Economy Business Banks №5 (55)
Alexander S. RodionovPhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, full Professor of the basic university department, Director of Scientific and Information Consulting Center of Safe life and work, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation, President of Graduate School MВА «IntegraL» (Corporate University).
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Administration of the economy of normal lifeAbstract
Subject / topic The article develops the substantive part of the author’s paradigm of ensuring normal life from the standpoint of administering the implementation, in real time, of the previously proposed fundamental model of the integration of natural and humanitarian sciences (Rodionov’s Diamond of Natural Science, BER 3.0). A broad interpretation of well-known scientific schools of management is given. The reference points (defining points), in which the key factors of success (KFS) of the life of business entity (strategic business units SBU), are “crystallized” are shown. Attention is drawn to the distortion of the depth of the meanings of the KFS prototerms in ill-conceived combinations of modern business terminology. Goals / objectives to conduct a phenomenological analysis of well-known scientific schools of management in order to identify reference points for integrating knowledge into a unified system of administration of life activity of CS in real time in the context of global digitalization. Methodology: phenomenology, reductionism and holism, convergent and divergent thinking, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and analogy methods, similarity theory Methodology: phenomenology, reductionism and holism, convergent and divergent thinking, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and analogy methods, similarity theory Results / conclusions proposed a model of business administration for the BE – Rodionov’s Big Triangle (BTR); for the business processes of the SBU, the systemic connections between the KFS are shown, allowing to move to a quantitative assessment of their contribution in terms of the success of the practical implementation of the scenario forecast of the vision, mission, strategy, goals and objectives. Keywords: economics of normal life, Rodionov’s Diamond of Natural History, Rodionov’s Big Triangle, digitalization, key success factors References: Rodionov (2021) – Rodionov A.S Social economy on the example of fire-fighting and rescue garrisons // Economics. Business. Banks. Ekonomika chrezvychaynykh situatsiy: ot likvidatsii posledstviy k normal’noy zhiznedeyatel’nosti] 2021, No. 1 (51). Pp. 8-28 Rodionov (2020) – Rodionov A.S Economy of emergency situations: from liquidation of consequences to normal life // Economics. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika chrezvychaynykh situatsiy: ot likvidatsii posledstviy k normal’noy zhiznedeyatel’nosti] 2020, No. 2 (40). Pp. 9-35 Einstein Albert The evolution of physics. – M.: AST Publishing House, 2018 – 320 p. 284 Marshall (1984) – Marshall A. Principles of political economy. tr. from English – M.: Progress, V. 1, 1983; V. 2, 1984; V. 3, 1984 Leontiev Vasily. Economic essays. Theory, research, facts and politics. tr. from English – M.: Politizdat, 1990. Pentland Alex Social Physics. How big data helps us to follow and take privacy from us / A. Pentland – AST Publishing House, 2014 – 392 p. (Digital economy and digital future) Piketty Thomas Capital in the XXI century. M.: Publisher: Ad Marginem (Ad Marginem) – 2015 – 592 p. 14 Dzarasov S.S. Where is Keynes calling Russia? – M.: Algorithm, 2012 – 304 p. 131 Popper Karl Raimund Objective knowledge: An evolutionary approach. tr. from English Ed. 3rd – M.: Editorial URSS, 2010 – 384 p. Gumilev L.N. The end and the beginning again: popular lectures on ethnology [Konets i vnov nachalo: populyarnyie lektsii po narodovedeniyu] – M.: Iris-press, 2012 – 384 p. Moazed A. Platform: The practical application of the revolutionary business model / Alex Moazed, Nicholas Johnson; tr. from English – M .: Alpina Publisher, 2019 – 288 p. 12, 19,27,35,37,40,128. Srnichek N. Capitalization of platforms / trans. from English and scientific. Ed. M. Dobryakova: University “Higher School of Economics”. – M.: Publishing. House of the Higher School of Economics, 2019 – 128 p. – (Economic theory). p.7,30,31,35,75,76,79 Florida R. Creative class: people who change the future. M.: Classic – XXI, 2007. 421 p. Standing G. Prekariat: a new dangerous class. M.: Ad Marginem, 2014.328 p. Rodionov (2016) – Rodionov A.S. Economic security, environmental risks and quality of life // Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions. [Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost, ekologicheskie riski i kachestvo zhizni // Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemyi, resheniya.] 2016. Vol. 2 (56). No. 8. p.199-206 Rodionov (2019) – Rodionov A.S. Investments in safe life: preservation, level, lifestyle, quality. //Economy. Business. Banks [Investitsii v bezopasnuyu zhiznedeyatelnost: sohranenie, uroven, uklad, kachestvo. //Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2019, No. 3 (29). S.54-66 Castells M. The Information Age: Economics, Society and Culture. M.: HSE, 2000 – 608 p. |
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Artur A. KochetkovHead of the educational laboratory of the basic department “Economics of Intellectual Property” at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradskiy prospect, 49, 125993 (GSP-3), Moscow, Russia.
