Economy Business Banks №12(50)





Larisa A. Yudintseva

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Institute of Economics and Management, Katanov Khakass State University, candidate of sciences in economics, Abakan, Russia.


Bonds as a tool for financing small and medium – sized businesses


Subject/Topic The mechanism of implementation of a fairly new instrument for the Russian financial market – bonds of small and medium – sized businesses.

Goals/Objectives Author’s research of the mechanism of issuing and servicing bonds of small and medium – sized businesses, identifying the advantages of this financial instrument, the reasons for its partial inefficiency in the modern financial system of Russia, and trends in further development.

Methodology In the process of research methods of logical, statistical analysis were used.

Results This mechanism has now become possible within the framework of the national project “Small and medium – sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative”. This project involves creating conditions for small and medium – sized businesses to enter the exchange market, including partial reimbursement of the Issuer’s costs.

Conclusions Despite the existing advantages of this funding attraction tool in comparison with Bank lending, only a limited number of small and medium – sized businesses can use these tools for a number of reasons set out in the article. According to the author, currently in Russia there are no objective prerequisites for a significant increase in the volume of bond issuance by representatives of small and medium – sized businesses.

Keywords: small and medium – sized enterprises, bonds, stock exchange, cost compensation, terms of issue, state support.


National project “Small and medium – sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative” [Web – source]: / nacionalnyy _proekt_maloe_i _srednee_predprinimatelstvo_i _podderzhka_individualnoy_predprinimatelskoy _iniciativy/ (access date: 20.12.2020).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 532 of 30.04.2019 “On Approval of the Rules for Granting Subsidies from the Federal Budget to Russian Organizations – small and Medium – sized businesses in order to compensate for the costs of issuing shares and Bonds and paying coupon income on Bonds placed on the Stock Exchange” [Web – source]: doc/72137234 (access date: 20.12.2020)

Rules for the provision of independent guarantees and sureties for exchange bonds by the Joint – Stock Company “Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium – sized Businesses” [Web – source]: – podderzhka/garantii – i – poruchitelstva – po – birzhevym – obligatsiyam.php (access date:  20.12.2020)

Official website of the Moscow Exchange. Growth Sector. [Web – source]: (access date: 20.12.2020)

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Popov, the Poetess (2020) − Popova E. M., the Poetess A. A. Commercial bonds as a tool for financing small and medium business [Kommercheskie obligatsii kak instrument dlya finansirovaniya malogo i srednego biznesa]/ Sbornik materialov X Yubileynoy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno – prakticheskoy konferentsii pod red. I.A. Maksimtseva, E.A. Gorbashko, V.G. Shubaevoy Arhitektura finansov: forsazh – razvitie ekonomiki v usloviyah vneshnih shokov i vnutrennih protivorechiy. SPbGEU. – SPb, 2020. – S. 66 – 70.


Alexander S. Kiselev

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow,

E – mail:

Victoria A. Kuznetsova

2nd year Master’s degree in correspondence studies, Faculty of Economics and Finance, Witte`s Moscow University, Moscow,

E – mail:

Impact of liquid and macro factors on the value of banks


Subject / topic The liquidity of banks has recently been influenced by a number of aggregate internal and external factors that determine the ability of credit institutions to fulfill their financial obligations within a certain period of time. At the same time, banks’ liquidity is not a statistical category, but is subject to dynamic changes over time and under the influence of various factors. This feature of variability requires radical solutions to stabilize it. That is why we will analyze the econometric model and make an empirical assessment of the data on the relationship of various indicators.

Goals / objectives Like any business entity, banks strive to make a profit and ensure a stable position in the market. To achieve such goals, it is necessary to develop a specific business model or find an effective tool for regulating internal processes in order to maximize profits in accordance with the current economic development.

Methodology This study uses regression models linking the profitability and liquidity ratios of banks with various variables. For the analysis, macroeconomic data and data from the financial statements of the banking sector are used.

Results / Conclusions The study showed that in Russia profitability and liquidity are mainly influenced by factors such as the economic environment, inflation, and the overall efficiency of individual banks. The findings delineate the differences between the various business decisions of banks and describe the unique banking market.

