The Modern Lawyer № 1(38)
Artemiy A. RozhnovArtemiy A. Rozhnov, Professor of the Department of international and public law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor |
Changes in the legal status of nobility in the reign of PeterAbstract Subject / Topic The article represents a description of the legal status of Russian nobility in the reign of Peter I. Goals / Objectives The aim of the work is to give a description of the legal status of Russian nobility in the reign of Peter I. The author reviews changes in the social system (structure), the process of formation of a relatively unified noble estate, the ways of acquiring nobility, as well as the duties, rights and privileges of nobles. The article is based on the study of the relevant normative legal sources, act material and scientific literature on this topic. Methodology The methodological basis of the article includes the universal methods of cognition; general scientific methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, etc. Conclusion and Relevance As a result of studying the relevant historical and legal materials the author comes to the conclusion that during the reign of Peter I nobility rose to the top of the social pyramid and continued to remain on it throughout the Imperial era in the history of Russia. Nobility represented a relatively unified, although not a closed estate group with its inherent set of estate duties, rights and privileges. Keywords: history of Russian law, Peter I, the reforms of Peter I, the social system, nobility. References: Solonevich (2003) – Solonevich I.L. The people’s monarchy [Narodnaya monarkhiya]. M. 2003 Romanovich-Slavatinskiy (1870) – Romanovich-Slavatinskiy A. The nobility in Russia from the beginning of the 18th century to the abolition of serfdom [Dvoryanstvo v Rossii ot nachala XVIII veka do otmeny krepostnogo prava]. SPb. 1870 Latkin (2004) – Latkin V.N. Textbook of the history of Russian law of the Empire period (18th and 19th centuries) [Uchebnik istorii russkogo prava perioda imperii (XVIII i XIX veka)]. M. 2004 Vodarskiy (1989) – Vodarskiy Ya.E. The nobility of Russia and its serfs, 17th – the 1st half of the 18th century [Dvoryanstvo Rossii i ego krepostnye krestyane, 17 – pervaya polovina 18 veka]. M. 1989 The nobility and the serf system of Russia of the 16th – 18th centuries [Dvoryanstvo i krepostnoy story Rossii 16–18 vekov] M. 1975 Ruling elites and the nobility of Russia during and after Peter the Great’s reforms (1682–1750) [Pravyashchie elity i dvoryanstvo vo vremya i posle petrovskikh reform (1682–1750)] M. 2013 Sokolova (2011) – Sokolova E.S. The institution of class rights in the official political doctrine and legislation of Russia in the middle of the 17th – 1st half of the 19th century (nobility, clergy, merchants) [Institut soslovnykh prav v ofitsialnoy politicheskoy doctrine i zakonodatelstve Rossii serediny 17 – pervoy poloviny 19 stoletiya]. Ekaterinburg, 2011 Troitskiy (1974) – Troitskiy S.M. Russian absolutism and the nobility in the 18th century. Formation of bureaucracy [Russkiy absolyutizm i dvoryanstvo v 18 veke. Formirovanie byurokratii]. M., 1974 Mironov (2003) – Mironov B.N. The social history of Russia during the Empire period (18th – early 20th century). The genesis of the individual, the democratic family, civil society and the rule of law [Sotsialnaya istoriya Rossii perioda Imperii (18 – nachalo 20 veka). Genezis lichnosti, demokraticheskoy semyi, grazhdanskogo obshchestva i pravovogo gosudarstva]. SPb. 2003. Anisimov (1999) – Anisimov E.V. Rack and whip: Political investigation and Russian society in the 18th century [Dyba i knut: Politicheskiy sysk i russkoe obshchestvo v 18 veke]. M. 1999 |
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Elena D. KostylevaElena D. Kostyleva, candidate of law, associate Professor senior researcher of the direction constitutional and legal studies Center for justice research FGBOU VPO «Russian state University of justice», Moscow, Россия. E-mail: |
Problems of judicial protection of social rights and freedoms in a crisisAnnotation Subject/theme Substantiation of the problems of implementation and judicial protection of social rights and freedoms Goals/objectives Disclosure of the problems of realization and protection of social rights in the conditions of the formation of a new information society, identification of ways to optimize the management of social processes. Analysis of the constitutional stemming of judiciable protection is social rights and freedoms in combination with the identification of practical problems of their implementation. Methodology methods: concretization, interpretation, comprehensive legal analysis. Conclusion The problems of realization and protection of social rights are of an international nature and require a revision of the system of international and national standards in economics and law. Ensuring social rights includes not only a mechanism of legal protection, but also guarantees of protection and protection. The courts protect social rights at in proper level, improved the quailing of the implementation or these rights. But it should begging noted in the courts face huge problems, which or mainly related in the lacking of regulation in the main aspects of the content of social rights and their consolidation in legislation. There is also bad faith on the part of the bodies responsible for the implementation of the state’s obligations in the field of