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Hierarchical management structures transport companiesAnnotation Subject/topic The problems of assessing the Hierarchical Management Structures of enterprises have been in the field of view of leading scientists for more than a hundred years. Hierarchical Management Structures are closely related to management effectiveness and management decision-making. The analysis of management hierarchies is based on the application of the most widely used management models in enterprises, including transport enterprises. These models describe in detail the hierarchical structure of management, as well as reduce management costs. Goals/objectives The analysis of modern management structures of transport enterprises allows not only to systematize the new emerging hierarchical management structures, but also to explore the possibility of reducing management costs. Methodology Management theory formed the basis of the research methodology. This study focuses on the methodology of structural and functional analysis, as well as using the method of empirical research. An adequate assessment of hierarchical structures makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of management in the transport sector enterprises Conclusions The practical significance of the study is based on the recommendations presented and in a new approach to assessing the hierarchical structures of transport enterprises. In addition, individual results can be used by subjects of market institutions (insurance companies, banks, audit companies) Keywords: hierarchical structures, management efficiency, management costs, transport enterprise References: Ansoff Igor (1999) – Ansoff Igor. New corporate strategy.[Novaya korporativnaya strategiya] – Spb: Piter.Kom, [SPb.: Piter Kom] 1999. -416 p. [in Russian] Vihansky Oleg (2006) – Vihansky O.S. Strategic management [Strategicheskoe upravlenie]. Moscow: Ekonomist [M.: Ekonomist], 2006. – 293 p. [in Russian] [Voronezh, gosudarstvennaya tekhnologicheskaya akademiya], 2003. -304 p. [in Russian] Anshin, Dagaev (2007) – Anshin V. M., Dagaev A. A. Innovation management [Innovacionnyj menedzhment.] – M.: Delo [M.Delo], 2007. -584 p. [in Russian] Afanasyev (2010) – Afanasyev V. G. The world of the living. Consistency, evolution, and management [Mir zhivogo. Sistemnost’, evolyuciya i upravlenie]. – M:LKI [M:LKI], 2010. – 336 p. [in Russian] Adizes (2007) – Adizes I. Life cycle management of the corporation [Upravlenie zhiznennym ciklom korporacii]. – M.: Peter [M: Piter], 2007. – 384 p. . [in Russian] Mescon (2000) – Mescon M. Fundamentals of management [Osnovy menedzhmenta]. M.: Delo [M.: Delo], 2000. – 704 p. [in Russian] Radchenko (2000) – Radchenko Y. V. The theory of organization [Teorii organizacij]. M.: Finstatinform [M.: Finstatinform], 2000.- 181 p. [in Russian] Milner (2007)- Milner B. Z. The theory of organization: A textbook for universities. – 6th ed. add. and pererab. – M.: INFRA-M, 2007. – 797 p. [in Russian] Alfred-Sloan-an outstanding manager of the XX century.[ Al’fred-Sloun- vydayushchijsya menedzher XX veka] [Electronic resource]. Access mode: URL: MATERIALY7/alfredsloun.html (Accessed: 07.05.2021). [in Russian] Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. [Transportnaya strategiya Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda. Ministerstvo transporta Rossijskoj Federacii][Electronic resource]. Access mode: URL: 3/1009 documents/3/1009 (Accessed 04.05.2021) [in Russian] Vikhansky (1998) – Vikhansky O. S. Strategic management [Strategicheskoe upravlenie]. – M.Gardarika [M.:Gardarika], 1998. – 380 p. [in Russian] Voronin, Gubko, Mishin, Novikov (2008) – Voronin A. A., Gubko M. V., Mishin S. P., Novikov D. A. Mathematical models of organizations [Matematicheskie modeli organizacij.]. Gubko (2006) – Gubko M. V. Homogeneous functions of managers ‘ expenses and optimal organizational structure / / Management of large systems. [Odnorodnye funkcii zatrat menedzherov i optimal’naya organizacionnaya struktura// Upravlenie bol’shimi sistemami] – M.: UBS [M.UBS]. – 2006. – Issue 16. – p. 108 [in Russian] Miroshnik (2005) – Miroshnik I. V. Theory of automatic control. Linear systems [Teoriya avtomaticheskogo upravleniya. Linejnye sistemy]. – St. Petersburg: Peter [SPb: Piter], 2005. Mishin (2021) – Mishin S. P. Optimal hierarchies of management in economic systems [Optimal’nye ierarhii upravleniya v ekonomicheskih sistemah].[Electronic resource]. Access mode: URL: search_results.php?publication_id=3060 (Accessed: 05.05.2021) [in Russian] Povzner (2021) – Povzner L. D. Theory of control systems: A textbook for universities [Teoriya sistem upravleniya: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov]. – M.: MGGU Publishing House [M.: Izdatel’stvo MGGU], 2002. – 472 p. [in Russian] |
