Economy Business Banks №12(38)
Natalia I. KiselevaСandidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, history and philosophy, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E–mail: Alexey V. NovikovDoctor of Sociology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology, history and philosophy, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E–mail: |
Methodological approaches to the assessment of financial literacy of the Russian populationAbstract Subject/Topic The process of improving financial literacy of the Russian population / Problems of assessment of the real level of financial literacy of the population in Russia. Socio–economic reforms implemented in Russia require the raise of financial literacy in Russia to achieve real effect from the implemented measures. The further development of the financial sector of the Russian economy implies a wide participation of the Russian population in social and economic processes, which is possible only with an increase in the level of financial literacy. Currently, the measurement of the level of financial literacy of the Russian population is carried out by various organizations using different methods and quite irregularly. This does not allow to determine the dynamic changes in the real level of financial literacy of the Russian population, which should be controlled by monitoring, using a single officially adopted methodology for measuring the opinion of the Russian population on this issue. Goals/Objectives To estimate the level of financial literacy of the population in Russia on the basis of statistical data analysis. To analyze modern theoretical–methodological approaches to assessment of the level of financial literacy in Russia and digital assessment of the level of financial literacy of the population. Methodology Methodology of empirical level. Results and Conclusions The analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the level of financial literacy of the Russian population. The developed methodological approaches to the digital assessment of the level of financial literacy / Application of unified system of indicators and a common methodology for the digital assessment of the level of financial literacy of the Russian population meets the strategic objective of ensuring economic growth and improvement of the quality of life of Russians. Keywords: financial literacy of the population, the level of financial literacy of the population, the population’s attitudes towards the level of financial literacy, economic growth, quality of life. References: Lusardi A., Mitchell O. 2009. How Ordinary Consumers Make Complex Economic Decisions: Financial Literacy and Retirement Readiness (NBER Working Paper No. 15350). National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
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Rafael V. FattakhovChief Researcher of the Center for Regional Economics and Interbudgetary Relations, Professor of the Department of Public Finance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E–mail: Natalia V. LapenkovaJunior researcher of the Center for Regional Economics and Interbudgetary Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E–mail:
Olga V. PivovarovaJunior researcher of the Center for Regional Economics and Interbudgetary Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E–mail: |
Territories with special legal status as an instrument of innovative investment development: world practiceAbstract Subject/Topic The article discusses various types and forms of territories with special legal status. The economic and political goals pursued by countries in creating such zones are considered. Goals/Objectives The authors had an aim to consider the most successful experience in the creation and functioning of special zones in the world in historical retrospective, to identify the main conditions and factors conducive to the effective functioning of territories with special legal status. Methodology The approach to the procedure for economic zones creation is considered. The world experience of the formation and development of territories with special legal status is analyzed. The authors have presented the “ladder” of the development of the SEZ – the evolution of zones as they emerge and develop in the context of the level of socio–economic development of the country. Conclusion and Relevance Based on the analysis of the functioning of special zones in dynamics in different countries of the world at different stages of development, the authors have made the following conclusions:
