The Modern Layer №3(40)
Elena D. KostylevaCandidate of law, associate Professor senior researcher of the direction constitutional and legal studies Center for justice research FGBOU VPO «Russian state University of justice», Moscow, Россия. E-mail:
Social guarantees of the right to education, peculiarities of its realization and protectionAnnotation
Subject/theme. Social guarantee of the rightе to educate in the conditions of modernization of modern education in Russia, constitutional and legal features of its implementation and protection. Goals/objectives. Identification of the problems is the literate in social commanding of the right in education, the influence of modern concepts and principles of development on the content and limits of the implementations of the righting in question in the contacting of the actualization of the tasks of ensuring the vital interests of humanity. Consider the basic social guarantees of the right to education. To revealing the features of the realization of the right to educating, their regulatory potential. Analyze the conditions, forms, and ways of protecting the right to education. Methodology. Methods: general scientific dialectical, concretization, formal-logical, complex legal analysis. The comparative legal method was used when considering various interpretations of the concept of the right to education, when comparing the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Conclusion. The State’s social policy in education is based on three basic principles: recognition of the importance and necessity of education; ensuring the right of every individual to education; prevention of discrimination in education. The content of the right to education has a complex legal structure that includes several interrelated elements: accessibility, education for everyone on a non-discriminatory basis, regardless of age; the possibility of obtaining an unlimited number of levels of education in various forms and organizations; within territorial accessibility; choice of the language of instruction. The leaping conditions for the realization of the right to education are based on basic principles, such as equality, respect for human rights, which affect the content of legislative and educational norms and are the main guarantees of their provision. Inequality in education generates social differentiation at all levels, where there are educational institutions that provide paid services. The analysis of practice shows that the violation of the right to education mainly concerns the imperfection of legislation on education and citizens mostly apply to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation for verification or cancellation of norms in the field of education regulation. Complaints mainly relate to the issues of free education, free choice of language (the implementation of this norm is limited by the real possibilities of their practical application). Keywords: The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; the right to education; social guarantees.
References: Ozhiganova, Kozulya (2009) – Ozhiganova M.V., Kozulya A.V. On the definition of the concepts of the right to education and freedom of education [K opredeleniyu ponyatij prava na obrazovanie i svobody obrazovaniya] // Law and education. [Pravo i obrazovanie]. – 2009. – No. 12. – pp. 13-17. Orlovsky (1986) – Orlovsky Yu.P. Constitutional guarantees of the right to education in the USSR [Konstitucionnye garantii prava na obrazovanie v SSSR]. / Yu. P. Orlovsky; Ed. by A. I. Stavtsev; USSR Academy of Sciences. – M.: Nauka, 1986. – 171 p. Yagofarov (2008) – Yagofarov D.A. Regulatory and legal support of education: legal regulation of the education system: [Normativno-pravovoe obespechenie obrazovaniya: pravovoe regulirovanie sistemy obrazovaniya] a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in pedagogical specialties (OPD.F.02 – Pedagogy) / Yagofarov D.A. – Moscow: VLADOS-Press, 2008. – 399 p. – (Textbook for universities). – ISBN 978-5-305-00199-0. – EDN QVZBGP. Kostyleva (2022) – Kostyleva, E. D. Realization and protection of human social rights and freedoms in the digital age [Realizaciya i zashchita social’nyh prav i svobod cheloveka v epohu cifrovyh tekhnologij] / E. D. Kostyleva // Modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – 2022. – № 2(39). – Pp. 22-31. – EDN PIZBZV. Kostyleva (2020) – Kostyleva E.D. Application of the principle of equality by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights in assessing the legality of restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms in decisions [Primenenie