The Modern Lawyer № 1 (46)
Arteria A. RozhnovProfessor of the Department of international and public law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor.
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Changes in the legal status of peasants and serfs during the reign of Peter IAbstract
Subject / Topic The article represents a description of changes in the legal status of peasants and serfs in the reign of Peter I. Goals / Objectives The aim of the work is to give a description of changes in the legal status of peasants and serfs in the reign of Peter I. The author reviews such problems as the categories of peasants during the analyzed period, the deterioration of their situation and its reasons, the impact of Peter I’s tax reform on the legal status of peasants and serfs. The article is based on the study of the relevant normative legal sources, act material and scientific literature on this topic. Methodology The methodological basis of the article includes the universal methods of cognition; general scientific methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, etc. Conclusion and Relevance As a result of studying the relevant historical and legal materials the author comes to the conclusion that by the time of the poll census, the power of landlords and patrimonial lords over peasants had already come very close to the power of lords over serfs and the census only brought the process of reducing peasants to the level of serfs to its logical conclusion. Keywords: history of Russian law, Peter I, the reforms of Peter I, the social system, peasants, serfs. References: Vladimirskiy-Budanov (2005) – Vladimirskiy-Budanov M.F. Review of the history of Russian law [Obzor istorii Russkogo prava]. M., 2005. Kamenskiy (2016) – Kamensky A.B. Reform of the social sphere and social policy [Reforma sotsial’noy sfery i sotsial’naya politika]// Reforms in Russia from ancient times to the end of the 20th century: in 4 vol. [Reformy v Rossii s drevneyshih vremyon do kontsa XX veka: v 4 t.]. M., 2016. Vol. 2. XVIII – the 1st half of the 19th century. [XVIII – pervaya polovina XIX v.] Klyuchevskiy (2001) – Klyuchevsky V.O. The complete course of lectures [Polnyi kurs lektsiy] // Klyuchevsky V. O. Russian history: in 5 volumes / comp. A. M. Kuznetsov [Russkaya istoriya: v 5 t. / sost. A. M. Kuznetsov]. M., 2001. Vol. 2. Latkin (2004) – Latkin V.N. Textbook of the history of Russian law of the Empire period (18 and 19th centuries) [Uchebnik istorii Russkogo prava perioda Imperii (XVIII i XIX vv.]. M., 2004. Rozhnov (2016) – Rozhnov A.A. The history of Russian state and law. The epoch of the Moscow State (14–17th centuries) [Istoriya otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava. Epoha Moskovskogo Gosudarstva (XIV–XVII vv.]. M., 2016. Decree of April 15, 1721 “On the non-sale of serfs by marriage and non-separation of families” [Ukaz ot 15 aprelya 1721 g. “O neprodazhe krepostnyh lyudey po odinachke i nerazluchenii semeystv”] // The Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, since 1649 [Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossiyskoy Imperii, s 1649 goda]. SPb., 1830. Vol. 6. No. 3770. |
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Alexey P. AlbovRussian State University for the Humanities; All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia); Russian Customs Academy, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Vladislav Y. PanchenkoAll-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), Moscow State Linguistic University; Russian State University for the Humanities; Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
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Sovereignty and public legal regulation in the context of legal cultureAbstract
Subject/topic concepts such as sovereignty, legal culture and public legal regulation are considered in functional, historical and logical connection. Goals/objectives to reveal the connections between sovereignty, public legal regulation and legal culture as phenomena of social evolution, to show their ontological and logical relationship, to substantiate the need for new approaches to understanding internal sovereignty in connection with changing social and political circumstances. Methodology The methodological basis of the study was the universal philosophical method of dialectical materialism, the method of formal logic, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, system-structural, ascent from the abstract to the concrete. Results/conclusions It is substantiated that legal culture is an integral part of the sovereignty of the state, since without respect for the values of society, without respect for rights and freedoms, compliance with laws and justice, it is impossible to talk about full sovereignty, in this sense, legal culture is the foundation on which internal stability rests and citizens’ trust in the authorities, which is an important factor for maintaining sovereignty. State sovereignty provides conditions for the development of legal culture; state institutions, exercising their power over the entire territory, create and improve the legal system, which contributes to the development of legal culture. It is the legal culture of officials of public authorities (law enforcement officials) that acts as a real regulator of social relations and people’s behavior. Legal culture and sovereignty interact at the international level, since legal culture is the basis for compliance with international law, which presupposes, first of all, the sovereignty of all subjects of legal relations. Keywords: legal culture, sovereignty, public law, materialist theory of law, theory of state and law. References: Al’bov (2023) – Al’bov A.P. Imperativnost’ suvereniteta kak pravovaya ontologicheskaya kategoriya [Imperativeness of sovereignty as a legal ontological category] // Sovremennyy yurist [Modern lawyer]. – 2023. – № 3. – S. 8-26. – EDN: MMPRLV. [In Russian]. Afanas’yev (2020) – Afanas’yev I.V. Pravovaya kul’tura kak obrazovatel’nyy fenomen [Legal culture as an educational phenomenon] // Pravo i obrazovaniye [Law and Education]. – 2020. – № 1. – S. 73-78. – EDN: TPWKCG. [In Russian]. Mal’tsev (2002) – Mal’tsev, V.A. Pravo kak normativno-deyatel’nostnaya sistema [Law as a normative-activity system] // Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava [Journal of Russian Law]. – 2002. – № 4. – S. 14-27. – EDN: TKSPST. [In Russian]. Sinyukov (1997) – Sinyukov, V.N. Pravovyye sistemy i pravovyye sem’i // Teoriya gosudarstva i prava. Kurs lektsiy / Pod red. N.I. Matuzova i A.V. Mal’ko [Legal systems and legal families / Theory of state and law. Course of lectures / Ed. N.I. Matuzova and A.V. Malko]. – M.: Yurist”, 1997. 