Economy Business Banks №10(36)
Roman P. BulygaDoctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Irina V. SafonovaPhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
The concept of information transparency of credit organizationsAbstract Subject/Topic Informational transparency of credit organizations and mechanisms of its support. The level of transparency in the banking sector largely determines the level of transparency in the other sectors of the economy and ultimately contributes to an increase in the investment attractiveness of the country. A lack of regulation in various aspects of the activities of credit organizations, which are to be disclosed according to the laws of the Russian Federation, a threshold level of information transparency of Russian credit organizations, low efficiency of the methodological control of the reliability of data provided and published by credit organizations, – all this requires the development of a holistic concept of information transparency of credit organizations for interested users. Goals/Objectives The aim of this study is to develop a concept of information transparency of credit organizations. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine the system of the conceptual apparatus, the principles, goals and objectives of information transparency of the activities of credit organizations, as well as the requirements for the main elements of its support. Methodology The research methodology is an empirical methodology, based on the application of general scientific research methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization. Special methods were applied for comparative analysis of legislation, abstracting estimates of rating agencies, testing the effectiveness of IT products and software. Conclusions and Relevance A holistic concept of information transparency of the activities of credit organizations has been formed, aimed at increasing the stability and investment attractiveness of the country’s banking system. As a part of the development of the concept, the notions related to the processes under consideration (“information transparency”, “activity”) and objects (“credit organization”, “interested users of information”) were clarified. The basic principles, purpose and objectives of increasing the information transparency of the activities of credit organizations are formulated. Requirements for mechanisms for increasing information transparency, accounting and analytical tools, a system for monitoring the reliability of data generated and published by credit organizations, staffing services of credit organizations providing informational transparency of their activities are defined. Keywords: information disclosure, information transparency, transparency, credit organizations, banking operations, information technology, XBRL References: Petrachova, Cherkin (2010) – Petrachova L. Cherkin E. 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Oxana N. AfanasyevaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
The influence of the key rate of the Bank of Russia on inflationAbstract Subject/Topic The article is devoted to the study of the role of the Bank of Russia refinancing as an instrument of monetary policy with an aim of influencing economic indicators. The author examines the influence of the Bank of Russia key rate on inflation indicators such as the consumer price index, GDP deflator, and producer price index. Goals/Objectives Using various instruments of monetary policy, the Bank of Russia is affecting the country’s economy. One of such tools is the key rate, which is the rate on the Bank of Russia loans to commercial banks. It is established by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia and at the moment is the most important tool for regulating the economy. The rates on loans established by the banks affect business activity in the country, which in turn affects the state of the economy as a whole. Therefore, today it is especially important to understand how effective the Bank of Russia policy is and whether it really has a significant impact on the country’s economy, including inflation. Methodology When writing the work, general and special research methods, analysis based on graphing, synthesis, and generalization were used. Conclusions and Relevance The dependencies between the Bank of Russia monetary policy instruments such as refinancing, and the consumer price index, gross domestic product deflator, producer price index were identified, the type of these dependencies was determined, and the time lags of the instrument’s impact on inflation indicators were analyzed. Keywords: Central Bank of Russia (CBR), key rate, inflation, consumer price index, GDP deflator, producer price index, monetary policy instruments, non-monetary factors affecting inflation, the clipping effect, targeting of inflation. References: Katkova K. S. (2018) Influence of monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the financial and real sector of the economy [Vliyanie denezhno-kreditnoy politiki tsentralnogo banka Rossiyskoy Federatsii na finansovyiy i realnyiy sektor ekonomiki] // Chronoeconomics [Hronoekonomika]. n. 3 (11). p. 97-100. [in Russian] Abramenko D. A. Gritsay S. E. (2018) Inflation Targeting as a benchmark of monetary policy of the Bank of Russia [Targetirovanie inflyatsii kak orientir denezhno-kreditnoy politiki Banka Rossii] // Breakthrough economic reforms in the conditions of risk and uncertainty. Collection of articles on the results of the international scientific and practical conference [Proryivnyie ekonomicheskie reformyi v usloviyah riska i neopredelennosti. Sbornik statey po itogam mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii]. p. 5-8. [in Russian] Ilyashenko V. V., Kuklina L. N. 