Economy Business Banks № 9(59)
Inna N. RykovaInna N. Rykova doctor of Economics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Head of the Center for Industrial Economics of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation» Roman S. GubanovRoman S. Gubanov PhD in economics, senior researcher Center for Industry Economics of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation» |
Current issues of development of the coal mining industry in the face of production hazard risksAbstract
Subject/Topic Development of coal mining in the context of digitalization of the end-to-end production process, taking into account risks and uncertainties. Goals/Objectives Evaluation of the effectiveness of the development of coal mining companies in the context of the search for drivers of economic growth in the Russian industry. Methodology Monographic research methods; building series of dynamics; calculation of the rates of economic growth for the production, shipment, import and export of coal; comparative analysis and diagnostics of regional potential for coal mining; forecasting the development results of coal industry companies. Results The article examines the key indicators of the effectiveness of the development of the coal industry in Russia: the volume of coal production and processing, turnover for the import of coal and its consumption on the scale of the national economic system. The analysis of the structure of the world energy resources, including the specific weight of coal, is given. The volume of financing of investment projects for the development of the national coal industry until 2035 has been studied in the context of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The authors consider the geographical segments of coal mining, which ensure the principles of continuity and rationality of the activities of coal mining companies, taking into account the provision of special licenses. The article emphasizes that the risk of industrial hazards for subjects of activity in the field of coal mining is interpreted as a category, the impact on the profit of coal mining is determined by the structure of losses in emergency situations in production, in the field of mining and processing, as well as in the process of coal transportation. Conclusions When building a model for differentiating the largest coal companies by coal turnover in the Russian market, the possibilities of mastering digital technologies at various stages of its implementation were taken into account: production, sale, consumption. Based on the study of the coal mining scheme and diagnostics of the structure of coal sales in macroregions, conclusions were drawn about the competitive advantages of Siberian coal-mining territories, taking into account their natural resource potential. Keywords: coal, coal mining, coal companies, coal industry, export, risk, industrial hazard References: Osipova, Osipov (2018) – Osipova K.G., Osipov G.N. Some features of risk management in the mining industry [Nekotorye osobennosti upravleniya riskami v gornodobyvayushchej promyshlennosti] // Corporate economy # 4 (16) [Korporativnaya ekonomika № 4 (16)] – 2018 – P. 28 – 40. Taktarov, Grigorieva (2006) – Taktarov G.A., Grigorieva E.M. 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Grigoriy G. SidorenkoGrigoriy G. Sidorenko – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, department of economic security and risk management at Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow, Russian Federation. Rim L. ArifullinRim L. Arifullin – Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business at Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow, Russian Federation Polina E. ShtyryaPolina E. Shtyrya – Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business at Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow, Russian Federation |
Risks of developing renewable energy sources in RussiaAbstract
Subject / topic The article examines trends in the development of renewable energy sources. The main current indicators of the industry and the potential of its development are analyzed against the background of the current state of the Russian and world economies. The main inhibiting and stimulating factors that create risks and opportunities for domestic enterprises in various industries are described. Highlighted issues related to social, political, economic and technical factors affecting green energy sources. Goals / objectives: The purpose of the study is to analyze the development of renewable energy sources in the past, consider current trends in the industry and identify risk factors for the introduction of alternative energy for Russian business. Methodology The methodological basis of the research is made up of both general and specific scientific methods of cognition. Used methods such as induction and deduction, methods of comparison