The Modern Lawyer №2 (35)
Yuri V.OspennikovDoctor of Juridical Sciences, Candidate of Historical
Methodological problems of the «Ecological state»Annotation
Subject / Topic The article is devoted to the criticism of the methodological foundations of the main approaches to the construction of the concept of the «ecological state». Goals / Objectives The aim of the work is to identify contradictions within the existing approaches to the construction of the concept of the «ecological state»: libertarianism, communitarianism, ecoanarchism, conservative environmentalism, natural capitalism, liberal environmentalism, ecosocialism. Special attention is paid to the identification of systemic connections and hierarchical interaction between different groups of social relations, the disclosure of contradictions within the framework of the main approaches based on factual material. Methodology The research is based on the historical-materialistic approach, the basic method is dialectical, and the system and comparative methods, analysis, synthesis, generalization, and other general scientific methods are also used. Conclusion and Relevance Most of the existing approaches to building a future «ecological state» (libertarianism, communitarianism, ecoanarchism, conservative environmentalism, natural capitalism, liberal environmentalism) carry unsolvable methodological contradictions that do not allow us to talk about the possibility of their implementation. These contradictions related to the essence of the state and the ways of transition to a new state of modern society are interpreted and solved within the framework of the Marxist analysis presented by the ecosocialist approach. A necessary prerequisite for countering environmental degradation is the establishment of common ownership of the means of production. Only on this basis will it be possible to accumulate the necessary resources to solve environmental problems, i.e. to implement public policy directly in the interests of the broad masses of the population. Keywords: ecological state, ecological policy, libertarianism, environmentalism, natural capitalism, ecosocialism References: Gribin (2017) – Gribin N.P. American intelligence looks into the future (analytical review) / / Power [Amerikanskaya razvedka zaglyadyvaet v budushchee (analiticheskij obzor) // Vlast’]. 2017. №4. P. 19-38. Borisov, Volkov (2014) – Borisov N.A., Volkov V.A. The concept of an ecological state in the context of the formation of political ecology / / Managerial consulting [Ponyatie ekologicheskogo gosudarstva v kontekste formirovaniya politicheskoj ekologii // Upravlencheskoe konsul’tirovanie]. 2014. №2. P. 27-35. Bryant (1997) – Bryant R. L., Bailey S. Third World Political Ecology. Routledge, 1997. Kapica (1976) – Kapica P.L. Energy and physics. Report at the scientific session dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, October 8, 1975 // Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences [Energiya i fizika. Doklad na nauchnoj sessii, posvyashchennoj 250-letiyu Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva, 8 oktyabrya 1975 g. // Vestnik AN SSSR]. 1976. №1. P. 34-43. Anderson, Leal (2001) – Anderson T., Leal D. Free market environmentalism. N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001. Bliese (2002) – Bliese J. The greening of conservative America. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 2002. Ellaryan (2019) – Ellaryan A.S. Theoretical and legal foundations of environmental entrepreneurship // Modern lawyer [Teoretiko-pravovye osnovy ekologicheskogo predprinimatel’stva // Sovremennyj yurist]. 2019. №4 (29). P. 124-133. Fathutdinova (2020) – Fathutdinova A.M. Legal regulation of environmental entrepreneurship // Modern lawyer [Pravovoe regulirovanie ekologicheskogo predprinimatel’stva // Sovremennyj yurist]. 2020. №3 (32). P. 112-120. Kambalin (2020) – Kambalin V.S. The significance of environmental problems in the evolution of the state on the example of the Rapanui society // Biosphere economy: theory and practice [Znachenie ekologicheskih problem v evolyucii gosudarstva na primere Rapanujskogo obshchestva // Biosfernoe hozyajstvo: teoriya i praktika]. 2020. №12 (30). P. 55-61. Hawken (1999) – Hawken P. et al. Natural capitalism: creating the next industrial revolution. Boston: Little, Brown and Co, 1999. De-Shalit (2000) – De-Shalit A. The environment: between theory and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Dobson, Eckersley (2006) – Dobson A., Eckersley R. Political theory and the ecological challenge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. |
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Svetlana S. GorokhovaCandidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of International and Public Law Department at “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Mоscow.
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Theoretical approaches to public legal responsibility in the use of artificial intelligent systemsAnnotation
Subject/topic Theoretical aspects of public legal liability, which may arise in those areas and situations in which the use of artificial intelligence, neural networks and robotic autonomous systems takes place or is planned in the future. Goals/objectives Analysis of basic issues of public responsibility of subjects of legal relations in the field of potential use of systems equipped with technological solutions based on artificial intelligence and autonomous robots. Methodology Analysis, synthesis, formal legal method, comparative method, analogy, abstraction, and others. Conclusion The existing liability regime provides at least basic protection for victims who suffer damage as a result of the use of AI. However, the specific characteristics and complexities of these technologies may make it difficult to provide victims with compensation in all cases where it seems justified, and may not ensure a fair and effective distribution of responsibility in a number of cases. Legal responsibility is an integral part of any legal structure aimed at regulating public relations, but the Russian legal field currently does not contain legal structures that form a special public responsibility in areas involving the use of intelligent systems. Keywords: artificial intelligence, legal responsibility, public legal responsibility, administrative responsibility, criminal responsibility. References: Barakina (2020) – Barakina, E.Yu. K voprosu formirovaniya perspektivnoj terminologii v oblasti pravovogo regulirovaniya primeneniya iskusstvennogo intellekta [On the issue of forming a promising terminology in the field of legal regulation of the use of artificial intelligence ]// Yurist [Lawyer]. – 2020. – №9. – S. 56 -65. [in Russian] Lipinskij (2003) – Lipinskij D. A. O sisteme prava i vidax yuridicheskoj otvetstvennosti [ About the system of law and types of legal liability] // Pravovedenie [Legal studies]. 