Economy Business Banks № 1 (71)
Nadezhda K. SavelyevaDoctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Vyatka State University, Kirov. E-mail: Alexey V. SysolyatinCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Vyatka State University, Kirov. E-mail: Ekaterina A. BerezinaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Vyatka State University, Kirov.
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Assessment of the level of use of financial products and services by the population of the Novosibirsk regionAbstract
Subject/topic Currently, the problems of financial accessibility for different categories of the population are relevant, related to the unique characteristics of the country, including its geographical and demographic characteristics, and economic conditions. Such problems include the availability of financial products for those categories of the population who live in rural areas, in remote, sparsely populated and hard-to-reach areas, where it is difficult to receive services on a permanent basis, including through remote access to financial services. Financial services are often available in large cities, and their penetration is declining in remote and rural areas that are outside urban centers. First of all, they have fewer banking divisions. And although ATMs and payment terminals are widespread, they have limited functionality (compared to bank divisions). Goals/tasks The purpose of this work is to monitor the accessibility of financial services provided to the population in the Novosibirsk region, which will identify current problems of access to financial products by population groups that are in a worse situation compared to the average for the Russian Federation as a whole. Methodology The choice of research methods is determined by the peculiarities of studying the financial services market. The following methods were chosen: the method of analysis, the method of statistics and the method of comparison, personal survey and CAWI surveys of consumers of financial services. Conclusions. Result/practical significance In the course of the study, a marketing study was conducted using a survey of the population in the Novosibirsk region, an assessment of the use of financial products (services) by the population and the structure of the reasons for non-use of banking products was given, the structure of the use and reasons for non-use of various methods of access to banking services (payments, transfers) was analyzed. The assessment of the level of financial literacy of the population is also given. The results of the study can be used to model the directions of increasing the availability of financial services and the development of competitive relations in this sector, and will also contribute to further financial education and popularization of financial literacy among the population. The main practical purpose of the results of the work is to identify the current state of financial services in the Novosibirsk region and the existing barriers to their availability. Keywords: financial products, financial services, financial literacy, accessibility, market, competition. References The Bank of Russia. Priority areas for increasing the availability of financial services in the Russian Federation for the period 2022-2024. [Electronic resource]. URL: Document/File/ 132045/pnpdfu_2022-2024.pdf (accessed 02.22.2024). Indicators of financial accessibility for 2020 (based on the results of measurement in 2021) [Electronic resource]. – URL: develop/fin_avail/acc_indicatiors_2020/ (accessed 03.03.2024). Sozinova, Bondarenko, Savelyeva, Fokina (2023) – Sozinova A. A., Bondarenko V. A., Savelyeva N. K., Fokina O. V. Methods of research of audiences of non-state pension funds of the Russian Federation and their effectiveness [Metody issledovaniya auditorij negosudarstvennyh pensionnyh fondov Rossijskoj Federacii i ih rezul’tativnost’ ]// Marketing in Russia and abroad. No 1, pp. 54-64. Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Novosibirsk region. [Electronic resource]. URL: storage/mediabank/Распределение%20учтенных%20в%20 Статрегистре%20организаций%20 Новосибирской%20области%20по %20организационно-правовым%20формам %20.pdf (accessed 02.28.2024) Chernikina (2022) – Chernikina, E.V. Assessment of the availability of financial services [Ocenka dostupnosti finansovyh uslug] // Managerial accounting. No. 12-1. pp. 307-314. DOI 10.25806/uu12-12022307-314. Yakovleva (2014) – Yakovleva N.F. Sociological research [Sociologicheskoe issledovanie] [Electronic resource: catalog/document?id=344481] 2nd ed., ster. M.: FLINT, 250 p. Sozinova (2021) – Sozinova A. A. Investigating the Prospects of New Institutional Theory in the Smart Economy // Modern Global Economic System: Evolutional Development vs. Revolutionary Leap: Institute of Scientific Communications Conference. Vol. 198. – Cham: Springer Nature, pp. 2075-2081. – DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-69415-9_227. – EDN ADGMQL. Tskhadadze (2023) – Tskhadadze N. V. Development of Banking Activities During the Decline in the Economic Activity of the Population // Anti-Crisis Approach to the Provision of the Environmental Sustainability of Economy. – Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2023. – pp. 341-348. – DOI 10.1007/978-981-99-2198-0_37. – EDN VSXIDI. |
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Maxoud LydiaPhd student at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Russia, St. Petersburg. |
Franchising as a business management tool for small and medium-sized companiesAbstract
Subject/topic .This article examines the relationship between the formula of franchising and support for small and medium-sized companies in the modern economy. Franchising is considered one of the important models that small and medium-sized companies rely on in managing their business, Assessing the impact of the franchise model on the management efficiency of small and medium-sized companies helps these companies make financial and managerial decisions. Small and medium-sized companies are currently experiencing difficulties in expanding their activities and effectively managing their activities. Goals/objectives. Conducting a comparative analysis of international experience in using the franchise model for ideal management and improving the efficiency of small and medium-sized companies in expanding their business and effectively managing operational activities. Studying the impact of franchising is an important model that helps small companies grow their business. Assessment of the role of franchising as an important business model compared to traditional methods of supporting small and medium-sized companies. Results/Findings. Russian legislation defines franchise agreements as commercial franchise agreements regulated by Chapter 54 of Part Two of the Civil Code. The general provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation apply, especially those relating to general aspects of the law of obligations and contracts. The results of the study show that the main problem of the Russian franchising market is legislation that is unable to regulate relations between the parties to a franchise agreement, since this law ignores important issues of organizing, conducting and supporting business activities under franchise agreements. Keywords: franchising, small business, large enterprises, entrepreneurship, franchise. References: Suyumbaeva, Krymshaukhalova (2016) – Suyumbaeva R.A., Krymshaukhalova F.S.A. About the role of franchising in the development of small businesses // Economics and Society” No. 11(30) 2016. – pp. 1215-1216. [Roli franshizinga v razfity molava biznisa]. [Economics and Society Journal] [Ekonmika E sotsium]. No. 11(30) 2016. – pp. 1215-1216. [in Russian] Grisko (2018) – Grisko E.S. Trends and problems of franchising development in Russia//Bulletin of the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies No. 2 (26) 2018. –pp.17-19. [Tendetsya e problemi razitiya franshizinga v russi]. [Bulletin of the Siberian Institute of Business Information Technologies]. [Vestnik sibirskovo Inistituta businessa E informatsiyonikh tekhnology]. No. 2 (26) 2018. –pp.17-19. [in Russian] Ustyuzhanin (2009) – Ustyuzhanin A.A. Franchising in Russia // Bulletin of the Moscow University. ser. 6. Economics. 2009. No. 4. pp. 18-20. [ranshizinga v russi]. Bulletin of the Moscow Economic University]. [Vestnik moskovskaya Ekonmik universitit] .2009. No. 4. pp. 18-20. [in Russian] Yesenkina (2016) – Yesenkina M.D. Formation and use of the brand. International Scientific and Practical Journal: Economics. Business. Banks. 2016. No. S4. pp. 173-181. [Formirovanie i ispol’zovanie brenda]. International Scientific and Practical Journal: Economics. Business. Bank. [International scientific-practical journal Èkonomika, biznes, banki]. 