Economy Business Banks № 1(51)





Alexander S. Rodionov

PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, full Professor of the basic university department, Director of Scientific and Information Consulting Center of Safe life and work, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation, President of Graduate School MВА «IntegraL» (Corporate University). E-mail:

Social economy on example fire and rescue garrisons


Subject / topic Socio-economic assessment of the implementation of the most important state function of ensuring fire safety from the standpoint of the usefulness of a rational payment for risk; value of statistical life, VSL of the rescuer is considered as an economic category; substantiates the methods and ways to reduce the risk of injury incompatible with life; algorithms for optimizing the “payment for risk” are presented, both for the rescuers themselves and their families; the social economy on the example of fire and rescue garrisons has a deep meaning, allows in practice to approach the assessment of VSL; as a theoretical basis for the economic assessment of vital activity, the infogram “Rodionov’s Diamond of Natural Science”, the RDNS octahedron is considered

Goals / objectives Methods and ways to reduce the risk of injury incompatible with life by soldiers of firefighting and rescue garrisons.

Methodology: divergent and convergent thinking, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and analogy methods, similarity theory, phenomenology.

Results / conclusions Proposed socially oriented approaches to improving material incentives for the personnel of fire and rescue garrisons (PSG), forms and means of ensuring safety when operating in hazardous areas of emergency situations, primarily radiation-hazardous; attention is paid to the socio-economic aspects of maintaining the readiness of the PSG to perform tasks during combat duty; the directions of the formation of the economy of normal life are shown on the infogram of the RDNS octahedron

Keywords: social economy, fire and rescue garrison, risk pay, emergency, cost of living, Rodionov’s Diamond of Natural Science, ССЖ (value of statistical life, VSL


Rodionov (2020) – Rodionov A.S Economy of emergency situations: from liquidation of consequences to normal life // Economics. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika chrezvychaynykh situatsiy: ot likvidatsii posledstviy k normal’noy zhiznedeyatel’nosti] 2020, No. 2 (40). Pp. 9-35

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Bezdenezhnyih, Rodionov (2017) – Bezdenezhnyih V.M., Rodionov A.S. Proactive risk-based approach in scenario planning of business entities // Economy. Taxes. Law. [Proaktivnyiy risk-orientirovannyiy podhod v stsenarnom planirovanii deyatelnosti hozyaystvuyuschih sub’ektov // Ekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo]– 2017. – Volume 10, No. 6 (December). – p. 76- 83.

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Lаrisа S. Аleksаndrovа

Lаrisа S. Аleksаndrovа, candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Banking and Financial Markets Department, researcher of the research center of monetary relations at “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow, Russia. E-mаil: аls.007@yа

Olga V. Zakharova

Olga V. Zakharova, senior lecturer of the Department of Banking and Financial markets, researcher of the research center of monetary relations at “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Problems of banking support of government contracts: economic and legal aspects


Subject / topic The article discusses the economic, organizational, legal aspects of banking support for government contracts.

Methodology The analysis of the participation of commercial banks as intermediaries in the control of targeted budget funds in order to increase the efficiency of their use, ensure the transparency of public procurement. The authors consider the peculiarities of the contract concluded between the parties to the contract, a scheme that demonstrates the relationship of all subjects of the contract.

Results The paper considers the rights and obligations of the bank under the agreement on banking support, the requirements for banks (including financial stability), in which the procurement participants open special accounts. The authors highlight the peculiarities of the legal regulation of banking support for state contracts carried out within the framework of the state defense order.

Conclusions / Relevance As a result of studying the problem under consideration, the authors concluded that the existing system of banking support for government contracts increases the efficiency of the use of funds, ensures information transparency of public procurement, and highlights the existing problems, advantages and disadvantages of the existing system for all parties to the agreement.

Keywords: banking support for government contracts, government procurement, government defense order, authorized bank, separate bank account.


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Alexey V. Novikov

Alexey V. Novikov, Doctor of Social sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Victoria V. Zinovieva

Victoria V. Zinovieva, Bachelor of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and political science, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Polina A. Barabanova

Polina A. Barabanova, Bachelor of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and political science, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

The problem of copyright protection on the internet


Subject/Topic Characteristics of copyright violations on the Internet / Illegal distribution and use of Internet content is associated with the expansion of the Internet piracy market. The article deals with the aspects of copyright protection for intellectual property objects in the Russian Federation.

