The Modern Lawyer №1(34)





Alexey P. Albov

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Law Faculty of the Russian Customs Academy.


Daniil E. Goncharov

Undergraduate of Law Faculty of the Russian Customs Academy (PTA)


Constitutional and legal views of the thinkers of the Russian emigration


Subject / topic The article reveals the state-legal and political views of Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin, Ivan Lukyanovich Solonevich and Alexander Lvovich Kazem-Bek. Considered are similar and what are the distinguishing points in the understanding of the state development of Russia among representatives of different social strata of the emigration, as well as philosophical trends.

Goals / objectives The purpose of the article is to highlight general and special points related to how the state structure of Russia, in the opinion of thinkers, should have looked after the end of the “Bolshevik terror”. The reasons are also indicated, because of which these thinkers became disillusioned with the liberal-democratic form of state organization. From a practical point of view, the study is aimed at developing recommendations for creating a more effective state structure in Russia.

Methodology The methodological basis of this work is both the general philosophical methods of materialist dialectics: analysis, synthesis, and the methods of legal science, including: formal legal, historical legal, as well as the method of legal hermeneutics.

Conclusion Models of local self-government and representation of professional self-government bodies in public administration are the ideas that would be advisable to use in the state building of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: public administration, local self-government, emigration, state structure, Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin, Ivan Lukyanovich Solonevich, Alexander Lvovich Kazem-Bek


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Artemiy A. Rozhnov

Professor of the Department of international and public law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor.

Reforms of local government in the reign of Peter i


Subject / Topic The article represents a description of reforms of local government in the reign of Peter I.

Goals / Objectives The aim of the work is to give a description of the reforms of local government in the reign of Peter I and to evaluate them. The author reviews changes in the system of local authorities prior to the first provincial reform and gives a characteristics of this reform as well as subsequent transformations at the local level. The article is based on the study of the relevant normative legal sources, act material and scientific literature on this topic.

Methodology The methodological basis of the article includes the universal methods of cognition; general scientific methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, etc.

Conclusion and Relevance As a result of studying the relevant historical and legal materials the author comes to the conclusion that during the two decades of Peter I’s revolutionary reforms there were three radical transformations of administrative borders and permanent changes in the structure of local government. As a result the reforms of local government, carried out by Peter I, turned out to be a complete failure, didn’t bring any positive results and caused only harm to the state and to the people.

Keywords: history of Russian law, Peter I, the reforms of Peter I, the state system, local government.


Belyaev (2004) – Belyaev ID Destinies of zemshchina and elective principle in Russia [Sud’by zemschiny I vybornogo nachala na Rusi] // Belyaev ID The System of Zemstvo in Russia [Zemskiy story na Rusi]. SPb., 2004.

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Mrochek-Drozdovskiy (1876) – Mrochek-Drozdovskiy P The regional government of Russia of the 18th century until the Act of provincial government of 11/7/1775: a historical and legal research [Oblastnoye upravlenie Rossii 18 veka do Uchrezhdenia o guberniyah 7 noyabrya 1775 goda: istoriko-yuridicheskoe issledovanie]. M., 1876.

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Dmitry M. Matyushenkov

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Youth Parliament at the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Postgraduate student of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)”, Moscow.



Academic Supervisor: Yuri Viktorovich Stepanenko, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure at the University named after O.E. Kutafina (Moscow State Law Academy), Chief Researcher of the PKU NII FSIN of Russia Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

Activities of cyber -squad in the field of public order protection


Subject / Topic Discusses the basic elements of the legal status of cyber-squad, the author analyzes the normative-legal framework and prospects of legal regulation of activities of public associations, studied Federal and regional experience of legislative regulation of cyber-squad.

Goals / Objectives A study of the major approaches to legal regulation of activities of cyber-squad. The article considers federal and regional experience, the draft federal law “On cyber-squad” for conducting a comparative analysis and forming proposals for optimizing the legal regulation of the activities of cyber-soldiers in the field of public order protection.