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(2015) The Value of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in monetary regulation [Znachenie klyuchevoy stavki TsB RF v denezhno-kreditnom regulirovanii] // Economics and management: analysis of trends and prospects of development [Ekonomika i upravlenie: analiz tendentsiy i perspektiv razvitiya]. n. 20. p. 193-196. [in Russian] Mavrina N. A., Tsoi V. V. (2018) Features of the implementation of the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia in the framework of the inflation targeting regime [Osobennosti realizatsii denezhno-kreditnoy politiki Banka Rossii v ramkah rezhima targetirovaniya inflyatsii] // Collection: key elements of human development, economy and economic security. Collection of articles of participants of the International scientific and practical conference of the V Ural Vernissage of science and business. Edited by E. P. Velikhov [Sbornik: klyuchevyie elementyi razvitiya chelovecheskogo potentsiala, ekonomiki i obespecheniya ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti. Sbornik statey uchastnikov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii V Uralskogo vernisazha nauki i biznesa. Pod obschey redaktsiey E. P. Velihova]. p. 159-163. Kazmin A. Y. (2017) About monetary policy and inflation in Russia at the present stage [O denezhno kreditnoy politiki i inflyatsii v Rossii na sovremennom etape] // Bulletin Orelgiet [Vestnik Orelgiet]. n. 3 (41). p. 80-87. [in Russian] Butuzova A. S. (2017) How does inflation targeting affect the economic development of the country? [Kak vliyaet inflyatsionnoe targetirovanie na ekonomicheskoe razvitie stranyi?] // Finance and credit [Finansyi i kredit]. n. 18. p. 1063-1071. [in Russian] Leusenko V. P. (2017) Inflation targeting in the system of monetary policy instruments of the Bank of Russia [Targetirovanie inflyatsii v sisteme instrumentov denezhno-kreditnoy politiki Banka Rossii] // Collection: Actual problems of modern economy. Mathematical methods, models and information technologies Collection of reports of the XVIII scientific and practical conference of teachers, students, postgraduates and young scientists [Sbornik: Aktualnyie problemyi sovremennoy ekonomiki. Matematicheskie metodyi, modeli i informatsionnyie tehnologii Sbornik dokladov XVIII nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii prepodavateley, studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih]. p. 82-85. [in Russian] Kuchkarov Z. A., Derbentsev D. D., Kuznetsova E. B., Kuziva T. D. (2017) Uncertainty of concepts as a source of problems of management of economic objects in the Russian Federation: examples of inflation and monetary policy [Neopredelennost ponyatiy kak istochnik problem upravleniya ekonomicheskimi ob’ektami v RF: primeryi inflyatsii i denezhno-kreditnoy politiki] // Economics: yesterday, today, tomorrow [Ekonomika: vchera, segodnya, zavtra]. n. 4A. p. 5-15. [in Russian] Maltseva K. K., Sidorenko A. Y. (2017) Implementation of monetary policy in the conditions of inflation in Russia and abroad [Realizatsiya denezhno-kreditnoy politiki v usloviyah inflyatsii v Rossii i za rubezhom] // Collection: Modern economy: topical issues, achievements and innovations. Collection of articles of the XII International scientific and practical conference [Sbornik: Sovremennaya ekonomika: aktualnyie voprosyi, dostizheniya i innovatsii. Sbornik statey XII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii]. p. 151-154. [in Russian] Kozyr N. S., Tolstov N. S. (2016) Influence of the key rate on macroeconomic stability of the Russian Federation during the crisis of 2014-2016 [Vliyanie klyuchevoy stavki na makroekonomicheskuyu stabilnost Rossiyskoy Federatsii v period krizisa 2014 goda]. 15 p. [Electronic resource] URL: (date of access 10.10.2019). Khesin E. S. Inflation Management: driving forces of change [Upravlenie inflyatsiey: dvizhuschie silyi peremen] // Money and credit [Dengi i kredit]. 2017. V. 12. P. 9-14. [in Russian] Maslennikov V., Korovin D., Afanasyeva O. (2019) Refinancing as an element of inflation control [Refinansirovanie kak element upravleniya inflyatsiey] // Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. V. 7. n.1. p. 438-453. [in Russian] Kartaev F. S. (2016) Does the choice of monetary policy regime affect inflation? [Vliyaet li vyibor rezhima monetarnoy politiki na inflyatsiyu?] // Bull. Mosk. Un-ty s.6 Economics [Vestn. Mosk. Un-ta. Ser.6. Ekonomik]. n. 5. p. 39-51. [in Russian] |
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Irina А. Ryzhovaapplicant for a Degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, the Department of Economic theory, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E -mail: |
