The Modern Lawyer №3(32)





Yury V.Stepanenko

doctor of Law, professor, professor at the Department of
Administrative Law and Process, University of O.E. Kutafina (MSLA); Chief
Researcher of the Federal State Institution VNII of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of Russia

Role of state federalism in the sphere protection of facilities of the animal world and water biological resources


Subject / Topic. The article deals with issues related to the protection of wildlife
and aquatic biological resources through the application of the principle of state federalism, which is the basis for the delineation of powers in the subject of joint
jurisdiction between the authorities at the federal and regional levels.
Goals / Objectives. Consider the implementation of various types of competence
of federalism, depending on the ratio of the powers granted: exclusive federal
competence, joint competence, competing and contractual competence.
Methodology. Methods of description, comparison, analysis were used.
Conclusion and Relevance. It has been substantiated that the activity to protect
the objects of fauna and aquatic biological resources is mainly based on federal
Keywords: state federalism, delineation of powers, administrative and legal
regulation, executive authorities, local self-government bodies, protection of
wildlife and aquatic biological resources.

Redhouse (2019) – Redhouse V.M. Forms and methods of public
administration in the field of ensuring economic security // In the collection: 25
years of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: traditions and innovations of
private law development. Materials of the international scientific and practical
conference (with an element of the school of a young scientist) [Formy i
metodygosudarstvennogoupravleniya v
oblastiobespecheniyaekonomicheskoybezopasnosti // V sbornike: 25 let
GrazhdanskomukodeksuRossiyskoyFederatsii: traditsii i
novatsiichastnopravovogorazvitiya. Materialymezhdunarodnoynauchnopra kticheskoykonferentsii (s elementomshkolymolodogouchenogo)].-2019.Р. 34-
Chebotarev, Udychak (2019) – ChebotarevI.Yu., UdychakI.Yu. Modern
federalism as a method of state structure // The Scientific Heritage
[Sovremennyyfederalizm kak sposobgosudarstvennogoustroystva // The
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Problems of the general theory of law and state: textbook / under total. ed.
V.S. Nersesyants. 2nd ed., Revision. – M .: Norma: INFRA-M
[Problemyobshcheyteorii prava i gosudarstva: uchebnik / pod obshch. red. V.S.
Nersesyantsa. 2-ye izd.,peresmotr. M.: Norma: INFRA-M] 2014. 630 p.
Naruto (2017) – Naruto S.V. Russian Federalism: Scientific Views of N.A.
Mikhaleva // Lex Russica [Rossiyskiy Federalizm: nauchnyyevozzreniya N.A.
Mikhalevoy // Lex Russica]. 2017. № 1 (122).Р. 11-22.
Platonov (2018) – Platonov V.M. Formation of the constitutional model of
Russian federalism and its basic principles // Gaps in Russian legislation
[Formirovaniyekonstitutsionnoymodelirossiyskogo federalizma i
yeyebazovyyeprintsipy // Probely v Rossiyskomzakonodatel’stve]. 2018.


Alexey V. Barkov

Alexey V. Barkov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Yana S. Grishina

Yana S. Grishina, doctor of legal Sciences, associate Professor, Professor of chair of civil law Russian Academy of justice, Moscow; Professor of civil law at Saratov state law Academy, Saratov, Russia. E-mail:

On the criteria for subject status socio-ecological enterprise that guarantees the right to state support

AbstractSubject / topic In the article, in the development of the author’s concept of the draft law, taking into account the identified trend of joint development of legislation on social and environmental entrepreneurship, the criteria for the status of a subject of social and environmental entrepreneurship, compliance with which guarantees the right to receive state support, are justified.

Goals/tasks Substantiate the criteria for the status of a socio-environmental business entity that guarantees the right to state support, which are subject to inclusion in the draft law.

Conclusion It is proved that the subject of socio-environmental entrepreneurship should recognize individual entrepreneurs, commercial and non-commercial organizations, irrespective of organizational-legal forms, engaged in production of goods environmental (ecological oriented) purpose (goods, works, services), revenues which, excluding value added tax, is not less than 75% and not less than 50% of the net profit for the preceding calendar year guaranteed reinvested in solving socio-environmental problems. At the same time, the subjects of socio-environmental entrepreneurship in the constituent documents as the main direction of activity are required to specify the environmental types defined in the law, the list of which can be clarified by the authorized body, taking into account the socio-environmental problems of the region.

Keywords: social and environmental entrepreneurship, legal status, conditions of state support.

References:Barkov, Grishina (2020) – Barkov A.V., Grishina Y.S. T. 2 / otv. ed. S. D. Mogilevsky, Yu. G. Leskova, S. A. Karelina, V. D. Ruzanova, O. V. Shmaliy, O. A. Zolotova, O. V. Sushkova. M.: Prospect, 2020. 800 p. ISBN 978-5-392-32733-1.Schlange (2009) – Schlange L.E. Stakeholder Identification in Sustainability Entrepreneurship // Greener Management International. 2009. № 55. P. 13–32.Schaltegger (2002) – Schaltegger S.A Framework for Ecopreneurship: Leading Bioneers and Environmental Managers to Ecopreneurship. Greener Management International, 2002. Vol. 38. P. 45-58.Parris (2014)-Parris D. L., McInnis-Bowers C. V. Social Entrepreneurship Questioning the Status Quo: Waste as a Resource // Journal of Economic Issues. 2014. Vol. XLVIII. № 2. P. 359-365.Kalinichenko (2019) – Kalinichenko D. V. Legal status of social entrepreneurship entities in the Russian Federation and foreign countries: dissertation … PhD in law. Saratov, 2019. 224 p.Moskovskaya (2019) – Moskovskaya A. A. Why do we need a law on social entrepreneurship? // World of social entrepreneurship, 2019. № 10. P. 4-11.Barkov, Grishina (2018) – Barkov A.V., Grishina Ya. s. Prospects for legalizing social entrepreneurship in Russia: analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed approaches // Bulletin of the SSLA. 2018. № 1 (120). P. 92-99.Varennikova (2011) – Varennikova E. V. Environmentally oriented and ecological entrepreneurship as economic categories // Management of economic systems: electronic journal. 2011. № 4. URL: (accessed 26.07.2020).Zlobin (2011) – Zlobin S. V. Legal regulation of environmental entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation: autoref. Diss … Cand. the faculty of law. sciences’. Volgograd, 2011, 28 p.Ershov, Ghafforova, Korshenko, Khamdamov (2015) – Ershova T. V., Gafarova E. B., Korshenko A. I., J. H. Hamdamov. Economic entrepreneurship proceedings of the far Eastern Federal University. Economics and management. 2015. № 4. P. 65-80.Klimova, Fokina, Yakovleva (2015) – Klimova S. I., Fokina L. V., Yakovleva L. Yu.Environmental entrepreneurship as a vector of development of society and economy // World of science, culture, education. 2015. № 1. P. 400-403.Kitsai (2016) – Кitsai Yu.А. Legal support for the competitiveness of non-governmental organizations in the social sphere. M.: BIBLIO-GLOBUS publishing house, 2016. 240 p.


Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Deputy Head of the Basic Department of the Economics of Intellectual Property, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation.


Stanislav V. Nikolyukin

Stanislav V. Nikolyukin, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Civil law Department, Russian state university of justice, Moscow, Russian Federation


To the question about some aspects of the legal regime of industrial property


Subject / Topic The role of industrial property in modern economic relations can hardly be overestimated. It contributes to the development of production, the implementation of consumer demand, the promotion of goods and services. Commercialization is of great importance for industrial property, which ensures the achievement of competitive advantages in the introduction of its objects into economic circulation.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the features of the legal regime of industrial property, which is of great importance for entrepreneurial activity, since it is aimed at ensuring the safety of the organization’s property investments in the development of industrial property objects.

Methodology The methodological basis of the research is: the universal method of cognition; general scientific research methods, including the systemic and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis, analogy and private-scientific methods.

Conclusions and Relevance Industrial property as a complex legal category is a set of rights to intellectual property objects used in the sphere of production, trade, provision of services, etc. The unifying element of industrial property is the rights arising from the rightholder, which are in direct dependence on state registration and the issuance of a patent or corresponding certificate, with the exception of cases provided for by law.

Keywords: industrial property, intellectual property, exclusive rights, inventions, utility models; industrial designs; trademarks; service marks; company names, appellations of origin, unfair competition.


Intellectual property: problems of judicial protection [Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’: problemy sudebnoj zashchity.]. M .: RGUP, 2019.P. 66.

Civil liability for certain types of obligations: monograph; ed. V.V. Kulakov [Grazhdansko-pravovaya otvetstvennost’ po otdel’nym vidam obyazatel’stv: monografiya]. Moscow: RUSAYNS, 2019, Pp. 186.

Intellectual property (Rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization) / Under total. ed. N.M. Korshunov. M .: Norma, 2008. P. 29.

Chernichkina (2019) – Chernichkina G.N. Fundamentals of legal protection of industrial property and features of its protection: textbook [Osnovy pravovoj ohrany promyshlennoj sobstvennosti i osobennosti ee zashchity: uchebnoe posobie]. M .: RGUP, 2019.P. 7.

Intellectual property law: artistic property [Pravo intellektual’noj sobstvennosti: hudozhestvennaya sobstvennost’]/ ed. G.F. Ruchkina. M .: INFRA-M, 2019.P. 19-20.

Rozhkova (2016) – Rozhkova M.A. Protection of intellectual rights: legislative errors in determining the status and competence of specialized bodies that resolve cases in the field of industrial property [Zashchita intellektual’nyh prav: zakonodatel’nye oshibki pri opredelenii statusa i kompetencii specializirovannyh organov, razreshayushchih dela v sfere promyshlennoj sobstvennosti]. M .: Statut, 2016.P. 5.

Chernichkina (2019) – Chernichkina G.N. Fundamentals of legal protection of industrial property and features of its protection: textbook [Osnovy pravovoj ohrany promyshlennoj sobstvennosti i osobennosti ee zashchity: uchebnoe posobie.]. M .: RGUP, 2019.P. 7.

The civilistic concept of intellectual property in the system of Russian law: monograph [Civilisticheskaya koncepciya intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v sisteme rossijskogo prava: monografiya]/ Under total. ed. M.A. Rozhkova. M .: Statut, 2018.P. 177-200.

Kupriyanova, Nikolyukin (2020) – Kupriyanova L.M., Nikolyukin S.V. Commercialization of a trademark as a means of individualization [Kommercializaciya tovarnogo znaka kak sredstva individualizacii]// Modern lawyer. 2020. № 2 (31). З. 43-54.

Kacharava (2019) – Kacharava B.R. Theater and entertainment works as complex objects of copyright [Teatral’no-zrelishchnye proizvedeniya kak slozhnye ob”ekty avtorskogo prava]// Modern lawyer. 2019. № 2 (27) P.28-35.

Chernichkina (2019) – Chernichkina G.N. On the issue of general principles of intellectual property protection by part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation [K voprosu ob obshchih principah ohrany intellektual’noj sobstvennosti chast’yu 4 GK RF]// Modern lawyer. 2019. № 3 (28). P. 71-84.


Irina A. Nesmeianova

Irina A. Nesmeianova, сandidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Operations  of the Law Faculty Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation.. E-mail:

Analysis of certain provisions of civil legislation in the field of intellectual property in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan



Subject / Topic The article discusses the issue of creating a system of international legal regulation in the field of intellectual property.

Goals / Objectives The aim of the study is to analyze certain provisions of civil legislation in the field of intellectual property in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is made up of general scientific, private scientific methods: dialectical, analysis, synthesis, comparative legal and formal legal.

Conclusions and Relevance The legislation of the EAEU member states in the field of intellectual property is constantly evolving. In the context of the integration of the economic space in the EAEU countries, there is objectively a need for a unified legal regulation of relations, therefore, the adopted amendments and additions to the legislation of the countries participating in the Treaty contribute to their convergence and harmonization.

Keywords: integration, super-mandatory norms, national legal system, unified policy, intellectual property, exclusive rights, confidential information, international legal regulation of copyright relations, Eurasian economic space, EEU agreement, Eurasian economic commission.


Asoskov (2018) – Asoskov A.V. Violation of public order as a basis for refusal to enforce decisions of international commercial arbitrations adopted on the territory of the Russian Federation [Narushenie publichnogo poryadka kak osnovanie dlya otkaza v prinuditel’nom ispolnenii reshenij mezhdunarodnyh kommercheskih arbitrazhej, prinyatyh na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii] // Zakon. 2018. №. 9.

Butler, Erpyleva, Maksimov (2016) – Butler U.E., Erpyleva N.Yu., Maksimov D.M. Proceedings in cases with the participation of foreign persons in international procedural law of Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan [Proizvodstvo po delam s uchastiem inostrannyh lic v mezhdunarodnom processual’nom prave Rossii, Kazahstana i Uzbekistana] // Legislation and Economics. 2016. №11.

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E-commerce and related areas (legal regulation) [E-commerce i vzaimosvyazannye oblasti (pravovoe regulirovanie)]: a collection of articles / Ruk.avt. count and otv. ed. M.A. Rozhkova M .: «Statute», 2019.

Zasemkova (2018) – Zasemkova O.F. Superimperative norms: theory and practice [Sverhimperativnye normy: teoriya i praktika]. M .: Infotropic Media, 2018.

Lutkova (2017) – Lutkova O. Agreement on the alienation of exclusive rights and a license agreement in cross-border copyright relations [Dogovor otchuzhdeniya isklyuchitel’nyh prav i licenzionnyj dogovor v transgranichnyh avtorskih otnosheniyah] // IP. Copyright and related rights. 2017. № 10.11.

Mamonova (2020) – Mamonova D.A. Theoretical and practical aspects of legal protection of know-how [Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty pravovoj ohrany nou-hau] // IS. Industrial property. 2020. № 5.