protection of social rights. It is necessary to regulate clear criteria of obligations for each group of rights in order to facilitate the work of courts to determine the responsibility of state bodies for violation and non-fulfillment of obligations in the social sphere. It is also necessary to exclude from the legislation evaluative concepts that prevent the courts from making the right decisions. Due to the change in the strategy of the welfare state, new legal forms of ensuring social rights and new sources of financing are needed. The solution of the problems of ensuring and realizing social rights depends on the level of socialization of the state. Keywords: judicial protection, social rights and freedoms, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. References: Kostyleva (2020) – Kostyleva E.D. Application by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights of the principle of equality in assessing the legality of restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms in decisions [Primenenie Konstitucionnym Sudom RF i Evropejskim Sudom po pravam cheloveka, principa ravnopraviya pri ocenke pravomernosti ogranichenij konstitucionnyh prav i svobod v resheniyah] //A modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – M., 2020. – № 3 (32). – Pp. 75-89. Kostyleva (2020) – Kostyleva E.D. The principle of respect for human rights in assessing the legality of restrictions [Princip uvazheniya prav cheloveka pri ocenke pravomernosti ogranichenij] //A modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – M., 2020. – № 4 (33). – Pp. 53-62. Umnova-Konyukhova, Kostyleva (2021) – Umnova-Konyukhova I.A., Kostyleva E.D. Judicial protection of human rights and freedoms as a legal institution: current state and prospects of development in the Russian Federation [Sudebnaya zashchita prav i svobod cheloveka kak pravovoj institut: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya v Rossijskoj Federacii] // Socio-political Sciences. [Social’no-politicheskie nauki] – M., 2021. – Vol. 11. – No. 5. – pp. 34-40. Nikolaev (2021) – Nikolaev V. A. Protection of rights and freedoms as a constitutional and legal category [Zashchita prav i svobod kak konstitucionno-pravovaya kategoriya] / V. A. Nikolaev // Gaps in Russian legislation. [Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel’stve] – 2021. – Vol. 14. – No. 3. – pp. 181-188. Kostyleva (2008) – Kostyleva E.D. Personal human rights in the Russian Federation and the standards of the Council of Europe: constitutional and legal problems of regulation and protection [Lichnye prava cheloveka v Rossijskoj Federacii i standarty Soveta Evropy: konstitucionno-pravovye problemy regulirovaniya i zashchity] // Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences. [Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchyonoj stepeni kandidata yuridicheskih nauk] – M., 2008. – 26 p. Kostyleva E.D. (2021) – Kostyleva E.D. System of protection of personal rights and freedoms [Sistema zashchity lichnyh prav i svobod] // Modern lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – M., 2021. – № 3 (36). – Pp. 19-28. Kostyleva (2019) – Kostyleva E.D. Correlation of the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights on the protection of personal and political rights [Sootnoshenie pozicij Konstitucionnogo Suda RF i Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka po zashchite lichnyh i politicheskih prav] // Modern Lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – M., 2021.- № 4 (29). – Pp. 80-96. Kostyleva (2021) – Kostyleva E. D. Judicial protection of personal rights and freedoms [Sudebnaya zashchita lichnykh prav i svobod]. // Modern Lawyer [Sovremennyy yurist]. 2021. No 2 (35). S. 45-55. Andrichenko Problems of judicial protection of social rights of citizens of the Russian Federation [Problemy sudebnoj zashchity social’nyh prav grazhdan Rossijskoj Federacii] // Journal of Russian Law. [ZHurnal rossijskogo prava] – M., 2016. – No. 9. – pp. 5-17. Umnova-Konyukhova, Kostyleva (2020) – Umnova-Konyukhova I.A., Kostyleva E.D. Application of the principle of proportionality by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in assessing the constitutionality of restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms in decisions [Primenenie Konstitucionnym Sudom RF principa proporcional’nosti pri ocenke konstitucionnosti ogranichenij konstitucionnyh prav i svobod v resheniyah] // Modern Lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. – M., 2020. – № 1 (30). – Pp. 130-144. |
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Sergey I. GirkoSergey I. Girko Chief researcher of the PKU research Institute of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia, doctor of legal Sciences, professor, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation. E-mail:
