Economy Business Banks № 12(62)





Igor A. Filkevich

 PhD in Economic Sciences, Professor University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MGIMO), Professor at Moscow Pedagogical University.


Formation of common EAEU energy markets


Subject/Topic One of the main issues facing the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), in the context of globalization of world energy markets, is the formation of common system of energy markets. The creation of common energy markets is intended to deepen Eurasian integration, create conditions for the development of competition between economic entities, and ensure direct interaction between them in the transportation and supply of oil, oil products, and gas.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to substantiate the feasibility of creating common markets for oil, oil products, natural and liquefied gas, to identify the advantages of the common system of energy markets in the EEU.

Methodology When writing the work the statistical methods, methods of deduction and induction, content analysis were used.

Conclusion The creation of common energy markets is aimed at strengthening energy security and ensuring sustainable development of the economies of the EEU countries. The formation of a common system of energy markets will increase the international competitiveness of manufactured goods, achieve a high level of efficiency in the use of investment potential. Russia is the driver of the development of the common energy market of the EEU countries in the context of growing competition in the world. The COVID19 pandemic complicated the formation of  common energy markets and slowed down the pace of achievement. In the context of strengthening western sanctions against individual EEU countries, along with energy integration, the importance and significance of Eurasian financial integration, the transition to mutual settlements in national currencies for energy resources in the context of de-dollarization of the economies of the Union countries is growing.

Keywords: EEU, integration, energy security, common energy markets, national currencies.


  1. Aydoğan, B., G. Tunç, and T. Yelkenci. 2017. “The impact of oil price volatility on net-oil exporter and importer countries’ stock markets,” Eurasian Economic Review, 7(2), 231–253.
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  3. Yoshino, N. and V. Alekhina. 2016. “Impact of oil price fluctuations on an energy exporting economy: evidence from Russia,” Journal of Administrative and Business Studies 2(4): 156–166.
  4. Pelipas, I. (2017). Real, Nominal and Institutional Convergence in the EAEU Member Countries. Working Paper WP/17/03 of IPM Research Center
  5. Popescu, N. (2014). Eurasian Union: the real, the imaginary and the likely (Chaillot Paper No. 132). Paris: EU Institute for Security Studies.
  6. Kumar Study of Risk Spillover in the Crude Oil and the Natural Gas Markets // Global Business Review. №6. С. 32-56. (2017).
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Elena A. Miroshina

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and International Business, Moscow.


Elena A. Frolova

4th year student of the Faculty of Law, Moscow.


Intellectual property: Russia, EU and EAEU


Topic This article focuses on the аnаlysis and соmparison of legal regulation of the institutiоn of intеllеctual prоperty specially in Russia, the EU and the EAEU. The article also reflects the role of WIPO, the WTO. The importance of research is related to the development of society and the Internet, which influenced the emergence and spread of various technologies, works, trademarks, etc. The article reflects the differences in the regulation in Russia, the EU and the EAEU, which are associated, among other things, with different approaches to the definition of objects that are intellectual property. The subject of the research is international treaties, in particular the Convention Establishing the WIPO, the Berne Convention, Treaty on the EAEU, etc. and Russian legislation governing intellectual property issues.

Objectives Analyze international treaties and national legislation, compare the regulation of intellectual prоperty and approaches to it.

Methodology When writing an article to study the legal regulation of intellectual property and its comparison, the following methods were used: logical, formal-legal, comparisоn, analysis, etc.

Results/conclusions The article concludes with conclusions that include provisions that international agreements are more universal, but the national legal regulation is more detailed and specific. This is important for quickly responding to calls and problems. The approaches to defining intellectual property оbjects within the EU and the EAEU are quite similar, since they contain a common direction. It also emphasizes the need for the evolution of intellectual property and regulation of this issue.

Keywords: intellectual property, European Union, Eurasian Economic Union, Russia, WIPO, intellectual property market.


