Economy Business Banks № 4 (66)





Zoya A. Kapelyuk

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Theoretical and Applied Economics Department, Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation. E-mail:

Yana V. Popova

Postgraduate student, Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation. E-mail:

Indicators of economic efficiency of transport services


Topic This article examines the role of assessing the economic efficiency of transport companies. It analyzes existing approaches to determining economic efficiency and compares the performance of companies providing transportation services.

Objective of the study is to structure the indicators of effectiveness of transport services, according to their orientation for a comprehensive assessment of the economic efficiency of companies.

Methodology The research is based on theoretical, empirical, as well as mathematical methods.

Results and Conclusions The authors have presented the analysis according to the indicators of economic efficiency of transport companies structured into five groups. The efficiency of transport services of the leading companies with the largest passenger-cargo turnover: “Russian Railways” and “Aeroflot” were compared. Weaknesses of the companies were noted and measures aimed at improving the level of economic efficiency were identified. The structuring of indicators of transport service efficiency plays an important role in simplifying the assessment of activities and expands the possibilities of the enterprise in determining the most successful trajectory of economic efficiency as a whole.

Keywords: transport services, economic efficiency, structuring of indicators, assessment of economic efficiency, integrated assessment.


Madina Jalolova (2022) – Madina Jalolova , Umida Sangirova, Iskandar Yakubov, Hasan Rahimov, Nigina Kholmatova. Economic efficiency of the transport system and logistics in the republic of Uzbekistan // Transportation Research Procedia 63. 2022. Pp. 1061–1066.

Lavrikov, Penshin (2014) – Lavrikov I.N., Penshin N.V. Economic efficiency and competitiveness of passenger transportation in Russian regions [Ekonomicheskaya effektivnost’ i konkurentosposobnost’ passazhirskih perevozok v regionah Rossii] // TSTU Bulletin. 2014. Vol. 20. # 3. Pp. 599-607.

Salikhova, Mutrakov, Gudaybullin (2016) – Salikhova S.F., Mutrakov O.S., Gudaybullin A.M. Indicators of economic efficiency of service enterprises [Pokazateli ekonomicheskoj effektivnosti deyatel’nost’ predpriyatij sfery uslug] // Bulletin of UGNTU. Science, education, economy. Economics Series. #3 (17). 2016. Pp. 42-48.

Avanesova G.A. (2005) – Avanesova G.A. Service activity. Historical and modern practice, entrepreneurship, management [Servisnaya deyatel’nost’. Istoricheskaya i sovremennaya praktika, predprinimatel’stvo, menedzhment]: Textbook for university students. Moscow: Aspect Press, 2005. 318p;

Gribov, Leonov (2006) – Gribov V.D., Leonov A.L. Economy of service enterprise [Ekonomika predpriyatiya servisa]. Textbook. Moscow: KNORUS, 2006. 280p.

Johan Holmgren (2013) – Johan Holmgren. The efficiency of public transport operations: An evaluation using stochastic frontier analysis. Research in Transportation Economics, (39). 1. 2013. Pp. 50-57.

Netirith (2022) – Netirith, N.; Ji, M. Analysis of the Efficiency of Transport Infrastructure Connectivity and Trade. Sustainability 2022, 14, 9613. 12 p.

Macheret (2021) – Macheret D., Sokolov Y., Ivankin P., Khusainov F., Zaitseva V. Research in the field of consumer assessment of service quality on the freight market by rail transport [Issledovanie v sfere ocenki potrebitelyami kachestva uslug na rynke gruzoperevozok zheleznodorozhnym transportom] // Business Journal “Russian Railways – Partner”. #4. 2021. 13 p.

Nasimov (2021) – Nasimov I., Bozorov Z., Shukhrat M. Improving the methodology of forming a system of economic indicators of transport services efficiency [Sovershenstvovanie metodologii formirovaniya sistemy ekonomicheskih pokazatelej effektivnosti transportnyh uslug] // BENEFICIAR. # 93. 2021. Pp. 12-17.

