The Modern Lawyer № 2(39)
Tim S. AnisiforovTim S. Anisiforov, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Deputy Dean for Research, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law of Moscow State Regional University (MSOU), Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Maryam V. AnisiforovaMaryam V. Anisiforova, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Leading Researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
The role and tasks of the scientific forecasting in lawAbstract Subject/topic: the article admits the idea of the prospects of scientific forecasting of the development of jurisprudence. Goals/objectives: defining and evaluating the role and tasks of scientific forecasting of jurisprudence, identifying the value of preliminary development of an explanatory model of predictive activity in jurisprudence as a holistic operation that allows a person to gain knowledge about the legal future. Methodology: methods of analyzing existing scientific knowledge were used, as well as the actual methods of scientific research aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the subject under study (deduction, analysis, synthesis, formal logic techniques, etc.). Results/Conclusions: based on the description and generalization of general trends and particular changes taking place in jurisprudence, a conclusion is made about the importance of using the methods and levers of scientific forecasting for the purpose of constructing the desired social and legal reality. Specific manifestations of promising forecasting activity are considered within the framework of a single holistic mechanism in which the solution of a particular forecasting problem is accompanied by a set of specific managerial actions of the corresponding professional subject, making a personal contribution to the process of disclosure and modeling of future development. Any forecast in jurisprudence is based on scientific research and practical “diagnostics” of the phenomena of legal reality and is a conceptual view of the development of the legal sphere. Key words: legal science, scientific prediction, forecasting, development of jurisprudence. References: Lushnikov (2015) – Lushnikov A.M. The authors’ response to the review by A.L. Dmitriev on the book “The science of financial law in the service of the state: Russian statesmen and the development of the science of financial law (historical and legal essay): monograph. Yaroslavl: YarSU, 2010. 496 p. [Otvet avtorov na recenziyu A.L. Dmitrieva na knigu «Nauka finansovogo prava na sluzhbe gosudarstvu: rossijskie gosudarstvennye deyateli i razvitie nauki finansovogo prava (istoriko-pravovoj ocherk): monografiya. Yaroslavl’: YarGU, 2010. 496 s.] // Bulletin of labor law and social security law [Vestnik trudovogo prava i prava social’nogo obespecheniya]. – No. 9. – 2015. Stepanenko, Zakharova and others (2022) – Stepanenko Yu.V., Zakharova M.V. and others. The concept of the legal status of scientists in Russia and foreign countries: a theoretical and comparative study: monograph [Koncept pravovogo statusa nauchnyh rabotnikov v Rossii i zarubezhnyh stranah: teoretiko-komparativnoe issledovanie: monografiya] / otv. ed. Yu.V. Stepanenko, M.V. Zakharov. – Moscow: Prospect, 2022. Radko (1974) – Radko T.N. Methodological issues of knowledge of the functions of law. Higher Investigative School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR [Metodologicheskoe voprosy poznaniya funkcij prava. Vysshaya sledstvennaya shkola Ministerstva vnutrennih del SSSR]. Volgograd, 1974. Baranov (2018) – Baranov V.M. Nizhny Novgorod pages of the legal heritage of Professor V.P. Reutov [Nizhegorodskie stranicy yuridicheskogo naslediya professora V.P. Reutova] / ed. O.A. Kuznetsova, V.G. Golubtsova, G.Ya. Borisevich, L.V. Borovykh, Yu.V. Vasilyeva, S.G. Mikhailova, S.B. Polyakova, A.S. Telegina, T.V. Hornet // Perm legal almanac. 