The Modern Lawyer №4(29)
Natalia N. BocharovaSenior lecturer, Department of Financial law, Southern Federal University, Rostov– on– Don, Russia. E– mail: Alexandr D. Lapikovstudent, Law faculty, Southern Federal University, Rostov– on– Don, Russia. E– mail: |
THE ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM’S IMPACT ON CHANGES IN BUDGET SPENDINGAbstract Subject/Topic Public relations connected with the implementation of the administrative reform in Russia, its main goals and objectives, such as improvement of the efficiency of the system of Federal Executive authorities and budget savings, analysis of the reform of the Federal Executive authorities on the functional and territorial principle under the influence of geopolitical changes (anti– crisis plan of the Government of the Russian Federation from 2015). Goals/Objectives The article is focused on the research of administrative reform conducted in Russia, its main directions, the dependence of these directions on internal and external factors. To achieve this goal the Decree of the RF President No. 314 from 09.03.2004, and the anti– crisis plan of the Government of the Russian Federation from 2015 were analyzed. Methodology The methodological basis of the research consists of: general methods of cognition; general scientific methods, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and comparison. The main method is the formal– logical method. Conclusion and Relevance The administrative reform implemented in Russia is a necessary and permanent tool for improving the efficiency of the state power functioning. It is caused by both internal factors – the purpose to increase the efficiency of the state administration apparatus, and external – the need to optimize the powers of state bodies and, accordingly, the number of state bodies to reduce budget expenditures. Keywords: administrative reform; functions; Federal Executive authorities; budget expenditures. References: The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2003 No. 824 “On measures for administrative reform in 2003– 2004” / / Rossiyskaya Gazeta. No. 148. 25.07.2003. [Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 23 iyulya 2003 g. № 824 «O merah po provedeniyu administrativnoj reformy v 2003 – 2004 gg.» // Rossijskaya gazeta. № 148. 25.07.2003]. The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2005 No. 1789– R (ed. of 10.03.2009) “On the Concept of administrative reform in the Russian Federation in 2006– 2010” / / Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 14.11.2005. No. 46. art. 4720. [Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 25 oktyabrya 2005 g. № 1789– r (red. ot 10.03.2009) «O Koncepcii administrativnoj reformy v Rossijskoj Federacii v 2006 – 2010 godah» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 14.11.2005. № 46. St. 4720]. The decree of the RF Government dated 10 June 2011 No. 1021– R (edition of 28.08.2012) “On approval of the concept of decrease in administrative barriers and increase of availability of state and municipal services in 2011 – 2013 and Plan for implementation of the indicated Concept” // collected legislation of the Russian Federation. 27.06.2011. No. 26. art. 3826. [Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 10 iyunya 2011 g. № 1021– r (red. ot 28.08.2012) «Ob utverzhdenii Koncepcii snizheniya administrativnyh bar’erov i povyshenii dostupnosti gosudarstvennyh i municipal’nyh uslug na 2011 – 2013 gody i Plana meropriyatij po realizacii ukazannoj Koncepcii» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 27.06.2011. № 26. St. 3826]. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 601 “On the main directions of improving the system of public administration” / / Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 07.05.2012. No. 19. 2338. 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[Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 09.03.2004 № 314 (red. ot 12.04.2019) «O sisteme i strukture federal’nyh organov ispolnitel’noj vlasti» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, № 11, 15.03.2004, st. 945]. The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2015 N 98– p About the plan of priority actions for ensuring sustainable development of economy and social stability in 2015 URL: [Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 27 yanvarya 2015 g. № 98– r O plane pervoocherednyh meropriyatij po obespecheniyu ustojchivogo razvitiya ekonomiki i social’noj stabil’nosti v 2015 g.URL:] The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 31.03.2014 No. 190 “On the Crimea Ministry of the Russian Federation” / / Assembly of legislation of the Russian Federation, 07.04.2014, No. 14, Art. 1608. (the document has become invalid) [Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 31.03.2014 № 190 «O Ministerstve RF po delam Kryma» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 07.04.2014, № 14, st. 1608. (dokument utratil silu)] The decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 15.07.2015 № 368 “About the abolition of the Ministry of Crimean Affairs and the State Commission on questions of socially– economic development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol” // collected legislation of the Russian Federation, 20.07.2015, No. 29 (part II), article 4479. [Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 15.07.2015 № 368 «Ob uprazdnenii Ministerstva RF po delam Kryma i Gosudarstvennoj komissii po voprosam social’no– ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Respubliki Krym i g. Sevastopolya» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 20.07.2015, № 29 (chast’ II), st. 4479.] The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.09.2014 No. 612 “On the abolition of the Ministry of regional development of the Russian Federation” / / [Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 08.09.2014 № 612 «Ob uprazdnenii Ministerstva regional’nogo razvitiya RF» // ] The decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 08.09.2014 No. 613 “On some issues of state administration and control in the sphere of state defense order of weapons, military, special equipment and material means” / / [Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 08.09.2014 № 613 «O nekotoryh voprosah gosudarstvennogo upravleniya i kontrolya v sfere gosudarstvennogo oboronnogo zakaza vooruzheniya, voennoj, special’noj tekhniki i material’nyh sredstv» //] The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 15.01.2016 No. 12 “Questions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation” / / Assembly of the legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 3, 18.01.2016, Art. 473. [Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 15.01.2016 № 12 «Voprosy Ministerstva finansov Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, № 3, 18.01.2016, st. 473]. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.02.2016 No. 41 (ed. of 15.05.2018) “On some issues of state control and supervision in the financial and budgetary sphere” / / Assembly of legislation of the Russian Federation, 08.02.2016, No. 6, Art. 831. [Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 02.02.2016 № 41 (red. ot 15.05.2018) “O nekotoryh voprosah gosudarstvennogo kontrolya i nadzora v finansovo– byudzhetnoj sfere» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 08.02.2016, № 6, st. 831]. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.04.2016 No. 156 (ed. of 15.05.2018) “On the improvement of public administration in the sphere of control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and in the field of migration” / / Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 11.04.2016, No. 15, article 2071. [Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 05.04.2016 № 156 (red. ot 15.05.2018) «O sovershenstvovanii gosudarstvennogo upravleniya v sfere kontrolya za oborotom narkoticheskih sredstv, psihotropnyh veshchestv i ih prekursorov i v sfere migracii» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 11.04.2016, № 15, st. 2071]. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 28.02.2009 No. 233 (ed. of 13.05.2010) “On territorial bodies of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” / / Assembly of legislation of the Russian Federation, 02.03.2009, No. 9, art. 1088. (the document has become invalid) [Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 28.02.2009 № 233 (red. ot 13.05.2010) «O territorial’nyh organah Ministerstva vnutrennih del RF» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 02.03.2009, № 9, St. 1088. (dokument utratil silu)]. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2014 No. 300 “On some issues of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”. 12.05.2014. No. 19. art.2396. [Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 5 maya 2014 g. № 300 «O nekotoryh voprosah Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 12.05.2014. № 19. St. 2396]. Resolution Of the government of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2011 No. 590 “On the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation” (ed. of 20.02.2014) / / Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 01.08.2011. No. 31. Article 4758. 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The order of the Ministry of Economic development from 15.08.2012 № 512 (as amended from 15.11.2013) “On approval of Model regulations on territorial body of Federal service of accreditation” // the Bulletin of normative acts of Federal Executive bodies, № 51, 17.12.2012; Order of the Federal service for accreditation dated 01.02.2013 № 306 “About the creation of the office of the Federal service for accreditation in the southern Federal region” // ATP Consultant Plus. [Prikaz Minekonomrazvitiya Rossii ot 15.08.2012 № 512 (red. ot 15.11.2013) «Ob utverzhdenii Tipovogo polozheniya o territorial’nom organe Federal’noj sluzhby po akkreditacii» // Byulleten’ normativnyh aktov federal’nyh organov ispolnitel’noj vlasti, № 51, 17.12.2012; Prikaz Federal’noj sluzhby po akkreditacii ot 01.02.2013 № 306 «O sozdanii Upravleniya Federal’noj sluzhby po akkreditacii po YUzhnomu federal’nomu okrugu» // SPS Konsul’tant Plyus]. 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Yury V. StepanenkoDoctor of Law, Professor, Department of Administrative Law and Process, University of O.E. Kutafina (MSLA); Professor of the Open Humanitarian– Economic University, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Chief Research Scientist of the National Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal affairs of the Russian Federation.