The correlation of procedural means of proof used in the unified procedural form of pre-trial proceedingsAbstract Subject / topic The adequacy of the means of proof used in the unified procedural form of pretrial proceedings. Goals/tasks The problem of differentiation and unification of pre-trial procedural proceedings, despite the attention of scientists to it, continues to be relevant. At the same time, not only the procedure itself, but also its components: the system of evidence, evidence admitted in the conditions of such proceedings have not been individualized to date. In the article comes to the conclusion that a full differentiation of the procedural form under the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation has not occurred. In particular, the procedure of unified inquiry does not correlate with the sources of evidence inherent in it, they are not isolated in the relevant section of the code. The solution of the above problems is proposed. Methodology Analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, problem statement, hypothesis building, specification, monitoring, historiography. Conclusion On the basis of the conducted research comes conclusion that inquiry in the accelerated form of procedure form of pre-trial proceedings largely matching the characteristics of differentiation, however, needs to be clarified: individualization requires, as the system of proof and evidence the sources of evidence used in the terms of this procedure. A solution to the problem is proposed. Keywords: differentiation of the procedural form of pre-trial proceedings, unified pre-trial proceedings, evidence, means of proof, sources of evidence, actual data, any information. References: Eisman (1996) – Eisman A. A. The ratio of truth and reliability in criminal proceedings. [Sootnoshenije istinji I dostovernosti v ugolovnom processe].The Soviet state and law. 1966. No. 6. Kuznetsov S. A. (2013) Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Sovremennij tolkovij slovar russkogo jazika] / Chief editor S. A. Kuznetsov. – M.: Reader’s Digest, 2004. Yakimovich (2013) – Yakimovich Yu.K. Differentiation of criminal proceedings: problems and prospects. [Differentsiatsija ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva: problem I prspektivi] Bulletin of the Udmurt University: economics and law. 2013. Issue 2. Lekontsev, Vlasova, Zuev (1991) – Lekontsev Y. A., Vlasova N. A., Zuev V. L. Pre-trial preparation materials in the Protocol form [Dosydebnaja podgotovka materialov v protokolnoy forme]: a Practical guide. – M.: VNII MVD of the USSR. 1991. Yakimovich, Pan (2003) – Yakimovich Yu. K., Pan T. D. Pre-trial proceedings under the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (participants in pre-trial proceedings, evidence and proof, initiation of a criminal case, inquiry and preliminary investigation) [Dosudebnoje proizvodstvo po UPK Rossijskoi Federatsii(uthastniki dosudebnogo proizvodstva, dokazatelstva I dokazivanije, vozbujdenije ugolovnogo dela, doznanije I predvaritelnoje sledstvije]. – SPb.:Publishing house “Legal Center Press”, 2003. Solovyov (2003) – Solovyov A. B. Proving under the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (pre-trial stages) [Dokazivanije po ugolovno-protsessualnomu kodeksu Rossijskoi Federatsii]. Scientific and practical manual. Moscow: Publishing house “Yurlitinform”, 2003. Malysheva (2008) – Malysheva O.A. Initiation of a criminal case [Vozbugdenije ugolovnogo dela: teorija I praktika]: theory and practice: monograph. – M.: Publishing House of the Group “Lawyer”. 2008. Rassat (1990) – Rassat M.L. Prozedure penale. Paris, 1990. Woolf H. K. (1996) – Woolf H.K. Access to Justice: Final Report to the Lord Chancellor on the civil justice system in England and Wales. L., 1996. – Text: direct. Gordon, Gray (1997) – Chester Gordon Bell, James N. Gray. The Revolution Yet To Happen Introduction, in book: Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years Of Computing. (March 1997), Springer-Verlag New York. Pp.5-32 Scheers, Thiriar (2013) – D. Scheers en P. Thiriar, “De moeilijkewegnaareenelektronisch dossier. Nieuweprocedureregelsvanaf 1 januari 2013”, RW No. 31, 2012-2013. – Text: direct Davis (2001) – Davis J.R. Criminal Justice in New York City. – New York, 1990. P. 5 (cit. by: Ponomarenko S. S.) Plea deals in the Russian criminal process / / Pravovedenie. – 2001. – No 5. |
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Evgenia O. MoiseenkoEvgenia O. Moiseenko, Senior prosecutor of the department of the public prosecutor’s office Khabarovsk region. E-mail: |
Tactics for maintaining public prosecutions in criminal cases at the court of first instanceAbstract Subject/topic Problems of maintaining public prosecution in criminal cases in the court of first instance. Goals/tasks The purpose of the study is to review the main problems arising for the public prosecutor in maintaining the prosecution in the court of first instance and to develop the tactics of maintaining the public prosecution in cases of inability of the public prosecutor to familiarize with the material evidence. In order to achieve the indicated purposes and tasks the author investigated the scientific points of view about expediency of the use of tactical techniques of maintaining the state accusation in court from the criminalistics point of view. The author of the article reviewed the provisions of criminal procedural law as it relates to the implementation of the prosecutor’s powers during the examination of physical evidence in criminal cases at the trial stage. Methodology Analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, problem formulation, construction of hypotheses, concretization. Conclusion According to the results of the analysis the author concludes that the legislator has sufficiently empowered the public prosecutor, contributing to a legitimate and fair decision, but for the implementation of these powers lacks “tools”, including the ability to determine the tactical and forensic strategy in supporting the public prosecution. Keywords: criminal case, physical