Neshataeva (2017) – Neshataeva T.N. Court of the Eurasian Economic Union: from legal position to current law [Sud Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza: ot pravovoj pozicii k dejstvuyushchemu pravu] // International Justice, 2017. № 2.

On the intellectual property rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation: similarities and differences? [Interview with A.A. Amangeldy][ O prave intellektual’noj sobstvennosti Respubliki Kazahstan i Rossijskoj Federacii: skhodstva i razlichiya? [Interv’yu s A.A. Amangel’dy] // IS. Copyright and related rights. 2019. № 2. P. 33 – 40.

Asoskov (2016) – A.A. Asoskov The level of our conflict regulation can be compared with the leading countries [Uroven’ nashego kollizionnogo regulirovaniya vpolne mozhno sopostavit’ s vedushchimi stranami] // Zakon. 2016. № 8.


Galina N. Chernichkina

Galina N. Chernichkina, candidate of law, Associate Professor, Professor of the  civil law department of Russian  State University of Justice, Moscow.


About the legal nature of the services provided by the state body for the introduction into civil circulation of the exclusive right to objects of patent rights


Subject/theme The subject of the study is public relations related to the state service for checking the claimed invention, utility model, industrial design for compliance with its patentability conditions. Research on the right to obtain a patent

 Goals/objectives The purpose of the research is a comprehensive analysis of the provisions of civil legislation on the obligation to provide services and scientific sources in this area. The research is aimed at finding out the nature of the legal relationship for the provision of public services and implementation of the right to obtain a patent: its public-legal or civil-legal nature.

 Methodology The methodological basis of research are: universal methods of knowledge; scientific methods, including systematic and logical method and also the analysis, synthesis and analogy; formal legal method.

Conclusion The legal relationship for the provision of public services to verify the claimed result of intellectual activity for compliance with its patentability conditions on all grounds corresponds to the characteristics of a civil legal relationship-an obligation to provide services.

Keywords: obligations to provide services; public service; right to obtain a patent; objects of patent rights; conditions of patentability; exclusive right.


Agamagomedova (2013) – Agamagomedova S. A. Correlation of the concepts «customs control» and «customs service» (on the example of providing the function of intellectual property protection by customs authorities) [Sootnoshenie ponyatiy «tamozhennyiy kontrol» i «tamozhennaya usluga» (na primere obespecheniya tamozhennyimi organami funktsii po zaschite intellektualnoy sobstvennosti)]// Customs business. 2013. № 3. P. 2 – 7.

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Kulakov, Kondratev (2020) – Kulakov V. V., Kondratev V. A. on some issues of qualification of the contract of paid rendering of services [O nekotoryh voprosah kvalifikacii dogovora vozmezdnogo okazaniya uslug]// Modern lawyer. 2020. № 1 (30 January-March). P. 69-80.

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Elena N. Shibayeva

Elena N. Shibayeva, Judge of Naro-Fominsk District Court of the Moscow Region, Moscow, Naro-Fomisk, Russia. E-mail:

Misuse of right under inheritance disclaimer


Subject/theme The subject of the study are the public relations arising in connection with the exercise by the heir of the right to refuse inheritance in the prism of the principle of conscientious conduct of participants in civil relations in the exercise of their rights and obligations.

Goals/objectives The purpose of the study is to analyze the current legislation and judicial practice related to abuse of the right in the exercise of the right to refuse inheritance.

Methodology The methodological basis of research are universal methodsof knowledge; scientific methods – analysis and synthesis, and also method ofcomparative law and formal legal method.

Conclusion The article analyzes the norms of the current legislation on the exercise by heirs of the right to refuse inheritance and considers the criteria for recognizing actions to refuse inheritance as an abuse of right.

Keywords: inheritance, heir, principle of good faith, unworthy heir, abuse of law, rejection of inheritance


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Tatyana A.Belyaeva

Tatyana A. Believe, Senior Teacher, Civil law Department, Russian state university of justice, Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:

Stanislav V.Nikolyukin

Stanislav V. Nikolyukin, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Civil law Department, Russian state university of justice, Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:

Protection of the rights of consumers of housing and communal services


Subject / Topic Of great importance for Russia, in which civilized economic relations are formed, a special area of ​​property turnover is the protection of consumer rights. The subject of analysis within the framework of this article is the study of the features of protecting the rights of consumers of housing and communal services

Goals / Objectives The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the features of the provision of housing and legal services, as well as the protection of the rights of users of such services.

Methodology The methodological basis of the research consists of: the general method of cognition; general scientific research methods, including the systemic and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and private scientific methods.

Conclusions and Relevance The current level of consumer protection in Russia is characterized by a large number of unresolved problems, both practical and theoretical. As for the current housing legislation governing relations with the participation of citizens-consumers, it does not fully guarantee the effectiveness of consumer protection in the market of housing and communal services. Numerous judicial practice objectively proves the existence of a number of complex legal problems that require immediate resolution.

Keywords: housing law, housing and communal services, consumer rights, consumer, residential premises, utility service providers.


Belyaeva (2020) – Belyaeva T.A. Lease agreement for residential premises under the law of the Russian Federation [Dogovor najma zhilogo pomeshcheniya po pravu Rossijskoj Federacii] // Modern lawyer. 2020 № 2 (31). Р. 81-89.

Kostina, Kostin – (2020) Kostina OV, Kostin A.A. Economic and legal analysis of the content of the concept of «service» in the context of convergence [Ekonomiko-pravovoj analiz soderzhaniya ponyatiya «usluga» v usloviyah konvergencii]// Modern lawyer. 2020. № 1 (30). Р. 38-55.

Nikolyukin (2014) – S.V. Nikolyukin Housing needs of citizens as subjects of housing legal relations in the conditions of modern economic management (theory and practice): monograph [Zhilishchnye potrebnosti grazhdan kak sub”ektov zhilishchnyh pravootnoshenij v usloviyah sovremennogo hozyajstvovaniya (voprosy teorii i praktiki): monografiya.]. M.: Jurlitinform, 2014.Р. 3.

Mukhametgalieva (2020) – Mukhametgalieva S.Kh. Topical issues of protecting the rights of consumers of housing and communal services // Scientific journal NovaUm.Ru. 2020. № 24.

Belyaeva (2019) – Belyaeva T.A. Responsibility for failure to pay or late payment of utility bills: In the book: Civil liability for certain types of obligations: monograph [Otvetstvennost’ za nevnesenie ili nesvoevremennoe vnesenie platy za kommunal’nye uslugi: V kn.: Grazhdansko-pravovaya otvetstvennost’ po otdel’nym vidam obyazatel’stv: monografiya]/ ed. V.V. Kulakov. M.: RUSAYNS, 2019.Р. 138-150.

Civil contracts: actual problems of legal regulation of certain types: monograph [Grazhdansko-pravovye dogovory: aktual’nye problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya otdel’nyh vidov: monografiya] / ed. V.V. Kulakova, S.V. Nikolyukin. M.: Jurlitinform, 2014.