and generalization. Results / conclusions The authors identified the main factors influencing both the development and the inhibition of the development of renewable energy sources in Russia. Based on the factors identified, the authors analyzed the risks of renewable energy sources, which can have both negative and positive consequences for national enterprises and the Russian economy as a whole. Keywords: Renewable energy sources, energy sector, energy sector risks, unified energy system References: Electricity consumption by constituent entities of the Russian Federation // [Electronic resource] // Access mode: (Date of access: 13.03.2021) Electricity consumption in the UES of Russia in 2020 decreased by 2.4% compared to 2019 // [Electronic resource] // Access mode: release-view / news / 15543 / (Date of access: 13.03.2021) The main characteristics of the Russian electric power industry // Electronic resource // node/532 (Date of access: 13.03.2021) Article 3 of the Federal Law of March 26, 2003 N 35-FZ “On the Electric Power Industry” Article 1. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.01.2009 N 1 “On the main directions of state policy in the field of increasing the energy efficiency of the electric power industry based on the use of renewable energy sources for the period up to 2035”. International trends in the field of renewable energy sources // [Electronic resource] // Access mode: dam/Deloitte/ru/Documents/energy-resources/Russian/global-renewable- energy-trends.pdf (Date accessed: 13.03.2021) BNEF’s New Energy Outlook 2018 // [Electronic resource] // Access mode: bnefs-new-energy-outlook-2018 (Date of access: 03/14/2021) Average frequency and duration of electric distribution outages vary by states // [Electronic resource] // Access mode: todayinenergy/ detail.php?id=35652 (Date of access: 03/14/2021 ) National accounts // [Electronic resource] // Access mode: (Date of access: 14.03.2021) Risks of the development of renewable energy in Russia // [Electronic resource] // Access mode: /articles/riski-razvitiya- vozobnovlyaemoy-energetiki-v-rossii Almost 30% of Russians are ready to overpay for light for the sake of developing alternative energy // [Electronic resource] // Access mode: Solar Energy: The Hope of Humanity? // [Electronic resource] // Access mode: |
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Taliya Kh.UsmanovaTaliya Kh.Usmanova Shief researcher at Institute of economic forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences Liliуa I. КhayrullinaLiliуa I. Кhayrullina assistant Department of Management Accounting and Controlling at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University |
Opportunities for economic growth within the framework of innovative solutionsAbstract
Subject / topic The article deals with the structure of export and import of products of the Russian Federation in the framework of international trade. There is a reduction in high-tech products in the export balance and the import of high technologies to the detriment of the development of their own scientific technologies. The experience of international advanced innovative business is given. At the same time, there are significant opportunities for increasing economic growth in Russia as part of the resumption of the development and production of high-tech products by Russian large companies to enter competitive international markets. Objectives/ Objectives The article is aimed at substantiating the prospects and opportunities for Russia’s economic growth in the framework of export and import of products, as well as substantiating new opportunities for the development of innovations in the context of special integration processes, as well as planning scientific technologies in the context of integration of economies into the world economy. Hypothesis It is necessary to develop the methodology for introducing innovative technologies of a new generation with high added value in the export of planned high-tech products. The research methodology is based on the use of the method of expert estimates and statistics, methods of economic analysis. The result/practical significance of the study is the development of new tools and mechanisms for the introduction of innovative and scientific and technical solutions to ensure economic growth in Russia. Keywords: innovative technologies, high- and medium-technological activities, structure of export and import References: Komkov (2019) – Komkov N.I. Analysis and assessment of prospects for the implementation of the strategy of scientific and technological development of Russia. [Analiz i ocenka perspektiv realizacii strategii nauchnotekhnologicheskogo razvitiya Rossii] Problems of forecasting. 2019. # 5 (176). S. 73-87. Komkov (2019) – Komkov N.I. Analysis and assessment of the prospects for the implementation of the scientific and technological development strategy of Russia. Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019. T. 30. # 5 S. 530-539. Usmanova (2017) – Usmanova T.Kh. Formation of standards of quality of life in the digital economy [Formirovanie standartov kachestva zhizni v usloviyah cifrovoj ekonomiki] Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions. 2017. T. 3. # 6 S. 177-181. Usmanova (2017) – Usmanova T.Kh. Quality of life: theory, politics and practice [Kachestvo zhizni: teoriya, politika i praktika] Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions. 2017. T. 4. # 3. S. 195-199. Usmanova (2018) – Usmanova T.Kh., Isakov D.A. Scientific and technological development in Russia in the context of the introduction of the digital economy [Nauchno- tekhnologicheskoe razvitie v Rossii v usloviyah vnedreniya cifrovoj ekonomiki] Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions. 2018. T. 7. # 5 S. 101-105. Official site of Rosstat Official site of the FCS of Russia |
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Larisa A. YudintsevaLarisa A. Yudintseva, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Institute of Economics and Management, Katanov Khakass State University, Candidate of Sciences in Economics Abakan, Russia. Е-mail: |
Some problems of implementing state support for small and medium-sized businessAbstract Subject/Topic This article presents an analysis of a number of measures of state support for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia. Goals/Objectives Author’s study of the implementation of the mechanism for providing financial, guarantee and other support to small and medium-sized businesses through the SME Corporation, identifying the problems of this financial mechanism, its reasons, and trends of further development. Methodology In the process of research methods of logical, statistical analysis were used. Results This financial mechanism must now be recognized as ineffective in the conditions of the modern financial system of Russia. Only one percent of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses were able to use this form of state support. The key role in the system of state support for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia should be played by the SME Corporation, which currently does not cope with the tasks assigned to it by the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the author, the main reason for the current situation is the low interest of the management of the SME Corporation, bureaucratic obstacles and insufficient awareness of SME entities about business support measures. Conclusions Despite the positive foundations laid in the creation of the national guarantee system, the existing financial mechanism of state support through the SME Corporation needs revision and constant state financial control both by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and by the executive authorities. Keywords: small and medium business, national guarantee system, financial support, guarantee support, efficiency, government control. References: Zemtsov (2020) – Zemtsov S. P. Institutes, entrepreneurship and regional development in Russia [Instituty, predprinimatel’stvo i regional’noe razvitie v Rossii] / / NEA. 2020. – # 2 (46). – S. 168-180. Barinova (2019) – Barinova V. A., Zemtsov S. P., Knobel A. Yu., Loshchenkova A. N. Small and medium-sized businesses as a factor of economic growth in Russia [Malyj i srednij biznes kak faktor ekonomicheskogo rosta Rossii] / In-t ekon. politiki im. E.T. Gajdara. – M. : Izd-vo In-ta Gajdara. 2019. – 308 s. Strategic development of small business and forms of support for individual entrepreneurship [Strategicheskoe razvitie malogo biznesa i formy podderzhki individual’nogo predprinimatel’stva]: monograph. – Nizhny Novgorod: NOO “Professional Science”, 2018. – 302 s. Petukhova (2019) – Petukhova L. 4. Tens of billions of rubles were spent in vain to support small businesses [Desyatki milliardov rublej na podderzhku malogo biznesa byli potracheny naprasno] // Forbes. 2019. − 25.12.2019. [Web-source]: (accessed 20.08.2021) Bilavchuk (2021) – Bilavchuk T. M. Features of the formation of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation and the formation of a system of its state support [Osobennosti stanovleniya malogo i srednego predprinimatel’stva v Rossijskoj Federacii i formirovaniya sistemy ego gosudarstvennoj podderzhki]// Aktual’nye issledovaniya. 2021. – # 1 (28). – S. 106-109. Zinisha (2021) – Zinisha O.S., Alekseenko L.D., Kocheyan D.G. Organization of lending in the national economy [Organizaciya kreditovaniya v nacional’noj ekonomike] // Valyutnoe regulirovanie. Valyutnyj kontrol’. 2021. – # 1. – S. 39-44. Blinova (2021) – Blinova T. V. From internal financial audit-to internal audit [Ot vnutrennego finansovogo audita — k vnutrennemu audit] // Finkontrol’. 2021. − # 2. [Web-source]: (accessed 20.08.2021)