Boykov (2020) – Boykov V. A. Problems of harmonization of the system of protection of intellectual property rights in the Eurasian Economic Union // International Journal of Humanities Sciences [Problematika garmonizacii sistemy zashchity prava intellektualnoj sobstvennosti v EES // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal gumanitarnyh nauk], 2020. – P. 32-35

Zheryagin (2016) – Zheryagin S. A. Features of legal regulation of the intellectual property market of the EU and the EAEU at the regional and national level // Sоciо-pоlitical sciences [Osоbennosti regulirоvaniya rynka intellektualnoj sobstvennosti ES i ESS na regionalnom urovne // Sоcialno-politicheskie nauki], 2016.

Zheryagin (2016) – Zheryagin S. A. Formation of the legal framework and trends in the development of the intellectual property market // Problems of Economics and Legal Practice [Fоrmirovanie pravоvoj osnovy i tendencii rаzvitiya rynka intellеktualnоj sobstvennosti // Problemy yuridicheskoj praktiki], 2016. – P. 179-183

Kazachenok (2015) – Kazachenok S. Yu. Intellectual Property Law of the United Europe // Legal Concept [Pravo intellektualnoj sobstvennosti Evropy // Legal Concept], 2015.  —  P.35-38

Korolev, Postnikova (2016) – Korolev G. A., Postnikova N. Yu. Issues of harmonization of legal protection of intellectual property in the EAEU member states // Russian Entrepreneurship [Vоprosy garmonizacii pravovoj zshchity intеllektualnoj sobstvennosti v gоsudarstvah EAES // Rossijskoe predprinimatelstvo], 2016. – P. 329-338

Novoselova, Ruzakova (2017) – Novoselova L. A., Ruzakova O. A. Significance and functions of registration in the Russia and abroad // Bulletin of Perm University [Znachenie i funkcii registracii avtorskih prav v RF i za rubezhom // Vestnik Permskоgo universiteta], 2017 .-– S. 334-349

Plis (2020) – Plis V.V. Customs and legal protection of intellectual property rights in the European Union // International Journal of Humanities Sciences [Tamozhenno-pravovaya zashchita prav intellektualnoj sobstvennosti v ES// Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal gumanitarnyh nauk], 2020. – pp. 175-177

Ruzakova (2017) – Ruzakоva O. A. Some problems of legal regulation of relations in the field of intellectual property // Bulletin of the MGUA [Nekоtorye prоblemy pravovоgo regulirovaniya otnoshenij v sfere intellektualnoj sоbstvennosti // Vestnik MGUYA], 2017. – pp. 31-35

Ruzakova (2019) – Ruzakova O. A. Legislation on intellectual rights in the Russia, the EU and the EAEU: a comparative analysis // Bulletin of the RGGU [Zakonоdatelstvo ob intellektualnyh pravah v Rossii, ES, EES: sravnitelnyj analiz // Vestnik RGGU] 2019. —  S. 111-121

Chernysheva, Novikova (2018) – Chernyshеva T. K., Nоvikova V. S. Intellectual property in the Russia: essence, problems of implementation and development prospects // Scientific notes of young researchers [Intellektualnaya sobstvennost v Rоssii: sushchnost, problemy reаlizacii i perspektivy // Nauchnye zapiski mоlodyh issledovatelej], 2018.– pp. 70-76

Shugurov (2019) – Shugurоv M.V. Intellectual property law of the EAEU// Bulletin of SSLA [Pravo intellektualnоj sobstvennosti EES:// Vestnik SGYA], 2019.-– P. 82-99

Entin (2018) – Entin V.L. Intellectual property in the law of the EU // Statute [Intellektualnaya sоbstvennоst v prave EU], 2018 – P. 173


Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Business Analytics Department, Deputy Head of the Chair of “Economics of intellectual property” at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Olga V. Schneider

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Analytics, FSOBU HE “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow.


Regulation of activities commercial banks through the system economic standards


The relevance of the issues of regulating the activities of commercial banks through the system of economic standards is due to the modern conditions of economic relations and phenomena in the world. The subject of the research in this scientific article is the system of economic regulations governing the activities of modern commercial banks.

Importance The purpose of the study is to identify the problems associated with the application of economic standards in assessing the activities of commercial banks and regulating their activities.

Objective. Methods The methodology of the study was based on analytical methods of synthesis, analysis, comparison, assessment of the reliability of economic approaches, etc.

