Economy Business Banks №11(49)
Alexander S. RodionovAlexander S. Rodionov, PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, full Professor of the basic university department, Director of Scientific and Information Consulting Center of Safe life and work, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation, President of Graduate School MВА «IntegraL» (Corporate University). E-mail: |
Cube of innovative development Ansoff-Minzberg-RodionovAbstract Subject / topic The phase space of market relations is becoming more and more unpredictable. The instability of innovation and the increasing turbulence of the business environment require urgent decisions. Reducing tension due to the growing gap between alternative goals, tasks of technocratic thinking and humanitarian expectations of society, it is proposed to consider and develop the concept of understanding changes by Henry Mintzberg. Goals / objectives Expansion and giving additional opportunities for shaping the trajectory of the future development of economic entities by expanding the n-dimensionality of the phase space, taking into account systemic generalizations of direct and inverse functions of interdependence and interdependence of effect, costs and risk in the context of renovation, restructuring and reengineering of business activities of the digital economy of Big Data. Methodology The author’s paradigm of normal life, phenomenological analysis, synergetics, trialectics, methods of similarity, divergent and convergent thinking, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, proactive risk-based scenario forecasting. Results / Conclusions Within the framework of the analysis of generally accepted models for carrying out changes in business, their systemic generalization is proposed in relation to modern realities. For the three-dimensional phase space of variables effect, costs, risk, recommendations are given for the innovative development of business entities. Keywords: normal life, digital economy, business entity, cube of changes References: Castells (2000) –CastellsM. The Information Age: Economics, Society and Culture. M.: HSE, 2000 – 608 p. Schwab (2016) – Schwab K. The Fourth Industrial Revolution [Chetvertaya promyshlennaya revolyutsiya] / K. Schwab – “Eksmo”, 2016. – 40 p. (Top Business Awards) Kim and Mauborgne (2005) – Kimand Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. Harvard Business School Press. 2005 Pentland Alex Social Physics. How big data helps us to follow and take privacy from us / A. Pentland – AST Publishing House, 2014 – 392 p. (Digital economy and digital future) Piketty Thomas Capital in the XXI century. M.: Publisher: Ad Marginem (Ad Marginem) – 2015 – 592 p. 14 Prahalad, Krishnan (2012) – Prahalad K.K., Krishnan M.S. Space of business innovation. Creating value together with the consumer [Prostranstvo biznes-innovatsiy. Sozdaniye tsennosti sovmestno s potrebitelem] – M .: Alpina Publisher, 2012. – 264 p Rodionov (2016) – Rodionov A.S. Economic security, environmental risks and quality of life // Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions. [Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost, ekologicheskie riski i kachestvo zhizni // Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemyi, resheniya.] 2016. Vol. 2 (56). No. 8. p.199-206 Rodionov (2019) – Rodionov A.S. Investments in safe life: preservation, level, lifestyle, quality. //Economy. Business. Banks [Investitsii v bezopasnuyu zhiznedeyatelnost: sohranenie, uroven, uklad, kachestvo. //Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2019, No. 3 (29). p.54-66 Rodionov (2020) – Rodionov A.S. Emergency economics: from elimination of consequences to normal life.[ Ekonomika chrezvychaynykh situatsiy: ot likvidatsii posledstviy k normal’noy zhiznedeyatel’nosti.] //Economy. Business. Banks 2020, No. 2 (40). P. 9-35 Rodionov (2020) – Rodionov A.S. Digital economy in a global context //Economics. Business. Banks [Tsifrovaya ekonomika v global’nom kontekste //Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2020, No. 4 (42). p.20-38 Bass (1989) – Bass F.M. A New Product Growth Model For Consumer Durables // Management Science. 1969. Vol. 15. P. 215–227 Doug (2015) – Doug DeCarlo. Extreme project management. eXtreme Project Management.[Ekstremal’noye upravleniye proyektami. eXtreme Project Managemen] M .: Company p.m. Office, 2005. – 588 p. Standing G. Prekariat: a new dangerous class. M.: Ad Marginem, 2014. 328 p. Srnichek N. Capitalization of platforms / trans. from English and scientific. Ed. M. Dobryakova: University “Higher School of Economics”. – M.: Publishing. House of the Higher School of Economics, 2019 – 128 p. – (Economic theory). p.7,30,31,35,75,76,79 Florida R. Creative class: people who change the future. M.: Classic – XXI, 2007. 421 p. |
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Artem A. SyromyatnikovArtem A. Syromyatnikov, Leading economist at Russian space systems JSC, PhD student in Economics and national economy management at S. Y. Witte Moscow University, Moscow. E-mail: Andrey N. BrodunovAndrey N. Brodunov, Docent, candidate of economic Sciences, docent S.Y. Witte Moscow University, Moscow. E-mail: |
