Economy Business Banks № 10(60)




Dmitry A. Isakov

Dmitry A. Isakov

“Fund investments into the national economy”, Moscow, 107140, Rusakovskaya Street, house 13 PhD in economics, Chairman of Board of Directors,

National economy investment fund, Moscow, Russian Federation


Development of the electric power industry system as a driver of economic growth


Subject The article studies the modern development of the electric power engineering system.

The article is aimed at assessing, analyzing and researching the system of electric power industry, identifying prospects and problems in the industry. Integration processes in Europe and the CIS countries have reached the electricity industry in Russia. At the same time, many problems arose that negatively affected the development of related sectors of the national economy due to the lack of balance of tariff policy in the electric power industry. It is necessary to develop a new model for the formation of tariffs, taking into account the socio-economic situation of the Russian economy.

The research methodology is based on the use of the method of assessment, analysis, forecasting, expert assessments and statistics.

The result of the work is to update the information for making a special management decision, substantiate recommendations in modern conditions of development of the electric power system and the formation of innovative management decisions. The article proposes measures to determine new benchmarks in the electric power industry, presents elements of development of a new Paradigm of energy strategy, as well as a model for regulating innovation activity.

Inference The qualitative development of the electric power system depends on effective regulatory and legal regulation, needs to improve tariff formation and the formation of the industry as a “driver” of the entire economy and scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: electric power industry, management decision, tariff formation, forecasting, planning, digital economy.


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Sergey A. Koshkarev

Sergey A. Koshkarev, Academic degree, Academic rank, Candidate of technical science City name of the Department “Volgograd, department of Life Safety Building Construction and municipal, Assistant of professor

Kirill S. Koshkarev

Kirill S. Koshkarev, Academic degree, Academic rank, Post Graduate

City name of the Department “Volgograd, department of Life Safety Building Construction and municipal, post graduate student

Volgograd State Technical University

Alexander D. Pernicskiy

Alexander D. Pernicskiy, Academic degree, Academic rank –

City name of the Department “Volgograd, department of Life Safety Building Construction and municipal, magister Volgograd State Technical University

Effictive technologies for aspiration’s schemes of gas station


Importance Improvement and creation of new highly efficient technologies and devices for reducing the volume of pollutant emissions from filling stations, while reducing the cost of operating the amount of waste generated.

Objective Improvement and development of reliable gas trapping devices of acceptable low material and energy consumption for aspiration systems of gas stations, reducing operating costs and environmental payments for emissions and waste.

Methods Improvement and development of new energy and cost saving technologies and mass exchanging devices and high equipment’s efficiency, while reducing the consumption of materials, for the effective practical use.

There presented some results of field studies of the values of the pollutants’s concentrations of gas filling stations’s emissions in the area of the location in this article. It was fulfilled analytical studies on the choice of the type of effective gas trapping apparatus of acceptable material and energy consumption for aspiration systems of gas filling stations, which allows to reduce operating costs and environmental payments.

Conclusions and Relevance The article presents the results of field studies of the concentrations of pollutants in the area of the location of gas filling stations (gas stations) emissions. Analytical studies on the choice of the type of effective gas trapping apparatus of acceptable material and energy consumption for aspiration systems of gas stations have shown that the most acceptable from the point of view of technical and economic substantiation and environmental feasibility is the use of absorption’s apparatuses. Basic recommendations are given for the use of the proposed absorption’s type of devices, which can reduce operating costs and environmental payments.

Keywords: gas, vapor, hydrocarbons, resource, emissions, atmosphere, absorption, mass exchange, energy efficiency, economics.


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Tatyana V. Petrusevich

Tatyana V. Petrusevich,

Senior Lecturer, Department of of Business Intelligence at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow Russia.

Directions for use of analytical procedures in purposes of forecasting financial statements


Subject/Topic The relevance of the problems under consideration is due to the growing need for forecasting in organizations for making informed decisions and regulating the instability and uncertainty of the external environment associated with the acceleration of the pace of changes in the political and economic environment. In economic analysis, forecasting the financial and economic activities of an organization is singled out as an independent direction – prospective analysis.