evidence, investigator, prosecutor, indictment, court, criminal procedure, public prosecutor, tactics, criminalistics, prosecution. Reference: Zotova (2012) – Zotova S.M. Problems in the preparation of the prosecutor to participate in the consideration of criminal cases by the court of first instance and ways to solve them [Problemy pri podgotovke prokurora k uchastiiu v rassmotrenii ugolovnykh del sudom pervoi instantsii i puti ikh resheniia Taktika i metodika podderzhaniia gosudarstvennogo obvineniia po ugolovnym delam sb materialov seminara po obmenu opytom] // Tactics and methods of maintaining public prosecution in criminal cases: Sat. materials of the seminar on the exchange of experience / [under the general. ed. From. Ankudinov; resp. ed. O.D. Bug]; Acad. Gene. Prosecutor’s Office Ros. Federation. M., 2012. Kislenko (2019) – Kislenko S.L. The content of the tactical operation for the presentation and examination of evidence by the public prosecutor in the trial of criminal cases [Coderzhanie takticheskoi operatsii po predieiavleniiu i issledovaniiu dokazatelstv gosudarstvennym obvinitelem v sudebnom razbiratelstve ugolovnykh del] // Lex Russica. No. 8 (153) August 2019 Volchetskaia, Avakian (2016) – Volchetskaya T.S., Avakyan M.V. Forensic techniques and methods of maintaining public prosecution [Kriminalisticheskie priemy i metody podderzhaniia gosudarstvennogo obvineniia Zakonnost]// Legitimacy. 2016. No. 6 (980). Safronskii (2014) – Safronsky G.E. On the forensic content of the tactics of maintaining public prosecution [O kriminalisticheskom soderzhanii taktiki podderzhaniia gosudarstvennogo obvineniia Probely v rossiiskom zakonodatelstve] // Gaps in Russian legislation. 2014. No. 6. Danilevich Petrova (2020) – Danilevich, A.A., Petrova O.P. Maintaining public prosecution in court [Podderzhanie gosudarstvennogo obvineniia v sude]. Minsk: BGU, 2020 Kislenko (2010) – Kislenko I.L. Forensic foundations for maintaining public prosecution: abstract of the thesis. dis…cand. [Kriminalisticheskie osnovy podderzhaniia gosudarstvennogo obvineniia avtoref dis kand iurid nauk] legal Sciences. Saratov. 2010 Danilevich Petrova (2020) – Danilevich, A.A., Petrova O.P. Maintaining public prosecution in court [Podderzhanie gosudarstvennogo obvineniia v sude]. Minsk: BGU, 2020 Obraztsov Bogomolova (2002) – Obraztsov V. A., Bogomolova N. N. Forensic psychology [Bogomolova N N Kriminalisticheskaia psikhologiia] Electronic resource – . Participation of the prosecutor in the judicial investigation: manual [Uchastie prokurora v sudebnom sledstvii posobie pod red V N Isaenko A M Kustova Akad Genprokuratury Ros Federatsii] / ed. V.N. Isaenko, A.M. Kustov; Acad. Prosecutor General’s Office Ros. Federation. M., 2012. Guidelines for public prosecutors. Criminalistic aspect of activity. Part 1 [Rukovodstvo dlia gosudarstvennykh obvinitelei Kriminalisticheskii aspekt deiatelnosti CHast 1 Pod red O N Korshunovoi] / Ed. IS HE. Korshunova. SPb., 1998. Participation of the prosecutor in the judicial investigation: allowance [Uchastie prokurora v sudebnom sledstvii posobie pod red V N Isaenko A M Kustova Akad Genprokuratury Ros Federatsii] / ed. V.N. Isaenko, A.M. Kustov; Acad. Prosecutor General’s Office Ros. Federation. M. 2012. Safronskii (2017) – Safronsky G.E. Tactical and forensic aspects of the preparation and participation of the prosecutor in the judicial investigation in criminal cases on the illegal sale of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. [Taktiko-kriminalisticheskie aspekty podgotovki i uchastiia prokurora v sudebnom sledstvii po ugolovnym delam o nezakonnom sbyte narkoticheskikh sredstv i psikhotropnykh veshchestv] Diss… cand. legal Sciences. M. 2017. Zhukova (2012) – Zhukova V.V. Provision by the prosecutor of the maintenance of a lawful and justified public prosecution: lecture [Obespechenie prokurorom podderzhaniia zakonnogo i obosnovannogo gosudarstvennogo obvineniia lektsiia Akad Gen Prokuratury Ros Federatsii] / Acad. Gene. Prosecutors Ros. Federation. M. 2012. |
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Egor YU. UsoltsevEgor YU. Usoltsev, Magistrate of the 1st judicial district of the Chanovsky judicial district of the Novosibirsk region, Postgraduate of the Department of civil and business law at Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management. E-mail: |
The problem of definition and correlation of the concepts «bad faith», «abuse of right» and «shikana»Abstract Subject/Topic Problematic issues arising in determining the content and correlation of the concepts of «bad faith», «abuse of right» and «chicane», as well as the phenomena of legal reality designated by them. Goals/objectives Disclosure of the concepts of «bad faith», «abuse of right» and «chicane», identification of their commonalities and peculiarities through the interpretation of legal provisions and comparison of various points of view, including directly opposite ones, expressed in legal science on this issue. Methodology Both general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, abstraction, comparison) and private-law (formal-legal, historical-legal, legal modeling) methods of scientific cognition were used. Conclusions The concepts of «bad faith», «abuse of right» and «chicane» are not defined by the norms of positive law, therefore they are doctrinal. Hence, there have been disputes about their content and correlation in the science of civil law for many years and there is an increased