Nesterov (2011) – Nesterov A.A. Increasing the Efficiency of Transport Enterprises Functioning [Povyshenie effektivnosti funkcionirovaniya transportnyh predpriyatij]// Izvestiya SPSEU. 2011. #3. Pp. 67-69


Olga V. Zhukova

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department, Head of the Department of Management and Economics of the Sports Industry named after V.V. Kuzin, Russian University of Sports (GTSOLIFK) 105122, Moscow City, Lilac Boulevard, 4


Corporate human capital


Subject/topic subjects of corporate investment activity are presented in the context of a multi–level human resource management system; the object of management is corporate human capital.

Goals/objectives knowledge economy, corporate approach.

Method system-integration approach.

Research results research of corporations on the subject of increment of corporate knowledge by managing the development of corporate human capital, investment in which turns it into value.

Conclusions 1) human capital, that is, people who have knowledge, skills and abilities, only correlates with the company’s human resources when, as a result of personnel management, the company’s employees who are carriers of human capital signs will be selected, and financial resources will be invested in their development; 2) corporate human capital is the value of the company and constitutes its intangible asset; 3) personnel management and human resource management are concepts that are not opposed, but are supplemented with meanings that reveal their functional application, respectively,

Keywords: corporation, investments, corporate knowledge, corporate human capital, corporate culture.


Draker (1999) – Draker P. Post-capitalist society // New post-industrial wave in the West. Anthology [Postkapitalisticheskoe obshchestvo //Novaya post-industrial’naya volna na Zapade. Antologiya] / Edited by V. L. Inozemtsev. M.: Academia. 1999. p. 71

Schultz (2003) – Schultz T. Investments in human capital [Investicii v chelovecheskij kapital] // Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2003.

Bowles (2007) – Bowles S. Walrasian Economic theory in retrospect // Origins: from the experience of studying economics as a structure and process [Val’rasianskaya ekonomicheskaya teoriya v retrospektive // Istoki: iz opyta izucheniya ekonomiki kak struktury i processa] / Higher School of Economics. — 2nd ed. — Moscow: Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2007. — pp. 301-337

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Korchagin (2011) – Korchagin Yu.A. Efficiency of national human capital: measurement methodology [Effektivnost’ nacional’nogo chelovecheskogo kapitala: metodika izmereniya] — Voronezh: CIRE, 2011

Zhukova (2015) – Zhukova O.V. Human capital as an object of social mortgage innovative products [Chelovecheskij kapital kak ob”ekt social’nyh ipotechnyh innovacionnyh produktov] // Youn g scientist. — 2015. — № 7 (87). — Pp. 412-416. — URL: / (accessed: 06/27/2022)

Shane (2002) – Shane E. Organizational culture and leadership [Organizacionnaya kul’tura i liderstvo] // Trans. from English. Edited by V.A. Spivak. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. p.336.


Kristina A. Kovrigina

Chief Specialist, Gazpromneft–Industrial Innovations (GPN-II), Sait Petersburg, Russia


Aleksey Y. Rodikov

Deputy General Director for Engineering and Commercialization, Gazpromneft–Industrial Innovations (GPN-II), Sait Petersburg, Russia


Patent research for the commercialization of developments


Subject/topic The article deals with the problem of the lack of segmentation of various types of patent research by stages of the development life cycle in the existing regulatory documentation and scientific articles. The lack of system in the methodology of patent research and patent analytics leads to the rejection of the use of such useful tools by business.

Goals/objectives Development of an algorithm for conducting patent research at the stage of preparation for the development of production and commercialization of the results of intellectual activity

Methodology Analysis, synthesis, experiment in applying the developed algorithm on one of the projects in an operating company

Сonclusions and Relevance The author proposes an algorithm for conducting patent research at the stage of preparation for the development of production and commercialization of the results of intellectual activity, including: checking the availability of previously conducted patent research at previous stages, updating the patent collection or collecting it if research was not carried out at previous stages, analyzing the dynamics of publications and patent families, identification of key copyright holders, analysis of trends in improving the object of study, analysis of the patent collection in the countries of the intended presence, development of recommendations for improving the patent portfolio of intellectual property. The above algorithm has been successfully tested on one of the projects of the Gazprom neft group of companies. It is expected to submit proposals to the Technical Committee for Standardization 481 “Intellectual Property” on the inclusion of the author’s recommendations in the draft GOST 15.011-2022 “System for the development and production of products. Patent research. Content and procedure.”

