Economy Business Banks №6(56)
Alexander S. RodionovPhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, full Professor of the basic university department, Director of Scientific and Information Consulting Center of Safe life and work, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation, President of Graduate School MВА «IntegraL» (Corporate University).
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Ideology of «Normal life»Abstract
Subject / topic The actual topic of the formation of the ideology of state and business entities on the basis of the author’s paradigm of ensuring normal life was touched upon. Within the framework of a wide range of problems, the reference points of vectors of scenario forecasting of the development of civilization in real time have been studied. The development of the author’s early works on mythological design of hospitality in relation to the symbolism of ideology, including sign, image and meaning, is presented. From the standpoint of the mythological design of hospitality, the main attractors of the phase space of the universe are shown: the world structure, world order, worldview. An interpretation is given of the direct course of time “chronos” and its counter-move “kairos” as a variant of predicting future events with a minimum time lag. Goals / objectives on the basis of theoretical research of encyclopedic scholars and the experience of the practical implementation of ideologemes in state and corporate structures, to form attractors of the myth design of an ideology friendly to people and society; to show the importance of ideology in the field of NBICS technologies as a necessary condition for ensuring the life of the people and their mobilization for achieving strategic goals and solving vital problems. Methodology: critical analysis, trialectics of thinking, inductive and deductive approaches in the study of the territory of meanings, theory of similarity, analogies, phenomenological assessment of the situation in real time Results / conclusions it is substantiated that the ideology of infocracy, which replaced the previous tellurocracy and thalassocracy, has transformed. the media into the weapons of mass destruction mentality; mythological thinking and the universe are presented as the unity of the mythological phase space, views and relationships, the unity of the world structure, order and view Keywords: normal life, ideology. References: Rodionov (2021) – Rodionov A.S Social economy on the example of fire-fighting and rescue garrisons // Economics. Business. Banks. Ekonomika chrezvychaynykh situatsiy: ot likvidatsii posledstviy k normal’noy zhiznedeyatel’nosti] 2021, No. 1 (51). Pp. 8-28 Rodionov (2020) – Rodionov A.S Economy of emergency situations: from liquidation of consequences to normal life // Economics. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika chrezvychaynykh situatsiy: ot likvidatsii posledstviy k normal’noy zhiznedeyatel’nosti] 2020, No. 2 (40). Pp. 9-35 Einstein Albert The evolution of physics. – M.: AST Publishing House, 2018 – 320 p. 284 Marshall (1984) – Marshall A. Principles of political economy. tr. from English – M.: Progress, V. 1, 1983; V. 2, 1984; V. 3, 1984 Leontiev Vasily. Economic essays. Theory, research, facts and politics. tr. from English – M.: Politizdat, 1990. Pentland Alex Social Physics. How big data helps us to follow and take privacy from us / A. Pentland – AST Publishing House, 2014 – 392 p. (Digital economy and digital future) Piketty Thomas Capital in the XXI century. M.: Publisher: Ad Marginem (Ad Marginem) – 2015 – 592 p. 14 Dzarasov S.S. Where is Keynes calling Russia? – M.: Algorithm, 2012 – 304 p. 131 Popper Karl Raimund Objective knowledge: An evolutionary approach. tr. from English Ed. 3rd – M.: Editorial URSS, 2010 – 384 p. Gumilev L.N. The end and the beginning again: popular lectures on ethnology [Konets i vnov nachalo: populyarnyie lektsii po narodovedeniyu] – M.: Iris-press, 2012 – 384 p. Moazed A. Platform: The practical application of the revolutionary business model / Alex Moazed, Nicholas Johnson; tr. from English – M .: Alpina Publisher, 2019 – 288 p. 12, 19,27,35,37,40,128. Srnichek N. Capitalization of platforms / trans. from English and scientific. Ed. M. Dobryakova: University “Higher School of Economics”. – M.: Publishing. House of the Higher School of Economics, 2019 – 128 p. – (Economic theory). p.7,30,31,35,75,76,79 Florida R. Creative class: people who change the future. M.: Classic – XXI, 2007. 421 p. Standing G. Prekariat: a new dangerous class. M.: Ad Marginem, 2014.328 p. Rodionov (2016) – Rodionov A.S. Economic security, environmental risks and quality of life // Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions. [Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost, ekologicheskie riski i kachestvo zhizni // Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemyi, resheniya.] 2016. Vol. 2 (56). No. 8. p.199-206 Rodionov (2019) – Rodionov A.S. Investments in safe life: preservation, level, lifestyle, quality. //Economy. Business. Banks [Investitsii v bezopasnuyu zhiznedeyatelnost: sohranenie, uroven, uklad, kachestvo. //Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2019, No. 3 (29). S.54-66 Castells M. The Information Age: Economics, Society and Culture. M.: HSE, 2000 – 608 p. |