2003. № 2 (247). S. 28 [in Russian] Bolgova (2015) – Bolgova V. V. Ponyatie i priznaki publichno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti v resheniyax Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii [The concept and signs of public liability in the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation] // European science. №4(5).2015. S.29-31 [in Russian] Popova (2018) – Popova A.V. Iskusstvenny`j intellekt-novy`j sub“ekt : k voprosu o degumanizacii prava [Artificial intelligence-a new subject: on the dehumanization of law] // V sbornike: Pravovoe regulirovanie biznesa v Internete: novy`e realii [In the collection: Legal regulation of business on the Internet: new realities]. 2018. S. 16-24. [in Russian] Apostolova (2021) Apostolova N.N. Otvetstvennost` za vred, prichinenny`j iskusstvenny`m intellektom [Liability for damage caused by artificial intelligence] //Severo-Kavkazskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Severo-Kavkazskij yuridicheskij vestnik]. 2021. № 1. S. 112-119. [in Russian] Uzhov (2017) – Uzhov V.F. Iskusstvenny`j intellekt kak sub“ekt prava [Artificial intelligence as a subject of law ] // Probely` rossijskogo zakonodatel`stva [Gaps in Russian legislation]. 2017. № 3. S. 358. [in Russian] Goroxova (2020) – Goroxova S.S. Identifikaciya iskusstvenny`x intellektual`ny`x sistem v pravovom pole: osnovy` kiber-prava [Identification of artificial intelligent Systems in the legal field: Fundamentals of Cyber Law]// Yuridicheskie issledovaniya [Legal research]. 2020. № 6. S. 1-11. [in Russian] Popova (2020) – Popova A.V. E`ticheskie principy` vzaimodejstviya s iskusstvenny`m intellektom kak osnova pravovogo regulirovaniya [Ethical principles of interaction with artificial intelligence as the basis of legal regulation]// Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teoriya i praktika [The Rule of law: theory and practice]. 2020. № 3 (61). S. 34-43. [in Russian] Goroxova (2020) Goroxova S.S. Iskusstvenny`j intellekt v kontekste obespecheniya nacional`noj bezopasnosti [Artificial intelligence in the context of national security]//Nacional`naya bezopasnost` [National security]/ nota bene. 2020. № 3. S. 15-31. [in Russian] Ruchkina, i dr. (2020) – Teoriya pravovogo regulirovaniya iskusstvennogo intellekta, robotov i ob“ektov robototexniki [Theory of legal regulation of artificial intelligence, robots and robotics objects]. Ruchkina G.F., Demchenko M.V., Popova A.V., Shajdullina V.K., Lapina M.A., Popova N.F., Goroxova S.S., Raxmatullina R.Sh., Sviridova E.A., Ismailov I.Sh., Barakina E.Yu., Vavilova E.M. Moskva [Moscow], 2020. [in Russian] Gabov, Xavanova (2018) Gabov, A.V., Xavanova, I.A. E`volyuciya robotov i pravo XXI veka // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of Tomsk State University]. 2018. № 435. S. 215. [in Russian] |
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Alexey A. TerenichenkoPhD in History, Associate Professor at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, E-mail: Ilya G. Chernyshenko1st year student of the Faculty of Law at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia E-mail: |
Genesis of the theory of evidence and the evidentiary process in the judicial process in the ancient east (example of ancient India and Ancient China)Abstract
Subject During the existence of proto-states formed the fundamental principles of judicial-procedural law: the general provisions of evidence, the theory of evidence and evidentiary process. On the basis of the ancient world law sources the process of transformation and expansion of evidence, changes in the process of proving during different periods of proto-states of the ancient East (on the example of ancient China and ancient India) was studied. Aims/Objectives A detailed description of the peculiarities of evidence and the process of proof in ancient China and ancient India has been reproduced on the basis of extant sources of ancient Oriental law. Before embarking on a study of modern law of evidence, it is necessary to know the process of establishment, application and subsequent development of the theory of evidence in law. Methodology The methods of comparative law, formal legal method, methods of chronology and periodisation as well as methods of synthesis and analysis were used. Conclusion The authors have formed a general idea about the theory of evidence and the process of proof: the theory of evidence of ancient China and ancient India is formal in its legal nature (in terms of giving legal effect to every proof in advance), and the process of proof during its entire genesis in the Ancient East preserved the stages of proof: collection (by the court or participants in the process), and their checking and evaluation entirely by the court. The primary formation of the foundations of the judicial process brought significant results for the specification in subsequent historical periods of the properties of evidence, as well as the order of their collection, evaluation and verification. The authors also point to procedures which are fundamentally similar to those of modern times for the examination of evidence, such as the features of the institute of Narada-smriti handwriting examination. The authors believe that the peculiarities of ancient oriental evidentiary law need to be studied in detail on an ongoing basis. Keywords: the Ancient East, genesis, theory of evidence, evidence, judicial process. References: Vigasin, Samozvacev (1998) – Vigasin A.A., Samozvacev A.M. Dharmashastra Narady – M.: Publishing house Eastern Literature [Izdatel’skaya firma «Vostochnaya literatura»] RAN, 1998. – 256 s. Guzarova )2013) – Guzarova N.I. History of China. A practical anthology. Part I. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk Polytechnic University [Izd-vo Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta], 2013. – 180 s. Korneeva (2007) – Korneeva N.A. Vishnu-smriti – M.: Eastern literature [Vost. Lit], 2007. – 421s. Krasheninnikova (1982) – Krasheninnikova N.A. Hindu law: history and modernity [Indusskoe pravo: istoriya i sovremennost’] – M.: Publishing house of the Moscow university [Izdatel’stvo Moskovskogo universiteta], 1982. – 192 s. Kuchera (2012) – Kuchera S. History, Culture and Law of Ancient China: Collection of Works [Istoriya, kul’tura i pravo drevnego Kitaya: Cobranie trudov]. – M.: Natalis, 2012. – 416 s. Marinchev (2012) – Marinchev N.V. On an integrated approach to the study of ancient Indian law [O kompleksnom podhode k izucheniyu prava Drevnej Indii] // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Law [Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Pravo]. – 2012. – № 1. – S. 3-6. Medvedev (2019) – Medvedev V.G. Ordalii in the judicial practice of ancient eastern states [Ordalij v praktike sudoproizvodstva drevnevostochnyh gosudarstv] // KSU Bulletin [Vestnik KGU]. – 2019. – № 1. S. 192-195. Translation [Perevod] YAdzhnavalk’ya-smriti // Narody Azii i Afriki, № 3. 1988)] URL: (website of the library of ancient manuscripts) [(sajt biblioteki drevnih rukopisej)]. |
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Elena D. KostylevaCandidate of law, associate Professor senior researcher of the direction constitutional and legal studies Center for justice research FGBOU VPO «Russian state University of justice», Moscow, Россия.