research interest. The author of the article concludes that they are in the same generic chain. At the same time, the phenomena indicated by these definitions have a fundamental difference due to a subjective factor. If, in case of bad faith, harm to other people’s interests can be caused in the absence of an unscrupulous person’s intention to do so, then in case of abuse of right, harm is always caused intentionally, and in case of chicane, causing harm in general is the sole purpose of exercising of right. Keywords: abuse of right, unfair behavior, chicane, exercise of subjective right, the principle of good faith. References: Agarkov M.M. (2002) –Selected works on civil law [Izbrannye trudy po grazhdanskomu pravu]. Vol. 2, Moscow, Statut, 452 p. Naumov (2010) – Naumov A.E. Abuse of right: theoretical and legal aspect: author’s abstract of PhD in law [Zloupotreblenie pravom: teoretiko-pravovoj aspect. avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. Moscow, 25 p. Gojhbarg (1923) – Gojhbarg A.G. Application of civil laws by the court (Notes) [Primenenie grazhdanskih zakonov sudom (Zametki)] In Sovetskoe parvo No 3 pp. 3-11 Baru (1958) – Baru M.I. About Article 1 of the Civil Code [O stat’e 1 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa]. In Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo, no. 12, pp. 117-120. Bratus’ (1967) – Bratus’ S.N. On the scope of the exercise of civil rights [O predelah osushchestvleniya grazhdanskih prav] In Pravovedenie, no. 3, pp. 79-86. Vitruk (1979) – Vitruk N.V. Fundamentals of the theory of the legal status of the individual in a socialist society [Osnovy teorii pravovogo polozheniya lichnosti v socialisticheskom obshchestve] Moscow, Nauka, 229 p. Mal’cev (1969) – Mal’cev G.V. Socialist law and individual freedom (theoretical issues) [ Socialisticheskoe pravo i svoboda lichnosti (teoreticheskie voprosy)]. Moscow, YUrid. lit. 143 p. Radchenko (2008) – Radchenko S.D Abuse of right in Russian civil law: thesis of PhD in law [Zloupotreblenie pravom v grazhdanskom prave Rossii: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. Moscow, 202 p. Volkov (2009) – Volkov A.V. Abuse of civil rights. Problems of theory and practice [Zloupotreblenie grazhdanskimi pravami. Problemy teorii i praktiki]. Moscow, Walters Kluver, 464 p. Gribanov (2001) – Gribanov V.P. Implementation and protection of civil rights [Osushchestvlenie i zashchita grazhdanskih prav]. 2nd ed., Moscow, Statut, 411 p. Porotikova (2019) – Porotikova O.A. The problem of abuse of subjective civil right: monograph [Problema zloupotrebleniya sub”ektivnym grazhdanskim pravom: monografiya]. 3rd ed., Moscow, Izdatel’stvo YUrajt, 241 p. Vavilin (2016) – Vavilin E.V. Implementation and protection of civil rights [Osushchestvlenie i zashchita grazhdanskih prav]. 3rd ed., Moscow, Statut, 416 p. Volkov (2013) – Volkov A.V. Correlation of the principle of good faith and the principle of inadmissibility of abuse of right in modern civil law [Sootnoshenie principa dobrosovestnosti i principa nedopustimosti zloupotrebleniya pravom v sovremennom grazhdanskom prave]. In Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 5: YUrisprudenciya, № 3(20), pp. 44-50. Vol’fson. (2021) – Vol’fson V.L. Dishonesty as a diagnosis of abuse of subjective civil right [Nedobrosovestnost’ kak diagnoz zloupotrebleniya sub”ektivnym grazhdanskim pravom]. Moscow, Prospekt, 80 p. Gogol’ (1978) – Gogol’ N.V. Selected writings [Izbrannye sochineniya]. Vol. 1, Moscow, Izdatel’stvo «Hudozhestvennaya literatura», pp. 362-400. Belov (2020) – Belov V.A. (ed.) Grazhdanskoe right. Actual problems of theory and practice [Grazhdanskoe pravo. Aktual’nye problemy teorii i praktiki]. Vol. 1, Moscow, Izdatel’stvo YUrajt, 484 p. YAcenko (2003) – YAcenko T.S. Category chicanes in civil law: history and modernity [Kategoriya shikany v grazhdanskom prave: istoriya i sovremennost’]. Moscow, Statut, 157 p. Pashin (2005) – Pashin V. Detection of abuse [Vyyavlenie zloupotrebleniya]. In EZH-YUrist, no. 5. Matancev (2013) – Matancev D.A. Chicane as the most socially harmful form of abuse of right [SHikana kak naibolee social’no vrednaya forma zloupotrebleniya pravom]. In Uchenye zapiski Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo social’nogo universiteta, vol. 2, № 6(122), pp. 12-15. Izbrekht (2005) – Izbrekht P.A. Abuse of civil rights in the field of entrepreneurship: author’s abstract of PhD in law [Zloupotreblenie grazhdanskimi pravami v sfere predprinimatel’skoj deyatel’nosti: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. Ekaterinburg, 27 p. |
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Nikolay S. ZaitsevNikolay S. Zaitsev, Expert of National Bank TRUST, Master’s student of the program “Lawyer for private business and government” at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail:
Research Supervisor: Ekaterina S. Yulova, PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation |
Priority satisfaction authority's bodies requirements for current tax payments related to collateral propertyAnnotation Subject/Topic The subject of the research is the legal regime of the current requirements of the authorized bodies for the payment of a number of obligatory payments accrued in the insolvency procedure in relation to the collateral (VAT, property tax, land tax, transport tax, tax on profit from the sale of the subject of the pledge). The article analyzes the judicial practice of 2019-2021 from the point of view of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the goals of bankruptcy law, compliance with the balance of public law and private law interests. Goals/Objectives The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the provisions of bankruptcy legislation, law enforcement practice, the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in relation to priority repayment of claims for compulsory payments before the claims of both secured creditors and creditors of the first and second stages of the register of creditors’ claims. Methodology The methodological basis of the research consists of: the general method of cognition; general scientific research methods, including the systemic and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods, etc. Conclusion and Relevance When resolving disagreements between the secured creditor and the authorized body, priority is given to the repayment of tax payments. In addition, in fact, a special, not specified in the law, composition of expenses is established to ensure the safety of the subject of pledge and its sale at auction, as well as the procedure for their repayment before the distribution of funds to the pledged creditor. Keywords: insolvency, bankruptcy, bail, tax, authorized body. References: Avtonova, Karapetov, Matvienko and others (2021) – E.D. Avtonova, A.G. Karapetov, S.V. Matvienko, Yu.V. Sbitnev, S.V. Trofimov, E.M. Fetisova. Review of the legal positions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on private law for April 2021 [Obzor pravovyh pozicij Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii po voprosam chastnogo prava za aprel’ 2021 g.]// Bulletin of Economic Justice of the Russian Federation [Vestnik ekonomicheskogo pravosudiya Rossijskoj Federacii]. 2021. No. 6. P. 5 – 26 Baranova, Bobyleva, Vaipan and others (2020) – A.B. Baranova, A.Z. Bobyleva, V.A. Vaipan, G.G. Glinka, N. Yu. Goryaev, S.V. Gritsay, D.V. Gromov, E.P. Gubin, D.V. Ershov, S.A. Karelina, A.A. Kravchenko, V.I. Mikhailova, P.M. Morkhat, O.V. Monchenko, E.A. Mkhitaryan, O.P. Pleshanova, N.V.Rodina, P.S. Selyunin, A.G. Smirnykh, A.B. Starokorov, A.S. Stepanyan, E.S. Titova, I.V. Frolov, A.P. Khodakovsky, O.A. Schwartz Insolvency (bankruptcy) institute in the legal system of Russia and foreign countries: theory and practice of law enforcement: monograph ed. S.A. Karelina, I. V. Frolov. [Institut nesostoyatel’nosti (bankrotstva) v pravovoj sisteme Rossii i zarubezhnyh stran: teoriya i praktika pravoprimeneniya: monografiya otv. red. S.A. Karelina, I.V. Frolov.] // M.: Yustitsinform [Yustitsinform]. 2020. 360 p. SPS “ConsultantPlus” Mikhailova, Ahonina (2021) – Mikhailova M., Ahonina Yu. Taxes in the bankruptcy of debtor companies: novels and forecasts [Nalogi v bankrotstve kompanij-dolzhnikov: novelly i prognozy] // Banking Review. Finlegal app [Bankovskoe obozrenie. Prilozhenie «FinLegal»]. 2021. No. 1. P. 65 – 67 Osmanova (2020) – Osmanova D.O. Abuse in insolvency (bankruptcy): monograph, ed. O.A. Belyaeva [Zloupotrebleniya pri nesostoyatel’nosti (bankrotstve): monografiya pod red. O.A. Belyaevoj] // M.: Yustitsinform [Yustitsinform], 2020. 184 p. SPS “ConsultantPlus” Sakhapov (2021) – Sakhapov D.R. Qualification of creditors’ claims in the insolvency (bankruptcy) procedure [Kvalifikaciya trebovanij kreditorov v procedure nesostoyatel’nosti (bankrotstve)] // Topical issues of modern science and education: materials of the 8th int. scientific-practical. conf. P.: Science and Enlightenment [Aktual’nye voprosy sovremennoj nauki i obrazovaniya: materialy 8 mezhd. nauch-prakt. konf. P.: Nauka i Prosveshchenie]. 2021. S. 125-127 Strizhak (2021) – Strizhak M.M. The bankrupt received a profit from the collateral. The Supreme Court decided that taxes have priority over security payments [Bankrot poluchal pribyl’ ot zalogovogo imushchestva. VS reshil, chto nalogi imeyut prioritet pered zalogovymi platezhami] // Arbitration practice for lawyers [Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov]. 2021. No. 9 (73). pp. 100–106 Shilova (2019) – Shilova Yu. Pledge in rent: problems of meeting the requirements of the creditor [Zalog v arende: problemy udovletvoreniya trebovanij kreditora] // Banking review. Application “Bank Supervision” [Bankovskoe obozrenie. Prilozhenie «BankNadzor»]. 2019. No. 2. P. 90–91 Yulova (2020) – Yulova E.S. Some problems of implementing the principle of social justice in the legislation on bankruptcy of legal entities [Nekotorye problemy realizacii principa social’noj spravedlivosti v zakonodatel’stve o bankrotstve yuridicheskih lic] // Education and Law [Obrazovanie i pravo]. 2020. No. 1. P. 125-130 |
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Elena A. FrolovaElena A. Frolova, Bachelor of Laws, Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Under the Government of the Russian Federation at GKU “New Management Technologies”, Moscow Russia. E-mail: |