2016. No. S4. pp. 173-181. [in Russian] Kupriyanova (2014) – Kupriyanova L.M. Analysis of the current state and prospects of franchising development. International Scientific and Practical Journal: Economics. Business. Banks. 2014. No. 3 (8). pp. 84-101. [Analiz sovremennogo sostoyaniya i perspektiv razvitiya franchajzinga.]. International Scientific and Practical Journal: Economics. Business. Bank. [International scientific-practical journal Èkonomika, biznes, banki]. 2014. No. 3 (8). pp. 84-101. [in Russian] Kashanova (2017) – Kashanova A.M. Royalties as a form of remuneration for the use of intellectual property. Royalties and lump sum payments in the franchise market. International Scientific and Practical Journal: Economics. Business. Banks. 2017. No. S7. pp. 104-115. [Royalti kak forma voznagrazhdeniya za ispol’zovanie intellektual’noj sobstvennosti. royalti i paushal’nyj vznos na rynke franchajzinga.].International Scientific and Practical Journal: Economics. Business. Bank. [International scientific-practical journal Èkonomika, biznes, banki]. 2017. No. S7. pp. 104-115. [in Russian] |
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Devi Z. ZurabovichSpecialist of the Ground Handling Department of PJSC Aeroflot, PhD student at the Faculty of World Economy and International Business. E-mail: Ivan V. SmotrinMaster’s Degree in Economics at Buguruslan branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation A.A. Novikov. E-mail: |
Factors and trends in the development of the international air transportation marketAbstract
Subject/Topic The international air transportation market is one of the most dynamic and competitive sectors of the world economy, which is influenced by many factors that determine its development trends. Goals/Objectives Study of factors influencing the international air transportation market. Determination of development trends in the global air transportation market. Methodology Theoretical analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, the graphical method. Output There are a number of different factors that influence the development of the international air transportation market. Prospects and trends for the development of the international air transportation market directly depend on the state of the global economy, prices for aviation fuel, sustainable demand for air transportation, the development of aviation technologies and environmental requirements. Keywords: global passenger transportation market, airline industry, commercial activities of air carriers, passenger turnover on domestic and international routes. References: Kholopov, Sokolova (2017) – Kholopov K.V., Sokolova O.V. Modern factors and trends in the development of international markets for passenger and cargo air transportation and Russia’s place in the markets for air services [Sovremennye faktory i tendencii razvitiya mezhdunarodnyh rynkov passazhirskih i gruzovyh vozdushnyh perevozok i mesto Rossii na rynkah aviauslug]. Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin [Rossijskij vneshneekonomicheskij vestnik]. 2017. No. 6. P. 119-129. [in Russian] Maltsev, Matveeva (2018) – Maltsev A.A., Matveeva A.V. International passenger transport: determinants of explosive growth [Mezhdunarodnye passazhirskie perevozki: determinanty vzryvnogo rosta]. Manager [Upravlenec]. 2018. Volume 9. No. 3. P. 26-31. [in Russian] Nikolishvili (2019) – Nikolishvili D.Z. Legal regulation of transport activities [Normativno-pravovoe regulirovanie transportnoj deyatel’nosti]. Economics. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2019. No. 11 (37). pp. 79-89. [in Russian] Romantsev (2019) – Romantsev A.N. Economic efficiency of the aviation security system [Ekonomicheskaya effektivnost’ sistemy obespecheniya aviacionnoj bezopasnosti]. Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2019. No. 12 (38). pp. 8-21. [in Russian] Klimova (2020) – Klimova T.B. Dynamics of aviation industry development: trends and pandemic challenges [Dinamika razvitiya aviaotrasli: trendy i pandemijnye vyzovy]. Economy. Computer science [Ekonomika. Informatika]. 2020. No. 3. P. 512-521. [in Russian] Kochetov (2021) – Kochetkov A.A. Hierarchical management structures of transport enterprises [Ierarhicheskie struktury upravleniya transportnymi predpriyatiyami]. Economics. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2021. No. 5 (55). pp. 25-36. [in Russian] Budarina, Kazakova (2021) – Budarina N.A., Kazakova A.Yu. Current state of the international aviation services market [Sovremennoe sostoyanie mezhdunarodnogo rynka aviacionnyh uslug]. Economics and business: theory and practice [Ekonomika i biznes: teoriya i praktika]. 2021. No. 5-1 (75). pp. 64-67. [in Russian] Kapelyuk, Popova (2022) – Kapelyuk Z.A., Popova Y.V. Indicators of economic efficiency of transport services [Pokazateli ekonomicheskoj effektivnosti transportnyh uslug]. Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2022. No. 4 (66). pp. 8-18. [in Russian] Stytsyuk (2019) – Stytsyuk R.Yu. Theoretical and practical aspects of marketing airline services [Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty marketinga uslug aviakompanii]. Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2019. No. 2 (29). pp. 93-102. [in Russian] Skrynnik, Padalko (2023) – Skrynnik S.V., Padalko V.V. Main directions of development of the world civil aviation market in the 21st century [Osnovnye napravleniya razvitiya mirovogo rynka grazhdanskoj aviacii v XXI veke]. Economics, entrepreneurship and law [Ekonomika, predprinimatel’stvo i pravo]. 2023. Vol. 13. No. 10. pp. 4099-4116. [in Russian] |
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Artur A. KochetkovSenior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Information Technologies and Big Data Analysis, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Leningradskiy prospect,49, 125993 (GSP-3), Moscow, Russia.
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Queuing systems with harmonic functions flow intensityAnnotation
Subject/topic The article analyzes single-channel and multi-channel queuing systems (QS) with a harmonic function of the demand servicing intensity in transport. Using the example of these QSs, the difference between traditional classical models and real systems is demonstrated, taking into account the changing intensity of service over time. An approach has been developed to integrate systems of differential equations with the participation of a sinusoidal harmonic function. An indicator of the dynamics of changes in the intensity of servicing requests has been calculated, taking into account the real delays occurring in the system, which makes it possible to effectively evaluate the operation of the QS while other flow characteristics remain unchanged. Goals/tasks To determine the real efficiency of the service intensity of single-channel and multi-channel QS, taking into account unplanned delays, the probability density of the occurrence of which cannot always be determined by known distributions (Poisson, Rayleigh, Gamma function), and may depend on the state of individual indicators of adjacent systems. Methodology Elements of reliability theory, disaster theory, as well as programming in the R language and the GRETL program were taken as a methodological basis. Data on the intensity of passenger flows were taken from the Moscow Department of Transport website ( Conclusions It is proved that the average waiting time for failures for the metro is a constant value and is equal to 3 days. The law of the distribution of metro failures is derived, according to which the intensity of accidents increases by the end of each calendar month and falls on certain dates. The necessity of introducing new software to prevent the risk of accidents is proved. Keywords: Queuing theory, TMO, queuing system, QS, single-channel service system, multi-channel QS, periodic function of the intensity of service flows, QS service flow. References Ventzel, Ovcharov (1969) – Ventzel E. S., Ovcharov L. A. Probability theory [Teoriya veroyatnostej]. M.: “Science”. Main Publishing House of Physics and Mathematics Literature, 1969. – 368 p. Labsker, Babeshko (1998) – Labsker L.G., Babeshko L.O. Theory of queuing in the economic sphere[Teoriya massovogo obsluzhivaniya v ekonomicheskoj sfere] / L.G. Labsker, L.O. Babeshko. – M.: UNITI, 1998. – 319 p. Nit (1978) – Nit I.V. Linear programming [Linejnoe programmirovanie] / I.V. Nit. – M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 1978. – 200 s. Ivchenko, Kashtanov, Kovalenko (2012) – Ivchenko G.I., Kashtanov V.A., Kovalenko I.N. Queuing theory [Teoriya massovogo obsluzhivaniya] / G.I. Ivchenko, V.A. Kashtanov, I.N. Kovalenko. M: Ed.2, rev. and additional – 2012. – 304 p. Loginov (2019) – Loginov A. A. Software for calculating performance indicators of