Methodology Methods of analysis, synthesis, descriptions, comparisons, historical method, method of comparative jurisprudence, methods of formal logic were used.

Conclusion and Relevance Currently, at the federal level, there is no fixed concept of “cyber-squad”, at the same time, at the regional level, various interpretations of this concept are given. For effective functioning, it is necessary to regulate the status of cyber-squad, differentiating it from other public associations involved in the protection of public order.

Keywords:public associations, security, public order, voluntary people’s squads, cyber-squad, police.


Kabernik (2017) – Kabernik V.V. Counteraction to the ideology of terrorism and extremism in the educational sphere and youth environment // MGIMO; All-Russian Forum (Moscow, September 18-19, 2017) – Moscow [Protivodeystviye ideologii terrorizma i ekstremizma v obrazovatel’noy sfere i molodezhnoy srede // MGIMO; Vserossiyskiy forum (Moskva, 18–19 sentyabrya 2017 g.) – Moskva]. 2017.

Polovinkin (2012) – Polovinkin V.A. Prospects of the social mechanism of interaction between the police and civil society institutions // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Perspektivy sotsial’nogo mekhanizma vzaimodeystviya politsii i institutov grazhdanskogo obshchestva // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii]. 2012. № 3 (55).

Buchakova,  Dizer (2015) – Buchakova M.A., Dizer O. A. Interaction of the police and society // Bulletin of the Omsk University. Series. Right. [Vzaimodeystviye politsii i obshchestva // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Seriya. Pravo]. 2015. № 2 (43). pp. 58-63.

Matyushenkov (2017) – Matyushenkov D.M. Legal and organizational problems of voluntary people’s squads and the further development of this institute in the Russian Federation // Modern Lawyer: Russian-Italian International University (Institute) (Moscow) [Pravovyye i organizatsionnyye problemy dobrovol’nykh narodnykh druzhin i dal’neysheye razvitiye etogo instituta v Rossiyskoy Federatsii // Sovremennyy yurist: Russko-Ital’yanskiy Mezhdunarodnyy Universitet (Institut) (Moskva)]. 2017, № 4 (21) рр. 108-115.


Alena N. Prizhennikova

Ph. D., associate Professor, associate Professor Of the Department of legal regulation of economic activity at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University), Moscow

Transformation of labor legal relationship: topical issues


Object Thing. The impact of information and communication systems is revolutionizing the legal field. In this regard, new forms of interaction between participants in public relations are emerging, which also entails the transformation of labor relations.

Goals / objectives With the emergence of electronic technologies, atypical forms of employment are of great importance in the field of labor legal relations. With their appearance, labor legislation changes, however, not all norms provide for the interests of the parties to labor relations. The lack of legal mechanisms negatively affects the employees.

Methodology Methods of analysis, synthesis, description, comparison, historical method, method of comparative law, methods of formal logic were used.

Conclusion The author believes that it is necessary to supplement certain norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation disclosing the provisions of atypical employment, which will initiate a discussion about increasing the concepts of labor relations, changing the design of an employment contract and characterizing the emerging labor legal relations as independent signs. Considering the fact that employees performing a labor function in an atypical form of employment are not involved in social partnership relations, they are excluded from the employer’s organizational environment, due to the existing working conditions endowed with a different (atypical) form of employment.

Keywords:labor relations, labor contract, information technology, atypical employment, employer.


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Sergey P. Stavilo

Candidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor, Department of criminal law and criminology Novorossiysk branch of Krasnodar University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, Novorossiysk.


Common criminal-legal characteristics and classification of the terrorist crimes and extremist


Subject/Topic. The subject of scientific research within the framework of this article is the general theoretical concept of the concept and public danger of crime, as well as the norms of the current criminal legislation, which provide for the possibility of distributing all crimes depending on the harmfulness, that is, depending on their specific degree of danger to public relations.