Keywords: patent research, patent analytics, development life cycle, preparation for the development of production, the results of intellectual activity commercialization.


Shilin (2017) – Shilin P.S. Patent Research as a Basis for Making Strategic Decisions in Innovative Activities // Scientific and technical statements of SPbSPU. Economic Sciences [Patentnye issledovaniya kak osnova dlya prinyatiya strategicheskih reshenij v innovacionnoj deyatel’nosti // Nauchno-tekhnicheskie vedomosti SPbGPU. Ekonomicheskie nauki]. 2017. Vol. 10, No 3. pp. 124—132.

Zelenkina, Pavlikova, Batanov (2019) – Modern practice of patent analytics [Sovremennaya praktika patentnoj analitiki], Zelenkina N., Pavlikova D., Batanov F., // Intellectual property. Industrial property [Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’. Promyshlennaya sobstvennost’]. 2019. No. 6. S. 15-24. M.: 2019

Lee C., Kan. B. & Shin J. Novelty-focused patent mapping for technology opportunity analysis. Tech. Forec. and Soc. Chanc., 2015, 90, 355-65.

Kupriyanova, Sokolinskaya (2021) – Kupriyanova L.M., Sokolinskaya N.E. Intellectual Property: Issues of Introduction into Circulation. The world of new economy. [Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’: problemy vvedeniya v oborot. Mir novoj ekonomiki] 2021; Vol. 15. # 1. pp. 6-13.

Shvedova (2021) – Shvedova, V. V. Research of the technical level of objects of science and technology [Issledovanie tekhnicheskogo urovnya ob”ektov nauki i tekhniki]// M.: Patent, 2021. – 102 p.

Shirokova (2019) – Management of innovative projects in a high-tech company Shirokova V.E. // Economy. Business. Banks [Upravlenie innovacionnymi proektami v vysokotekhnologichnoj kompanii // Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2019. No. 12 (38). pp. 85-102. M.: 2019

Kiselev (2022) – Patent research previous investments in R&D. Tools and effects from the use application of patent analytics, Kiselev M.N. // Economy. Business. Banks [Patentnye issledovaniya, predvaryayushchie investicii v novye razrabotki. instrumentarij i effekty ot primeneniya patentnoj analitiki // Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2022. No3 (65)


Nina G. Protas

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Financial Market and Financial Institutions at Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management. E-mail:

Irina V. Mikhailyuk

Senior Lecturer, Department of Financial Market and Financial Institutions Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management at Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management.


Evgeniy A. Korolkov

Senior Lecturer, Department of Financial Market and Financial Institutions Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management at Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management. E-mail:

Sustainable development of credit institutions: regional aspect


Subject/topic The article is devoted to the review of creditworthiness assessment methods used in credit institutions at the levels of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in international practice in order to form the author’s methodology for assessing creditworthiness for the sustainable development of credit institutions.

Goals/tasks The purpose of the work is to analyze the existing methods of assessing the creditworthiness of the borrower of small and medium-sized businesses, the development and testing of the author’s methodology.

Methodology Development of a methodology for assessing the creditworthiness of small and medium-sized businesses based on the use of methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison and observation based on Russian and international experience.

Results/conclusions Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the developed methodology can increase the availability of loans for small and medium-sized businesses and reduce the time for considering a loan application, which will lead to an increase in the bank’s financial result and will contribute to the development of the industry.

Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, creditworthiness assessment methodology, sustainable development, regional aspect.


Pestryakova, Smirnova, Zambrzhitskaya (2018) – Pestryakova E.A., Smirnova D.M., Zambrzhitskaya E.S. Financial potential as an element of the methodology for assessing creditworthiness [Finansovyj potencial kak element metodiki ocenki kreditosposobnosti] // Corporate Economics. 2018. No. 4(16). PP.61-68.

Melik-Aslanova (2022) – Melik-Aslanova N.O. Development of a methodology for assessing the creditworthiness of an enterprise [Razrabotka metodiki ocenki kreditosposobnosti predpriyatiya] // Financial life. – 2021. – No. 1. – S. 20-23.