konstitucionnym sudom RF i Evropejskim sudom po pravam cheloveka, principa ravnopraviya pri ocenke pravomernosti ogranichenij konstitucionnyh prav i svobod v resheniyah] / E. D. Kostyleva // Modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – 2020. – № 3(32). – Pp. 77-89. – EDN NQDWIB. Kostyleva (2020) – Kostyleva, E. D. The principle of respect for human rights in assessing the legality of restrictions [Princip uvazheniya prav cheloveka pri ocenke pravomernosti ogranichenij] / E. D. Kostyleva // Modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – 2020. – № 4 (33). – Pp. 53-62. – EDN SLPBLN. Kostyleva (2022) – Kostyleva, E. D. Problems of judicial protection of social rights and freedoms in a crisis [Problemy sudebnoj zashchity social’nyh prav i svobod v usloviyah krizisa] / E. D. Kostyleva // Modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – 2022. – № 1(38). – Pp. 16-26. – EDN CYWMTK. Kostyleva (2021) – Kostyleva, E. D. Judicial protection of personal rights and freedoms [Sudebnaya zashchita lichnykh prav i svobod]. / E. D. Kostyleva // Modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – 2021. – № 2(35). – Pp. 45-55. – EDN CJAKHS. Umnova-Konyukhova (2021) – Umnova-Konyukhova, I. A. Judicial protection of human rights and freedoms as a legal institution: current state and prospects of development in the Russian Federation [Sudebnaya zashchita prav i svobod cheloveka kak pravovoj institut: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya v Rossijskoj Federacii] / I. A. Umnova-Konyukhova, E. D. Kostyleva // Socio-political Sciences. [Social’no-politicheskie nauki] – 2021. – Vol. 11. – No. 5. – pp. 34-40. – DOI 10.33693/2223-0092-2021-11-5-34-40. – EDN XSYEJN. Kostyleva (2019) – Kostyleva, E. D. Correlation of the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights on the protection of personal and political rights [Sootnoshenie pozicij konstitucionnogo suda RF i Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka po zashchite lichnyh i politicheskih prav] / E. D. Kostyleva // Modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – 2019. – № 4 (29). – Pp. 80-95. – EDN LPKKMO. |
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Alexey P. AlbovDoctor of Law, Head of the Department of Theory of Law, State and Comparative Law, Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities 1 Professor of the Department of Theory, History of State and Law, Russian Customs Academy, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Anton А. SkipperovAssistant to the President of the Association of Fishing Fleet Owners, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Functions of the russian state and customs law in the regulation and development of internet tradeAbstract
Subject/topic The article considers the functions of the state in the development and regulation of cross-border Internet trade and related transformations in customs law and administration. Goals/objectives To reveal the main directions of the transformation of customs law and the functions of the state in optimizing online commerce, to show that it is necessary to separate goods from online commerce into a separate legal category, to justify the need for new approaches in the field of customs administration. Methodology During the preparation, both general scientific methods were used: analysis and synthesis of empirical and scientific methodological material, as well as methods of private scientific research: legal comparative studies, the method of legal modeling. Results / Conclusions It is shown that the main factors of e-commerce growth in the modern world require constant monitoring of existing legislation, and a more efficient regulatory role on the part of the state, trends in the field of international online trade and customs administration, supported by up-to-date official statistics; the main transformations in the customs law of Russia and the EAEU member states are revealed: the allocation of goods for online commerce into a separate legal category, the legal regulation of electronic commerce, the need to conduct pilot projects in accordance with the requirements of economic security; the necessity of systematization of normative legal acts in the field of customs administration was proved; it is emphasized that the optimization of legislation should be based on a scientifically based basis, taking into account the prospects for the development of legal policy in the field of various branches of law governing Internet commerce. Keywords: state functions, customs law, customs legislation, e-commerce, customs administration, electronic commerce.