Goals/Objectives. The aim of the study is to give a general criminal-legal characteristic of the categorization of crimes, based on the definition of the nature and degree of public danger of the crime, as well as to determine its not only criminal-legal, but also criminal-procedural conditionality and significance.

Methodology. The methodology is presented by general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, description, comparison, abstraction, and the formal legal method.

Conclusion and Relevance. The article reveals the general theoretical concept of the concept and public danger of crime, justifies the distribution of all crimes provided for by criminal legislation, depending on their harmfulness, that is, depending on their specific degree of danger to public relations, describes specific categories of crimes, distinguishes between categories. Special attention is paid to the theoretical historical aspect of categorization and the criteria for categorizing crimes, which are based on a complex process of distribution and systematization of various characteristics. The paper notes the special criminal-procedural significance of the categorization of crimes, taking into account the categories of crimes in the procedural activity and making appropriate decisions. It is said that categorization allows you to give other criminal-legal assessments and characteristics, for example, it is the basis for determining the type of recidivism (simple, dangerous or especially dangerous), is the criterion for the repayment of a criminal record, defined in Article 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, etc.

Keywords: criminal law, public danger, nature, degree, crime, classification, categories, criminal procedure.


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Natalia M. Lakocenina

teacher North-Caucasian Branch Russian state University of Justice Department of civil and administrative proceedings.


On judicial protection of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in sham transactions


Subject/ theme: In connection with the reform of civil legislation and the modern needs of the economic life of society, the relevance of research related to the implementation of judicial protection of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in fraudulent transactions has increased. It is this debatable aspect that requires its own scientific analysis.

Goals/objectives: The article analyzes the concept, purpose, legal means and methods of judicial protection of participants in sham transactions. The content of the article determines its theoretical and practical significance and relevance.

Methodology. General scientific methods contributed to the analysis and synthesis of the scientific problem under study.

Conclusions. Judicial protection of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in a sham transaction and third parties is the activity of authorized state bodies and their officials, as well as the injured participants in civil legal relations themselves, in the manner and form provided for by law, to restore the violated legality, justice, rights and legitimate interests of a legal person (citizens, legal entities, the state) by applying legal methods (means) of protection and measures of civil liability. Judicial ways to protect civil rights – this is a set of legal techniques (means) provided for by law, designed to perform tasks facing civil law, and applied in accordance with the procedure established by law by the court in order to protect private and public interests by preventing, suppressing, restoring (compensating), recognizing, changing or terminating the legal status or legal relationship, self-defense, direct or indirect judicial control, other legal human rights actions, officials of judicial and law enforcement agencies, as well as individuals. , whose rights and legitimate interests have been violated (challenged) by other subjects of civil law and / or the state. The generalization of judicial practice on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in a sham transaction and third parties indicates that the legal law enforcement (human rights) practice of courts needs additional improvement of civil legislation on sham transactions and their invalidity, in the formation of unified legal positions of Russian courts in resolving disputes, on the recognition of such transactions as invalid, in particular, on the recognition of legitimate conditions of a covered transaction that is in the format of a sham transaction.

Keywords: judicial protection, pretended transaction, invalidity of pretended transactions, transactions with vices of the will.


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Anatoly N. Levushkin

doctor of law, Professor, Professor of the Department of civil law «Russian state University of justice»; head of the Department of civil law «Moscow state regional University»; Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines «Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy», Moscow, Russia.

Vitaly V. Izmailov

candidate of legal Sciences, Chairman of the Central district of the Collegium of advocates, Moscow, Russia.

State policy in the field of family entrepreneurship and its support


Subject/topic The subject of the study is social relations that arise in the implementation of state policy in the field of family entrepreneurship and support for family business in Russia.

Goals/objectives The aim of the study is a legal analysis of the main trends in the implementation of state policy in the field of family entrepreneurship and family business on the basis of post-reform legal regulation in the Russian Federation.

Methodology General scientific methods of cognition of legal phenomena, such as synthesis, the method of analogy, formal logic, and others, as well as private scientific methods of research of state policy in the field of family entrepreneurship in modern Russia, were used as the methodological basis of this work.