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Novels of Russian legislation aimed at prohibiting anonymous “electronic wallets”: predictable problems and ways to solve them [Novelly rossijskogo zakonodatel’stva, napravlennye na zapret anonimnyh «elektronnyh koshel’kov»: prognoziruemye problemy i puti ih resheniya] // Banking Law [Bankovskoe pravo]. – No. 5. – 2020. Chernykh (2019) – Chernykh I.I. Legal forecasting in the sphere of civil legal proceedings in the context of the development of information technologies [Pravovoe prognozirovanie v sfere grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva v usloviyah razvitiya informacionnyh tekhnologij] // Actual problems of Russian law [Aktual’nye problemy rossijskogo prava]. – No. 6. – 2019. Kleimenov, Ivanov, Kozlovskaya (2017) – Kleimenov M.P., Ivanov E.S., Kozlovskaya M.G. Law enforcement monitoring in Russia [Monitoring pravoprimeneniya v Rossi] // Bulletin of the Omsk University. Series “Right” [Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Seriya «Pravo»]. – No. 4 (53). – 2017. Dolzhikov (2020) – Dolzhikov A.V. Is it time to understand Russia with the mind? The requirement of suitability in constitutional justice [Uzhe pora umom Rossiyu ponimat’? Trebovanie prigodnosti v konstitucionnom pravosudii] // Comparative constitutional review [Sravnitel’noe konstitucionnoe obozrenie]. – No. 6. – 2020. Rossinsky (2020) – Rossinsky B.V. Administrative and legal aspects of public administration in Russia. System approaches: monograph [Administrativno-pravovye aspekty gosudarstvennogo upravleniya v Rossii. Sistemnye podhody: monografiya] / B.V. Rossinsky. – Moscow: Norma: INFRA-M, 2020. |
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Elena D. KostylevaElena D. Kostyleva, candidate of law, associate Professor senior researcher of the direction constitutional and legal studies Center for justice research FGBOU VPO «Russian state University of justice», Moscow, Россия. E-mail: |
Realization and protection of human social rights and freedoms in the digital ageAbstract Subject/theme Constitutional and legal aspects of the implementation and protection of social rights and freedoms in the context of the introduction of digitalization. Goals/objectives To consider the features of the realization of human social rights and freedoms, their regulatory potential, forms of transformation in the conditions of technization. To reveal the main directions of digitalization in the courts for the protection of social rights. Analyze the legal issues of the introduction and use of chatbots in protection practices. Methodology Methods: general scientific dialectical, concretization, interpretation, formal-logical, complex legal analysis. Conclusion Technogenic factors influencing social human rights change their scope, transform their form and content, cause the need for the state to regulate the rules of network communication, control the sphere of virtual space in order to protect human rights. The main state functions of the state in overcoming digital inequality are to ensure the availability of technologies and increase digital literacy of the population, regardless of social status. The use of electronic justice as a form of judicial protection of social rights should be considered from the point of view of a narrow approach, since currently certain elements of informatization are legally regulated. It is necessary to approach the issues of digitalization of justice carefully and attentively, in order to avoid violation of citizens’ rights. Chatbots can be used very successfully to work with standard documents, but they are not suitable for creating an original document. Keywords: The Constitution of the Russian Federation, protection, social rights and freedoms, digital technologies. References: Karasev, Kozhevnikov, Meshcheryagina (2019) – Karasev A.T., Kozhevnikov O.A., Meshcheryagina V.A. Digitalization of legal relations and its impact on the implementation of certain constitutional rights of citizens in the Russian Federation. [Cifrovizaciya pravootnoshenij i eyo vliyanie na realizaciyu otdel’nyh konstitucionnyh prav grazhdan v Rossijskoj Federacii] // Antinomies. [Antinomii] – 2019. – Vol. 19. – Issue 3. – pp. 99-119. Baranov (2019) – Baranov P.P. Constitutional human rights and freedoms in the digital age [Konstitucionnye prava i svobody cheloveka v cifrovuyu epohu] // North Caucasian Legal Bulletin. [Severo-Kavkazskij yuridicheskij vestnik] – Rostov-on-Don, 2019. – No. 2. – pp. 63-69. Lyubashits, Osinsky (2019) – Lyubashits V.Ya., Osinsky A.S. Digital Law and Information Technologies in the Era of Globalization: Problems of Theory. 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Problems of judicial protection of social rights and freedoms in a crisis [Problemy sudebnoj zashchity social’nyh prav i svobod v usloviyah krizisa] // Modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – M. – 2022. – № 1 (38). – Pp. 16-26. Kostyleva (2021) – Kostyleva E. D. Judicial protection of personal rights and freedoms [Sudebnaya zashchita lichnykh prav i svobod]. // Modern Lawyer Sovremennyy yurist]. 