Impact of working capital management on financial indicatorsAbstract Subject/TopicThis study will use the hierarchical clustering method to assess the impact of the efficiency of working capital management of Russian engineering enterprises on the economic profit and life cycle of enterprises in order to identify the relationship between them. Goals/ObjectivesThe fundamental purpose of this study is to check whether there is a relationship between the effectiveness of working capital management, economic profit and the life cycle of the enterprise. To achieve this goal, you will need to solve the following tasks: evaluate the correlation of the studied indicators; exclude outliers from the analyzed data; develop an approach that allows you to standardize the studied data; conduct cluster analysis using hierarchical clustering. The research methodologyis based on the point-to-point application of methodological tools that have been tested in various scientific papers. Tools include methods of synthesis and analysis, deduction and induction, scientific abstraction, modeling, financial, mathematical, comparative, and cluster analysis. Results and conclusionsAs a result of the study, the relationship between the studied indicators was revealed. The use of the obtained data in further research will make it possible to create a decision-making matrix when choosing a strategy for forming working capital. Keyword: cluster analysis, hierarchical clustering, efficiency of working capital management, enterprise life cycle, economic profit, ward’s method, Euclidean distance, Russian mechanical engineering Reference Zuev (2014) – Zuev I.O. Cluster analysis, clustering methods and algorithms [Klasterniy analiz, metody i algoritmy klasterizacii]//BULLETIN of MSTU MIREA [VESTNIK MGTU MIREA] No. 2 issue 3, 2014 – P. 86-97 [in Russian]. Pertseva (2014) – Pertseva M.A. Structure and weighted average price of the working capital of the enterprise [Structura i srednevzveshennaya cena oborotnogo kapitala]// Entrepreneur’s guide [Putevoditel predprinimatelya], 2014 – P. 232-245 [in Russian]. Brodunov, Polovinkina (2019) – Brodunov A.N., Polovinkina E.S. Assessment of the company’s dividend policy compliance with its life cycle stage on the example of the metallurgical industry of the Russian Federation [Ocenka sootvetstviya dividendnoy politiki kompanii ee stadii zhiznennogo cikla na primere metallurgicheskoy otrasli Rossiyskoy Federacii]// Belarusian economic journal No. 2 [Belorusskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal № 2], 2019 – P. 115-128 [in Russian]. Puzankevich (2013) – Puzankevich O.A. Working capital Management in the modern economy [Upravlenie oborotnim kapitalom v sovremennoy ekonomike]// Financial sector of the economy [Finansoviy sector ekonomiki], 2013 – P [in Russian]. Lagrenova (2017) – Lagrenova N.V. The Role of effective working capital management in improving the company’s performance [Rol effectivnogo upravleniya oborotnimi sredstvami v povishenii rezultatov deyatelnosti predpriyatiya] // All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists [Vserossiyskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferencia molodix uchenih Rossii], 2017 – P. 1-4 [in Russian]. Smolyanova (2005) – SmolyanovaE.L. Management of current assets in the enterprise management system [Upravlenie oborotnimi aktivami v sisteme upravleniya predpriyatiem]// Ekonominfo [Ekonominfo], 2005-P. 69-72 [in Russian]. Burns, Emsin (2015) – BurnsO.S., Emshina L.E. System of management of circulating assets and short term liabilities [Sistema upravleniya oborotnimi aktivami I kratkosrochnimi obyazatelstvami] // Economic Sciences [Ekonomicheskie nauki], 2015 – P. 9-11 [in Russian]. Semenov (2017) – SemenovG.S. Evaluation of the efficiency of the use of working capital of the Corporation [Ocenka effectivnosti ispolzovaniya oborotnih sredstv korporacii] / / IX international student scientific conference [IX Mezhdunarodnaya studencheskaya nauchnaya konferencia], 2017 P. 1-7 [in Russian]. Mullinova (2015) – MullinovaS.A. Economic assessment of the efficiency of using current assets [Ekonomicheskaya ocenka effectivnosti ispolzovaniya oborotnih aktivov] / / Concept [Koncept], 2015-P. 1-6. Accounting statements of the studied enterprises. Interfax-information disclosure Server [Buhgalterskaya otchetnost issleduemih predpriatiy. Interfax – server raskritiya informacii] (Access mode: [ Date of access: 09.11.2020 [in English]. Β values by industry. Damodaran online [Znacheniya beta po otraslyam. Damodaran online]. (Access mode: Home_Page/datafile/totalbeta.html). Date of access: 09.11.2020 [in English]. The premium for country risk. Damodaran online [Premia za stranovoy risk. Damodaran online]. (Access mode: Home_Page/datafile/ctryprem.html). Date of access: 09.11.2020 [in English]. Index MOEX. Moscow exchange [Index Mosbirzhi. Moskovskaya birzha. ( Dateofaccess: 09.11.2020 [inRussian]. |