Conclusion Today, a serious problem of family entrepreneurship remains the lack of credit, determined by the high level of interest on the loan, the presence of strict administrative barriers, the lack of rules for regulating labor relations within the family business, as well as the imperfection of the legal framework of family entrepreneurship related to small and medium-sized family businesses.

We believe that in today’s difficult economic situation, the creation of conditions for family entrepreneurship by the state through the development of programs that provide for preferential financing, special taxation, social guarantees and the weakening of supervision by regulatory authorities in relation to family business will allow small family enterprises to improve their well-being.

Keywords:small business, legal regulation, family business, family business, state policy, coronavirus infection, economy.


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Schipitsyna (2015) – Schipitsyna, S.K. Prospects and challenges of family business: Russian reality [Prospects and problems of family entrepreneurship: Russian reality] // Fundamental research. 2015. № 8-3. P. 633-635.

Kulakov (2020) – Kulakov V.V. Some aspects of concretization of the norms of the law of obligations in relation to the Institute of family business [Nekotorye aspekty konkretizacii norm obyazatel’stvennogo prava primenitel’no k institutu semejnogo biznesa] // Family business in the legal space of Russia: monograph / ed. By I. V. Yershov, A. N. Levushkin, Moscow: Prospect, 2020.

Chernopyatov (2018) – Chernopyatov А.М. State regulation of entrepreneurial activity: an Educational and methodological guide [Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie predprinimatel’skoj deyatel’nosti]. Moscow-Berlin: DirectMedia, 2018. Pp. 120-121.

Izmailov (2018) – Izmailov V.V. Judicial and meditative form of protection of the rights of spouses at the termination of marital relations in the light of judicial reform in the Russian Federation [Sudebnaya i mediativnaya forma zashchity prav suprugov pri prekrashchenii supruzheskih pravootnoshenij v svete reformy sudoproizvodstva v Rossijskoj Federacii] // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2018. № 8. P. 10-15.

Astacin (2018) – Astacin A.S. Small and medium business in the system of ensuring national security of Russia [Malyj i srednij biznes v sisteme obespecheniya nacional’noj bezopasnosti Rossii] // Strategic management: theory, practice and problems: proceedings of the XV Interregional scientific and practical conference. 2018. Pp. 191-198.

Levushkin (2018) – Levushkin A.N. Family matrimonial entrepreneurship and sale of business of spouses under the legislation of the Russian Federation [Semejnoe supruzheskoe predprinimatel’stvo i prodazha biznesa suprugov po zakonodatel’stvu Rossijskoj Federacii] // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2018. №. 4. P. 27.

Ershova (2018) – Ershova I.V. micro-enterprise: “micro” does not mean “small” [Mikropredpriyatie: «mikro» ne znachit «maloe»] // Business law. 2018. №. 2. Pp. 11-18.

Ershova (2016) – Ershova I.V. Conceptual and legal perturbation as a way to achieve the state goal (on the example of the concept of a small and medium-sized business entity). [Ponyatijno-pravovaya perturbaciya kak sposob dostizheniya gosudarstvennoj celi (na primere ponyatiya sub”ekta malogo i srednego predprinimatel’stva)] // Civil law. 2016. №. 4. Pp. 33-36.

Levushkin (2018) – Levushkin A.N. Family entrepreneurship and family business: concept, legal nature and development prospects [Semejnoe predprinimatel’stvo i semejnyj biznes: ponyatie, pravovaya priroda i perspektivy razvitiya] // Bulletin of the University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL). 2018. №. 3 (43). Pp. 206-217.


