Economy Business Banks №4(30)





Alexander N. Romantsev

Specialist in law, Managing director of the company “Domodedovo security” (E-mail:

Economic efficiency of the aviation safety


Subject/ Topic Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our existence without successful functioning of the transportation system. Takin into account the size of the territory of the Russian Federation, special attention is paid to the development of air transport and the system of cargo and passenger air transportation, which will link together remote areas of our country. Meanwhile the functioning of the transportation system is not feasible without ensuring the proper level of security, including high level of defense against terrorist acts and all situations that entail harm to human life and health and material damage. Air transport facilities are subject to high level of risk associated with illegal acts that may cause a phenomenal public outcry, destabilize the political situation and negatively affect the activity of the most important sectors of the economy.

Goals/Objectives Systematization of the security standards in aviation industry and their evolution in the Russian Federation, as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of standards’ implementation in practice.

Methodology This research is carried out by the means of general scientific methods of research, methods of comparison and scientific generalization, structural and dynamic analysis of statistical data.

Conclusions and Relevance The conducted research has revealed the main vectors of development of a modern company providing aviation and transport security services. It was revealed that the activities of security organizations can be not only commercially effective, but also serve as a contribution to the development of the transport infrastructure of air transport.

Keywords: aviation security, transport security, air transport, transport infrastructure, economic efficiency.



Karpenko V.I. et al. (2013) – Karpenko V.I., Moseev Y.V., Tashaev Y.A. Aviation security in the service of the Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation 40 years in photographs, documents, memoirs [Aviatsionnaya bezopasnost na sluzhbe Grazhdanskoy aviatsii Rossiyskoy Federatsii 40 let v fotografiyah, dokumentah, vospominaniyah] M., 2013. 288 p. [in Russian].

Maidansky O. (2018) – Maydanskiy O. The practice of introducing video identification systems of individuals at transport infrastructure facilities [Praktika vnedreniya sistem videoidentifikatsii fizicheskih lits na ob’ektah transportnoy infrastrukturyi], Security Systems [Sistemyi bezopasnosti.] 2018. No. 1. p. 30-31. [in Russian].

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Human factor in security system [Chelovecheskiy faktor v sisteme mer bezopasnosti grazhdanskoy aviatsii] Document #9808 AN / 765 (ICAO) [IKAO] [in Russian].

The Economics of Civil Aviation: Training Manual [Ekonomika grazhdanskoy aviatsii: Uchebnoe posobie] M, 2014. 130 p. [in Russian].


Yriy Y. Shvets

Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Moscow.


Threats to economic security in the healthcare sector


Subject / Topic Threats to economic security in the healthcare sector

Goals / Objectives The goal of the article is to identify and analyze threats to economic security in the healthcare sector.

Methodology To achieve the research goal, a set of general scientific and special research methods was used, on which was based the research for the most objective study of the tasks and research subject. In particular, general scientific methods: induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis; and also special methods of legal science, in particular, formal logic, comparative law, dialectics, system analysis, the method of legal modeling, etc.

Conclusions and Relevance The structure of economic security in the healthcare sector includes the following components: financial, personnel, political and legal, environmental, security, sanitary and epidemiological component, which ensures the safety of activities, investment. The methodological approach to ranking threats to economic security in the healthcare sector makes it possible to identify threats, the probability of their emergence, consequences, localization of their negative impact in the identification process. The first group of threats is in the field of quality assurance; the second group of threats – in the field of providing medical organizations with innovative medical equipment; the third group of threats – in the field of providing the population with high-quality, effective and affordable drugs; the fourth group of threats – in the field of sanitary and epidemiological prevention of the population; the fifth group of threats is in the field of the absence of real competition between medical organizations of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

Keywords: threats, healthcare, economic security, medical organization, patient, quality, medical service.



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Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of “Economics of intellectual property” at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Nina I. Golysheva

Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Analysis of the formation of segmental financial reporting indicators


Subject/Topic The article examines the features of the formation of segmental reporting indicators. The criteria for recognizing a segment as a reportable one are considered. The analysis of the impact of reporting information on the formation of business segments is made, the main aspects of disclosure of information on business segments are identified, their assessment is given. It is shown how industry features affect the formation of the main indicators of segmental reporting.

Goals/Objectives Analysis of problems of the formation of reporting segments, analysis and evaluation of the criteria for recognition of a segment as a reporting segment, determination of the main indicators of reporting segments in their relationship with industry features.

