific Communications Conference. Vol. 198. – Cham: Springer Nature, P. 2075-2081. – DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-69415-9_227. – EDN ADGMQL.
Brodunov, Bushueva, Averin, Berezina (2020) – A. Brodunov, N. Bushueva, A. Averin, Berezina E. The budget rule: Reducing oil dependence // E3S Web of Conferences: Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, TPACEE 2019, Moscow, Vol. 164. – Moscow: EDP Sciences, P. 11041. – DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/202016411041. – EDN FDLPRS.
Tskhadadze (2023) – Tskhadadze, N. V. (2023) Development of Banking Activities During the Decline in the Economic Activity of the Population / N. V. Tskhadadze, T. A. Timkina, N. K. Savelieva // Anti-Crisis Approach to the Provision of the Environmental Sustainability of Economy. – Singapore: Springer Singapore, P. 341-348. – DOI 10.1007/978-981-99-2198-0_37. – EDN VSXIDI.
Transformation of the Sustainability Concept in the Socioeconomic System and Labor Market / N. K. Savelyeva, V. A. Saidakova, O. E. Pirogova [et al.] // Information Sciences Letters. – 2023. – Vol. 12, No. 10. – P. 2641-2648. – DOI 10.18576/isl/121014. – EDN JBQJVQ.
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Oleg D. AverchenkoPhD of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Global Financial Markets and Fintech at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
International monetary, financial and
credit relations in the conditions of
distribution of blockchain technologyAbstractImportance. The transformation of the financial market in modern conditions occurs through the introduction of disruptive innovative solutions. One such disruptive innovative solution is the implementation of blockchain technology. The introduction of this technology is an important event over the last century in the financial sector of the economy. This event will lead to significant changes in the financial services market, and will also lead to profound changes in the entire financial system. In the foreseeable future, blockchain technology will spread widely across the entire spectrum of financial services. It will significantly change financial transactions and have a significant impact on asset re-pledge operations and loan restructuring. Also, the use of blockchain technology will contribute to the transformation of insurance market services, investment services and settlement and payment systems. Objectives. Study of modern trends and directions for the introduction of innovative financial technologies in the financial sector and their impact on financial services.
Methods. Using methods of general and system-structural analysis, logical generalization, and scientific abstraction, the latest trends and directions of development of the financial market in the context of the use of distributed registry technology have been studied.
Results. The prerequisites for creating distributed registry technology are determined. Foreign and domestic experience in using blockchain solutions has been studied. The advantages of using distributed registry technology and factors hindering the implementation of this technology have been identified.
Conclusions. A blockchain solution can replace international financial information exchange systems. The new disruptive innovative solution will be an integral part of the existing system with bypass mechanisms.
Key words: blockchain solution, distributed ledger technology, innovative financial technologies, blockchain technology, financial innovation.
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Averchenko (2018) – Averchenko O.D. Problems of ensuring financial stability of the banking system of the Russian Federation [Problemy obespecheniya finansovoj ustojchivosti bankovskoj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii] // Ekonomicheskie nauki. – 2018. – № 9 (166). – S.111-117.
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Averchenko (2019) – Averchenko O.D. The cryptocurrency ecosystem in the global and domestic markets: trends and prospects for development [Kriptovalyutnaya ekosistema na mirovom i otechestvennom rynkah: tendencii i perspektivy razvitiya] // Bankovskoe Delo. – 2019. – № 4. – S. 21-26.
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Artemii O. BabaninAssistant, Department of World Economics and World Finance, Faculty of International economic relations at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
The main approaches to the classification
of financial technologies in the global
financial marketAbstractSubject/topic: The article examines the main approaches to the classification of financial technologies that are represented on the global financial market. This work is especially relevant, since over the past 10 years a wide variety of innovative solutions have appeared in the public domain, which have a significant impact on the development and efficiency of the global financial market.. Goals/objectives: The purpose of the study is to analyze existing approaches to the classification of financial technologies, to determine their advantages and disadvantages, as well as to develop an author’s approach to the classification of new financial technologies.