Sanat N. Zhilkibaev

postgraduate student, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


The development of soviet legislation on foreign investment


Subject / Topic In the article, the author examines the Soviet stage in the development of Russian legislation on foreign investment in theoretical, normative and practical terms.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of the research work is to discover, in addition to the well-known stages in the development of investment law in a mixed mixed economy in the era of “NEP” and “Perestroika”, the facts of purposeful and systemic development of legal relations in the field of foreign investment in the initial stage of development of the Soviet state and law, in the era of Stalinism and post-war the era of development of the Soviet state and law with the transition to the explosive growth of Soviet direct foreign investments on the integration platform of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA).

Methodology The research methodology is based on general (philosophical and logical) methods of cognition; general scientific methods, private scientific (legal) methods, as well as interdisciplinary (including the systemic method) methods of scientific knowledge.

Conclusion and Relevance As a result, the author concludes about the continuity of the development of Russian investment law in the revolutionary and Soviet period in relation to pre-revolutionary and modern Russian investment law, as well as the high importance of theoretical, regulatory and practical lessons in the development of foreign investment legislation, which is important for the harmonious progress of modern investment law and the practice of Russia.

Keywords: RSFSR, USSR, foreign investment, concession, joint venture, enterprise with foreign investment.


Savitskaya (1969) – Savitskaya, R. M. Essay on the state activities of V. I. Lenin (March – July 1918). [Ocherk gosudarstvennoj deyatel’nosti V. I. Lenina (mart — iyul’ 1918 g.).] — Moscow: Mysl, 1969. — 436 p.

Kagarlitsky (2018) – Kagarlitsky, B.Yu. Peripheral empire: Russia and the world system: monograph / B.Yu. Kagarlitsky – 5th ed., Stereotype. [Periferijnaya imperiya: Rossiya i mirosistema : monografiya] —  Moscow: LENAND, 2018. — 456 p. — ISBN 978-5-9710-5367-5.

Shevchenko (2008) – Shevchenko, L.M. History of attracting foreign investments into the economy of the Russian Federation / L.M. Shevchenko [Istoriya privlecheniya inostrannyh investicij v ekonomiku RF] // Bulletin of TSU. —  2008. —  No. 5. — P. 44-49.

Krasilnikova (2011) – Krasilnikova, T.K. History of corporate law in Russia: monograph / T.K. Krasilnikova [Istoriya korporativnogo prava Rossii : monografiya] — Moscow: International Law Institute, 2011. — 268 p. — ISBN 978-5-902416-43-2.

Gabov, Gutnikov, Sinitsyn (2015) – Legal entities in Russian civil law: monograph. In 3 volumes. V. 1. General provisions on legal entities / A.V. Gabov, O.V. Gutnikov, N.G. Doronin and others / otv. ed. A.V. Gabov, O.V. Gutnikov, S.A. Sinitsyn: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation. [YUridicheskie lica v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave : monografiya.] — Moscow: INFRA-M, 2015. — 384 p. — ISBN 978-5-16-003685-4 (general) — ISBN 978-5-16-011513-9 (vol. 1).

Balashov (2012) – Balashov, A.M. Revival and development of entrepreneurship in Russia during the NEP period (public-private partnership with foreign capital): monograph / A.M. Balashov. [Vozrozhdenie i razvitie predprinimatel’stva v Rossii v period nepa (gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo s uchastiem inostrannogo kapitala) : monografiya] — Stary Oskol: Thin Science-Intensive Technologies, 2012.  — 328 p. — ISBN 978-5-94178-276-5.

Dongarov (1990) – Dongarov, A.G. Foreign capital in Russia and the USSR: monograph / A.G. Dongarov [Inostrannyj kapital v Rossii i SSSR : monografiya] — Moscow: International Relations, 1990. —  168 p. —  ISBN 5-7133-0277-X.

Butkovsky (1928) – Butkovsky, V.P. Foreign concessions in the national economy of the USSR. [Inostrannye koncessii v narodnom hozyajstve SSSR.] / V.P. Butkovsky — Moscow —  Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1928. —  127 p.

Veselkova (2013) – Veselkova, E.E. History of development of legal regulation of foreign investments in Russia / E.E. [Veselkova Istoriya razvitiya pravovogo regulirovaniya inostrannyh investicij v Rossii] // Legislation and Economics. — 2013.  — N 11. — P. 60-67.