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Julia A. PeganovaProfessor of the Department of administrative and financial of North-Western Institute (branch) of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), applicant of the Department of administrative and financial of North-Western Institute (branch) of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
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Ambivalent approach to the concept of “forest”: impact on the effectiveness of the exercise of public authorities’ powersAbstract
Subject / Topic The article is dedicated to legal concept of “forest” in terms of the impact of the quality of terminology on Forest governance. Examples of different interpretations of the norm in law enforcement are given. Goals / Objectives In this article, the author, based on the appeal to the norms of current legislation, judicial practice, scientific literature, international sources, attempts to give a meaningful description of the concept of “forest”. The purpose of the study is a critical analysis of the term “forest” enshrined in the Forest Code of the Russian Federation from the perspective of a managerial approach, assessing the effectiveness of public administration in the field of forest relations. The author pays special attention to the study of the influence of the quality of terminology on the performance of such powers of public authorities as state forest control (supervision), as well as on the specifics of compensation for damage when considering disputes in court. The author’s hypothesis, reflected in the article, is the insufficient completeness of the existing legal definition of the concept of “forest” for correct application in practice. According to the results of the study, the author’s definition of the concept of “forest” is proposed. Methodology Methods of analysis, comparison, description, legal modeling abstraction. Conclusion and Relevance Based on the results of the analysis, the Author concludes that the ambivalent approach to the concept of “forest” used in the Forest Code of the Russian Federation may negatively affect the effectiveness of the exercise of powers by public authorities. The concept of “forest” is proposed as the object of complex legal regulation: land, civil, environmental and administrative. Keywords: forest, forestry affairs, governance, powers, competence, public authorities.
References: Golubev (2020) – Golubev S.I. The subject of environmental crime: monograph. [Predmet ekologicheskogo prestupleniya: monografiya]M.: CONTRACT, 2020. 176 p Schwartz (2019) – Schwartz M.Z., Volodarsky D.B. The principle of “the polluter pays” and the legal responsibility of economic entities for the inevitable environmental harm. Based on the Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 13.05.2019 No. 1197-O [Printsip «zagryaznitel platit» i yuridicheskaya otvetstvennost khozyaystvuyushchikh subyektov za neizbezhnyy ekologicheskiy vred. Po motivam Opredeleniya Konstitutsionnogo Suda RF ot 13.05.2019 № 1197-O] // Law. – 2019. – No. 9. – pp. 100 – 121. Khludeneva (2014) – Khludeneva N.I. Defects of legal regulation of environmental protection: monograph. [Defekty pravovogo regulirovaniya okhrany okruzhayushchey sredy: monografiya.] M.: IZiSP, INFRA-M, 2014. 172 p. Klyukanova (2021) – Klyukanova L.G. On the question of the place and significance of forest law in the legal system of the Russian Federation [K voprosu o meste i znachenii lesnogo prava v pravovoy sisteme Rossiyskoy Federatsii] // Actual problems of Russian law. – 2021. – No. 4. – p. 197. Yakovleva (2012) – Yakovleva T.A. Administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of forest management [Administrativnaya otvetstvennost za pravonarusheniya v oblasti lesopolzovaniya]: Diss. … cand. jurid. sciences’. Saint Petersburg. – 2012. – P. 20. Pevsner (2008) – Pevsner A.G. The Forest Code: what does haste lead to [Lesnoy kodeks: k chemu privodit speshka] / A.G. Pevsner, M.A. Yudin // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. – 2008. – No. 5. – p. 53. Pysheva (2022) – Pysheva E.S. State-legal regulation of the use and protection of protective forest plantations in agriculture [Gosudarstvenno-pravovoye regulirovaniye ispolzovaniya i okhrany zashchitnykh lesnykh nasazhdeniy v selskom khozyaystve] // Actual problems of Russian law. – 2022. – No. 5. – p. 216. Kharinov (2021) – Kharinov I.N. Controversial issues (not) of the application of the Law on Forest Amnesty [Spornyye voprosy (ne)primeneniya Zakona o lesnoy amnistii] // Law. – 2021. – No. 11. – p. 54. Anokhin (2010) – Anokhin S.A., Gerasimova O.A. Administrative and legal protection of forests [Administrativno-pravovaya okhrana lesov] // Administrative and municipal law. – 2010. – No. 7. – p. 55. Puryaeva (2011) – Puryaeva A.Yu. Problems of defining the concept of “forest” in the legislation of the Russian Federation [Problemy opredeleniya ponyatiya «les» v zakonodatelstve RF] // Russian Law Journal. – 2011. – No. 5. – pp. 179 – 185. |
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Anastasia A. SemenovaAdjunct of the Faculty of Training of Scientific, Pedagogical and Scientific Personnel of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot.