Institutional bases of minimizing risks in the banking sphereAbstract Subject/Topic At the beginning of the last century, banking risk issues ceased to be a priority only of national importance. Crisis phenomena have shown the complete interdependence of the economies of different countries and revealed the need for the introduction of banking sector stability indicators. Therefore, it became important to carry out risk management not only within the credit institution itself, but also at the level of both national banking system and internationally. It becomes obvious that it is necessary to identify specific risks that are inherent in the banking sector, as well as to develop modern ways to minimize internal risks, especially for a credit institution. Goal/Objectives The aim of the study is to identify the specific risks for the banking sector of each country based on the international and domestic experience, as well as to develop recommendations to minimize risks for credit institutions. Methodology In the work were used general and special research method, in particular, analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, induction and deduction, scientific abstraction. The assurance of risk safety should be effected at the three levels: at the international level, at the state level and at the level of credit organizations. The main methods for minimizing the consequences of the modern banking risks were presented. Conclusion and Relevance In the course of the work, the main banking risks were identified. Keyword: banking; banking risks; minimization of bank risks; banks; credit organizations. References: Federal law of December 2, 1990 № 395-1-FL «On banks and banking activities»: [Electronic resource] // ConsultantPlus. – Access mode:[Federal’nyj zakon ot 02 dekabrya 1990 g. № 395-1-FZ «O bankah i bankovskoj deyatel’nosti» // [Elektronnyj resurs]: Konsul’tantPlyus. – Rezhim dostupa:] (accessed: 02.06.2019). [in Russian] Federal Law of July 6, 2016 № 374-FL «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Countering Terrorism»» [Electronic resource] // ConsultantPlus. – Access mode: [Federal’nyj zakon ot 6 iyulya 2016 g. № 374-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal’nyj zakon «O protivodejstvii terrorizmu» // Konsul’tantPlyus – Rezhim dostupa:] (accessed: 06/20/2019). [in Russian] Federal Law of July 10, 2002 # 86- FL «On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) »: [Electronic resource] // ConsultantPlus. – Access mode: [Federal’nyj zakon ot 10 iyulya 2002 g. # 86-FZ «O Central’nom banke Rossijskoj Federacii (Banke Rossii)»: Elektronnyj resurs // Konsul’tantPlyus. – Rezhim dostupa:] (accessed: 06/29/2019) [in Russian] Bashanova (2016) – Bashanova I.A. Improving the mechanism for assessing credit risks [Text] / // Actual problems of economic sciences: collection. articles. [ Sovershenstvovanie mekhanizma ocenki kreditnyh riskov / Aktual’nye voprosy ekonomicheskih nauk: sb. statej. – Novosibirsk], – Novosibirsk, 2016 .– р. 181-184 [in Russian] Bogdanov (2001) – Bogdanov I.Y. Economic security of Russia: theory and practice /. [Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost’ Rossii: teoriya i praktika] – M.: ISPI RAS, 2001. -348 р. [in Russian] Azriliyan, Azriliyan, Kalashnikova (2002) – A.N. Azrilian, O.M. Azrilian, E.V. Kalashnikov and others. Large economic dictionary: 24800 terms / ed. and under the editorship of A.N. Azriliyana. 5th ed., Revised. and add. [Bol’shoj ekonomicheskij slovar’: 24800 terminov] – M.: Institute of the New Economy, 2002. [in Russian] Ivanov (2007) – Ivanov V.V. Theories of credit / V.V. Ivanov, A.V. Kanaev, B.I. Sokolov, I.V. Toprover. [Teorii kredita] – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2007.- 332 p. Krivorotov (2015) – Krivorotov V.V. Economic security of the state and regions [Text]: textbook. / A.V. Kalina, N.D. Eriashvili. [Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost’ gosudarstva i regionov: ucheb. Posobie ]. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2015. 351 p. – p. 9. [in Russian] Nikolaev (2008) – Nikolaev T.P. Finance and credit: Educational-methodical complex / T.P. Nikolaev. [Finansy i kredit: Uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks] – M.: EAOI, 2008. 371 p. [in Russian] Markov (2013) – Markov K.V Macroprudential analysis // Money and credit. [Makroprudencial’nyj analiz // Den’gi i kredit] – 2013. – #. 9. – р. 57-69. [in Russian] The Bank of Russia reported to the State Duma for 2015. Central Bank revenues fell [Bank Rossii otchitalsya pered Gosdumoj za 2015 god. Dohody CB upali: Electronic resource] – Access mode: URL: (accessed: 06/29/2019). [in Russian] |
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Olga S. VinogradovaMaster of Economics, Economic Faculty, Head teacher of the Department of Finance and credit, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow. E-mail: |
Evolution of the concepts of financial risk management in commercial banksAbstract Subject/ Topic Effective financial management plays a significant role in improving risk tolerance of commercial banks. With time financial risk management concepts became more complex. In the process of complication of financial systems of different countries, the new types of risks and penetration channels were generated, and the degree of their impact changed. The influence of these new risks on the performance indicators of the particular credit institution has forced the researchers to develop new methods and tools that could be applied for maintaining the acceptable level of risks. The problems of financial risks management in commercial banks have received special attention in the context of the global financial crisis. Goals/Objectives This work analyzes the classifications of financial risks of commercial banks and classifies the methods of financial risk management in Russia. Methodology This research was carried out by the means of general scientific