Vysotskaya (2019) – Vysotskaya D.V. Methodology for assessing the creditworthiness of legal entities used by PJSC AK BARS Bank [Metodika ocenki kreditosposobnosti yuridicheskih lic, ispol’zuemaya PAO «AK BARS» Bank]// Bulletin of the Magistracy. 2019. No. 6-1 (93). pp. 46-47.

Abramyan (2015) – Abramyan G.A. Methodology for assessing the creditworthiness of business entities classified as small and medium-sized businesses [Metodologiya ocenki kreditosposobnosti hozyajstvuyushchih sub”ektov, otnosimyh k malomu i srednemu predprinimatel’stvu] / G.A. Abramyan. Text: direct // Issues of Economics and Management. 2015. No. 2 (2). pp. 50-56.

Ayupov (2018) – Ayupov A.A. Assessment of the borrower’s creditworthiness based on alternative methods [Ocenka kreditosposobnosti zaemshchika na osnove al’ternativnyh metodik] / A.A. Ayupov, D.L. Vavilov, A.A. Sherstobitova // Innovative development of the economy. 2018. No. 1 (43). pp. 201-211.

Pestryakova, Smirnova, Zambrzhitskaya (2018) – Pestryakova E.A., Smirnova D.M., Zambrzhitskaya E.S. Financial potential as an element of the creditworthiness assessment methodology [Finansovyj potencial kak element metodiki ocenki kreditosposobnosti]//Corporate economy. 2018. No. 4(16). PP.61-68.

Kotova (2015) – Kotova O.V. Application of the EBITDA indicator in assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers of a commercial bank [Primenenie pokazatelya EBITDA v ocenke kreditosposobnosti zaemshchikov kommercheskogo banka.] // Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences. 2015. No. 5-1.

Krylov (2016) – Krylov S.I. Financial analysis. [Finansovyj analiz] // Study guide. Ekaterinburg. Ural University Publishing House 2016

Bykov, Kolesov, Yakshilov (2021) – Bykov V.A., Kolesov R.V., Yakshilov I.N. Analysis of financial statements. [Analiz finansovoj otchetnosti] // Study guide. Yaroslavl, 2021.


Elena A. Tarkhanova

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, University of Tyumen, Tyumen. E-mail:

Anhelica V. Fricler

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, University of Tyumen, Tyumen.E-mail:

Aleksandra V. Tarkhanova

1st year bachelor of the Institute of State and Law, University of Tyumen, Tyumen. E-mail:

«Green» financing in the context of transition to a «Green» economy


The growing green orientation of capital markets in recent years, the introduction and improvement of carbon trading have paved the way for large-scale and global financing of the transition of the economy to a green track. Today, a growing number of financial institutions are realizing the possibility of reducing the risks associated with climate change from environmental pollution by increasing the volume of “green” financing and investment.

Importance The aim of the work is to study the essence, main directions and tools of “green” financing.

Objective. Methods The methodology of the study was based on the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparison, grouping, evaluation, logical thinking.

Conclusion and Relevance Green finance as a component of sustainable development and the green economy is key as it stimulates and supports the flow of financial instruments and related services for the development and implementation of sustainable business models, investments, trade, economic, environmental and social projects and policies. Today, most countries are actively and successfully implementing green economy policies using various green financial instruments.

Keywords: green economy, green financing, alternative energy, green credit, green bonds, green insurance, green purchases.


Andreeva, Vovchenko (2017) – Andreeva L. Yu., Vovchenko N. G. Institutions and tools of “green financing”: risks and opportunities for sustainable development of the Russian economy [Instituty i instrumenty «zelenogo finansirovaniya»: riski i vozmozhnosti ustojchivogo razvitiya rossijskoj ekonomiki] // Forestry journal. 2017. No. 2. pp. 205–214.

Bazhenov (2018) – Bazhenov I. N. “Green” financing: global trends and Russian practice [«Zelenoe» finansirovanie: mirovye tendencii i rossijskaya praktika] // Problems of national strategy. 2018. No. 5 (50). pp. 172–186.