Comparative analysis of legal regulation of labor relationsAbstract Topic This article was prepared on the basis of an analysis of international acts, legal acts of Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain and the United States in the field of labor relations, as well as scientific literature of foreign authors. This work is a comparative analysis of the legal regulation of relations in the field of labor activity, working and rest conditions, approaches to social and pension provision in the above countries. This article also contains a description of the approaches to the system of legal regulation of labor relations, namely the European, Anglo-Saxon and mixed models, reflects their main differences. Objectives Analyze the labor legislation of Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain and the USA and international treaties in this area, compare the legal regulation of labor relations, approaches to this. Methodology In preparing the article, comparative legal, formal legal methods, as well as theoretical analysis were used. Based on the analysis of the legislation of various states and scientific literature, key differences in the regulation of labor relations in these countries were identified. Results/conclusions Labor relations within the framework of the European (continental) model are characterized by a higher level of legal protection for an employee. The legislation of such countries includes norms on working and rest conditions, the minimum wage and industry tariff control, employee benefits, etc. are fixed. So, it is more liberal and flexible. There is a convergence of the civil and labor branches of law, and the main conditions are regulated by collective and individual agreements with employers in a particular organization. The minimum wage is also fixed at the legislative level, but it is significantly underestimated in comparison with actual salaries, therefore, wages are individual, depending on the class of the employee, professionalism, etc. Keywords: labor relations, labor law, labor, employee, employer, labor contract. References: Staursky, Filimonova (2018) – Staursky E. S., Filimonova E. A. Regulation of labor relations in the legislation of different countries // Bulletin of the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies [Regulirovanie trudovyh otnoshenij v zakonodatelstve raznyh stran // Vestnik Sibirskogo instituta biznesa i informacionnyh tekhnologij], 2018. – P. 90-94 Gorodnova, Samarskaya (2021) – Gorodnova N.V., Samarskaya N.A. Features of the implementation of labor law in Russia, China and the USA in a pandemic // Social and Labor Research [Osobennosti realizacii trudovogo prava v Rossii, Kitae i v SSHA v usloviyah pandemii // Socialno- trudovye issledovaniya], 2021. – P. 130-139 Egorova (2018) – Egorova E.N. Individual and collective labor law of the European Union // MGIMO-University [Individualnoe i kollektivnoe trudovoe pravo Evropejskogo Soyuza // MGIMO- Universitet], 2018. – P. 206 Zimmermann, Aurich, Graziano, Fuertes (2014) – Zimmermann K., Aurich P., Graziano PR, Fuertes V., Local Worlds of Marketization-Employment Policies in Germany, Italy and the UK Compared. Social Policy and Administration No 48, 2014. p. 127–148. Stone (2008) – Stone K. The Future of Labor and Employment Law in the United States // Law-Econ Research Paper No. 08-11, 2008. p. 1-32. Rymkevich (2008) – Rymkevich O., Labor law reform in Italy and the problem of precarious employment // Labour law research network inaugurl conference of Pompeu Fabra University, 2013. p. 7-25. Zahn (2011) – Zahn RL, German and British labour law in a European context following European UNION enlargement // Edinburgh Studies in European Law and Policy, 2011. p. 57-196. Deakin, Priya, Mathias (2008) – Deakin S., Priya L. and Mathias S., The evolution of labour law: Calibrating and compering regulatory regimes // International Labour Review, 2008. p. 133-162. |
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Elena A. MiroshinaElena A. Miroshina, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy and International Business at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. Email: Maxim L. ZheleztsovMaxim L. Zheleztsov, Bachelor of Law, Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. Email: Daria A. TaldykinaDaria A. Taldykina, Bachelor of Law, Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. Email: |
Legal regulation of intellectual property in GermanyAbstract Subject/Topic Within the framework of this work, the legal issues of regulation of intellectual property in Germany are considered, highlighting the legal features both based on the analysis of the legal system of Germany as an already formed complex system of sources and legal institutions, as well as the historical aspects of the development of intellectual property law in the country. A systematic study of the reasons for successful development of the intellectual property system and activities in this area are carried out on the basis of comparative analysis of the German legal system with the Estonian one. Goals / objectives Studying of the system of regulation of intellectual property in Germany in legal and historical aspects, comparative analysis of the systems of intellectual property in Germany and Estonia. Methodology: comparative jurisprudence, deductive method, analysis and synthesis. Results / conclusions The legal system of Germany, in terms of the regulation of intellectual property, as well as the system of specialized courts were considered. A comparative analysis of the systems of Germany and Estonia is carried out. The reasons and grounds for the development of the field of intellectual property in Germany are proposed. Key words: intellectual property, Germany, comparative analysis, patent law, comparative jurisprudence, Estonia. References: François (2010) – Jean-François, Gerkens Legal certainty v legal precision / Gerkens Jean-François. – Text: direct // Fundamina. – 2010. – No 16 (1) – S. 121-129. R&D policy framework. – Text: electronic // Research in Germany – URL: (date accessed: 23.12.2021). Pawan (2019) – Pawan, K. D. / K. D. Pawan, Wahl Mike, Kerikmae Tanel – // Sciendo. – 2019. – No. Vol. 19, No. 1 .. – P. 190 – 233. Mamaev, V. M. Intellectual property: past and present / V. M. Mamaev. – Text: direct // Social sciences and modernity. – 1996 – No. 4 – S. 38-44. Antonov (2012) – Antonov I.P. The legal system of Germany in the Romano-Germanic legal family // Bulletin of the Russian State Humanitarian University. Series “Economics. Control. Right”. 