2021. No 2 (35). S. 45-55. Umnova-Konyukhova, Kostyleva (2021) – Umnova-Konyukhova I.A., Kostyleva E.D. Judicial protection of human rights and freedoms as a legal institution: current state and prospects of development in the Russian Federation [Sudebnaya zashchita prav i svobod cheloveka kak pravovoj institut: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya v Rossijskoj Federacii] // Socio-political Sciences. [Social’no-politicheskie nauki] – M., 2021. – Vol. 11. – No. 5. – pp. 34-40. Kostyleva (2019) – Kostyleva E.D. Correlation of the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights on the protection of personal and political rights [Sootnoshenie pozicij Konstitucionnogo Suda RF i Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka po zashchite lichnyh i politicheskih prav] // Modern Lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – M., 2019 – № 4 (29). – Pp. 80-96. Kostyleva E.D. (2021) – Kostyleva E.D. System of protection of personal rights and freedoms [Sistema zashchity lichnyh prav i svobod] // Modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – M., 2021. – № 3 (36). – Pp. 19-28. |
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TAX LAW | ||
Ivan А. KuznetsovIvan А. Kuznetsov, postgraduate full-time study, of the Law Faculty at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail:
Academic advisor: Oksana N. Petyukova, Doctor of Law, Professor of the International and Public Law Department of the Law Faculty at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail: |
To question of the principles of property taxationAbstract Subject/topic. The article examines the principles of property taxation, analyzes their relationship with general principles, and also determines the specifics in relation to individual property taxes. Goals / objectives. The purpose of this work is to determine the content of the principles of property taxation, their impact on the system of legal regulation. Special attention is paid to the correlation of the principles of property taxation, scientific approaches to the consideration of the principles. Methodology. They were used as general methods, including historical, analysis, deduction, generalization, as well as special-legal, including formal-legal, comparative-legal. Conclusions. There is no unity in the scientific literature regarding the list of principles of property taxation. The main ones are universality, equality, and proportionality of taxation, economic validity and validity, unity of economic space, as well as the illegality of the imposition of risks in conditions of legal uncertainty. Tax legislation does not disclose the specifics of the principles in relation to individual objects of taxation, and their use allows ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of taxpayers. The revealed contradiction of legislation and law enforcement practice indicates the need to consolidate the principle of economic justification of taxes in Article 3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Keywords: taxation, property, principles, tax policy, tax fairness. References: Turgenev (1998) – Turgenev N.I. The experience of tax theory. At the origins of financial law [Opyt teorii nalogov. U istokov finansovogo prava]/ edited by prof. A.N. Kozyrin. Comp. assoc. A.A. Yalbulganov. M., 1998. Bortnikova (2020) – Taxes and taxation: textbook [Nalogi i nalogooblozhenie: uchebnoe posobie]/ comp.: I.M. Bortnikova; Donskoy GAU. – Persianovsky: Donskoy GAU, 2018. – 202 p. Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 20-P of 17.12.1996 “On the case of checking the constitutionality of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Part One of Article 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1993 “On Federal Tax Police bodies” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 06.01.1997. No. 1. Article 197. Zaripov (2021) – Zaripov V.M. Is the taxpayer’s responsibility for the counterparty proportionate? [Sorazmerna li otvetstvennost’ nalogoplatel’shchika za kontragenta?]