methods of research, methods of comparison and scientific generalization, graphical representation of the received results. Conclusions and Relevance Initially financial risk management involved only procedures for becoming aware of risks and the methods of risk analysis. Later the attention was switched to the assessment of their impact and relevant responding to this impact. Currently all the main concepts involve choices of the options: how much risk to take and how to manage these risks most effectively. The modern approach is to see the financial function of banks as the active policy in changing conditions, directly involving it in the subsequent decisions. Consequently, the modern concept of financial risk management is based on the preventive risk management methods. Keywords: financial risk management, commercial bank, banking risks, methods of risk management, the evolution of financial risk management methods. References: Barbaumov (2009) – Barbaumov V.E. Encyclopedias of Financial Risk Management [Entsiklopedii finansovogo risk-menedzhmenta] pod red. A. A. Lobanova i A. V. Chugunova. – 2009. – Pp. 612-613. [in Russian]. Tamarov et al. (2011) – Tamarov P. A., Pak M. V., Kuzmin A. L. Application of the Bank of Russia recommendations on the timeliness of settlements and systemic risk of the settlement system in the context of legislative changes [Primeneniye rekomendatsiy Banka Rossii o svoyevremennosti osushchestvleniya raschetov i sistemnom riske raschetnoy sistemy v kontekste zakonodatel’nykh izmeneniy ] // Money and Credit [Den’gi i Kredit] 2011. – No. 11. – Pp. 22-27. [in Russian]. 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Svetlana M. DoguchaevaCandidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, Associate professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
E-mail: |
Analysis of the deployment of digital economy solutions based on IT researchAbstract Subject / Topic The possibilities of using cloud services and Artificial Intelligence in the innovative processes of the digital economy. Transparency is an essential element to meet digital requirements that concern ethics and privacy. Goals / Objectives To consider deploying and operating Cloud Data Warehousing, using Machine Learning, and the Internet of Things. Such opportunities enable companies to cope with several business tasks at the same time. Methodology The work shows the most popular approaches of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud technologies, which, in turn, enable deep learning to become a technology that changes the world. Conclusions and Relevance The relevance of the study is connected with the fact that the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and e-commerce, using Big Data and Machine Learning, opening new ways of exchanging information, selling goods and providing services, have become the main foundations in modern digital economic transformation. Keywords: innovation, machine learning, digital economy, internet of things, artificial intelligence, cloud solutions, information technology, big data, data mining, neural networks. Rеfеrеncеs: Akbari, A., Abbasian, M., & Jansooz, P. Application of RAP Model in measuring the capabilities of attracting sources in the economy: A case study of the tourism sector in Sistan and Balucestan. [ Primeneniye modeli RAP dlya izmereniya vozmozhnostey privlecheniya istochnikov v ekonomiku: tematicheskoye issledovaniye sektora turizma v Sistane i Beludzhistane.] UCT Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research. [UCT Zhurnal sotsial’nykh i gumanitarnykh]. 2016. №1 (4). P. 12-15. World Bank. [Vsemirnyj bank] Oil Exporters: Policies and Challenges, Commodities Market Outlook. [Ehksportery nefti: politika i vyzovy, perspektivy syr’evogo rynka]. World Bank[Vsemirnyj bank]. Available from [Dostupno s]: http://www.pubdocs. /en/734451528311174935/CMO-April-2018-SpecialFocus-Oil-Exporters.pdf. [Last accessed on 2019 February 4]. Ge X., Talele N., Jaeger T. Fine-Grained Control-Flow Integrity for Kernel Software.[ Melkozernistaya celostnost’ potoka upravleniya dlya programmnogo obespecheniya yadra]. IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P)[ IEEE Evropejskij simpozium po bezopasnosti i konfidencial’nosti].doi:10.1109/eurosp. 2016. #24. Zhanna A. Kevorkova Assessment of business continuity is a mandatory audit procedure.[ Ocenka nepreryvnosti deyatel’nosti – obyazatel’naya procedura audita] Economy. Business. Banks.[ EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2016. #2 (15). P.129-141. Kupriyanova L.M. Insolvency: factors limiting the organization. [Neplatezhesposobnost’: faktory, ogranichivayushchiye deyatel’nost’ organizatsii] Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2017. No 3 (20). P. 162-173. Kupriyanova L.M. Intellectual law in the intellectual market. [Intellektual’noye pravo na rynke intellektual’noy]. Modern lawyer. Russian-Italian International University (Institute). [ Sovremennyy yurist. Russko-Ital’yanskiy Mezhdunarodnyy Universitet (Institut)] 2018. №1(22). p.92-101 Kupriyanova L.M. Blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. [Tekhnologiya Blokcheyna i kriptovalyuty]. Modern lawyer. Russian-Italian International University (Institute). [ Sovremennyy yurist. Russko-Ital’yanskiy Mezhdunarodnyy Universitet (Institut)]. 2017. No. 4 (21). P. 71-81. Larsen, P., Homescu, A., Brunthaler, S., & Franz, M. SoK: Automated software diversity. [Raznoobraziye avtomatizirovannogo programmnogo obespecheniya]IEEE SymposiumonSecurityandPrivacy (SP). 