Methodology: During the research, such techniques as reduction and induction approaches were used.
Results/conclusions: The main approaches to the classification of financial technologies currently presented on the global financial market are identified and analyzed. The approach to classification proposed by the author allows us to pay due attention to the main innovative technologies that exist today in the global financial system.
Keywords: banking technologies, innovative technologies, classification of financial technologies, systematization of the financial market, financial market.
Galchenkova, Chupsa (2020) – Galchenkova E. K., Chupsa P. T. The development of financial technologies and their impact on the financial market [Razvitie finansovyh tekhnologij i ih vliyanie na finansovyj rynok] // Business strategies. 2020. № 6. – P. 16.
Dzhalili (2022) – Dzhalili A.K. Mechanisms of financial technologies in the global financial market [Mekhanizmy finansovyh tekhnologij na mirovom finansovom rynke] // Humanities, socio-economic and social sciences. 2022. № 3. – P. 83.
Ulybina, Bogatyreva (2021) – Ulybina L.K., Bogatyreva A.K. Financial technologies in the context of a pandemic [Finansovye tekhnologii v usloviyah pandemii] // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. 2021. № 6-1. – P. 27.
Oborin (2022) – Oborin M.P. Innovative financial technologies [Innovacionnye finansovye tekhnologii] // Scientific Bulletin: finance, banks, investments. 2022. №1 (58). – P. 56.
Sokolova, Abramyan (2021) – Sokolova I.I., Abramyan K.A. Digital transformation of the global consulting services market in bridging conditions [Cifrovaya transformaciya global’nogo rynka uslug konsaltinga v postkovidnyh usloviyah] // A-factor: scientific research and development (humanities). 2021. № 4. – P. 112.
Fedotova, Tolstyh (2023) – Fedotova E.B., Tolstyh A.P. The use of financial technologies in the management of financial resources of the enterprise [Primenenie finansovyh tekhnologij v upravlenii finansovymi resursami predpriyatiya] // A symbol of science. 2023. № 6. – P. 34.
Hodzhaev, Garadzhaev, Menliev (2023) – Hodzhaev A., Garadzhaev D., Menliev H. Financial technologies and their integration with traditional financial systems [Finansovye tekhnologii i ih integraciya s tradicionnymi finansovymi sistemami] // World Scientist. 2023. № 13. – P. 64.
Shevchenko (2022) – Shevchenko D.A. Virtual banking and financial technologies [Virtual’nye bankovskie i finansovye tekhnologii] // Financial markets and banks. 2022. № 11. – P. 164.
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Nadezhda V. RebrikovaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Human Capital Development at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Konstantin A. KarpovStudent of the Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Research of mechanisms of non-verbal
interaction in the practice of business
communicationAbstract Subject/topic In the modern business world, the relevance of non-verbal means of communication is undeniable, since they play a key role in establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships, and also contribute to effective communication and successful negotiations. Goals/objectives Study of the influence of non-verbal means on the process of business communication and identification of the mechanisms through which these means influence the participants in the communication process. Scientific work is aimed at a comprehensive consideration of the role and significance of nonverbal means in the context of business communication, which will expand the understanding of the mechanisms of nonverbal interaction and their application in the practice of business communication.
Methodology The research structure is based on general scientific methods: content analysis, generalization, comparative and descriptive analysis. The article analyzes the works of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of psychology and nonverbal communication.
Results/conclusions Research has shown that nonverbal cues such as reward and punishment can strongly influence our behavior, with negative feedback reducing productivity and creativity, and positive feedback promoting it. Through the use of technologies such as video analytics, this aspect of behavior can be made more conscious, allowing for increased social competence. Increased attention to nonverbal cues increases the amount of information processed, which can reduce the ability to respond spontaneously. Finally, it is worth noting the relationship between expressive behavior and personal experience. In social interactions our expressive behavior is activated, while in isolation, for example when we are alone at home, it is significantly reduced.
Keywords: nonverbal means of business communication, facial expressions, business communication, nonverbal gestures, communication.