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Topical issues of police activity to counteract dangerous hobbies of teenagers and young peopleAnnotation
Subject/topic. Topical issues of police activity to counteract dangerous hobbies of teenagers and young people. Goals/tasks. In the article, the autor says administrative supervision of police activities to combat dangerous hobbies of adolescents and adolescents at this stage. The types of dangerous hobbies are listed. It is particularly important to conduct a detailed study on the administrative and legal control of police activities to combat the dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people. The purpose of this research work is to analyze the theoretical and practical issues of administrative and legal supervision of police activities to counteract the dangerous hobbies of adolescents and adolescents. The аauthor’s hypothesis reflected in the study is that the current legislation of the Russian Federation, various regulatory norms and the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation are insufficient in the field of combating new dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people. Methodology. The study used general methods such as: analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, problem statement, hypothesis building, and concretization. Conclusion. As a result of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop recommendations, including methodological ones, which will contribute to the effectiveness of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the introduction of various regulatory norms and the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation in the field of countering new dangerous hobbies among adolescents and young people. The results of the study can be used for further scientific development of the issues raised in the work. Keywords: police, administrative activity, administrative responsibility, counteraction, prevention, prevention, dangerous hobbies, teenagers, youth.
Reference: Koroleva, Korleva (2016) ₋ Koroleva A.F., Koroleva N.S. Socio – psychological features of adolescence Social’no-psihologicheskie osobennosti podrostkovogo vozrasta [Social’no-psihologicheskie osobennosti podrostkovogo vozrasta] // New science strategies and vectors of development [Novye nauchnye strategii i vektory razvitiya] 2016. No. 118-2. Yudina (2018) ₋ Yudina A. I. Extreme hobbies of modern youth: a social challenge to society and the search for alternatives [Ekstremal’nye uvlecheniya sovremennoj molodezhi: social’nyj vyzov obshchestvu i poisk al’ternativ] // Scientific Notes (Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts) [Nauchnye zametki (Altajskaya gosudarstvennaya akademiya kul’tury i iskusstv]. 2017. Potapov (2018) ₋ Potapov V. V. Public confidence in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a key factor in improving the quality of socio-political relations [Doverie naseleniya k organam MVD kak klyuchevoj faktor povysheniya kachestva obshchestvenno-politicheskih otnoshenij] // Socio-political Sciences [Social’no-politicheskie nauki]. 2018. Ilchenko (2014) ₋ Ilchnko V. A. Public trust and support of citizens as the most important conditions for police activity in Russia [Obshchestvennoe doverie i podderzhka grazhdan kak vazhnejshie usloviya deyatel’nosti policii v Rossii]// Legal science and practice: Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Yuridicheskaya nauka i praktika: Vestnik Nizhegorodskoj akademii MVD Rossii]. 2014. № 3 (27). Bogdanov, Khazov (2015) ₋ Bogdano A.V., Khazov E. N. The main directions of police activity for the prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors [Osnovnye napravleniya deyatel’nosti policii po profilaktike beznadzornosti i pravonarushenij sredi nesovershennoletnih]// Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii]. 2015. № 1. Abramyan, Koperchak, Ryazantseva (2015) – Abramyan S.K., Koperchak K.O., Ryazantseva A.A. The legal status of a child in Russia [Pravovoj status rebenka v Rossii] // Historical and socio-educational thought [Istoricheskaya i social’no-obrazovatel’naya mysl’]. 2015. Vol. 7. No. 4. Koroleva, Koroleva (2016) – Koroleva A.F., Koroleva N.S. Socio – psychological features of adolescence [Social’no – psihologicheskie osobennosti podrostkovogo vozrasta]// New Science: strategies and vectors of development [Novaya nauka: strategii i vektory razvitiya]. 