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Tatyana V. PetrusevichSenior Lecturer, Department of of Business Intelligence at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow Russia.
The financial lever: features of definicion, calculation and application in modern russian conditionsAbstract
Subject/Topic The successful functioning of modern economic entities, accelerating the implementation of large projects and ultimately generating the market value of organizations is impossible without attracting borrowed resources. In this regard, guidance on the attraction and effective use of borrowed funds is one of the most important functions of financial management. One of the main indicators of the stable development of organizations, influencing the adoption of effective strategic decisions by stakeholders, is the indicator of financial leverage. This theme is actual enough now, as is connected with efficiency of structure of the capital which forms business in the course of a profit earning. Acknowledgement of this urgency is that fact that a considerable quantity of works of foreign and domestic authors from which it is visible that there are many indicators which are defined how «the financial lever» and there are various ways of calculation of effect of the financial lever is devoted problems of formation of effect of the financial lever. These distinctions can influence results of the financial analysis. Goals/Objectives The purpose of a writing of given article is the requirement to consider various definitions of effect of the financial lever, ways of its calculation and a problem of its application in Russia. Substantiation of proposals on the areas of improvement of algorithms for calculating the effect of financial leverage in the practical management of economic entities. Methodology A traditional retrospective approach was used using general and special methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and analogies. Conclusion and Relevance Currently, there are objective and subjective reasons for which there are restrictions on the application of the effect of financial leverage in Russia. These reasons are caused by the current tax legislation, the existing economic and investment climate, which, in turn, is the result of the credit policy pursued by the Russian banking system and the level of development of Russian legislation. The discussed problematic issues of identifying the effect of financial leverage will serve as the basis for the further development of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of borrowed funds, as well as as a methodological guide in the practical analysis of the activities of modern organizations. Keywords: financial lever, capital structure, effect, efficiency, the operational lever, lever shoulder, lever differential, the tax proof-reader, index of the financial lever, factor of the financial lever. References Bernstein (2003) – Bernstein L.A. Analys of the financial reporting: the theory, practice and interpretation: the Lane with English [Analiz finansovoy otchetnosti: teoriya, praktika i interpretatsiya] / Nauchn. ред. Transfer of the member correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.I.Eliseeva. Гл. The editor of a series of prof. Y.V. Sokolov. М: the Finance and statistics [Finansyi i statistika], 2003. 624 p.: silt. (a series on accounting and audit). [in Russian] Van Horn (2003) – Van Horn J. K. Osnovy of management of the finance: the Lane with English [Osnovyi upravleniya finansami]: /gl. ред. Y.V. Sokolov’s series. М: the Finance and statistics [Finansyi i statistika], 2003. 800 p.: s ilt. (a series on accounting and audit). [in Russian] Grigoryeva (2019) Grigoryeva, T.I. Financial analysis for managers: assessment, forecast [Finansovyiy analiz dlya menedzherov]: textbook for undergraduate and graduate studies/T.I. 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Juliya V. RomanovaGrаduаte of Finаncial Univеrsity under the Govеrnment of the Russiаn Federаtion, Master’s program «Audit and Financial Consulting», Moscow. E-mail:
