The Modern Lawyer № 2 (47)





Yury V. Zudov

Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Department of State and Law History at Kutafin Moscow State Law Unisersity, Moscow, Russia.


Soviet legal regulation of religion and the Russian orthodox church in 1940s – 1980s


Subject/topic This article examines the relationship between religious organizations and governmental authorities in the USSR from 1940s to 1980s within the framework of the legal field.

Goals/objectives The focus is on the development of legal foundations in the religious sphere, as well as the relationship between legal norms and enforcement practices during different periods of the Soviet Union’s existence.

Methodology Based on a chronological analysis of normative acts, the legal foundations for control and interaction with religious organizations are determined. Through a diachronic analysis, a comparison is made between legal documents and enforcement practices in the USSR regarding religious organizations and their representatives during different periods, with a focus on the difference between declared legal norms and the issuance of internal circular letters within the relevant ministries responsible for religious organization control.

Conclusions A qualitative difference is revealed in the vector of interaction between Soviet authorities and the church before and after 1943. The article analyzes how the same legal norms could be implemented in completely different practices depending on the specific goals of local and supreme authorities. The article also discusses the mechanisms of legal regulation of religious organizations during different stages of the development of Soviet legislative and executive power. Key differences between approaches to state-religious relations during different periods of Soviet leadership are identified.

Keywords: state-religious relations, church and state, Soviet state, legal acts, religious policy.


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Anton А. Shkiperov

Assistant to the President of the Fishery Shipowners Association (FCA); Adviser to the General Director of the Association of Business Partners in the Sphere of Foreign Economic Activity (ABP FEA); Member of the Customs Affairs Committee of «OPORA RUSSIA», Moscow, Russia.


Alevtina V. Ivanushchenko

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Customs Payments of the Russian Customs Academy, Moscow, Russia.


Evolution of legal regulation of cross-border electronic commerce in the Russian Federation in the context of eurasian integration (part one)


The present article examines the legal regulation of cross-border electronic commerce in the Russian Federation in the context of Eurasian integration, examines the problems of the formation, functioning and development of this institution and suggests ways to improve it.

Subject/topic Legal regulation of public relations related to the implementation of cross-border electronic commerce in the Russian Federation in the context of Eurasian integration

Goals/task The purpose of the present article is to identify the features of the evolution of legal regulation of cross-border electronic commerce, substantiate the need for the establishment and development of the institution of cross-border electronic commerce in the system of customs law norms, identify existing and perspective problems of regulation of cross-border electronic commerce based on the results of the analysis, as well as international standards and practices, and develop proposals for their solution.

Methodology The methodological apparatus consists of special methods of scientific cognition characteristic of jurisprudence: historical, theoretical-prognostic, comparative legal method, formal legal, systemic-structural, legal modeling, as well as general methods of scientific cognition: abstraction, induction, deduction, hypothesis, analogy, synthesis, typology, classification, systematization, generalization and others.

Results/Conclusions The features of the evolution of the legal regulation of cross-border electronic commerce in the Russian Federation in the conditions of the EAEU are revealed, the key problems of improving the regulation of this institution are identified and proposals for their solution are formulated.

Keywords: legal regulation, cross-border electronic commerce, electronic commerce goods, Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union, Eurasian integration.


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Golubeva, Kozyrskaya (2020) – Golubeva A.S., Kozyrskaya I.E. The e-commerce market: global trends and Russian realities [Rynok elektronnoj kommercii: mirovye tendencii i rossijskie realii] // Economics: yesterday, today, tomorrow. 2020.

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Revina, Luneva (2023) – Revina S. N., Luneva U. S. Issues of customs regulation in the context of the development of online commerce. [Tamozhennogo regulirovaniya v usloviyah razvitiya internet-torgovli] International Scientific Research Journal 4 (130) (2023): 47.

Shimanskaya (2023) – Shimanskaya A.V. “Regulation of some aspects of electronic commerce in the context of the formation of the digital space of the EAEU.” [Regulirovanie nekotoryh aspektov elektronnoj torgovli v kontekste formirovaniya cifrovogo prostranstva EAES]. 2023.

Skipper A.A., Albov (2022) – Skipper A.A., Albov A.P. Functions of the Russian state and customs law in the regulation and development of the Internettrade. [Funkcii rossijskogo gosudarstva i tamozhennogo prava v regulirovanii i razvitii internet-torgovli]. Modern Lawyer. – 2022. – 3(40) July-September – pp. 1-14.

Yaskov (2023) – Yaskov A.A. “The evolution of the formation of international law in the field of electronic commerce.” [Evolyuciya formirovaniya mezhdunarodnogo prava v sfere elektronnoj torgovli]. Legal Science 12 (2023): 189-195.