Elena D.Kostyleva

Elena D. Kostyleva, candidate of law, associate Professor senior researcher of the direction  constitutional and legal studies Center for justice research Russian state University of justice, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Application by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights, the principle of equality in assessing the legality of restrictions of constitutional rights and freedoms in decisions


Subject/themeThe subject of the research is the constitutional principle of equality in the decisions of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights.

Goals/objectives The aim is to study and compare the application of the principle of equality in the decisions of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights in assessing the legality of restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms.

MethodologyThe methodological basis of the study is a systematic, comprehensive legal analysis, using social and comparative approaches to the study.

Conclusion The study concluded that the principle of equality, when assessing the legality of restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms, is interpreted by the courts as an evolutionary complex principle that manifests itself in the prohibition of discrimination and is implemented in the process of forming the legal personality of an individual, serves to resolve contradictions between legal equality and actual inequality of participants in legal relations.

Keywords :the principle of equality, restriction of constitutional rights and freedoms, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the European Court of human rights.


Kostyleva (2020) – Kostyleva E. D. Constitutional values and goals as restrictions of human rights and freedoms in the decisions of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation [Konstitucionnye cennosti i celi kak ogranichiteli prav i svobod cheloveka v resheniyah Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ] // Modern lawyer. 2020. № 2 (31). P. 98-108.

Komkova (2010) – Komkova G. N. Equality of human rights and freedoms-constitutional value. // Constitutional values: content and problems of implementation [Ravenstvo prav i svobod cheloveka – konstitucionnaya cennost’. //Konstitucionnye cennosti: soderzhanie i problemy realizacii.] // Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference 4-6 December 2008: in 2 vols. 1 / edited by N. V. Vitruk, L. A. Nudnenko. M.: Russian Academy of justice, 2010. P. 219-225.

Kurilyuk  (2020) – Kurilyuk Yu. E. family values in the balance of public and private interests: legal positions of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights [Semejnye cennosti v balanse publichnyh i chastnyh interesov: pravovye pozicii Konstitucionnogo Suda RF i Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka] // Modern lawyer. 2020. № 2 (31). P. 109-120.

Nudnenko (2010) – Nudnenko L. A. the Principle of combining private and public interests – the highest constitutional value [Princip sochetaniya chastnyh i publichnyh interesov – vysshaya konstitucionnaya cennost’] // Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference 4-6 December 2008: in 2 vols. T. 1 / edited by N. V. Vitruk, L. A. Nudnenko. M.: Russian Academy of justice, 2010. P. 208-219.

Kudryavtsev  (2004) – Kudryavtsev M. A. the constitutional principle of equality in the legal status of the individual in the Russian Federation. The author’s abstract Diss. Cand. yurid. nauk [Konstitucionnyj princip ravnopraviya v pravovom polozhenii lichnosti v Rossijskoj Federacii. Avtoreferat diss. kand. yurid. nauk]. M. 2004. 25 p.

Umnova-Konyukhova (2020) – Umnova-Konyukhova I. A. National justice and international justice: theory and practice of interaction in public law relations (principles of statehood and human rights) [Nacional’noe pravosudie i mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie: teoriya i praktika vzaimodejstviya v publichnopravovyh otnosheniyah (principy gosudarstvennosti i prav cheloveka)]. M.: RSUP, 2020. 324 p.

Umnova-Konyukhova I. A. Kostyleva E. D. (2020) – Umnova-Konyukhova I. A. Kostyleva E. D. Application of the principle of proportionality by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in assessing the constitutionality of restrictions on rights and freedoms in decisions [Primenenie Konstitucionnym Sudom RF principa proporcional’nosti pri ocenke konstitucionnosti ogranichenij prav i svobod v resheniyah] // Modern lawyer. 2020. № (30). P. 130-144.

Kostyleva (2019) – Kostyleva E.D. The ratio of the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights on the protection of personal and political rights [Sootnoshenie pozicij Konstitucionnogo Suda RF i Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka po zashchite lichnyh i politicheskih prav] // Modern Lawyer. 2019. № 4 (29). P. 80-95.

Kostyleva (2020) – E. D. Kostyleva the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights: common approaches and differences in understanding constitutional restrictions on rights and freedoms [Konstitucionnyj Sud RF i Evropejskij Sud po pravam cheloveka: obshchie podhody i razlichiya v ponimanii konstitucionnogo ogranicheniya prav i svobod] // Modern lawyer. 2020. № 1 (30). P. 114-129.

Dudko, Kryazhkova (2020) – Dudko I. A., Kryazhkova O. I. Protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation [Zashchita prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossijskoj Federacii]. M.: RSUP, 2020. 158 p.


Svetlana V.Volkova

Svetlana V. Volkova, laboratory assistant, Department of Digital Forensics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University); engineer, Department of Digital Forensics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University), Moscow. E-mail:

Anastasia V. Karlova

Anastasia V. Karlova, assistant, Department of Digital Forensics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University); engineer, Department of Digital Forensics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University), Moscow. E-mail:

Integrated assessment of digital information in the investigation of crimes related to inducement minors to commit suicide


The subject/The theme This article examines the use of expertise in the investigation of crimes related to inducement minors to commit suicide and also improving the methods of research of digital information in the investigation of this type of crime.

Goals and objectives Development of the methods for evaluating digital information in the investigation of crimes related to inducement minors to commit suicide

Methodology The methodological framework includes methods of cognition, methods of analysis, synthesis and the description.

The results Investigation of crimes related to inducement minors to commit suicide needs a comprehensive expert analysis of all aspects of the crime, which could help to investigate quickly and thoroughly, to solve and to prevent crimes. One of the aspects is the research of digital information because in most cases inducement of minors happens while using a computer information and searching the Internet.

Keywords: expertise, forensic science, digital forensics, analytical research, integrated assessment, suicide, minors, inducement minors to commit suicide.


Rossinskaya (2013) – Rossinskaya E. R. Theory of forensic science [Teoriya sudebnoj ekspertizy]: Textbook / E.R. Rossinskaya, E.I. Galyashina, A.M. Zinin; Ed. E.R. Rossinsky. M.: Norma: SIC Infra-M, 2013. 384 p.

What is a hashtag and how to use it [Electronic resource] [Chto takoe heshteg i kak im pol’zovat’sya [Elektronnyj resurs]] // URL: (accessed 05.17.2020).

Bringing to suicide using Internet technologies: socio-psychological, criminological and criminal law aspects. All-Russian Criminological Journal. Publisher: Baikal State University (Irkutsk) [Electronic resource] [Dovedenie do samoubijstva posredstvom ispol’zovaniya internet-tekhnologij: social’no-psihologicheskie, kriminologicheskie i ugolovno-pravovye aspekty. Vserossijskij Kriminologicheskij zhurnal. Izdatel’stvo: Bajkal’skij gosudarstvennyj universitet (Irkutsk) [Elektronnyj resurs]// URL: (accessed 05.23.2020).

The methodology of conducting forensic linguistic examination in cases of insult. The theory and practice of forensic examination. Scientific and practical journal. Theory and practice of forensic examination [Metodika provedeniya sudebnoĭ lingvisticheskoĭ ekspertizy po delam ob oskorblenii.Teoriya i praktika sudebnoĭ ekspertizy. Nauchno-prakticheskiĭ zhurnal. Teoriya i praktika sudebnoĭ ekspertizy.]. 2016. № 1 (41). 168 p.