Academic Supervisor: Irina S. Egorova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Audit and Corporate Reporting Department of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Problems of assessing the internal control of an economic entityAnnotation
The article shows that the effectiveness of economic entities largely depends on the management system and how well organized internal control is, which is able to efficiently use and mobilize all resources. Theoretical approaches that reveal the author’s point of view on the essence and understanding of internal control are considered. The article reflects the importance and role of internal control for the successful operation of a modern organization. The main objectives of internal control are presented, namely: ensuring the safety of assets, checking the reliability of accounting data and financial statements, ensuring compliance with legislation, etc. The subjects performing internal control at the enterprises of large and small business are designated. The main components of internal control are disclosed, such as: the management environment, risk assessment, control activities, etc. The necessity of organizing internal control is justified. Subject/Topic Features of the problems of assessing the internal control of the economic subject. Goals/Objectives To identify the features of the assessment of the internal control of the economic subject. Methodology The main research methods were such methods as comparison, analysis and a systematic approach. Results/Conclusions The need to organize internal control is due to the goals of the company’s activities in the form of obtaining maximum profit based on the use of available resources. This implies the creation of an integral part of the functioning of the enterprise, when the managing staff implements control procedures at the time of making a decision on the need to perform the operation, its implementation and acceptance of the consequences. At the same time, internal control can be organized both in the form of a separate structural unit with its own rights and obligations and requiring a report on the quality of operations performed from other persons, and in the form of mandatory powers of persons responsible for the safety and efficiency of the use of property, making management decisions to achieve the profitability of the enterprise. Keywords: business entity; internal control; components of internal control; objectives; management of the organization. Reference: Federal Law” On Accounting ” No. 402-FZ of 06.12.2011 [Federal’nyj zakon «O buhgalterskom uchete» ot 06.12.2011g №402-FZ] [Elektronnyj resurs] – URL: (data obrashcheniya 01.05.2021). Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 2n of 09.01.2019 “On the Introduction of International Standards on Auditing in the Territory of the Russian Federation and on the Invalidation of Certain Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation» [Prikaz Minfina Rossii ot 09.01.2019 № 2n «O vvedenii v dejstvie mezhdunarodnyh standartov audita na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii i o priznanii utrativshimi silu nekotoryh prikazov Ministerstva finansov Rossijskoj Federacii»] [Elektronnyj resurs] – URL: (data obrashcheniya 01.05.2021) Information of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. PZ-11/2013 ” Organization and Implementation by an economic entity of internal control of the facts of economic life, accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements» [Informaciya Minfina Rossii № PZ-11/2013 «Organizaciya i osushchestvlenie ekonomicheskim sub”ektom vnutrennego kontrolya sovershaemyh faktov hozyajstvennoj zhizni, vedeniya buhgalterskogo ucheta i sostavleniya buhgalterskoj (finansovoj) otchetnosti»] [Elektronnyj resurs] – URL: (data obrashcheniya 01.05.2021) Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. MMV-7-15/509 of 16.06.2017 [Prikaz FNS Rossii ot 16.06.2017 № MMV-7-15/509] [Elektronnyj resurs] – URL: (data obrashcheniya 01.05.2021) Gudkova, Ermakova, Kovaleva (2016) – Gudkova O. V., Ermakova L. V., Kovaleva N. N. Analysis of legislative support for accounting and control of fixed assets [Analiz zakonodatel’nogo obespecheniya ucheta i kontrolya osnovnyh sredstv] // Scientific review. Economic sciences [Nauchnoe obozrenie. Ekonomicheskie nauki]. 