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Natalya E. SokolinskayaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Banking and Financial Market, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail: Elena A. ZinovyevaPostgraduate student, Department of Banking and Financial Market, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail: |
The role of intellectual rights as part of the implementation of digital technologiesAbstract
Subject / Topic The article considers the concepts of intellectual law and intellectual property through the prism of digitalization of the domestic financial sector of the economy. Goals / Objectives To analyze the prerequisites for the emergence of intellectual property, justify the need to build an effective system for managing intellectual property and developing mechanisms for its protection, determine the triumvirate of intellectual property subjects, as well as its objects, and review the regulatory and legal regulation of intellectual activity in the Russian Federation. Methodology Methods of comparison and grouping, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis. Conclusions und Relevance Intellectual property is a key asset and a virtually inexhaustible resource, which is a source of innovation and a catalyst for the development of the national economy, and digital technology is the result of human intellectual activity. The Institute of Intellectual Property is important for building a “creative economy” in the Russian Federation. The state, including through the Federal Intellectual Property Service, plays a special role in regulating relations arising in the field of intellectual property. The article presents the priorities of the development of intellectual property and the key directions of the transformation of intellectual rights in the digital economy. Intellectual activity is the main factor of competitive advantage and the driving force of the socio-economic development of the state, and creativity at a new stage in the development of civilization becomes the most important factor in the growth of the national economy. Keywords:intellectual rights, intellectual property, digital economics, banking, innovation, digital technologies, creative economics. References Ponkin(2013) – Ponkin, I.V. History of the development of intellectual property law. The first normative acts concerning copyright issues // Bulletin of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series: Legal Sciences, 2013. – № 3. – p. 124-129. Kirsanova (2020) – Kirsanova, E.E. History of the formation of legislation on intellectual property in the domestic legal system // Legal science, 2020. – № 5. – p. 38-41. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Four) of December 28, 2006 No. 230-FZ // WG, 2006. – № 289. Law of the Russian Federation of September 23, 1992 № 3526-1 “On the legal protection of topologies of integrated circuits” // Vedomosti of the Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992. – № 42. – st. 2328. Law of the Russian Federation of July 9, 1993 № 5351-1 “About copyright and related rights” // Vedomosti of the Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1993. – № 32. – st. 1242. Patent Law of the Russian Federation of September 23, 1992 No. 3517-1 // Vedomosti of the Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992. – № 42. – st. 2319. Oparina (2011) – Oparina, M.V. Subjects and objects of intellectual property law in Russian and international law // Transport business of Russia, 2011. – № 7. – p. 20-23. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 21.03.2012 No. 218 “On the Federal Intellectual Property Service” // WG, 2012. – № 5743. Sokolinskaya, N.E. (2019) – The role of banking innovative disciplines in the formation of competencies in the conditions of digitalization of banks // Journal Banking, 2019. – No. 6. – р. 49-53. |
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Artur A. KochetkovHead of the educational laboratory of the basic Department “Economics of Intellectual Property” at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
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Problems of assessing the effectiveness of managementAnnotation