672 s. ISBN: 5-7357-0196-7. [In Russian]. Al’bov (2023) – Al’bov, A.P. Pravovaya sistema Rossii kak osnovaniye suverennogo rezhima zakonnosti [The legal system of Russia as the basis of a sovereign regime of legality] // Legal Buiietin. – 2023. – № 1. – T. 8. – S.9-22. – EDN: NCCTUZ. [In Russian]. Pravo i kul’tura (2002) –Pravo i kul’tura / Nersesyants V.S., Muromtsev G.I. i dr. pod redaktsiyey Sokolova N.S. [Law and culture / Nersesyants V.S., Muromtsev G.I. and others, edited by N.S. Sokolov]. – M.: RUDN, 2002. – 423 s. – ISBN 5-209-01485-1. [In Russian]. Al’bov (2022) – Al’bov, A.P. Vnutrenniy suverenitet: samoobuslovlennost’, avtarkiya, immunitet [Internal sovereignty: self-conditioning, autarky, immunity] // Sovremennyy yurist [Modern lawyer]. – 2022. – № 4. – S. 8-21. – EDN: WGTMOU. [In Russian]. Syrykh (2022) – Syrykh, V.M. Materialisticheskoye ponimaniye sushchnosti ob”yektivnogo prava i mekhanizma yego proyavleniya v konkretnykh otnosheniyakh // Sushchnost’ prava : sbornik sta¬tey k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora M. I. Baytina / pod red. V.M. Baranova, S.A. Belousova, I.N. Senyakina [Materialistic understanding of the essence of objective law and the mechanism of its manifestation in specific relationships // The essence of law: a collection of articles for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor M. I. Baitin / ed. V.M. Baranov, S.A. Belousov, I.N. Senyakin]. – Saratov : Izd-vo Sarat. gos. yurid. akademii, 2022. – S. 228–259. – ISBN 978-5-7924-1835-6. [In Russian]. Syrykh (2023) – Syrykh, V.M. Pravovaya kul’tura obshchestva – ob”yektivnaya osnova deystvuyushchego zakonodatel’stva [Legal culture of society – the objective basis of current legislation] // Pravovaya kul’tura [Legal culture]. – 2023. – № 2. – S. 30-40. – EDN: BNOGZG. [In Russian]. Gur’yev (2023) – Gur’yev, V.V. Pravovaya kul’tura kak faktor optimizatsii gosudarstvenno-pravovoy zhizni obshchestva [Legal culture as a factor in optimizing the state-legal life of society] // Pravovaya kul’tura [Legal culture]. – 2023. – № 2. – S. 44-46. – EDN: GYVIQT. [In Russian]. Zryachkin (2023) – Zryachkin, A.N. Nikolay Ignat’yevich Matuzov o pravovom nigilizme i pravovom idealizme [Nikolai Ignatievich Matuzov on legal nihilism and legal idealism] // Pravovaya kul’tura [Legal culture]. – 2023. – № 4. – S. 109-111. – EDN: FLHBLF. [In Russian]. Gur’yev (2021) – Gur’yev, V.V. Kul’tura pravotvorchestva kak faktor povysheniya kachestva pravovoy zhizni obshchestva [The culture of lawmaking as a factor in improving the quality of legal life of society] // Pravovaya kul’tura [Legal culture]. – 2021. – № 2 (45). – S. 106-107. – EDN: XKCCBW. [In Russian]. Panchenko (2023) – Panchenko, V.Yu. Polimorfiya prava i struktura pravovoy zhizni [Polymorphy of law and the structure of legal life] // Pravovaya kul’tura [Legal culture]. – 2023. – № 4. – S. 5-14. – EDN: SEFLTZ. [In Russian]. |
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Yuri V. OspennikovDoctor of law, professor of the Department of Philosophy and History, Federal state-financed educational institution of higher education «Kherson State Pedagogical University».
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Discussion of the problems of church law and ecclesiastical court by the Barsov society in 2023: methodological issues and key topicsAbstract
Subject / Topic The article identifies and analyzes the key issues for considering the current state of church law and church judicial proceedings. These topics are revealed on the basis of discussions at the events of the most active scientific society for the study of church law – the Barsov Society. Goals / Objectives The goal is to reveal the key problems in the modern study of church law and the church court, to identify trends in research, to identify contradictions in this process. Methodology The research is based on a historical-materialistic approach, the basic method is dialectical, special attention is paid to the methodological role of the terminological apparatus. Conclusion and Relevance Specific advances in organizational and methodological aspects have been identified. From a methodological point of view, the criticism of the ideological positions of the church authors of pre-revolutionary Russia and the work on the terminological apparatus, its compliance with the principle of scientific character, are of particular importance. The unreasonableness of the use of such terms as “ministry”, “divine right”, etc. is shown. The problems related to the task of building a system of church law are systematized. The features of modern church legal proceedings and proposals for its reform are identified and summarized. The importance of material grounds in considering issues of church law and the futility of an idealistic approach are shown. A concrete example shows the tendency of falsification and profanation of historical and legal knowledge. Keywords: the system of church law, the Barsov society, the church court, justice, “divine law”, the “women’s issue” in the Church, archaisms in law, falsification of history. References: Ospennikov (2023) – Ospennikov Yu. V. Actual problems of studying church law (interim results of the work of the Barsov Society) [Aktual’nye problemy izucheniya cerkovnogo prava (promezhutochnye itogi raboty Barsovskogo obshchestva)] // Christian reading. 2023. No. 1. pp. 180-198. Gaidenko (2023) – Gaidenko P. I. Church law: in search of methods and prospects. Review of the article by Yu. V. Ospennikova “Actual problems of studying church law (interim results of the work of the Barsov Society)” [Cerkovnoe pravo: v poiskah metodov i perspektiv. Otzyv na stat’yu YU. V. Ospennikova «Aktual’nye problemy izucheniya cerkovnogo prava (promezhutochnye itogi raboty Barsovskogo obshchestva)»] // Christian reading. 2023. No. 3. pp. 183-189. Velichko (2022) – Velichko V.S., priest. Canonical studies in the environment of Russian Ecclesiastical emigration (1922-1972) [Kanonicheskie issledovaniya v srede russkoj cerkovnoj emigracii (1922-1972 gg.)] Sergiev Posad, 2022. Ospennikov (2023) – Ospennikov Yu.V. On the methodology of criticism of socialism by church authors of pre-revolutionary Russia [O metodologii kritiki socializma cerkovnymi avtorami dorevolyucionnoj Rossii] // Philosophy and historical and cultural heritage of the East Slavic peoples: materials of the International Scientific Conference (Gomel, November 2-3, 2023) / S.F. Veremeev (Chief editor) [et al.]. – Gomel: F. Skarina State University, 2023. pp. 44-53. Gaidenko (2023) – Gaidenko P.I. On the question of aesthetics of the church court of pre-Mongol Russia (statement of the problem) [K voprosu ob estetike cerkovnogo suda domongol’skoj Rusi (postanovka problemy)] // Proceedings of the Department of Theology of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. 