Alekseeva (2017) – Alekseeva О.А. About non-verbal means of business communication [O neverbal’nyh sredstvah delovogo obshcheniya] // NIB Bulletin. [Vestnik NIB] 2017. No. 27. URL: (date of access: 02/04/2024).
Bakirova, Pirogova (2022) – Bakirova А.М., Pirogova S.V. Business communications as a factor of increasing company performance [Delovye kommunikacii kak faktor povysheniya rezul’tativnosti kompanii] // Universum: economics and jurisprudence [Universum: ekonomika i yurisprudenciya]. 2022. No. 5 (92). URL: article/n/delovye-kommunikatsii-kak-faktor-povysheniya-rezultativnosti-kompanii (date of access: 02/04/2024).
Vasilchenko, Sultanova, Feopentova (2022) – Vasilchenko T. A., Sultanova I. V., Feopentova S. V. Use of non-verbal means of communication in the creation of electronic educational resources for students of economic specialties [Ispol’zovanie neverbal’nyh sredstv kommunikacii v sozdanii elektronnyh obrazovatel’nyh resursov dlya studentov ekonomicheskih special’nostej] // Society: sociology, psychologist iya, pedagogy [Obshchestvo: sociologiya, psihologiya, pedagogika]. 2022. No. 12 (104). URL: article/n/ispolzovanie-neverbalnyh-sredstv-kommunikatsii-v-sozdanii-elektronnyh-obrazovatelnyh-resursov-dlya-studentov-ekonomicheskih (date of access: 02/04/2024).
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Shalnova (2024) – Shalnova O.A., Rebrikova N.V. Communication aspects of marketing activities: Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Council for Higher Education as a textbook for students studying in the areas of training “Management”, “Trading”, “Service”, “Human Resources Management” [Kommunikativnye aspekty marketingovoj deyatel’nosti: Rekomendovano Uchebno-metodicheskim sovetom po vysshemu obrazovaniyu v kachestve uchebnogo posobiya dlya studentov, obuchayushchih po napravleniyam podgotovki «Menedzhment», «Torgovoe delo», «Servis», «Upravlenie personalom»] / O.A. Shalnova, N.V. Rebrikova. – 2nd edition. – Moscow: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K” [Izdatel’sko-torgovaya korporaciya «Dashkov i K»], 2024 – 202 p. – ISBN978-5-394-05867-7. (Date of access: 02/04/2024).
Tsibulya (2022) – Tsibulya N. B. Features of research of non-verbal means of communication in domestic science [Osobennosti issledovaniya neverbal’nyh sredstv obshcheniya v otechestvennoj nauke] // Bulletin of the Moscow State Linguistic University. Humanitarian sciences [Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta. Gumanitarnye nauki]. 2022. No. 1 (856). URL: /n/osobennosti-issledovaniya-neverbalnyh-sredstv-obscheniya-v-otechestvennoy-nauke (date of access: 04/02/2024).
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Aleksey Yu. OborskiyCand. Sci. (Phil.), Associate Professor, Depute Vice-Rector for Strategy and Work with Authorities, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Financial University, Moscow, Russia.
Victoria V. Zinovieva
Graduate student of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
On the issues of building an information
security management model for an
educational organization in the context of
digitalization AbstractSubject/Topic. The information security management model of an educational organization in the context of digitalization. The article analyzes the state of information security in educational institutions in the context of digitalization. Theoretical approaches to the study of information security are analyzed. The author’s models of information security management of an educational organization in the context of digitalization are proposed. Goals/Objectives. Building an information security management model for an educational organization in the context of digitalization / Definition of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of information security management of an educational organization in the context of digitalization.
Methodology. The methodology of the empirical level based on the application of General scientific research methods is applied: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, secondary analysis of research results.
Conclusions and Relevance. The author’s model of information security management of an educational organization in the context of digitalization has been developed. The analysis of theoretical approaches to the study of information security management of an educational organization in the context of digitalization is carried out. The need to develop an information security management model aimed at protecting the digital environment has been identified in higher educational institutions.