Subject/topic The problems of efficiency assessment are at the heart of all economic science, are the subject of scientific discussions and political debates. The article presents some factors that determine the efficiency of economic systems, recreates some elements of the axiomatics of the theory of efficiency, and develops the concept of synergetic efficiency. The individual types and types of effectiveness are also considered and approaches to their definition are specified.An attempt is made to describe the interaction of various types of efficiency among themselves and to determine their synergistic effect on the economic system as a whole. Goals/objectives Consideration and analysis of the efficiency of economic systems, the features of certain types of efficiency and the emergence of new performance criteria in economic systems. Methodology The methodological basis of this study is the classical concepts of the management efficiency theory, as well as the use of the method of comparative analysis and empirical research. Conclusions: The practical application of this article lies in the presented recommendations and new criteria for the effectiveness of management in economic systems. The overall approach to management effectiveness should be based on the amount of damage or profit for different types of efficiency. Management efficiency in any economic system can be considered as an optimal harmonious combination of production factors (resources). Keywords: efficiency, efficiency theories, efficiency, economic systems, performance indicators, management of economic systems. References: Ricardo David (2007) – Ricardo D. The beginning of political economy and taxation. [Nachalo politicheskoj ekonomii i nalogovogo oblozheniya] M.: Eksmo, [M.: Eksmo] 2007. – 953 p [in Russian] Kene Fransua (1973) – Kene F. M.: Sovetskaya enciklopediya [Bol’shaya sovetskaya enciklopediya], 1973. – P. 48. [in Russian] William Petty (1940) – Petty W. Economic and Statistical Works. [Ekonomicheskie i statisticheskie raboty] T. I-II. Translation ed. Smith M.N. – Moscow: State Socio-Economic Publishing House [Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe social’no-ekonomicheskoe izdatel’stvo], 1940.- 323 p. [in Russian] Kon (1979) – Kon E.S. History of bourgeois sociology of the XIX – early XX century [Istoriya burzhuaznoj sociologii XIX – nachala XX veka]. – M.: Nauka, 1979. – S. 309-331 [in Russian]. Myrdal (1980) – Myrdal G. The growing interdependence of states and the failure of international cooperation [Vozrastayushchaya vzaimozavisimost’ gosudarstv i neudachi mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva] // World Economy and International Relations. [Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya]№ 5, 1980. [in Russian] Egorova (1995) – Egorova I.A. Economy as a science [Ekonomika kak nauka]. – M .: Science for Society, RGGU [Nauka dlya obshchestva, RGGU], 1995 .– 168 p. [in Russian] North (1993) – North D. Institutions, ideology and economic efficiency [Instituty, ideologiya i effektivnost’ ekonomiki] // From plan to market: the future of post-communist republics [Ot plana k rynku: budushchee postkommunisticheskih respublik.]. – M.: Catallaxy [M .: Catallaxy], 1993. S. 307-319. [in Russian] Kriklivets (2019) – Kriklivets A.A. The concept of efficiency in economic science [Ponyatie effektivnosti v ekonomicheskoj nauke] // Young scientist [Molodoj uchenyj]. 2019. – No. 2 (240). -Moscow. 237-239. [in Russian] Tanicheva (2010) – Tanicheva T.S. The effectiveness of entrepreneurial and management activities of an industrial enterprise and its relationship with competitiveness [Effektivnost’ predprinimatel’skoj i upravlencheskoj deyatel’nosti promyshlennogo predpriyatiya i ee svyaz’ s konkurentosposobnost’yu] // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University [Vestnik CHelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.]. – 2010. – No. 3 (184). [in Russian] Haken (2021) – HakenG. Self-organizing society. Electronic resource [Samoorganizuyushcheesya obshchestvo. Elektronnyj resurs] URL access mode: samoorganizuyushheesya-obshhestvo/ (date of access 06/09/2021) [in Russian] Kupriyanovskiy (2017) – KupriyanovskiyV.P. et al. Industrial transformation in the digital economy – design and production // International Journal of Open Information Technologies [Transformaciya promyshlennosti v cifrovoj ekonomike–proektirovanieiproizvodstvo // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal otkrytyh informacionnyh tekhnologij.]. 2017.Vol. 5.No. 1.S. 50-70. [inRussian] |
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Nadezhda V. RebrikovaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Human Capital Development, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospekt 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia.