Keywords: PDA, innovation and investment development, free zones, special economic zones, free trade zones, development of territories. References: Mejidov Z.U. (2016) – Foreign experience of the functioning of special economic zones [Zarubezhnyi opyt funktsionirovaniya osobykh ehkonomicheskikh zon] // Science vector of Togliatti State University. Series: economics and management [Vektor nauki tol’yattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universitetA. SeriYA: ehkonomika i upravlenie]. – 2016. – No. 1. – p. 55–61 [in Russian]. Smorodinskaya N.V. (2011) – Organization of special economic zones in world and Russian practice: conceptual aspects [Organizatsiya osobykh ehkonomicheskikh zon v mirovoi i rossiiskoi praktikE: kontseptual’nye aspekty] // Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences [Vestnik Instituta ehkonomiki Rossiiskoi akademii nauk]. – 2011. – No. 3. – p. 16–36 [in Russian]. Kharchenkova E.V., Simutina N.L. 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Ivanter V.V., Porfiryev B.N., Sorokin D.E., Eskindarov M.A., Maslennikov V.V., Shirov A.A., Abdikeev N.M., Abramova M.A., Bogachev Y .S., Goncharenko L.I., Govtvan O.D., Gusev M.S., Dubova S.E., Ershov M.V., Zubets A.N., Kolpakov A.Y., Ksenofontov M.N., Kuvalin D.B., Mikheeva N.N., Moiseev A.K. and others (2018) – How to give impetus to the development of the Russian economy: priorities for action (proposals for the main areas of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation until 2024) [Kak pridat’ impul’s razvitiyu rossiiskoi ehkonomikI: prioritety deistvii (predlozheniya k osnovnym napravleniyam deyatel’nosti Pravitel’stva RF do 2024 G.] // Finance: theory and practice [FinansY: teoriya i praktika]. 2018.V. 22. No. P 1. p. 4–15 [in Russian]. Fattakhov R.V., Stroyev P.V. 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Svetlava R. Potapova4th year student of the Faculty of Accounting and Audit, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow E-mail: |
Intellectual capital in the conditions of economy digitalizationAbstract Subject/Topic The article presents the main problems which the owner of intellectual capital faces with, as well as possible ways to solve them. For the reader, was illustrated the problem which everybody can face with: «how to stay competitive in the labor market». Goals/Objectives The purpose of this article is to identify the risks associated with intellectual capital and people, as its main holder in the digital economy. Methodology In this article, the analysis of the problem is carried out by analyzing modern literature, comparing the position of the intellectual in the economy before and after the introduction of information technology. Conclusions and Relevance As a result of the study, the ways to optimize the work of intellectual capital in the digital economy were proposed, and the actions of government bodies to solve the problem of adaptation of intellectual capital in the context of digitalization were noted. Keywords: digital economy, intellectual capital, information technology, digitalization, accounting. References: Human capital in the format of digital economy: international scientific conference dedicated to The 90th anniversary of S. P. Kapitsa: collection of reports. – Moscow: RosNOU. – 2018. – 432 PP. Bulyga, Terina (2011) – Bulyga R. P., Terina S. N. The concept of intellectual capital: structure and key indicators. / Audit statements.2011.No. 11.Pp. 3-13 Amerslanova (2017) – Features of evaluation of intellectual services. / Amerkhanova A. N.; Economy. Business. Banks. 2017. No. S9. Pp. 180-184 International financial reporting standard (ias) 38 ” Intangible assets “[Electronic resource] // URL: (accessed 07.12.2019) The order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 27.12.2007 No. 153n (ed. by 16.05.2016) “On approval of Provisions on accounting “Accounting of intangible assets” (PBU 14/2007)” (Registered in Ministry of justice of Russia 23.01.2008 N 10975). [Electronic resource] // URL: (accessed 07.12.2019) Sagynbekova (2018) – Digital economy: concept, prospects, development trends in Russia / Sagynbekova A. S.; International scientific and technical journal “THEORY. PRACTICE. INNOVATION”, 2018. Yudina (2016) – Understanding the digital economy /T. N. Yudina ; Theoretical Economics,2016. No. 3. Pp. 12-16 Automation of accounting. Overview of effective tools to automate your enterprise. [Electronic resource] // URL: (accessed 07.12.2019) Human capital in the digital economy. [Electronic resource] // URL: (accessed 07.12.2019) Putin V. V. Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly on December 1, 2016 [Electronic resource] / / URL: (accessed 07.12.2019) Bostrom (2016) – Artificial intelligence. Possible ways, dangers and strategies / Bostrom Nm: Publishing Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2016. Program ” Digital economy of the Russian Federation “[Electronic resource] // URL: 9gFM4FHj4PsB79I5v7yLVuPgu4bvR7M0.pdf (accessed 07.12.2019) |