Keywords: correlation, liquid assets, return on assets, return on equity, commercial banks.


Burkaltseva, D. D., Blazhevich, O. G. (2019) – The essence of capital, classification and methodology for assessing its use in an enterprise [Sushchnost’ kapitala, klassifikaciya i metodika ocenki ego ispol’zovaniya na predpriyatii] // Science Time. 2019. No. 7 (31). P. 33 – 38.

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Official site of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]. – URL: (Date of treatment 12/20/2020).

The official website of the CEIC Russia Premium database [Electronic resource]. – URL: (Date of treatment 12/22/2020).

Official site of the international information group Spark [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://www.spark – (Date of treatment: 12/04/2020).


Anastasia V. Timokhina

Chief Manager of the Department of Accounting, Tax Accounting and Financial Reporting at Norilsk Nickel; Moscow, Russia.

Postgraduate student of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Department of corporate finance and corporate governance, Moscow, Russia.

The ownership structure and concentration factors influencing on the russian company's market value


Subject/topic The ownership structure and concentration factors influencing on the Russian company’s market value

Goals / objectives The aim of the study is to identify the ownership structure and concentration determinants that affect the company’s market value, and to formulate research hypotheses to conduct further empirical analysis. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated: to identify the determinants of the ownership structure and concentration that affect the company’s value; to describe the nature of the influence of the identified ownership structure and concentration determinants on the company’s market value; to formulate possible hypotheses for further econometric research based on the analysis of historical scientific experience and one general hypothesis.

Methodology The study of data is carried out using a systematic approach. Analytical tools, theoretical analysis and generalization are used, as well as methods of economic analysis, synthesis, grouping.

Results / Conclusions In conclusion it should be stated that the main ownership structure and concentration factors were identified and their influence on the company’s market value was substantiated. The research hypotheses are formulated and substantiated for further research. The nature of the influence can be determined by a construction of a regression model.

Keywords: share capital, ownership structure, share capital determinants, ownership concentration, market capitalization.


Demsetz, Villalonga (2001) – Demsetz H., Villalonga B. Ownership Structure and Corporate Performance [ Struktura sobstvennosti i korporativnyie rezultatyi] // Journal of Corporate Finance [Zhurnal korporativnyih finansov]. – 2001. – Vol.7. – P. 209 – 233. [In English]

Monsen, Chiu, Cooley (1968) – Monsen J., Chiu J., Cooley D. The Effect of Separation of Ownership and Control on the Performance of the Large Firm [Vliyanie razdeleniya sobstvennosti i kontrolya na rezultativnost krupnoy firmyi] // Quarterly Journal of Economics [Ezhekvartalnyiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal]. – 1968. – Vol. 82(3). – P. 435 – 451. [In English]

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Magomed A. Bayramkulov

Financial analyst at Dom RF JSC, Master of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Integration associations in the world financial architecture


Subject / topic The article is devoted to the analysis of integration associations such as BRICS, EAEU. The article discusses the results that each of the listed associations managed to achieve during the period of their operation, and also various points of view on the results from the work. In addition, the article examines the globalization processes occurring today, their relationship with integration associations.

Goals / objectives Determine the problems of the functioning of integration associations that affect the movement of finance and the global financial architecture.

Methodology In the course of the research, the following methods were applied: theoretical analysis, analysis of the regulatory framework, trend analysis.

Results / conclusions In the course of the study, the main directions of the relationship between integration associations and the international movement of finance were identified. Key advantages and disadvantages of the main integration associations are shown. The impact of integration associations on the world financial architecture and the world economy is analyzed.

Keywords: Brix, EAEU, Next Eleven, globalization, world financial architecture, development of integration associations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, integration processes.


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Anna O. Guseva

Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

E- mail: guseva –

Valeriya D. Matveeva

Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Research supervisor: Natalia I. Kiseleva, candidate of social Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor of the Department of sociology, Moscow, Russia.


Competing in the market of advertising services: use and protection of intellectual property


Subject / Topic Features of the process of using and protecting intellectual property in the field of advertising/ The article analyzes the resolution of conflicts that arise in the market of advertising services related to the unfair use of intellectual property.