Keywords: social inequality, factors of digital inequality, information society, digital divide, digital inequality, levels of digital divide, digital society.
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Elena A. Zinovyeva
Postgraduate student, Department of Banking and Monetary Regulation, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Digital impact on banking products
Subject / Topic. The article considers the features of banking products, their relationship with banking services and approaches to assessing the degree of impact of digitalization indicators of the payment system of the Russian Federation in the regional context on the volume of sales of banking sector products.
Goals / Objectives. To analyze theoretical approaches in the economic literature to the definition of a banking product and banking service, to identify their differences, to define the concept of “banking product”, to determine the key factor affecting the main directions of modernization of banking products in the digital economy, to justify the dependence of payment system digitalization indicators in the regional context (impact factors) and sales volumes of banking sector products (targets) by building four models.
Methodology. Methods of comparison and grouping, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis.
Conclusions und Relevance. A banking product is a result of the bank’s activities intended to meet the needs of customers (consumer value) in a market environment, achieve a positive economic effect for both parties and expressed in the amount of public labor spent (including resources and time) on its creation and possible implementation (cost of a banking product). Banking product and banking service are closely interrelated, but not identical concepts, each of which has its own content, features and specifics. A key factor has been identified, a distinctive feature of which is responding to customer requests and needs in the context of a customer-oriented approach to improving banking products, aimed primarily at meeting customer demand. Based on statistical analysis, it is justified that the prevailing factor of the impact of digital technologies, which directly affects the volume of sales of banking sector products, is the share of transactions for payment for goods and services made using payment cards, which implies the promotion by commercial banks of acquiring services and non-cash payments using payment cards.
Keywords: banking product, banking service, digital economy, banking sector, digital technologies, customer orientation, factor, competitiveness.
Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: Ok. 60,000 words [Bol’shoj tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo yazyka: Ok. 60 000 slov] / Ed. D.N. Ushakova. – Moscow: AST Publishing House LLC: Astrel Publishing House LLC [Moskva: OOO «Izdatel’stvo AST»: OOO «Izdatel’stvo Astrel’»], 2004-1268 p.
Swede (2011) – Swede D.E. On the concepts of “banking product” and “banking service” [O ponyatiyah «bankovskij produkt» i «bankovskaya usluga»] // Marketing in Russia and abroad [Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom]. 2011. №1. P. 56-64. articles/2011/1/5755.html.
Dolinskaya (2021) – Dolinskaya V.V. Banking products: concept, relationship with related categories, types [Bankovskie produkty: ponyatie, sootnoshenie so smezhnymi kategoriyami, vidy] // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice, [Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika] 2021. № 4. P. 3-12.
Sokolinskaya, Zinovieva (2021) – Sokolinskaya N.E., Zinovieva, E.A. Digital development trajectory: banking product, classification and principles of its diversification [Traektoriya cifrovogo razvitiya: bankovskij produkt, klassifikaciya i principy ego diversifikacii] // Financial markets and banks [Finansovye rynki i banki], 2021. – № 6. – S. 71-76.
Zinovieva (2021) – Zinovieva E.A. Factors affecting the modernization of banking products in the digital economy [Faktory, vliyayushchie na modernizaciyu bankovskih produktov v usloviyah cifrovoj ekonomiki] // Financial markets and banks [Finansovye rynki i banki], 2021. – № 10. – P. 53-59.
Sokolinskaya (2019) – Sokolinskaya N.E. The role of banking innovative disciplines in the formation of competencies in the context of digitalization of banks [Rol’ bankovskih innovacionnyh disciplin v formirovanii kompetencij v usloviyah cifrovizacii bankov] // Journal Banking [Zhurnal Bankovskoe delo], 2019. – № 6. – P. 49-53.
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Artem S. Vasiliev
Postgraduate student of the Faculty of Economics at Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Peculiarities of trade and economic
relations in the field of food security in
the Horn of AfricaAbstractSubject / topic. economic development of the Horn of Africa. Goals / objectives. to identify the key trends in trade and economic cooperation between the Horn of Africa countries, as well as to determine their place in the modern world economy and geopolitics.