Timoshina (2009) – Timoshina, T.M. Economic history of Russia: textbook. manual / ed. M.N. Chepurin —  15th ed., Revised. and additional [Ekonomicheskaya istoriya Rossii : ucheb. posobie] —  Moscow: ZAO Yusticinform, 2009. —  424 p. —  ISBN 978-5-7205-0945-3.

Shubin (2009) – Shubin, A.V. The Great Depression and the Future of Russia. / A.V. Shubin. [Velikaya depressiya i budushchee Rossii.] —  Moscow: Yauza; Eksmo, 2009. —  352 p. —  ISBN 978-5-699-33160-4.

Kropotov (2012) – Kropotov, L.G. Commercial investments in capital construction projects: legal regulation / L.G. Kropotov [Kommercheskie investicii v ob”ekty kapital’nogo stroitel’stva: pravovoe regulirovanie] —  Moscow: Infotropic Media, 2012. — 208 p. —  ISBN 978-5-9998-0123-4.

Zhuravlev, Lazarev (2017) – Stalin’s economic legacy: plans and discussions. 1947-1953: documents and materials / comp.: V.V., Zhuravlev, L.N. Lazarev. [Stalinskoe ekonomicheskoe nasledstvo: plany i diskussii. 1947-1953 gg.: dokumenty i materialy] — Moscow: Political encyclopedia, 2017. — 647 p. —  ISBN 978-5-8243-2141-8.

Polyak (2012) – Polyak, G.B. History of the world economy: textbook / ed. G.B. Polyaka, A.N. Markova — 3rd ed., Stereotype. [Istoriya mirovoj ekonomiki : uchebnik] — Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2012. —  671 p. —  ISBN 978-5-238-01399-2.

Maslovsky (2017) – Maslovsky Leonid. Legendary COMECON: How the USSR saved post-war Europe from complete collapse [Legendarnyj SEV: Kak SSSR spasal poslevoennuyu Evropu ot polnogo kraha] // “Star: News”: [site]. – 2017 – URL: /content/201710310838 -ykvg.htm?utm_source=”tvzvezda&utm_medium=longpage&utm _campaign=longpage&utm_term=v1 (accessed 14.11.2019)


Anna D. Pashkovskaya

fourth year student of the faculty of training specialists for the judicial system (full-time faculty of law) of the Russian State University of Justice (Moscow, Russia).


Scientific Leade: Vladislav V. Sheludyaev, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business and Corporate Law, Russian State University of Justice, 69 Novocheremushkinskaya str., Moscow, 117418, Russia. E-mail:

Antimonopoly immunity of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization


Subject/topic The subject of the study is the institute of antimonopoly immunities of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization in the Russian Federation, as well as in foreign countries. At the same time, the author raises the following question: do all actions (agreements) of economic entities on the exercise of exclusive rights, which in one way or another limit competition, infringe on the interests of other persons, do not fall under the Law on the Protection of Competition?

Goals/objectives The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative legal analysis of antimonopoly immunities in Russian legislation and the legislation of foreign countries; to identify the features of antimonopoly immunities provided for in Part 4 of Article 10 and Part 9 of Article 11 of the Law on Protection of Competition; to study law enforcement practice in the Russian Federation.

Methodology The methodological basis of the research consists of both formal-logical methods (analysis, comparison, description, deduction) and the method of comparative law, the formal – legal method.

Conclusions and Relevance The author concludes that the institution of antimonopoly immunities in respect of exclusive rights is a legal phenomenon of the antimonopoly legislation of the Russian Federation, and there is no similar legal regulation of the exercise of exclusive rights in a competitive environment. At the moment, this is one of the controversial institutions in the antimonopoly legislation, and there is a question about the abolition of antimonopoly immunities in general. The examples of judicial practice of the Russian Federation given in the article confirm the unlimited nature of Part 4 of Article 10 and Part 9 of Article 11 of the Law on Protection of Competition: in some cases, the use of exclusive rights by an economic entity restricts competition, which is recognized as a violation of antitrust legislation/

Keywords: protection of competition, dominant position, antimonopoly immunity, intellectual property, license agreement.