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Consumer behavior psychology: theoretical aspects of purchase decision makingAbstract
Subject / topic In the modern world, the process of consumption plays a huge role, both for marketers and for consumers themselves. The consumer can be either an individual person or a group of people. For example, families consume food collectively, but more often than not one person makes the purchase directly. However, before making a purchase, the decision-making process goes through multiple stages: what to buy, where, when, and many other questions. In making these decisions, the family makes a collective decision, but each family member plays his or her own role in the process. Therefore, it is extremely important for marketers to evaluate not only the single consumer, but also the circumstances that shape his behavior. In family marketing, there are many scenarios for the development of consumer behavior to be evaluated. In some purchases, several people act as consumers, and sometimes only the buyer himself. When the structure of the family changes, the roles, motives, and goals of consumption change, but decisions, in one way or another, remain collective labor. Goals / objectives Studying the peculiarities of family buying behavior for the successful formation of a marketing strategy for promoting goods. Consider the theoretical aspects of the purchasing decision making process; highlight the main factors of influence; Analyze different family roles in purchasing decision making. Methodology The research is based on the works of foreign and domestic experts in the field of consumer behavior psychology. Using general scientific methods: analysis, generalization, analogy, comparative and descriptive analysis, the structure of the study was built. Results / conclusions In the modern world, the behavior of buyers is influenced by a huge number of factors related to cultural mentality, personality orientations, income level, demographic characteristics, family composition and life cycle, and many other factors. The study revealed that the division of roles in the family in the decision-making process will depend on belonging to a particular type of household, the level of contribution of resources to the family and the nature of the purchased product / service. Keywords:decision-making process, purchase, needs, roles, family. References: Blinov, A.O. (2019) – Research methods in management: textbook [Metody issledovaniya v menedzhmente: uchebnik] / Blinov A.O. and others – Moscow: KnoRus [KnoRus], 2019. – 196 p. Vereshchagin, A.V. (2020) – Sociology: textbook [Sociologiya: uchebnik]/ Vereshchagina A.V., Kovalev V.V., Samygin S.I. – Moscow: KnoRus [KnoRus], 2020. – 380 p. Davtyan, A.A. (2021) – Psychology of advertising: textbook [Psihologiya reklamnoj deyatel’nosti: uchebnoe posobie] / Davtyan A.A. – Moscow: KnoRus [KnoRus], 2021. – 205 p. Kikot, A.S. (2020) – Social adaptation of a young family in Russia: monograph [Social’naya adaptaciya molodoj sem’i v Rossii: monografiya]/ Kikot A.S. – Moscow: Rusays [Rusajns], 2020. – 112 p. Kletsina, I.S. (2017) – Gender norms as a socio-psychological phenomenon: monograph [Gendernye normy kak social’no-psihologicheskij fenomen: monografiya]/ Kletsina I.S., Ioffe E.V. – Moscow: Prospect [Prospekt], 2017. – 144 p. Koro, N.R. (2018) – Psychophysiology of professional activity and emotional intelligence: textbook [Psihofiziologiya professional’noj deyatel’nosti i emocional’nyj intellekt: uchebnik] / Koro N.R., Orlova E.A., Pavlov S.V., Shimanskaya V.A., Koz’akov R.V. – Moscow: KnoRus [KnoRus], 2018 .– 413 p. Lapshinova, K.V. (2018) – Economic behavior of modern Russians: sociological analysis: monograph [Ekonomicheskoe povedenie sovremennyh rossiyan: sociologicheskij analiz: monografiya]/ Lapshinova K.V. – Moscow: Rusays [Rusajns], 2018. – 164 p. Nevryuev A.N., (2020) – Economic psychology: textbook [Ekonomicheskaya psihologiya: uchebnoe posobie]/ ed., Gagarin M.A., ed., Dedov N.P., Kamneva E.V., Ovchinnikova Yu.E., Solovova N.A. – Moscow: KnoRus [KnoRus], 2020. – 187 p. Novikov A.V., (2020) – Financial sociology: textbook [Finansovaya sociologiya: uchebnoe posobie] / ed., Nikolaev A.A., Oborsky A.Yu., Tyurikov A.G. and others – Moscow: KnoRus [KnoRus], 2020. – 520 p. Rychkova, N.V. (2021) – Marketing research: textbook [Marketingovye issledovaniya: uchebnik] / Rychkova N.V. – Moscow: KnoRus [KnoRus], 2021. – 310 p. Tebekin, A.V. (2021) – Management theory: textbook [Teoriya menedzhmenta: uchebnik]/ Tebekin A.V. – Moscow: KnoRus [KnoRus], 2021. – 696 p. Shirokova, L.V. (2020) – Workshop on management: a collection of business games, cases, tests and practical work: a practical guide: study guide [Praktikum po menedzhmentu: sbornik delovyh igr, kejsov, testov i prakticheskih rabot: prakticheskoe posobie: uchebnoe posobie]/ Shirokova L.V., Astafieva I.A., Semenova V.V. – Moscow: Rusays [Rusajns], 2020. – 124 p. |