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Julia N. SinkovaJulia N. Sinkova, Senior lecturer, Financial University, Tula branch, accountant-expert, graduate student, Faculty of Taxes, Business analysis and Audit, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
System of indicators for expert assessment of the innovative potential of the defense industryAbstract Subject/Topic The system of showings of the innovation potential scientific assessment, its characteristic and applicability analysis at the military-industrial complex. Goals/Objectives Describing of the Russian military-industrial complex, studying the importance of innovations for it, defining the most advanced of the existing methodologies of the innovation potential scientific assessment, including manufacturing enterprises and the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, listing the innovation potential showings in terms of different methodologies and eliciting their applicability at the military-industrial complex enterprises. Methodology The methods of theoretical research (analysis, synthesis, abstracting, the method of rising from the abstract to the concrete) were applied in this research. Results The systems of showings of the innovation potential scientific assessment which are the most suitable for appliance at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex were analyzed, the weaknesses of the modern innovation potential assessment methodologies were studied, advantages and field of application of the modern innovation potential assessment methodologies were defined, and further research areas were defined. Results. The results come down to eliciting the applicability of the showings of the innovation potential scientific assessment at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex taking into consideration their characteristic features, research intensity and industrial activity vector. Keywords: production enterprises, science-based companies, innovation potential showings of enterprise, innovation potential of enterprise, innovations, military-industrial complex, MIC References: Military-industrial complex [Web-source]: promyshlennyj_kompleks_Rossii (access date: 02.10.2020). Decisions for military-industrial complex [Web-source]: otraslevye-resheniya/oboronno-promyshlennyy-kompleks-opk/ (access date: 02.10.2020). Inshakov (2006) – Inshakov O.V. Economic genetics as a basis of the evolutional economy [Ekonomicheskaya genetika kak osnova evolyucionnoj ekonomiki] // Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 3. Ekonomika. Ekologiya, 2006. – # 10. – S. 6-16. Knyazev (2010) – Knyazev S.A. Evaluating of the enterprise’s innovative potential [Ocenkainnovacionnogopotencialapredpriyatiya] // Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 3. Ekonomika. Ekologiya, 2010. – # 1 (16). – S. 27-32. Sahno (2011) – Sahno YU.S. Multi-layered integration of the local types of the managerial analysis (using the example of innovative analysis)[Mnogostupenchataya integraciya lokal’nyh vidov upravlencheskogo analiza (naprimere innovacionnogo analiza)] // Ekonomicheskij analiz: teoriya i praktika, 2011. – # 7 – S. 46-53. Vikulov, Hrustalev (2010) –VikulovS.F., Hrustalev E.YU. The Russian military-industrial complex: financial and economic and institutional analysis [Rossijskij oboronno-promyshlennyj kompleks: finansovo-ekonomicheskij I institucional’nyj analiz] // Audit ifinansovyjanaliz, 2010. – # 1 Methodology and instruments of the innovative activity management of the economic systems under the conditions of the economy transnationalisation (and its unsteady post-crisis development [Metodologiya I instrumentarij upravleniya innovacionnoj deyatel’nost’yu ekonomicheskih sistem v usloviyah transnacionalizacii ekonomiki i ee neustojchivogo postkrizisnogo razvitiya] / Pod red. Bat’kovskogo A.M. – M.: MESI, 2010. – 360 s. Daurov, Dzakoev (2014) –DaurovA.M., Dzakoev Z.L. Expert evaluation of the indicators of the enterprise’s innovative potential [Ekspertnayaocenkapokazatelejinn ovacionnogopotencialapredpriyatiya] // VestnikVladikavkazskogonauchnogo centra, 2014. – # 1. – S. 29-34. Mihajlushkin (2005) –MihajlushkinA.V. Methods of evaluation of the enterprise’s innovative potential [Metody ocenki innovacionnogo potenciala predpriyatij]. – SPb: SPBGIEU, 2005. – 159 s. Karavaev (2010) – Karavaev I.E. Analysis of the scientific and technical potential of the Russian military-industrial complex and measures aimed to the stabilization of the military production [Analiznauchno-tekhnicheskogo potenciala oboronnogo kompleksa Rossii i mery po stabilizacii oboronnogo proizvodstva] // Sborniktrudov 29 Vserossijskojnauchno-tekhnicheskojkonferencii. SVIRV. – Serpuhov, 2010. – S. 169-173. |