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Irina E. ShakerIrina E. Shaker, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Banking and Financial Markets at Financial Faculty of the Financial University. E-mail:
Growth inflationAbstract
Subject / topic The study of the impact of the inflation targeting regime on economic growth is relevant, since, perhaps by focusing on inflation targets, the Bank of Russia can allow excessive volatility in real output or the exchange rate, as well as maintain excessively high interest rates, which can negatively affect investments and ultimately – on economic growth. Goals / objectives On the basis of a system analysis, answer the question of whether inflation can be combined with economic growth. Methodology Macroeconomic analysis of the inflation targeting regime carried out by central banks and their inflation targets, taking into account the structural and institutional characteristics of the economy Results / conclusions Growth inflation occurs if, with an increase in the money supply, the production of goods and services grows at a faster rate (due to non-monetary factors) than inflation itself. In conditions of stable and low inflation, uncertainty in the economy decreases, inflation expectations and risk premiums decrease. This helps to lower real interest rates – especially long-term ones – and reduce the magnitude of their fluctuations. As a result, a more predictable environment for business and households is formed, which is important for expanding investment and sustaining economic growth Keywords: growth inflation, demand inflation, cost inflation, equilibrium between supply and demand, monetary inflation, key rate References: Monetary policy, website of the Bank of Russia. Access mode: objective_and_principles/ (Date of access – 02.10.2021) The main directions of the unified state monetary policy for 2021 and the period of 2022 and 2023, the website of the Bank of Russia. Access mode: publ/ondkp/on_2021_2023/ (Date of access – 02.10.2021) Bondarev (2019) – Bondarev A.S. Theoretical aspects of the impact of inflation on the country’s economy // Alley of Science. 2019.Vol. 3.No. 5.P. 237-240. Mironchik, Ryzhkovskaya (2020) – Mironchik N., Ryzhkovskaya O. How does the inflation targeting regime fit in with growth issues? // Banking bulletin. – 2020. No. 3.P. 47-53. The site of the Federal State Statistics Service. Access mode: https:// /accounts (Date of access – 02.10.2021) Mironchik, Ryzhkovskaya (2020) – Mironchik N., Ryzhkovskaya O. How does the inflation targeting regime fit in with growth issues? / Scientific article // Scientific journal “Banking Bulletin”. 2020. No. 3 P.47-53. Mylov (2015) – Mylov I.D. Anti-inflationary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the crisis // Scientific-methodical electronic journal “Concept”. 2015. Bureau of Statistics. [Electronic resource]. URL: Kartaev (2018) – Kartaev F.S. Assessment of the impact of monetary policy on economic growth for various groups of countries / Scientific article // FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE. 2018.Vol. 22, No. 1 Official site of the RF Ministry of Finance. [Electronic resource]. URL: |
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Nikita D. MagnitskiyNikita D. Magnitskiy, Post-graduate student of the Finance Faculty of the Department of Public Finance at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Email:
Academic Supervisor: Tyurina Yulia Gabdrashitovna, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Finance of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Email: |
Balance model for managing the income of the public budgetsAbstract
Subject / topic: Traditional methods of forecasting the income of public law entities operate with indicators that characterize their quantity and value. At the same time, any change in fiscal policy, expressed in the form of a redistribution of national income, has a direct and indirect impact on the domestic economy, expressed in a change in the tax burden of economic entities, modification of the types of sectoral economic activities of entities, growth in production diversification, etc. The identification of such effects is achieved using the inter-balance analysis of V.V. Leontyev. Goals / objectives: The aim of the study is to consider the theoretical and practical part of the economic doctrine of V.V. Leontiev and the possibility of its application in relation to the domestic economy. In the course of the study, approaches and methods will be developed for assessing the effect of changing the tax burden of business entities by industry, using the “Input – Output Analysis” method.Results / conclusions: an analysis of the dynamics of revenue receipts to the budget of the state and municipalities was carried out and a mechanism was proposed to improve the approach to forecasting the income of public legal entities on the basis of the research work carried out. Keywords: Income of public law entities, Balance analysis, total consumption, tax rate. References: Granberg (2016) – Granberg A.G. “Vasily Leontiev in the pestilence and domestic economic science” // Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2016. No. 3. 