Goals/Objectives The analysis of the existing problems in the market of advertising services associated with the incorrect use of results of intellectual activity and unfair competition.

Methodology The methodology of empirical research based on the use of such research methods as categorization, general analysis of secondary results of scientific research and comparisons.

Conclusions and Relevance The basic provisions of the use and protection of intellectual property in the field of advertising services are considered and recommendations are given for making changes and additions to article 1225 of part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure.

Keywords: intellectual property; results of intellectual activity, advertising services market, competition, protection of rights, sociological expertise; advertisement.


Baranov (2014) – Baranov I.M. Taking into account the risks of commercialization of intellectual property in the innovative activity of an enterprise [Uchet riskov kommercializacii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v innovacionnoj dejatel’nosti predprijatija] // Tsarskoye Selo readings [in Russian];

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Sociological expertise and intellectual property. [Sociologicheskaja jekspertiza i intellektual’naja sobstvennost’] // URL: intellektualnaya-sobstvennost/ (date of access: 10.10.2020) [in Russian];

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Ph. D. Alexey N. Zoubets/ Ph. D. Alexey V. Novikov/ Ph. D. Alexey Yu. Oborsky QUALITY ASPECTS OF HEALTHCARE DELIVERY TO THE POPULATION OF RUSSIA//Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. REVISTA INCLUSIONES ISSN 0719-4706 -Volumen 7/ Numero Especial./Julio-Septiembre  2020 pp. 690-700


Ksenia P. Varenik

Bachelor of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Irina N. Kostryukova

Bachelor of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Scientific adviser: Pavel V. Razov, Doctor of Social sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology, history and philosophy, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. Email:

The problem of intellectual property protection in the field of cinematography


Subject / Topic Intellectual property protection in cinematography is related to the problem of illegal distribution of works, in this case, films, protected by copyright. Various theoretical and methodological approaches made it possible to choose the most optimal methodology and research methods, to determine a system of indicators for a qualitative assessment of the protection of intellectual property in the field of cinematography. The authors have developed a system of criteria, objective and subjective indicators for assessing the real state of the degree of copyright protection in Russia, and also developed practical recommendations for improving the methods of protecting copyright in cinematography.

Goals / Objectives Assess the protection of intellectual property in the field of cinematography based on the analysis of documents and research carried out earlier. Objectives: to identify bottlenecks in the use of copyrighted cinematography objects in Russia; to offer practical recommendations to improve the efficiency of intellectual property protection.

Methodology The methodology of the theoretical level is applied, based on the application of general scientific research methods: formalization, idealization, induction and deduction, traditional analysis of documents.

Conclusions and Relevance A study of the problems of intellectual property protection in the field of cinematography was carried out. A system of criteria, a system of indicators, a methodology for assessing the degree of copyright protection in Russia has been developed.

Keywords: copyright, intellectual property, cinematography, related rights, result of intellectual activity, exclusive right to a work.


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Ph. D. Alexey N. Zoubets/ Ph. D. Alexey V. Novikov/ Ph. D. Alexey Yu. Oborsky QUALITY ASPECTS OF HEALTHCARE DELIVERY TO THE POPULATION OF RUSSIA//Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. REVISTA INCLUSIONES ISSN 0719 – 4706  – Volumen 7/ Numero Especial./Julio – Septiembre 2020 pp. 690 – 700


Lokman K. Bairamukov

Master of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Development at modern system international relations


Subject / topic The study is aimed at studying the main trends in the world arena and the impact of the modern system of international relations on the economic development of the Russian Federation, as well as the results of the G20 summit and forecasts of experts regarding the economic situation in Russia and its role in the world arena.

Goals / objectives Study of the influence of the modern system of international relations on the economic development of Russia. Consideration of the main directions for overcoming the crisis situation and the reasons for the occurrence of this situation. Studying the opinion of experts on this issue and analyzing the forecasts of the data of expert economists.

Methodology In the process of the research, the following methods were applied: theoretical analysis, analysis of the legal framework, study of precedents and judicial practice, trend analysis.