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Lyudmila M. KupriyanovaLyudmila M. Kupriyanova, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Business Analytics Department, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics of Intellectual Property, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Irina V. OsipovaIrina V. Osipova, Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Audit and Corporate Reporting Department at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Influence of digitalization on the prospects of development of accounting and analytical activitiesAbstract Subject/Topic Within the framework of the Program “Digitalization of the Russian Federation Economy”, the main goals and key factors in all areas of socio-economic activity have been identified. In this regard, the widespread introduction of digital technologies into the system of accounting and analytical work is carried out. The transition to digital technologies should ensure a reduction in labor intensity and efficiency of accounting and analytical work. To achieve effective solutions in economic activities, economic entities based on digitalization must ensure competent coordination of accounting, analysis and audit, which are important elements of the management system. Already now there are a variety of effective methods of digitalization of accounting and analytical work. Goals/Objectives Consideration and analysis of digital economy methods for use in accounting and analytical work: features, advantages, disadvantages of digitalization methods for accounting and economic analysis. Methodology The information base of the research is the digital economy methods used for organizing and maintaining accounting records, statistical data from Rosstat, Eurostat for the purpose of using methods of economic and comparative analysis, statistical methods. Conclusion and Relevance Recently, such systems of the digital economy as Blockchain, electronic document management, the use of online cash registers, the use of a QR code have appeared, which indicates the need to introduce these methods into the work and structure of accounting and analytical services, but knowledge and skills in IT technologies. Keywords: digital technologies, Blockchain, accounting, electronic document management, online cash registers, QR code, legal regulation, methods of economic analysis References: Korzhova, Filimonov (2019) – KorzhovaO.V., FilimonovA.A. Digitaleconomyinaccounting // ScientificReview. Pedagogical sciences. [Tsifrovaya ekonomika v bukhgalterskom uchete // Nauchnoye obozreniye. Pedagogicheskiye nauki]. – 2019. – # 4-4. – S. 53-55; Access mode: URL: ru/article/view?id=2142 (date of access: 12/13/2020). Varlamova, Alekseeva (2020) – Varlamova D.V., Alekseeva L.D. Issues of introducing digital technologies into the accounting system [Voprosy vnedreniya tsifrovykh tekhnologiy v sistemu bukhgalterskogo ucheta // Vestnik Altayskoy akademii ekonomiki i prava]. // Bulletin of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law. – 2020. – # 5 (part 2) – P. 248-254; Access mode: (date of access: 12/13/2020). Rich, Efstavieva (2019) –Rich I.N., Evstafieva E.M. The impact of digitalization of the economy on the development of accounting and analytical support for the management of commercial activities[Vliyaniye tsifrovizatsii ekonomiki na razvitiye uchetno-analiticheskogo obespecheniya upravleniya kommercheskoy deyatel’nosti // Uchet i statistika. RGEU «RINKH»]. // Accounting and Statistics. RSEU “RINH”. – 2019. – No. 3 (55) -Rostov-on-Don – pp. 34-42 Modernization of accounting, control and analytical processes in the digital economy[Modernizatsiya uchetno-kontrol’nykh i analiticheskikh protsessov v usloviyakh tsifrovoy ekonomiki].– Collection of scientific articles of the 1st All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (April 25-26) – Samara: Publishing House of the Samara State University of Economics – 2018 .– 162p. Emelyanov, Ermilova (2019) –Emelyanov N.V., Ermilova Yu.A. The influence of digitalization of the economy on the development of accounting // Economic research and development[Vliyaniye tsifrovizatsii ekonomiki na razvitiye bukhgalterskogo ucheta. Ekonomicheskiye issledovaniya i razrabotki]. – 2019. – URL: (date accessed: 29.01.2019) Problems and prospects for the development of accounting in the context of digitalization– Interuniversity round table at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (February 27, 2019) -URL: Gribanov (2019) – Gribanov Yu.I. Digital transformation of socio-economic systems based on the development of the institution of service integration. [Tsifrovaya transformatsiya sotsial’noekonomicheskikh sistem na osnove razvitiya instituta servisnoy integratsii]. Thesis for the Uch. step. Dan. – SPb. Kupriyanova (2016) – Kupriyanova L.M. Quality management as a business development strategy. [Menedzhment kachestva kak strategiya razvitiya biznesa]. International Journal: Economy. Business. Banks. [Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal: Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.]. 2016. Vol. 1. P. 63-75. Sinkova (2020) –Sinkova Yu.N. Accounting and analytical support for assessing the innovative potential of an enterprise. [Uchetno-analiticheskoye obespecheniye otsenki innovatsionnogo potentsiala predpriyatiya]. International Journal of Economics. Business. Banks. [Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal: Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki. ]. 2020. No. 4 (42). S. 68-85. |