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Judicial protection of personal rights and freedomsAnnotation
Subject/theme The content of a complex and multi-level institution of judicial protection of personal rights and freedoms. Comprehensive analysis of the right to protection. Actual problems of protection by the Russian courts of certain types of personal rights and freedoms, in respect of which the judicial practice is characterized by a significant variety. Goals/objectives The aim is to study the features and trends in the development of judicial protection of personal rights and freedoms, to analyze the right to protection as a legal category, to determine the constitutional unification. Methodology The study used the following methods: concretization, interpretation, as well as systematic, complex legal analysis, using social and comparative analysis. Conclusion Judicial protection of personal rights, as a legal phenomenon of real reality, is characterized by universality, interactivity and obligation. As an activity, judicial protection is expressed in the fact that in the case of an application by an authorized subject for the purpose of protecting personal rights and freedoms, such protection is provided on the basis of certain types of legal proceedings by authorized state authorities. Judicial protection of personal rights and freedoms contains two powers: the first is the right to a claim, a complaint, the second is the right to compensation for damage, harm, restoration of the violate right. The mechanism is protection of rights and freedoms has an internal content, which consists of the ways and meanings necessary to ensure the protection of the legal status of the individual. Keywords: judicial protection, personal rights and freedoms, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. References: Kostyleva (2007) – Kostyleva E. D. Council of Europe standards in the field of personal human rights and improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation [Standarty Soveta Evropy v oblasti lichnykh prav cheloveka i sovershenstvovaniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii]. // Law and the State: theory and practice. [Pravo i gosudarstvo: teoriya i praktika]. 2007. No. 3 (27). pp. 125-131. Kostyleva (2020) – Kostyleva E. D. The principle of respect for human rights in assessing the legality of restrictions [Princip uvazheniya prav cheloveka pri ocenke pravomernosti ogranichenij]. // Modern Lawyer. [Sovremennyy yurist]. 2020. No. 4 (33). pp. 53-62. Judicial protection of constitutional rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation: A textbook [Sudebnaya zaschita konstitucionnyh prav i svobod v Rossijskoj Federacii: Uchebnoe posobie]. / Ed. by I. A. Umnova (Konyukhova). – M.: RSUP. 2017. p. 7. Vedernikov (2011) – Vedernikov A. N. On the concept and essence of the constitutional right of the individual to judicial protection [O ponyatii i sushchnosti konstitucionnogo prava lichnosti na sudebnuyu zashchitu]// Bulletin of TSU [Vestnik TGU]. 2011. No. 348. p. 80. Vedyakhin (1998) – Vedyakhin V. M. Protection of law as a legal category. [Zashchita prava kak pravovaya kategoriya]. // News of higher educational institutions. Jurisprudence. [Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Pravovedeniye]. SPSU. St. Petersburg, 1998. No. 1. p. 78. Belyaevskaya (2007) – Belyaevskaya O. Ya. The constitutional right of a person and a citizen to judicial protection: the concept, problems of implementation [Konstitutsionnoye pravo cheloveka i grazhdanina na sudebnuyu zashchitu: ponyatiye. problemy realizatsii]. : Dis. … cand. yurid. St. Petersburg, 2007, p. 33. Zhilin (2010) – Zhilin G. A. Justice in civil cases: topical issues: monograph [Pravosudiye po grazhdanskim delam: aktualnyye voprosy: monografiya]. / G. A. Zhilin. – M.: Prospekt, 2010. p. 136. Kostyleva (2020) – Kostyleva E.D. Application by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights of the principle of equality in Assessing the Legality of Restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms in Decisions [Primeneniye Konstitutsionnym Sudom RF i Evropeyskim Sudom po pravam cheloveka. printsipa ravnopraviya pri otsenke pravomernosti ogranicheniy konstitutsionnykh prav i svobod v resheniyakh]. // Modern Lawyer [Sovremennyy yurist]. 2020. No 3 (32). S. 77-89. Kostyleva (2019) – Kostyleva E.D. The ratio of the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights on the protection of personal and political rights [Sootnosheniye pozitsiy Konstitutsionnogo Suda RF i Evropeyskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka po zashchite lichnykh i politicheskikh prav]. // Modern Lawyer [Sovremennyy yurist]. 2019. No 4 (29). S. 80-95. Kostyleva (2007) – Kostyleva E. D. Protection of personal rights and freedoms of Russian citizens by the European Court of Justice [Zashchita Evropeyskim Sudom lichnykh prav i svobod rossiyskikh grazhdan] // Fundamental and applied research of the cooperative sector of the economy [Fundamental’nye i prikladnye issledovaniya kooperativnogo sektora ekonomiki] 2007. No 6. Pp. 138– 147. |
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Alena N. PrizhennikovaPh. D., associate Professor, associate Professor Of the Department of legal regulation of economic activity of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, (Financial University), Moscow.
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Employees in the clouds: features labor legal relationsAnnotationThing Due to the fact that new professions are being implemented in the modern world, the issue of the need for legal regulation of the parties to the labor relationship and the allocation of specific principles for determining the legal status of the subjects of the labor relationship is relevant.Goals / objectives To identify the problems of legal support for the implementation of labor legislation and to concretize the signs of labor relations in the norms of labor legislation in order to highlight their more definite identification, to establish the concepts of new forms of employment, to determine the specific conditions of the labor contract characterizing this category of workers.Methodology The methods of analysis, synthesis, description, comparison, the historical method, the method of comparative jurisprudence, the methods of formal logic were used.Conclusion The transformation of workplaces determines the need for employees to acquire new competencies to perform new tasks, use new software, new automated and robotic technological processes. The author comes to the conclusion that the established directions of development of labor legislation regulating non-standard forms of employment require the expansion of contractual freedom, special conditions for the maintenance of an employment contract for individual entities, taking into account the specifics of their activities, and therefore, the content of the terms of an employment contract may differ significantly from the established ones. standards.Keywords: labor relations, Internet platform, atypical employment, labor function, new professions.References:URL: // http: / The decision of the Tushinsky District Court of Moscow dated June 26, 2019 in case No. 2-2238 / 19 at the claim of Ya.I. Shcherbinin to Yandex.Taxi LLC (left unchanged by the Appeal Ruling of the Moscow City Court of November 22, 2019 in case N 33-53437 / 2019) [Resheniye Tushinskogo rayonnogo suda g. Moskvy ot 26 iyunya 2019 g. po delu N 2-2238/19 po isku YA.I. Shcherbinina k OOO «Yandeks.Taksi» (ostavleno bez izmeneniya Apellyatsionnym opredeleniyem Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 22 noyabrya 2019 g. po delu N 33-53437/2019)] (data obrashcheniya 01.05.2021).