2016. № 4. P. 15-18. [in Russian] Dedova (2019) – Dedova O. V. Tax reporting of organizations [Nalogovaya otchetnost’ organizacij] // Russian Economic Bulletin [Russian Economic Bulletin]. 2019.T. 2. № 3. P. 61-66. [Elektronnyj resurs] // Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya 01.05.2021) [in Russian] Dedova (2019) – Dedova O. V. Principles of formation and accounting of financial results [Principy formirovaniya i ucheta finansovyh rezul’tatov] // Bulletin of the Bryansk State University [Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta]. 2019. №3. P. 97-102 [in Russian] Kovaleva, Melguy, Ermakova, Kuznetsova (2019) – Kovaleva N. N., Melguy A. E., Ermakova L. V., Kuznetsova O. N. Basic principles of formation of accounting and analytical information in the management accounting system of an economic entity operating in the construction industry of economimki [Osnovnye principy formirovaniya uchetno – analiticheskoj informacii v sisteme upravlencheskogo ucheta ekonomicheskogo sub”ekta, funkcioniruyushchego v stroitel’noj otrasli ekonomimi] // Accounting in construction organizations [Buhuchet v stroitel’nyh orgnaizaciyah]. 2019. №2. P. 22-34 [in Russian] Kuznetsova, Dvoretskaya (2018) – Kuznetsova O. N., Dvoretskaya Yu. A. Modern audit: synthesis of knowledge and digital technologies [Sovremennyj audit: sintez znanij i cifrovyh tekhnologij] / In the collection: The current state and prospects for the development of financial analysis science and practice in the digital space in Russia and abroad. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers and results of joint research projects [V sbornike: Sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya finansovo- analiticheskoj nauki i praktiki v cifrovom prostranstve v Rossii i za rubezhom. Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov i rezul’tatov sovmestnyh nauchno-issledovatel’skih proektov]. Moskva, 2018. P. 126-130. [in Russian] Melguy, Dvoretskaya (2018) – Melguy A. E., Dvoretskaya Yu. A. Organization of management accounting: principles, models and basic tools [Organizaciya upravlencheskogo ucheta: principy, modeli i osnovnye instrument] // Economy. Sociology. Right [Ekonomika. Sociologiya. Pravo]. 2018. № 2 (10). P. 40-47 [in Russian] |
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Alexandra V. StrokovaMaster’s student, Faculty: Higher School of Management Direction: Financial Management and Capital Market at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
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Influence of price and capital structure on business valueAbstract
Subject/topic capital management of an organization at the main stage of market relations is one of the more significant topics, while its creation and use allows the enterprise to become more independent in view of the least need to attract borrowed funds. Capital management is such management of the structure, as well as the cost of sources of financing, in order to increase the efficiency of personal capital and the ability of the company to pay income to creditors and shareholders of the company. Management in the practice of scientific activity is defined in relation to the production relations inherent in each socio-economic organization, taking into account the conditions of the economic environment and the need to manage the enterprise through economic potential. Goals/objectives development of theoretical foundations for the formation of the capital structure of the enterprise in the context of the formation of the financial architecture of the enterprise. Features of the development of the company’s capital structure management policy, the formation of an approach to determining the capital management policy