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ON IMPROVEMENT OF LEGISLATION TO ENSURE IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL INITIATIVEAbstract Subject / Topic The stages and methods of improving legislation and removing administrative barriers in order to ensure the implementation of the National Technological Initiative are considered, the implemented measures carried out for these purposes are analyzed. Goals / Objectives The development of guidelines for identifying administrative barriers and improving legislation to ensure the effective implementation of action plans («road maps») of the National Technology Initiative. Methodology The methods of analysis, synthesis, description, comparison, forecasting, legal modeling and formal logic were used. Conclusion and Relevance The process of improving legislation and removing administrative barriers in order to ensure the implementation of the National Technological Initiative consists of a number of stages, each of which must have the proper analytical and methodological support. Keywords: National technology initiative, administrative barriers, improvement of legislation, road maps. References: Mikova, Sokolova (2014) – Mikova N.S., Sokolova A.V. Monitoring of global technological trends: theoretical foundations and best practices // Forsyth [Monitoring global’nyh tekhnologicheskih trendov: teoreticheskie osnovy i luchshie praktiki // Forsajt]. 2014. V. 8. № 4. P. 64– 83. Zavyalova, Frost (2018) – Zavyalova A.N.Z., Moroz D.K. Technological revolution: global trends in the educational services market // Actual problems of education [Tekhnologicheskaya revolyuciya: global’nye trendy rynka obrazovatel’nyh uslug // Aktual’nye voprosy obrazovaniya]. 2018. № 2. P. 61– 65. 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Implementation of the National Technological Initiative: on the relationship between the concepts of «administrative barriers» and «legal barriers» // Administrative law and process [Realizaciya Nacional’noj tekhnologicheskoj iniciativy: o sootnoshenii ponyatij «administrativnye bar’ery» i «pravovye bar’ery» // Administrativnoe pravo i process]. 2018. № 10. P. 4– 9. Novoselova, Grin (2018) – Novoselova L.A., Grin O.S. The effectiveness of legal protection of intellectual property rights: administrative barriers // Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics [Effektivnost’ pravovoj ohrany ob”ektov intellektual’nyh prav: administrativnye bar’ery // Pravo. ZHurnal Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki]. 2018. № 2. P. 4 – 25. Stepanenko (2018) – Stepanenko Y.V. 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The economic feasibility of applying administrative barriers as the rules of activity in the field of transport services // Bulletin of the Siberian State University of Railway Engineering: Humanitarian Studies [Ekonomicheskaya celesoobraznost’ primeneniya administrativnyh bar’erov kak pravil deyatel’nosti v sfere transportnyh uslug // Vestnik Sibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta putej soobshcheniya: Gumanitarnye issledovaniya]. 2019. № 1 (5). P. 13– 20. Stepanenko (2017) – Stepanenko Y.V. Does Administrative Law Need a Special Part? // Administrative law and process [Nuzhna li administrativnomu pravu Osobennaya chast’? // Administrativnoe pravo i process]. 2017. № 3. P. 77– 80. |
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Igor G. TyutyunnikResearcher, Institute of Industrial Policy and Institutional Development, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E– mail: Evgenia P. SimaevaPhD (Law), Associate Professor, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E– mail: |
PROBLEMS OF LEGAL REGULATION OF DIGITAL GOVERNANCESubject/Topic For the purpose of constructive digital transformation of public administration and effective implementation of the national project Digital Economy of the Russian Federation, problems of legal regulation of digital public administration have been considered. There are various aspects of digital public administration, but in general, it should be noted that the implementation of this project is at an initial stage and there are significant barriers, primarily of a legal nature, to its implementation. Goals / Objectives It is necessary to formulate practical recommendations for the improvement of the Institute of Digital Public Administration in the Russian Federation on the basis of analysis of the current legislation and practical experience in the implementation of the provisions of the national project on the digital economy. Methodology Both general philosophical methods of materialist dialectics have been used, such as analysis and synthesis, and methods of legal science, among them: formal– legal and comparative– legal methods. Conclusion and Relevance It is advisable to develop at the legislative level a federal law on digital management in the authorities, defining the main terms of digital public administration; to establish standards for determining effective digital interaction between state authorities, local self– government bodies, population and economic entities; to provide for a mechanism for effective control and supervision of the activities of structural subdivisions of the authorities on the implementation of digital technologies in public administration. Keywords: digitalization, legal regulation, digital public administration, cybersecurity, digital skills, digital public services References: Digital Government: Leveraging Innovation to Improve Public Sector Performance and Outcomes for Citizens 1st ed. 2017 Edition, pp.63– 82. Passport of the federal project «Digital Public Administration» [Pasport federal’nogo proekta «Cifrovoe gosudarstvennoe upravlenie»] // Union of Right Forces ConsultantPlus (date of access 30.09.2019). «Main directions of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024» [«Osnovnye napravleniya deyatel’nosti Pravitel’stva Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2024 goda»] (Ed. Government of the Russian Federation 29.09.2018) // Union of Right Forces ConsultantPlus (date of access 30.09.2019). Electronic government: Towards e– democracy or democracy at risk? Sundberg, L. 2019. Safety Science 118, pp. 22– 32. Digital government as implementation means for sustainable development goals. Marcovecchio, I., Thinyane, M., Estevez, E., Janowski, T. 2019 International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age 6(3), pp. 1– 22. UN E– Government Survey 2018. [electronic resource]. – URL:– us/Reports/UN– E– Government– Survey– 2018 (date of access 30.09.2019). The Digital Economy Act 2017 [electronic resource]. – URL:– economy– bill– 2016 (date of access 30.09.2019) Artem A Kosorukov, Digital Government Model: Theory and Practice of Modern Public Administration // Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2017 Vol: 20 Issue: 3. [electronic resource]. – URL:– government– model– theory– and– practice– of– modern– public– administration– 6945.html (date of access 10.10.2019). Zemskova I.A. The transformation of the quality of public services under the influence of digitalization of government bodies [Transformaciya kachestva gosudarstvennyh uslug pod vliyaniem cifrovizacii gosudarstvennyh organov] // Bulletin of the SSESU, 2018. – No. 3 (72). – pp. 23– 28 Scenario technique to elicit research and training needs in digital government employing disruptive technologies Ronzhyn, A., Spitzer, V., Wimmer, M.A. 2019. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 41– 47. |
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Alla P. AdamenkoAssociate Professor, Civil law Department of the Russian State University of Justice, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow E– mail: Lidia V.ZarapinaAssociate Professor, Civil law Department of the Russian State University of Justice, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow E– mail: |