Methodology Methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison method.

Conclusion and Relevance As a result of the study the key aspects of disclosure on business segments and the main features of the formation of segmental reporting indicators were identified, the reasons and the need for comparability of reportable segments were considered. The composition and structure of indicators of reporting segments, their dependence and influence on financial indicators of the organization as a whole were analyzed, the dependence of indicators of reporting segments associated with the industry characteristics of organizations was revealed.

Keywords: segmental reporting, recognition criteria, segmentation of accounting data, indicators of reporting segments, segment assets, analysis of segmental reporting.



International Accounting Standard No. 14. [Mezhdunarodnyj standart buhgalterskogo ucheta # 14]. – Segment Reporting, available online at [Segmentnaya otchetnost’, dostupnaya v Internete po adresu].

Balashova, Makarova (2009) – Balashova N.N., Makarova E.V. Management accounting of quality by segments of activity of milk processing enterprises [Upravlencheskij uchet kachestva po segmentam deyatel’nosti molokopererabatyvayushchih predpriyatij]// Economics of agricultural and processing enterprises [Ekonomika sel’skohozyajstvennyh i pererabatyvayushchih predpriyatij]. 2009. No1. S. 49 – 52. [in Russian].

Beloglazova (2010) – Beloglazova L.P. Some features of the formation and disclosure of information by segments in accounting and reporting [Otdel’nye osobennosti formirovaniya i raskrytiya informacii po segmentam v buhgalterskom uchete i otchetnosti]. Everything for an accountant [Vse dlya buhgaltera]. 2010. No8. S. 18 – 24. [in Russian].

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Sazhina, Sosunova, Brykin (2016) – Sazhina S.S., Sosunova L.S., Brykin I.A. The importance of segment reporting in airline management [Znachenie segmentarnoj otchetnosti v processe upravleniya aviakompaniej]. Advances in modern science [Uspekhi sovremennoj nauki]. 2016. Vol. 2. No. 4. P. 61-63. [in Russian].

Shcherbakova, Davnis (2016) – Shcherbakova N.F., Davnis V.V. The main directions of analysis of segmental reporting [Osnovnye napravleniya analiza segmentarnoj otchetnosti]. Scientific journal: Financial analytics: problems and solutions [Finansovaya analitika: problemy i resheniya]. 2016. No. 28 (310). S. 46-57. [in Russian].

Kotova, Shklyaeva (2017) – Kotova K.Yew., Shklyaeva N.A. Segment reporting: stages of formation and analytical capabilities [Segmentarnaya otchetnost’: etapy formirovaniya i analiticheskie vozmozhnosti]. Scientific journal – Innov: electronic scientific journal [Innov: elektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal]. 2017. No. 4 (33). S. 5. [in Russian].

Glushchenko, Kucherova (2017) – Glushchenko A.V., Kucherova E.P. Basics of the formation of indicators of consolidated segmental reporting of integrated agricultural enterprises [Osnovy formirovaniya pokazatelej konsolidirovannoj segmentarnoj otchetnosti integrirovannyh agroformirovanij]. Scientific journal – Accounting. Analysis. Audit [Uchet. Analiz. Audit]. 2017. No. 4. P. 36-47. [in Russian].

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Kupriyanova, Golysheva (2016) – Kupriyanova L. M., Golysheva N.I. Risk analysis according to financial statements. [Analiz riskov po dannym buhgalterskoj finansovoj otchetnosti]. Scientific journal – Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2016. No. S10. S. 40-55. [in Russian].

Golysheva, Maksimova (2013) – Golysheva N.I., Maksimova E.N., Features of harmonization of accounting and tax accounting in Russia [Osobennosti garmonizatsii bukhgalterskogo i nalogovogo ucheta v Rossii.] // Journal: Management of economic systems. [Scientific journal – Upravlenie ekonomicheskimi sistemami] 2013[in Russian].

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Olga K. Oyner

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, NRU HSE.


Sergey P. Kazakov

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

NRU HSE. E-mail:


Behavioral and psychographic segmentation as a tool to improve consumer experience


Subject/Topic The paper is devoted to psychographic and behavioral segmentation of the customers for the development of tools to improve the consumer experience in e-Commerce.

Goals/Objectives The goal of the research was to develop methodological aspects of the psychographic and behavioral segmentation and to test differentiated tools to improve the consumer experience for each segment.