Lyutov, Voitkovskaya (2020) – Lyutov N.L., Voitkovskaya I.V. Taxi drivers performing work through online platforms: what are the legal implications of “uberizing” labor? [Voditeli taksi, vypolnyayushchiye rabotu cherez onlayn-platformy: kakovy pravovyye posledstviya «uberizatsii» truda?]// Actual problems of Russian law. 2020. – N 6 // French court reaches’ landmark decision ‘against Uber over drivers’ rights, 2019 // URL: uber-over-drivers-rights; The Employment Status of Uber Drivers. A Comparative Report Prepared for the Social Law Project, University of the Western Cape. October 2017. Oxford Pro Bono Publico, Pp. 25-27. URL: Mingaleva, Mirskikh (2019) – Mingaleva Zh.A., Mirskikh I.Yu. Transformation of employment of the population under the influence of technological innovations and digitalization of the economy [Transformatsiya zanyatosti naseleniya pod vliyaniyem tekhnologicheskikh innovatsiy i tsifrovizatsii ekonomiki] // Perm legal almanac. Annual scientific journal. 2019 – N 1. Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 19.05.2009 N 597-O-O “On refusal to accept for consideration the complaint of citizen Ravinskaya Larisa Vadimovna on violation of her constitutional rights by Articles 11, 15, 16, 22 and 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” [«Ob otkaze v prinyatii k rassmotreniyu zhaloby grazhdanki Ravinskoy Larisy Vadimovny na narusheniye yeye konstitutsionnykh prav stat’yami 11, 15, 16, 22 i 64 Trudovogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii»] //SPS ” Consultant Plus”. Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly dated 01.03.2018 “Message of the President to the Federal Assembly” [«Poslaniye Prezidenta Federal’nomu Sobraniyu»] //SPS “Consultant Plus”. Prizhennikova (2019) – Prizhennikova A. N. Blockchain technologies in labor relations: prospects and development [Tekhnologii blokchejn v trudovyh pravootnosheniyah: perspektivy i razvitie]/ / Education and law. – 2019. – № 1. Prizhennikova (2021) – Prizhennikova A.N. Transformation of the labor relationship: topical issues [Transformatsiya trudovogo pravootnosheniya: aktual’nyye voprosy] // Modern Lawyer. 2021. – No. 11 (34). Recommendation No. 198 of the International Labor Organization “On labor relations” [«O trudovom pravootnoshenii»] [Russian, English] (Adopted in Geneva on June 15, 2006 at the 95th session of the ILO General Conference) // SPS “Consultant Plus”. Recommendation No. 195 of the International Labor Organization “On the development of human resources: education, training and lifelong learning” [«O razvitii lyudskikh resursov: obrazovaniye, podgotovka kadrov i nepreryvnoye obucheniye»] [Russian, English] (Adopted in Geneva on June 17, 2004 at the 92nd session of the ILO General Conference) // SPS “Consultant A plus”. Ramazanova (2017) – Ramazanova S.R. Moral imperatives of the individual in the context of the information society: dissertation for the degree of candidate of philosophical sciences [Nravstvennyye imperativy lichnosti v kontekste informatsionnogo obshchestva: dissertatsiya na soiskaniye uchenoy stepeni kandidata filosofskikh nauk] Pyatigorsk, 2017 // URL: // https: // (date accessed: 01/05/2021). Labor code of the Russian Federation [Trudovoj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii] of 30.12.2001 N 197-FZ / / SPS “Consultant Plus”. Filipova (2018) – Filipova I.A. Legal regulation of labor – 2020: a paradigm shift as a consequence of the digitalization of the economy [Pravovoye regulirovaniye truda – 2020: smena paradigmy kak sledstviye tsifrovizatsii ekonomiki] // Lawyer. 2018 – N 11. Chikanova, Seregina (2018) – Chikanova L.A., Seregina L.V. Legal protection of citizens from unemployment in the context of information technological innovations in the sphere of labor and employment [Pravovaya zashchita grazhdan ot bezrabotitsy v usloviyakh informatsionnykh tekhnologicheskikh novatsiy v sfere truda i zanyatosti] // Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2018. – N 3 // Degtyarev A.V. Working in the “cloud” as a transformation of social and labor relations in the digital economy // Creative Economy. 2017. – N 2. P. 247 – 248 // SPS “Consultant Plus”. Shuravleva (2019) – Quoted. Quoted from: S.V. Shuraleva Employees in the “clouds”: the impact of Internet platforms on the development of labor relations [Rabotniki v “oblakakh”: vliyaniye internet-platform na razvitiye trudovykh otnosheniy] // Labor law in Russia and abroad. 2019. – N 1 // Schwab K. The Fourth Industrial Revolution. M .: Publishing house “E”, 2017. P. 62 // SPS “Consultant Plus”. |
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Yury V. StepanenkoHonored lawyer of the Russian Federation, doctor of Law, professor, professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Process, University of O.E. Kutafina (MSLA); Chief Researcher of the Federal State Institution VNII of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
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PROSPECTS for improving the legal status of a scientific worker in the light of constitutional and legislative newsAbstract
Subject / Topic Based on the analysis of the plans of the legislative activity of the Government of the Russian Federation, literary and other sources, the evolution of the process of modernization of the legislative framework in terms of improving the legal forms of implementing the constitutional freedom of scientific creativity is shown. A set of constitutional and legislative provisions is formed and substantiated, which stipulate the need for and the possibility of improving and developing the legal status of a scientist in Russia. Goals / Objectives Creation theoretical of a model of modern constitutional and legislative foundations that allow predicting rule-making measures to improve and develop the legal status of a scientist in our country. Substantiation of the reasons for the delay in the cardinal update of the national legislation on science. Methodology Methods of description, comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, legal modeling, forecasting were used. Conclusion and Relevance In the context of modern dynamic constitutional and legal and administrative legal regulation in the field of scientific and scientific and technological activities, there are sufficient legal grounds for strengthening and developing the legal status of a scientist. The novelties of the constitutional and administrative legislation encourage and oblige the authorized public authorities, as well as the scientific community, to create favorable forms, methods and conditions for scientific research and development activities by scientists, scientists. Keywords: amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, scientist, researcher, legal status, legislation on science. References: Stepanenko (2019) – Stepanenko Yu.V. Legal status of a scientist: key concepts // Administrative law and process [Pravovoy status nauchnogo rabotnika: klyuchevyye ponyatiya // Administrativnoye pravo i protsess]. 2019. №. 5. P. 26-32.Stepanenko (2020) – Stepanenko Yu.V. On improving the legislation on science and the legal status of a scientist // Modern lawyer [O sovershenstvovanii zakonodatel’stva o nauke i pravovogo statusa nauchnogo rabotnika // Sovremennyy yurist]. 2020. № 1 (30). Р. 17-29.Matyushenkov, Stepanenko (2020) – Matyushenkov D.M., Stepanenko Yu.V. On the legal status of young scientists // Modern lawyer [O pravovom statuse molodykh uchenykh // Sovremennyy yurist]. 2019. № 3 (28). Р. 19-27.Chirkin (2017) – Chirkin V.E. Constitutional terminology: monograph / V.E. Chirkin; Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation. – M .: Norma: INFRA-M [Konstitutsionnaya terminologiya: monografiya / V.Ye. Chirkin; Institut zakonodatel’stva i sravnitel’nogo pravovedeniya pri Pravitel’stve Rossiyskoy Federatsii. – M.: Norma: INFRA-M]. 2017 . – 272 p.Khabrieva, Klishas (2020) – Khabrieva T.Ya., Klishas A.A. Thematic commentary to the Law of the Russian Federation on the amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2020 No. 1-FKZ “On improving the regulation of certain issues of the organization and functioning of public authorities.” Moscow: Norma, INFRA-M [Tematicheskiy kommentariy k Zakonu Rossiyskoy Federatsii o popravke k Konstitutsii Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 14 marta 2020 g. № 1-FKZ “O sovershenstvovanii regulirovaniya otdel’nykh voprosov organizatsii i funktsionirovaniya publichnoy vlasti”. Moskva: Norma, INFRA-M]. 2020. |
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Elena V. FilatovaCandidate of Legal Sciences, leading researcher Scientific and Educational Center for Combating Corruption of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don.