Larisa S.AlexandrovaCandidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Researcher of the Research center of monetary relations at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia E-mаil: аls.007@yа Olga V.ZakharovaResearcher of the research center of monetary relations at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia E-mail:
Reducing competition in the banking sectorAbstract Subject/topic: The article analyzes the activities of banks with state participation and examines the role of these banks in competition in the banking service s market. Methodology: Today in Russia there is a problem of significant nationalization of the banking sector. To confirm this thesis, an analysis and estimation of the number of banks with state participation (state-controlled) in the banking system of Russia was carried out. Results: The paper considers the processes of nationalization of the banking sector, identifies the main reasons for the increase in the degree of state presence in the banking sector. It was revealed that the assets of banks controlled by the state account for more than half of the assets of the entire system. Unequal access to financing in the banking sector is noted, and the prevailing nature of the implementation of state programs of financial support for credit organizations in Russia also contributes to a decrease in competition. These support measures are applied during the periods of exacerbation of systemic crises in the economy, mainly through the banks controlled by the state. The question is being raised at the legislative level to determine which banks should be classified as state-owned banks. Conclusions and Relevance: As a result of studying the problem under consideration, the authors believe that state-controlled banks have the largest share of assets and capital in the structure of the banking sector. From this can be concluded that there is a significant presence and a noticeable tendency for the state to grow in the banking sector, the main negative consequence of which is the deterioration of its competitive environment. The reduction of competition is caused by the rapid increase in the number of banks losing their licenses, usually it is banks in which the state does not participate. Key words: competition, the banking sector, state-owned banks, banks controlled by state capital. References: Abramova, Markina (2016) – Abramova M.A., Markina E.V. Monetary and Financial System: the textbook [Denezhno-kreditnaya i finansovaya sistemy: uchebnik] – M .: KNORUS 2016. [in Russian] Pastukhanov (2016) – Pastukhanov A.E. Risk management in banks with state participation. [Upravlenie riskami v bankah s gosudarstvennym uchastiem]- // Finance and management. [Finansy i upravlenie] No. 3. P.1-16. Romanova (2016) – Romanova L. Management of regulatory risk in banks with state participation. [Upravlenie regulyatornym riskom v bankah s gosudarstvennym uchastiem] – // [RISK: Resources, Information, Procurement, Competition]. [RISK: Resursy, Informaciya, Snabzhenie, Konkurenciya]. 2016. No3. P. 249-252. Tavasiev (2016) – Tavasiev A.M. State banks and banks with state participation in capital are necessary. [Gosbanki i banki s gosudarstvennym uchastiem v kapitale neobhodimy]. – //Banking. [Bankovskoe delo] 2016. P. 42-45. Gulko, Tverdokhlebova, Churilov (2016) = – Gulko A.A., Tverdokhlebova O.N. Churilov A.S. Development strategies of banks with state participation in the formation of a modern financial architecture. [Strategii razvitiya bankov s gosudarstvennym uchastiem v usloviyah formirovaniya sovremennoj finansovoj arhitektury] – // Economics and entrepreneurship. [Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo]. 2016. No. 11. P.927-930. Shmyreva, Erokhin (2017) – Shmyreva A.I., Erokhin D.V. On the activities of banks with state participation in the banking services market. [O deyatel’nosti bankov s gosudarstvennym uchastiem na rynke bankovskih uslug]. – // Economics and entrepreneurship. [Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo]. 