Methodology The methods of secondary data analysis, observation, focus groups, and experiment (A/B testing) were used in the study.

Conclusion and relevance The proposed algorithm for segmentation of the customer base on the basis of behavioral and psychographic characteristics and subsequent analysis of the consumer path before purchasing allows us to identify tools to improve the consumer experience. The introduction of these tools has allowed to increase the conversion rates of the site pages, reducing the percentage of failures and, accordingly, increasing the number of online orders.

Keywords: Consumer experience, psychographic segmentation, behavioral segmentation.



Aleksandrov (2014) – Aleksandrov V.I. Application of RFM analysis in the development of targeted marketing strategies in e-commerce [Primenenie RFM-analiza pri razrabotke targetirovannyh marketingovyh strategij v sfere e-commerce] Marketing and marketing research. [Marketing i marketingovye issledovaniya] — 2014. # 5, p. 332-339. [in Russian].

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Oleg I. Lavrushin

Doctor of Economics, Professor,Head of the Department of Financial markets and banks at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation


Nataliya E. Sokolinskaya

Professor, Ph. D., Professor of the Department of Financial markets and banks at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation


View on the financial market development challenges


The article presents the problems and possible ways to solve them as a result of discussions at the round table “New challenges in the development of the financial market”, which was organized by the Department of Financial markets and banks in the framework of the VI International forum ” Growth or recession: what to prepare for?»

Subject / Topic Analysis of financial market trends

Goals/Objectives To analyze the main directions of development of the financial market and banking sector and to predict their further development

Methodology In the article were applied methods of economic and statistical analysis used by the scientists of the Financial University, studied the last legislative acts of the Russian Central Bank as the megaregulator, as well as reporting of credit institutions, financial institutions and exchanges.

Conclusions and Relevance In order to strengthen the development of the financial market and the banking sector, it is necessary to regularly discuss the emergence of new phenomena and innovations; consider further analysis of existing developments and include their results in research.

Keywords: financial markets, credit, digitalization, monetary policy of Russia, trust, innovations.



Actual problems of financial market development [Aktual’nye problemy razvitiya finansovogo rynka] Edited by Sokolinskaya N.E., Shaker I.V. [pod red. Sokolinskoj N.E., Shaker I.V.] M.: Russains [M.: Russajns], 2019. Р. 146 [in Russian].

Bank risks [Bankovskie riski] edited by Valentseva N.I. [pod red. Valencevoj N.I.] M.: KNORUS [M: KNORUS]. 2019. Р. 292 [in Russian].

New phenomena of the financial market and tendencies of development of banking activity [Novye yavleniya finansovogo rynka i tendencii razvitiya bankovskoj deyatel’nosti] Almaty: LLP “Molia & DOS”[Almaty: TOO «Molia & DOS»], 2019. Р. 336 [in Russian].

Portrait of the banking sector and Finance in the 21st century and education of the future [Portret bankovskogo sektora t finansov v 21 veke i obrazovanie budushchego] ed. edited by Sokolinskaya N.E. [pod red. Sokolinskoj N.E.] M: KNORUS, [M: KNORUS]. Р. 183 [in Russian].

Modern problems and prospects of development of financial markets and banks [Sovremennye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya finansovyh rynkov i bankov] ed. edited by Sokolinskaya N.E. [pod red. Sokolinskoj N.E.] M.: KNORUS, [M: KNORUS] 2019. Р. 242  [in Russian].

Financial market of Russia: search for new tools and technologies to ensure economic growth [Finansovyj rynok Rossii: poisk novyh instrumentov i tekhnologij v celyah obespecheniya ekonomicheskogo rosta], edited by Sokolinskaya N.E. [pod red. Sokolinskoj N.E] M.: KNORUS, 2019 [M: KNORUS]. Р. 235 [in Russian].

Transformation of financial markets and banking system in terms of terms of digitalization, edited by Lavrushin O.I and Sokolinskaya N.E. SIA FINANCU UNIVERSITATE (RIGA) 2020. Р. 273

Financial markets in the digital economy strategy and perspective, edited by Lavrushin O. I. RIGA, 2019, – Р. 230

Duttenhoefer S. Brauchen Kunden noch Banken? Bank Blog 2. Oktober 2019

Haering V. Digitale Transformation: Revolution oder Evolution? Bank Blog 8. November 2019

Leichsenring Acht H. Fehler, die Ihre Bank in den Untergang führen können. Bank Blog 22. Oktober 2019

Leichsenring H. Jeder dritte Private Banking Kunde will wechseln. Bank Blog 15. Oktober 2019


Nikolai Y. Sukhoverkhov

Project manager, postgraduate, 2 year, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation.