a multi-channel queuing system [Programmnoe obespechenie dlya rascheta pokazatelej effektivnosti funkcionirovaniya mnogokanal’noj sistemy massovogo obsluzhivaniya] // Young Scientist – 2019. – No. 21 (259). — P. 36-43. — URL: (date of access: 03/23/2024). Pleskunov (2022) – Pleskunov M.A. Queuing theory [Teoriya massovogo obsluzhivaniya] / M.A. Pleskunov. – Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 2022. – 264 p. Moscow metro [Moskovskij metropoliten]. Official site. [Electronic resource]. – URL: (access date 02/21/2024). Information about the Moscow metro [Informaciya o moskovskom metropolitene]. Official site. [Electronic resource]. – URL: / (access date 02/21/2024). |
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Mikhail N. KiselevIP director of LLC Gazpromneft–Industrial Innovations, member of the standardization committee 481 “Intellectual Property”
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A design patent as part of a patent portfolioAbstract
Subject / Topic the article considers an integrated approach to the transformation of the results of creative work (primarily the results of technical creativity) into the assets of organizations that are proper copyright holders in general; and in particular, the role of industrial designs in strengthening patent portfolios and increasing their effectiveness. Goals/Objectives analysis of the role and place of industrial designs in the formation of an intellectual property portfolio. Methodology the analysis of the regulatory framework, the analysis of the practice of domestic companies based on statistical information, hypotheses were built, allowing for induction and obtaining a number of key conclusions. Results industrial designs are recognized as an integral part of almost any portfolio of intellectual property rights, a number of conclusions have been drawn and their role in the comprehensive protection of intellectual property Conclusions and Relevance: complex portfolios cannot be created when a whole category of objects, while very effective, is ignored by practitioners responsible for the formation of patent portfolios. At the same time, design protection has the potential for multiple growth in the Russian Federation. Keywords: intellectual property, intellectual property management, design protection, patent portfolio, industrial design. References: Leontiev (2019) – Leontiev B. The economics of intellectual property is transitioning into a systemic economy [Ekonomika intellektual’noj sobstvennosti perekhodit v sistemnuyu ekonomiku] / B. Leontiev // Intellectual property. Industrial property. – 2019. – No. 12. – pp. 5-12. Kupriyanova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M. Actual problems of commercialization of high-tech technologies [Aktual’nye problemy kommercializacii naukoemkih tekhnologij] International Scientific Journal: Economics. Business. Banks. 2017. No. 1 (18). pp. 52-64. Erivantseva (2021) – Erivantseva T.N. Patent strategy, or how to make intellectual property work [Patentnaya strategiya, ili kak sdelat’ tak, chtoby intellektual’naya sobstvennost’ rabotala] / T. N. Erivantseva. – Moscow: Planeta LLC, 2021. – 136 p. – ISBN 978-5-6042895-7-0. Novikov (2018) – Novikov P.A. On some issues of the development of the modern intellectual property market in Russia and abroad [O nekotoryh voprosah razvitiya sovremennogo rynka ob”ektov intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v Rossii i za rubezhom] International Scientific Journal: Economics. Business. Banks. 2018. No. S2-2. pp. 43-51. Usmanova, Kupriyanova (2016) – Usmanova T.H., Kupriyanova L.M. Management in the commercialization of intellectual property [Menedzhment v kommercializacii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] International Scientific Journal: Economics. Business. Banks. 2016. No. S1. pp. 9-25. Kiselyov, Mullashev, Nikulin, Reshetov (2023) – Kiselyov M.N., Mullashev V.D., Nikulin M.V., Reshetov M.S. Aspect of intellectual property in financial modeling of investment projects [Aspekt intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v finansovom modelirovanii investicionnyh proektov] // Bulletin of USPTU. Science, education, economics. Series: Economics. – 2023. – № 3(45). – Pp. 66-75. – DOI 10.17122/2541-8904-2023-3-45-66-75. Kiselev, Kupriyanova, Nikolaenkov (2019) – Kiselev M.N., Kupriyanova L.M., Nikolaenkov N.S. Formation of the IP portfolio in connection with the development of civilian production by enterprises of the military-industrial complex [Formirovanie portfelya is v svyazi s razvitiem proizvodstva grazhdanskoj produkcii predpriyatiyami oboronno-promyshlennogo kompleksa] International Scientific Journal: Economics. Business. Banks. 