Goals/Objectives The use among practicing economists, financiers, specialists of the accounting profile of productive and tested methods of predictive (promising) analysis of the financial situation increases the confidence of interested users in the results of the analysis and assessment of financial viability and the conclusions and recommendations made on their basis. That is why this article attempts to consider the possibilities of improving approaches to predictive analysis of the activities of economic actors.

Methodology A traditional retrospective approach was used using general and special methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and analogies.

Conclusion and Relevance The process of forecasting the results of an organization’s activities consists in analyzing and evaluating the organization’s activities in future periods on the basis of accumulated information, taking into account changes in the conditions of the internal and external environment for making informed economic decisions.

The method of forecasting the activity of the organization is based on methods and analytical techniques, which are logic-economic, economic-mathematical and other tools, the use of which allows, on the basis of developed methods and the necessary initial information, to carry out a qualitative and quantitative perspective assessment of the object of analysis.

Keywords: forecasting, forward-looking analysis, forecasting, methods, analytical procedures, economic growth, revenue, sales volume, profit


Lebedeva, Fedorova (2016) – Lebedeva I.M., Fedorova A.Yu., Macroeconomic planning and forecasting [Makroekonomicheskoe planirovanie i prognozirovanie]: tutorial/I.M. Lebedeva, A.Yu. Fedorova; ed. A.Yu. Fedorova. – St. Petersburg: ITMO University [SPb: Universitet ITMO], 2016 – 54 p.

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Lyudmila V. Krylova

Lyudmila V. Krylova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Service and Hotel Business, Dean of the Faculty of Restaurant and Hotel Business

State organization of higher professional education «Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky», Donetsk. E-mail:

Innovative vectors of agrotourism development


Subject/topic Innovative vectors of agrotourism development in the context of the development of the economic and social potential of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

The purpose of the study The study of theoretical aspects of the development of agriculture, rural tourism and agrotourism and the definition of modern trends in the development of agrotourism in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Tasks To study the peculiarities of the development of agriculture, rural tourism and agrotourism; to determine the factors of the development of agrotourism and the advantages of forming an agrotourism development strategy; to present a description of the national heritage and nature reserve fund of the Donetsk People’s Republic; to develop specific measures that should be formed on the principle of absolute localization of rural tourism and should be aimed at increasing the concentration of rural tourism facilities.

Methodology The methodological basis of scientific research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, scientific monographs, dissertation research, articles in periodicals.

Scientific novelty. As a result of scientific research, a scientific and methodological approach to the development of agrotourism in the DPR has been developed, which, unlike the existing ones, differs in the creation of an association for the development of agrotourism, whose main mission will be the formation and organization of the implementation of the concept of agrotourism development, the functioning and development of which will contribute to the restoration of rural areas and agriculture, increase the level of territorial attractiveness, favorable image of the territory, investment climate and economic potential of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Conclusion The main results of the development of agrotourism in the territory of the DPR, which will have a social and economic effect, are: the development of the economic, social, historical, cultural, resource potential of the DPR; increasing the level of environmental and food security on the basis of state legislative regulation of the development of the agro-industrial complex of the DPR on the basis of the development of agrotourism and agro-hotels; formation of sources of replenishment of the republican budget due to the expansion of tourism infrastructure and related economic sectors that ensure the development of agrotourism in the DPR; creation of new jobs for residents of the republic and the formation of a personnel reserve in the formation of full-cycle complexes for the development of agrotourism; popularization and formation of a favorable image of the territory based on the conservation of protected areas, the development of ecosystems, proper and organic nutrition, locavor nutrition; training of personnel for the development of agrotourism.

Keywords: innovative marketing technologies, agromarketing, agrotourism, agrotourism development association, agriculture, synergetic approach, development strategy, farmers, farmsteads, agro-hotels


GOST R 56641-2015 «Services of small accommodation facilities. Rural guest houses. General requirements» [GOST R 56641-2015 «Uslugi malykh sredstv razmeshcheniya. Sel’skie gostevye doma. Obshchie trebovaniya»] Electronic resource [Elektronnyi resurs] Access mode [Rezhim dostupa] :

MNIAP. International Institute of Agrarian Policy. The concept of rural tourism development Electronic resource [MNIAP. Mezhdunarodnyi institut agrarnoi politiki. Kontseptsiya razvitiya sel’skogo turizma] [Elektronnyi resurs] Access mode [Rezhim dostupa] : http://мниап.рф/rural-tourism/