SPECIFICATION OF TERMS IN CONTRACTS OF CARRIAGEAbstract Subject / Topic The article focuses on the analysis of terms in contracts of carriage by different modes of transport. Goals / Objectives The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the timing standards in the contract for the carriage of goods. Methodology As the methodological basis of the research were taken: the universal method of cognition; general scientific research methods, including the systemic and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods, etc. Conclusion and Relevance It is emphasized that despite the fact that in the definitions of the contract of carriage given in the Civil code, there is no indication of the terms, the contract is considered a fixed– term contract. In the performance of obligations under the contract of carriage, each of the stages of performance has its own specific deadlines and responsibility for their improper performance. Keywords: terms of vehicles for loading; delivery dates of the goods; delivery terms; time of discharge; the timing of payment. References: The civil code of the Russian Federation (part two) of 26.01.1996 № 14– FZ (ed. of 18.03.2019, with ed. from 03.07.2019) // Collection of Russian legislation, 29.01.1996, № 5, art. 410. Federal law of 08.11.2007 № 259– FZ (ed. of 30.10.2018) Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 12.11.2007, № 46, Art. 5555. The code of internal water transport of the Russian Federation of 07.03.2001 № 24– FZ (ed. of 02.08.2019) // Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 12.03.2001, № 11, Art. 1001. The code of commercial navigation of the Russian Federation of 30.04.1999 № 81– FZ (ed. of 27.12.2018) (with ed., in force from 31.01.2019) // Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 03.05.1999, № 18, art. 2207. Definition of Judicial Board on economic disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 01.08.2016 № 309– ES16– 3979 in the case № A71– 4317/2015: about debt recovery under the contract of transportation of cargo. Circumstances: the plaintiff refers to the fact that under the disputed contract, the defendant has paid for transportation services not in full. Counterclaim: to collect a fine for the delay in delivery. Solution: 1) the main claim is satisfied because no evidence of repayment of the debt in full is presented. 2) the counterclaim is denied, since the Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport does not provide for the collection of a fine for delay in the delivery of goods in favor of the shipper. // the document was not published, ConsultantPlus. Federal law of 10.01.2003 № 18– FZ (ed. of 02.08.2019) Charter of railway transport of the Russian Federation // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 13.01.2003, № 2, Art. 170. The order of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation of June 18, 2003 № 27 «About the approval of the Rules of calculation of delivery terms of cargoes by rail» // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 13.02.2004. The order of the Ministry of transport of Russia of 28.06.2007 № 82 (ed. of 14.01.2019) «About the approval of Federal aviation rules» General rules of air transportation of passengers, baggage, freights and requirements to service of passengers, shippers, consignees» // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, № 225, 10.10.2007. |
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Lyudmila M. KupriyanovaCandidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, analysis and audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of Economics of intellectual property at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E– mail: Stanislav V. NikolyukinPhD in Law at Russian State University of Justice, Moscow, E– mail: stanislav– |
ON THE ISSUE OF COMPENSATION FOR VIOLATION OF EXCLUSIVE RIGHTSAbstract Subject / Topic Public relations connected with compensation for violation of exclusive rights. Goals / Objectives The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the provisions of the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and law enforcement practice, as well as the positions of scientists regarding such a method of protecting violated rights as compensation. Methodology As the methodological basis of the research were taken: the universal method of cognition, general scientific research methods, including the systemic and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy, private scientific methods, etc. Conclusion and Relevance The recovery of compensation, as opposed to reimbursement of damages, requires proving the violation of an exclusive right, namely unlawful behavior and the fault of the offender. With all the positive aspects of collecting compensation for violation of exclusive rights, right holders do not have equal opportunities to protect their rights. Keywords: exclusive rights; ways to protect exclusive rights; compensation for violation of exclusive rights; protection measures; liability measures. References: Karkhalev D.N. Compensation for violation of exclusive right [Kompensaciya za narushenie isklyuchitel’nogo prava ]// Modern Law. 2019. № 4. / ATP Consultant Plus. Tikhomirova L.V., Tikhomirov M.Y. Legal Encyclopedia [Yuridicheskaya enciklopediya]. 5th edition, supplemented and revised / Ed. M.Y. Tikhomirova. M., 2006.P. 421. Gavrilov E.P Improvement of the legislation on compensation for violation of exclusive rights in connection with the Decree of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 13, 2016 № 28– P [overshenstvovanie zakonodatel’stva o kompensacii za narushenie isklyuchitel’nogo prava v svyazi s Postanovleniem Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 13 dekabrya 2016 goda № 28– P]// Economy and Law. 2017. № 3 / ATP Consultant Plus. Gadzhiev G., Kalyatin V., Sergeev A., Semenov A., Kolzdorf M., Orlova V., Gorodisskaya E., Gulyaeva N., Vorozhevich A., Dovgalyuk A. Compensation for violation of exclusive rights: qualification issues [Kompensaciya za narushenie isklyuchitel’nyh prav: voprosy kvalifikacii ]// Law. 2016. № 2 / ATP Consultant Plus. Commentary to the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation [Kommentarij k chasti chetvertoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii ]/ Ed. A.L. Makovsky. M .: Statute, 2008.P. 381. Chernichkina G.N. About the unified meaning of the term «compensation» used in part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation [O edinom znachenii termina «kompensaciya», primenyaemogo v chasti chetvertoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF ]// Modern Law. 2016. № 7 / ATP Consultant Plus. Matveev A.G. Discretionary right of the court to change the type of compensation for violation of the exclusive right [Diskrecionnoe pravo suda izmenyat’ vid kompensacii za narushenie isklyuchitel’nogo prava ]// Perm legal almanac. Annual scientific journal. 2018. № 1 / ATP Consultant Plus. Chernichkina G.N. About the unified meaning of the term «compensation» used in part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation [O edinom znachenii termina «kompensaciya», primenyaemogo v chasti chetvertoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF ]// Modern Law. 2016. № 7 / ATP Consultant Plus. |
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Elena N. ShibayevaJudge of Naro– Fominsk District Court of the Moscow Region, Moscow region, Naro– Fomisk, E– mail: |
POSSIBILITY TO BE A HEIR IN THE CONDITIONS OF AUXILIARY REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPMENTAbstract Subject/Topic Social relations arising in connection with the ability to act as heir when using auxiliary reproductive technologies through the prism of law. Goals/Objectives The aim of the study is to analyze the current legislation related to the regulation of inheritance rights in the case of the use of auxiliary reproductive technologies by potential testators for future heirs. Methodology The methodological basis of research consists of universal methods of knowledge, scientific methods – analysis and synthesis, and also the method of comparative law and formal legal method. Conclusion and Relevance The article analyzes the norms of the current legislation on the settlement of issues of the possibility to act as heir under the conditions of the use of auxiliary reproductive technologies. The issues of determining the status of the embryo as a subject of hereditary legal relations are considered. The study allows to formulate a conclusion about the need to improve domestic legislation in the field of inheritance rights arising in the conditions of their application by subjects of auxiliary reproductive technologies. Keywords: inheritance, subjects of hereditary legal relations, heir, embryo, auxiliary reproductive technologies. References: The great medical encyclopedia (BME), edited by B. V. Petrovsky, 3rd edition. Kostina O. V., Kurchina A. S. Problematic aspects of the legal construction of article 1174 of the civil code // Modern lawyer. 2018. № 3. P. 65– 75. Kostina O. V. Convergence of private and public law in recognition of the heir unworthy // Modern lawyer. 2018. № 2 (23). P. 34– 45. Rashidkhanova D. K. Reproductive rights of the person: essence and legal nature // Social and retirement law. 2007. № 4. P. 40 – 44. Shibaeva E. N. The concept of mandatory share of spouses in the inheritance law of Russia and Western countries // Eurasian legal journal. 2019. № 2. P. 178 – 180. |