471-491; Report on the calculation and receipt of taxes, fees, insurance premiums, and other mandatory payments [Electronic resource]: related_activities/ statistics_and_analytics/ forms/ (date of access: 20.02.2021); Ronald (2009) – Ronald E. Miller and Peter D. Blair. Input-Output Analyses. Foundation and Extensions. – Second Edition. – Cambridge University Press. The Edinburg Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK, 2009. |
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Daria N. AstakhovaDaria N. Astakhova – Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Finance, direction – financial markets and banks at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Natalia V. GerasimovaNatalia V. Gerasimova – Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Finance, direction – financial markets and banks at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation |
Dynamics of the Russian banking industry development in the period of covid-19Abstract
Subject / topic The paper examines the changes that have occurred in the banking sector of the Russian Federation during the coronavirus period, as well as the vectors of development of this area within the framework of the “new reality”. Methodology The analysis of the indicators of the banking sector (the number of loans issued, the amount of debt, the share of net assets) during a pandemic is carried out. The authors provide a general description of the behavior of banks and the period of the virus. Results The article reveals the problems of a decrease in domestic demand, a decline in financial activity, and a decrease in borrowing limits. The indicated positive dynamics during a pandemic are analyzed. The opposite direction is also complemented by consideration of a set of measures to support the financial sector by the Central Bank. Conclusions / Relevance The article summarizes some of the results of the study of the key points in the development of banking coronavirus. As a result of studying the problem under consideration, the authors concluded that the banking sector has experienced significant changes (digitalization, online banking, remote services). Keywords: banking sector, pandemic, assets, credit, Central Bank support measures, refinancing rate, revocation of licenses, digitalization References: Coronavirus in the bank. Three options for the development of events for the Russian banking sector [Koronavirus v banke. Tri varianta razvitiya sobytij dlya rossijskogo bankovskogo sektora] – [Electronic resource] // – URL: daytheme/ ?id=10918984 (date of access: 20.05.2021). The number of online payments in the Russian Federation in 2020 increased by 40% [CHislo onlajn-platezhej v RF v 2020 godu vyroslo na 40% // Website of the independent Internet holding “”] / [Electronic resource]. URL: news/lenta/?id=10939479 (date of access 16.05.2021) Yagupova E.A. INFLUENCE OF THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC ON THE BANKING SYSTEM OF RUSSIA [VLIYANIE PANDEMII KORONAVIRUSA NA BANKOVSKUYU SISTEMU ROSSII] // Scientific bulletin: finance, banks, investments. 2020. #. 3 (52) URL: (date of access: 05.05.2021). Banking sector in 2020 [ Bankovskij sektor v 2020 godu] // Website of the independent Internet holding “” / [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of treatment 18.05.2021) Yulia Starostina. The fall of the Russian economy due to the pandemic has become the maximum in 11 years [Padenie ekonomiki Rossii iz-za pandemii stalo maksimal’nym za 11 let/ YUliya Starostina] / Yulia Starostina // Information Agency “RBK” / [Electronic resource]. URL: 6017e1819a7947cb98f23f95 (date of treatment 14.05.2021) Official site of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation / [Electronic resource]. – URL: (date of treatment 16.05.2021) Official site of RBC / [Electronic resource]. – URL: 5f196a5e9a794753da59ad0a (date of treatment 20.05.2021) Review of key indicators of microfinance institutions for the II quarter of 2020 [Obzor klyuchevyh pokazatelej mikrofinansovyh institutov za II kvartal 2020 goda]. Information and analytical material Official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation / [Electronic resource] URL: 29320/review_mfi_20Q2.pdf (date of treatment 14.05.2021) Federal State Statistics Service [Electronic resource] URL: (date of treatment 14.05.2021) The number of unemployed [CHislennost’ bezrabotnyh] // Federal State Statistics Service / [Electronic resource]. URL: print=1 (date of treatment 14.05.2021) |
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