Results / conclusions In the course of the study, the main directions of relations between countries and the influence of the system of international relations on the economic development of the Russian Federation were identified. And also an analysis was carried out following the results of the G20 summit.

Keywords: international relations, summit, “Group of 20”, economic development, economic growth, welfare, competition, politics, social policy of the state, world arena, gross domestic product, trade turnover, external trade relations.


Hilferding (2011) – Hilferding R. Financial capital: the latest phase in the development of capitalism. Per. with him. Ed. 7th. Book House “LIBROKOM”. – 2011 .– 446 p.

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Elena M. Azaryan

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice – rector for Research, Head of the Department of Marketing and Commercial Affairs, State organization of higher professional education «Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mikhail Tugan – Baranovsky», Donetsk

E – mail: azaryan.yelena

Konstantin A. Rzhesik

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Refrigeration and Commercial Equipment named after V. V. Osokin, State organization of higher professional education «Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mikhail Tugan – Baranovsky», Donetsk.

E – mail:

Prospects for the development of the home appliance market at the stage of transformation of marketing mix models in the context of a pandemic


Subject/topic Research of modern models of marketing mix formed under the influence of the pandemic in the post – crisis period of economic development, as well as conditions for the transformation of the marketing concept.

The aim of the study is to substantiate the theoretical provisions on the use of elements of the marketing mix models transformed under the influence of the pandemic in the post – crisis period of economic development, in the context of the transformation of the marketing concept.

Objectives: to study the impact of the pandemic on the development of the market of household appliances, as well as theoretical, methodological and applied bases to new transformations which act as factors to enhance the role of marketing in ensuring not only economic, but also institutional development of the company; to consider the factors of transformation of conception of marketing in the conditions of development of the pandemic and the formation of postaveni of the economy; to review the indicators used in the various models of the marketing mix in the context of the transformation of the concept of marketing; development of the author’s definition of the new term «cyberspace marketing»; to determine the main behavioral characteristics of generations X, Y, Z of consumers in the cyberspace marketing system; to develop marketing strategies for the development of the home appliance market based on the marketing management concept.

Methodology The methodological basis of scientific research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, scientific monographs, dissertation research, articles in periodicals.

Conclusion As a result of scientific study, the authors studied the influence of the pandemic on the development of the market of household appliances, as well as theoretical, methodological and applied bases to new transformations which act as factors to enhance the role of marketing in ensuring not only economic, but also institutional development; examines the factors of transformation of conception of marketing in the conditions of development of the pandemic and the formation of postaveni economy; the indicators used in various models of marketing – mix in the conditions of transformation of the marketing concept are considered; the author’s definition of the new term «cyberspace marketing» is presented; the main behavioral characteristics of generations X, Y, Z of consumers in the system of cyberspace marketing are determined.

Keywords: household appliances market, marketing mix models, pandemic, post – crisis period, marketing research, consumer behavior.


The impact of the pandemic on the home appliance market: new trends in consumer habits [Vliyanie pandemii na rynok bytovoi tekhniki: novye trendy v privychkakh potrebitelei] Electronic resource [Elektronnyi resurs] 5de740928f011114fef2bb7b/vliianie – pandemii – na – rynok – bytovoi  – tehniki – novye – trendy – v – privychkah – potrebitelei – 5f06dc68e337be57f460402c // Access mode [Rezhim dostupa] :

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Bokov, Novoselov (2016) – Bokov V.V., Novoselov S.N. Transformation of the institutional structure: key definitions, impact factors, meso – level specifics [Transformatsiya institutsional’noi struktury: klyuchevye definitsii, faktory vozdeistviya, mezourovnevaya spetsifika] Economy: yesterday, today, tomorrow [Ekonomika: vchera, segodnya, zavtra] – 2016. – No 5. – s. 23 – 33.

Yuldasheva, Meshcheryakov (2011) – Yuldasheva O.U., Meshcheryakov T.V. Institutional concept of territorial marketing management [Institutsional’naya kontseptsiya upravleniya territorial’nym marketingom] Bulletin of the baltic federal university named after I. Kanta [Vestnik Baltiiskogo federal’nogo universiteta im. I. Kanta] – 2011. – No 3. – s. 10– 17.