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Ekaterina F. OglioCompetitor for academic degrees in the Russian State University of Justice, Prosecutor of the Department of Moscow Prosecutor’s office, Moscow. Е– mail: |
DISMISSAL OF PENITENTIARY SYSTEM EMPLOYEE AS A BASIS FOR TERMINATION OF CONTRACT FOR THE RENTAL OF SERVICE HOUSINGAbstract Subject / Topic The article analyzes the norms of current civil and housing legislation of the Russian Federation, regulating the procedure for terminating the right to use office premises of employer in connection with his dismissal from service in the institutions and bodies of penal system, which served as a basis for provision of the premises, as well as the practice of their application. Goals / Objectives To achieve the goal of identifying the specifics of legal regulation of termination of the right to use office premises under the employment contract by the employer and members of his family, the following tasks are set: to determine the grounds for termination of the right to use office premises for employees of institutions and bodies of the Criminal Executive system, to investigate the features of termination of the right to use office premises in connection with dismissal, to establish possibility of application of limitation periods on requirements about eviction from office premises of the former employees of institutions and bodies of Criminal Executive system. Methodology General scientific (description, comparison, generalization analysis) and special scientific (formal legal, comparative legal, document analysis) methods of scientific knowledge. Conclusion and Relevance According to the results of the study of peculiarities of legal regulations on granting and termination the right to use office premises by specified category of citizens, it was concluded that special legislation regulating these relations in terms of additional social guarantees for citizens dismissed from these institutions and bodies requires further development, taking into account special legal status of employees. Keywords: specialized housing stock; office premises; termination of the right to use; eviction from service housing. References: The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2013 № 217 «On the establishment of categories of employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, the Federal fire service of the State Fire Service and the customs authorities of the Russian Federation who are provided with premises of the specialized housing stock, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of specialized housing fund to employees of these institutions and bodies» // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 03.25.2013, № 12, Art. 1320. The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2002 № 897 «On approval of the model regulation on state– owned official housing stock transferred to the operational management of the internal affairs bodies, bodies of the Federal Security Service, bodies controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, custom bodies of the Russian Federation and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation» // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation», 23.12.2002, № 51, Art. 5087. Review of judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation № 2 (2017) (approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on 04/26/2017) // Bulletin of the labor and social legislation of the Russian Federation, № 6, 2017. Appeal definition of the Moscow City Court of 08.20.2019 in case № 33– 35829 / 2019 // ATP ConsultantPlus. |
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Artemiy A. RozhnovProfessor of the Department of Legal regulation of economic operations of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor |
Subject / Topic The article represents a description of the imperial construction in the Russian Empire in the 18th century. Goals / Objectives The aim of the work is to reveal the most important features of the legal status of the non– Russian territories of the Russian Empire which became part of Russia in the 18th century and the general direction of state policy in the field of national– state construction. The article is based on the study of the relevant normative legal sources, act material and scientific literature on this topic. The author primarily analyses the legal status of the Baltic States, Kazakhstan, West Russian lands, Crimea, Caucasus, Alaska and Aleutian Islands, Bashkiria, Kalmykia, Siberia and Malorossia (Ukraine). The author also takes into consideration different issues related to the general aspects of the imperial policy towards the representatives of the alien elite as well as the specifics of the religious policy of the imperial center in the newly united lands. Methodology The methodological basis of the study consists of the universal methods of cognition; general scientific methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, etc. Conclusion and Relevance After the study of features of national and confessional policy of the Russian government and the system of management of the non– Russian territories the author comes to the conclusion that the state management of the non– Russian territories of the Empire in the 18th century was characterized by granting them at the initial stage of being part of Russia more or less broad autonomy up to the actual status of «state within the state» and its subsequent gradual restriction and even almost complete abolition. Keywords: the Russian Empire, the imperial construction, colonization, «inorodtsy» (allogeneous people), yasak. References: Rozhnov A. A. History of the domestic state and law. The era of the Moscow State (XIV – XVII centuries) [Istoriya otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava. Epoha Moskovskogo Gosudarstva (XIV–XVII vv.)]. M., 2016. Trepavlov V. V. «The White Tsar»: the image of the monarch and the idea of citizenship among the peoples of Russia of the XV – XVIII centuries [«Belyj car’»: obraz monarha i predstavleniya o poddanstve u narodov Rossii XV–XVIII vv.]. M., 2007. Yanchev A. S. Systematization of military legislation in the second quarter of the XIX century [Sistematizaciya voennogo zakonodatel’stva vo vtoroj chetverti XIX veka]. M., 2016. Isaev M. A. History of the Russian state and law [Istoriya rossijskogo gosudarstva i prava]. M., 2012. Mastyugina T. M., Perepelkin L. S., Stelmakh V. G. National policy in Russia in XVI – beginning of XXI century [Nacional’naya politika v Rossii XVI – nachalo XXI veka]. M., 2013. |
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Elena D. KostylevaCandidate of law, Associate Professor, Senior researcher of the Direction of constitutional and legal studies in the Research Center for the problems of justice, Russian State University of Justice, Moscow.E– mail: |
Subject/Topic Legal acts and judicial practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights for the protection of personal and political rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Goals/Objectives The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights, identifying differences in the interpretation of the norms relating to the protection of personal and political rights and freedoms of Russian citizens. Methodology The methodological basis of the research consists of: General methods of cognition; General scientific methods, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods, such as the method of comparative law and formal legal method. Conclusion and Relevance The study has shown some differences in the content of personal and political rights and freedoms in the analyzed legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights, despite the fact that the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms are based on common basic values. The formulation of legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is based on the identification of the legal meaning of the Constitution, while the provisions of international legal norms are used as confirmation of the consistency and conformity of national law and private legal positions to accepted international norms. Keywords: personal rights, political rights, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, European Court of human rights, European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. References: Konyukhova , Kostyleva (2009) – Konyukhova I.A., Kostyleva E. D. Legal forms of participation of the Russian Federation in the activities of international courts: current state and prospects of expansion . [Pravovye formy uchastiya Rossijskoj Federacii v deyatel’nosti mezhdunarodnyh sudov: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy rasshireniya] Journal of constitutional justice [ZHurnal konstitucionnogo pravosudiya 2009. № 6. Pp. 37– 48. Kostyleva (2019) – Kostyleva E. D. The right to freedom of assembly and association in the decisions of the European Court of human rights [Pravo na svobodu sobranij i ob”edinenij v resheniyah Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka] In the collection: the Constitution of the Russian Federation: actual problems of implementation and judicial application. To the 25th anniversary of the Constitution [V sbornike: Konstituciya Rossijskoj Federacii: aktual’nye problemy realizacii i sudebnogo primeneniya. K 25– letiyu Konstitucii RF]. Moscow. 2019. Pp. 372– 388. Kostyleva (2016) – Kostyleva E. D. Problems of judicial protection of human rights, providing moral and spiritual value of the individual, in the Russian Federation [Problemy sudebnoj zashchity prav cheloveka, obespechivayushchih nravstvenno– duhovnuyu cennost’ lichnosti, v Rossijskoj Federacii] Fundamental and applied research of the cooperative sector of the economy [Fundamental’nye i prikladnye issledovaniya kooperativnogo sektora ekonomiki] 2016. №. 1. Pp. 93– 98. |