2016. № 118-3. Kiryukhin, Pestov, Uskova (2020) – Kiryukhin V.V., Pestov N.N., Uskova A.S. Administrative activities of the police for the prevention of juvenile delinquency [Administrativnaya deyatel’nost’ policii po profilaktike pravonarushenij nesovershennoletnih]: textbook. M.: Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [uchebnoe posobie. M.: Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii,], 2020. Shumeyko (2017) – Shumeyko A.A. Factor analysis of crime based on socio-economic indicators [Faktornyj analiz prestupnosti na osnove social’no-ekonomicheskih pokazatelej ]// Problems of modern economy: materials of the VI International Scientific Conference (Kazan, August 2017). Kazan: Young Scientist [Problemy sovremennoj ekonomiki: materialy VI Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Kazan’, avgust 2017 g.). Kazan’: Molodoj uchenyj], 2017. Vakula, Zagutin (2018) – Vakula I.M., Zagutin D.S. Extreme sports leisure and transport deviations as a manifestation of addictive behavior among modern Russian youth [Ekstremal’nyj sportivnyj dosug i transportnye deviacii kak proyavlenie addiktivnogo povedeniya v srede sovremennoj rossijskoj molodezhi] // Jurist – Pravoved [Yurist” – Pravoved”]. 2018. № 3 (86). |
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Elena A. ZolotovskayaSenior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute of Law of Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok. E-mail:
Establishing the fact of kinship relationsAnnotation
Subject/topic. The subject of this study is the norms of the current Russian civil procedure legislation regulating the specifics of judicial review of cases on establishing the facts of family relations. Goals/task. The purpose of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the procedural features of the evaluation of evidence by judicial authorities in cases of establishing the facts of family relations. Methodology. The methodological basis of this research includes those methods of scientific cognition of objective legal reality and reality that were used when writing the article, namely, such as: deduction, induction, system-structural analysis, formal legal method, logical method, comparative legal method, statistical legal method. Conclusion. In the content of this scientific article, the author examines the norms of the current Russian civil procedure legislation regulating the specifics of judicial review of cases on establishing the facts of kinship relations; reporting statistical data on the number of cases considered by courts on establishing the facts of kinship relations and materials of formed judicial practice on disputes on establishing the facts of kinship relations. The analysis of the formed judicial practice carried out by the author testifies to the lack of knowledge among persons who are applicants in cases of establishing the facts of family relations about what kind of evidence can help them to establish this fact in court, which often leads to a refusal to satisfy the application and, as a consequence, not the onset of legal consequences for the applicant. Keywords: kinship relations, fact of kinship, photo evidence, documentary evidence, genetic examination, notarized correspondence. References: YAkimova (2021) – Yakimova E.S. Osobennosti razresheniya i rassmotreniya del ob ustanovlenii faktov, imeyushchih yuridicheskoe znachenie v grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2021. № 2. S. 143-151. Frolovich (2017) – Frolovich E.M. Ponyatie yuridicheskih faktov v grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve // Problemy ekonomiki i yuridicheskoj praktiki. 2017. № 3. S. 93-96. CHudinovskaya (2007) – Chudinovskaya N.A. Ustanovlenie faktov, imeyushchih yuridicheskoe znachenie, v osobom proizvodstve grazhdanskogo i arbitrazhnogo processa: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk: 12.00.15 / CHudinovskaya Natal’ya Andreevna. – Ekaterinburg, 2007. – 231 s. Zolotuhin (2009) – Zolotuhin A.D. Problemy sudoproizvodstva po delam ob ustanovlenii faktov, imeyushchih yuridicheskoe znachenie v osobom proizvodstve: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk: 12.00.15 / Zolotuhin Aleksandr Dmitrievich. – Saratov, 2009. – 224 s. Haruzina, CHibisova (2015) – Haruzina YU.V., CHibisova O.V. Rodstvennye otnosheniya v praktike nauchnogo analiza // Gumanitarnye nauchnye issledovaniya. 