Psychiatric examination. [Electronic resource] [Psihiatricheskaya ekspertiza. [Elektronnyj resurs]// URL: (accessed 05.23.2020).

Features of building a typical computer model of crimes in the field of illegal entry of new dangerous psychoactive substances [Electronic resource] [Osobennosti postroeniya tipovoĭ komp’yuternoĭ modeli prestupleniĭ v sfere nezakonnogo oborota novyh opasnyh psihoaktivnyh veshchestv [Elektronnyj resurs] // URL: fileman/download/ Scientific articles / Computer model of crimes in scope of turnover of new environmental psychoactive substances (page_112).pdf. (accessed 05/19/2020).


Alla P. Adamenko

Alla P. Adamenko, Associate Professor, Civil law Department of the Russian State University of Justiсe, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow.


Lidia V. Zarapina

Lidia V. Zarapina, Associate Professor, Civil law Department of the Russian State University of Justiсe, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow.


Natalia I. Piskunova

Natalia I. Piskunova, teacher of the civil law department of Russian State University of Justice, Moscow. E-mail:

Protection of the rights of business entities in the conditions of the pandemic


Subject / theme This article is devoted to the problems of implementing the protection of the rights of small businesses during a pandemic.

Goals / objectives Consideration of the peculiarities of protecting the rights of small businesses during the quarantine period, analysis of problems arising during the quarantine period.

Methodology The methodological basis of the research consists of: the general method of cognition; general scientific research methods, including systemic and logical methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, analogy and special scientific methods.

Conclusions Support measures will not allow SMEs to disappear completely in Russia, and newly adopted decisions will form the basis of a program to restore the country’s economy and create a comfortable business environment.

Keywords: pandemic, protection of the rights of small businesses, emergency legislation.


On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the prevention and elimination of emergency situations: Federal Law No. 98-FZ dated 01.04.2020 [adopted by the State Duma on March 31, 2020, Approved by the Federation Council on March 31, 2020]. – URL: Document/View/0001202004010072 (date of treatment 05/02/2020).

On the introduction of a high alert mode: text with amendments and additions for April 28, 2020: Decree of the Mayor of Moscow No. 12-UM dated March 5, 2020. – URL: A9E415A6E04F81&req=doc&base= MLAW&n=203276&REFDOC= 201990&REFBASEh7r9#1AWx

On the approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit institutions to reimburse the income they did not receive on loans issued in 2020 to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for urgent needs to support and maintain employment: text with amendments and additions dated 04.24.2020: Resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.04.2020 No. 422. – URL: document/cons_doc_LAW_349384/

On approval of the list of sectors of the Russian economy most affected by the deterioration of the situation as a result of the spread of the new coronavirus infection text with amendments and additions as of 18.04.2020: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 434 of 3.04.2020. – URL: /files/CGHHI9UNm6PFNfn2 X2rdgVW9fo757i7A.pdf (access date 04/30/2020).

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2020 No. 909-r. – URL: FIZ8l9uRViBI54gI1Q20UqquEfPoDgS5.pdf (access date 04/30/2020).

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2020 No. 968-r. – URL: k0AYDh8AcAxcaAeuCof7H1s4IHFTXGgv.pdf (access date 04/30/2020).

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2020 No. 570. – URL: ptkRJ6saXQFuvU0HpYpumtt1BQt0nuoL.pdf (access date 04/30/2020).

List of instructions following the President’s appeal in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection in the country, [Electronic resource]: Presidential Administration. – URL: events/president/news/63080 (date of treatment 04/30/2020).

Business support measures [Electronic resource]: Federal Tax Service. – URL: (date of access 04/30/2020).

Business support measures during a pandemic: intermediate results of implementation during the period of restrictions and new solutions for stabilizing the economy // M. Shuvalova. 05/28/2020.


Kseniya I. Korobko

Kseniya I. Korobko, candidate of legal ciences, associate professor, head of the department of civil law and procedure at Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, Syktyvkar, Russia. E-mail:

Legal regulation of the application of methods of traditional medicine in the Russian Federation: retrospective analysis and the current state


Subject / topic The subject of scientific analysis within the framework of this article is the legal regulation of social relations that develop in connection with the use of traditional medicine methods.

Goals / objectives The aim of the study is to identify the trend of legal regulation of the use of traditional medicine methods. This goal is achieved by analyzing both the current and invalid regulatory legal acts in the area under consideration.

Methodology Logical techniques (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), general scientific and private scientific methods were used: comparative, system-structural, formal-legal.

Conclusion Based on the study, the author comes to the conclusion that at the moment in the Russian Federation there is a legal vacuum in the legal regulation of traditional medicine, which is a consequence of the lack of a systematic approach to the legal regulation of medical activity in the Russian Federation as a whole.

Keywords: traditional medicine, traditional medicine, medical practice, licensing, quality, safety.


Kharitonova V.I, Yaneva-Balabanska I. Integration of medical systems – desired and real (Russian-Bulgarian parallels) [Integraciya medicinskih sistem — zhelaemoe i dejstvitel’noe (rossijsko-bolgarskie paralleli)] // Siberian historical research. 2017. № 4. P. 198.

Mokhov A.A. The content of private and public interests in the legal regulation of medical activities [Soderzhanie chastnyh i publichnyh interesov pri pravovom regulirovanii medicinskoj deyatel’nosti.]. М.: Publishing house «Legal Center» Press». 2003. P. 92.

Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine //

Tsydenov E.M. Buryat shamanism in the post-Soviet period: on the material of Ulan-Udec [Buryatskij shamanizm v postsovetskij period: na materiale g. Ulan-Ude]: Diss…. cand. history. sciences. Ulan-Ude. 2013. P. 111.


Albina M.Fathutdinova

Albina M. Fathutdinova, candidate of law sciences, Associate professor Department legal regulation of economic activity Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Legal regulation ecological business


Importance The subject of scientific research within the framework of this article are issues of legal regulation in the field of environmental entrepreneurship.

Objective To reveal the peculiarities of the legal regulation of the new institution in the field of environmental entrepreneurship, as well as to identify problems related to more effective legal regulation that would stimulate further environmental entrepreneurship.

Methods The article uses general theoretical and special methods of scientific cognition: analysis and synthesis, logical, comparative-legal, sociological methods. The current legislation of the Russian Federation regulating questions of ecological business has been studied and analyzed.

Conclusions and Relevance At the present stage, it is necessary to work on existing legislation, as well as to develop new legislation that would help to further develop environmentally-oriented activities as a separate institution in the field of environmental entrepreneurship, which would allow to develop environmental activities. Ecologically responsible business is proving to be a leader in the economy and requires detailed legal regulation. It is noted that an eco-oriented economy ensures the competitiveness of the entire national economy.

Keywords: law, state, legislation, responsibility, environmental entrepreneurship, legal regulation, economic reforms, competitiveness, efficiency.