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Dmitry M. NikitaevExpert, Institute of Freedom of conscience, Moscow, Russia. E– mail:
Subject/Topic Problems of implementation of the principle of secularism of the state, legal consolidation of this principle in normative acts. Goals/Objectives Research of theoretical and practical problems of secularism of the state. Identification of theoretical and practical problems of secularism of the state and prospects of its development. Formulation of ways to solve theoretical and practical problems of secularism of the state in the modern world in the context of globalization Methodology The basis of the research consists of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, deductive and inductive) and private scientific (historical– legal, comparative– legal, formal– legal) methods. Conclusion and Relevance Scientific approaches to the concept of secularism of the state are investigated. The author’s position on the secularism of the state, the secularism of the state and municipal education system, freedom of conscience is given. The study of international universal documents, regional acts, has revealed the absence of provisions on secularism of the state. The author points out the need to improve the norms of international universal and regional acts by including provisions on secularism of the state. The conclusion is made about systematic violations of the principle of secularism of the state and the associated right to freedom of conscience in the modern world. On the basis of the research of scientific literature, the problems of theoretical and practical character are revealed. Ethno– confessional conflicts arising from the violation of the principle of secularism of the state and the right to freedom of conscience are a threat to the peace and security of mankind, and hinder the integration of states and the solution of global problems. In order to resolve this situation, it seems appropriate to make relevant changes to the rules of international and domestic law. Keywords: secularism of the state; globalization; global problems; freedom of conscience; international law; constitutional law; human rights. References: Aleynikova, Buryanov (2015)– Aleinikova S. M., Buryanov, S. A. Secular state in questions and answers: short, accessible and relevant [Svetskoe gosudarstvo v voprosah i otvetah: kratko, dostupno i aktual’no] М., 2012. [In Russian] Afanasieva (2009) – Afanasieva S. A. Realization of the right of citizens to equal access to public service in Moscow [Realizatsiya prava grazhdan na ravnyiy dostup k gosudarstvennoy sluzhbe v Moskve] // Problems of Economics and legal practice [Problemyi ekonomiki i yuridicheskoy praktiki]. 2009. №. 1. P. 51– 53. [In Russian] Bulavina (2014) – Bulavina M. A. On the legal content of the concept of «secular state» [K voprosu o pravovom soderzhanii ponyatiya «svetskoe gosudarstvo»] / / Izvestiya MSTU «MAMI». (Series «Social and humanitarian Sciences») [Izvestiya MGTU «MAMI». (Seriya «Sotsialno– gumanitarnyie nauki»)]. №2 (20). 2014. T. 5. P. 166– 171. [In Russian] Buryanov (2016) – Buryanov, S. A. The future of international law in the context of globalization of public relations through the prism of the creative heritage of Igor Lukashuk [Buduschee mezhdunarodnogo prava v usloviyah globalizatsii obschestvennyih otnosheniy cherez prizmu tvorcheskogo naslediya Igorya Ivanovicha Lukashuka]// Eurasian legal journal [Evraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal]. № 7 (98). 2016. P. 77– 81. [In Russian] Buryanov, Krivenkiy (2019)– Buryanov S.A., Krivenkiy A.I. Global processes and the formation of global education (interdisciplinary studies): collective monograph: in 2 vol. Under the General editorship of S. A. Buryanov, A.I. Krivenkiy. [Globalnyie protsessyi i formirovanie globalnogo obrazovaniya (mezhdistsiplinarnoe issledovanie): kollektivnaya monografiya: v 2– h kn. / Pod obsch. red. S.A. Buryanova, A.I. Krivenkogo. : MGPU]. 2019. [In Russian] Buryanov, Krivenkiy (2019)– Buryanov S.A., Krivenkiy A.I. Global processes and the formation of global education (interdisciplinary studies): collective monograph: in 2 vol. Under the General editorship of S. A. Buryanov, A.I. Krivenkiy. [Globalnyie protsessyi i formirovanie globalnogo obrazovaniya (mezhdistsiplinarnoe issledovanie): kollektivnaya monografiya: v 2– h kn. / Pod obsch. red. S.A. Buryanova, A.I. Krivenkogo. Kn. II. M.: MGPU]. 2019. [In Russian] Buryanov, Krivenkiy, Pashentsev, Romanova (2018) – Buryanov S.A., Krivenkiy A.I., Pashentsev D.A., Romanova G.V. Globalization of culture and protection of cultural rights of man and citizen (interdisciplinary research): monograph. Under the General editorship of Krivenkiy A.I., S.A. Buryanov [Voprosyi globalizatsii kulturyi i zaschityi kulturnyih prav cheloveka i grazhdanina (mezhdistsiplinarnoe issledovanie): monografiya. Pod obsch. red. A.I. Krivenkogo, S.A. Buryanova]. M.: MGPU [М.: МГПУ], 2018. Buryanov, Nikitaev (2019) – Buryanov S.A., Nikitaev D.M. On the question of modern definition of the concept and content of secularism of the state [K voprosu o sovremennom opredelenii ponyatiya i soderzhanii svetskosti gosudarstva] // The modern lawyer [Sovremennyiy yurist]. 3 (28). 2019. P. 85– 96. [In Russian] Buryanov (2007)– Buryanov S. A. Xenophobia, intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Specialized information and analytical report for 2006– first half of 2007 [Ksenofobiya, neterpimost i diskriminatsiya po motivam religii ili ubezhdeniy v sub’ektah Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Spetsializirovannyiy informatsionno– analiticheskiy doklad za 2006– pervuyu polovinu 2007 godyi.]. M.: Moscow Helsinki group [M.: Moskovskaya helsinskaya gruppa. 2007]. 2007. [In Russian] Buryanov (2018) – Buryanov, S. A., Ideological neutrality as a guarantee for the realization of the internationally accepted freedom of conscience [Mirovozzrencheskiy neytralitet kak garantiya realizatsii mezhdunarodno– priznannoy svobodyi sovesti] // Eurasian law journal [Evraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal]. № 3 (118). 2018. P. 77– 83. [In Russian] Buryanov (2019)– Buryanov S. A. Violations of the right to freedom of conscience, religion [Narusheniya prava na svobodu sovesti, veroispovedaniya]/ / human rights in the Russian Federation: coll. of rep. on the events of 2018 / [resp. ed. and comp. N. Kostenko]. M: Mosk. Helsinki. Group [Prava cheloveka v Rossijskoj̆ Federacii: sb. dokl. o sobytiyah 2018 g. / [otv. red. i sost. N. Kostenko]. M: Mosk. Hel’sink. Gruppa], 2019. P. 26– 55. [In Russian] Buryanov (2016) – Buryanov S. A. Principle of non– use of force or threat of force in the conditions of strengthening of global processes [Printsip neprimeneniya silyi ili ugrozyi siloy v usloviyah usileniya globalnyih protsessov] / / Eurasian legal journal [Evraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal]. №.9 (100). 