Economy Business Banks № 2(52)





Alexander S. Rodionov

PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, full Professor of the basic university department, Director of Scientific and Information Consulting Center of Safe life and work, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation, President of Graduate School MВА «IntegraL» (Corporate University). E-mail: 

Intellectual metrics of economy normal life


Subject / topic The article presents the author’s paradigm of intellectual metrics, the knowledge of which is necessary for the practice-oriented provision of “the well-being and prosperity of Russia”, as indicated in the main law of the Russian Federation – the current Constitution. It is shown that convergent economic thinking and economic reductionism only increase the level of difficulty in setting the problem of ensuring normal life activity (NLA), complicates its solution. New epochs, geological (аnthropocene) and informational, require an actual definition of the place and role of the anthropogenic factor in the development of scientific and technological progress (STP). It is proposed to comprehend the vision, mission, strategy, target designation and development tasks of Russia in the conditions of the formation of qualitatively new eras of the second half of the twentieth century.

Goals / objectivesWithin the framework of the complex model of mega-natural science (natural-humanitarian) “Diamond of Natural Science of Rodionov”, BER 3.0, to propose ways and means of understanding reality for verifying the roadmap for the development of Russia

Methodology:phenomenology, reductionism and holism, convergent and divergent thinking, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and analogy methods, similarity theory

Results / conclusionsintelligent conservation metrics have been proposed; for the first time in the domestic foreign literature, the role of geology and climatology has been systematically substantiated; it is shown that the Nobel Prizes in chemistry and economics awarded at the beginning of the XXI century do not contradict the postulates of the BER 3.0 model and can be considered as drivers of its development at the theoetic and practice-oriented level

Keywords:Diamond of Natural History Rodionov, Information Age, Human Development Index, anthropocene


Rodionov (2021) –RodionovA.S. Social economy on the example of fire-fighting and rescue garrisons // Economics. Business. Banks. Ekonomika chrezvychaynykh situatsiy: ot likvidatsii posledstviy k normal’noy zhiznedeyatel’nosti] 2021, No. 1 (51). Pp. 8-28

Rodionov (2020) –RodionovA.S. Economy of emergency situations: from liquidation of consequences to normal life // Economics. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika chrezvychaynykh situatsiy: ot likvidatsii posledstviy k normal’noy zhiznedeyatel’nosti] 2020, No. 2 (40). Pp. 9-35

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Yana S. Ivanova

Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

On the practice of protecting the results of intellectual activities in the sphere of selection achievements in Russia


Subject/Topic Features of protection of results of intellectual activity in the field of selection achievements. / The article deals with aspects of intellectual property rights protection in the field of selection achievements.

Goals/Objevtives Evaluate the effectiveness of intellectual property rights protection in the field of selection achievements in Russia.

Methodology The methodology of the empirical level based on the application of General scientific research methods is applied: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, secondary analysis of research results

Conclusion and RelevanceThe effectiveness of intellectual property rights protection in the field of selection achievements in Russia is evaluated/ In modern Russia, the results of breeding achievements can have a serious impact on the restoration and maintenance of the country’s agro-industrial complex. Breeding activity contributes to the solution of the listed pressing problems. More and more countries are making efforts and cooperating in the development of breeding. This leads to the identification of relevant methods for the care of soils, the development of new varieties of rare plants with useful properties and the enrichment of the world’s flora and fauna. The interest in breeding issues is currently justified by the sharply aggravated urgency of environmental problems.

Keywords: selection, breeding achievements, intellectual property rights, protection, level of development, agrarian complex, breeding regulatory framework.