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Anna S. TumasyanPostgraduate student of Department of Banking and Financial Markets, Faculty of Finance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, E-mail:
Scientific adviser: Natalia Brovkina, Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of Banking and Financial Markets, Faculty of Finance, Moscow. E-mail: |
Development directions of private banking in RussiaAbstract
Subject / topic: the current areas of private banking are presented: working with the stakeholders, increasing the level of risk culture, optimizing investments based on the private banking platform. Goals / objectives: defining the directions of private banking development. Methodology: observation method, modeling method, analytical method, synthesis. Research results: in the private banking system, subsystems have been identified: work with the stakeholders, financial services, fiduciary services, complementary services, risk culture and the private banking effectiveness. Seamless integration of the bank’s work with the heirs of capital increases the efficiency of private banking and prevents the outflow of inherited capital. Recommended step-by-step interaction with stakeholders when integrating into the private banking system to increase loyalty to the bank and financial literacy. The development of private banking requires a transformation of approaches to the development of products for wealthy clients based on the private banking platform, as a guarantor of the relevance of the project and the integrity of its participants. Output The levels of bank risk culture are highlighted: from low to high; identified the problem of high-quality risk management of the bank and the client; the reasons for the decrease in risk culture in private banking are indicated. It is shown that certain elements of the private banking risk culture narrow the risk management possibilities. It is required to take into account the risks associated with private banking clients: risk profile and profitability of a private banking client. For the private banking effectiveness, it is proposed to integrate clients into the risk culture of private banking with the determination of the level of their profitability. Keywords: stakeholders, private banking, investment platform, heirs, risk culture, efficiency, integration, private banking system. References: Russian Federation. Laws. Civil Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law: [adopted by the State Duma: Part I-November 30, 1994; Part II-January 26, 1996; Part III-November 26, 2001, Part IV-November 24, 2006]. – Legal reference system “Consultant Plus”. – Text : electronic. – URL: document/cons_doc_LAW_5142/ (accessed: 05.02.2020). Russian Federation. Laws. On Attracting Investment using Investment Platforms and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation: Federal Law No. 259-FZ [adopted by the State Duma on July 24, 2019]. – Legal reference system “Consultant Plus”. – Text : electronic. – URL: cons_doc_LAW_330652/ (accessed:: 18.03.2021). 3 Gusev, A.I. Divisions of domestic private banking: Commercial credit organizations against state-owned banks [Podrazdeleniya otechestvennogo private banking: kommercheskie kreditnyie organizatsii protiv gosbankov], Banking [Bankovskoe delo] 2018. # 4. S. 55-58. ISSN: 2071-4904. A-CLUB : official website. – Moscow. – Updated during the day. – URL: (accessed: 01.05.2021). – Text : electronic. VTB Private Banking : official website. – Moscow. – Updated during the day – URL: (accessed: 27.05.2021). – Text : electronic. Gazprombank Private Banking : official website. – Moscow. – Updated during the day. – URL: (accessed: 27.05.2021). – Text : electronic. Moscow Exchange : official website. – Moscow. – Updated during the day. – URL: (accessed: 26.05.2021). – Text : electronic. Sber Private Banking : official website. – Moscow. – Updated during the day. – URL: (accessed: 26.05.2021). – Text : electronic. Central Bank of the Russian Federation: official website. – Moscow. – Updated during the day. – URL: (date accessed: 20.05.2021). – Text: electronic. Swiss Private Bankers Association: the official site. – Zurich. – Updated during the day. – URL: (date accessed: 19.05.2021). |