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Angelina V. Vlasova

Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: lina–

Irina M. Potapova

Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: irinka–

Supervisor: Alexey V. Novikov, Senior Professor of the Department of Sociology, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

On the use of artificial intelligence in the intellectual property management system


Subject / Тopic Main characteristics of the use of artificial intelligence in the management system / Application of artificial intelligence technologies in the intellectual property management system.

Goals / Objectives Evaluate the use of artificial intelligence in modern intellectual property management systems.

Methodology The methodology of the empirical level based on the application of General scientific research methods is applied: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, secondary analysis of research results.

Conclusions and Relevance Evaluation of the use of artificial intelligence in modern intellectual property management systems in Russia / the results of the study can be applied in the practical work of public administration bodies, municipal and commercial organizations in Russia.

Keywords: Intellectual property, artificial intelligence, control system, platforms, personal data.


Shapoval A.V., (2009) – Shapoval A.V., Artificial intelligence in modern art and applied culture; [Iskusstvennyj – intellekt – v – sovremennoj – hudozhestvenno – prikladnoj – kulture] // Dissertation. – 2009. – P. 184. [URL:  content/iskusstvennyi – intellekt – v – sovremennoi – khudozhestvenno  – prikladnoi – kulture] [In Russian]

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Kalyatin V.O., Novoselova L.A. – Scientific and practical commentary on judicial practice in the field of protection of intellectual rights [nauchno – prakticheskij kommentarij sudebnoj praktiki v sfere zashchity intellektualnyh prav] / V. O. Kalyatin [and others]; ed. L. A. Novoselova; cons. V.O. Kalyatin; Russian Federation. Intellectual Property Court. – M .: Norma. – 479 s [In Russian]

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Karelina M.M., Morgunova E.A., Buzova N.V., Chernova L.M. (2019) – Intellectual property: problems of judicial protection [Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’: problemy sudebnoj zashchity], publishing house: Russian State University of Justice, authors: Karelina M.M., Morgunova E.A., Buzova N.V., Chernova L.M., 2019, 296 pages . Url: [In Russian]

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Ph. D. Alexey N. Zoubets/ Ph. D. Alexey V. Novikov/ Ph. D. Alexey Yu. Oborsky QUALITY ASPECTS OF HEALTHCARE DELIVERY TO THE POPULATION OF RUSSIA//Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. REVISTA INCLUSIONES ISSN 0719 – 4706  – Volumen 7/ Numero Especial./Julio – Septiembre 2020 pp. 690 – 700


Mlada M. Stepashkina

Bachelor of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

E – mail:

Anastasia P. Sherstyannikova

Bachelor of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

E – mail:

Scientific head: Aleksey V. Novikov, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E – mail:

About some aspects of intellectual property management in the educational environment


Subject/topic Characteristics of the process of transition of intellectual property to the public domain in the educational environment. / Some aspects of intellectual property management in the educational process.

Goals/objectives Evaluate certain aspects of the transition of intellectual property to the public domain in the educational environment. / Investigate the attitudes of the educational community (students and teachers) regarding the transfer of intellectual property to the public domain in the educational environment.

Results/conclusions A pilot study of the transition of intellectual property to the public domain within the educational environment was performed./ Students ‘ acquisition of knowledge about intellectual property has a positive impact on the process of forming the necessary competencies in accordance with the requirements of state standards for training bachelors and masters in various specialties.

Keywords: intellectual property, intellectual property of students, intellectual property of teachers, result of intellectual activity, rights to the result of intellectual activity, free use of intellectual property for informational, scientific and cultural purposes, use of intellectual property by educational organizations.