Agrotourism is rural tourism: types and forms, routes, reviews [Agroturizm – eto sel’skii turizm: vidy i formy, marshruty, otzyvy] Electronic resource [Elektronnyi resurs] Access mode [Rezhim dostupa] :  —eto-selskiy-turizm-vidyi-i-formyi-marshrutyi-otzyivyi

Elena Skrynnik presented the concept of rural tourism development in Russia [Elena Skrynnik predstavila kontseptsiyu razvitiya sel’skogo turizma v Rossii] Electronic resource [Elektronnyi resurs] Access mode [Rezhim dostupa] :

Pecheritsa (2012) – Pecheritsa E.V. Analysis of the state and prospects of development of agrotourism in Russia / E.V. Pecheritsa, M.I. Shevchenko // Theory and practice of the service: economy, social sphere, technology. – 2012. – №4(14). – Pp. 229-235.

Rural tourism in Russia  [Sel’skii turizm v Rossii] Electronic resource [Elektronnyi resurs] Access mode [Rezhim dostupa] : Tourism_Of Russia#:~:text=ГОСТ%20Р%2056641-2015%20дает%20следующее, ресурсов%2C% 20традиционных%20для%20данной %20местности”

Protected lands of the DPR: Problems, tasks, solutions [Zapovednye zemli DNR: Problemy, zadachi, resheniya] Electronic resource [Elektronnyi resurs] Access mode [Rezhim dostupa] : zapovednye-zeml i-dnrya-problemy- zadachi-resheniya-22146.html

The strategy of tourism development in the DPR until 2025 will make it more accessible [Strategiya razvitiya turizma v DNR do 2025 g. sdelaet ego bolee dostupnym] Electronic resource [Elektronnyi resurs] Access mode [Rezhim dostupa]: publications/tourism-strategy/


Diana S. Kazakova

Diana S. Kazakova, Bachelor of Economics, Master’s Degree at the Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis, direction of financial analysis and assessment of investment decisions, Moscow, Russia.

E– mail:

Evaluation of the financial state of the company YANDEX N.V.


Subject / topic Analysis of the capital structure of the company “Yandex N.V.”

Goals / objectives Comprehensive author’s study of the components of the financial statements of the company “Yandex N.V.” as part of the study of the main sources of the company’s activities.

Methodology The research used the methods of logical, statistical, comparative and linguistic analysis. As part of the work, a strategic analysis of the company was carried out, which contained a description of the features of the key development factors and risks of the industry, as well as a financial analysis, within which the financial statements of the company were analyzed, where the shares and weights of each component were analyzed. In addition, the indicators of the capital structure were analyzed over a horizon of 4 years, which made it possible to form a hypothesis about the further development of the company and about changes in its indicators.

Conclusion Yandex N.V. shows a high level of volatility according to the quotes schedule and daily changes, but at the same time reduces this level due to trading on the international market. On the horizon of 3-4 years, a high degree of implementation of the company’s influence in other areas can be expected. The status of a “large” player will also scale due to the greater number of company integrations.

Key words: Capital structure, assets and liabilities, efficiency, direction of use, cash, goodwill.


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Nikita I. Karitich

Nikita I. Karitich, student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Faculty of Economics and Business Moscow, Economic Security, undergraduate, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Scientific advisor: Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business. E-mail:

Analysis and assessment of economic security on the internet


Topic Analysis and assessment of economic security on the Internet.

Objectives The purpose of the work is to collect information, a summary analysis and a primary assessment of the level of economic security on the Internet, to provide data on the object of study and related problems from various sides and points of view, as well as to introduce author’s comments and assessments.

Methodology In this study, the methods of theoretical research were used: analysis, synthesis, abstraction.

Results The study of the specifics of economic activity on the Internet, various threats and risks for this type of activity, and also studied the relationship between information and economic security.

Conclusions There are many different threats and risks for economic security on the Internet, despite the huge number of precautions and security systems, therefore, it is necessary to carry out this kind of activity on the World Wide Web competently, with extreme caution, using all possible means to ensure its security

Keywords: economic security, economic security on the Internet, digital security, information security, security assessment of economic activities, economic activities, cybercrime, Internet crime, online fraud.


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