2016. P. 8– 15. [In Russian] Buryanov, Mozgovoy (2005)– Buryanov S. A., Mozgovoy S. A. The problem of realization of freedom of conscience and trends in relations between the state and religious associations in Russia. Inform. – analit. report of Institute of freedom of conscience (second half of 2001– end of 2004) / S. A. Buryanov, S. A. Mozgovoy [Problema realizatsii svobodyi sovesti i tendentsii v otnosheniyah gosudarstva s religioznyimi ob’edineniyami v Rossii. Inform. – analit. otchet In– ta svobodyi sovesti (vtoraya polovina 2001 g. – konets 2004 g.) / S. A. Buryanov, S. A. Mozgovoy]; Institute of freedom of conscience [In– t svobodyi sovesti]. M, 2005. [In Russian] Buryanov (2016) – Buryanov S. A. Secularism of the state and internationally recognized freedom of conscience. Theoretical and applied research for 2015– beginning of 2016 [Svetskost gosudarstva i mezhdunarodno– priznannaya svoboda sovesti. Teoretiko– prikladnoe issledovanie za 2015– y – nachalo 2016 goda]. M.: Polygraph– Service [M.: Poligraf– Servis], 2016. [In Russian] Buryanov (2017) – Buryanov, S. A. Secular state in the Russian Federation: theoretical and practical research for 2016– the beginning of 2017 [Buryanov 2017– Buryanov S.A. Svetskost gosudarstva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: Teoretiko– priklad. issled. za 2016– nachalo 2017 g.] M., 2017. [In Russian] Buryanov (2015)– Buryanov S.A. Universal international legal document on freedom of conscience and set aside intolerance and discrimination: problems and prospects of development [Universalnyie mezhdunarodno– pravovyie dokumentyi o svobode sovesti i zaschite ot neterpimosti i diskriminatsii: problemyi i perspektivyi razvitiya]// International protection of human rights and state sovereignty: materials of international scientific and practical conference / ed. T.A. Soshnikova. M.: Publishing house of the Moscow humanitarian University [Mezhdunarodnaya zaschita prav cheloveka i gosudarstvennyiy suverenitet: materialyi mezhdunarodnoy nauchno– prakticheskoy konferentsii / otv. red. T.A. Soshnikova. M.: Izd– vo Mosk. gumanit. un– ta], 2015. P. 120– 125. [In Russian] Zelenina (2013) – Zelenina A. Y. Use as the main form of implementation of the law of social security [Primenenie kak osnovnaya forma realizatsii norm prava sotsialnogo obespecheniya]// Vestn. Tom. state University. Law [Vestn. Tom. gos. un– ta. 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Secular state in modern Russia: constitutional and legal analysis: Diss. … cand. of jur. sciences’ [Svetskoe gosudarstvo v sovremennoj̆ Rossii: konstitucionno– pravovoj̆ analiz: Diss. … kand. yurid. nauk]. Saratov, 2009. [In Russian] Minchenko (2012) – Minchenko T.P. Development of the right to freedom of conscience in the post– secular world [Razvitie prava svobodyi sovesti v postsekulyarnom mire]// Rights and freedoms of man and citizen: theoretical aspects and legal practice: Proceedings of the Interuniversity scientific conference in memory of Professor Felix Mikhailovich Rudinsky, April 26, 2012 [Prava i svobodyi cheloveka i grazhdanina: teoreticheskie aspektyi i yuridicheskaya praktika: Materialyi Mezhvuzovskoy nauchnoy konferentsii pamyati professora Feliksa Mihaylovicha Rudinskogo, 26 aprelya 2012 goda] . М., 2012. 153– 157 p. [In Russian] Mozgovoy (2006)– Mozgovoy S.A. Secular state as an ideological neutral [Svetskoe gosudarstvo kak mirovozzrencheski neytralnoe] // Socionomics. International collection of scientific and practical works. Vol. 2. Rostov n/ A: “NB”, 2006 [Sotsionomikum. Mezhdunarodnyiy sbornik nauchno– prakticheskih rabot. Vyip. 2. Rostov n/D: «NB»], 2006. P.70–73. [In Russian] Nikitaev (2019) – Nikitaev D.M. Interrelation of realization of the principle of secularism of the state and municipal system of education and social justice [Vzaimosvyaz realizatsii printsipa svetskosti gosudarstvennoy i munitsipalnoy sistemyi obrazovaniya i sotsialnoy spravedlivosti] // Principles of social justice and their implementation in the modern world [Printsipyi sotsialnoy spravedlivosti i ih realizatsiya v sovremennom mire]. P.280– 284. [In Russian] Nikitaev (2019)– Nikitaev D.M. Relationship of theoretical and practical aspects in the sphere of the secular state in conditions of globalization [Vzaimosvyaz teoreticheskih i prakticheskih aspektov v sfere svetskosti gosudarstva v usloviyah globalizatsii] // Law, Economics and management: current problems: a Collection of student work / Ed. Ladushkina N. M. M: White Wind [Pravo, ekonomika i upravlenie: aktualnyie problemyi: Sbornik studencheskih rabot / Otv. red. Ladnushkina N.M. M.: Belyiy Veter], 2019. P. 77– 81. [In Russian] Nikitaev (2019)– Nikitaev D.M. Value of a secular state in the context of intercultural communication in conditions of globalization [Znachenie svetskosti gosudarstva v kontekste mezhkulturnoy kommunikatsii v usloviyah globalizatsii] // New culture of communication in digital and social– cultural globalization: law, media and national identity: proceedings of the International scientific– practical conference (Moscow, 14– 15 November 2018) / under the editorship of I. V. Annenkova, M. A. Pilgun; Institute of legislation and comparative law under the Government of the Russian Federation [Novaya kultura kommunikatsiy v usloviyah tsifrovoy i sotsiokulturnoy globalizatsii: pravo, media i natsionalnaya identichnost: sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno– prakticheskoy konferentsii (Moskva, 14–15 noyabrya 2018 g.) / pod red. I.V. Annenkovoy, M.A. Pilgun; Institut zakonodatelstva i sravnitelnogo pravovedeniya pri Pravitelstve Rossiyskoy Federatsii]. М., 2019. P. 381– 387. [In Russian] Nikitaev (2016)– Nikitaev D.M. On the issue of realization of the right to the freedom of conscience in the Russian Federation [K voprosu o probleme realizatsii prava na svobodu sovesti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii] // International covenants on human rights: value characteristics: youth section: materials of international scientific– practical conference / under the general editorship of T. A. Soshnikova. M.: Publishing house of the Moscow humanitarian University [Mezhdunarodnyie paktyi o pravah cheloveka: tsennostnyie harakteristiki: molodezhnaya sektsiya: materialyi mezhdunarodnoy nauchno– prakticheskoy konferentsii / pod obsch. red. T. A. Soshnikovoy. M.: Izd– vo Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo un– ta], 2016. P. 84– 88. [In Russian] Nikitaev (2018) – Nikitaev D.M. On the issue of modern definition of the concept and content of freedom of conscience [K voprosu o sovremennom opredelenii ponyatiya i soderzhanii svobodyi sovesti] // The modern lawyer [Sovremennyiy yurist]. 4 (25). P. 66– 75. [In Russian] Nikitaev (2019)– Nikitaev D.M. Concept, content and legal consolidation of secularism of the state in the Russian Federation [Ponyatie, soderzhanie i pravovoe zakreplenie svetskosti gosudarstva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii] // Ideas of constitutionalism in domestic legislation/ proceedings of the all– Russian student legal forum: ed. T. A. Soshnikova M.: Publishing house of the Moscow humanitarian University [Idei konstitutsionalizma v otechestvennom zakonodatelstve/ materialyi Vserossiyskogo studencheskogo yuridicheskogo foruma: otv. red. T.A. Soshnikova. M.: Izd– vo Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta], 2019. P.175– 178. [In Russian] Nikitaev (2020)– Nikitaev D.M. Problems of the realization of freedom of conscience in modern Russia and the world: monograph / D.M. Nikitaev, S.A. Buryanov / under the scientific. ed. S.A. Buryanova. [Problemyi realizatsii svobodyi sovesti v sovremennyih Rossii i mire: monografiya/D.M. Nikitaev, S.A. Buryanov/ pod nauch. red. S.A. Buryanova]. M.: RUSAINS [M.: RUSAYNS], 2020. Nikitaev (2019)– Nikitaev D.M. The implementation of the principle of secularism of the state in the activities of the authorities of the city of Moscow [Realizatsiya printsipa svetskosti gosudarstva v deyatelnosti organov vlasti goroda Moskvyi] // Anpilogova DS Organization of state and municipal authorities in the city of Moscow: monograph / under the editorship of A.Y. Tsareva [Anpilogova D.S. Organizatsiya gosudarstvennyih i munitsipalnyih organov vlasti v gorode Moskve: monografiya / kol. avtorov; pod red. A.Yu. Tsareva. M: RUSAYNS], 2019. P. 134– 141. [In Russian] Nikitaev (2018)– Nikitaev D.M. Svetskost obrazovaniya, predostavlyaemogo gosudarstvom v usloviyah globalizatsii [Secularism of education provided by the state in the context of globalization]// Philosophy of education and modernity: to the 10th anniversary of the Department of philosophy of education in the structure of the faculty of philosophy of MSU. Materials of scientific– practical conference with international participation. Moscow, November 22, 2018 / Ed. and comp. Bryzgalina E. V., V.A. Prohoda, P. N. Kostylev. Moscow: faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University [Filosofiya obrazovaniya i sovremennost: k 10– letiyu kafedryi filosofii obrazovaniya v strukture filosofskogo fakulteta MGU. Materialyi nauchno– prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnyim uchastiem. Moskva, 22 noyabrya 2018 g. / Red. i sost. E.V. Bryizgalina, V.A. Prohoda, P.N. Kostyilev. M.: Filosofskiy fakultet MGU], 2018. p. 165– 166. [In Russian] Savva (2006) – Savva S.S. Constitutional and legal consolidation of the principle of secular education: the contents and practice of implementing [Konstitutsionno– pravovoe zakreplenie printsipa svetskosti obrazovaniya: soderzhanie i praktika realizatsii] // Politics and society [Politika i obschestvo]. 