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Civil code of the Russian Federation part 4 (civil code of the Russian Federation part 4) Article 1274

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Akimochkina (2018) – Akimochkina T. A. The Influence of management policies results of intellectual activities on the effectiveness of innovation processes [Vliyanie politiki upravleniya rezul`tatami intellektual`noj deyatel`nosti na e`ffektivnost` innovacionny`x processov] // The Economics Profession Is Business. 2018. no. 1. – P. 6 – 8. [In Russian]

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Buzgalin (2017) – Buzgalin A.V. Creative economy: why and how private intellectual property can be restricted [Kreativnaya e`konomika: pochemu i kak mozhet by`t` ogranichena chastnaya intellektual`naya sobstvennost`] // Sociological research. 2017. No. 8. P. 25. [In Russian]

Gorodov (2017) – Gorodov O. A. Features of the transition of intellectual activity results to the public domain mode [Osobennosti perexoda rezul`tatov intellektual`noj deyatel`nosti v rezhim obshhestvennogo dostoyaniya] // Izvestiya Vuzov. Jurisprudence. 2017. No. 3. – Pp. 144 – 154. [In Russian]

Grimov (2017) – Grimov O. A. Knowledge in the social network space: problems of intellectual property [Znanie v social`no – setevom prostranstve: problemy` intellektual`noj sobstvennosti] // Bulletin of Tambov University. Series: Social Sciences. 2017. No. 2. – P. 13 – 15. [In Russian]

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Neretin (2018) – Neretin O. P. Intellectual property as a tool for digitalization of culture: on the issue of preserving traditional knowledge and traditional expressions of culture [Intellektual`naya sobstvennost` kak instrument cifrovizacii kul`tury`: k voprosu soxraneniya tradicionny`x znanij i tradicionny`x vy`razhenij kul`tury`] / / Vestnik MGUKI. 2018. No. 6. – P. 160 – 161. [In Russian]

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Novikov, Oborsky (2019) –  Novikov A.V., Oborsky A. Yu. Intellectual property rights In the context of the development of developed ip industries in the economy [Pravoobladanie intellektual`noj sobstvennost`yu v usloviyax stanovleniya razvity`x ip – otraslej v e`konomike] // Economy. Business. Banks. 2019. Vol. 2. Pp. 87 – 97. [In Russian]

Oborsky, Galkina, Dementiev, Epishina, Kiseleva, Novikov, Okhtova, Pis`mennaya (2020) – Oborsky A. Yu., Galkina T. V., Dementiev V. V., epishina S. V., Kiseleva N. I., Novikov A.V., Okhtova I. M., Pis`mennaya E. E. Trends in higher education: future specialties, new directions of training [Trendy` v vy`sshem obrazovanii: special`nosti budushhego, novy`e napravleniya podgotovki] // Problems of management theory and practice. 2020. No. 8. Pp. 130 – 131. [In Russian]

Orlova (2015) – Orlova L. N. On the development of the Institute of intellectual property in Russia [K voprosu o razvitii instituta intellektual`noj sobstvennosti v Rossii] // Problems of Economics and legal practice. 2015. no. 6. – Pp. 233 – 235. [In Russian]


Maria Y. Gureva

3rd year student of the faculty of social Sciences and mass communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Maria A. Sarbaeva

3rd year student of the faculty of social Sciences and mass communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Supervisor: Olga. A. Aleksandrova– Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Department of sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Deputy Director for research of ISEPS FCTAS RAS, Moscow.


Respect or ignore: students attitude to copyright


Subject / topic Youth attitudes regarding copyright in relation to IP objects of digital streaming services/ Young people continue to use pirated content, which affects businesses and authors who do not receive all the profits due to them.

Goals / objectives Evaluate the attitude of young Russians to copyright/ To conduct a theoretical analysis of the problem of copyright protection; to develop tools for studying the attitude of Russian youth to the use of streaming services; to identify the attitude of young Russians to copyright through the use of streaming services, as well as to identify factors that affect this attitude.

Methodology An empirical methodology based on the use of General scientific research methods is applied: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, secondary analysis of research results.

Conclusions and Relevance The results of a social study were obtained concerning the attitude of students to the use of streaming services, as well as factors that influence attitudes towards the copyright of content creators and the interests of the relevant business / Most students use pirated content out of a desire to save money, while more than half of the respondents also have a paid subscription to the streaming service.

Keywords: youth, students, copyright, copyright objects, sense of justice, streaming services, Internet, piracy.



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