Elena A. Zolotovskaya

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute of Law of Vladivostok State University.


Features of the civil procedure legislation of the people's republic of China


Subject/topic The subject of the study was constitutional and legal relations related to the organization of judicial power in the People’s Republic of China, as well as civil procedural relations under Chinese law.

Goals/objectives The purpose of the study is to analyze the main institutions of civil procedure of the People’s Republic of China in comparison with the institutions of civil procedure in Russia, to determine the general and special characteristics of both models of civil procedure, to identify the directions of their development and possible borrowings of the most valuable experience of civil procedure regulation. The purpose of the study is to analyze the special civil procedural procedures of the People’s Republic of China, as well as to analyze and summarize the technological and legal situations related to digitalization in the People’s Republic of China, to identify the main models and directions for further development of electronic and software tools of legal regulation.

Methodology The research methodology consisted of both general scientific (epistemological, systemic, structural and functional), sociological (statistical) and special legal (positivist, historical-legal and comparative-legal) methods.

Conclusion A comparative analysis of the sectoral legal systems of different states makes it possible not only to identify their national characteristics, but also to borrow, if possible, those solutions that legislators use to solve many identical problems of legal regulation. The Chinese experience of civil procedure is especially significant not only in connection with its modernization and the developed practice of mass and versatile application of procedural norms, but also the best practices of introducing integrated digitalization and, moreover, artificial intelligence into Chinese legal proceedings. Based on the analysis of the civil procedure legislation of the People’s Republic of China, its features were identified, including (from the point of view of the Russian science of civil procedure) shortcomings, and proposals were made to borrow a number of procedural norms and legislative techniques.

Keywords: the civil procedure of the People’s Republic of China, the Civil Procedure Code of the People’s Republic of China, digitalization of civil procedure of the People’s Republic of China, legislator, legal proceedings, evidence.


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Almaz N. Kuchembaev

Founder and head of the law agency «Kuchembaev and Partners», lecturer at the Kutafin Moscow State Law University.


Andrey Y. Nefedov

Head of the practice of urban planning disputes of the law agency «Kuchembaev and Partners».

The decision on the complex development of the territory as a legal act


Subject/topic The article analyzes the legal nature of the decision on integrated development of the territory (decision on urban territory transformation) in the context of its recognition as a normative legal act.

Goals/objectives. The author pursues the task of identifying the signs of normative legal acts on the basis of relevant judicial practice and the Russian doctrine of law, dissecting the decision on the integrated development of the territory, identifying its components and comparing them with the designated signs of normative legal acts. This analysis will allow us to draw a conclusion about the nature of such an act of state power as a decision on the integrated development of the territory (decision on urban territory transformation).

Methodology General scientific methods contributed to the analysis and synthesis of the scientific problem under study.

Conclusions An analysis of scientific works, legislation and practice shows that the decision on integrated development (decision on urban territory transformation) lies within the territory of all these regulatory legal acts, which simultaneously indicates the possibility of more extensive judicial control over the adoption of such an act by the authorized body, as well as the risks associated with possible consequences. challenging such an act throughout its entire duration, as well as even in the event of its cancellation, which entails a chain of negative consequences for the entire ongoing action of the project.

Keywords: complex development of the territory; integrated development; normative legal act; non-normative legal act; signs of a normative act; norms of law; KRT; decision on KRT; decision on integrated development; decision on urban territory transformation.


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MarinaV. Ulianova

Candidate of Law, Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Law, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian State University of Justice (RSUJ)», Moscow.


Exercising family rights and fulfilling responsibilities: a systematic approach


Subject/method The current state of society, the increasing number of disputes considered in courts from family relations, draw attention to the study of the essence of subjective family rights and to the problem of the implementation of family rights and the fulfillment of duties. The legal phenomenon is considered as a systemic one, prerequisites and measures aimed at the actual implementation of family rights and the fulfillment of responsibilities are identified.

Goal/objectives To comprehend implementation as a legal system phenomenon, to identify its nature, prerequisites, to present each element of the system, its place and significance in the system.

Methodology. The research used methods of analysis and synthesis, argumentation and generalization, and a systematic approach to the study of legal phenomena. The research is based on the doctrinal works of scientists, norms of international acts and national regulations, and judicial practice.

Conclusions The exercise of family rights and the fulfillment of responsibilities are defined as a systemic phenomenon; system-forming elements are identified and structured. The theoretical results obtained can be used in a family law course and form the basis for the development of legal regulation.

Keywords: systematic approach, system-forming elements, implementation of family rights, fulfillment of duties, legal fact, legal capacity, rule of law, organizational and legal prerequisites.