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[Preimushchestva nejronnyh setej] // (Electronic resource). Access mode [EHlektronnyj resurs. Rezhim dostupa] 01.10.2019. ASEAN CIOs spend more on digital transformation [IT-direktora ASEAN bol’she tratyat na tsifrovuyu transformatsiyu]// (Electronic resource). Access mode [EHlektronnyj resurs. Rezhim dostupa]. // (date of access: 01.09.2019). How business applies artificial intelligence technology/ [Kak biznes primenyayet tekhnologii iskusstvennogo intellekta]// (Electronic resource). Access mode. [EHlektronnyj resurs. Rezhim dostupa] (date of access: 01.09.2019). Sekretnyye Internet veshchey// [Secret Internet of Things] (Electronic resource). Access mode. [EHlektronnyj resurs. Rezhim dostupa]. 18.10.19. Machine Learning Today//[ Mashinnoye obucheniye segodnya] (Electronic resource). Access mode [EHlektronnyj resurs. Rezhim dostupa]. (date of access: 01.09.2019). Digital Transformation of Companies. [Tsifrovoye preobrazovaniye kompaniy ]// (Electronic resource). 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Alexander S. RodionovPhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Professor of the Department of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Director of Scientific and Information Consulting of safe life and work, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. President of Graduate School MВА «IntegraL» (Corporate University). E-mail: Lyudmila M. KupriyanovaCandidate of Economic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, analysis and audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of Economics of intellectual property, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Effective administration of risk management in real time formation of Russian digital economyAbstract Subject / Topic T he article discusses the problematic issues of effective administration of risk management for real-time formation of the digital economy of Russia. The relevance of the topic is connected with the dualism of the technocratic and anthropocentric approach when moving into the digital economy zone. The prevalence of the technical component over humanism, the primacy of maximizing profits over humanity, is becoming the subject of risk management. The deepening of the emerging trend turns scientific and technological progress into a driver of impoverishment and depopulation. Goals / Objectives To outline the author’s paradigm of overcoming the bifurcation point and the singularity zone in the transition to the digital economy with minimal losses of intellectual and labor resources. To draw attention to the fact that a dress rehearsal of the transition to the digital economy was already held in the USSR in the mid-60s as a mass introduction of automated control systems (ACS) and the creation of the State Automated Network (OGAS). To recall that, according to the students of the “father of Soviet cybernetics” academician V.M. Glushkov, OGAS could save the USSR from collapse. The collapse of the USSR did not remove the relevance of the problem, on the contrary, it made it even more relevant now for Russia, in the transition to a digital economy Methodology The methods of divergent and convergent thinking, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, method of comparison and analogy, phenomenological approach to GAP-analysis of development trends in real time. Conclusions and Relevance The author’s paradigm of effective risk management administration in the conditions of a turbulent transition of the global economy to the digitalization zone is proposed. The importance of taking into account the humanitarian component of scientific and technological progress is shown, as an option according to the Rodionov Pentahedron model. The rationale for the need to change security systems when changing technological structures is given. It is noted that with the advent of new drivers of the economy and dangers (means of competition for resources, threats, fears), a need arises for an urgent paradigm of integrated life safety and its implementation in a specific national security system. Keywords: risk management, digital economy, life safety, national priorities. References: The real sector of economy in the context of the new industrial revolution: Monograph / Ed. M.A. Eskindarova, N.M. Abdikeeva. – M.: Kogito-Center, 2019. – 428 p. ISO 31000 – Risk Management [Electronic resource] URL: (date of access: 20.09.2019) OCEG Red Book 2.1 [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 01.09.2019) BS 31100: 2008 [site]. 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Dobryakova; “Higher School of Economics”. – M.: Publishing. House of the Higher School of Economics, 2019 – 128 p. – (Economic theory) [in Russian] Rodionov, Kupriyanova (2019) – Rodionov A.S. Kupriyanova L.M. Free market economy as a necessary factor for sustainable economic growth // Economy. Business. Banks 2019.No.8 (34). p. 28-43 Kupriyanova (2014) – Kupriyanova L.M. Analysis of the problems of innovative development of the Russian economy [Analiz problem innovacionnogo razvitiya ekonomiki Rossii]. Science Magazine – THE WORLD OF NEW ECONOMY [Nauchnyj zhurnal – Mir novoj ekonomiki]. 2014. No. 4. p. 13-21. 2014. № 4. p. 13-21 |