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Alexander E. UshanovAlexander Ushanov, Ph. D., associate Professor, Department of banking and financial markets, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation |
Tools to increase banks' interest in lending to the real economyAbstract Subject/topic The article discusses the main reasons for the stagnation of corporate lending in Russia. There was an increase in overdue loans. In the context of a decrease in the risk appetite of banks for lending to the economy, there is a tendency for them to prefer investing free credit resources in the financial sector to the detriment of financial support for the real sector of the economy. Goals/objectives The purpose of this article is to justify the need for incentive measures at the microeconomic and macroeconomic levels. The mechanism of risk-based lending process by banks to borrowers is described. Measures to support banks ‘ lending to the economy at the state level are formulated. Methodology When writing the work, such generally accepted methods of cognition as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and generalization were used. Conclusion Minimizing credit risks, which are one of the Central causes of corporate lending stagnation, consists not only in improving the financial condition of borrowers and increasing the profitability of their activities, but also in building a risk-oriented, carefully verified mechanism for reviewing credit applications at the micro level, as well as in additional measures of state support and stimulation of lending to the economy-at the macro level. Key words: corporate crediting, real sector of the economy, a new credit process, the Bank of Russia measures of state support References: Seidel, Temmen (1994) – Seidel H., Temmen R. Fundamentals of the theory of Economics. [Osnovy ucheniya ob ekonomike.] M.: Ed. Delo I LTD, 1994/ – 400 p. Greshnova, Kechedzhiyan (2016) – Greshnova T. M., Kechedzhiyan K. A. Problems and prospects of development of Bank crediting of the real sector of the Russian economy // New science: from idea to result. [Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya bankovskogo kreditovaniya realnogo sektora ekonomiki RF // Novaya nauka: Ot idei k rezultatu.] – 2016. – №12-1. – p. 90-92. Rezepin (2016) – Rezepin A. S. Problems of issue lending by the banking system of the real sector of the economy // Economics and entrepreneurship. [Problemy emissionnogo kreditovaniya bankovskoy sistemoy realnogo sektora ekonomiki // Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo.] – 2016. – №11-1 (76). – p. 963-965. Kulesha (2018) – Kulesha V. V. problems of crediting the real sector of the economy by Russian banks // In the collection: Economics and management in the XXI century: sustainable development strategy. collection of articles of the V International scientific and practical conference. [Problemy kreditovaniya realnogo sektora ekonomiki rossiyskimi bankami // V sbornike: Ekonomika i upravleniye v XXI veke: strategii ustoychivogo razvitiya. Sbornik statey V Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii.] – 2018. – p. 137-140. Dovtaev, Makhmudova (2016) – Dovtaev S.-A. sh., Makhmudova T. H. Prospects for the development of lending to the real sector of the economy // Current issues of economic Sciences. [Perspektivy razvitiya kreditovaniya realnogo sektora ekonomiki // Aktualnyye voprosy ekonomicheskikh nauk.] – 2016. – N55-2. – p. 65-69. Kalanova (2018) – Kalanova N. A. the Main factors hindering the development of Bank lending to corporate clients and ways to increase the availability of borrowed funds / / Vector Economy. [Osnovnyye faktory. prepyatstvuyushchiye razvitiyu bankovskogo kreditovaniya korporativnykh kliyentov. i napravleniya povysheniya dostupnosti zayemnykh sredstv // Vector Economy.] – 2018. – № 9(27). – p. 25-31. Makarov (2016) – Makarov V. Y. the lending Market today: problems, contradictions and potential for growth // Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. The Economic Series. Management. Pravo. [Rynok kreditovaniya segodnya: problemy. protivorechiya i potentsial rosta // Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. Seriya Ekonomika. Upravleniye. Pravo.] – 2016. – Vol. 16, issue 2. – p. 144-149. Popov, Trifonov (2018) – Popov M. V., Trifonov D. A. Actual problems of Bank lending to the real sector of the economy // Bulletin of the Saratov state socio-economic University. [Aktualnyye problemy bankovskogo kreditovaniya realnogo sektora ekonomiki // Vestnik Saratovskogo gosudarstvennogo sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo universiteta.] – 2018. – N2 (71). – p. 156-160. Molchanov (2014) – Molchanov O. V. Ways to improve Bank lending to the real sector of the economy / / Socio-economic phenomena and processes. [Puti sovershenstvovaniya bankovskogo kreditovaniya realnogo sektora ekonomiki // Sotsialno-ekonomicheskiye yavleniya i protsessy.] – 2014. – №3 (61). – p. 76-80. Ushanov (2019) – Ushanov A. E. Conflict of interests of economic entities and minimization of its consequences by reducing the risks of corporate lending. Problems of risk analysis, Moscow. [Konflikt interesov ekonomicheskikh subyektov i minimizatsiya ego posledstviy putem snizheniya riskov korporativnogo kreditovaniya. Problemyanalizariska.]. – 2019, N 1, volume 16, p. 86-93. |