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Shamil U. MagomedovBachelor of Economics, Financial Faculty, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
Academic Supervisor: Olga V. Zakharova, Master of Economics, senior lecturer of the Department of banking and financial markets, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E–mail: |
Applications of banking technologies in RussiaAbstract
Subject/Topic The impact of modern technology on the Russian banking market and the decisive place of the Central Bank in this phenomenon. Goals/Objectives Assessment of the peculiarities of the influence of innovative technologies on the Russian banking sector, identification of the main problems that hinder the development of banking technologies, identification of the main trends in the development of banking technologies and determination of the Central Bank’s place in the digitalization of the banking environment. Methodology The main research methods used in this article include the study of analytical and statistical documents of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as the assessment of the reporting of international consulting companies. In addition, empirical research methods were used, which are manifested in the studied sources of information on a given topic, in particular, attention is paid to the work of analytical centers and companies, the main mechanism of which is vector technology. Conclusion and Relevance In the course of the study, it was revealed that the development of information technologies and non-banking channels for making profit is currently the most distinguishing feature of the Russian banking market from all others. The influence of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on this sector of information technology is manifested in a complex manner, both from the side of providing it with the necessary regulatory and legal framework, and from the side of organizing development strategies and measures that contribute to ensuring the security of the information environment. Keywords:Banking technologies, neobank, traditional banking, digitalization, Bank of Russia, digital ruble. References: Kosarev (2020) – Kosarev, V.E. Banking sector and IT-technologies: collection of articles / Kosarev V.E. – Moscow: Rusays, 2020 .– 60 p. – ISBN 978-5-4365-2349-1. —— Text: electronic. Pp-25-42 Lavrushin (2021) – Lavrushin O.I. ed., Vasiliev I.I., Ushanov A.E. Models and technologies of banking: textbook / – Moscow: KnoRus, 2021 .– 179 p. – ISBN 978-5-406-06050-6. —Text: electronic. Pp-171-176 Lavrushin (2020) – Lavrushin O.I., ed., Soloviev V.I., ed. – Banking information systems and technologies: textbook / Moscow: KnoRus, 2020. – 527 p. – ISBN 978-5-406-07240-0. – URL: – Text: electronic. Sokolinskaya N.E (2020) – Sokolinskaya N.E., Zinovieva E.A. Analysis of the readiness of Russian commercial banks to digitalize the economy in the context of the transformation of the world market. Article in the journal VAK FRiB, 2020 №4 Vabishevich (2017) – Vabishchevich E.P., M.I. // New electronic technologies in the development of the electronic banking services market / / / 2017. No. 50. S. 33-38. Quantitative characteristics of the banking sector of the Russian Federation Central Bank of the Russian Federation Digital ruble – Report for public consultations // Central Bank of the Russian Federation URL :: // /StaticHtml/File/112957/ Consultation_Paper_201013.pdf (date accessed: 04/26/2021); The main directions of development of financial technologies for the period 2018-2020 // Central Bank of the Russian Federation Link -: // Document/File/85540/ON_FinTex_ 2017.pdf (date of access: 26.04 .2021); Unified biometric system: a new stage of development // Central Bank of the Russian Federation Link-: // (date of access: 26.04.2021); Innovation in Russia is an inexhaustible source of growth // Mckinsey – [electronic resource]: Link: // https: // media/McKinsey/Locations /Europe%20and%20Middle%20 East/Russia/Our%20Insights/Innovations %20in%20Russia/Innovations-in-Russia_web_lq-1.ashx (date accessed: 04.24. For Banks, COVID-19 Makes Transformation That Much More Urgent // // // BCG – [electronic resource]: (date of access: 25.04.2021) Official site of Vedomosti – [site]. Link -https: // Information resource “Habr” – [site]. Link – |
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