Conclusions and Relevance State regulation of the banking sector is focused on the need to ensure the reliability of the banking sector and its functioning in the financial market. Regulation of the activities of commercial banks is carried out on the basis of a system of economic standards that meet the current regulatory framework. According to their classification, economic regulations for regulating activities reproduce various activities of commercial banks and improve the procedure for analyzing the sustainable development of a commercial bank.

However, currently in the Russian banking sector practice there is a need to develop concise and effective regulatory documents, as well as a comprehensive risk assessment and monitoring system accompanying the activities of commercial banks.

Keywords: classification, commercial banks, regulatory regulation, risks, system, financial market, economic regulations.


Tarada (2013) – Tarada A.S. Russian practice of using instruments of anti-crisis management of credit institutions [Rossijskaya praktika primeneniya instrumentov antikrizisnogo upravleniya kreditnymi organizaciyami]// Financial analytics: problems and solutions. No. 9 (147). 2013.S. 44-54.

Shatkovskaya (2021) – Shatkovskaya E.G. Construction of methods for assessing the effectiveness of the bank’s credit policy on the basis of multidimensional comparative analysis [Konstruirovanie metodiki ocenki effektivnosti kreditnoj politiki banka na osnove mnogomernogo sravnitel’nogo analiza]/ [Electronic resource]. Access mode (date of access 27.12.2021).

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Sokolinskaya, Kupriyanova (2020) – Sokolinskaya N.E., Kupriyanova L.M. Information technology development risks in the banking sector [Riski razvitiya informacionnyh tekhnologij v bankovskom sektore] / The world of the new economy. 2020.Vol. 14.No. 3.P. 44-53.

Albov A.P., Kupriyanova (2020) – Albov A.P., Kupriyanova L.M. Digital law in the digital environment of the economy: implementation problems and risks [Cifrovoe pravo v cifrovoj srede ekonomiki: problemy realizacii i riski]. Economy. Business. Banks. 2020. No. 4 (42). S. 8-20.

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Kupriyanova, Sokolinskaya (2012) – Kupriyanova L.M., Sokolinskaya N.E. Development trends and features of small business lending in Russia [Tendencii razvitiya i osobennosti kreditovaniya malogo biznesa v Rossii]. Economy. Business. Banks. 2012. No. S3. S. 1-164.

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Olga V. Zhukova

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department, Head of the Department of Management and Economics of the Sports Industry named after V.V. Kuzin, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Moscow,  Russia.


Methods of determination and comparative analysis of housing affordability


Subject/topic The determination of housing affordability by the methods currently used in Russia and in the world is to determine the index or coefficient of housing affordability, as the ratio of the cost of a typical apartment to family income.

The article presents the methods of calculating the housing affordability index and the results of the study, including an analysis of the housing security of citizens of some countries of the world in comparison with the data for Russia.

Goals/tasks By all indications, social tension is brewing in Russia in terms of security and affordability of housing. The housing stock is old, new apartments are available only to citizens who have savings, rent and mortgages are expensive. The government announced a preferential mortgage program for families with children, and as a result, apartments have risen in price by up to 30%. It is possible to build housing by making share contributions to a housing and construction cooperative only for certain categories of citizens.

Methodology The approach of comparing the results of the study obtained by methods differing only in determining the income of the object of study, which in retrospect correspond to general and special methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and analogy, is used.

Conclusion The analysis of housing affordability by federal districts, the availability of rent and mortgages, confirmed their inaccessibility to the bulk of those in need. A family of three people can save up for a typical two-room apartment, according to various estimates, for 7 to 15 years, whereas 3 years is considered the criterion for housing affordability, whereas for mortgage availability LTV > 90%.

Keywords: housing, real estate, mortgage, living wage, average household income, housing affordability coefficient.


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Liliуa I. Khayrullina

Assistant Department of Management Accounting and Controlling at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University.


Transdisciplinary analytical approaches in the PPP Project


Subject/topic The article deals with transdisciplinary approaches of the accounting and analytical process in the project of public-private partnership (PPP). Facts and problems in the transfer of state property to the PPP project are noted. This problem is of a transdisciplinary nature, as innovative, legal, accounting and analytical, control aspects, as well as technical and financial audit are involved. The article also presents the features of the introduction of innovations and the economic justification of their effectiveness on the example of the development of a new technology.