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Administrative and legal mechanisms for eliminating conflicts of interest in higher educationAbstract
Subject/topic The article deals with the peculiarities of regulating the procedures for resolving the situation of conflict of interests in higher education organizations both at the legislative level and in the context of regulatory acts and administrative mechanisms used at the level of a particular higher education organization. Goals/objectives The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical foundations and practical mechanisms for preventing the emergence of a conflict of interest in the organization of higher education and eliminating its consequences. To achieve this goal, such tasks as the analysis of the essential content of the conflict of interests in the field of higher education and the main forms of its manifestation, the identification of gaps in the legislation on the regulation of the issues under consideration, and the development of proposals for their elimination, the analysis of the use of administrative and legal mechanisms to level the possibility of a conflict of interests used at the Southern Federal University are solved. Methodology When working on the article, the methods of analysis and synthesis, analogy, formal logic, and comparative law were used. Conclusion Improving the system of administrative and legal regulation of relations associated with the emergence of a conflict of interests in the field of higher education, to a large extent forms the basis for the formation of mechanisms to counteract corruption-related manifestations that have a negative impact on both the processes of educational activity and the effectiveness of the functioning of higher educational institutions as a whole. Keywords: conflict of interest, anti-corruption, higher education, personal interest, administrative and legal mechanism. References: Bobrova (2017) – Bobrova N.A. Fight against corruption in universities // Eurasian Legal Journal. [Borba s korruptsiyey v vuzakh // Evraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal] 2017. № 11. Pp. 309-311. Dergachev (2015) – Dergachev S.V. On some legal aspects of the settlement of the conflict of interests in the educational sphere // Mari Legal Bulletin. [] 2015. №. 4. Pp. 116-118. Zamaletdinova, Fakhretdinova (2016) – Zamaletdinova L.R., Fakhretdinova A.B. Conflict of interests in the pedagogical environment of a higher educational institution // Bulletin of Economics, Law and Sociology [Konflikt interesov v pedagogicheskoj srede vysshego uchebnogo zavedeniya // Vestnik ekonomiki, prava i sociologii]. 2016. № 1. Pp. 260-262. Kirillovyh (2015) – Kirillovyh A.A. Public service and conflict of interests in higher education: problematic issues // Legislation and Economics. [Publichnaya sluzhba i konflikt interesov v sfere vysshego obrazovaniya: problemnyye voprosy // Zakonodatelstvo i ekonomika] 2015. № 2. Pp. 29-43. Konnov (2020) – Konnov I.A. Legal aspects of conflict of interests settlement in educational organizations of higher education // Education and law. [Pravovyye aspekty uregulirovaniya konflikta interesov v obrazovatelnykh organizatsiyakh vysshego obrazovaniya // Obrazovaniye i pravo] 2020. № 3. Pp. 257-261. Koritskaya, Istomina (2013) – Koritskaya V.V., Istomina T.A. Conflict of interests in the educational process // Problems of higher education. [Konflikt interesov v obrazovatelnom protsesse // Problemy vysshego obrazovaniya] 2013. № 1. Pp. 140-142. Nikonov (2020) – Nikonov D.A. Conflict of interests of a pedagogical worker: the history of the concept and problems of law enforcement // Directions and prospects for the development of education in military institutes of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation. Collection of scientific articles of the XII Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. Novosibirsk [Konflikt interesov pedagogicheskogo rabotnika: istoriya ponyatiya i problemy pravoprimeneniya // Napravleniya i perspektivy razvitiya obrazovaniya v voennyh institutah vojsk nacional’noj gvardii Rossijskoj Federacii. Sbornik nauchnyh statej XII Mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. 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Association of Governing Board (AGB) Board of Directors ‘ Statement on Conflict of Interest with Guidelines on Competing Benefit [Association of Governing Board (AGB) Board of Directors’ Statement on Conflict of Interest with Guidelines on Compelling Benefit] URL: //–agb–board-of-directors–… (accessed: 20.04.2021). |
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Denis A. ChepurnyhInspector of the service organization group of the 10th battalion of traffic police 1 regiment of traffic police (North) traffic police of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the Moscow region, Postgraduate student of the Department of Administrative Law Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot, Moscow.
E-mail: Academic Supervisor: Yuri Viktorovich Stepanenko, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure at the University named after O.E. Kutafina (Moscow State Law Academy), Chief Researcher of the PKU NII FSIN of Russia Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. |
Administrative and legal support of the state traffic inspectorate in the field of road supervisionAnnotation Subject / Topic Administrative and legal support for the supervisory activities of the State Traffic Inspectorate. Goals / Objectives Development of problems and improvement of legal mechanisms of law enforcement activities of the State Traffic Inspectorate in the field of road supervision. Methodology Analysis, synthesis, modeling, comparison, abstraction, problem statement, hypothesis construction, specification, monitoring. Conclusion and Relevance An integrated approach to the development of problems and administrative and legal support for the activities of the State Traffic Inspectorate in the field of road supervision can have an effective impact on the quality of the state function implemented, increase the safety of road users and minimize the severity of consequences in the event of road accidents, as well as the occurrence of emergencies and situations. Key words: road safety, State Traffic Inspectorate, road supervision, administrative and legal support, advertising structures, roadside service objects. References: Anufriev, Molchanov, Tikhonov (2014) – Anufriev D.A., Molchanov P.V., Tikhonov V.N. The legal basis of interaction of the State Traffic Inspectorate with other subjects of activity in the field of road safety (theoretical and practical issues) // Road safety: Collection of scientific papers, issue 14. Moscow: SIC BDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Pravovaya osnova vzaimodeystviya Gosavtoinspektsii s drugimi sub”ektami deyatel’nosti v oblasti obespecheniya bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya (teoreticheskie i prakticheskie voprosy) // Bezopasnost’ dorozhnogo dvizheniya : Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, vypusk 14. M. : NITs BDD MVD Rossii]. 2014. pp. 32-33. Mayorov (2010) – Mayorov V.I. State-legal provision of road traffic safety in the Russian Federation: theoretical and applied problems // Monografiya [Gosudarstvenno-pravovoe obespechenie bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: teoretiko-prikladnye problemy // Monografiya]. M.: Yurlitinform, 2010. p. 193. Mayorov (2008) – Mayorov V.I. A systematic approach to ensuring the safety of road users // Road traffic safety system: problems of implementation and ways of improvement: materials of the international scientific and practical conference [Sistemnyy podkhod k obespecheniyu bezopasnosti uchastnikov dorozhnogo dvizheniya // Sistema obespecheniya bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya: problemy realizatsii i puti sovershenstvovaniya : materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii]. Orel : OrYU MVD of Russia, 2008. pp. 135-137. Molchanov (2018) – Molchanov P.V. Administrative investigation on cases of administrative offenses in the field of road traffic: the essence, features, gaps // Actual problems of administrative and administrative-procedural law: A collection of articles based on the materials of the annual All-Russian scientific and practical conference (Sorokin Readings), March 23, 2018. St. Petersburg : St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Administrativnoe rassledovanie po delam ob administrativnykh pravonarusheniyakh v oblasti dorozhnogo dvizheniya: sushchnost’, osobennosti, probely // Aktual’nye problemy administrativnogo i administrativno-protsessual’nogo prava : Sbornik statey po materialam ezhegodnoy vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Sorokinskie chteniya), 23 marta 2018 goda. SPb. : Sankt-Peterburgskiy universitet MVD Rossii]. 