Improvement of business processes efficiency in modern companies through robotization


Subject/Topic Modern companies tend to achieve greater results with fewer costs. In order to achieve this, a company needs to be flexible and adaptive to the new solutions offered for business. Thus, one of the most effective solutions that help to increase the efficiency of running and managing business processes is robotization of routine, repetitive functions. Robotization allows to provide employees with more complex and responsible work, to increase the speed and quality of processes in the company, to reduce manual labor.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of the article is to consider the process of robotization as a tool to improve the efficiency of business processes’ management in companies.

Methodology Analysis and synthesis were chosen by the author as the methodology for scientific knowledge.

Conclusions and Relevance The object of the article is the question of improvement of business processes efficiency in modern companies with the help of robotization technologies. In this article, the author examines the use of software robots from the point of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes and describes the steps that a company can make to optimize its work and move to a qualitatively new level of development.

Keywords: business process, management business process management, innovations management, innovations, efficiency improvement, operational management, rpa, robotic process automation.



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Levina, Nikitin (2018) – Levina A.I., Nikitin R.V. Solutions in the field of robotization processes to improve the efficiency of process management [Resheniya v oblasti robotizatsii protsessov dlya povysheniya effektivnosti protsessnogo upravleniya] // Scientific Bulletin of the Southern Institute of Management [Nauchnyy vestnik Yuzhnogo instituta menedzhmenta] 2018. # 4. Pp. 95-99. [in Russian].

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Moffitt, Rozario, Vasarhelyi (2018) – Kevin C. Moffitt, Andrea M. Rozario, and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi. Robotic Process Automation for Auditing. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting: Spring 2018, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-10.

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Horvath, Szabo (2019) – Dora Horvath, Roland Zs. Szabo. Driving forces and barriers of Industry 4.0: Do multinational and small and medium-sized companies have equal opportunities?, Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume 146, 2019, Pp 119-132


Victoria E. Shirokova

Master’s degree 2-nd year student, RUDN University, Executive assistant, JSC «Research and development enterprise «Kant», Moscow, Russian Federation.


Scientific Supervisor: Oksana P. Ovchinnikova, Assistant professor of Applied economics, RUDN University, Moscow. E-mail:

Innovative project management in high – tech company


Subject / Topic The article discusses the dynamic innovative project management in the industry, which is a new management philosophy, including a dynamic set of interconnected management processes for making and implementing decisions in order to maintain the competitive advantages of the system in the long term. The article also focuses on the main directions of implementation of innovative projects.

Goals / Objectives In the context of accelerating and complicating processes, organizations need to find qualitatively new techniques and methods for solving dynamically arising problems and tasks of a different nature, both managerial and methodological. The complexity of achieving the strategic success of companies in the face of uncertainty, creating competitive advantages is relevant. Dynamic innovative project management should help solving such problems, being the basis for improving the efficiency of enterprises. A common feature of the current period of scientific and technological evolution is the transformation of science into a productive force.

Methodology The goal is to determine the theoretical and methodological support for the process of managing the innovation activities of radio electronic industry organizations based on the formation and implementation of innovative development projects.

The problem of achieving the strategic success of the company, maintaining and creating competitive advantages is the most urgent. Innovative project management should contribute to the solution of such problems, being the basis for increasing the efficiency of the trading enterprise.

Conclusions and Relevance The authors show the advantage of the innovative project management system in high-tech organizations in the form of a tool to improve the quality of the innovative enterprise. The key objective of the company is not only bringing the project to its logical conclusion, but also obtaining effective consequences of its implementation in production. An important direction for improving the innovation project is the selection of MTP suppliers for the implementation of the project. In order to control and establish monitoring for the investment project it is necessary to create in organizations an operational department to monitor the implementation of all phases and stages throughout the project life cycle.

Keywords: innovative project management, high – tech development, performance improvement of an organization, innovation activity, innovative management, digital economy, practice of innovation management in modern world.



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Anna O. Morozova

Bachelor of Economics, Institute of Distance and Open Education, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation.