Methodology. the article uses general research methods such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, and formalization, as well as specific research methods such as secondary data analysis and statistical analysis.
Results / conclusion. 1) in the context of modern geopolitical changes, food security is an integral part of trade and economic relations between the Horn of Africa and developed countries; 2) today, there is a need for joint sustainable development in the field of food security replacing the neocolonial consumption patterns; 3) the Horn of Africa countries have made significant progress within the regional initiative, according to which Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, as well as Sudan and South Sudan are establishing close trade and economic cooperation, but modern challenges (climate change, famine, geopolitical tensions, etc.) are serious barriers to achieving the target goals, in particular, ensuring food security.
Keywords: Horn of Africa, trade, economy, food security, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti.
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Olesia E. Khudiakova
Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis, Moscow, Russia. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia.
The paradox of thrift: actualization of the
john Maynard Keynes Phenomenon AbstractSubject/Topic. This article examines the socio-economic relations that arise when studying the concept of the “Paradox of Thrift” in the modern world of economics. Goals/Objectives. The purpose of this article is to analyze the historical background, mechanisms and consequences of the Paradox of Thrift, as well as its impact on investment, production, consumption and economic equilibrium. This means structuring and organizing the data obtained to gain a deeper understanding of how the Paradox of Thrift has impacted past and contemporary society.
Methodology. To achieve this goal, a methodology is used that includes a literary review of historical and modern studies of the paradox of frugality, analysis of examples from history and the current situation in the European Union, and a critical analysis of traditional theories of economics.
Results. The study revealed how an increase in personal savings during an economic crisis can lead to a further decline in demand and the development of an economic vicious circle. The impact of frugality on investment, production, consumption and economic equilibrium is examined. This study led to the consideration of examples from history, criticism of traditional economic theories, and an examination of the current situation in the European Union, taking into account negative interest rates and the growth of problem loans. Important attention is also paid to the importance of understanding the “Paradox of Thrift” for the effective management of resources and the development of society as a whole.
Conclusions. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that awareness and understanding of the paradox of thrift is crucial for effective resource management and social development. There is a need for a balance between savings and investment to achieve sustainable economic development, and blind research into traditional economic theories can lead to ineffective resource management and negative economic consequences
Keywords: “Paradox of Thrift”, capital, investment, savings, government, income level, economy, consumption.
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Maria O. BespalovaBachelor of Economics, Faculty of International economic Relations, Moscow, Russia. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia.
Methods of financial risk analysis in the
implementation of innovative projectsAbstractSubject/Topic. This article is devoted to the study of methods for analyzing financial risks in the process of implementing innovative projects. The study of the concept of financial risks helps to prevent crisis situations and contributes to the successful implementation of innovative projects. Goals/Objectives. The purpose of this article is to systematize information on methods of financial risk analysis in the implementation of innovative projects. This means structuring and organizing the data obtained in order to better understand how these rights can be used and transferred in various contexts.
Methodology. To achieve this goal, a methodology is used that includes the study of third-party practices, partially including the analysis and evaluation of investment projects, the use of indicators and methods of analysis and assessment of financial risks in the field of innovation management and financial management.
Results. As a result of the study, the basic principles and types of financial risks were studied, existing methods and tools for assessing financial risks in the context of innovative projects were analyzed, and the identification of the features of financial risks characteristic of innovative projects was carried out. Important attention is also paid to the development of recommendations for effective financial risk management in the implementation of innovative projects.
Conclusions. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that it is important to choose the right methodology and a competent analysis of financial risks in the context of innovative projects for their successful implementation. This highlights the need for a reasonable and effective approach to financial risk management in order to achieve maximum value and benefit. Thus, this article is a comprehensive study that covers various aspects of financial risk analysis methodologies in the context of the implementation of innovative projects.
Keywords: the concept of innovation, innovative project, risk management, financial risks, project management, risk assessment.
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