Economy Business Banks №3 (65)
Igor A. FilkevichDoctor of economic sciences, Professor. Professor, Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Relations named after N.N.Liventseva, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Management, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Alim A. ZhamanovFirst Secretary, Ministry Foreign of Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
On the issue of the u.s. expanded economic presence in EuropeAbstract
Topic This article deals with the analysis of the evolution of the U.S. leadership’s stance toward developing external economic ties with European countries, starting from the period of the First World War until the present day. The subject of the research is multiple aspects of American-European relations which have determined the priorities of the current U.S. foreign economic policy for Europe. Objectives This work is to reflect the peculiarities of the American economic presence in Europe and the system that defines the shaping of a new world economic paradigm. Methodology This research of prospects for U.S. economic actors to expand their activity at key European markets was facilitated by methods of induction, diagnosis, comparison, analysis and synthesis, as well as through systemic approach and logical generalization. Results and Conclusions The research conducted for this work has helped to define the trends that enhance the global competition for European economic resources against the general backdrop of a growing geopolitical tension in the world. It is also concluded that, as the U.S. is rivaled by the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China for the European markets, Washington tends to resort to both economic and political means of pressure on its European partners. Keywords: world economy, external economic relations, United States of America, European Union, Euro-Atlantic. References: Chuvakhina (2020) – Chuvakhina L.G. Monetary and credit policy of the U.S. Federal Reserve System in the circumstances of a growing global economic crisis [Denezhno-kreditnaya politika FRS SShA v usloviyah narastaniya krizisnyh yavlenij v mirovoj ekonomike] // Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2020. – № 8 (46). – Pp. 8-15. Filkevich (2021) – Filkevich I.A. The U.S. financial sector during COVID-19 [Finansovyj sektor SShA v usloviyah KOVID-19] // Economy and entrepreneurship [Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo]. – 2021. – № 11 (136). – Pp. 142-145. Galin (2021) – Galin V.Yu. Political economy of war. Union of Stalin [Politekenomiya voyny. Soyuz Stalina]. // Moscow: Alistorus [Moskva: Alistorus]. – 2021. – P. 58. Gluschenko (2011) – Gluschenko Yu.N. State of affairs, issues and prospects for U.S.–EU cooperation in the economic area [Sostoyanie, problemy i perspektivy sotrudnichestva SShA i ES v ekonomicheskoj sfere] // National strategy issues [Problemy nacionalnoj strategii]. – 2011. – № 4 (9). – Pp. 146-161. International economic relations: textbook for students of undergraduate programmes [Mezhdunarodnye ekonomicheskie otnosheniya: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov bakalavriata] / I.N.Platonova, O.B.Pichkov, G.M.Kostyunina (and others) – Moscow: MGIMO-University [Moskva: MGIMO-Universitet], 2021. – 399 pp. Kurevlev (2022) – Kurevlev К.А. U.S.–EU economic cooperation in the modern context of international security [Ekonomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo SShA i ES v kontekste mezhdunarodnoj bezopasnosti na sovremennom etape] // Social and humanitarian knowledge [Socialno-gumanitarnye znaniya]. – 2022. – №1. – Pp. 258-266. New development paradigm for international economic relations: challenges and prospects for Russia: monography [Novaya paradigma razvitiya mezhdunarodnyh ekonomicheskih otnoshenij: vyzovy i perspektivy dlya Rossii: monografiya] / T.M.Isachenko, L.S.Revenko, I.N.Platonova (and others); under the editorship of, and with foreword by, T.M.Isachenko, L.S.Revenko [pod obschej redakciej i s predisloviem T.M.Isachenko, L.S.Revenko] – Moscow: MGIMO-University [Moskva: MGIMO-Universitet], 2022. – 405 pp. Nosov (2014) – Nosov M.G. EU–U.S. relations: politics, economy, security [Otnosheniya ES–SShA: politika, ekonomika, bezopasnost] // Modern Europe [Sovremennaya Evropa]. – 2014. – №4 (60). – Pp. 8-22. Skorobogatyj (2022) – Skorobogatyi P. Strategic thinking on holiday: is the West ready for peace talks with Moscow [Kanikuly strategicheskogo myshleniya: gotov li Zapad k mirnym peregovoram s Moskvoj] // Expert [Ekspert]. – 2022. – №25. – Pp. 52-57. Yevstafyev (2022) – Yevstafyev D.G. New world order: the need for “clean slate” and geo-economic realities of the present day [Novyj mirovoj poryadok: potrebnost v “chistom liste” i geoekonomicheskie realii segodnyashnego dnya] // International Affairs [Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn]. – 2022. – №4. – Pp. 38-49. |
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Mikhail N. KiselevHead of the Department of Intellectual Property of llc Gazpromneft–Industrial Innovations(GPN-II), member of the commissions on the roadmap activities Transformation of the business climate. Intellectual property. |
Patent research previous investments in rnd. tools and effects from the application of patent analyticsAbstract