2023. No. 1 (17). pp. 220-230. Dorskaya, Dorsky (2023) – Dorskaya A.A., Dorsky A.Y. Realization of the right to fair justice (on the example of judicial protection of freedom of conscience) [Realizaciya prava na spravedlivoe pravosudie (na primere sudebnoj zashchity svobody sovesti)] // Bulletin of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Series: Legal Sciences. 2023. No.2 (50). pp. 88-96. Gaidenko (2023) – Gaidenko P. I. Round table “Clergy of the XI–XXI centuries. in society and the state: the canonical and legal situation” / Comp. and author of the article. P. I. Gaidenko; et al. [Kruglyj stol «Duhovenstvo XI–XXI vv. v obshchestve i gosudarstve: kanonicheskoe i pravovoe polozhenie»] // Christian reading. 2023. No. 2. pp. 112-133. Scientific notes of the Federal Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Issue 11. Religion in Russian society: the logic of changing status and role. 2022. Vedyaev (2023) – Vedyaev A.V. Reflections on the round table “Principles of competition and accusation in Church proceedings: a combination of elements, trends, prospects” (St. Petersburg, June 23, 2023) [Razmyshleniya po povodu kruglogo stola «Principy sostyazatel’nosti i obvinitel’nosti v cerkovnom sudoproizvodstve: sochetanie elementov, tendencii, perspektivy» (Sankt-Peterburg, 23 iyunya 2023 g.)] // Christian Reading. 2023. No. 4. pp. 103-110. Bagan, Voluzhkov, Gaidenko, Mitrofanov, Ospennikov, Tarnakin, Khokhlov, Shersheva-Tsitulskaya (2023) – Bagan V., sacred, Voluzhkov D. V., Gaidenko P. I., Mitrofanov A. Yu., Ospennikov Yu. V., Tarnakin N. A., Khokhlov A. A., Shershneva-Tsitulskaya I. A. Principles Adversarial and accusatory in Church proceedings: a combination of elements, trends, perspectives [Principy sostyazatel’nosti i obvinitel’nosti v cerkovnom sudoproizvodstve: sochetanie elementov, tendencii, perspektivy] // Christian Reading. 2023. No. 3. pp. 147-171. Khokhlov (2023) – Khokhlov A. A. Specifics of diocesan judicial proceedings of the second half of the XIX century. on the example of one of the cases [Specifika eparhial’nogo sudoproizvodstva vtoroj poloviny XIX v. na primere odnogo iz del] // Christian reading. 2023. No. 1. pp. 214-224. Mitrofanov (2023) – Mitrofanov A. Y. Empress Catherine II as an example of women’s service to the Church. Comment on the article by Yu. V. Ospennikova “Actual problems of studying church law (interim results of the work of the Barsov Society)” [Imperatrica Ekaterina II kak primer zhenskogo sluzheniya Cerkvi. Kommentarij k stat’e YU. V. Ospennikova «Aktual’nye problemy izucheniya cerkovnogo prava (promezhutochnye itogi raboty Barsovskogo obshchestva)»] // Christian reading. 2023. No. 2. pp. 134-142. Borsch (2023) – Borsch I. V. About the theses of Yu. V. Ospennikova to the round table “Principles of competition and accusation in Church proceedings: a combination of elements, trends, prospects” (St. Petersburg, June 23, 2023) [O tezisah YU. V. Ospennikova k kruglomu stolu «Principy sostyazatel’nosti i obvinitel’nosti v cerkovnom sudoproizvodstve: sochetanie elementov, tendencii, perspektivy» (Sankt-Peterburg, 23 iyunya 2023 g.)] // Christian Reading. 2023. No. 4. pp. 96-102. Veremeev (2023) – Veremeev S. F. About the Barsov Society, church and canon law. Review of the article by Yu. V. Ospennikova “Actual problems of studying church law (interim results of the work of the Barsov Society)” [O Barsovskom obshchestve, cerkovnom i kanonicheskom prave. Otzyv na stat’yu YU. V. Ospennikova «Aktual’nye problemy izucheniya cerkovnogo prava (promezhutochnye itogi raboty Barsovskogo obshchestva)»] // Christian reading. 2023. No. 3. pp. 177-182. Khokhlov (2023) – Khokhlov A. A. A number of issues requiring discussion. Review of the article by Yu. V. Ospennikova “Actual problems of studying church law (interim results of the work of the Barsov Society)” [Ryad voprosov, trebuyushchih obsuzhdeniya. Otzyv na stat’yu YU. V. Ospennikova «Aktual’nye problemy izucheniya cerkovnogo prava (promezhutochnye itogi raboty Barsovskogo obshchestva)»] // Christian reading. 2023. No. 3. pp. 172-176. Mitrofanov (2023) – Mitrofanov A. Yu. On the issue of the fairness of early Soviet judicial proceedings. Historical and legal commentary on the theses of Yu. V. Ospennikova [K voprosu o spravedlivosti rannego sovetskogo sudoproizvodstva. Istoriko-pravovoj kommentarij k tezisam YU. V. Ospennikova] // Christian reading. 2023. No. 4. pp. 111-119. Syrykh (2013) – Syrykh V.M. The formation of the foundations of Soviet legislation in 1918-1920s [Stanovlenie osnov sovetskogo zakonodatel’stva v 1918-1920e gody] // Historical and legal problems: a new perspective: collection of scientific papers: Issue 6. Kursk: KSU, 2013. pp. 181-198. Isaev I.A. Historical tradition of legal interpretation (Russian experience of the 20s) // Minnikes (2022) – Minnikes I.V. Problems of the formation of Soviet law: features of sources [Problemy stanovleniya sovetskogo prava: osobennosti istochnikov] // Bulletin of the Moscow State Pedagogical University “Legal Sciences”. 2022. No.4 (48). pp. 58-71. Emelin (2006) – Emelin A. About the book by S.V. Volkov “Officers of the Navy and the maritime department” [O knige S.V. Volkova «Oficery flota i morskogo vedomstva»] // Genealogical Bulletin. Issue 24. St. Petersburg, 2006. pp. 58-65. Igumnov (2011) – Igumnov M. Unexpected historical “discoveries”. Review of the book by S. V. Volkov “Why the Russian Federation is not yet Russia” [Neozhidannye istoricheskie «otkrytiya». Recenziya na knigu S. V. Volkova «Pochemu RF — eshchyo ne Rossiya»] // Rodina. 2011. No. 8. pp. 90-91. The Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1922 // Domestic legislation of the XI-XX centuries: A handbook for seminars. Part II [Otechestvennoe zakonodatel’stvo XI-XX vekov: Posobie dlya seminarov. CH.II] / Edited by prof. O.I. Chistyakov. – M.: Lawyer, 2000. |
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Yuri V. StepanenkoDoctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the O.E. Kutafin University (MGUA); Chief Researcher at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. E-mail: Vladimir V. ZhuravlevPhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities of the Ryazan Branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot. E-mail: |
Legal regulation to counter the illegal use of automated unmanned systemsAnnotation