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Nikolay N. ParkhomenkoNikolay N. Parkhomenko, Specialist of “Bystrinsky” Ltd, postgraduate student, Department of Financial Markets at Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Themechanism of the formation of human capital in the conditions of digitalizationAnnotation Subject/Topic This article is devoted to an overview of financial instruments that act as protection against natural disasters. International and Russian practice is considered. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the article is to identify the problems of using financial instruments that minimize the consequences of natural disasters in the Russian insurance market. To achieve this goal, the concept of a natural disaster is revealed, financial instruments that minimize their consequences are systematized, and the features of the use of catastrophe bonds as a way to protect against natural disasters in Russia are analyzed. Methodology The research methodology includes the method of comparative analysis, calculation of the cost multiplier, statistical analysis, and a systematic approach. Results The concept of a catastrophe is considered, a list of relevant financial instruments is determined, and their key characteristics are considered. As an example, catastrophe bonds are analyzed, the existing problems of introducing this instrument into the Russian insurance market are considered. Conclusions and RelevanceRussia needs an effective solution to the problem of losses from natural disasters, taking into account the trends of the last decade. Catastrophe bonds represent an effective solution to this problem, and also offer investors, both in Russia and abroad, useful and diverse investment opportunities. Key words:natural disasters, financial instruments, disaster bonds. References: Ali (2009) – Ali A. Consequences of natural disasters in developing countries [Posledstviya prirodnyh katastrof v razvivayushchihsya stranah] // Bulletin of the Russian State Medical University. – 2009. – #5. – P. 92-94. [In Russian]. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. [Electronic resource] UNISDR terminology on disaster risk reduction – 2009. URL: _UNISDRTerminologyEnglish.pdf (date of the application 27.08.2020). Barishpolets (2010) – Barishpolets V.A. System analysis of catastrophes occurring in the world [Sistemnyj analiz katastrof, proiskhodyashchih v mire] // RENSIT. – 2010. #1-2. – P. 162-176. [In Russian]. Financial Protection of the State against Natural Disasters [Electronic resource] Policy Research Working Paper. – Washington, 2010. URL: (date of the application 27.08.2019). Russian CAT Bonds: Why the largest country in the world should take a step into the ILS marketplace [Electronic resource] Westminster Russia Forum – Liverpool – 2017. URL: russian-cat-bonds-largest-country-world-take-step-ils-marketplace/ (date of the application 27.08.2020). Sinelnikova (2019) – Sinelnikova D.D. Problems of environmental insurance in Russia [Problemy ekologicheskogo strahovaniya v Rossii] // Modern economy: problems, solutions, prospects. – 2019. – P. 133-136. [In Russian]. Petrosyan 2016 – Petrosyan A.A. Disaster Bonds as an innovative financial instrument in disaster management [Obligacii katastrof kak innovacionnyj finansovyj instrument v bor’be so stihijnymi bedstviyami ] //Priority directions of scienceand education development. – 2016. – Т. 2. – # 4 (11). – P. 207-211. [In Russian]. Suarez 2011 – Suarez P. Insurance-related instruments for disaster risk reduction. [Electronic resource] Paper for the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. – 2011. URL: &_Linnerooth-Bayer_2011.pdf (date of the application 27.08.2020). Altun 2019 – Altun T. Natural disaster insurance: public-private sector partnership //Journal of Human Sciences. – 2019. – №. 4. – P. 1084-1095. Bambaeva 2016 – Bambaeva N. On the issue of irrational behavior of investors [K voprosu ob irracional’nom povedenii investorov] // Transport business of Russia. – 2016. – # 2. – P. 45-46 [In Russian]. |