2018. pp. 410-415. Kamaev, Buldakova (2017) – Kamaev M.V., Buldakova M.Yu. The Coordination Council at the Traffic Police Department: a course on interaction with the public // Information Bulletin of the GUOBDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Koordinatsionnyy sovet pri Upravlenii GIBDD: kurs na vzaimodeystvie s obshchestvennost’yu // Informatsionnyy byulleten’ GUOBDD MVD Rossii]. M, 2017. №71. pp. 38-39. Kapustin, Morylev, Savin, Storozhev (2011) – Kapustin A.V., Morylev A.A., Savin B.M., Storozhev A.M. Questions of the activity of the State Traffic Inspectorate when monitoring compliance by legal entities with regulatory legal acts in the field of road safety // Road traffic safety: Collection of scientific works. Moscow: SIC BDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Voprosy deyatel’nosti Gosavtoinspektsii pri kontrole za soblyudeniem yuridicheskimi litsami normativnykh pravovykh aktov v oblasti obespecheniya bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya // Bezopasnost’ dorozhnogo dvizheniya : Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. M. : NITs BDD MVD Rossii]. 2011. Issue 11. pp. 190-191. Ponaryin, Rebrikov, Alimkhanov (2017) – Ponaryin O.E., Rebrikov L.V., Alimkhanov H.A. Organizational and legal problems of implementing federal state supervision in the field of road safety in the control of the arrangement of road work sites // Information Bulletin of the GUOBDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Organizatsionno-pravovye problemy osushchestvleniya federal’nogo gosudarstvennogo nadzora v oblasti bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya pri kontrole za obustroystvom mest proizvodstva dorozhnykh rabot // Informatsionnyy byulleten’ GUOBDD MVD Rossii]. M, 2017. №72. pp. 4-11. Antonov, Gorbunov, Molchanov, Popov (2011) – Antonov S.N., Gorbunov D.V., Molchanov P.V., Popov M.I. Prescription as a form of preventive activity of the State Traffic Inspectorate // Road safety: Collection of scientific works. Moscow: SIC BDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Predpisanie kak forma profilakticheskoy deyatel’nosti Gosavtoinspektsii // Bezopasnost’ dorozhnogo dvizheniya : Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. M. : NITs BDD MVD Rossii]. 2011. Issue 11. pp. 159-174. Antonov (2017) – Antonov S.N. Federal state supervision in the field of road traffic safety // Monografiya. M.: FKU SIC BDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Federal`ny`j gosudarstvenny`j nadzor v oblasti bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya // Monografiya. M. : FKU NITs BDD MVD Rossii]. 2017. p. 68. Redkin (2017) – Redkin Yu.D. On the results of the implementation of the federal state supervision in the field of road safety in terms of compliance with the requirements of regulatory acts when placing advertising structures and problematic issues related to the implementation of this direction of official activity // Information Bulletin of the GUOBDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [O rezul’tatakh osushchestvleniya federal’nogo gosudarstvennogo nadzora v oblasti obespecheniya bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya v chasti soblyudeniya trebovaniy normativnykh aktov pri razmeshchenii reklamnykh konstruktsiy i problemnye voprosy, svyazannye s realizatsiey dannogo napravleniya sluzhebnoy deyatel’nosti // Informatsionnyy byulleten’ GUOBDD MVD Rossii]. M, 2017. №71. pp. 16-21. |
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Timur S. GabazovGabazov Timur Sultanovich, graduate student, senior lecturer, Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Grozny (E-mail:
Conflicting factors in the activities of a specialist in a civil procedureAnnotation Subject/topic The presented article examines the essential role of a specialist in the application of his special knowledge in civil proceedings. Work was carried out to study the legal status of this subject of civil procedural legal relations in the implementation of his functions related to the implementation of assistance to justice, and also revealed conflicting contradictions in the role of a specialist in legal proceedings: the lack of a conclusion and explanation of a specialist among the evidence, the lack of procedural consolidation of entry and participation in the case specialist, the specialist’s procedural responsibility on an equal basis with other participants in civil procedural legal relations. Goals/objectives The main message will be the study of this issue, taking into account the opinions of other researchers, specific legal provisions not only of civil procedural legislation, but also of the norms of criminal law. Also, taking into account the probable and possible illegal behavior of a specialist in civil proceedings, give an appropriate legal assessment of the possibility of resolving the issue of bringing him to appropriate responsibility. Thus, the article is devoted to the legal analysis of the most acute problems associated with the issue of participation of a specialist in civil proceedings. Methodology Methods of analysis, description, comparison, methods of formal logic and mental modeling were used. Conclusions Based on the results of studying a number of topical issues related to the procedural status of a specialist in civil proceedings, such as the procedural form of involving a specialist in a civil case, introducing procedural certainty into the activities of a specialist in assisting in the administration of justice (regardless of whether it is a written opinion or oral consultations), the responsibility of a specialist in civil proceedings, recommendations are given on bringing mutually contradictory procedural norms to legal identity, including the introduction of appropriate amendments to the current procedural legislation, taking into account the norms of the criminal law of Russia. Keywords: legal proceedings, civil procedure, specialist, responsibility, specialist consultation, expert opinion. References: Averyanova (2009) – Averyanova, T.V. Forensic examination. General theory course: for use in the educational process in the specialty «Forensic examination» [T.V. Averyanova. – Moscow: Norma Publishing House [Sudebnaya ekspertiza. Kurs obshchey teorii: dlya ispol’zovaniya v uchebnom protsesse po spetsial’nosti «Sudebnaya ekspertiza»]. Moskva: Izd-vo Norma]. 2009 .- 479 p.Biryukov (2018) – Biryukov, F.Yu. Procedural status of a specialist in civil and arbitration proceedings / F.Yu. Biryukov // Economics. Right. Society [Protsessual’nyy status spetsialista v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom sudoproizvodstve / F.YU. Biryukov // Ekonomika. Pravo. Obshchestvo].2018. – No. 4 (16). – P. 81-86.Bozhchenko, Nikitin (2021) – Bozhchenko A.P., Nikitin I.M. Problems and difficulties associated with the implementation in the criminal process of the right of a party to the assistance of a specialist (Message I) // Medical Law. [Problemy i trudnosti, svyazannyye s realizatsiyey v ugolovnom protsesse prava storony na sodeystviye spetsialista (Soobshcheniye I)// Meditsinskoye pravo], 2021. No. 1. P. 15-20.Bonner (2014) – Bonner A.T. Traditional and non-traditional means of proof in civil and arbitration proceedings [Traditsionnyye i netraditsionnyye sredstva dokazyvaniya v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom protsesse. – M.: Prospekt]. – M .: Prospect, 2014 .- 616 p.The Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 No. 138-FZ // Electronic resource // URL: (date of access: 19.03.2021).Druzhinin (2013) – Druzhinin A. Consultation of a specialist in civil procedure // EZh-Lawyer. [Konsul’tatsiya spetsialista v grazhdanskom protsesse // EZH-Yurist]- 2013. – No. 30. – P. 56–57.Dyakonova (2013) – Dyakonova O.G. Consultation, explanations and expert opinion – problems of legal regulation in civil and arbitration proceedings // In the collection: Actual problems of modern development of civil, arbitration and administrative proceedings. collection of articles based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 2 parts. Under the general editorship of V.P. Ochedu’ko, L.V. Voytovich, V.I. Kainov. [Konsul’tatsiya, poyasneniya i zaklyucheniye spetsialista – problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom protsessakh//V sbornike: Aktual’nyye problemy sovremennogo razvitiya grazhdanskogo, arbitrazhnogo i administrativnogo sudoproizvodstv. sbornik statey po materialam Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii: v 2-kh chastyakh. Pod obshchey redaktsiyey V. P. Ochered’ko, L. V. Voytovich, V. I. Kaynova], 2013. P. 132-136.Elistratova (2014) – Elistratova V.S. Conclusion of a specialist in civil and criminal proceedings // Legality and rule of law in modern society [Zaklyucheniye spetsialista v grazhdanskom i ugolovnom protsesse// Zakonnost’ i pravoporyadok v sovremennom obshchestve]. 2014. No. 22. P. 40-44.Lebedev (2013) – Lebedev M.Yu. Civil process: a textbook for bachelors // 4th ed., Revised. and add. – M., Yurayt Publishing House [Grazhdanskiy protsess: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov// 4-ye izd., pererab. i dop. – M., Izdatel’stvo Yurayt]. 2013. P. 447.Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 N 63-FZ // Electronic resource // URL: (date of access: 19.03.2021).Federal Law of 31.05.2001 No. 73-FZ «On the State Forensic Expert Activity of the Russian Federation» // Electronic resource // URL: http: // (date of access: 19.03.2021).Filimonova, Kulikova (2016) – Filimonova M.V., Kulikova E.S. On the issue of legal certainty of the position of a specialist in civil procedure // Modern trends in the development of science and technology [K voprosu o pravovoy opredelennosti polozheniya spetsialista v grazhdanskom protsesse// Sovremennyye tendentsii razvitiya nauki i tekhnologiy]. 2016. No. 11-6. P. 142-144. |