Subject/topic. The article is devoted to the current state of legal support and means of countering the illegal use of automated unmanned systems, identifying gaps and regulatory irregularities in this area. Goals/objectives. The authors state that the role of unmanned vehicles in solving socio-economic and military problems is becoming increasingly important. This, in turn, determines the objective need for proper and timely legal regulation of not only the procedure for their use, but also the establishment of regulatory measures to counter them in cases of violation of established regulations. Methodology. When preparing the article, the authors used a combination of general scientific and specific scientific methods. The dialectical method made it possible to study a system of interconnected requirements and rules • regulating the legal procedure for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, aimed at identifying existing gaps and contradictions; the comparative legal method made it possible, by comparing various legal sources, to identify and substantiate the similarities and differences between them; the formal legal method was used in the analysis of legislative norms. Results/conclusions. An element of scientific novelty of the study conducted by the authors is the specification of the legal status of individual employees of federal executive authorities in the field of countering unmanned aerial vehicles, clarification of certain legislative formulations, including in the field of road traffic. In addition, the authors bring up for discussion the issue of the feasibility of recognizing unmanned systems weighing up to 30 kg. a source of increased danger and imposing on their operators the obligation (by analogy with vehicles) to undergo appropriate training and obtain an appropriate certificate. Key words: unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned underwater and surface vessels and vehicles, unmanned vehicles, automated unmanned systems, internal affairs bodies, counteraction, traffic rules, responsibility. References: Rumyantsev, Zhuravlev (2020) – Rumyantsev N.V., Zhuravlev V.V. Administrative and legal regulation of the participation of highly automated vehicles in road traffic [Administrativno-pravovoye regulirovaniye uchastiya vysokoavtomatizirovannykh transportnykh sredstv v dorozhnom dvizhenii] // Bulletin of Economic Security. 2020. – No. 5. – P. 196-200.Nosov, Statsenko (2023) – Nosov E.N., Statsenko D.G. Fundamentals of counteraction in suppressing the flights of unmanned aerial vehicles in the airspace above places where the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation perform service and combat missions [Osnovy protivodeystviya v presechenii poletov bespilotnykh vozdushnykh sudov v vozdushnom prostranstve nad mestami vypolneniya voyskami natsional’noy gvardii Rossiyskoy Federatsii sluzhebno-boyevykh zadach] // Current issues of service and combat activities of the National Guard troops in ensuring state security of the Russian Federation: collection of scientific articles of the II Interdepartmental Scientific and Practical Conference, Novosibirsk, April 26, 2023. – Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Military Institute named after Army General I.K. Yakovlev of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, 2023. – pp. 137-142.Alexandrov, Dizer (2023) – Alexandrov A.N., Dizer O.A. Features of the use by the police of special technical means of countering unmanned aerial vehicles as an administrative element of control [Osobennosti primeneniya politsiyey spetsial’nykh tekhnicheskikh sredstv protivodeystviya bespilotnym vozdushnym sudam kak administrativnyy element upravleniya] // Current problems of administrative and administrative procedural law ( Sorokin Readings): Collection of articles based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference, St. Petersburg, March 24, 2023 / Under the general editorship of A.I. Kaplunova, comp.: A.I. Kaplunov, A.O. Drozd, N.M. Kramarenko, E.Kh. Mamedov. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2023. – P. 747-751.Vakhitov (2023) – Vakhitov D. M. Legal and organizational foundations of tactical methods of action when suppressing the unauthorized presence of unmanned aerial vehicles in the airspace above the places where the Russian Guard troops perform service and combat missions [Pravovyye i organizatsionnyye osnovy takticheskikh sposobov deystviy pri presechenii nesanktsionirovannogo nakhozhdeniya bespilotnykh letatel’nykh apparatov v vozdushnom prostranstve nad mestami vypolneniya voyskami Rosgvardii sluzhebno-boyevykh zadach] // Yakovlev Readings: Collection of scientific articles of the II Interdepartmental Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. In 2 parts, Novosibirsk, March 21–22, 2023 / Under the general editorship of V.V. Kosukhina. Volume Part 2. – Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Military Institute named after Army General I.K. Yakovlev of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, 2023. – pp. 88-98.Korobeev, Chuchaev (2019) – Korobeev A.I., Chuchaev A.I. Unmanned vehicles: new challenges to public safety [Bespilotnyye transportnyye sredstva: novyye vyzovy obshchestvennoy bezopasnosti] // LexRussica. 2019. No. 2 (147). pp. 9-26. Begishev (2021) – Begishev I.R. Legal regulation of unmanned vehicles [Pravovoye regulirovaniye bespilotnykh transportnykh sredstv] // Transport Law, 2021, No. 3. P. 7-10. |
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Igor V. UlianovPhD in Law, Director for Legal Affairs, JSC RKK
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Family values in organizational cultureAbstract
Subject/topic. In Russia, family values are currently a priority for workers and for state family policy. The article examines the problem of the sufficiency of measures to support family values at the corporate and organizational level, and also evaluates the variety and effectiveness of mechanisms for legal regulation of such support. Goals/objectives. To identify the role and significance of family values in the development of organizational culture, to assess the balance between work and family, to establish mechanisms for legal support of family values in organizations. Methodology. Analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, argumentation, generalization. Conclusions. A significant influence of employee satisfaction with his family values on organizational culture, team climate, and labor productivity has been established. The employer’s concern for the employee’s family increases the employee’s loyalty, sense of happiness and satisfaction with life, the unity of his family, reducing the number of divorces, increasing the birth rate, and improving health. It has been confirmed that only the joint efforts of the employee, employer, and state contribute to establishing a balance between family and work. The insufficiency of mechanisms for legal support of family values in organizations has been revealed. Proposals have been made to more actively encourage organizations to popularize and support family values, including using the mechanism of “soft” law. Keywords: family values, organizational culture, family policy, balance of values. References: Dyuldina (2013) – Dyuldina Zh.N. Family values and traditions as the basis of Russian society and state [Semejnye cennosti i tradicii kak osnovy osnov rossijskogo obshchestva i gosudarstva] // Power. 