2006. № 7– 8. P. 106– 115. [In Russian] Taranyuk (2011)– Taranyuk Z. P. Principle of separation of Church and state as a basic element of secularism of the state [Printsip otdelennosti tserkvi ot gosudarstva kak bazovyiy element svetskosti gosudarstva] // Izvestia ASU [Izvestiya AltGU]. 2011. №4– 1. P.273– 276. [In Russian] Simorot (2011) – Simorot S.Y. Legal regulation of freedom of conscience in the Russian Federation: Diss … Cand. Jur. sciences’ [Pravovoe regulirovanie realizatsii svobodyi sovesti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: Diss … kand. yur. nauk]. Habarovsk, HGTU, 2011. [In Russian] Tsirendorzhieva, Bagaeva (2016) – Tsirendorzhieva D.S., Bagaeva A.K. Secularism in Russian society: social and philosophical context [Svetskost v rossiyskom obschestve: sotsialno– filosofskiy kontekst] // News of Irkutsk state University. Series: Political Science. Religious studies [Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Politologiya. Religiovedenie]. 2016. P.99– 105. [In Russian] Chernyavskiy, Buryanov, Krivenkiy (2019)– Chernyavskiy A.G., Buryanov S.A, Krivenkiy A.I. Legal regulation of transformation of the Russian education in the globalizing socio– cultural environment. Monograph. [Pravovoe regulirovanie transformatsii rossiyskogo obrazovaniya v usloviyah globalizatsii v sotsialno– kulturnoy srede. Monografiya]. M.: research center INFRA– M [M.: NITs INFRA– M]. 2019. Buryanov (2017) – Buryanov S.A. State Worldview Neutrality in the Context of Deteriorating Imbalances in Globalization: The Case and Current State of Affairs in the Russian Federation from 2016 to the Beginning of 2017. Amsterdam, 2018. |
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Oksana N. PetyukovaDoctor of law, Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow Ekaterina A. GrebnevaStudent of the Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow |
Subject / Topic Entrepreneurship in the field of forestry taking into account the legal regime of urban forests. Goals / Objectives The main goal of the conducted research was to consider features of implementation of business activity in forestry, to identify existing problems in this branch, to define features and problems of a legal regime of the urban forests and to formulate proposals for the solution of the revealed problems. Methodology Such research methods as analysis, synthesis, specification, statistics and other methods of scientific research have been employed within the conducted study. Conclusion and Relevance The results of the analysis of the legal regime of urban forests show that this category of land occupied by forest plantations has an insufficient level of protection, is subject to the threat of capital construction, and does not have a clear distinction with the lands of forest parks and green areas. In addition, the land of urban forests can be used for recreational purposes, which is a good prospect for the development of entrepreneurship in this category of land. The analysis of statistics has shown that the presence of small and medium businesses in forestry is minimal. Therefore, the development of these business entities in the use of urban forest land for recreational purposes is appropriate for both entrepreneurs and the state. Key words: urban forests, forestry, entrepreneurship, forest legislation, urban planning legislation, small and medium– sized businesses, forest management. References: Bykovsky (2007) – Bykovsky V.K. Types of entrepreneurial activity on the use of forests // Business in law. [Vidy predprinimatelskoy deyatelnosti po ispolzovaniy lesov]. 2007. № 4. P. 353– 357. Kichigin (2011) – Kichigin N.V. Urban forests: regime of protection and use // Journal of Russian law. [Gorodskie lesa: rezhim ohrany i ispol’zovanija ]. 2011. № 6 (174). Lavrischeva (2017) – Lavrischeva O.A. Problems of defining a legal status of urban forests in Russia // Proceedings of Southwestern state University. [Problemy opredelenya pravovogo statusa gorodskih lesov]. 2017. Vol. 21, № 2 (71). P. 190– 197. Lobachev (2016) – Lobachev D.A. Legality of construction of capital facilities in urban forests as a subject of supervision by the Prosecutor’s office. Domestic jurisprudence. [Zakonnost` stroit`elstva kapital`nyh obj`ectov v gorodsih leash kak predmet nadzora so storony prokuratury]. 2016. № 4. P. 47– 48. Moiseev (2008) – Moiseev N.A. About the strategy of development of forest sector of Russian economy. Forestry. [O strategii razvitiya lesnogo sektora economiky Rossii]. 2008. № 5. P. 2– 6. Morkovkina (2016) – Morkovina S.S., Panyavina E.A., Panasenko D.A. Economic aspects of entrepreneurship development in forestry of low forest zone. Socio– economic phenomena and processes. [Economicheskie aspect razvitiya predprinimatel`stva v lesnom hozyaistve malolesnoy zony]. 2016. № 8. P. 54– 58. Forms of supporting the development of entrepreneurship in the forest sector in the Central Black Sea Region / Morkovina S. S. [et al.] // Forestry Journal. 2013. № 4. P. 210– 216. Petrov (2011) – Petrov V.A. Urban forests: problems of organization and legal regulation. LesPromInform. [Gorodskie lesa: ptoblemy organizatciiI pravovogo regulirovanya]. 2011. № 2 (76). Churakov (2018) – Churakov D. B. Features of legal protection of urban forests and plantations, not classified as forests. Legality. [Osobennosty pravovoi ohrany gorodskih lesov I nasazhdeniy, ne otnesennyh k lesam]. 2018. № 7. P. 17 – 19. 10 years of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation: results, problems, prospects on information and bibliographic resources of the Office of Library Funds The State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations, parliamentary hearings on the topic (Parliamentary Library). M., 2017. |
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Artur S. EllarianGraduate student of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
E– mail: |
Subject / Topic Theoretical and legal grounds of environmental entrepreneurship as an anti– crisis tool for solving environmental problems. Goals / Objectives The purpose and objectives of the study are justification of theoretical and legal grounds of environmental entrepreneurship, analysis of need for legal regulation of environmental entrepreneurship as an anti– crisis tool, examination of the current state of legal regulation of environmental entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation. Methodology In the article were used general scientific research methods: empirical cognition methods (description, interpretation), theoretical research methods (formal and dialectic logic, systemic method), as well as analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. Conclusion and Relevance One of the effective tools for solving environmental problems is environmental entrepreneurship, which justifies the need for its legal regulation. Necessary criteria for the development of a new practically applicable definition are proposed by the author with regard to possibility of its legal implementation into national legislation; for the sake of operational legal regulation of relations and introduction of legal certainty, as well as provision of state support in case of necessity, classification of environmental entities is introduced based on division of entrepreneurship into two categories depending on their activities (primary and auxiliary). The author looked into historical aspect of development of environmental entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation, which is proposed to be divided into two stages: «Soviet», which is more consistent with establishment and development of environmental legislation, and «modern», which is more related to the development of certain aspects of environmental entrepreneurship. Keywords: entrepreneurship, environmental entrepreneurship, definition, subjects, genesis of environmental entrepreneurship, environmental crisis. References: Barkov A.V., Grishina Y.S. Methodological foundations of designing the Russian model of legal support of environmental entrepreneurship [Metodologicheskie osnovy konstruirovaniya rossijskoj modeli pravovogo obespecheniya ekologicheskogo predprinimatel’stva] / A.V. Barkov, Y.S. Grishina // Civil Law. – 2018. – № 4. P. 3– 7. Ryzhenkov A.Y. Legal problems of the development of environmental entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation [Pravovye problemy razvitiya ekologicheskogo predprinimatel’stva v Rossijskoj Federacii ] / A.Y. Ryzhenkov // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. – 2018. – № 1. – ATP «Consultant Plus». Mokhov A.A. Special legal regime of environmental entrepreneurship [Special’nyj pravovoj rezhim ekologicheskogo predprinimatel’stva] / A.A. Mokhov // Lawyer. – 2018. – № 12. – ATP «Consultant Plus». Zlobin S.V. Legal regulation of environmental entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation [Pravovoe regulirovanie ekologicheskogo predprinimatel’stva v Rossijskoj Federacii]: Diss. … cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.03 / Zlobin Sergey Vladimirovich. – Volgograd, 2011 .– 199 p. |