as a component of the financial architecture of the enterprise, its goals, determinants. Methodology phenomenology, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, methods of theoretical research. Results/conclusions it is proposed to distinguish between the following types of capital structure: actual, optimal, targeted or targeted, and strategic. The stages of forming the capital management policy are defined. The main indicators that characterize the state of the capital structure of the enterprise are proposed. Keywords: financial leverage, target capital structure, enterprise financial architecture, determinants, adaptation speed. References: Verkhovtseva, Grebenik (2016) – Verkhovtseva E. A., Grebenik V. V. Capital structure management as a way to manage the company’s value // Online Journal “SCIENCE Studies” Volume 8, No. 1. [Upravlenie strukturoj kapitala kak sposob upravleniya stoimost’yu kompanii // Internet-zhurnal «NAUKOVEDENIE» Tom 8, №1.] 2016. DOI: 10.15862/37EVN116 Belkin, Belkina (2019) – Belkin V. N., Belkina N. A. Organizational capital of the enterprise // The economy of the region. [Organizacionnyj kapital predpriyatiya // Ekonomika regiona.] 2019. Vol. 12. No. 3. pp. 826-838. Beloshitskaya, Sharapova (2017) – Beloshitskaya M. O., Sharapova I. S. Improving internal control of equity capital. [Sovershenstvovanie vnutrennego kontrolya sobstvennogo kapitala // Nauchnyj al’manah.] 2017. No. 1-1 (27). pp. 54-59. Burkaltseva, Blazhevich (2019) – Burkaltseva D. D., Blazhevich O. G. The essence of capital, classification and methodology for assessing its use in the enterprise. [Sushchnost’ kapitala, klassifikaciya i metodika ocenki ego ispol’zovaniya na predpriyatii // Science Time.] 2019. No. 7 (31). pp. 33-38. Vorobyov, Zhilina (2018) – Vorobyov Yu. N., Zhilina Yu. V. Enterprise capital cost management // Bulletin of Science and Creativity. [Upravlenie stoimost’yu kapitala predpriyatiya // Vestnik Nauki i Tvorchestva.] 2018. No. 11 (11). pp. 45-52. Galkina (2019) – Galkina E. V. Influence of the concepts of capital maintenance and profit recognition on the results of economic analysis // Economic analysis: theory and practice. [Vliyanie koncepcij podderzhaniya kapitala i priznaniya pribyli na rezul’taty ekonomicheskogo analiza // Ekonomicheskij analiz: teoriya i praktika.] 2019. No. 21. pp. 142-145. Ivanyuk, Aryshev (2019) – Ivanyuk T. N., Aryshev V. A. Analysis of the impact of the capital structure on the financial condition of the enterprise // Bulletin of the University of Turan. [Analiz vliyaniya struktury kapitala na finansovoe sostoyanie predpriyatiya // Vestnik universiteta Turan.] 2019. No. 2 (70). pp. 119-123. Karaeva (2019) – Karaeva F. E. Evaluation of the efficiency of the use of the company’s own capital // Uspekhi sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya. [Ocenka effektivnosti ispol’zovaniya sobstvennogo kapitala predpriyatiya // Uspekhi sovremennoj nauki i obrazovaniya.] 2019. Vol. 1. No. 10. pp. 84-86. |
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Sergey S. StepanyanSenior audit specialist, master’s degree program «Audit and financial consulting», Moscow. Email:
Scientific Supervisor: Natalia D. Brovkina, Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Audit and Corporate Reporting at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Features of the audit of biological assetsAnnotation
The article shows that the results of the study of the features of the audit of biological assets in agricultural organizations. The theoretical approaches of different authors to the definition of this category of assets are revealed. The classification of biological assets has been developed, which makes it easier to reflect them in accounting accounts. Special attention is paid to the problems that the auditor faces during the audit. The main features of agricultural organizations are highlighted, which is due to the specifics of business processes. Subject/Topic Features of the audit of biological assets in agricultural organizations. Goals/Objectives Disclose the specifics of the audit of biological assets. Methodology The main research methods were such methods as comparison, analysis and a systematic approach. Results/Conclusions