Subject / Topic The issue of patent analytics in the innovation process is underestimated both in terms of its direct impact on the process, and in terms of readiness on a national scale to radically change the situation. Goals/Objectives Improving the quality of pre-project study and study of business plans before the start of the investment stage in research and development. Methodology Analysis of the existing regulatory framework and standardization documents in relation to the goals and objectives of the pre-project evaluation of the investment object in terms of patent analytics tools. Conclusions and Relevance The author provides a rationale for the fact that the perception of the use of patent analytics mechanisms in justifying investments in research and development should be formed everywhere, as an integral part of the innovation management culture. Patent research is a set of tools for searching, selecting, systematizing and subsequent analysis of a set of patent information sources. It is not true to perceive patent research only as a tool for determining patentability or patent clearance examination, since at the early stages of development it is not so much important to create a protectable RIA or a patent-free preliminary project, but to provide scientists and engineers with access to the fundamental technical solutions of the industry and determine trends and trends in development of the subject area of development. Keywords: innovation process, innovation management, investment in research and development, risk assessment, intellectual property law, patent analytics, patent research. References:
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Irina A. ShishovaCandidate of Economics, Dean of the Faculty of Management, business and law Independent non-commercial organization of higher education «lnstitute of international economic relations» E-mail: |
Improving stress management in industrial enterprisesAnnotation
The article discusses the problems of stress management at an industrial enterprise and ways to solve them. The mainly applied theoretical and methodological basis on the stated topic is presented. The author examines the issue of production management through the prism of stress management, which is relevant in conditions of prolonged crisis phenomena and depressed mood of a significant part of society and, accordingly, employees of the company. As a result, the author notes that the development and implementation of a system of practical measures for the prevention of stress and correction of emotional burnout will reduce the stress level of employees of the enterprise and thereby increase the efficiency of their professional duties, which is manifested in an increase in labor productivity. The article refers to the author’s cycle of publications on stress management in industrial economic entities. Since the research is applied, some of the information is not disclosed publicly. This article provides only a part of the results obtained. The hypothesis of the study is confirmed. The theoretical significance lies in conducting a comparative analysis of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of professional stress and stress resistance, deepening knowledge on the management of professional and organizational stress. Information base of the work: information from organizational and administrative documentation, accounting (financial) statements of the enterprise, modern scientific literature. Keywords: stress, stress management, industrial enterprise, personnel policy, industrial stress, personnel, employee, employment. References: Alekseev (2022) – Alekseev A.A. Algorithms for Effective Business Management: Staff Motivation [Algoritmy effektivnogo upravleniya biznesom: motivaciya personala]. Economics and Entrepreneurship [Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo]. 2022. No. 5 (142). pp. 824-828. Bogomolova (2011) – Bogomolova Yu.I. The factor of globalization in the state regulation of human potential reproduction [Faktor globalizacii v gosudarstvennom regulirovanii vosproizvodstva chelovecheskogo potenciala]. European Social Science Journal [European Social Science Journal]. 2011. No. 13 (16). pp. 374-379. Bogomolova (2012) – Bogomolova Yu.I. The concept of expanding the spatial boundaries of human potential reproduction in the modern economy [Koncepciya rasshireniya prostranstvennyh granic vosproizvodstva chelovecheskogo potenciala v sovremennoj ekonomike]. European Social Science Journal [European Social Science Journal]. 2012. No. 10-1 (26). pp. 519-526. Bogomolova (2020) – Bogomolova Yu.I., Kaloeva A.T., Afanasenko G.O. Socio-economic aspects of gender inequality (on the example of Russia and Brazil) [Social’no-ekonomicheskie aspekty gendernogo neravenstva (na primere Rossii i Brazilii).]. Economics and Business: theory and practice [Ekonomika i biznes: teoriya i praktika.]. 2020. No. 8 (66). pp. 20-26. Bogomolova (2012) – Bogomolova Yu.I. Modern concept of human potential: reproductive aspect [Sovremennaya koncepciya chelovecheskogo potenciala: vosproizvodstvennyj aspekt.]. Bulletin of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Novgorod State University. Yaroslav the Wise [Vestnik Instituta ekonomiki i upravleniya Novgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. YAroslava Mudrogo]. 