Model law on the foundations of environmental entrepreneurship [Model`ny`j zakon ob osnovax e`kologicheskogo predprinimatel`stva] // SPS Konsul`tantPlyus.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on 12/12/1993) [Elektronnyiy resurs]// Legal reference system Сonsultant plus [SPS KonsultantPlyus].

Civil code of the Russian Federation (part one) of 30.11.1994 № 51-FZ (ed. of 16.12.2019) // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 05.12.1994. № 32. article 3301;

Federal law of June 24,  1998 № 89- FZ «On waste and consumption» [«Ob otxodax proizvodstva i potrebleniya»] // SPS Konsul`tantPlyus.

Federal law of Janiary, 10 2002 № 7 FZ «On environmental protection» [«Ob oxrane okruzhayushhej sredy»]// SPS Konsul`tantPlyus.

Fatkhutdinova (2020) – Fatkhutdinova A.M. The role of the state and law in regulation corporate responsibility [Rol` gosudarstva i prava v regulirovanii korporativnoj otvetstvennosti.]// The Modern Lawyer. 2020. №1 (30). P.145-154.

Filicheva (2018) – Filicheva T.P. The problem of developing environmental entrepreneurship 2018 // The territory of new opportunities. Bulletin of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service [Problema razvitiya e`kologicheskogo predprinimatel`stva] //2018. №1 (40). Р. 51-56.

Business partner code [Kodeks delovogo partenra]// Official pageRusal. – 2020. – URL: /Business_Partner_Code_RUS.pdf

Сode of business principles and code of conduct policy [Kodeks principov vedeniya biznesa i Politiki Kodeksa]// Official page Unilever. – 2020. – URL:—russian_ tcm1315-551374_1_ru.pdf

Ecological policy [E`kologicheskaya politika]. – Electronic resource// Gazprom: official page. – 2020. – URL: /environmental_policy/.

Ecology [E`kologiya]. – Electronic resource // MVK Mosvodokanal: official page. 2020. – URL: /about/evolution/ecology.php.

RUSAL – global leader in the Carbon Disclosure Project climate ranking [RUSAL – global`ny`j lider v klimaticheskom rejtinge Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)] [Electronic resource]// Rusal official page. – 2020. – URL: /press-releases/rusal-globalnyy-lider -v-klimaticheskom-reytinge-carbon-disclosure- project-cdp/?sphrase_id=7699.

The A List 2019 from CDP Worldwide. Web site:



Irina Y. Tselovalnikova, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Civil law Department, Russian State University of Justiсe, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow. E-mail:

Legal regulation of the provision of services using investment platforms and consumer protection


Subject / Topic This article discusses the issues of legal regulation of the provision of services using investment platforms. Some aspects of the Federal Law of 02.08.2019 № 259-ФЗ «On attracting investments using investment platforms and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation» related to the specifics of providing services using investment platforms and consumer protection are considered.

Goals / Objectives Analysis of provisions concerning the responsibility of operators of investment platforms and norms aimed at ensuring control and supervision over their activities in organizing investment attraction, namely: providing investment promotion services and investment attraction services using an investment platform. Development of recommendations for optimizing the current legislation within the framework of the research topic.

Methodology The research methodology is based on: general methods of cognition; general scientific methods, including the systemic and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods.

Conclusions and Relevance The main task of state bodies is to create adequate legal regulation that ensures full protection of all participants in investment platforms and, above all, consumer rights, so that «digital legislation» does not turn, according to Bender, into «the one hundred and first way of relatively honest withdrawal of funds from the population.», In a wine case, we are waiting for a series of  «soap bubbles» in the framework of the activities of investment platforms, and the courts are a string of queues of defrauded investors

Keywords: investment activity, investment platform, investment platform operator, investment assistance service, investment attraction service using an investment platform.


Financial law in the context of the development of the digital economy: monograph / K.T. Anisina, B.G. Badmaev, I.V. Bit-Shabo and others; ed. I.A. Tsindeliani. M.: Prospect, 2019.320 p.

The digital revolution in finance: rules for safe consumer behavior. Moscow: Editorial office of «Rossiyskaya Gazeta», 2019. Issue. 24.160 p. // SPS ConsultantPlus.

Shaidullina – Shaydullina V.K. Smart contracts in the financial market: research results // SPS ConsultantPlus.

Expert opinion on the draft federal law № 419059-7 «On digital financial assets» (adopted at a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the codification and improvement of civil legislation on 23.04.2018 № 175-5 / 2018).

Erdelevsky – Erdelevsky A.M. On digital rights // SPS ConsultantPlus.


Sergey P. Stavilo

Sergey P. Stavilo, Candidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor, Department of criminal law and criminology Novorossiysk branch of Krasnodar University

of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, Novorossiysk. E-mail:

Preparation for a crime in the context of unfinished criminal activity


Subject/Topic The subject of scientific research in the framework of this article is the criminal law norms that provide for criminal liability for preparation for a crime, as well as the specifics of their formulation in the current criminal legislation.

Goals/Objectives it is an attempt to give a General criminal-legal characteristic of preparation for a crime in the context of the theory of unfinished criminal activity and on the basis of this to present the concept and content of preparation for a crime, identifying its features.

Methodology The methodology is represented by General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, formal legal method.

Conclusion and Relevance The article gives the concept and reveals the content of preparation for crime in the context of the theory of unfinished criminal activity. Various types of preparatory actions (inaction) provided for in the criminal law are analyzed with a description of their specific features and distinguishing features. In addition, the article examines the issues of criminal responsibility and the specifics of sentencing for preparing for a crime.

Keywords: unfinished crime, stages of the crime, preparation for the crime, criminal responsibility, punishment.


Criminal law of Russia [Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii]. Ed. by A. N. Ignatov and Yu. a. Krasikov. M.: NORMA-INFRA-M, 2000. Vol. 1: General part. P. 206;

Rybak (2012) – Rybak A. Z. Criminal liability for preparing a crime [Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost’ za prigotovlenie k prestupleniyu] // Jurist-Jurist. 2012. № 2 (51). P. 44-47.

Sitnikova (2007) – Sitnikova A. Preparation for a crime as an extra-stage criminal law tort [Prigotovlenie k prestupleniyu kak vnestadijnyj ugolovno-pravovoj delikt] // Criminal law. 2007. № 4. P. 63-66.

Ilyin, Gushchev, Izosimov (2018) – Ilyin I. V., Gushchev M. E., Izosimov V. S. Questions of qualification of failed incitement as preparation for a crime [Voprosy kvalifikacii neudavshegosya podstrekatel’stva kak prigotovleniya k prestupleniyu] // Mir sovremennoy nauki. 2018. № 6 (52). P. 67-70.


Sergey I. Girko

Sergey I. Girko, Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Research Institute, chief research fellow Doctor of Law, professor, Moscow.