2019. No. 11 (37). pp. 45-56. Sulimanov (2023) – Sulimanov R.S. Patent portfolios and their impact on the competitiveness of innovative enterprises [Patentnye portfeli i ih vliyanie na konkurentosposobnost’ innovacionnyh predpriyatij] / R. S. Sulimanov // Innovations and investments. – 2023. – No. 10. – pp. 240-243. Li, Yuan, Tan (2019) – Li, H., Yuan, J., Tan, R. et al. Design Around Bundle Patent Portfolio Based on Technological Evolution. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. 32, 86 (2019). DOI 10.1186/s10033-019-0400-4 Wu (2017) – Wu tai D. Ensuring intellectual property rights in Russia and Vietnam: a comparative analysis. [Obespechenie prav intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v Rossii i V’etname: sravnitel’nyj analiz] International Scientific Journal: Economics. Business. Banks. 2017. No. S8. pp. 90-93. Zhuravlev, Darina, Khinsky (2022) – Zhuravlev A.L., Darina O.N., Khinsky S.N. Means of information retrieval in the field of industrial designs [Sredstva informacionnogo poiska v oblasti promyshlennyh obrazcov] / // Collection of reports of the scientific and practical conference of Rospatent “Management of rights to RID, or how to make intellectual property work” at the XXV Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “ARCHIMEDES-2022”, Moscow, 30.03.2022. ISBN 978-5-907602-01-4 Sannikova (2019) – Sannikova E.I. The procedure for filing an international application for registration of industrial designs according to the Hague system [Procedura podachi mezhdunarodnoj zayavki o registracii promyshlennyh obrazcov po gaagskoj sisteme] // Ex jure. 2019. № 3. C. 81–96. DOI: 10.17072/ 2619-0648-2019-3-81-96. |
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Svetlana A. GoryunovaChief Inspector of the Sector for dealing with citizens’ appeals of the Department for Working with Documents and Ensuring the Activities of the Ministry at Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow region, postgraduate student of the Department of Political Analysis and Social and Psychological Processes.
E-mail: Irina V. MkrtumovaDoctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Political Analysis and Social-Psychological Processes. E-mail: |
Irrational nutritional behaviour of young people and socio-economic risks: analysis of interrelationAbstract
Subject/Topic Irrational nutritional behaviour of young people and its interrelation with socio-economic risks. Aims/objectives To study the relevance of the problem of irrational nutritional behaviour of modern youth; to determine the degree of impact of the consumption of food products with deep technological processing, high content of carbohydrates and fats, low levels of vitamins, amino acids and other vital microelements and minerals on the health of young people; to characterise the main manifestations of irrational nutritional behaviour of young people; to note the factors that have a direct impact on the formation of irrational nutritional behaviour of young people. Methodology Causal analysis, classification and generalisation of theoretical material, structural-functional and comparative analysis, logical generalisation and forecasting methodology. Results/findings Actively developing stereotypes of irrational nutritional behaviour of young people, the tendency of young people to choose food products with deep technological processing, increased content of carbohydrates and fats, low levels of vitamins, amino acids and other vital microelements and minerals. This leads to serious socio-economic risks for our state, including risks associated with demographic security, reproductive health of young people, as well as economic risks associated with additional financial, resource, social costs and support measures from the Russian budgets of various levels. Key words: food behaviour, social stereotypes, young people, socio-economic risks, organic food, organic products, competitiveness. Key words: food behaviour, social stereotypes, young people, socio-economic risks, organic food, organic products, competitiveness. References: Mkrtumova (2023) – Mkrtumova I.V.From «Trojan Horse» to «Fake Eaters»: a sociologist’s view on the images of information behaviour and manipulation [Ot «Troyanskogo konya» do «Pozhiratelej fejkov»: vzglyad sociologa na obrazy informacionnogo povedeniya i manipulyacij] // In the collection: Scientific research in the modern world: problems, trends, prospects. Collection of articles based on the results of the Scientific Professor Forum 7 February 2023. All-Russian public organisation «Russian Professors’ Assembly [Obshcherossijskaya obshchestvennaya organizaciya «Rossijskoe professorskoe sobranie]. 