Green” economy: reboot [“Zelenaya” ekonomika: perezagruzka] / Anisipov S.P., Bobylev S.N., Komarova I.I. and others – M.: Kingfisher, 2017. – 448 p.

Kononovich (2021) – Kononovich I.V. Problems and prospects for the sustainable development of green integration in the EAEU countries [Problemy i perspektivy ustojchivogo razvitiya zelenoj integracii v stranah EAES] // Economy. Business. Banks. 2021. No. 11 (61). pp. 33-43.

Materials of the UN Environment Program [Materialy Programmy OON po okruzhayushchej srede] // Official website of the UN Environment Program. (date of access: 07.10.2022).

Miroshnichenko, Mostovaya (2019) – Miroshnichenko O. S., Mostovaya N. A. “Green” credit as a tool for “green” financing [«Zelenyj» kredit kak instrument «zelenogo» finansirovaniya] // Finance: theory and practice. 2019. V. 23, No. 2. pp. 31–43.

Adhami, Giudici (2017) – Adhami S., Giudici G. Crowdfunding for green projects in Europe: success factors and effects on the local environmental performance and wellbeing. 2017. (date of access: 07.10.2022).

Green Bond Impact Report – 2019 // The World Bank. /790081576615720375/IBRD-Green-Bond-Impact-Report-FY-2019.pdf (date of access: 07.10.2022).

Green economy in Russia: The investments’ review, indicators of growth and development prospects. / E. A. Tarkhanova, A. V. Fricler, E. L. Chizhevskaya [et al.] // Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. 2020. Vol. 8. No 2. P. 649-661.

Kharmakshanova (2020) – Kharmakshanova E.V. Green energy marketing. // Economy. Business. Banks. 2020. No. 7 (45). pp. 130-138.

Tarkhanova (2020) – Tarkhanova E. A. Green financing: Global understandings and Russian practices review. / E. A. Tarkhanova, A. V. Fricler // Journal of New Economy. 2020. Vol. 21. No 4. pp. 45-62.


Mikhail N. Kiselev

Head of the Department of Intellectual Property of llc Gazpromneft–Industrial Innovations(GPN-II), member of the commissions on the roadmap activities Transformation of the business climate. Intellectual property.

Integration of intellectual property into the trl methodology


Subject / Topic implementationof indicators characterizing the quality of patent and legal support and strategic management of intellectual property in tools for assessing the level of technological readiness in order to increase the efficiency of innovation management

Goals/Objectives analysis of the reasons for the depth of integration of intellectual property management elements into methods for assessing the levels of technological readiness

Methodology   analysis of the existing regulatory framework and standardization documents, study of implemented practices, synthesis to the level of the final goal – the formation of effective innovation management, building analogies with the introduction of patent and legal issues in various elements and management tools

Conclusions and Relevance the author concludes that it is advisable to update GOST 58048 with subsequent harmonization with other standardization documents, taking into account at individual levels on the TRL/CRL/MRL scales the elements of the following subsystems of the RIA rights management system: identification and protection of RIA; patenting strategies, including mandatory protection abroad; patent analytics; regulation of legal relations between the copyright holder and employees of the copyright holder, as well as between the copyright holder and other participants in technological cooperation. It also confirms the vision presented earlier in the scientific community about the regularity of the presence of a consolidated instrument within the TRL / CRL / MRL, which characterizes technologies from the point of view of management, law and economics of intellectual property.

Keywords: technology readiness level, innovation process, innovation management, investment in research and development, risk assessment, intellectual property law, patent analytics, patent research, IP management.


Dzenzelyuk, Novosad (2022) – Dzenzelyuk N.S., Novosad V.M. Assessment of readiness levels as a tool for managing technological projects: tasks, problems and features of application for REC projects // Bulletin of SUSU. [Ocenka urovnej gotovnosti kak instrument upravleniya tekhnologicheskimi proektami: zadachi, problemy i osobennosti primeneniya dlya proektov NOC] Series “Economics and Management”. 2022. V. 16, No. 3. S. 153–164.