2013. № 11. p. 97‑100. Izmailov (2018) – Izmailov V.V. Divorce and some problems of its’ state registration [Rastorzheniye braka i nekotoryye problemy yego gosudarstvennoy registratsii] // Modern lawyer. 2018. № 2 (23). p. 25-34. Iksanov (2019) – Iksanov I.S. The characteristics of the judicial practice in cases of supranational citizenship of the eu court of justice [Osobennosti sudebnoy praktiki suda yevropeyskogo soyuza v chasti tolkovaniya soderzhaniya yevropeyskogo nadnatsional’nogo grazhdanstva] // Modern lawyer. 2019. № 2 (27). p. 98-105. Kurilyuk (2020) – Kurilyuk Y.E. Family values in the balance of public and private interests: legal positions of the constitutional court of the russian federation and the european court of human rights [Semeynyye tsennosti v balanse publichnykh i chastnykh interesov: pravovyye pozitsii konstitutsionnogo suda rossiyskoy federatsii i yevropeyskogo suda po pravam cheloveka] // Modern lawyer. 2020. № 2 (31). p. 109-120. Mareeva (2019) – Mareeva S.V. Inequality of Life Chances in Work-Life Balance of Russians [Neravenstvo zhiznennyh shansov rossiyan v sfere balansa zhizni i truda] // Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2019. No. 3. p. 324—344. Mospan, Osin, Ivanova, Rasskazova, Bobrov (2016) – Mospan A.N., Osin E.N., Ivanova T.Y., Rasskazova E.I., Bobrov V.V. Work–life balance in Russian production enterprise employees [Balans raboty i lichnoj zhizni u sotrudnikov rossijskogo proizvodstvennogo predpriyatiya] // Organizational psychology. 2016. Т. 6. № 2. p. 8-29. Rostovskaya, Kuchmayeva (2015) – Rostovskaya T.K., Kuchmayeva O.V. Imagery of the young Russian people about family life: sociological aspect [Predstavleniya molodyh rossiyan o semejnoj zhizni: sociologicheskij rakurs] // Management issues. 2015. №3 (15). p. 85—90. Temnitskiy (2019) – Temnitskiy A.L. Role of work-life balance in achieving life success for the hired workers in Russia [Rol’ sbalansirovannosti raboty i sem’i v dostizhenii zhiznennogo uspekha u naemnyh rabotnikov Rossii]. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2019. No. 3. p. 306—323. Tolstaya (2018) – Tolstaya S.V. Work – family: conflict or mutual enrichment [Rabota – sem’ya: konflikt ili vzaimoobogashchenie]// Problems of modern science and education. 2018. № 7 (127). p. 109—114. Ulianova (2019) – Ulianova M.V. The object of family relationship [Ob”yekt semeynogo pravootnosheniya] // Modern lawyer. 2019. № 4 (29). p. 143-153. Ulianova (2022) – Ulianova M.V. The right of the child to education and the right of the parent to choose an educational organization in the period of digitalization of the environment [Pravo rebenka na obrazovaniye i pravo roditelya na vybor obrazovatel’noy organizatsii v period tsifrovizatsii sredy] // Modern lawyer. 2022. № 2 (39). p. 55-66. Chernova (2017) – Chernova Zh.V. The family friendly workplace: policy initiatives, employer positions, and types of support for workers with family responsibilities [Rabochee mesto, druzhestvennoe sem’e: politicheskie iniciativy, poziciya rabotodatelya i tipy podderzhki rabotnikov s semejnymi obyazannostyami] // Тhе jоurnаl of sociology and social anthropology. 2017. № 1. p. 93-113. Shevchuk, Krasilnikova (2019) – Shevchuk A.V., Krasilnikova A.V. The impact of non-standard work schedules on the work-life balance: the case of the European Social Survey in Russia [Vliyanie nestandartnyh trudovyh grafikov na balans mezhdu rabotoj i zhizn’yu (po dannym Evropejskogo social’nogo issledovaniya v Rossii)] // Тhе jоurnаl of social policy studies. 2019. №2. p. 223–236. |
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Elena A. ZolotovskayaSenior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute of Law of Vladivostok State University. E-mail: |
Means of recognizing evidence as fraudulent in a civil procedureAbstract Subject/topic The subject of the study is the procedural provisions of legislation, judicial practice, resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation that preserve the validity, regulating the grounds and procedure for the recognition of evidence by the court as falsified. Goals/objectives. The purpose of the study is to analyze and summarize the legal means of recognizing evidence as fraudulent in the course of legal proceedings. Methodology The research uses general logical methods (analysis, synthesis), dialectical, statistical, system-structural, historical, logical-legal, comparative-legal, concrete-sociological and other methods of scientific cognition. Conclusion The normal course of the process is recognized as the expected, i.e., conscientious behavior of its parties, lawfully competing in proving the circumstances of the case before the court. However, this usually expected behavior does not always take place: in practice, there are cases of unfair behavior by one or both sides of the process, not only distorting the facts (information about the facts), but also imitating these facts with the help of artificially and intentionally created evidence that does not reflect reality, with the purpose of misleading the court. The creation of such evidence, called falsification, is far from harmless for the Russian law and order: most often it is implemented in professionally conducted business seizures, accompanied by a complex of other illegal actions. The importance of the examination of forged evidence in the civil procedure process also lies in the fact that their untimely detection often entails the need to review court decisions that have already taken place as part of the resumption of cases under newly discovered circumstances – as a rule, after the recognition of fraud or falsification of documents in criminal procedure. In other words, one such proof can completely make sense of all previous judicial activity (at the same time, it has already been completed by the issuance of a final judicial act) and entail a new examination of an already completed case. Keywords: proof, reliability, falsification, examination of evidence, examination, arbitration process, civil procedure, verification of evidence, court, means of verification, participants in the process. References: Shiryaev (2014) – Shiryaev V.A. Some aspects of the typologization of the Russian civil and arbitration process as a necessary condition for its development / Modern Lawyer [Nekotoryye aspekty tipologizatsii rossiyskogo grazhdanskogo i arbitrazhnogo protsessa kak neobkhodimogo usloviya yego razvitiya // Sovremennyy yurist]. 2014. N. 4 (9). S. 31-42. Bonner (2009) – Bonner A.T. Problems of establishing the truth in civil proceedings [Problemy ustanovleniya istiny v grazhdanskom protsesse]. St. Petersburg: University Publishing Consortium “Law Book”, 2009. 