Goals/Objectives Evaluate the effectiveness of copyright protection for intellectual property objects posted on the Internet.

Methodology The methodology of the empirical level based on the application of General scientific research methods is applied: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, secondary analysis of research results.

Conclusions and Relevance The effectiveness of copyright protection for intellectual property objects posted on the Internet is evaluated. The effectiveness of copyright protection for IP objects posted on the Internet does not meet modern requirements. To solve the problem of ineffective copyright protection on the Internet, it is important to identify the reasons for non-compliance with these rights. Currently, in Russia, it is necessary to improve the effectiveness of copyright protection for IP objects posted on the Internet in accordance with the established procedure.

Keywords: intellectual property, copyright, music composition copyright, liability, infringement, copyright protection.


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Stanislav V. Komikov

Stanislav V. Komikov

Financial Analyst of the Company, Postgraduate at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Department of corporate finance and corporate governance, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Scientific supervisor: Vladimir Ivanovich Busov, PhD, Professor of the Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Features of fund-intensive companies as valuation


Goals / objectives The purpose of this work is to consider the company’s market value formation features in the metallurgical and coal sectors, as well as consideration of factors that directly affect the value formation of the capital-intensive companies.

Methodology There were used general and special research methods, including analysis, synthesis, generalization, economic and financial modeling using Excel. The input data was collected from industrial analytical reports.

Conclusion Based on the analysis, the author draws conclusions about the factors that affect the value of metallurgical and coal companies. The author comes to these conclusions by analyzing the features of each of the factors that are inherent in capital-intensive companies. In the article, the author provides their analysis and generalization. In addition, the paper proves that to determine the value of companies it is more appropriate to use the discounted cash flow method in the classical form and the modified model, respectively, within the framework of the income approach. For further analysis and research of this topic, the author proposes to evaluate and develop a methodology for assessing the effect of these factors on the value of companies and the return on investment for investors.

Keywords: valuation, production, mining companies, resource companies, capital-intensive companies, income approach, discounted cash flow method.


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Alexander F. Morgan

Alexander F. Morgan, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs», 76 Vernadsky Avenue, Moscow, 119454

Assessment of the probability of bankruptcy of russian banks


Subject/Topic Improving the mechanisms of recovery and bankruptcy of credit institutions.

The aim of the study is to assess the probability of bankruptcy of Russian banks in the conditions of changing market relations and unstable market environment as a result of crisis situations in the financial market.

Objectives: to determine the role and place of crisis in the life cycle and present on the life cycle curve the presence of critical nodes in the process of growth; to determine the direction of prediction and to select the model of multivariate analysis which may give insight to the state at the moment, determine the condition of a Bank and calculate the reliability indices of the system; to determine the forecast the probability of bankruptcy according to averaged data, which shows the state of the Bank, with decreasing probability of bankruptcy in the next few years in terms of preserving the stability of the external environment; describe and characterize the results of forecasting and determine the critical position of banks.

Methodology The main methods and models used in foreign and domestic practice of assessing the financial condition and forecasting bankruptcy.

Conclusion As a result of scientific research identified the role and place of crisis in the life cycle and is represented on the curve of the life cycle of a critical node in the growth stage; the directions of prediction and highlight models of multivariate analysis and the forecast of the probability of bankruptcy according to averaged data, which shows the state of the Bank, with decreasing probability of bankruptcy in the next few years in terms of preserving the stability of the external environment; provides a complete description and characterization of the prediction results and determine the critical position of banks.

Key words: bank, banking system, bankruptcy, probability, modeling, forecasting, life cycle, crisis, financial condition, external environment.