// Law. 2021. N 12. pp. 49 – 57. Isaev (2004) – Isaev A.A. An essay on the theory and policy of taxes. Finance and taxes: an essay on theory and practice [Ocherk teorii i politiki nalogov. Finansy i nalogi: ocherk teorii i praktiki]/ Edited by A.N. Kozyrin. M., 2004. pp 499. Gadzhiev, Pepelyaev (1998) – Gadzhiev G.A., Pepelyaev S.G. Entrepreneur – taxpayer – state. [Predprinimatel’ – nalogoplatel’shchik – gosudarstvo] Legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. M., 1998. Shchekin (2018) – Shchekin D.M. The balance of private and public interests and the fight against tax abuses in modern Russia [Balans chastnyh i publichnyh interesov i bor’ba s nalogovymi zloupotrebleniyami v sovremennoj Rossii]// Law. 2018. N 11. Pleshanova (2019) – Pleshanova O.P. Fakes aside [Pleshanova O.P. Fejki v storonu]// Law. 2019. N 4. p. 114 – 119. Kudryashova (2003) – Kudryashova E.V. Application of the norms of the Tax Code on the actual ability to pay tax [Primenenie norm Nalogovogo kodeksa o fakticheskoj sposobnosti k uplate naloga]// Finance. 2003. № 10. Omelekhina (2020) – Omelekhina N.V. Financial law in the intersectoral Institute of the dignity of the individual [Finansovoe pravo v mezhotraslevom institute dostoinstva lichnosti]// Actual problems of Russian law. 2020. No. 11. pp. 60-75. Pilipenko (2020) – Pilipenko A.A. Economic validity of fiscal payments: scientific understanding and applied significance [Ekonomicheskaya obosnovannost’ fiskal’nyh platezhej: nauchnoe ponimanie i prikladnoe znachenie]// Financial law. 2020. N 10. pp. 26-29. Demin (2006) – Demin A.V. Tax law of Russia: studies. manual. [alogovoe pravo Rossii: ucheb. posobie]M.: Yurlitinform, 2006. Tchibola, Petyukova (2020) –Tchibola E.M.L., Petyukova O.N. Legal regulation of benefits for real estate taxation in Russia and France [Tchibola E.M.L., Petyukova O.N. Pravovoe regulirovanie l’got pri nalogooblozhenii nedvizhimosti v Rossii i Francii]// Taxes. 2020. N 4. – Р.45-48. Gadzhiev (2009) – Gadzhiev G.A. Peculiarities of interpretation of norms of tax legislation [Osobennosti tolkovaniya norm nalogovogo zakonodatel’stva]// Tax specialist. 2009. N 8. p. 20. Sevseris (2012) – Savseris S.V. The economic basis of tax as a principle of Russian tax law [Ekonomicheskoe osnovanie naloga kak princip rossijskogo nalogovogo prava]// Tax disputes: the experience of Russia and other countries. M., 2012. pp. 14-15. Demin (2013) – Demin A.V. General principles of taxation: each principle is a separate article [Obshchie principy nalogooblozheniya: kazhdomu principu – otdel’naya stat’ya]// Tax Specialist. 2013. № 1. Bortnikov (2017) – Bortnikov S.P. Legal responsibility in tax law: theory and practice [Yuridicheskaya otvetstvennost’ v nalogovom prave]: abstract… diss. doctor of Legal Sciences. – M: 2017. – 55 p. |
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Petr I. ChuvakhinPetr I. Chuvakhin Senior Lecturer, Department of International Law, Russian State University of Justice, Lecturer, Department of International and Public Law, Financial University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
International legal framework for regulating the activities of TNCSAbstract Subject/topic The subject of the study is the international legal issues of regulation of the activities of transnational corporations. Goals/objectives The purpose of the study is to identify the international legal status of TNCs, the basics of legal regulation of TNCs Methodology The methods of expert assessments, analysis, synthesis, generalization, deduction, induction were used. Conclusion. This study examined the issues of international legal regulation of the activities of transnational corporations were considered. The international legal regulation of the activities of TNCs is characterized by rules that are recommendatory and declarative. In view of this and the lack of a single legal personality for TNCs, TNCs rely in their activities on the provisions of international regulations, but only to the extent that it is beneficial for them to maintain competition, maintain popularity with the consumer and their reputation. Despite their significant role in influencing global processes, TNCs are not subjects of either public international or private international law. The subjects of international private law are only within their structural elements, having a personal law of a legal entity (lex societatis). At the same time, in the future, the allocation of a single status of TNCs will only become more complicated due to the processes of globalization and digitalization. Keywords: transnational corporations, legal personality of TNCs, UN Global Compact, international treaties, OECD. Referencies: UNCTAD. Transnational corporations and foreign affiliates [Electronic resource]. – URL: UNCTAD. transnational corporations. investment and development. Vol. 29 2022 Number 1 [Electronic resource]. – URL: Wallace (2002) – Wallace C.D. The Multinational Enterprise and Legal Control: Host State Sovereignty in an Era of Economic Globalization. — The