2017. No4. P. 741-744. Goncharenko (2018) – Problems of functioning of banks with state participation in the national economy. [Problemy funkcionirovaniya bankov s gosudarstvennym uchastiem v nacional’noj ekonomike] – // Vector of economics. [Vektor ekonomiki].2018. No4. P.47. Report on the development of the banking sector and banking supervision in 2007-2017 [Electronic resource] – [Otchet o razvitii bankovskogo sektora i bankovskogo nadzora v 2007-2017 godah] [Elektronnyj resurs]URL: Ponamorenko A. Sinyakov A. The effect of strengthening banking supervision on the structure of the banking system: Conclusions based on agent-based modeling – [Vliyanie usileniya bankovskogo nadzora na strukturu bankovskoj sistemy: Vyvody na osnove agentnoorientirovannogo modelirovaniya] – // Money and Credit. [Den’gi i Kredit]. – 2018. – t. 77 – No. 1. P. 26-50 Shamina O. State-owned banks have occupied the Russian market: who cares about this. – Russian service of the BBC. [Gosbanki zanyali rossijskij rynok: komu ot etogo ploho. – Russkaya sluzhba Bi-bi-si]. – 2017 – [Elektronnyj resurs] URL: (accessed: 01/12/2019) Where did the trillion go / [Electronic resource] [Kuda delsya trillion] / [Elektronnyj resurs] – URL: Annual report to the congress of the Association of Russian Banks [Godovoj doklad k s”ezdu Associacii rossijskih bankov] – 2017 [Electronic resource] – URL: %20Doklad%20A5_WEB.pdf Erokhin (2015) – D. Erokhin Discussion approaches to the assessment of the activities of commercial banks with state participation. [Diskussionnye podhody k ocenke deyatel’nosti kommercheskuih bankov s gosudarstvennym uchastiem]. – // Eurasian Union of Scientists. [Evrazijskij soyuz uchenyh] 2015.P. 92-94. The meeting of the Presidium of the Council of the Association of Banks of Russia – 2018 [Electronic resource]. Zasedanie Prezidiuma Soveta Associacii bankov Rossii – 2018 [Elektronnyj resurs].- URL: |
Mikhail N. KiselevHead of the Scientific department for R&D support and information systems / Chairman of the commission for the accounting of IA RPE Pulsar JSC, Member of the working group No. 7 on intellectual property at the EC FAS RUSSIA / Postgraduate teacher of RPE Pulsar JSC on intellectual property and patent law disciplines, Moscow, Russia. E–mail: Lyudmila M. KupriyanovaCandidate of Economic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, analysis and audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of Economics of intellectual property, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E–mail: Nikita S. NikolayenkovHead of Intellectual Property Management Department of RPE Pulsar JSC, Moscow, Russia. E–mail: |
Intellectual property portfolio management in the Russian military companies for production diversification reasonsAbstract Subject / Topic: In the Russian military–industrial complex, there is a problem of excessive dependence on the state defence order, which in the future threatens the stability of the industry and the entire economy. The article is devoted to the development of civilian production by enterprises of the military–industrial complex and the formation of the portfolio of orders. Goals/Objectives The state, represented by the Government, is trying to get out of the circumstances, looking for ways to reduce the dependence of military-industrial companies on state money. In pursuit of these goals, in recent years, a course has been taken to increase the volume of production of civilian products and the exploration of civilian markets. Methodology The diversification process is accompanied by certain difficulties, many of which enterprises are able to overcome on their own, using available tools related to intellectual property. The article discusses the essential aspects of the work of enterprises of the military–industrial complex in the field of creation and protection of intellectual property and their relationship with the ongoing diversification policy. Results An assessment of the impact on the development prospects of the military industry enterprises introducing high–tech industries is given, measures to accelerate the implementation of digital technologies at military industry enterprises in order to increase their economic efficiency are proposed. Conclusions and Relevance On the national scale, the economic effect of development costs and cost of implementing innovative high–speed digital technologies is measured by their contribution to the reduction of the cost of development and production in use. To assess the contribution of digital technologies into the development of the country’s economy, it is necessary to develop integrated methods and approaches to assess the effectiveness of the introduction of digital technologies in the growth of intellectual capital of military industry enterprises. Keywords: military–industrial complex, intellectual property, diversification, active competition, defense order, civilian products, scientific and technological potential, state defense order, commercialization of innovative potential, risk reduction, financial stability. References:
Andrey I. Borisov4th year student of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E–mail: Pavel R. Svateev4th year student of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E–mail: |
Project finance in Russia. Problems and development areasAbstract Subject/Topic The article describes the main problems and development areas of project financing in Russia, the basic components of project financing and also the aspects of legal regulation of project financing. The relevance of this topic is justified by the widespread use of project financing in Russia and foreign countries in the twenty–first century. Goals/Objectives The main objective is to study modern problems and development directions of project financing in Russia in general, consider the features and basic components of project financing in Russia and the aspects of legal regulation of project financing. Conclusions and Relevance Despite a number of difficulties faced by the Russian economy, project financing activity is quite intensive and continues to gain momentum. There are certain restrictions for foreign investors, but in general they are provided with quite favorable conditions for participation in Russian investment projects. Recently high levels of new long–term investments in project financing has become increasingly popular in Russia. Keywords: project financing, public–private partnership, foreign investments, insurance, pledge, bankruptcy, project company, risks. References: On insolvency (bankruptcy): Federal Law No. 127 [O nesostoyatel`nosti (bankrotstve): Federal`ny`j zakon № 127–FZ]: [adopted by the State Duma on September 27, 2002]. – Access from legal system ConsultantPlus. – Text: electronic. [in Russian] Belousova (2019) – Belousova E. M. The main restrictions for foreign direct investment in developing countries [Osnovny`e ogranicheniya dlya pryamy`x inostranny`x investicij v razvivayushhiesya strany`] / E.M. Belousova // Science and Innovation in the XXI Century: Actual Issues, Discoveries and Achievements: Coll. scientific conf. – Penza, 2019.– p.83 – 85. [in Russian] Zagoruyko (2012) – Zagoruyko I. Y. Risk system in the implementation of investment projects [Sistema riskov pri realizacii investicionny`x proektov] / I.Y. Zagoruyko // Humanitarian and socio–economic sciences: theory and practice: – Perm, 2012.– p.130 – 134. [in Russian] Chumakov (2017) – Chumakov I.I. Public–private partnership as the main form of partnership between state and business [Gosudarstvenno–chastnoe partnerstvo kak osnovnaya forma partnerstva gosudarstva i biznesa] / I.I. Chumakov // Actual problems and prospects of economic development: Russian and foreign experience. – 2017. – No. 11. – p. 29–32. [in Russian] Galin and Tolkachev (2019) – J. Galin, D. Tolkachev. Project finance in the Russian Federation. [Electronic resource. Access mode: Date of access: 11/23/2019] Turetsky and Johannesen (2019) – M. Turetsky, R. Johannesen. Project Finance Report: Russia. [Electronic resource. Access Mode:–Project–Finance–Report–Russia.html?ArticleId=3646251 Date of access: 11.23.2019] Nikiforova and Kupriyanova (2017) – Nikiforova E.V., Kupriyanova L.M. Sustainable development as a strategy of modern organization [Ustojchivoe razvitie kak strategiya sovremennoj organizacii] Publishing house “RIM University” Scientific journal: Economy. Business. Banks [izdatel’stvo “RIM Universitet”, nauchnyj zhurnal: Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2017. No. S3. p. 96–102. [in Russian] Bulyga and Kupriyanova (2015) – Bulyga R.P., Kupriyanova L.M. Assessment of compliance risks [Ocenka komplaens–riskov] Publishing house “RIM University” Scientific journal: Economy. Business. Banks [izdatel’stvo “RIM Universitet”, nauchnyj zhurnal: Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2015. No 3 (12). p. 16–32. [in Russian] Kupriyanova and Golysheva (2016) – Kupriyanova L.M., Golysheva N.I. Risk analysis according to the accounting financial statements [Analiz riskov po dannym buhgalterskoj finansovoj otchetnosti] Publishing house “RIM University” Scientific journal: Economy. Business. Banks [izdatel’stvo “RIM Universitet”, nauchnyj zhurnal: Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2016. No. S10. p. 40–55. [in Russian] Kupriyanova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M. Insolvency: factors limiting the activities of the organization [Neplatezhesposobnost’: faktory, ogranichivayushchie deyatel’nost’ organizacii] Publishing house “RIM University” Scientific journal: Economy. Business. Banks [izdatel’stvo “RIM Universitet”, nauchnyj zhurnal: Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2017. No 3 (20). p. 162–173. [in Russian] |