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GO Chen’ Chen’ (2020) – GO Chen’ Chen’ Comparison of the level of attractiveness of the bank’s deposit products in the system of ensuring the proper level of competitiveness [Sravnenie urovnya privlekatel’nosti depozitnykh produktov banka v sisteme obespecheniya dolzhnogo urovnya konkurentosposobnosti] Journal of Modern Competition. 2020. Vol. 14. No.2(78) DOI: 10.37791/1993-7598-2020-14-2-89-106-114


Pavel V. Razov

Pavel V. Razov, Doctor of Social sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Ulyana A. Agapova

Ulyana A. Agapova, Bachelor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Anna O. Guseva

Anna O. Guseva, Bachelor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: guseva-anna1799

Intellectual property management as a factor of business development


Subject/topic Intellectual property management as a process of development of the modern economy in Russia / Effective introduction of new technologies and development of innovations are impossible without solving the issue of centralized state regulation of business development and management of intellectual property objects. Russia needs to increase the number of companies developing and implementing new technologies.

Goal/objectives Assessment of Russian business and trends in its development in the field of intellectual property management.

Methodology. The methodology of the empirical level based on general scientific research methods is applied: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, secondary analysis of research results.

Results/conclusions The assessment of the main problems of the Russian business in the implementation and management of intellectual property objects is made. Recommendations have been developed for making amendments to Article 1546 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Rights of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation to technology”, in order to fix in it the personal non-property rights of authors to the results of their inventive activity. It is also recommended to assign personal non-property rights to the author of the technology, regardless of the amount of state funds raised or the funds of the subject of the Russian Federation for its creation.

Keywords: business, entrepreneurship, intellectual property, results of intellectual activity, results of scientific activity, protection of rights, innovation, innovation, development, human capital, economy.


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Malika N. Azizova

Malika N. Azizova, Bachelor of Sociology, Economic Sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Lina T. Chkotua

Lina T. Chkotua, Bachelor of Sociology, Economic Sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Scientific supervisor: Elena E. Pismennaya, Doctor of Social sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Protection of a trademark as an object of intellectual property


Subject / Topic The article is devoted to the protection of the exclusive right to a trademark as an object of intellectual property. Various methods of protection are considered, as well as examples from judicial practices for the protection of companies and organizations own trademarks.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of this work is to study various ways to protect the exclusive right of trademark as an object of intellectual property on the basis of secondary and traditional analysis.

Methodology The paper uses materials describing a trademark as an object of intellectual property; ways to protect it at the civil, criminal, and administrative levels. Secondary and traditional analysis of documents based on legal, economic and sociological approaches are carried out.

Results/conclusions Trademarks and service marks serve to assist consumers in choosing a product, while they are legally protected and provide for official registration.

In Russia, verbal, pictorial, three-dimensional and other designations or their combinations may be registered as trademarks. The Russian Federation actively and reliably protects both owners and producers of goods from plagiarism and theft of trademarks, which sets a positive mood for many entrepreneurs

Keywords: intellectual property; trademark; trademark protection; individualization; brand name.


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Ph. D. Alexey N. Zoubets/ Ph. D. Alexey V. Novikov/ Ph. D. Alexey Yu. Oborsky QUALITY ASPECTS OF HEALTHCARE DELIVERY TO THE POPULATION OF RUSSIA//Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. REVISTA INCLUSIONES ISSN 0719-4706 -Volumen 7/ Numero Especial./Julio-Septiembre 2020 pp. 690-700


Elizaveta M.Guseva

Bachelor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Arina O.Mironova

Bachelor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Moscow, Russia.


Scientific supervisor: Natalia I. Kiseleva, candidate of sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of sociology of financial University

Possibilities of social expertise


Subject / Topic Research of the results of social expertise as a process of obtaining evidence in court proceedings/ The article analyzes the problems of sociological expertise in the protection of trademarks.

Goals/Objectives Research on the possibilities of social expertise in the protection of trademarks.

Methodology An empirical methodology based on the use of General scientific research methods is applied: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, secondary analysis of research results

Results/conclusions Currently, there are no uniform methods for applying the results of social research in conducting social expertise, developed on the basis of generally recognized systems of criteria and indicators, which reduces the objectivity of trademark protection in court proceedings.

Must in the prescribed manner to amend section 3 of article 1508 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which provide that to determine the trademark as well-known at the request of the applicant or on intellectual property may be social assessment, the procedure established by the Federal service for intellectual property (Rospatent).

Keywords: social expertise, social research, sociological expertise, trademarks, intellectual property, legal practice, confusingly similar.


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