2012. No. 2. pp. 16-24. Platonova (2013) – Platonova E.D., Bogomolova Yu.I., Platonov A.Yu., Koreshkov O.V. The use of human potential in the global economy: outsourcing business model [Ispol’zovanie chelovecheskogo potenciala v global’noj ekonomike: autsorsingovaya biznes-model’]. Online Journal of Science [Internet-zhurnal Naukovedenie]. 2013. No. 6 (19). p. 81. Suetin (2017) – Suetin A.N., Yablonovskaya T.V. Approaches to the formation of a system of adaptation of personnel of a commercial organization [Podhody k formirovaniyu sistemy adaptacii personala kommercheskoj organizacii]. Economics and entrepreneurship [Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo]. 2017. No. 3-2 (80). pp. 641-644. Suetin (2015) – Suetin A.N., Kotlyachkova N.V., Kostenkova N.K., Barchan N.N. Formation and use of the resource potential of economic entities [Formirovanie i ispol’zovanie resursnogo potenciala hozyajstvuyushchih sub”ektov]. Fundamental research [Fundamental’nye issledovaniya]. 2015. No. 11-2. pp. 413-416. Suetin (2010) – Suetin S.N., Kostenkova N.K. Development of risk management in industrial organizations in the conditions of financial and economic crisis [Razvitie risk-menedzhmenta v promyshlennyh organizaciyah v usloviyah finansovo-ekonomicheskogo krizisa]. Kazan science [Kazanskaya nauka]. 2010. No. 1. pp. 252-257. Tyurev (2017) – Tyurev V.K., Suetin S.N., Keshchyan V.G. Fundamentals of entrepreneurship and commerce [Osnovy predprinimatel’stva i kommercii]. Moscow, 2017. 252 p. Yukhimenko (2009) – Yukhimenko V.G., Suetin S.N. Assessment of the current state of the oil industry of the Volga-Ural region [Ocenka sovremennogo sostoyaniya neftyanoj promyshlennosti Volgo-Ural’skogo regiona]. Science of Udmurtia [Nauka Udmurtii]. 2009. No. 8. pp. 71-79. |
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Dmitry A. IsakovPhD in economics, Chairman of Board of Directors, National economy investment fund, Moscow, Russian Federation.
E-mail: |
A new paradigm of management in the electric power industryAbstract
Subject The article presents a new paradigm of process management and tariff formation in the electric power industry. The article is aimed at studying the problems in the management of the electric power industry and related branches of the national economy. The electricity system is the main one for the development of the entire economy of the country, the prospects for the formation of a new methodology for tariff formation, methods and models for the expanded profitable development of the industry. The problems that have arisen over the past decades are the result of inefficient management; there have been distortions in the development of related sectors of the national economy due to the lack of balance of tariff policy in the electric power industry. It is necessary to develop a new model for the formation of tariffs, taking into account economic growth and improving the socio-economic situation of the Russian economy. The research methodology is based on the use of the method of assessment, analysis, forecasting, expert assessments and statistics. The result of the work is the formation of a new Paradigm for project management in the electric power industry, updating tariff formation, substantiation of the model of expanded cost-effective management of the electric power system industry. The article reflects the main ways of effective management of the electric power industry. Inference. The new Paradigm for the Development of the Electric Power System will make it possible to form effective regulatory and legal regulation, assist in improving tariff formation, forming a model for expanded profitable activities of the industry and related sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation. Keywords: Paradigm, electric power industry, model of extended management, tariff formation, planning, digital economy. References: Federal Law of November 4, 2007 No. 250-ФЗ. “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of measures to reform the Unified Energy System of Russia” (with changes and additions) Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2009 No. 823 “Rules for the Development and Approval of Schemes and Programs for the Prospective Development of the Electric Power Industry” Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2017 No. 1562 “On Determining in the Price Zones of Heat Supply the Limit Level of the Price for Thermal Energy (Power), including Indexation of the Maximum Price Level for Thermal Energy (Power), and the Technical and Economic Parameters of boiler Houses and Heat Networks, used to calculate the price limit for thermal energy (power)” Energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020. 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University and business: new models of interaction [Universitet i biznes: novye modeli vzaimodejstviya]. Mining magazine. 2017. No. 1. S. 96-97. Nikolaev, Isakov (2014) – Nikolaev V.A., Isakov D.A. Methodology of strategic risk analysis of social systems [Metodologiya strategicheskogo analiza riskov social’nyh sistem]. Audit and financial analysis. 