832 s. Pskov judgment certificate. Russian legislation of the X-XX centuries. In 9 vols. / Under the general editorship of O.I. Chistyakov. Volume 1 [Pskovskaya sudnaya gramota. Rossiyskoye zakonodatel’stvo KH-KHKH vekov. V 9 t. / Pod obshch. red. O.I. Chistyakova]. Moscow: Legal literature, 1984. 642 p. Judicial statutes of November 20, 1864, with a statement of the reasoning on which they are based: Part 1 [Sudebnyye ustavy 20 noyabrya 1864 goda, s izlozheniyem rassuzhdeniy, na koikh oni osnovany: CH. 1]. St. Petersburg: State Chancellery, 1866. 690 p. Girko, Ilyin (2018) – Girko S.I., Ilyin I.V. Issues of abuse of the rules of jurisdiction and jurisdiction in the consideration of civil cases / S.I. Girko, I.V. Ilyin // Modern lawyer [Voprosy zloupotrebleniya pravilami podvedomstvennosti i podsudnosti pri rassmotrenii grazhdanskikh del // Sovremennyy yurist]. 2018. No. 2 (23). pp. 17-24. Schwartz (2010). – Schwartz M.Z. On the issue of falsification of evidence in the arbitration process / M.Z. Schwartz // Arbitration disputes [K voprosu o fal’sifikatsii dokazatel’stv v arbitrazhnom protsesse // Arbitrazhnyye spory]. 2010. No. 3. pp. 79-92. Shevchenko (2023) – Shevchenko I.M. Statement on falsification of evidence in the arbitration process: some conceptual considerations / I.M. Shevchenko // Arbitration and civil procedure [Zayavleniye o fal’sifikatsii dokazatel’stva v arbitrazhnom protsesse: nekotoryye kontseptual’nyye soobrazheniya // Arbitrazhnyy i grazhdanskiy protsess]. 2023. No. 3. pp. 13-18. Peryazeva (2005) – Peryazeva N. Falsification of evidence in the arbitration court / N. Peryazeva // Legality [Fal’sifikatsiya dokazatel’stv v arbitrazhnom sude // Zakonnost’]. 2005. No. 8. pp. 14-17. Treushnikov (2021) – Treushnikov M.K. Judicial evidence [Sudebnyye dokazatel’stva]. Moscow: Gorodets, 2021. 268 p. Anokhin (2009) – Anokhin V.S. Issues of falsification of evidence in the arbitration process / V.S. Anokhin // Russian judge [Voprosy fal’sifikatsii dokazatel’stv v arbitrazhnom protsesse // Rossiyskiy sud’ya]. 2009. No. 12. pp. 7-14. Shudrov (2019) – Shudrov A.Yu. Actual problems of judicial proceedings on the example of the Institute for the revision of judicial acts on new and newly discovered circumstances / A.Yu. Shudrov // Young Scientist [Актуальные проблемы судопроизводства на примере института пересмотра судебных актов по новым и вновь открывшимся обстоятельствам // Молодой ученый]. 2019. No. 25. pp. 373-376. |
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Anna R. PurgeCandidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute of Law of Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok. E-mail: |
The legal basis for the interaction of the parties in remote labor relationsAbstract Subject/topic. The subject of the study is the regulatory and legal provisions of the Institute of Remote Labor Relations in the Russian Federation. Goals/objectives. The purpose of the study is to analyze the legislative provisions governing the procedure and features of labor relations in remote mode. Methodology. The methodological basis is represented by a set of methods of scientific cognition of objective legal reality applied during preparation and writing: comparative legal method, formal legal method, logical method, method of legal modeling. Conclusion. An important feature of the legal regulation of remote work is the assumption by the legislator of its both permanent and periodic, sporadic implementation, which indicates the differentiation of remote labor relations into two corresponding types. The peculiarities of distance labor – as labor “free” from the control of the employer – lead to the question of its differentiation from civil law relations. The analysis allows us to conclude that for remote labor relations, their fundamental difference with civil law relations remains based on the subject of the contract, however, the manifestations of this difference in remote labor relations with civil law relations are specific and consist in the following. Firstly, it is the inclusion of the position of a remote employee in the staffing table of the employer and the nature of the latter’s activities, secondly – the implementation of administrative powers by the head, thirdly – the use of communications or means of transport belonging to the employer, its software and all other “materials, tools and equipment”. Keywords: employment contract, remote work, remote mode, labor discipline, labor protection, terms of the contract, remuneration, employee, employer, content of the contract, termination of the contract. References: Frolova (2022) – Frolova E.A. Comparative analysis of the legal regulation of labor relations [Sravnitel’nyj analiz pravovogo regulirovaniya trudovyh otnoshenij]. Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2022. No. 1 (38). pp. 67-83. Kulakov (2020) – Kulakov V.V. Intersectoral relations of labor law [Mezhotraslevye svyazi trudovogo prava]. Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2020. No. 4 (33). pp. 105-113. Braginsky, Vitryansky (2011) – Braginsky M.I., Vitryansky V.V. Contractual law. The first book. General provisions. Ed. 3rd. [Dogovornoe pravo. Kniga pervaya. Obshchie polozheniya. Izd. 3-e.]. Moscow: Statute [Statut], 2011. 848 p. Chernykh (2021) – Chernykh N.V. Advantages and disadvantages of the new version of Chapter 49.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation [Dostoinstva i nedostatki novoj redakcii glavy 49.1 Trudovogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii]. Lex Russica [Lex Russica]. 2021. No. 12. pp. 32-40. Levushkin, Izmailov (2021) – Levushkin A.N., Izmailov V.V. State policy in the field of family entrepreneurship and its support [Gosudarstvennaya politika v sfere semejnogo predprinimatel’stva i ego podderzhka]. Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2021. No. 1 (34). pp. 68-80. Belitskaya (2021) – Belitskaya I.Ya. They wanted the best, but they got new rules for remote work [Hoteli kak luchshe, a poluchilis’ novye pravila distancionnoj raboty]. Labor law in Russia and abroad [Trudovoe pravo v Rossii i za rubezhom]. 2021. No. 3. pp. 28-30. Vorobyova (2022) – Vorobyova R.A. The balance of the employer’s right to control the working hours of a remote employee and the right of a remote employee to privacy [Balans prava rabotodatelya osushchestvlyat’ kontrol’ rabochego vremeni distancionnogo rabotnika i prava distancionnogo rabotnika na neprikosnovennost’ chastnoj zhizni]. // Labor law in Russia and abroad [Trudovoe parvo v Rossii i za rubezhom]. 2022. No. 4. pp. 46-48. |
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Georgy A. MutafyanLegal Adviser at Akrikhin JSC, Post Gratitude student of The Russian State University of Justice.