Vetrova (2012) – Vetrova I.F. Legal regulation of breeding in Russian and foreign practice [Pravovoe regulirovanie selekcii v Rossijskoj i zarubezhnoj praktike] // Problems of Economics and Legal Practice. 2012. No. 3. [in Russian]

Naumkina, Gryadunova (2015) – Naumkina T.S., Gryadunova N.V. Russian breeding to the fore [Rossijskuyu selekciyu na pervyj plan] // Grain legumes and cereals. 2015. No. 3 (15). [in Russian]

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Industry news // SPHERE: Ingredients. Equipment. Packaging. Technologies – meat, meat processing ”. [SFERA: Ingredienty. Oborudovanie. Upakovka. Tekhnologii — myaso, myasopererabotka] – SPb., 2005. No. 21. [in Russian]

Mozhaev (2011) – Mozhaev M.S. Novelty as a unique criterion for the protection of a selection achievement [Novizna kak unikal’nyj kriterij ohranosposobnosti selekcionnogo dostizheniya] // Society and Law. 2011. No. 4. [in Russian]

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Larisa A. Yudintseva

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Institute of Economics and Management, Katanov Khakass State University, Candidate of Sciences in Economics Abakan, Russia.


Financial sources for business development


Subject/Topic This article presents a systematization of financial sources of business development within the framework of market instruments and leading institutions of state support.

Goals/Objectives. The author’s research of business financing mechanisms in Russia at the present stage of the financial system development, sources of financing depending on the stage of business existence, identification of the features of individual financial instruments.

Methodology. In the course of the study, the methods of logical and statistical analysis were used.

Results. At the stage of the emergence and formation of a business, the main sources of financing can be own funds, crowdfunding, venture financing, as well as microfinance. At the stage of development and maturity, such sources are bank lending, leasing, factoring and securities issuance. State support of business mainly represented by organizations such as the Russian venture company, the Fund of assistance to development of small forms of enterprises in scientific-technical sphere, the SKOLKOVO Foundation, the Russian direct investment Fund, the Fund RUSNANO and the Fund for development of industry, SME Corporation, JSC “SME Bank”.

Conclusions. Despite the variety of existing measures of state support, many of them unavailable for businesses due to the nature of the conditions of support, resulting in a narrow regional scope of business entities that are shown on the example of the Russian venture company and JSC “SME Bank”.

Keywords:business, small and medium-sized enterprises, financing, market instruments, state support, development institutions.


Lvova (2019) – Ivanov V. V., Lvova N. A., Pokrovskaya N. V., Andrianov A. Yu. Research of the life cycle of investment activity of enterprises: the experience of Russia. [Issledovanie zhiznennogo cikla investicionnoj aktivnosti predpriyatij: opyt Rossii] // Finansy i kredit. 2019. – Vol. 25. − # 3 (783). − S. 677-690.

Borisova (2018) − Borisova L. G., Seferyan A. G. Investigation of the evolution of organizational design of small enterprises in Russia [Issledovanie evolyucii organizacionnogo dizajna malyh predpriyatij v Rossii] // Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo. 2018. − # 11 (100). − S. 683-688

Ivanov (2020) − Ivanov V. V., Lvova N. A., Pokrovskaya N. V. On the question of drivers of investment activity of Russian companies [K voprosu o drajverah investicionnoj aktivnosti rossijskih kompanij] // Finansy. 2020. − #. 2. – S. 8-15.

Sergeeva (2020) – Sergeeva A.V., Voskresenskaya L. N. Crowdfunding as an innovative method of financing business projects. [Kraudfanding kak innovacionnyj metod finansirovaniya biznes-proektov] // Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Ekonomika 2020. – Vol. 8. – #. 1. – S. 44-50.

Lyakhova (2020) − Lyakhova N. I. Directions and prospects of crowdfunding development in Russia [Napravleniya i perspektivy razvitiya kraudfandinga v Rossii] // Ekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye nauki. 2020. – #. 6 (341). – S. 64-69.

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Finance, monetary circulation and credit [Finansy, denezhnoe obrashchenie i kredit]: Textbook / Vrublevskaya O. V., Romanovsky M. V., Belyaeva T. P., Bocharov V. V., Ivanova N. G., etc.; edited by M. V. Romanovsky, O. V. Vrublevskaya. – M.: Yurayt, 2020-523 s.