2012. No. 3 (83). Keisner (3016) – Keisner, E. Robotics: breakthrough technologies, innovations, intellectual property / E. Keisner, D. Raffo, S. Wunsch-Vincent. — Text: direct // Journal of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. — 2016. – No. T. 10. No. 2. . – pp. 7–27. |
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Egor V. VakhturovEgor V. Vakhturov, 2nd year undergraduate of the Faculty of Law, Financial University, Moscow. E-mail:
Supervisor: Alimamedov Elmir Nizamievich, PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of International and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. |
Increasing the efficiency of the investigation of offenses in the banking sectorAbstract Subject / theme: mechanism of interaction between the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Bank of Russia, the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, the Deposit Insurance Agency in the process of investigating offenses in the banking sector. The article discusses the functions of each participant in the investigation of offenses in the banking sector, the problems that arise during their interaction, and proposes a tool to increase its effectiveness – the creation of an Interdepartmental Information System. The purpose of the work: development of proposals and recommendations for organizing interaction between participants in the investigation of offenses in the banking sector in order to increase efficiency. Methodology: the methods used in this article are generalization, systematization, analysis, analogy, modeling, as well as the comparative legal method. Conclusions: at present, it is necessary to state the presence of a low level of interdepartmental interaction between investigative, operational-search and regulatory bodies. The investigation of offenses in the banking sector requires concerted action by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Bank of Russia, the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, and the Deposit Insurance Agency. To optimize interaction, it is necessary to use the achievements of information technology and it is proposed to create a Financial Interdepartmental Information System (FMIS) for effective document management, which will contribute to the prompt investigation of offenses and bringing the perpetrators to justice. Key words: offenses in the banking sector, investigation process, financial interdepartmental information system, the Bank of Russia. References: Olimpiev, Strelnikova (2019) – Olimpiev A.Yu., Strelnikova I.A. Methodological recommendations for the investigation of crimes in the credit and banking sector: a methodology for investigating a crime under Art. 172 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation [Metodicheskiye rekomendatsii po rassledovaniyu prestupleniy v kreditno-bankovskoy sfere: metodika rassledovaniya prestupleniya, predusmotrennogo st. 172 UK RF] // Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii]. 2019. No 2. P. 170-177. Komolov (2010) – Komolov A.N. 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The practice of investigating criminal cases initiated on the applications of the Bank of Russia and the state corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” [Praktika rassledovaniya ugolovnyh del vozbuzhdennyh po zayavleniyam banka rossii I gosudarstvennoj korporacii agentstvo strahovaniya vkladov] // Proceedings of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. [Trudy akademii upravleniya mvd rossii] 2021. No. 1 (57). P. 132-141. Lysenko (2014) – Lysenko V.V. On the practice of investigating criminal cases on crimes in banking [O praktike rassledovaniya ugolovnykh del o prestupleniyakh v sfere bankovskoy deyatel’nosti] // Problems of Economics and Legal Practice. [Problemy ekonomiki i yuridicheskoy praktiki] 2014. No. 4. P. 31-33. Taktoeva (2019) – Taktoeva V.V. Problematic issues arising in the investigation of crimes committed in the financial and credit sphere [Problemnye voprosy voznikayushchie pri rassledovanii prestuplenij sovershennyh v finansovo- kreditnoj sfere] // Criminalistics: yesterday, today, tomorrow [Kriminalistika: vchera, segodnya, zavtra] 2019. No 3(11). P. 81-86. The practice of investigating crimes committed in the financial sector: an analytical review. [Praktika rassledovaniya prestuplenij, sovershennyh v kreditno-finansovoj sfere: analiticheskij obzor]. Moscow, 2019 Anapolskaya (2015) – Anapolskaya A.I. The procedure for the interaction of law enforcement agencies with banking institutions in the investigation of fraud committed in the field of electronic accounts [Poryadok vzaimodeystviya pravookhranitel’nykh organov s bankovskimi uchrezhdeniyami pri rassledovanii moshennichestv, sovershayemykh v sfere funktsionirovaniya elektronnykh schetov]//. Bulletin of the Tambov University. Series Humanities. 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