Akifyeva (2016) – Akifyeva A. Cancellation of «antimonopoly immunities» for intellectual property: pros and cons // «Competition and Law». 2016. №. 4. P. 36-39.

Popondupolo (2019) – Popondupolo V. F. Svoboda predprinimatelstva i antimonopolnoe zakonodatelstvo // «Freedom of Entrepreneurship and antimonopoly legislation». 2019. №. 2. P. 162.

Vorozhevich (2018) – Vorozhevich A. S. Antimonopoly immunity for intellectual property in Russia when building a digital economy: cancel or save? // «Journal of the Intellectual Property Rights Court». 2018. №. 19. P. 70.

Morosanova, Radchenko, Fatihova (2015) – Morosanova A. A., Radchenko T. A., Fatihova A. F. Foreign experience of applying antimonopoly restrictions in the sphere of circulation of intellectual property results // «Scientific Research of the Faculty of Economics. Electronic Journal». 2015. Vol. 7. Ed. 1. P. 55.

Dadwal, Nair, Sood (2020) – Hemangini Dadwal, Nitin Nair, Karan Sood. Review of intellectual property and antitrust legislation: India. Edition 5. URL: (accessed 20.03.2021).

Vinier, Chance (2020) – Thomas Vinier, Clifford Chance. Review of intellectual property and antitrust legislation: The European Union. Edition 5.URL: (accessed 20.03.2021).


Sergey V. Sukhanov

PhD student, Department of Civil Law at Russian State University of Justice,

Abuse of creditors in an insolvency (bankruptcy) case


Subjесt / Tор The article examines the issues of abuse of the right by creditors at the stage of initiating a bankruptcy case, due to a fixed amount for initiating a bankruptcy case. The article proposes to introduce a differentiated scale of the amounts of overdue accounts payable required for declaring a debtor bankrupt, based on its economic indicators, in order to reduce the abuse of creditors.

Gоаls / Оbjесtivеs The aim of the study is to consider possible forms of abuse when applying to the court with a petition for bankruptcy of a legal entity and to develop proposals to reduce and prevent these facts of abuse.

Меthоds methods of formal and dialectical logic, systemic, and also the method of legal modeling.

Conclusions It seems expedient to introduce a differentiated scale of amounts of overdue accounts payable, necessary for declaring a debtor bankrupt, based on its economic indicators, which will ensure the application of the principle of fairness and proportionality of claims in initiating a bankruptcy case only on the basis of an economic justification, reduce the burden on the judicial system, make it difficult unfair competition and, as a result, will contribute to economic and social development.

Keywords: Bankruptcy, monetary obligation, debtor, abuse of right, insolvency


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Petr D. Sedov

1st-year Master’s student of the Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Denis I. Ivlev

1st-year Master’s student of the Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Research supervisor: Oksana Nikolaevna Petyukova, doctor of law, professor, Department of International and Public Law, Faculty of Law at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

On the issue of legal regulation of short-term rental of a motor vehicle with a per-minute payment (car sharing)


Subject/Topic The article analyzes the current contractual regulation of relations between tenants and landlords for short-term rental of a vehicle without a crew. The article examines the experience of foreign countries in regulating relations related to the short-term rental of a motor vehicle without a crew. The subjects of these legal relations and the most common problems in the field of short-term rental are determined.

Goals/Objectives Scientific expert assessment of the existing legal framework for regulating relations in the short-term rental of a motor vehicle without a crew. Identification of problems of law enforcement and preparation of proposals for possible improvement of the current legislation in the field of regulation of short-term rental of motor vehicles.

Methodology Methods of description, comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, legal modeling, and forecasting were used.