Hague, 2002, p. 156. Lunts (2002) – Lunts L.A. Course of private international law: in 3 volumes / L. A. Lunts. [Lunts L.A. Kurs mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava: v 3-kh tomakh / L. A. Lunts]. – Moscow: 2002. – 389 p. Tolstykh (2001) – Tolstykh V.L. International private law / VL Tolstykh. [Tolstykh V.L. Mezhdunarodnoye chastnoye pravo / V. L. Tolstykh] – Novosibirsk: 2001. – 129 p. Cheng (1991) – Cheng B. Introduction to Subjects of International Law. — International Law: Achievements and Prospects. Paris, 1991, p. 23. Brownlie (1990) – Brownlie I. Principles of Public International Law. — Oxford, 1990, p. 58. Shaw (1987) – Shaw M. International Law. — Cambridge, 1987, p. 138 Blumberg P. I. The Multinational Challenge to Corporation Law. — Oxford, 1993, p. 4. Friedmann (1972) – Friedmann W. G., Jessup P. C., Henkin L., Lissitzyn O. J. Transnational Law in a Changing Society: Essays in Honor of Philip C. Jessup. — New York, 1972, p. 80. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [Electronic resource]. — URL: /content/ documents/21252030%20Agenda%20for% 20Sustainable%20Development%20web.pdf. OECD Due Diligence Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct [Electronic resource]. — URL: |
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Marina V. UlianovaMarina V. Ulianova – Candidate of Law, Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Law, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian State University of Justice», Moscow |
The right of the child to education and the right of the parent to choose an educational organization in the period of digitalization of the environmentAbstract Subject/method. The right to education is traditionally regarded as a public right, its private-legal component remains poorly understood, in particular, no attention is paid to the content of the right to education as a family right. Purpose / objectives. Understanding the right to education within the framework of family law work as a private right and identifying the content of the child’s right to education in comparison with the parental right to choose the form of education and the form of education of the child, determining the limits for exercising the child’s right; definition of law as private, search for balance. Methodology. The study used methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, argumentation and generalization. The study is based on the norms of international acts and national regulation, doctrinal works of scientists. Conclusions. The content of the right to education of the child, and the right of the parent to choose the forms of receiving and the form of education of children are determined. The obtained theoretical results can be used in the course of family law, for the development of legal regulation of educational activities using e-learning and distance learning technologies. Keywords: the right to education, the content of the subjective right, the limits of the exercise of the right of the child, family rights of the child, parental rights, distance learning technologies. References: Mozhaeva (2014) – Mozhaeva G.V. Digital humanities: analysis of the main directions / G.V. Mozhaeva, P.N. Mozhaeva Renya. Open and distance education. Tomsk, 2014, No. 56(4), pp. 12 – 21 (In Russ.) Ershov (2018) – Ershov V.V. Legal and individual regulation of public relations: monograph. 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Alexey A. TerenichenkoAlexey A. Terenichenko, PhD in History, Associate Professor at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir N. GalkinVladimir N. Galkin, student of the Faculty of Law at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia |
Development right: problems of implementation and prospects of introductionAbstract Subject: The relevance of this topic is determined by the need to improve the law in the field of rights to land in the construction of housing complexes and houses in general. Aims/Objectives: The article deals with the problems of introducing the right to development, as well as the content of this right and the history of its formation both in pre-revolutionary Russia and in Soviet Russia. Methodology: Methods of comparative law, formal legal method, methods of synthesis and analysis are used. Conclusion: The authors form the reader’s general idea of the problems of introducing the right to development in Russian civil and land legislation, turn to the history of the issue, tracing the emergence of this institution in Russian and