Sukharev, Vlasenko (2020) Sukharev A. A., Vlasenko A. O. – Application of indicators of the level of technology readiness in planning complex scientific and technological projects in the aircraft industry // Economics of Science. T. 6. No. 1–2. pp. 52–61. [Primenenie pokazatelej urovnya gotovnosti tekhnologij pri planirovanii kompleksnyh nauchno-tekhnologicheskih proektov v aviastroenii]

Ivanov (2021) Topical issues related to the study of patent cleanliness of technical objects F.S. Ivanov, “Intellectual property. Industrial property”, 2021, N 12. [Aktual’nye voprosy, svyazannye s issledovaniem patentnoj chistoty ob”ektov tekhniki]

Kupriyanova, Voronina, Kiselev (2020) – Reimbursement of costs for the development of electronic equipment in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2016 No. 109, Kupriyanova L.M., Voronina S.A., Kiselev M.N. // Scientific journal: Economics. Business. Banks. M.: 2020. [Vozmeshchenie zatrat po razrabotkam radioelektronnoj apparatury v sootvetstvii s postanovleniem pravitel’stva RF ot 17 fevralya 2016 g.№ 109]

Kiselev (2022) – Patent research, anticipating investment in new developments. tools and effects from the use of patent analytics, Kiselev M.N. // Scientific journal: Economics. Business. Banks. M.: 2022 – No. 3 (65). [Patentnye issledovaniya, predvaryayushchie investicii v novye razrabotki. instrumentarij i effekty ot primeneniya patentnoj analitiki]

Technology Readiness Level Technology Readiness Level ttps:// courses/producation/project_kpi/TRL.

Antipin, Antipina (2022) – Organizational aspect of accounting for intellectual property in the creation of modern technologies, Antipin V.V., Antipina V.V. // Scientific and practical journal: Intellectual property. Industrial property. – 2022 – №10, p. 4 – 16. [Organizacionnyj aspekt ucheta intellektual’noj sobstvennosti pri sozdanii sovremennyh tekhnologij]


Anton A. Shkiperov

Assistant to the President of Fishery Shipowners Association (FSA), E-mail:

Modern issues of fisheries management in the eurasian economic union


Subject/topic: current state, general characteristics, trends and main problematic issues of fisheries management in the EAEU member states in various areas of cooperation, including the field of digitalization, promotion of organic fish products, establishment of the institute of responsible fisheries, improving efficiency and ensuring sustainable growth of the fishing industry in the long run.

Goals/objectives assessment of the current state of fisheries management in the EAEU, identification of problems and development of ways to solve them.

Methodology analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison and analogy, induction and deduction, divergent and convergent thinking.

Results/conclusions the author provides possible ways to solve problematic issues related to the implementation of fisheries management activities in the EAEU, ways to overcome modern challenges that are being faced by the fishing industry in the EAEU member states

Keywords: fishery activity, fishing industry, fishing, fish farming, aquaculture, Eurasian Economic Union.


Recommendation of the EEC Board dated 21.04.2020 No. 8 “On the development of cooperation between the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union” [Rekomendaciya Kollegii EEK ot 21.04.2020 № 8 «O razvitii sotrudnichestva gosudarstv – chlenov Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza»]

Recommendation of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated 05/23/2022 No. 21 “On general principles and approaches to ensuring sustainable development of aquaculture and fisheries in the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union” [Rekomendaciya Kollegii Evrazijskoj ekonomicheskoj komissii ot 23.05.2022 N 21 «Ob obshchih principah i podhodah k obespecheniyu ustojchivogo razvitiya akvakul’tury i rybolovstva v gosudarstvah – chlenah Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza»]

Strategic direction in the field of digital transformation of the agro-industrial and fisheries sectors of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 [Strategicheskoe napravlenie v oblasti cifrovoj transformacii otraslej agropromyshlennogo i rybohozyajstvennogo kompleksov Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda] (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 29.12.2021 No. 3971-r)

The Eurasian Economic Commission. Overview of the aquaculture and fisheries market of the EAEU member States [Evrazijskaya ekonomicheskaya komissiya. Obzor rynka akvakul’tury i rybolovstva gosudarstv-chlenov EAES.]. Moscow: 2021.

Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. The concept of the “blue economy”. Review of International Sustainable Management Practices. [Departament mnogostoronnego ekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva Minekonomrazvitiya Rossii. Koncepciya «sinej ekonomiki». Obzor mezhdunarodnyh praktik ustojchivogo upravleniya] Moscow: 2021.

Zhilina (2022) – Zhilina I.Yu. How to save the planet – concepts of the blue economy [Kak sohranit’ planetu – koncepcii sinej ekonomiki] // Economic and social problems of Russia. – 2022. – No. 2.

Rykova, Shkodinsky, Yuryeva (2019) – Rykova I.N., Shkodinsky S.V., Yuryeva A.A. Reducing the risks of the federal budget in the implementation of federal projects in agriculture [Snizhenie riskov federal’nogo byudzheta pri realizacii federal’nyh proektov v sel’skom hozyajstve] Economy. Business. Cans. 2019. № 6 (32).

Nevredinov (2020) – Nevredinov A. “Eurasian aquaculture. Prospects and opportunities for development on the global market until 2030″ [Evrazijskaya akvakul’tura. Perspektivy i vozmozhnosti razvitiya na global’nom rynke do 2030 g.] // V International Conference Fish 2020: technologies of aquaculture and fish processing. Moscow: 2020.

United Nations, Population Division, World Population Prospects, 2019 Revision, (Medium Variant)


Anastasia O. Sizova

Senior Financial Analyst at Commercial Bank “Renaissance Credit”, postgraduate student, Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Information Technology and Big Data Analysis at direction “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages at” Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail:

Supervisor: Sergey A. Korchagin, candiate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, E-mail:

Review of algorithms and methods of intelligent decision support system in financial markets


Subject/topic Financial markets are very important for the economic and social organization of modern society. Financial activity plays an important role in the world economy as it is the basis of economic development. The success of an investor depends on the quality of the information he uses to make decisions and how quickly he is able to make those decisions. Due to its practical importance, the analysis of financial market movements has been widely studied in the fields of finance, engineering and mathematics in recent decades. Recently, new statistical and software computing mechanisms have been proposed to support investor decisions in both the foreign exchange and stock markets.

Goals/objectives The purpose of this work is to study financial markets, to review and analyze the methods and algorithms of an intelligent decision support system in financial markets.

Methodology The main research methods used in this study are analysis, synthesis, observation and comparative methods.

Conclusion Financial institutions and investors must make investment decisions based on their expectations and trading horizon (eg intraday, daily, weekly and monthly trading). Internal volatility in the stock market around the world makes the task of forecasting difficult. Therefore, forecasting and modeling indicate a number of problems that arise in predicting trends in the stock market. Minimizing forecast error reduces investment risk. It is well known that stock market price series are dynamic, non-parametric, chaotic and noisy in nature, making investments inherently risky.

Keywords: intelligent decision support systems, investors in the financial market, time series, neural networks.

Список источников:

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  6. W. Bao, J. Yue, Y. Rao A deep learning framework for financial time series using stacked autoencoders and long-short term memory PLOS ONE, 12 (2017), pp. 1-24.
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  11. Cavalcante R.C., R.C. Brasileiro, V. Souza, J.Nobrega, A.Oliveira Computational Inelligence and Financil Markets: A Survey and Future Directions. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 55 (2016), pp. 194-211.
  12. R. Cervelló-Royo, F. Guijarro,  K. Michniu Stock market trading rule based on pattern recognition and technical analysis: Forecasting the djia index with intraday data Expert Systems with Applications, 42 (2015), pp. 5963-5975.
  13. H. Chen, K. Xiao, J. Sun, S. Wu A  double-layer neural network framework for high-frequency forecasting ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), 7 (2017), p. 11.
  14. L. Chen, Y. Chi, Y. Guan, J. Fan A hybrid attention-based emd-lstm model for financial time series prediction 2019 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD), IEEE (2019), pp. 113-118.
  15. Shanoli Samui Pal, Samarjit Kar Time series forecasting for stock market prediction through data discretization by fuzzistics and rule generation by rough set theory, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 162, 2019, Pages 18-30, ISSN 0378-4754, 2019.01.001.