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Olga D. DoroninaOlga D. Doronina, dr.sci.biol., cand.chem.sci., professor, academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Higher education trade union institution «Academy of labor and social relations», Head of the Department «Occupational safety, industrial security and environment» Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Andrey N. OlievskiyAndrey N. Olievskiy, occupational safety specialist, master’s degree student of Department «Occupational safety, industrial security and environment» of the Socially-Humanitarian Faculty,Higher education trade union institution «Academy of labor and social relations», Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Current issues of the impact of psychosocial risks on the health of workersAbstract Subject The article is devoted to the problems of the impact of psychosocial risks on the health of employees. The urgency of these issues is due to high economic losses due to stress, depression and other mental disorders, which lead to a deterioration of attentiveness and concentration in the commission of traumatic operations on manufacture. Goal and tasks Research of the influence of psychosocial risk factors on labor productivity and health of workers. Systematic analysis of the dependence of occupational injuries on the psycho-emotional state of employees. Analysis of Russian and foreign regulations to protect workers from psychosocial risk factors during labour activity. Methodology The research methodology is based on general scientific theoretical and empirical methods, including system analysis and modeling, multifactorial, correlation and comparative analysis, methods of qualitative and quantitative processing of statistical data with subsequent interpretation. Results The need to develop effective tools aimed at the correct assessment of psychosocial risk factors and the prevention of the development of specific manifestations of psychological tension in the process of work has been substantiated, which will increase labor productivity and have a positive effect on professional longevity and mental health of workers. Conclusion It was determined that it is not possible to eliminate the factors of psychosocial risks point-by-point. The expediency of developing a multidisciplinary approach based on interagency and intersectoral interaction has been proven. 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Alexey N. RepinAlexey N. Repin, Postgraduate, «Department of financial markets and banks»at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. |
Macroprudential policy and economic growthAbstract Subject/topic This paper examines the relationship between macroprudential policy, monetary policy, financial stability, and economic growth Goals/objectives Consider the impact of macroprudential policy on economic growth, the main theories of economic growth, the Granger causal relationship between financial development and economic growth, the interaction of monetary and macroprudential policies, the principle of monetary policy «leaning against the wind». Methodology The article uses the historical method, methods of general and system analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison. Conclusions and Relevance Conclusions are drawn about the relationship between economic growth and financial stability; financial conditions are higher than economic ones in forecasting GDP growth; monetary policy on the principle of «leaning against the wind», with interest rates rising above the target, is too costly to ensure financial stability, it is accompanied by a decrease in employment and a fall in GDP. Such an economy becomes more vulnerable to a financial crisis, and the depth of the crisis can be significant. The benefits of a policy are to prevent a financial crisis, but the costs of a policy far exceed the benefits. Thus, when achieving political goals of financial stability, it is necessary to minimize the costs that arise Keywords:financial crisis, macroprudential policy, financial stability, financial development, price stability, economic growth, monetary policy, monetary policy «leaning against the wind», macroprudential instruments, financialization, fictitious capital, moral hazard, prudential policy References: Kuznets, Simon (1971)– Kuznets S. Prize Lecture to the memory of Alfred Nobel /prizes/economic-sciences/1971/kuznets/lecture Arcand, Jean-Louis et all (2012) – Arcand J-L et all. Too Much Finance? // IMF ,WP/12/161,2012 Rodina (2019) –Rodina G.A. Modern financilialization as a new quality of the economy [Sovremennaya finasializaciya kak novoe kachestvo e`konomiki ] // Socio-political research [Social`no-politicheskie issledovaniya] – 2019 – № 3 (4) Lucas, R. (1988) – Lucas R.E. On the Mechanics of Economic Development. // Journal of Monetary Economics, 22, 1988 pp.3-42. Estrada, G. et all.