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Anna R. Purge

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute of Law of Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok.


Problems of development of the legal regime of specialized residential premises as a housing stock of public legal relations


Subject/topic The subject of the study was housing relations arising in connection with the provision of residential premises to a citizen necessary for him to perform his labor or public service functions, as well as for living in circumstances of insufficient social security (social security) for self-purchase of housing. The objects of the presented research are statistical and factual data, current housing legislation and legislation of previous years, judicial practice, scientific research on issues in the field of housing law.

Goals/objectives The purpose of the formation of a specialized housing stock determines its main legal feature: the residential premises of this fund cannot be alienated, no administrative transactions can be made with them, except for transactions of their transfer to use for their intended purpose on the basis of a lease agreement.

Methodology The methodology of the presented research consists of both general scientific methods, primarily dialectical, axiological and formal–logical, as well as special methods of sociological knowledge of law, historical and legal, methods of interpretation (linguistic), the method of comparative analysis and the method of forecasting.

Conclusion The Constitution of Russia does not restrict the Russian Federation in choosing forms and ways to assist citizens in exercising their right to housing. Therefore, all these forms naturally, like the Russian legal system itself, were divided into two spheres: the sphere of activity of private individuals and the sphere of activity of the state. And if dwellings in the private sphere of relations turned out to be the object of free market relations, then in the sphere of state activity, dwellings began to act as a means of solving its tasks and performing its public functions. This circumstance allowed the legislator to form a special fund of residential premises under a special legal regime, defined as specialized residential premises. The study allows us to conclude that, based on the objectives of the legal regime of specialized residential premises, their range could be expanded at the expense of apartments that are provided to persons in need of better housing conditions.

Keywords: residential premises, social hiring, specialized residential premises, office premises, dormitories, maneuverable housing stock, internally displaced persons, kid, refugees, state.


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Stepan B. Abramov

Postgraduate student of the Department of Copyright, Related Rights and Private Law Disciplines, Moscow, Russia.


Forms of guilt in connection to causing of moral damage due to violation of intellectual rights


Subject/topic. This article identifies and analyzes the forms and degrees of guilt characteristic for causing moral damage due to the violation of intellectual rights. To illustrate the author’s conclusions, examples of specific violations of intellectual property rights are given.

Goals/objectives. The objective of this work is to determine the possibility and features of applying various forms and degrees of guilt to cases of causing moral harm by violation of intellectual property rights. In addition, the article will analyze the relationship between the forms and degrees of guilt related to the violation of intellectual rights as such, on the one hand, and to the infliction of moral harm by such a violation, on the other.

Methodology. The following methods were used in the publication: analysis, synthesis, comparison, formally – legal method. Analytical work has been carried out to study regulatory legal acts and civil doctrine.

Conclusions. It has been established that when intellectual rights are violated, moral damage is caused, as a rule, by a simple negligence, and less often by gross negligence. The concept of intentional harm is unlikely to apply to such violations. At the same time, the degree of guilt related to the violation of intellectual rights as such may differ from the degree of guilt corresponding to causing moral harm.

Keywords: intellectual property, harm, moral harm, forms of guilt, degrees of guilt, artificial intelligence.


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Anastasia O. Kulazhina

MA student at the Faculty of Law of the Financial University under thе Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation.


The international legal framework for cooperation between the Russian Federation and international economic organizations


Subject/topic The article examines the international legal foundations of cooperation between the Russian Federation and international economic organizations, identifies promising areas for the development of international cooperation within the framework of international economic organizations, taking into account the sanctions reality. The object of the study is the social relations arising from the cooperation of the Russian Federation with international economic organizations. The subject of the research is the principles and norms of international law, national law governing the cooperation of the Russian Federation with international economic organizations, participation in these organizations, as well as the works of domestic and foreign scientists.

Goals/objectives The purpose of the study is to consider the international legal regulation of cooperation between the Russian Federation and international economic organizations. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to identify the development of relations between Russia and member states of international economic organizations on the example of the CIS, to study and analyze the controversial provisions of the CIS Charter on membership in the Commonwealth, to study the status of the Russian Federation as the legal successor of the USSR, to consider the impact of Russia’s cooperation with these international economic organizations on the national economy.

Methodology Such general scientific methods as historical, logical method, generalization method, deduction and induction were used.

Conclusion The article provides an analysis of the international legal framework for cooperation between the Russian Federation and international economic organizations. It is concluded that the Russian Federation is the legal successor of the USSR. The effectiveness of international cooperation within the CIS is assessed. Problems with international cooperation during the period of sanctions have been identified. It is concluded that the Russian Federation is the legal successor of the USSR.

Keywords: international economic organizations, succession, sanctions, CIS.


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