Biological assets in the agricultural sector play a important role, so it is necessary to improve and improve not only the agricultural system itself, but also the accounting system, and the regulatory framework on which agricultural market actors rely. It is worth noting that the specifics of the audit of biological assets are directly related to the specifics of the activities of agricultural organizations, the lack of classification of biological assets, difficulties in assessing fair value and disclosure of information in the financial statements. Keywords: audit of biological assets; fair value; biotransformation, classification of biological assets. Reference: Birch (2019) – Birch A.O. Valuation of biological assets at fair value // World of a new economy [Ocenka biologicheskix aktivov po spravedlivoj stoimosti // Mir novoj e`konomiki]. 2019. No. 3 P.59-70 [in Russian] Birch (2019) – Birch A.O. The main problems of disclosing information about biological assets in financial statements // Vestnik VSU. Series: Economics and Management [Osnovny`e problemy` raskry`tiya informacii o biologicheskix aktivax v finansovoj otchetnosti // Vestnik VGU]. 2019. No. 2 pp. 80-86 [in Russian] Zyuzin (2010) – Zyuzin Yu.I. Features of the methodology for auditing biological assets in agricultural organizations // Accounting and statistics [Osobennosti metodiki audita biologicheskix aktivov v sel`skoxozyajstvenny`x organizaciyax // Uchet i statistika]. 2010. No. 4 P.20-23 [in Russian] Kuznetsova (2020) – Kuznetsova I.S. Organization of accounting at agricultural enterprises: specificity and development prospects // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences [Organizaciya buxgalterskogo ucheta na predpriyatiyax sel`skogo xozyajstva: specifika i perspektivy` razvitiya // Mezhdunarodny`j zhurnal gumanitarny`x i estestvenny`x nauk]. 2020. No. 12-4 P.126-129 [in Russian] Marchenkova (2020) – Marchenkova E.G. Prospects for the implementation of ifrs for Russian agricultural enterprises // Skif [Perspektivy` vnedreniya MSFO dlya rossijskix sel`skoxozyajstvenny`x predpriyatij // Skif]. 2020. No. 9 (49) P.125-129 [in Russian] Ovcharov, Terekhov (2020) – Ovcharov A.O., Terekhov A.M. Econometric analysis of the use of biological assets in agricultural organizations // Statistics and Economics [E`konometricheskij analiz ispol`zovaniya biologicheskix aktivov v sel`skoxozyajstvenny`x organizaciyax // Statistika i e`konomika]. 2020. No. 1 S. 79-82 [in Russian] Tochieva, Galaeva (2019) – Tochieva L.K., Galaeva Zh.B. Accounting for biological assets [Uchët biologicheskix aktivov]. // Colloquium-journal. 2019. No 2-6 P.26-28 [in Russian] Khasanova (2020) – Khasanova A.A. Theoretical aspects of improving the accounting of bioactives in the agricultural sector of the economy in accordance with international standards // Education and Law [Teoreticheskie aspekty` sovershenstvovaniya buxgalterskogo ucheta bioaktivov v agrarnom sektore e`konomiki v sootvetstvii s mezhdunarodny`mi standartami // Obrazovanie i pravo.]. 2020. No. 7 [in Russian] Yakovleva (2020) – Yakovleva Ya.S. Biological assets in Russian and international practice // Economics and business: theory and practice [Biologicheskie aktivy` v rossijskoj i mezhdunarodnoj praktike // E`konomika i biznes]. 2020. No 8. S.204-208 [in Russian] Yakovleva (2020) – Yakovleva Ya.S. Innovations in the accounting of biological assets: the impact on the economic security of agricultural organizations [Novacii v uchete biologicheskix aktivov: vliyanie na e`konomicheskuyu bezopasnost` organizacij sel`skogo xozyajstva] // StudNet. 2020. No.11 S. 87-91 [in Russian] |
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Nadezhda V. Shkarupa3rd year student of the faculty of sociology and political science of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. Email: Polina I. Gukova3rd year student of the faculty of sociology and political science of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. Email: Academic Supervisor: Lyudmila A. Bruskova, candidate of sociological Sciences, associate Professor, Department of sociology Department IN «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», Moscow. E-mail: |
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