2023. – С. 228-236. (In Russian). Sokolova, Goncharova, Gubina (2021) – Sokolova N.V., Goncharova I.G., Gubina O.I. Features of the formation of the value of health and healthy lifestyle of modern youth [Osobennosti formirovaniya cennosti zdorov’ya i zdorovogo obraza zhizni sovremennoj molodezhi] // System of health saving of student youth: XXI century [Sistema zdorov’esberezheniya studencheskoj molodezhi: XXI vek]. M: Norma, 2021. – С. 90-104. (In Russian). Russian Bulletin of Hygiene: Health risk factors associated with the lifestyle of young people (2023) – [Electronic resource]. Access mode: /2023/2/3/content? lang=en&ysclid=lu2f4oa86x729793250 (date of address 02.03.2024). (In Russian). Lebedeva-Nesevrya, Eliseeva (2018) – Lebedeva-Nesevrya N.A., Eliseeva S.Y. Assessment of risk associated with the impact of behavioural factors on the health of the working population of Russia. Population health and habitat [Ocenka riska, svyazannogo s vozdejstviem povedencheskih faktorov na zdorov’e rabotayushchego naseleniya Rossii. Zdorov’e naseleniya i sreda obitaniya] – ZNiSO. 2018, № 5 (302). – С. 8-11. (In Russian). Rynza (2016) – Rynza O.P. Hygienic evaluation of food behaviour stereotypes in young age persons [Gigienicheskaya ocenka stereotipov pishchevogo povedeniya u lic molodogo vozrasta] // Diss…Candidate of Medical Sciences – Kemerovo: Kemerovo State Medical Academy [Kemerovo: Kemerovskaya gosudarstvennaya medicinskaya akademiya], 2016. – 174 с. (In Russian). Istomin, Saarkoppel (2020) – Istomin A.V., Saarkoppel L.M. Modern hygienic problems of the actual nutrition of the population [Sovremennye gigienicheskie problemy fakticheskogo pitaniya naseleniya] // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Health and Environment»; 19-20 November 2020; Minsk: Belarusian State University [Minsk: Belorusskij gosudarstvennyj universitet], 2021. – С. 275-277. (In Russian). Esaulenko, Popov (2019) – Esaulenko I.E., Popov V.I. The influence of conditions and lifestyle on the health of students: medical and social characteristics of priority risk factors [Vliyanie uslovij i obraza zhizni na zdorov’e studentov: mediko-social’naya harakteristika prioritetnyh faktorov riska] // Youth Health: new challenges and prospects. Moscow: Norma [Norma], 2019. – С. 8-31. (In Russian). Evocative advertising, or How advertisers attract the attention of young people to fast food products through epatage: a monograph [Vyzyvayushchaya reklama, ili Kak reklamodateli privlekayut vnimanie molodezhi k produktam bystrogo pitaniya cherez epatazh: monografiya] (2024) – / S.A. Goryunova, I.V. Mkrtumova; ed. by E.V. Fomin; Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts. – Cheboksary: Wednesday [CHeboksary: Sreda], 2024. – С. 172-178. (In Russian). Еconomic security: textbook [Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost’: uchebnoe posobie] (2019) – // Kornilov M.Y., Yushin I.V. M.: «Prospect» [«Prospekt»], 2019. – 265 с. (In Russian). Goryunova (2021) – Goryunova S.A. Organic farming as an environmentally safe technology of crop cultivation and a way to ensure the health of the nation [Vedenie organicheskogo sel’skogo hozyajstva kak ekologicheski bezopasnaya tekhnologiya vozdelyvaniya sel’skohozyajstvennyh kul’tur i sposob obespecheniya zdorov’ya nacii] // Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Resource-saving technologies and technical means for crop and livestock production», 2021. – С. 39-43. (In Russian). |
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Zemfira B. GasanovaPhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Analysis and Socio-Psychological Processes, Director of the Center for the Implementation of Educational Programs at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Magomedali I. Gasanov2nd year student of the Higher School of Law at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