Devi NikolishviliStudent of the Faculty of International Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, gr. ME4–7, Moscow/
E–mail: |
Legal regulation of transport activitiesAbstract Subject / Topic Legal regulation of transport activities and the international production of cars by major manufacturing companies. Goals / Objectives Study of the international car market; analysis of the development of automotive markets in Europe and the national car market of Russia; study of the general global directions of the world car market, international trading activity in the car market. Methodology The study of the problems of development of the car market in the conditions of interest of partner countries, the assessment of the importance and role of the automotive construction industry in strengthening economic stability and the country’s competitiveness in the international automobile market. Conclusions and Relevance The introduction of new areas of the automotive industry, the emergence and development of new markets at the international level are justified by the completion of the selection of the most influential automotive regions. The new directions in the production and sale of cars appear under the influence of leaders in the international automotive industry, such as General Motors and Ford (USA), Volkswagen (Germany), Toyota (Japan), German-American DaimlerChrysler and Franco-Japanese Renault – Nissan, which are actively developing automobile manufacturing. Keywords: legal regulation, international car production, transport activities, auto industry, national car market. References: Kapustin (2017) – Kapustin A.N. Theory. V.4 – Passenger Car Market. [Rynok legkovyh mashin]– Moscow: Manuscript, 2017 [in Russian] Dosortsev (2008) – Dosortsev V.A. One code or two? (Is the Economic Code necessary alongside Civil Code?) [Odin kodeks ili dva? (Nuzhen li Hozyajstvennyj kodeks naryadu s Grazhdanskim?)] //Journal of Civil Law. 2008. N 4. V. 8. [in Russian] Egiazarov (2011) – Egiazarov V.A. Transport law: Textbook. 7th ed. [Transportnoe pravo: Uchebnik. 7–e izd.] M.: Yusticinform, 2011. Page 5 — 9; Morozov S. Y. Transport Law: Tutorial. M.: Volters Cluver, 2012. [in Russian] Civil law: In 4 v. V. 4: Liability law: The textbook for students [Obyazatel’stvennoe pravo: Uchebnik dlya studentov] / Ed. E. A. Sukhanov. 3rd ed., M., 2008. [in Russian] New and used cars, car reviews and news of the cars world [Novye i byvshie v upotrebelnii avtomobili, rev’yu i novosti avtomombil’nogo mira] Electronic resource. Available on site: autoBlog .com (date of access: 11.10.2019) AVTOSTAT: Autonews: news of car market, car business [AVTOSTAT: Avtonovosti: novosti avtorynka, avtobiznesa] Electronic resource. Available on site: LADAONLINE. Information and Analysis Agency [LADAONLINE. Informacionno–analiticheskoe agentstvo] Electronic resource. Available on site: (date of access: 11.10.2019) Ministry of Economic Development [Ministerstvo ekonomicheskogo razvitiya] Electronic resource. Available on site: (date of access: 01.11.2019) Spichak (2016) – Spichak E.A. Study of the international trading environment by auto companies when appearing on the foreign market [Izuchenie mezhdunarodnoj torgovoj sredy avtokompaniyami pri poyavlenii na vneshnem rynke] // News of the Financial Institute. 2016. N 4 [in Russian] |
Zalina G. Varzieva4th year student of the Department of Finance and credit, Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
E–mail: |
Analysis of tax burden and problems of its optimization in modern conditionsAbstract Subject/Topic The article is devoted to the analysis of the tax burden and the problems of its optimization in modern conditions. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the research work is to analyze the tax burden on enterprises in Russia and the problems of its optimization in modern conditions. To achieve this goal, the tasks were set: to analyze the tax burden in the Russian Federation for 2006–2018, to conduct a comparative analysis of the tax burden by industry in the Russian Federation in 2018, as well as a comparative analysis in Russia and other countries according to the ranking Paying Taxes–2018, to explore the directions of optimizing the tax burden in modern conditions. Methodology Methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison method. Conclusions and Relevance The article reveals that in Russia the tax burden in 2018 increased compared to the level of 2017. In Russia the tax burden is lower than in China, France and Germany, but higher than in the United States and the United Kingdom. In Russia, the tax burden is very different in different sectors of the economy. In the article the directions for optimization of tax burden in the Russian Federation are developed. Keywords: tax policy, taxes, taxation, tax system, tax burden, monetary policy, tax optimization, tax burden optimization. References: The order of the FTS of Russia from 30.05.2007 № MM–3–06/333@ (amended on 10.05.2012) “On approval of the concept of planning system of field tax audits”. The text of Appendix # 3 to the Order is given in accordance with the publication on the website as of 24.05.2019. [Electronic resource.] – Access mode: 01.11.2019) Abaev (2018) – Abaev S. S. 