Soviet law of the 20th century. The conclusion is made about the significant advantages of the right to development as a kind of rights to other people’s things in comparison with the existing and applied today the right to lease land. It is concluded that many of the shortcomings associated with construction leases on land plots can be avoided by returning to the Draft Federal Law N 47538-6 “On Amendments to Parts One, Two, Three and Four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as into separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation” in terms of introducing the right to development into domestic legislation. Keywords: development law, building lease, land code References: Bogolyubov (2019) – Bogolyubov S.A. Land law: a textbook for academic undergraduate studies / S. A. Bogolyubov. – 8th ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019. – 255 p. [BogolyubovS.A. Zemel’noe pravo: uchebnik dlya akademicheskogo bakalavriata / S. A. Bogolyubov. — 8-e izd., pererab. i dop. — Moskva: Izdatel’stvo YUrajt, 2019-255 s] Emelkina (2017) – Emelkina I.A. The right to develop a land plot for the construction of a residential building as a limited real right // “Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice”, 2017, N 1 [Emel’kina I.A. Pravo zastrojki zemel’nogo uchastka dlya vozvedeniya zhilogo doma kak ogranichennoe veshchnoe pravo // “Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika”, 2017, N 1] Zenin (2016) – Zenin I.A. Civil law: a textbook for academic undergraduate studies / I. A. Zenin. – 17th ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016. – 655 p. [ZeninI.A. Grazhdanskoe pravo: uchebnik dlya akademicheskogo bakalavriata / I. A. Zenin. — 17-e izd., pererab. i dop. — Moskva: Izdatel’stvo YUrajt, 2016. — 655 s.] Ivanova (2021) – Ivanova E.Yu. Problems of building lease in judicial practice and the project of introducing building rights into domestic legislation // “Civil Law Bulletin”, 2021, N 2 [Ivanova E.YU. Problemy stroitel’noj arendy v sudebnoj praktike i proekt vvedeniya prava zastrojki v otechestvennoe zakonodatel’stvo // “Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava”, 2021, N 2] History of the domestic state and law: a textbook for academic undergraduate / ed. A.P. Albova, S.V. Nikolyukin. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2015 – 521 p. [Istoriya otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik dlya akademicheskogo bakalavriata / pod A.P. Al’bova, S.V. Nikolyukina. – M.: Izdatel’stvo YUrajt, 2015 – 521 s.] Cassation ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2022 N 19-KAD21-17-K5 [Kassacionnoe opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po administrativnym delam Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 19.01.2022 N 19-KAD21-17-K5] Novitsky (2022) – Novitsky I. B. Roman law: a textbook for universities / Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2022. [Novickij, I. B. Rimskoe pravo: uchebnik dlya vuzov / I. B. Novickij. — Moskva: Izdatel’stvo YUrajt, 2022] Grounds for classifying land privatization methods (Malysheva A.V.) (“Law and Economics”, 2017, No. 11) [Osnovaniya klassifikacii sposobov privatizacii zemel’nyh uchastkov (Malysheva A.V.) (“Pravo i ekonomika”, 2017, N 11] Legal system of the Russian Federation: textbook / team of authors; ed. G.F. Ruchkina, A.P. Albova – M.: Justice, 2018 – 486 p. [Pravovaya sistema Rossijskoj Federacii: uchebnik / kollektiv avtorov; pod red. G.F. Ruchkinoj, A.P. Al’bova – M.: YUsticiya, 2018 – 486 s.] Putrya (2019) – Putrya K.E. Superficial property in the right of development // “Law”, 2019, N 2 [Putrya K.E. Superficiarnaya sobstvennost’ v prave zastrojki // “Zakon”, 2019, N 2]. |
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Danil V. KonokinDanil V. Konokin, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Research supervisor: Besedkina N.I., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation economic activity, first deputy dean, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Legal regulation of business – ideas: current problemsAbstract Subject/Topic In this article a study of the attribution to the objects of intellectual property business ideas. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not contain conditions for the development of business ideas related to the protection of their rights. Ideas, concepts, ways of solving problems and teaching methods are not subject to proper protection (clause 5 of article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The increasing number of cases of appeals to courts for protection of infringed rights to ideas and projects testifies to the relevance of this topic. Goals/Tasks The purpose of this article is to study the legal regulation of the business idea. To achieve this goal the following tasks were set: to investigate the legal status of business ideas, to define the definition of a business idea, to investigate the legal ways to protect the idea. Methodology Methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, description, formal logic, as well as the comparative legal method are used. Conclusion Research in the field of intellectual property law is somewhat one-sided, examining only sets of intellectual property objects. At the moment, the idea is not expressed as a result, the legislation cannot protect it, so the modern entrepreneur needs to determine whether it is possible to protect the idea by legislative means, such as a non-disclosure agreement, know-how, obtaining a patent. On the basis of the study a number of suggestions and recommendations for improving the situation in the sphere of legal regulation of business ideas are given. Keywords: business idea, business project, intellectual property, copyright object, work. References: Ryzhenkov (2017) – Ryzhenkov A. Ya. Objects of civil rights: theoretical and philosophical aspects [Ob”ekty grazhdanskih prav: teoreticheskie i filosofskie aspekty] // Civil Law [Grazhdanskoe pravo], 2017, № 6. pp. 19-22. Dolinskaya (2021) – Dolinskaya V.V. Problems of private law qualification and systematization of objects of intellectual rights [Problemy chastnopravovoj kvalifikacii i sistematizacii ob”ektov intellektual’nyh prav] // “Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice” [«Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika»], 2021, № 5. pp. 25-36. Gorbunov (2019) – Gorbunov, A. A. The problem of protecting the interests of creators of ideas in Russian and foreign legal order [Problema zashchity interesov sozdatelej idej v rossijskom i zarubezhnyh pravoporyadkah]/ Ex jure. 2019. № 3. pp. 7-19. Belaya (2018) – Belaya, O. V., Kononenko D. B., Semchenkova M. N. Legal regulation of startups in the field of Big Data [Pravovoe regulirovanie deyatel’nosti startapov v oblasti Big Data (bol’shie dannye) ]/ Business. Education. Right. [Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo.] 2018. № 1(42). pp. 174-179. Bakhtin (2021) – Bakhtin, M. O., Egorova I. E. Mechanisms for the protection of exclusive rights in the Russian Federation and Germany: problems and solutions [Mekhanizmy zashchity isklyuchitel’nyh prav v RF i FRG: problemy i puti resheniya] / Issues of Russian justice. [Voprosy rossijskoj yusticii] 2021. No. 15. pp. 166-176. Konoplenko (2021) – Konoplenko, M. A. Idea as an object of intellectual law [Ideya kak ob”ekt intellektual’nogo prava] / Copyright. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Intellectual Property and the Russian Copyright Society. [Kopirajt. Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti i Rossijskogo avtorskogo obshchestva] 2021. No. 2. pp. 99-107. Leontiev (2021) – Leontiev, B. B. How to fix ideas and develop creative activity [Kak fiksirovat’ idei i razvivat’ tvorcheskuyu aktivnost’]/ Copyright. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Intellectual Property and the Russian Copyright Society. [Kopirajt. Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti i Rossijskogo avtorskogo obshchestva] 2021. No. 2. pp. 108-112. Zarubin (2015) – Zarubin S.V. Originality as a criterion for granting copyright protection to ideas [Original’nost’ kak kriterij predostavleniya avtorsko-pravovoj ohrany ideyam] // Copyright. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Intellectual Property and the Russian Copyright Society. [Kopirajt. Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti i Rossijskogo avtorskogo obshchestva] 2015. No. 3. p. 102. Belaya (2018) – Belaya O. V. Business idea as an object of intellectual property [Biznes-ideya kak ob”ekt intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] // Civil Law. [Grazhdanskoe pravo] 2018. No. 4. pp. 20-23. Sayfutdinova (2018) – Sayfutdinova Venera Maksutovna Protection of intellectual property objects [Zashchita ob”ektov intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] // The rule of law: theory and practice. [Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teoriya i praktika] 2018. No.3 (53). URL: (accessed: 07.03.2022). |
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