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Formation of digital competencies human resources as the basis of national securityAbstract
Subject the formation of digital competencies among specialists in the digital economy serves as a factor and guarantor of national security of the state Goals / Objectives to formulate the problems and reasons that determine the need to improve digital competencies in the process of mastering the profession and pose threats to national security. Methodology The article analyzes the features and problems of the formation of digital competencies among future specialists in various spheres of society in the digital economy. Conclusion and Relevance In the context of the transformation of general political and socio-economic processes, the management and training of highly qualified personnel with digital competencies is the dominant factor in the development and well-being of the country, its importance in the international world, and the basis of national security of the state. Keywords: digital competencies, human resources, national security, digital technologies. References:
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Yulia А. ChaginaBachelor of Economics, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Moscow, Russia. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia. E-mail: Izabella E. MikhaelianBachelor of Economics, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Moscow, Russia. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia.
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Protection and commercial use of intellectual property objectsAbstract
Subject/Topic This article is devoted to the study of trademarks and other means of individualisation. It also considers various ways of protecting trade marks as a way of disposing of intellectual rights and their use for commercial purposes. This article is devoted to the study of trademarks and other means of individualisation. It also considers various ways of protecting trade marks as a way of disposing of intellectual rights and their use for commercial purposes. Goals/Objectives Analysis and systematisation of the obtained information on trademarks as one of the means of individualisation, as well as the study of trademark protection mechanisms and ways of their commercial use. Methodology Study of legislative norms on the use and disposal of intellectual rights in the territory of the Russian Federation. Results. The study identified the basic principles of trademark protection, mechanisms of registration and legal protection, as well as considered ways of commercial use of means of individualisation to improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Conclusions Trade marks play an important role in business, allowing companies to differentiate themselves from competitors and connect with consumers. The protection and commercial use of trade marks are key aspects of their effective use, they help consumers to choose goods based on the reputation of the manufacturer. Brand owners can build the value and reputation of a mark, which can be more valuable than the goods themselves. Legal protection of trademarks is necessary to ensure that they are effective and attractive to both consumers and producers. Owners who maintain quality and service standards for their marks can benefit economically from consumers’ willingness to pay for the assurance that a well-known mark provides. However, this benefit depends on protecting the mark from competitors and others seeking to use it without authorisation. Keywords: Trade marks, intellectual property rights, trade mark protection, investment function of trade marks, TRIPS, manufacturing brands, commercial use of trade marks. References: Kupriyanova, Sokolinskaya (2021) – Kupriyanova L.M., Sokolinskaya N.E. Intellectual property: problems of introduction into circulation [Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’: problemy vvedeniya v oborot] // The world of the new economy. – 2021. – No. 1. – pp. 6-13. Kupriyanova, Sokolinskaya (2020) – Kupriyanova L.M., Sokolinskaya N.E. Intellectual property: current status and role [Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’:sovremennoe sosotoyanie I rol’]// Economics. Business. Banks. – 2020. – No. 1. – pp. 8-19. Kupriyanova, Nikolyukin (2020) – Kupriyanova L.M., Nikolyukin S.V. 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