Conclusions The proposals to improve the federal legislation are aimed at further streamlining the relations of short-term car rental with per-minute payment (car sharing) in Russia in order to ensure the security of the rights of the individual, society and the state. They will promote the establishment of an equal legal status of both parties to the car-sharing agreement, fair liability in case of violation of the law, as well as the spread of car-sharing in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Keywords:car sharing, vehicle, lease agreement, liability, per-minute payment.


Timerbayev (2020) – Timerbayeva E.F. Karshering in the Russian Federation / / Actual problems of economics, accounting, audit and analysis in modern conditions. 2020. pp. 117-120.

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Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two) of 26.01.1996 No. 14-FZ (ed”. of 27.12.2019, with amendments. from 28.04.2020)/ / Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – 29.01.1996. – No. 5. – article 410.

By the Decision of the Second Arbitration Court of Appeal of 08.08.2011 No. 02AP-3961/11 // URL: ipo/prime/doc/54408517/ (accessed 25.10.2020);

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Kristina A. Vostrikova

4 courses of full-time law faculty Russian State University of Justice. Moscow, Russia.


Research supervisor: Galina N. Chernichkina, candidate of law, Associate Professor, Professor of thecivil law department of Russian State University of Justice, Moscow. E-mail:

Parody in the system of copyright objects: thin aspect


Subject/theme A parody in the system of copyright objects.

Goals /objectives Study of the legal nature of parody, as well as the development of the concept of “parody” based on the analysis of legal norms and judicial practice, dogmatic research.

Methodology The methodological basis of the study consists of universal methods of cognition, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, description, comparison, forecasting, legal modeling, methods of formal logic.

Conclusion In the modern world, more and more new creative genres appear, types of activities that are not regulated as objects of copyright. In this research work, the author proposes to consider a parody, as well as highlight the criteria that make it possible to classify a parody as an independent work, and to distinguish a parody from a reworked work. The essence of parody is independent work, which is based on a famous work in order to create a comic and critical effect. The author also notes that the original work itself is that means, additional to the existing form of expression, with which the parody author creates his work. Offers the author’s definition of parody as an independent work.

Keywords: the composition; parody; processing of the composition; object of copyright; criteria for protection; creative creation of the composition; form of the composition.


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Yuri V. Stepanenko

The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSWU)», Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Process, University of O.E. Kutafina (MSWU); Senior Researcher, Research Center № 1 of PKU Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia; Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow

Review for dissertation M.A. Uvarova Administrative and jurisdictional the activities of the internal affairs in the field of property protection


The article describes the results of a dissertation research conducted by Maxim Aleksandrovich Uvarov, dedicated to theoretical, legal and organizational problems of the administrative and jurisdictional activities of the internal affairs bodies in the field of property protection. The relevance of the research topic is confirmed, the scientific novelty, validity and reliability of the provisions, conclusions, proposals and recommendations formulated by the applicant are shown. Attention is drawn to certain shortcomings and controversial aspects of scientific research that can lead to further scientific discussion. The final assessment of the results of the dissertation research is given.

Key words:internal affairs bodies, administrative and jurisdictional activity, property protection.


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Uvarov (2016) – Uvarov M.A. Some questions of the administrative and jurisdictional activities of the internal affairs bodies // Topical issues of improving the activities of police services and units in the field of public order and public security: collection of articles. articles of the All-Russian scientific-practical. conf. (Moscow, October 19, 2015). – M.: Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Nekotoryye voprosy administrativno-yurisdiktsionnoy deyatel’nosti organov vnutrennikh del // Aktual’nyye voprosy sovershenstvovaniya deyatel’nosti sluzhb i podrazdeleniy politsii v oblasti okhrany obshchestvennogo poryadka i obespecheniya obshchestvennoy bezopasnosti : sb. statey Vserossiyskoy nauch.-prakt. konf. (Moskva, 19 oktyabrya 2015 g.). – M. : Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii]. 2016. Р. 358–362.

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