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Levin (2018) − Levin Yu. A., Pavlov A. O. Vector of state participation in the innovation process: federal and regional aspects [Vektor uchastiya gosudarstva v innovacionnom processe: federal’nye i regional’nye aspekty] // Pravo i upravlenie. XXIvek. 2018. – #. 4. – S. 45-51.


Oksana V. Nazarenko

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Finance, Witte`s Moscow University, Moscow E-mail:

Tatiana D. Pevcheva

2nd year Master’s degree in correspondence studies, Faculty of Economics and Finance, Witte`s Moscow University, Moscow, E-mail: 

Approaches to cash flow management effectiveness analysis at the management companies


Subject / Topic This article examines the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, which further prove that effective cash flow management is critical to responding to unexpected revenue losses and increased spending. The uncertain economic environment and unfavorable market conditions undermine the effectiveness of cash management. In this regard, performance analysis as one of the forms of cash flow management is relevant.

Purpose / Objectives The aim of the study is to analyze the theoretical and practical aspects of the effectiveness of management (including planning) of cash flows for management companies.

Methodology The applied methodology is based on system analysis, a hybrid method of analysis and complex forecasting.

Findings The study showed the advantage of the hybrid method by analyzing the theoretical and practical aspects of the effectiveness of management (including planning) of cash flows for management companies. The importance of integrated forecasting and cross-functional planning was emphasized.

Keywords: сash flows, management company, optimization, management, efficiency.


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Anastasia S. Astahova

Student, 4rd year, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Elizaveta I. Yanak

Student, 4rd year, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Scientific adviser: Sergey V. Nazarenko, candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, Department of sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Attitude of moscow university students to internet piracy


Subject/Topic Attitudes of Moscow University students regarding Internet piracy / The article presents an analysis of the situation on the Internet piracy market, and a secondary analysis of research on the attitude of Russians to the use of unlicensed content.

Goals/Objectives To study the attitude of Moscow University students to Internet piracy / to Study the level of Internet piracy in the student environment. Identify factors that influence the decision to use unlicensed content. Find ways to optimize the Internet space to increase the number of users using licensed content.

Methodology Methodology of the theory of state and law.

Conclusions and Relevance An assessment of the attitude of students to Internet piracy is made and recommendations are given to increase the number of users using licensed content/Students have a positive attitude to Internet piracy and actively use and will continue to use unlicensed content, explaining that the originals are too expensive.

Keywords:Internet piracy, copyright, intellectual property, object of intellectual property, result of intellectual activity.


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Ph. D. Alexey N. Zoubets/ Ph. D. Alexey V. Novikov/ Ph. D. Alexey Yu. Oborsky QUALITY ASPECTS OF HEALTHCARE DELIVERY TO THE POPULATION OF RUSSIA//Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. REVISTA INCLUSIONES ISSN 0719-4706 -Volumen 7/ Numero Especial./Julio-Septiembre 2020 pp. 690-700


Polina I.Gukova

3rd year student Of the faculty of sociology and political science of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Mikhail I. Baulin

3rd year student Of the faculty of sociology and political science of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Supervisor: Lyudmila A. Bruskova, candidate of sociological Sciences, associate Professor, Department of sociology DEPARTMENT IN «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», Moscow. Email:

Attitude of russian youth to the problem of intellectual property protection in cinematography


Subject / Topic Attitudes of students regarding the observance of copyrights to works of cinema on the Internet/ Research on the attitude of students to the problem of copyright protection for cinematographic works on the Internet.

Goals / Objectives Evaluate the attitude of young people to the protection of intellectual property in the form of works of cinema on the Internet.

Methodology The methodology of the empirical level based on the application of General scientific research methods is applied: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, concretization, secondary analysis of research results.