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Danil A. Strenin3rd year student of the Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
E-mail: Research Supervisor: Dmitry V. Galushko, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation |
Development institutions: theoretical problems of the right statusAnnotation
Subject / topic: the article considers development institutions from the standpoint of the theory of state and law, gives the author’s definition of institutions, considers domestic and foreign experience in the functioning and legal regulation of development institutions, highlights the historically established distinctive features of development institutions from other forms of private and state support for economic growth, provides the optimal organizational and legal form of the functioning of development institutions, considers the position of the Ministry of Economic Development, according to which development institutions are a party to public-private partnership, its objective criticism is given Goals / Objectives: to analyze the legal status of development institutions in Russia and make proposals for its optimization, the importance of the topic of the work is determined by the fact that the solution of socio-economic problems of Russian society depends on development institutions. Methodology: the research is based on general methods of cognition, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, comparison, and methods of formal logic. Conclusions: the paper presents the provisions that in modern domestic law there is no proper regulation of development institutions, and there is also no definition of “development institutions”, so it becomes necessary to adopt an appropriate regulatory act that establishes the theoretical and legal status of development institutions. Keywords: development institute, innovative development, economic growth, legal status, signs of development institutions. References: Sulakshin (2010) – Sulakshin S. S. On development institutions in Russia / S. S. Sulashkin, Yu. A. Safonova // Proceedings of the Center for Problem Analysis and State-management Design. – 2010. – Issue 15. – Moscow: Scientific expert, 2010. – 32 p. Federal Law of 12.01.1996 N 7-FZ “On non-profit organizations” еlectronic resource / / ATP «Consultant Plus» [Konsul’tant Plyus] Dunaeva (2017) – Dunaeva E. S., Liu Shaoxun, Ge Chunling Institutes of Development: conditions of formation in Russia / / Economics. 2017. No. 8 (29) Klabukov, Yakovets, Alyokhin (2017) – Klabukov I. D., Yakovets A.V., Alyokhin M. D. Organization of system design and technical support for DARPA defense research programs // Innovation. — 2017. — № 5(223). — P. 12-19. Rodionova, Shatyrko (2012) – Rodionova E. V., Shatyrko A.V. Russian institutes of development: experience, problems, prospects // Bulletin of the Volga State University. Series 3: Economics. Ecology. 2012. No. 2. Avakian (2005) – Avakian S. A. Constitutional Law of Russia: A training course. In 2 vols., vol. 1. Moscow: Yurist, 2005. p. 336. Frumina (2018) – Frumina S. V. Russian practice of functioning of development institutions: do we need changes in regulation? // Finance and Credit. 2018. №4 (772). Federal Law No. 224-FZ of 13.07.2015 (as amended on 29.12.2020) “On Public-private partnership, Municipal-private partnership in the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” [Electronic resource] / / ATP «Consultant Plus» [Konsul’tant Plyus] |
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Daria S. MikhaylovaSecond-year Law student of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Е-mail: Guzel R. TimergalinaSecond-year Law student of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Е-mail: Scientific supervisor: Yulia E. Kurilyuk, Candidate of Legal sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of international and public law of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Е-mail: |
Gender aspect of legal regulation of the institute of surrogacy in the Russian FederationAbstract
Subject / Topic The problem of compliance with the constitutional principle of gender equality is investigated in the aspect of legal regulation of the surrogacy, judicial practice on the issue under consideration is analyzed, measures are proposed to improve the regulatory framework in order to overcome gender discrimination, as well as to eliminate legislative gaps in the regulation of the institution of surrogacy in Russia. Goals / Objectives The aim is to study the institution of surrogacy from the standpoint of the principle of equal rights of women and men, to develop recommendations for legal regulation of surrogacy developments. Objectives: to review the regulation of the institute, to outline the specifics of the national approach to surrogacy, to identify trends of new standards for regulating relations in the field of reproductive technologies development, to reveal the positions of law enforcement agencies, to identify problems and draw appropriate conclusions. Methodology The methodological basis includes the general methods of scientific knowledge (synthesis, analysis). Methods of description, generalization, methods of formal logic, special legal methods are also used: formal legal, comparative legal. Conclusion and Relevance It seems necessary to reform the institution of surrogacy by drawing up a more detailed formulation of the regulations governing legal relations in this area, which will allow, firstly, to eliminate the problems arising from the uncertainty regarding the application of the relevant legislation; secondly, to ensure the full implementation of the constitutional principle of gender equality. Keywords: gender equality, realization of human rights, surrogacy, judicial practice, single man, contract with a surrogate mother. References: Mubarakshina (2013) – Mubarakshina A.M. // VEPS Surrogate Motherhood in Domestic Science and Legislation [O surrogatnom materinstve v otechestvennoj nauke i zakonodatel’stve]. 2013. №2. Ermakova (2020) – Ermakova E.A. Gender equivalence of citizens as the Implementation of the Constitutional Principle of Equality in Surrogacy // Dostizheniya nauki i obrazovaniya [Gendernaya ekvivalentnost’ grazhdan kak realizaciya konstitucionnogo principa ravenstva v surrogatnom materinstve]. 2020. № 8 (62). Barandova (2012) – Barandova T.L. Gender Dimention of Human Rights: Definitions, Violation Practices and Protection Mechanizms (Chapter 12) / Human rights in the face of challenges of the XXI century // ed. by V.V.Smirnova i A.U.Sungurova. – M.: Biblioteka Rossijskoj Associacii politicheskoj nauki (RAPN); Rossijskaya politicheskaya enciklopediya (ROSSPEN) [Gendernoe izmerenie prav cheloveka: ponyatiya, praktiki narushenij i mekhanizmy zashchity (Glava 12) / Prava cheloveka pered vyzovami XXI veka]. 2012. – p. 223-252. – (ser.: Biblioteka RAPN). Garanina (2018) – Garanina I.G. Topical issues of Surrogacy in modern International Private Law // Vestnik Marijskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya «Istoricheskie nauki. YUridicheskie nauki» [Aktual’nye voprosy surrogatnogo materinstva v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom chastnom prave]. 2018. №4 (16). Stebleva (2012) – Stebleva E.V. Problemy realizacii prav uchastnikov otnoshenij surrogatnogo materinstva: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Moskva. 2012. Kurilyuk (2020) – Kurilyuk Y.E. Family values in the balance of public and private interests: legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights // Sovremennyj yurist [Semejnye cennosti v balanse publichnyh i chastnyh interesov: pravovye pozicii Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii i Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka]. 2020. № 2 (31). Garanina, Smirnova (2016) – Garanina I.G., Smirnova L.I. Problems of implementation of the right to surrogate motherhood // Marijskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Problemy realizacii prava na surrogatnoe materinstvo v mezhdunarodnoj sudebnoj praktike]. 2016. № 2 (17). Akimova (2018) – Akimova U.A. The Constitutional concept of gender equality // Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba i kadry [Konstitucionnaya koncepciya gendernogo ravnopraviya]. 2018. № 2. Kokorin (2011) – Kokorin A. P. The Coterie, who Have the Right to Artificial Insemination and Embryo Implantation // Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik [Krug lic, imeyushchih pravo na iskusstvennoe oplodotvorenie i implantaciyu embriona]. 2011. № 1. Kashina, Pyahkel’ (2020) – Kashina M.A., Pyahkel’ A.A. Ensuring the Implementation of the Principle of Gender Equality De Jure and De Facto: the Experience of the Countries of the European Union // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya yurisprudenciya [Obespechenie realizacii principa gendernogo ravnopraviya de-yure i de-fakto: opyt stran Evropejskogo soyuza]. 2020. № 2. |
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Olga N. Stryuchkova2nd-year Master’s student of the Institute of Public Law and Management of the University named after O.E. Kutafina (Moscow State Law Academy), Moscow.