Goals/objectives The article is aimed at identifying problems in the formation and implementation of PPP projects that are aimed at the development of innovations, substantiation of the economic efficiency of the innovations being introduced to increase the incentives for the company’s employees.

Hypothesis Additional state regulation is needed in transdisciplinary innovative PPP projects in order not to violate the principles of the accounting, analytical and control process and the safety of property as part of its transfer and retransmission.

The research methodology is based on the use of the method of expert assessments and statistics, methods of economic analysis. The result/practical significance lies in the substantiation of new mechanisms and tools for regulating property transferred to transdisciplinary innovative PPP projects.

Keywords: transdisciplinary approaches, innovations, transfer of property, reverse transfer, PPP, accounting and analytical procedures.


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Open sources of the Internet.


Nikita I. Karitich

student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Faculty of Economics and Business Moscow, Economic Security, undergraduate, Moscow, Russia.


Scientific advisor: Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Peculiarities of modern international capital movement


Topic: Consideration of the issue of capital migration between states in the modern world.

Objectives: Obtain a certain set of data on the specifics of capital flows in the modern world, draw some conclusions based on these data.

Methodology: In this work, the methods of theoretical research were used: analysis, synthesis, abstraction.

Results: The study of the specifics of capital movement in the context of modern economic realities has been carried out, the basic patterns in standard systems of capital migration have been identified, and the relationship between indicators of capital volumes and certain macroeconomic aspects has been studied.

Conclusions: The current system of capital migration between countries and parts of the world is a derivative of the global distribution of a number of important factors, including skilled labor, technology, living standards and political characteristics.

Keywords: Capital distribution, capital migration, capital movement, international capital movement, features of capital migration, capital migration in the modern world.


Alyoshkin (2019) – Alyoshkin V.V. // Capital outflow from Russia as a threat to the country’s economic security [Ottok kapitala iz Rossii kak ugroza ekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti strany] // Economy and business: theory and practice. [Ekonomika i biznes: teoriya i praktika.] – 2019. – No. 11-2.

Afanasyeva, Milichkina (2020) – Afanasyeva I.I., Milichkina A.D. // Analytical study of the modern mechanism of international capital movement: theory and practical aspects [Analiticheskoe issledovanie sovremennogo mekhanizma mezhdunarodnogo dvizheniya kapitala: teoriya i prakticheskie aspekty] // A-factor: research and development (humanities). [A-faktor: nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki (gumanitarnye nauki).] – 2020. – No. 11-2

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Drozhkina, Gusakova (2021) – Drozhkina T.V., Gusakova A.A., Tatarchenko K.R. // Investment policy as a vector of strategic development of the region [Investicionnaya politika kak vektor strategicheskogo razvitiya regiona] // Economy and business: theory and practice. [Ekonomika i biznes: teoriya i praktika.] – 2021. – No. 1-1.

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Leonova (2020) – Leonova N.V. // Factors of capital flight: an overview of the problem [Faktory begstva kapitala: obzor problemy] // Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics. [Ekonomicheskij zhurnal Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki.] – 2020. – No. 2 (24).

Medvedeva (2021) – Medvedeva S.S. // International rating as a method for assessing the investment attractiveness of a country [Mezhdunarodnyj rejting kak metod ocenki investicionnoj privlekatel’nosti strany] // Economy and business: theory and practice. [Ekonomika i biznes: teoriya i praktika.] – 2021. – No. 1-1.

Paramonova, Smirnov (2020) – Paramonova A.V., Smirnov E.N. // International competition of international jurisdictions for attracting foreign capital [Mezhdunarodnaya konkurenciya mezhdunarodnyh yurisdikcij za privlechenie inostrannogo kapitala] // Bulletin of Eurasian Science. [Vestnik evrazijskoj nauki.] – 2020. – No. 2 (12).

Pilipenko (2020) – Pilipenko I.V. // Features of business representation in public councils under the ministries and departments of the economic block of the government of the Russian Federation [Osobennosti predstavitel’stva biznesa v obshchestvennyh sovetah pri ministerstvah i vedomstvah ekonomicheskogo bloka pravitel’stva Rossijskoj Federacii] // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. [Nauchnye trudy Vol’nogo ekonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii.] – 2020. – No. 4.