(2010) – Estrada G. et all. Financial Development and Economic Growth in Developing Asia // Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper No. 233, November 2010 Mingjun,Zh. (2018)– Mingjun Zhang Research on the relationship between financial development and the economic growth of China [Issledovanie svyazi mezhdu finansovy`m razvitiem i e`konomicheskim rostom v Kitae // Vestnik of Polotsk State University [Vestnik Poloczkogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya D. E `konomicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki] N.14 2018 g. str.105-116 Okunlola, et all. (2020) – Okunlola O. et all. Investigating Causal Relationship between Financial Development Indicators and Economic Growth: Toda and Yamamoto Approach // Iran. Econ. Rev. Vol. 24 Duisenberg, W. (2001) –Duisenberg W. The role of financial markets for economic growth // BIS Review 48, 2001 pp.1-6 Svensson (2017) – Svensson L.E.O. Leaning Against the Wind: The Role of Different Assumptions About the Costsn // NBER. – August 2017. – Working paper 23745 Collard, Dellas, Diba, Loisel (2016) – Callard F., Dellas H., Diba B., Loisel O. Optimal Monetary and Prudential Policies // Department of Economics, University of Bern, 2016 https:// monetary.pdf Tobias, Boyarchenko, Giannone (2016) – Adrian, Tobias, Boyarchenko, Nina , Giannone, Domenico // Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, no. 794 September 2016; revised November 2017 175202/1/sr794.pdf Monetary Policy and Financial Stability // IMF Discussion paper 2015 eng/2015/082815a.pdf |
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Evelina A. ZaitsevaEvelina A. Zaitseva, 4th year student of the Faculty of Finance atFinancial University under the Government of the Russian FederationRussian Federation, Russia.E-mail: |
Factors of transition of the russian economy to the model of intensive economic growthAbstract Subject / topic Economic growth of the Russian economy. Goals / objectives Analysis of the factors of economic growth, identification of the reasons for the development of the Russian economy mainly in an extensive way. Determination of the main trends in economic development tools in modern realities. Assessment of the factors of economic growth in the XXI century. Search for opportunities for the transition of the Russian economy from extensive development to intensive. Methodology Basic research methods: study of statistical data, reviews, analytical studies, analysis of statistical information of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Conclusions Russia is a predominantly export-oriented model. Every year there is an increase in the extraction of minerals by 0.5-2%. This threatens the exhaustion of extensive factors, it is necessary to pay more attention to the development of science, to increase spending on R&D, ensuring prosperity and economic growth in the future. The structure of the population is not at the level of creating high rates of economic growth, almost half of the population is of working age to create GDP. Moreover, the death rate exceeds the birth rate. To solve this problem, appropriate measures have already been taken: from 2020, maternity capital is provided for the birth of the first child, previously only for the birth of the second. The amount of maternity capital is 466 617 rubles, moreover, it has been indexed over the past few years. Keywords:intensive economic growth, extensive economic growth, innovation, gross domestic product References Kuznets (1960) – KuznetsS. Moderneconomicgrowth // OxfordandIHBPublishingCo. New Delhi, 1960. – 509p. Eichengreen B., Park D, Shin K. Growth Slowdowns Redux; New Evidence on the Middle-Income Trap // The National Bureau of economic Research. Cambridge. 2013. URL: (Accessed 20.09.2020) Acemoglu D., Robinson J. Why are some countries rich and others poor. The origin of power, prosperity, poverty. [Pochemu odni strany bogatyye, a drugiye bednyye. Proiskhozhdeniye vlasti, protsvetaniya, nishchety] Scientific journal: AST. [Nauchnyy zhurnal: AST] M ..: 2015. – 575 p. Solow R. Secular stagnation // Finance and Development, 2014, vol. 51, №3, p. 16. URL: https://www/ /pubs/ ft/fandd/2014/09/pdf/fd0914.pdf (дата обращения 20.02.2020 ) Rodrik (2011) – RodrikD. The Future of Economic Convergence // National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper 17400. Cambridge, 2011. URL: (Accessed 19.02.2020) Gordienko (2016) – GordienkoM. Fiscal policy of Russia: genesis, quality assessment. Monograph. [Byudzhetno-nalogovaya politika Rossii: genezis, otsenka kachestva] Scientific journal: Rusays. [Nauchnyy zhurnal: Rusayns] 2016. – 119 p. Abramova (2008) – AbramovaMA State economic policy and the Economic doctrine of Russia. Towards a smart and moral economy. [Gosudarstvennaya ekonomicheskaya politika i Ekonomicheskaya doktrina Rossii. K umnoy i nravstvennoy ekonomike] Monograph. T. II. M. 2008 .—1048 p. Nikolaychuk, Zaitseva (2019) – NikolaychukO.A., Zaitseva E.A. Monetary and non-monetary factors of inflation. [Monetarnyye i nemonetarnyye faktory inflyatsii] Scientific journal: Research and development. Economy [Nauchnyy zhurnal: Nauchnyye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Ekonomika] Moscow: 2019.Vol. 7.No. 4. P. 9-14. Lozhechko (2018) – LozhechkoA.S. Prospects for the development of state guarantee support for small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation. [Perspektivy razvitiya gosudarstvennoy garantiynoy podderzhki malogo i srednego predprinimatel’stva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii] Scientific journal: Economics and Entrepreneurship. [Nauchnyy zhurnal: Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo.] M .: 2018. No. 4 (93). S. 631-638. |
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