Theoretical problems of the procedural form of pre-trial criminal proceedings


Subject/topic Theoretical problems of the procedural form of pre-trial criminal proceedings

Goals/tasks The analysis of problematic issues related to the effectiveness of the use of procedural procedures aimed at conducting pre-trial proceedings for minor and obvious crimes leads the author to a retrospective view of similar procedures, enshrined in the domestic criminal proceedings of various eras. The author believes that the differentiation of the procedural form of pre-trial proceedings determines the formation of a unique system of evidence for each of them, including sources (procedural means) of obtaining information recognized as evidence, which, for example, an inquiry in a reduced form, requires appropriate changes in legislation.

Methodology Analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, problem statement, hypothesis building, specification, monitoring.

Conclusion Based on the analysis of legislation and the author’s approach to the content of the legal institution of the procedural form, it is concluded that the individualization of evidence for a unified procedural form can positively affect the effectiveness of AI application and use.

Key words: unified pre-trial procedural proceedings, system of proof, means of proof, sources of evidentiary information.


Statute of criminal proceedings [Ustav ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva] of November 20, 1864. The Internet resource: – request from 16.04.2020

Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire [Polnoe Sobranije zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii], St. Petersburg, 1871, Vol. 42, ed. 1. 1867, no. 44575.

Guidelines for officers conducting inquiries and individual investigative actions [Rukovodstvo dlja ofitserov, proizvodjashih doznanije I otdelnie sledstvennie deistvija]. (Made in accordance with existing regulations and the code comments, the military Prosecutor’s supervision, captain Reshikov). Fifth edition corrected and supplemented. Odessa. Printing house of A. Sokolovsky. 1915.

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Yakimovich (2013) Yakimovich Yu. K. Bulletin of Udmurt University: Economics and law [Bulleten Udmurtskogo Universiteta Ekonomiki I Prava]. 2013. Issue 2.

Yakubovich, Mikhailova, Konakh (1989) – Yakubovich N. A., Mikhailova T. A., Konakh E. I. Protocol form in criminal proceedings. Methodological guide [Protokolnaja forma v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve. Metodichescoe posobie]. M., 1989.

Savitsky, Bezlepkin, Lupinskaya, Petrukhin (1999) Commentary on the Criminal procedure code of the RSFSR [Kommentarij k Ugolovno-processualnomu Kodeksu RSFSR]/ Ed. by V. M. Savitsky, B. T. Bezlepkin, P. S. Lupinskaya, and I. L. Petrukhin. M.: «Enlightenment», 1999.

Yakimovich, Pan (2003) – Yakimovich Yu. K., Pan T. D. Pre-Trial proceedings under the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation [Dosudebnoe proizvodstvo po UPK Rossijskoi Federatsii] (participants in pre-trial proceedings, evidence and proof, initiation of criminal proceedings, inquiry and preliminary investigation) [Utsastniki dosudebnogo proizvodstva, dokazatelstva I dokazivanije, vozbujdenije ugolovnogo dela, doznanije I predvaritelnoe sledstvie]. SPb.: Publishing house «Legal center Press», 2003.

Solovyov (2003) – Solovyov A. B. Proving under the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation [Dokazivanije po Ugolovno-processualnomu kodexu Rossijskoi Federacii] (pre-trial stages) [dosudebnie stadii]. Scientific and practical guide. M,: Publishing House «Yurlitinform», 2003.

Malysheva (2008) – Malysheva O. A. Initiation of criminal proceedings: theory and practice [Vozbujdenie ugolovnogo dela: teorija I praktika]: monograph. M,: Ed. Group «Lawyer». 2008.


Daniil A. Agnevskiy

Daniil A. Agnevskiy, graduate student of the Department of Antimonopoly and Competition Law of the Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin, Moscow. Email:

Exchange of information between offshores and states


Subject / topic Public relations arising between the specialized bodies of states in the implementation of the international exchange of tax information. This topic is relevant, since currently the fight against tax evasion through the use of offshore companies is becoming particularly acute, and the exchange of information between states and offshore companies is a particularly effective method.

Goals / objectives Study of the legal framework and ways of implementing each of the three types of information exchange between states – automatic, individual and upon request–, as well as analysis of experience in the use of this form of interstate cooperation, especially with regard to the Russian Federation.

Methodology During the research, the following special methods were used: analytical, comparative legal, systemic, sociological, historical legal, logical. Also used were methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, generalization, and other universal methods.

Conclusion and Relevance In the 1988 Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, the exchange of information is cited as one of the areas in which states must establish administrative cooperation. In the course of the study, conclusions were drawn about the greatest efficiency of the automatic exchange of information, the disadvantages of which, however, are perfectly complemented by the exchange of information at the request of the interested state. Spontaneous data exchange is currently relegated to the background in importance. Also, conclusions were drawn on the advisability of developing international cooperation on the basis of international multilateral and bilateral agreements.

Key words: offshore, tax information, international  cooperation, tax information exchange, OECD, taxtreaty


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Kristina A. Vostrikova

Kristina A. Vostrikova, student of the Russian State University of Justice. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Rent holidays in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic


Subject/theme The subject of the study is the analysis of government measures to maintain a certain stability of rental (hired) relations during the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Goals /objectives The aim of the study is to analyze the Federal Law of 01.02.2020 № 98 «On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Prevention and Response of Emergencies», Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.04.2020 № 439 «On Establishing Requirements for Terms and Conditions of Delay payment of rent under real estate lease agreements», as well as certain provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legal norms.

Methodology The methodological basis of the study consists of universal methods of cognition, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, description, comparison, forecasting, legal modeling, methods of formal logic.

Conclusion The widely known COVID-19 caused irreparable damage to all spheres of human life. This virus also affects the provisions of medium and small businesses, as well as students and other tenants (employers). When introducing rental vacations, the legislator provides only a preferential treatment for certain areas of small and medium-sized businesses. Concerning tenancy agreements and other leases, many things were not clarified during the COVID-19 pandemic, so you should rely on general civil and housing laws.

Keywords: rental vacation; medium and small business; rental (hired) relations; COVID-19; self-isolation mode.


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Mayrbek Kh. Mazhiev

Mayrbek Kh. Mazhiev, student, faculty of law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

To the question of protection of audiovisual works on the Internet


Subject / Topic The daily increase in the number of audiovisual works most often has a positive effect on the spiritual and economic sphere of society, but nevertheless there are negative consequences for copyright holders. With such a development dynamic, the increase in actions aimed at the illegal use of audiovisual files is also logical. We consider ways to protect the rights to audiovisual files.

Goals/Objectives The aim of our study is to analyze Russian and foreign legislation, judicial practice, and to define the concepts of «audiovisual file» and «AR-filter».

Methodology To achieve our goals, we used methods such as analysis and synthesis, comparative legal analysis, which allowed us to highlight the features of regulation of rights to audiovisual files and define the concepts of the terms «audiovisual file» and «AR filter».

Conclusions and Relevance Given the legislation of different states, a procedure has been proposed to eliminate the relevant causes of the offense.

Keywords: Internet, audiovisual files, intellectual law, AR filters, pirated content, offense, copyright holder, consumer, author.


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Elchaninova N. B. Problems of legal protection of intellectual property on the Internet // Society, politics, Economics, law, 2016, № 12, P. 118-120.