Conclusions and Relevance A study of the attitudes of students regarding the observance of copyrights to works of cinema on the Internet has been carried out/ conclusions and recommendations have been Developed to reduce the number of copyright violations by students when using illegal (“pirated») cinema services on the Internet.

Key words:intellectual property, intellectual property protection, piracy, online cinema, civil legislation, anti-piracy legislation, public opinion poll.


Akhmetov (2012) – Akhmetov A.A. Theoretical aspects of the study of intellectual property in modern conditions / Actual problems of economics and law. [Teoreticheskie aspekty issledovaniya intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v sovremennyh usloviyah / Aktual’nye problemy ekonomiki i prava.] 2012. No. 1. S. 79-84. [In Russian]

Mikhailova, Yakuba, Ignatieva (2017) – Mikhailova D.D., Yakuba A.D., Ignatieva A.E. Competitiveness of independent legal online cinemas [Konkurentosposobnost’ nezavisimyh legal’nyh onlajn-kinoteatrov] // In the collection: Materials of the All-Russian conference of students, graduate students and young scientists dedicated to the Year of Russian cinema. at 3 pm. [V sbornike: Materialy Vserossijskoj konferencii studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh, posvyashchennoj Godu rossijskogo kino v 3 ch.] 2017.S. 114-117. [In Russian]

Chekashkina, Budnikova, Yavon (2020) – Chekashkina N.R., Budnikova Ya.V., Yavon D.M. Study of the demand for online cinemas and analysis of future development [Izuchenie sprosa na onlajn-kinoteatry i analiz perspektivnogo razvitiya] // In the collection: Actual problems of modern science: theory and practice. Materials of the International (correspondence) scientific and practical conference. Under the general editorship of A.I. Vostretsova. [V sbornike: Aktual’nye problemy sovremennoj nauki: teoriya i praktika. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj (zaochnoj) nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Pod obshchej redakciej A.I. Vostrecova.] Neftekamsk, 2020.S. 331-339. [In Russian]

Zoubets, Novikov, Oborsky (2020) – Ph. D. Alexey N. Zoubets/ Ph. D. Alexey V. Novikov/ Ph. D. Alexey Yu. Oborsky Quality aspects of healthcare delivery to the population of Russia//Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. REVISTA INCLUSIONES ISSN 0719-4706 -Volumen 7/ Numero Especial./Julio-Septiembre 2020 pp. 690-700


Valeria P. Antonyuk

3rd year student, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Supervisor: Alexey V. Novikov, Doctor of sociology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

Problems of protection of the results of sociological research as objects of intellectual property


The article examines the problem of protecting the results of sociological research as objects of intellectual property. The features of sociological research as one of the forms of intellectual activity results are considered. The existing threats and ways to protect this type of intellectual property are analyzed.

Subject/topic Results of sociological research that represent objects of intellectual property. / Protection of the results of sociological research as objects of intellectual property.Goals/objectives Perform an assessment of the issues of protection of the results of sociological research as objects of intellectual property.

Methodology Methodology of the theory of state and law.

Conclusion Currently, the results of sociological research are objects of intellectual property (IP), which have a serious impact on the management of public and private organizations.

Keywords: intellectual property, social research, database, risks, protection, insurance, patenting, IT-platform.


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Leontiev (2011) – Leontiev P. A. Sociology of intellectual property and problems of information security [Sociologiya intellektual’noj sobstvennosti i problemy informacionnoj bezopasnosti] // Bulletin Of Sgutikd. 2011. no. 4 (18), pp. 222-224. [in Russian]

Protapov (2016) – Protapov V. I. Topical issues of intellectual property rights protection. [Aktual’nye voprosy zashchity intellektual’nyh prav] In: Legal Sciences: problems and prospects: materials of the V international journal. Scientific Conf. Kazan: Buk, 2016. Pp. 81-84. [in Russian]

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