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Vladislav V. VoytovFaculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security named after Professor S.K. Senchagov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
E-mail: |
Innovations against tax evasion as the most important direction of minimizing the shadow economy and legalization of criminal incomeAbstract Subject / Topic Tax evasion disrupts the normal course of social reproduction and impedes social development in general. Non-payment of taxes significantly reduces the revenue side of the budget and, consequently, the ability of the state to address socio-economic issues, financing health, education, science, law enforcement. In addition, tax evasion indicates a violation of social ties between different social groups and the state. The presence of these consequences makes it important to consider tax evasion as a social problem of the Russian society, as well as a problem of social management, since the timeliness, accuracy and correctness of management decisions depends on the positive or negative dynamics of its development. Goals/Objectives To focus on identifying and prosecuting participants in tax evasion schemes. Ensuring transparency of economic transactions, including transparency of foreign economic transactions and disclosure of information about the beneficial owners of their participants and the beneficial recipients of taxable income in Russia, should be a prerequisite for the application of tax benefits and preferences, including preferential tax rates provided by international agreements on avoidance of double taxation. Strengthening of penalties and control measures for legalization (laundering) of money or other property acquired by other persons in a criminal way, as well as for financial transactions and other transactions with money or other property acquired as a result of the сommission of a crime in order to give lawful appearance to the use of these funds. Methodology The information posted on the website of the FTS of Russia, Rosfinmonitoring and the Ministry of Finance, as well as examples of methods of combating fraud in relation to the specifics of the Russian economy. Conclusions and Relevance The paper draws conclusions about the normalization of the situation, which can be achieved only through an integrated approach to the implementation of measures, with the participation of all interested parties. Keywords: tax evasion, counteraction, shadow economy, money laundering, beneficial owner, tax crime. References: Ermakova (2016) – Ermakova E. A. Assessment of the scale of tax evasion in Russia // Tax Evasion. Problems and solutions: monograph for graduate / [Otsenka masshtabov ukloneniya ot uplatyi nalogov v Rossii] tax Evasion. Problems and solutions: monograph for graduate [Uklonenie ot uplatyi nalogov. Problemyi i resheniya: monografiya dlya magistrantov] under the editorship of I. A. Maiburov, A. P. Kiriyenko, Y. B. Ivanov. M., 2016 173 p. [in Russian] Ermakova (2017) – Ermakova E. A. The fight against one-day firms as an effective means of countering tax evasion in Russia // Tax Evasion. Problems and solutions: monograph for graduate / [Borba s firmami odnodnevkami kak effektivnoe sredstvo protivodeystviya ukloneniyu ot uplatyi nalogov v Rossii] // Tax Evasion. Problems and solutions: monograph for graduate [Uklonenie ot uplatyi nalogov. Problemyi i resheniya: monografiya dlya magistrantov ] under the editorship of I. A. Maiburov, A. P. Kiriyenko, Y. B. Ivanov. M., 2017 342 p. [in Russian] Danilevich, L. I. – L. I. Danilkiewicz Tax control and penalties for tax offences: the French experience [Nalogovyiy kontrol i sanktsii za nalogovyie pravonarusheniya: frantsuzskiy opyit] / L. I. Danilevich // Finance. [Finansyi] – 2016. 254 PP. [in Russian] Stumps (2017) –Penkov, B. E. Methodological basis of the tax security [Metodologicheskie osnovyi nalogovoy bezopasnosti ]/ Russia and CIS countries: collection of scientific works.[ Rossiya i SNG: sb. nauch. Statey.] Articles’. – Moscow: Special Book, 2017 288 p. [in Russian]