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Aidar N. IsmagilovBachelor of Economics, Faculty of Financial markets and banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Key problems of derivatives market development in RussiaAbstract Subject/Topic Russian derivatives market. Goals/Objectives Definition of key problems of development of the derivatives market in Russia and ways of their overcoming. Methodology In the work were used such methods as analysis and synthesis, classification, generalization, comparison, and graphical method. Results The author characterizes the Russian market of derivative financial instruments. The key problems of the development of the derivatives market in Russia are highlighted: the concentration of all liquidity in the short term, the lack of forecasting and hedging functions, the imperfection of the regulatory framework, as well as the risks of the national economy. The measures to overcome the identified problems are proposed. Conclusion and Relevance The article describes the Russian derivatives market. The main problems that hinder the development of the derivatives market are highlighted, and measures to improve this market are proposed. Keywords: derivatives market, hedging, risks of the national economy, imperfection of the regulatory framework, development prospects. References: Holodenko (2018) – Holodenko O. How to buy volatility index [Kak kupit` indeks volatil`nosti], BKS Ekspress, 2018. [in Russian] URL: (date of access 20.09.2019) Popova (2017) – Popova S.B. Problems and peculiarities of Russian derivatives market infrastructure development [Problems i osobennosti razvitiya infrastruktury srochnogo rynka Rossii], Some Issues and Problems of Economics and Management [O nekotoryx voprosax i problemax ekonomiki i menedzhmenta], 2017. P. 304. [in Russian] Anishchenko, Panteleeva (2018) – Anishchenko K.L., Panteleeva T. A. Problems and prospects of the Russian derivatives market [Problemy i perspektivy rossijskogo rynka proizvodnyx finansovyx instrumentov], Bulletin of the Institute of world civilizations [Vestnik instituta mirovy`x civilizacij], 2018. P. 8-11. [in Russian] Prudnikova (2018) – Prudnikova A.A. Development of the market of derivative financial instruments and problems of its regulation [Razvitie rynka proizvodnyx finansovyx instrumentov i problemy ego regulirovaniya], Finance, money circulation and credit [Finansy, denezhnoe obrashhenie i kredit], 2018. P. 63-69. [in Russian] Kotova, Ershova, Yeshanu (2017) – Kotova O.V., Ershova K. A., Yeshanu Y. V. The market of derivative financial instruments today and its role in the development of modern economic system [Rynok proizvodnyx finansovyx instrumentov segodnya i ego rol` v razvitii sovremennoj ekonomicheskoj sisteme], Innovation economy: prospects for development and improvement [Innovacionnaya ekonomika: perspektivy razvitiya i sovershenstvovaniya], 2017. P. 90-96. [in Russian] |
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Mohamad AlmughrabiPostgraduate student of the Department of Logistics and marketing, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Moscow.
E-mail: |
Application of innovative marketing technologies in the brand management of banksAbstract Subject/ Topic During the transformation of Russian economy into digital form, the relevance of applying innovative communication technologies in the sectors of economy, the assessment of their effectiveness and optimization of their application in different sectors has increased. At this stage, competition in the banking sector forces banks to use innovative methods that are more effective in the interaction with their customers. Social networks are considered as a revolution in the theory of marketing communication, and penetration of these networks among the Russian Audience provides banks with more convenient platform to interact with customers in real time. The issue of using social networks, assessment of their effectiveness and the prospect of their applications in brand management of Russian banks is the subject of this article. Goals/Objectives The purpose of this work is to apply innovative marketing technologies in the brand management of banks at different levels, including in social networks. Methodology The article considers the theoretical and methodological directions of development of marketing tools in social networks, the parameters of assessing their effectiveness, and analyses their application in the Russian banking system’s brand management. Conclusions and Relevance The article analyses the application of marketing technologies in brand management of Russian banks and provides a holistic approach to the brand management of banks with application of innovative marketing tools in social media. Keywords: brand management, innovative marketing, social media marketing (MSS), Russian retail banks, strategic marketing References: Innovative marketing: Book for Bachelor and Master Degrees, under general edition. S.V. Karpova, M.: Publishing Urait, 2016. – 457p. [in Russian] Kang, M.J., 2005. A Study on the Effect of Features of Brand Community Using Oneperson Media on Consumers. Master’s dissertation. Seoul National University. Kelly, L., Kerr, G., Drennan, J., 2010. Avoidance of advertising in social networking sites: the teenage perspective. J. Interact. Advert. 