2015. № 11. S. 88-93. Purge (2015) – Purge A.R. Pravovoe regulirovanie surrogatnogo materinstva kak metoda vspomogatel’nyh reproduktivnyh tekhnologij: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk: 12.00.03 / Purge Anna Rolandovna. – Dushanbe, 2015. –237 s. Grazhdanskij processual’nyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14.11.2002 № 138-FZ (red. ot 14.07.2022) // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 18.11.2002. № 46. St. 4532. Reshetnikova (2019) – Reshetnikova I.V. Dokazyvanie v grazhdanskom processe: uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie dlya vuzov. – 7-e izd., pererab. i dop. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo YUrajt, 2019. 388 s. Grojsberg (2014) – Grojsberg A.I. K voprosu ob ustanovlenii sudom fakta rodstvennyh otnoshenij v nasledstvennyh pravootnosheniyah // Zapadno-Ural’skij institut ekonomiki i prava, Perm’. 2014. № 1 S. 266-274 Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 16.05.2017 № 16 (red. ot 26.12.2017) «O primenenii sudami zakonodatel’stva pri rassmotrenii del, svyazannyh s ustanovleniem proiskhozhdeniya detej» // Byulleten’ Verhovnogo Suda RF, № 7, iyul’, 2017. Ablyatipova, Devyatova (2020) – Ablyatipova N.A., Devyatova N.V. Rol’ dokazatel’stv v delah ob ustanovlenii otcovstva: sistemnost’ pravoprimenitel’noj praktiki // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2020. № 6. S. 70-75. |
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Elena V. ElnikovaCandidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Business and Corporate Law Kutafin Moscow State Law University
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Legal provision of agricultural security productsAbstract
Subject/topicc Novelties of Russian legislation in the field of safe handling of pistils and agrochemicals. Goals/objectives To analyze the novelties of Russian legislation, including the introduction of federal state control (supervision) in the field of safe handling of pesticides and agrochemicals, the federal state information system for the traceability of pesticides and agrochemicals, the features of their legal regime, to establish the sources and features of legal regulation of similar relations in the countries The EAEU and some other states. Methodology Both general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analysis, comparison) and private law (formal-legal, historical-legal) methods of scientific cognition were used. Results/conclusions: The study of Russian and foreign experience in the legal regulation of the use of pesticides and agrochemicals showed the presence of some common approaches, in particular, the use of the registration system. The conclusion is formulated about the need to consolidate in Russian legislation the requirements for special training of persons directly using pesticides and agrochemicals in agricultural entrepreneurship. It is established that the introduction of the federal state information system for traceability of pesticides and agrochemicals will contribute to the expansion of transparency of their turnover, which will positively affect the safety of agricultural products. Keywords: agricultural products, safety, pesticides, agrochemicals, agricultural commodity producer. References: Mayseenko (2007) – Mayseenko A.V. State registration of pesticides and agrochemicals in Belarus [Gosudarstvennaya registraciya pesticidov i agrohimikatov v Belorussii] // Protection and quarantine of plants. 2007. – No. 4. – pp. 3-5. Slepenkova, Ageshkina (2012) – Slepenkova O.A., Ageshkina N.A. Article-by-article commentary to Federal Law No. 109-FZ of July 19, 1997 «On safe handling of pesticides and agrochemicals» [Postatejnyj kommentarij k Federal’nomu zakonu ot 19 iyulya 1997 g. N 109-FZ «O bezopasnom obrashchenii s pesticidami i agrohimikatami.]- Moscow: ElKnigi, 2012. – 152 S. Morante, Marrugo Negrete (2018) – Morante C. G., Marrugo Negrete J.L. Prácticas agrícolas y riesgos a la salud por el uso de plaguicidas en agrícultores subregión Mojana – Colombia. In: Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental (RIAA), 2018, Vol. 9, Núm. 1, pp. 29-40. |
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Anna R. PurgeCandidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute of Law of Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok. E-mail:
Legal problems of establishing the origin of childrenAnnotation