Decision of the Moscow city court of February 20, 2017 in case no. 3-0087/2017 // Legal reference system «Право.ru». URL:

Federal law of 02.07.2013 No. 187-FZ «On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual rights in information and telecommunications networks» (ed. from 12.03.2014) // «Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation», 2013, № 27, article 3479 (date accessed 20.04.2020).

Federal law «On amendments to the Federal law» on information, information technologies and information protection» of 29.07.2017 № 276-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 31.07.2017, № 31 (Part I), article 4825 (date accessed 20.04.2020).

Civil procedural code of the Russian Federation (as amended on 02.12.2019) // «Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation», 18.11.2002, № 46, article 4532 (date accessed 20.04.2020).

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Terms of use Instagram. Additional rights that we reserve // [Electronic resource] // URL: (date accessed: 20.04.2020).


Mariia A. Mamonova

Mariia A. Mamonova, second year master’s student of the faculty of training specialists for the judicial system of the Russian State University of Justice. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Ensuring the safety of funds in bank vaults


Subject / TopicThe problems of qualification of the contract for storing valuables in Bank vaults, ways to solve them and ways to ensure the safety of valuables in them are considered, the current legislation and judicial practice are analyzed.

Goals / Objectives Determination of the legal nature of the agreement within the framework of the qualification of the agreement for storing valuables in Bank vaults and ensuring the safety of valuables that make it possible to make changes to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Methodology Universal methods of knowledge, scientific methods, including systematic and logical method and also the analysis, synthesis, description, comparison

Conclusion and Relevance On the basis of the interpretation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, judicial practice analysis and consideration of foreign experience the author comes to the conclusion about the necessity of amending article of the Civil code of the Russian Federation regulating the storage of valuables in individual Bank safe, as well as the introduction into Russian law of rules of insurance the contents of Bank safes.

Keywords: storage agreement, lease agreement, qualification of agreements, Bank safe Deposit box, storage of valuables in a Bank, ensuring conservation, insurance, insurance of valuables, improvement of legislation.


Sablin (2017) – Sablin M. T. Buying an apartment in Russia: the technique of selection, legal verification and transaction // Moscow: Prospekt [Pokupkakvartiry v Rossii: tekhnikapodbora, yuridicheskojproverkiiprovedeniyasdelki// M.: Prospekt]. 2017. P.359.

Zagalaeva (2020) – Zagalaeva ZH. A. Storage in a pawn shop and storage of valuables in a Bank as specialized types of storage agreement // Humanities, socio-economic and social Sciences [Hranenie v lombardeihraneniecennostej v bankekakspecializirovannyevidydogovorahraneniya // Gumanitarnye, social’no-ekonomicheskieiobshchestvennyenauki]. 2020. № 3. P. 84-86.

Romanets (2013) – Romanets YU. V. The system of contracts in the civil law of Russia.: Infra-M [Sistema dogovorov v grazhdanskompraveRossii // M.: Norma: Infra-M]. 2013, P. 328.

Goryaeva (2016) – Goryaeva E. YU. Legal regulation of relations arising when placing valuables in a Bank cell // Moscow: Prospekt [Pravovoeregulirovanieotnoshenij, voznikayushchihpripomeshcheniicennostej v bankovskuyuyachejku// M.: Prospekt]. 2016. P. 190.

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Chkhutiashvili (2010) – Chkhutiashvili L. V. Features of Bank insurance and its problematic aspects in the Russian Federation // Financial Analytics: problems and solutions  [Osobennostibankovskogostrahovaniyai ego problemnyeaspekty v RossijskojFederacii. // Finansovayaanalitika: problemyiresheniya]. 2010. № 41. P. 43.


Vladimir E. Melnikov

Vladimir E. Melnikov, master’s student at the Department of System Analysis and Operations Research, Siberian State University of Science and Technology of academician M. F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk. E-mail:

The generated musical object


Subject / Topic Legal aspects of music objects generated by a computer program.

Goals/Objectives The objectives of this research are to solve questions about whether the generated object is a musical work; whether it can be considered as an object of intellectual property; as well as about the likelihood of violation of the copyright of those subjects who created musical works before the publication of the generated musical object.

Methodology The methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, and legal modeling were used.

Conclusions and Relevance Currently, the legal regime of music objects generated by a computer program is not defined. The generated music object is not a work of art. Public relations regarding music objects generated by a computer program need legal regulation, which is necessary, in particular, in order to protect the copyright of the author of a musical work created before the publication of the generated musical object, as well as the exclusive right of the copyright holder. At the same time, the generated music object may become the object of some related rights. As a result of the analysis, the author proposes a number of changes to articles 1225, 1270, 1313, 1337 of the civil code of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: intellectual property, a piece of music, generated musical object.


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Kashanin (2007) – Kashanin A.V. Creative character as a condition for the protection of a work in Russian and foreign copyright // Bulletin of civil law [Tvorcheskij harakter kak uslovie ohranosposobnosti proizvedeniya v rossijskom i inostrannom avtorskom prave // Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava.]. 2007. № 2: Vol. 7. P. 75-119.

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Kosyakova (2009) – Kosyakova YU. L. Criterion of creativity as a sign of the object of copyright // Actual problems of Russian law [Kriterij tvorchestva kak priznak ob”ekta avtorskogo prava // Aktual’nye problemy rossijskogo prava]. 2009. № 4. P. 163-172.


Vitalina P. Chernenko

Vitalina P. Chernenko, 3rd year student of the Institute of Prosecutor’s office of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Saratov state law Academy» (SSLA), Volskaya str., 1, Saratov, 410056, Russia. E-mail:

Rights of owners in case of non-fulfillment of obligations by managing organizations for proper maintenance and maintenance of the common property of an apartment building


Subject / topic The article deals with the problems of bringing the common property of an apartment building into proper condition; non-fulfillment of obligations by managing organizations for proper maintenance and maintenance of the common property of an apartment house. The current legislation securing the rights of owners of common property of an apartment building is analyzed and possible ways of influencing management organizations to perform their duties are considered.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of this study is to study the problems associated with non-fulfillment of obligations by management organizations for proper maintenance and maintenance of the common property of an apartment building. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: to identify the features of legal regulation of the management of common property of an apartment building; to analyze the responsibility of management organizations for proper maintenance and maintenance of common property of an apartment building; to determine ways to protect the rights of owners of common property of an apartment building.

Methodology The research consists in using General scientific (comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization, system approach) and private scientific research methods: formal legal, legal modeling, document analysis method.

Conclusion and Relevance The author of the study comes to the conclusion about frequent cases of non-fulfillment of obligations by managing organizations for proper maintenance and maintenance of common property of an apartment building, which is confirmed by statistical data and judicial practice. A solution to this problem is a complete and systematic explanation to the owners at the level of the Supreme court questions about the General property of an apartment house, on entities authorized to appeal to court with the corresponding claim about the ways to protect the rights of owners on it, as well as increased responsibility of management companies for the improper conduct of capital repair of common property of an apartment house.

Keywords: common property, apartment building, Council of an apartment building, emergency house.


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