10 (2), 16–27. Sano, K., 2014. Do social media marketing activities enhance customer satisfaction, promote positive WOM and affect behavior intention? Invest. Eff. Soc. media Tour. Ind. 66 (3/4), 45–69. Russian public opinion research center (VCIOM) [Vserossiyskiy tsentr izucheniya obschestvennogo mneniya (VTSIOM)]: Every age has its own network [Kazhdomu vozrastu – svoi seti]. /index.php?id =236&uid =116691. Date of access: 27.09.2018. Easyfinance: Rating of the friendliest banks in social networks for the 1st quarter of 2018 [Reyting samyih druzhelyubnyih bankov v sotsialnyih setyah za 1 kvartal 2018 g.] Date of access: 27.09.2018. NAFI Analysing Center: Are banks effective in social networks? [Effektivnyi li banki v sotsialnyih setyah?]. /analytics/effektivny-li-banki-v-sotsialnykh-setyakh/ . Date of access: 27.09.2018. Statista – the statistics portal for market data and market research: Social networks in 2018: a global study [Sotsialnyie seti v 2018 godu: globalnoe issledovanie]. Date of access: 27.09.2018. We are social: DIGITAL IN 2018: /2018/01/global-digital-report-2018. Date of access: 27.09.2018. Richter, A., Koch, M., 2007. Social software-status quo und Zukunft. Technischer Bericht, Nr. 2007-01. Fakultat Fur Informatik Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen. http: // /uploads/RichterKoch2007.pdf , Date of access: 27.09.2018. |
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Anna A. Andreeva3rd year student, Department of International economic relations, IE-3-8, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia. E-mail: |
The role of Digital customer in modern conditionsAbstract Subject/Topic The modern digital world generates new industries and moreover new customers. Each of us is now somehow a digital customer. The influence of digital customer on the work of marketers in modern companies is enormous. Due to the creation of a new model of behavior of digital customer the marketers have been able to analyze the impact of these customers on the business and further development of the values of digital customer on the company’s activities. Goals/Objectives The purpose of this work is to identify theoretical and practical changes of the company’s work in the field of marketing in connection with the emergence of digital customer. To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be solved: to form the main characteristics of digital customer; to analyze the model of digital customer’s behavior with theoretical and practical aspects; to identify the main aspects of changes in marketing strategy of companies in the future connected with digital customer. Methodology Implementation of the objectives is carried out through the study of domestic and foreign literature on the topic. Conclusions and Relevance The author’s operating objectives have led to in-depth analysis of digital customer, the model of behavior of this customer and the impact of this behavior on the marketing strategy of the company in the future. Additionally, this analysis has led to a logical conclusion based on the research. Keywords: digital customer, marketing, “moment of truth” model, customer decision making system, business improvement. References: Kotler (2015) – Philip Kotler Marketing basics: short course [Osnovyi marketinga: kratkiy kurs.] M.: Williams [Vilyams], 2015. p. 496 [in Russion] Sewell, Braun (2016) – Karl Sewell, Paul B. Braun Customers for Life [Klientyi na vsyu zhizn.] M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber [Mann, Ivanov i Ferber], 2016. p. 232 [in Russion] Isaak Sacolick. Driving Digital: The Leader’s Guide to Business Transformation Through Technology. New York: AMACOM, 2017 Donal Daly. Digital Sales Transformation in a Customer First World. // Oak Tree Press, 2017 David Meerman Scott, Sean Pratt. The New Rules of Marketing & PR 4th Edition: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications…to Reach Buyers Directly. Gildan Media on Dreamscape Audio, 2016 Chuck Hemann. Digital Marketing Analytics: Making Sense of Consumer Data in a Digital World: Making Sense of Consumer Data in a Digital World (Que Biz-Tech). Que Publishing, 2 edition, 2018 Digital client. Iron Metalloinvest Journal, №1, July 2018 [Electronic resource] / URL: (access date: 11.04.2019). Kravchenko, Kryukova (2017) – Kravchenko V.O., Kryukova A.A. The concept of a digital client in Russian business [Ponyatie tsifrovogo klienta v rossiyskom biznese] // Problems of Economics and management [Problemyi ekonomiki i menedzhmenta]. 2017. #1 (65). [Electronic resource] / URL: (access date: 11.04.2019). Digital customer lifecycle marketing [Electronic resource] / URL: access date: 11.04.2019). Digital marketing transformation – the customer leads the dance [Electronic resource] / URL: (access date: 11.04.2019). Bill Su. The evolution of consumer behavior in the digital age. [Electronic resource] / URL: (access date: 11.04.2019). |
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Karina V. Velikaya4th year Student of the Faculty of sociology and politilogy, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation” Moscow. |