Features of the trademark use regulation


Subject/Topic Essence of a trademark and regulation of its use.

Goals/Objectives Analysis of legislation in the segment of regulation of the use of a trademark, research on the problems that arise when using it in modern conditions, registration of trademark as a way of its protection.

Tasks To describe the nature of intellectual property, in particular a trademark; explore ways to regulate the use of trademark; consider trademark registration algorithm; mark the time of registration of a trademark.

Methodology The relevance of the problem and the tasks set led to the use of appropriate methodological tools. When writing the article, general scientific and special methods were used, including dialectic, comparative legal, formal dogmatic, statistical and other methods of information law.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the dissertation was the fundamental works of domestic lawyers studying the problems of the information society and the legal regulation of trademark rights in a single information space, regulatory documents of legislative and executive authorities, scientific publications and periodicals, electronic sources of information. The study was based on the principles of a systems approach.

Conclusion and Relevance After analyzing the legislation in the field of  the trademark use regulation and considering possible problems and adverse situations, we can conclude that the timely registration of a trademark plays a very important role at the moment and is the main way to protect the trademark.

Keywords: intellectual property, trademark, company name, commercial designation, trademark registration.



The Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 1225. Protected results of intellectual activity and means of individualization [GK RF Stat’ya 1225. Okhranyayemyye rezul’taty intellektual’noy deyatel’nosti i sredstva individualizatsii]

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 1259. Objects of copyright [GK RF Stat’ya 1259. Ob”yekty avtorskikh prav]

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 1503. Procedure for state registration of a trademark the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 1503. Procedure for state registration of a trademark [GK RF Stat’ya 1503. Poryadok gosudarstvennoy registratsii tovarnogo znaka]

Order of Rospatent dated July 24, 2018 #. 128 “On approval of the Guidelines for the state registration of a trademark, service mark, collective mark and issuance of certificates for a trademark, service mark, collective mark, their duplicates” [Prikaz Rospatenta ot 24.07.2018 # 128 “Ob utverzhdenii Rukovodstva po gosudarstvennoy registratsii tovarnogo znaka, znaka obsluzhivaniya, kollektivnogo znaka i vydache svidetel’stv na tovarnyy znak, znak obsluzhivaniya, kollektivnyy znak, ikh dublikatov”]

Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2019 # 10 “On the application of part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation” [Postanovleniye Plenuma Verkhovnogo Suda RF ot 23.04.2019 # 10 “O primenenii chasti chetvertoy Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii”]

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Victoria V. Smirnova

student of the Faculty of Financial markets and banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation.


Victor A. Golubev

student of the State University of Management


Analysis of the deposit services provision by a commercial bank


Subject / Topic Analysis of the deposit policy, which is implemented by commercial banks.

Goals / Objectives To study the concept of deposit policy and its implementation in the current economic situation. Based on the research and analysis, to identify the main disadvantages of its functioning and provide possible solutions.

Methodology The main analysis method used in the work was the comparative method.

Conclusions and Relevance In the post-crisis economy in the presence of the negative consequences of the crisis, banks need to constantly refine and modernize their fundraising system in order to be competitive in the banking sector. A well-designed deposit policy of a commercial bank allows it with due reliability and probability to form and use such a resource base that should fully reflect the assessment of stability and reliability of the bank by its customers (investors), potential competitors represented by other banks. Decisions on issues related to the implementation of the deposit policy of commercial banks are important both for the state and for the population. Decisions on them will improve the quality of public services, improve the financial indicators of commercial banks, and stabilize the current economic situation in our country.

Keywords: deposit policy, regional bank, problems and prospects, raising funds, resource base, potential customers, savings account, bank deposit.



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Stolbovskaya (2018) – Analysis of the current state, structure and quality of deposit operations of commercial banks with the population in Russia [Analiz sovremennogo sostoyaniya, struktury i kachestva depozitnykh operatsiy kommercheskikh bankov s naseleniyem v Rossii] / Stolbovskaya N.N., Adleiba I.B., Azaryan T.N. [Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering, education and economics.] 2018.Vol. 17. # 2 (8). P. 41-47.

The website of the regional commercial bank “Izhkombank” / “Pension” deposit [Electronic resource] // URL: (Date of request: 11.11.2019)

The website of the regional commercial bank “Timer Bank” / “Your pension” deposit [Electronic resource]// URL: (Date of request: 12.11.2019)