E-mail: |
Guarantee obligations in company groupsAbstract
Subject/topic The article analyzes the legal nature of guarantee obligations from the point of view of the correlation of their security functions within the group of companies and with the participation of independent creditors. Goals/objectives Identification of the causes of guarantee obligations and their legal nature, taking into account the intra-group nature of the legal relations under consideration. Methodology The basis of the research methodology was the general scientific (dialectical) method; a special legal, comparative legal method for comparing the studied domestic and foreign legal norms, institutions, branches of law in order to identify common and different in them. Conclusions The reasons for the occurrence of guarantee obligations in groups of companies are substantiated. It is established that the purpose of the guarantee obligations is related to the process of fragmentation and subsequent consolidation of the business to reduce liability and simplify ways to preserve property. The very intra-group nature reduces the price of this guarantee, without imposing on the subsidiary a commensurate property and risk burden that falls on other members of the group of companies. At the same time, the issuance of independent guarantees may be one of the grounds for recognizing a legal entity as a subsidiary. Keywords: corporate group, parent company, commercial organization, holding, subsidiary, demand guarantee. References: Loosemore (2006) – Loosemore M. Risk Management in Projects [Upravlenie riskami v proektah] Tayor & Francis// Routledge. 2006. P. 173. Anikina, Gorodnyanskaya (2013) – Anikina O.V., Gorodnyanskaya V.V. Securing an obligation with an independent guarantee: the possibilities of current regulation, novelties of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation [Obespechenie obyazatel’stva nezavisimoj garantiej: vozmozhnosti tekushchego regulirovaniya, novelly GK RF] // Journal “Law”, 2013. No. 10. P. 140. Glukhov (2017) – Glukhov E.V. Corporate agreement: preparation and coordination when creating a joint venture [Korporativnyj dogovor: podgotovka i soglasovanie pri sozdanii sovmestnogo predpriyatiya] [Electronic edition]. – M.: M-Logos, 2017. pp. 580-592. Ince, Kaplan (2021) – Mehmet Ince, Fatih Kaplan. Digitalization, international trade and logistics [Cifrovizaciya, mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya i logistika] // Erbakan Üniversitesi Yayınları Yaka Mah. Yeni Meram Cad. Kasım Halife Sok. No: 11/1/2021 Meram / KONYA. P. 37-58. Chappell (2020) – David Chappell. Professional Practice for Architects and Project Managers [Professional’naya praktika dlya avtorov i upravlyayushchih proektami]. 2020 // John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. P. 120. Shapiro (2015) – Shapiro I.E. Pre-export financing in Russian practice in the context of current economic sanctions [Predeksportnoe finansirovanie v rossijskoj praktike v usloviyah tekushchih ekonomicheskih sankcij] // Bulletin of the Rostov State University of Economics (RINH) 2015. pp. 181-186. Paget (1922) – Paget, John R. The law of banking [Bankovskoe pravo] // London, Winnipeg [etc.]: Butterworth & co. 1922. P. 395. Ribstein (1991) – Ribstein E., Limited Liability and Theories of the Corporation banking [Ogranichennaya otvetstvennost’ i teorii korporacii] //50 MD. L. Rev 80, Note 29, 1991. P. 99-101. Squire (2011) – Squire R. Strategic Liability in the Corporate Group banking [Strategicheskaya otvetstvennost’ v korporativnoj gruppe] //University of Chicago Law Review. Vol. 78, 2011, Fordham Law Legal Studies Research Paper № 1742096. P. 20. Inozemtsev (2020) – Inozemtsev M.I. Joint—stock agreement: liability for violation under the law of Russia and foreign countries banking [Akcionernoe soglashenie: otvetstvennost’ za narushenie po pravu Rossii i zarubezhnyh gosudarstv]: Monograph. – M.: Statute. 2020. pp. 40-41. Kulakov (2015) – Kulakov V.V. Termination of obligations under the civil legislation of Russia banking [Prekrashchenie obyazatel’stv po grazhdanskomu zakonodatel’stvu Rossii]: Monograph / Russian State University of Justice, Moscow: RSUPS, 2015. pp. 5-18. Borodkin, Stankevich (2021) – Borodkin V.G., Stankevich A.V. On some topical issues of protection of rights in the arbitration process. Collection of essays. banking [O nekotoryh aktual’nyh voprosah zashchity prav v arbitrazhnom processe. Sbornik ocherkov] Part 2. Moscow: Infotropik Media, 2021. pp. 168-172. |
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Darya A. Shershneva4th year student of the Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
E-mail: |
International legal protection of the environment: modern trendsAnnotation
Subject / topic The article examines a complex of international legal methods for solving environmental problems, which are combined into international legal norms, industries, institutions, and emphasizes that the further process of development of the future of all humanity depends on the international legal methods used to solve environmental problems, the question is raised about the role of international legal regulation in solving environmental problems. Goals / objectives To consider how international legal regulation affects environmental problems, identifying ways and methods, identify the most effective of them, analyze new ways to solve problems and trace their development trends. Methodology Scientific methods of cognition were used in the work, both general scientific (scientific analysis, scientific synthesis) and private scientific (comparative legal, formal legal, as well as the method of legal forecasting). Conclusions During the study, the key role of international law in solving environmental problems was highlighted, it was found that international legal regulation has many ways that complement each other and form an integral system of influence, the problem of improper distribution of the essence of problems between participants in international cooperation and the absence of a special international environmental organization was raised – a solution has been proposed; it was also noted that the trends in the development of international environmental rulemaking are changing taking into account technological progress and economic activity of people. Keywords: environmental problems, international law, international legal regulation, environmental problems solving, interaction of states, environmental legislation, negative impact on the environment, development trends. References: Petyukova (2015) – Petyukova O.N., 2015. Features of Modern Economic Law and the Law of the World Trade Organization in Legal Doctrine [Osobennosti sovremennogo ekonomicheskogo prava i prava vsemirnoy torgovoy organizatsii v pravovoy doktrine]. Modern Lawyer [Sovremennyy yurist], 2: 58-68. Melnichenko (2020) – Melnichenko, R.G., International Law: Study Guide [Mezhdunarodnoye pravo: uchebnoye posobiye]. Solon-Press, 2020. pp: 112. Nikitayev (2019) – Nikitaev D.M. and Buryanova S.A., 2019. On the issue of the modern definition of the concept and content of secularism of the state [K voprosu o sovremenno opredelenii ponyatiya i soderzhanii svetskosti gosudarstva]. Modern Lawyer [Sovremennyy yurist], 3: 85-96. Starodubtsev (2022) – Starodubtsev, G.S., 2022. International Law [Mezhdunarodnoye pravo]. RIOR, pp: 416. Kukushkina (2020) – Kukushkina A.V., 2020. International legal aspects of environmental safety at the present stage [Mezhdunarodno-pravovyye aspekty ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti na sovremennom etape]. Bulletin of Tomsk State University [Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta], 450: 218-225. Demchuk (2007) – Demchuk, A.L., 2007. Environmental Conflicts: Nature, Types, Methods of Resolution [Ekologicheskiye konflikty: priroda, vidy, sposoby uregulirovaniya]. Bulletin of Moscow University [Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta], 12: 64-71. Gerasimov (2019) – Gerasimov, A.N., 2019. International Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection and Ensuring Environmental Safety of the Population [Mezhdunarodnoye sotrudnichestvo v oblasti okhrany okruzhayushchey sredy i obespecheniya ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti naseleniya]. Scientific Thought [Nauchnaya mysl’], 2: 43-51. Shumilov (2015) – Shumilov V.M., 2015. Concept of global law and global normative system [Kontseptsiya global’nogo prava i global’noy normativnoy sistemy], 3: 70-87. Bekyashev (2019) – Bekyashev K.A., 2019. Public International Law [Mezhdunarodnoye publichnoye pravo]. Prospekt, pp: 1046. Solntsev (2019) – Solntsev A.M., U. Brunni, 2019. International Environmental Law: Modern Development Trends Interview with Jutta Brunni, Professor at the University of Toronto (Canada) [Mezhdunarodnoye ekologicheskoye pravo: sovremennyye tendentsii razvitiya Interv’yu s Yutta Brunni, professorom Universiteta Toronto (Kanada)]. Eurasian Legal Journal [Yevraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal], 7: 12-17. |
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Alyona А. Karpenko3rd year student of the Law Faculty of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
E-mail: Polina A. Gorokhova3rd year student of the Law Faculty of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
E-mail: Ksenia V. DudchenkoStudent of the 3rd year of the Law Faculty of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail: |
Problems of legal regulation of obstetrics care in the Russian federationAbstract
Subject / topic The paper focuses on the legal issues involved in the process of pregnancy and childbirth. Aims / objectives The paper proposes a variant of the legal interpretation of the term «Doula» and a unified approach to the concept of «childbirth support». The institute of doula support as a promising mechanism for protecting the rights of women in labor, but currently has no proper legal regulation in the Russian Federation, is considered separately. Methodology The article uses different approaches to illuminate the legal concept of obstetrics, through the study of statistics analyzes the main problems associated with this complex psycho-bio-physiological process. The formal-legal method was applied in analyzing the legislative material. Conclusion Having studied the issue comprehensively, the authors see the need to close a number of legislative gaps in the field of obstetrics, namely: combating obstetric aggression, introduction of the institute of liability insurance for medical workers, provision of state installments for expensive treatment procedures, legislative consolidation of the institution of doula support, introduction of the instrument of state accreditation of the activity of doulas and making appropriate amendments to the Federal Law «On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens in Russia». Practical significance The materials of the scientific research can find application in scientific theoretical-legal and medical-social research, as well as be used in professional practices of medical institutions of obstetric profile. In addition, taking into account the objective realities of rapidly emerging modern trends and the static nature of law, the material provides a certain methodology for the formation of a universal legal framework to protect the rights of women in labor in the actual functioning of new mechanisms of obstetric care. Keywords: obstetric care, childbirth, rights of women in labor, medical law, legal regulation of childbirth, Doula, legal status of a Doula, Doula support. References: Polushin, Ailamazyan, Korostelev (2011) – Myths and realities of labor anesthesia [Mify i realii obezbolivaniya rodov] // Journal of Obstetrics and Women’s Diseases. 2011. Т. 60. № 3. С. 10–17. Vinogradova, Pervak, Mozgovaya (2010) – Vinogradova O.A., Pervak V.A., Mozgovaya E. V. Evaluation of labor activity using a combined spinal-epidural anesthesia // Journal of Obstetrics and women’s diseases. 2010. V. LIX. Number 5. P. 80-87. Radzinsky, Knyazev, Kostin (2009) – Radzinsky V.E., Knyazev S.A., Kostin I.N.. Obstetrics risk. Maximum of information – minimum danger to the mother and the baby. – Moscow: Penguin Books, 2009. (Medical Practice.). P. 65-67. Radzinsky (2011) – Radzinsky V.E.. Obstetric aggression // “Mediabureau Status Presens”, 2011. P. 327-400. Baev (2011) – Baev O.R., Komissarova L.M., Puchko T.K., Vasilchenko O.N., Malbakhova E.T., Polyanchi-kova O.L., Schiffman E.M. The basic protocol of conducting labor // “Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov RAMS”, 2011. P. 6-8. Novkunskaya (2014) – Novkunskaya, A. A. “Irresponsible” childbirth or violation of norms of the Russian system of obstetrics in cases of home delivery [«Bezotvetstvennye» rody ili narushenie norm rossijskoj sistemy rodovspomozheniya v sluchayax domashnego rodorazresheniya] // Journal of Social Policy Research. 2014. Т. 12. №3. С. 353–364. Brekhman (2012) – Brekhman, G. I. Home births as a way for a woman to protect herself and her child [Domashnie rody kak sposob zashhity zhenshhinoj sebya i svoego rebenka] // Journal of Obstetrics and Women’s Diseases. 2012. Т. 61. № 5. С. 115–121. Mello (2014) – Mello, Michelle M. (November 26, 2014). “The Medical Liability Climate and Prospects for Reform”. JAMA. 312 (20): 2146-55. Ivanova (2016) – Ivanova Ya. I. Features of elements of crimes committed by medical workers in the process of obstetrics in accordance with the legislation of Russia XIX-XXI centuries [Osobennosti e`lementov prestuplenij, sovershaemy`x medicinskimi rabotnikami v processe rodovspomozheniya v sootvetstvii s zakonodatel`stvom Rossii XIX–XXI vekov] // Issues of modern jurisprudence. 2016. №1 (52). С. 24–31. Kenneth (2013) – Kenneth J G. Impact of doulas on healthy birth outcomes / Kenneth J Gruber, Susan H Cupito, Christina F Dobson // National Library of Medicine. 2013. № 22 (1). P. 49-58. |
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