Public domain: legal regulation and some problems of transitionAbstract The article is devoted to the study of the term “public domain”, legal regulation and problems arising in the transition of the work to the public domain. The modern concepts of intellectual property rights in Russian and international legislation are studied, as the share of intellectual capital in the modern world is incredibly high. It makes it necessary to analyze the approaches to the legal regime of exclusive intellectual property rights protection, as well as to consider some problems of stimulating the development of modern legislation in the field of intellectual property. The article analyzes the legal instruments of regulation of public domain, such as Unilecense and Creative Commons. The sphere of intellectual property, protection of intellectual rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization of goods, works and services of the legal entities did not stand aside. Subject/Topic The problems of transition to the public domain; the main characteristics of the category “public domain”. Goals/Objectives To consider the features of the legal regulation of the transfer of works to the public domain. To analyze the content of the legal category “public domain”. Methodology The theory of state and law. Conclusions and Relevance The process of transferring into the public domain forms problematic and incompletely studied field of national legislation. The legal regulation of works in the public domain is quite narrow. The range of these opportunities can only be expanded by referring to the tools such as Creative Commons, Unilicense and others. Keywords: public domain, exclusive right, authorship, legal order, intellectual property References: Samuelson P. (2003) – Digital Information. Digital Networks and the Public Domain. Law and Contemporary Problems, no 66, pp. 80 Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part four) “dated December 18, 2006 # 230-ФЗ (as amended on July 18, 2019) Kalyatin V.S. Problems of determining the public domain in the modern information society // Law. Journal of Higher School of Economics. 2016. # 2. P. 9. [Electronic resource] URL: Zenin I.A. The right to intellectual property. M.Urait p. 30-33. URL: Ivanov N. Public domain prior as special right mechanism of using boost// intellectual property// Copyright and adjacent rights. – 2005/ – # 2. Р. 84 Kalyatin V.O. Functions of the public domain regime in the modern information society // Law. Journal of Higher School of Economics. 2015. No. 4. P. 4–16. [Electronic resource] URL: Mozolin V.P. About the concept of intellectual rights. // Journal of Russian Law, 2007, # 12. P. 108-109 [Electronic resource] URL: Public domain in transboundary copyright relations, 2016 No. 12 (121). P.57-60 [Electronic resource] URL: file: /// C: / Users / 162315 / Downloads / obschestvennoe-dostoyanie-v-transgranichnyh-avtorsko-pravovyh-otnosheniyah Yakovleva R. B. Problems of transition of a work into the public domain before the expiration of the term of the exclusive right to work // Property relations in the Russian Federation. – 2010. # 2 (101). – P. 80–81. [Electronic resource] URL: Susan A. Aaronson. Intellectual property rights. The international economy. 2012 |
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Azamat A. IbragimovMBA student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:
Exclusive right in brandy production and its influence on basic financial indicatorsAbstract Subject/Topic The work is aimed at studying the main features and problems associated with the accounting and evaluation of exclusive intellectual property rights, as well as analyzing their impact on the main financial indicators of enterprise and identifying their interconnection on the example of JSC ” Kizlyar brandy factory”. Goals/Objectives To determine the features of accounting and evaluation of exclusive rights and their impact on the financial result of enterprise, as well as to identify the main problems associated with the accounting and registration of rights to such type of intellectual property as a trademark. Methodology In the course of the research, the following mixed methods of analysis were applied: theoretical analysis, structural analysis, as well as a review of historical and scientific literature. Conclusions and Relevance In the course of the study, the main features and problems of accounting for trademarks, the direct connection between financial results and the value of exclusive rights was revealed on the example of JSC “Kizlyar brandy factory”, confirmed by the data of annual financial statements and calculations with implementation of different methods of analysis. Keywords: exclusive rights to trademark, evaluation, Kizlyar brandy factory, winemaking, viticulture, intangible assets References: Official website of Rospatent:; Official website of the RD Government:;Кизлярский_коньячный_завод Harunova (2015) – Harunova N. N. History of cognac production in Kizlyar district of Dagestan (1930-1949). [Istoriya kon’yachnogo proizvodstva v kizlyarskom rayone dagestana (1930-1949 gg.)] // Article on the specialty “History. Historical Sciences ” [Stat’ya po spetsial’nosti «Istoriya. Istoricheskie nauki»] – 2015; Golysheva, Dasaeva (2017) – Golysheva N., Dasaeva N. D. Problems of accounting for patents for selection achievements. [Problemy ucheta patentov na selektsionnye dostizheniya] // Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki ] -2017. No. 4 (21) Pp. 74-80. Kupriyanova, Golysheva (2016) – Kupriyanova L. M., Golysheva N. I. Risk analysis according to accounting financial statements. [Analiz riskov po dannym bukhgalterskoy finansovoy otchetnosti ] // Economy. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki ] – 2016. T. 10. Pp. 40-55. Golysheva, Maksimova (2013) – Golysheva N. I., Maksimova E. N., Features of harmonization of accounting and tax accounting in Russia. [ Osobennosti garmonizatsii bukhgalterskogo i nalogovogo ucheta v Rossii.] // Journal: Management of economic systems. [Zhurnal: Upravlenie ekonomicheskimi sistemami ] 2013 Official website of Kizlyar brandy factory Database of spark: |
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