E-mail: Academic Supervisor: Yuri Viktorovich Stepanenko, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure at the University named after O.E. Kutafina (Moscow State Law Academy), Chief Researcher of the PKU NII FSIN of Russia Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. |
The uniqueness (peculiarity) of the federal service of the national guard of the Russian FederationAnnotation Subject / Topic The research of the uniqueness (peculiarity) of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Goals / Objectives Identification of the administrative law aspects of the differences between regulations of the Federal Law No.226-FZ of 03.07.2016 “On the Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law No.27-FZ of 06.02.1997 “On the Internal Troops of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation” (the Document has expired) with the help of comparative legal analysis. Methodology The research used methods of analysis, synthesis, specification, comparative-legal, formal-logical and other methods of scientific research. Conclusion and Relevance The provisions of the Federal Law of 06.02.1997 No 27-FZ “On the Internal Troops of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation” (the Document has expired) received the reception under the legislative regulation of the activities of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation into the Federal Law of 03.07.2016 No 226-FZ “On the Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation” with the number of administrative legal aspects that are unique (peculiar) of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. As a result, the author conditionally systematizes the issues of the uniqueness (peculiarity) of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, as the executive authority, and emphasizes the importance of this scientific research for the further development of science of administrative law. Keywords: the Troops of the National Guard, the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Internal Troops, national security, administrative law status. References: Tcheprasov (2016) – Tcheprasov K.V. Creation of the National Guard as a response to Hybrid Security Challenges of Russia // Security Issues [Sozdaniye natsional’noy gvardii kak otvet na gibridnyye vyzovy bezopasnosti Rossii // Voprosy bezopasnosti]. 2016. № 2. pp. 8-19. DOI: 10.7256/2409-7543.2016.2.18849 URL: (accessed 10 May 2021). Asseev (2019) – Aseeev A.G. Exclusive powers of the Federal Service of the Russian National Guard Troops // Military law [Eksklyuzivnyye polnomochiya Federal’noy sluzhby voysk natsional’noy gvardii Rossiyskoy Federatsii // Voyennoye pravo]. 2019. № 5 (57). pp. 48-51. Putin (2016) – Putin V.V. Direct Line with Vladimir Putin //. Special program [Pryamaya liniya s Vladimirom Putinym // Spetsial’naya programma]. 2016. president/news/51716 (accessed 11 May, 2021). |
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Anastasia I. Moroz3rd year student of the Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
E-mail: Research Supervisor: Dmitry V. Galushko, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity Faculty of Law Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation |
Comparative legal analysis of the activities of development institutions in the cis countriesAnnotation
Subject / topic: the article examines the activities of development institutions in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, provides a historical aspect of the emergence of development institutions in the CIS countries, provides a comparative analysis of the functioning of development institutions aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses in Russia and Kazakhstan, analyzes the specifics of the activities of development institutions, identifies the reasons for the lack of a developed system of development institutions in the Republic of Belarus, and provides recommendations for improving the regulatory framework, regulating development institutions in Armenia and the Russian Federation, the problematic aspects of the activities of development institutions in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States are identified. Goals / Objectives: to carry out a comparative legal analysis of the activities of development institutions in the CIS countries, to identify problematic aspects of the functioning of development institutions in the countries under consideration, as well as to make proposals for overcoming them. Methodology: the research is based on general methods of cognition, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, comparison, and methods of formal logic. Conclusions: in the CIS countries, over the past thirty years, significant results have been achieved in the formation and operation of development institutions: well-established systems of development institutions have been formed both at the federal and regional levels, the concepts of the functioning of development institutions in the form of public-private mutually beneficial partnerships have been partially achieved, and a significant number of different projects have been implemented through the involvement of development institutions. Keywords: Development Institute, Commonwealth of Independent States, economic growth, Damu Fund, SME Bank, Sustainable Development Goals. References: Boudreau, Lacetera, Lakhani (2016) – Boudreau K. J., Lacetera N., Lakhani K. R., Incentives and Problem Uncertainty in Innovation Contests: An Empirical Analysis // Management Science. 2016, № 5, pp. 843-863; Abramova, Maslennikov (2016) – Abramova M. A., Maslennikov V. V. Problems of coordination of national monetary policies of the EAEU countries in the context of the formation of a coordinated monetary policy of the integration association // Money and credit. 2016, № 12, pp. 27-33; Kokuitseva, Kychanov (2016) – Kokuitseva T. V., Kychanov V. A. Approaches to improving the investment policy of development institutions of the CIS member states // Problems of Economics and Legal practice. 2016. №5; Mammadov (2019) Mammadov T. N. Trends and prospects of cooperation between the CIS countries in the field of foreign direct investment // Scientific notes of young researchers. 2019. №4; Solntsev, Khromov, Volkov (2009) Solntsev O. G., Khromov M. Yu., Volkov R. G. Institutes of development: analysis and evaluation of foreign experience // Forecasting problems – № 2. – 2009. – p. 3-30. Kondratov (2013) – Kondratov D. I. Prospects for deepening the economic integration of the CIS countries / / Eurasian Economic Integration. 2013. №. 2, p. 57-80 |
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