2014. No. 1. Pp. 316-318. Senchagov (2015) – Senchagov V.K. National structural policy – the way to ensure economic security [Nacional’naya strukturnaya politika – put’ k obespecheniyu ekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti]. Herald RANS. 2015. No. 5. Pp. 64-70. Tolstykh, Klyuka (2022) – Tolstykh T.O., Klyuka F.O. Innovative potential of project-oriented enterprises. Models, systems, networks in economics, technology, nature and society [Innovacionnyj potencial proekto-orientirovannyh predpriyatij. Modeli, sistemy, seti v ekonomike, tekhnike, prirode i obshchestve]. 2022. No. 1 (41). pp. 63-72. Usmanova, Isakov (2018) – Usmanova T.Kh., Isakov D.A. Scientific and technological development in Russia in the context of digital economy introduction. [Nauchno-tekhnologicheskoe razvitie v Rossii v usloviyah vnedreniya cifrovoj ekonomiki]. Economics and management: problems, solutions. 2018. T. 7. No. 5. Pp. 101-105. Usmanova, Isakov (2018) – Usmanova T.Kh., Isakov D.A. Integration of fundamental and applied science for the development of innovations in production [Integraciya fundamental’noj i prikladnoj nauki dlya razvitiya innovacij v proizvodstve]. Economy. Business. Banks. 2018. T. 7. Pp. 66-78. |
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Artemii O. BabaninResearch assistant, International center for development of innovations and student initiatives at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Tutoring as part of the educational process in the higher education system of foreign countriesAbstract:
Subject/topic: The article examines the historical background of the emergence of the main approaches to the application of the methodology of tutoring in higher education institutions in Europe and analyzes the approaches to their implementation in the educational process. In addition, the author identified differences in the methods of using tutoring in different countries, and evaluated the effectiveness of using tutoring to modern students. Goals/objectives: The purpose of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the use of tutoring as part of the educational process in the higher education system of foreign countries, as well as to compare approaches to the introduction of tutoring in the educational process. Methodology: During the research, such methods as deductive and induction approaches, situational analysis, predictive modeling and others were used. Results/conclusions: The author identifies the most popular foreign approaches to the introduction of tutoring in the educational process, identifies their weaknesses and strengths, considers situational models describing their application in practice, and analyzes the effectiveness of tutoring as part of the educational process in the higher education system in Europe. Keywords: tutoring, higher education, educational process, educational practices, personal development of students. References: Alieva (2012) – Educational activity of a modern university [Vospitatelnaya deyatelnost sovremennih vuzov]: A scientific report./ Under the scientific editorship of : Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor L.V. Aliyeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, N.A. Nefedova, M.: Publishing House of the Academy of MNEPU. – 2012. Vlasenko (2013) – Vlasenko S.V. The development of the educational system as a change in the structural components of the process of education [Razvitie vospitatelnoy sistemy kak izmenenie strukturnikh sostavlyayushikh processa vospitaniya] // Azimut of scientific research: pedagogy and psychology. 2013. No. 3. pp. 7-9. Durmanenko (2014) – Durmanenko O.L. Monitoring the organization of educational work in higher educational institutions: difficulties and ways to overcome them [Monitoring organizacii vaspitatelnoy raboty v vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyakh: trudnosti I puti preodoleniya] // Azimut of scientific research: pedagogy and psychology. 2014. No. 2. pp. 35-37. Yastrub (2015) – Yastrub O.A. Group forms of extracurricular educational work on the formation of a culture of interpersonal interaction of students [Gruppovie formy vneauditornoy vospitatelnoy raboty po formirovaniyu kultury mezhlichnostnogo vzaimodeystviya studentov] // Karelian Scientific Journal. 2015. No. 1 (10). pp. 85-88. Abels (2007) – Abels H. Interaktion, Identität, Präsentation: Kleine Einführung in interpretative Theorien der Soziologie (Studientexte zur Soziologie). – GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2007. – 54 p. Thorstein (1995) – Thorstein Balle. The Danish Friskole – a segment of the Grundtvigian-kold school tradition. – Danish Friskole association. – Prices Haverej 11, Faaborg. – 1995. Apple (1995) – Democratic Schools / Ed. By M.W.Apple and J.A.Beane. – Alexandria: ASCD. – 1995. – 106 p. Gates (2006) – Journal of Moral Education / Volume 35 Number 4 Dec. 2006: Editorial: Where is moral in citizenship education? by B.E.Gates. – J.M.E.: Wakes Colne, Colchester, UK. – PP. 437–442. Jürgens (1994) – Jürgens E.: Die «neue» pädagogik und die bewegung offener Unterricht. Theorie, Plaxis und Forschungslage. – Sankt Audustin: Acad. Verlag, 1994. – 138 p. Neill (1969) – Neill A. Theorie und Praxis der antiautoriataren Erziehung. – Hamburg, 1969. – 216 p. |
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