Subject/topic. The subject of the study is the legal relationship that develops regarding the establishment of the origin of children born with the use of surrogate motherhood. Goals/objectives. The purpose of the study is to analyze the establishment of the origin of a child born as part of the practical implementation of the surrogacy program. Methodology. The methodological basis is represented by a set of methods of scientific cognition of objective legal reality applied during preparation and writing: formal legal method, logical method, method of legal modeling, method of legal statistics, system-structural analysis, method of content analysis of messages published in official mass media, method of analysis of judicial practice, comparative legal method. Conclusion. In the content of the scientific article, the author examines the problems of establishing the origin of children born under the surrogacy program, analyzes the need to transfer the legally established priority of parental rights from a woman who acted as a surrogate mother to genetic parents acting as customers under the surrogacy contract. The author also highlights the accompanying difficulties in terms of the legal regulation of other legal relations arising from the fact of establishing the origin of the child, in particular, alimony legal relations for the maintenance of the child within the framework of the implementation of surrogate motherhood, if a woman who acted as a surrogate mother is legally registered as the mother of the child, as well as legal relations related to the provision of maternity capital, in in the case of the birth of two or more children by a woman acting as a surrogate mother, whose only legal father is a man, acting as a customer under the contract of surrogacy and other legal relations. Key words: origin of children, surrogate motherhood, surrogate mother, genetic parents, alimony relations, maternity capital, contract, child. References: Tolstikova (2017) – Tolstikova O.M. Problems of legal regulation of surrogate motherhood in Russia [Problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya surrogatnogo materinstva v Rossii] // Siberian Legal Bulletin. 2017. No. 1. pp. 83-87. Alborov (2018) – Alborov S.V. Surrogacy contract: legal nature and content [Dogovor surrogatnogo materinstva: pravovaya priroda i soderzhanie]: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Alborov Suliko Viktorovich. – Moscow, 2018. – 225 p. Mitryakova (2006) – Mitryakova E. S. Legal regulation of surrogate motherhood in Russia [Pravovoe regulirovanie surrogatnogo materinstva v Rossii]: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Mitryakova Elena Sergeevna. – Tyumen, 2006. – 175 p. Pestrikova (2007) – Pestrikova A.A. Obligations of surrogate motherhood: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’ [Obyazatel’stva surrogatnogo materinstva]: 12.00.03 / Pestrikova Anastasia Alexandrovna. – Samara, 2007. – 202 p Purge (2015) – Purge A.R. Legal regulation of surrogate motherhood as a method of assisted reproductive technologies [Pravovoe regulirovanie surrogatnogo materinstva kak metoda vspomogatel’nyh reproduktivnyh tekhnologij]: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Purge Anna Rolandovna. – Dushanbe, 2015. -237 p. Stebleva (2012) – Stebleva E.V. Problems of realization of the rights of participants in surrogacy relations [Problemy realizacii prav uchastnikov otnoshenij surrogatnogo materinstva]: dis. … cand. jurid. sciences’: 12.00.03 / Stebleva Ekaterina Viktorovna. – Moscow, 2012. – 202 p. Bryukhina (2017) – Bryukhina E.R. Surrogacy: “For” and “Against”. Problematic issues of regulatory regulation [Surrogatnoe materinstvo: «Za» i «Protiv». Problemnye voprosy normativnogo regulirovaniya] // Bulletin of the Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. 2017. No. 2. pp. 164-174. Suprun, Kozlova (2021) – Suprun Ya.I., Kozlova A.M. Practical and theoretical problems of legal regulation of surrogate motherhood [Prakticheskie i teoreticheskie problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya surrogatnogo materinstva] // Politics and Society. 2021. No. 1. pp. 1-12. Borisova, Kudryavtseva (2020) – Borisova V.B., Kudryavtseva L.V. Surrogacy contract: concept, legal nature, problems of law enforcement [Dogovor surrogatnogo materinstva: ponyatie, pravovaya priroda, problemy pravoprimeneniya] // Epomen. 2020. No. 48. pp. 74-79. Demina (2020) – Demina I.A. Legal problems of surrogacy [Pravovye problemy surrogatnogo materinstva] // Electronic scientific journal “Science. Society. The state”. 2020. No. 2 (30). pp. 152-162. |
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