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Inna A. GvozdevaPhD in Historical Sciences, Associate professor,
Department of History of the Ancient World, Faculty of Historical Sciences, Moscow State University, Moscow (E– mail: |
Subject/Topic The article is devoted to the analysis of the scientific and technical base of the Roman agrimensura– limitatio. Land management in Rome went through several stages of its development: from the limitation of land areas in relief to their division and calculation of geometrically accurate units of measurement. The thoroughness of the division of land was achieved by means of special dividers called limits. The limit was a straight line drawn in a given direction over a long distance. The division of land by limits was called limitatio. Goals/Objectives The aim of this study is to show that the category of limit, originating from the so– called Disciplina Etruscae, was adapted in Rome to land management. The limit (sunbeam) of the Etruscans indicated an East– West direction. The article shows how the religious ritual of the Etruscan priests was removed in Roman agrimensura in favor of a practical orientation, starting with the line of the East– West limit and building a perpendicular to the other North– South limits. The first limit was called Decumanus, and the second– Cardo. Drawing of other limits in parallel to Decumanus and Cardo in equal distances created a grid of field boundaries in Rome, also referred to as limitatio. Methodology Information about the Roman occupation in the Mediterranean is currently received as a result of archaeological surveys and by the method of aerial photography. The main written source for limitatio is Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum. Its authors – Roman scientists – surveyors traced the limitation in different parts of the Mediterranean and found that this method of organizing land for agricultural work was the best in Rome. Conclusions and Relevance Roman agrimensura reached its peak at the beginning of the Imperial period. To a large extent, its successful development was ensured by the founder of the Empire, Augustus, who defined limitatio as the main technical base of land management. Limitatio provided a guarantee of ownership of land to all citizens who received plots from the state, and most importantly, to such a category as veterans, the provision of land for which ensured the stability of the existence of Roman society. Keywords: limitatio, cadastre, the orientation factor, limits, plot of the land, property. References: Gvozdeva, Nikishin (2019) – Gvozdeva I.A., Nikishin V.O. Social and legal consequences of the agrarian crisis in Rome in the last third of the II century BC. [Social’nye i pravovye posledstvija agrarnogo krizisa v Rime v poslednej treti II v. do], East, Europe, America in antiquity. Issue 4. Collection of scientific works of Sergeyev readings at the Department of history of the ancient world of the historical faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Series: proceedings of the historical faculty of Moscow state University [Vostok, Evropa, Amerika v drevnosti. Vyp 4. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov Sergeevskih chtenij na kafedre istorii drevnego mira istoricheskogo f– ta MGU imeni M.V. Lomonosova. Serija: Trudy istoricheskogo f– ta MGU] .SPb., 2019. p. 171– 195. Kiryushov (2007) – Kiryushov D.A. Agrarian policy of Guy Gracchus [Agrarnaja politika Gaja Grakha], Mnemon: Studies and publications on the history of the ancient world [Mnemon: Issledovanija i publikacii po istorii antichnogo mira]. Vol. 7. SPb., 2007. p. 197– 210. Bouché– Leclercq (1882) – Bouché– Leclercq A. Histoire de la divination dans l’antiquité. Vol. 1– 4. P., 1879– 1882. Vol. 4. Divination Italique, 1882. Bradford (1957) – Bradford J. Ancient landscaps: Studies in field archeology. L.: Bell, 1957. 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Marina V. UlianovaCandidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Civil Law Department, State University of Justice, Moscow, E– mail:
The relevance of the study is connected with the independence of family law and the need to develop a scientific conceptual apparatus from the position of the structure of family legal relations, the constituent element of which is the object of legal relations. Subject/Topic Scientific work on the problems of determining the concept of objects of family rights, which is significant in the formulation of family rights and obligations, modern domestic civil and family legislation, examples of law enforcement. Goals/Objectives To determine the prospects for the development of family law, taking into account the epistemologically related relations with civil law, in order to exercise family rights. Methodology Analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, argumentation, generalization, historical, comparative legal analysis. Conclusion and Relevance A number of features of the object as a structural element of the family legal relationship are highlighted, a position is proposed according to which not all objects of civil rights can be attributed to the objects of family rights, a number of useful conclusions are drawn for the development of family law. Suggestions have been made on the development of family law, taking into account the characteristics of family relations. Keywords: family relationship, the structure of the relationship, the object as an element of the relationship, the orientation of the rights and obligations of the parties, the content of the relationship, material and non– material benefits, moral categories, feelings. References: Sukhanov (2011) – Sukhanov EA Russian civil law [Rossijskoe grazhdanskoe pravo]: В2 т.: V.1. M. 2011.816p. Nechaeva (1995) – Nechaeva A.M. Family law. Actual problems of family law and practice [Semejnoe pravo. Aktual’nye problemy semejnogo prava i praktiki.]. M. 2007.279 p. General theory of law [Obshchaya teoriya prava ]/ Ed. A.S. Pigolkina, Moscow: 1995.384 p. Theory of state and law [Teoriya gosudarstva i prava ] / Ed. G.N. Manova. M. 1996.336p. Theory of state and law [Teoriya gosudarstva i prava ]/ Ed. A.V. Malko: – M .: 2012. The chapter was written by E.V. Vavilin. 640p. Halfina (1974) – Halfina R.O. General doctrine of legal relationship [Obshchee uchenie o pravootnoshenii]. – M. 1974. 350p. Sannikova (2007) – Sannikova L.V. Obligations on the provision of services in Russian civil law. Dissert. … for a Doctors of Law [Obyazatel’stva ob okazanii uslug v Rossijskom grazhdanskom prave. Dissert. …na soisk. doktora yurid.nauk]. M. 2007.315p. Ozhegov (1987) – Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language [Slovar’ russkogo yazyka]. M. 1987.797p. Matuzov N.I. Person. Law. Democracy. Theoretical problems of subjective law [Lichnost’. Pravo. Demokratiya. Teoreticheskie problemy sub”ektivnogo prava]. Publishing House of Saratov University. 1972.292 p. Ioffe, Shargorodsky (1961) – Ioffe O.S. Shargorodsky M.D. Questions of the theory of law [Voprosy teorii prava].– M., 1961.381p. Pavlov (1954) – Pavlov I.V. // Soviet state and law [Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo]. 1954. № 1. P. 134. Ryasentsev (1956) – Ryasentsev V.A. Soviet Family Law [Sovetskoe semejnoe pravo]/ Ed. Ryasentseva V.A. – M. 1956. 88 p. Private law: problems of theory and practice [Chastnoe pravo: problemy teorii i praktiki ]/ A.Y. Bespalov, Y.F. Bespalov, D.V. Gordeyuk et al .; open ed. Y.F. Bespalov. M.: 2016. The chapter is written by E. Gordeyuk 144 p. Bespalov (2013) – Bespalov Y.F. On the subject of family law [K voprosu o predmete semejnogo prava ]// Family and Housing Law. 2013. # 6. Gordeyuk (2016) – Gordeyuk E.V. Intangible benefits in the field of morality as objects of marriage relations [Nematerial’nye blaga v sfere nravstvennosti kak ob”ekty brachnyh pravootnoshenij ]// Family and Housing Law. 2016. № 3. P. 4 – 6. Ryasentsev (1971) – Ryasentsev V.A. Family law [Semejnoe pravo]. M. 1971.296p. Novitsky, Lunts (1950) – Novitsky I.B., Lunts L.A. General doctrine of commitment [Obshchee uchenie ob obyazatel’stve]. M. Gosyurizdat, 1950. 416p. Kosova (2005) – Kosova O.Y. Right to maintenance: family law aspect [Pravo na soderzhanie: semejno– pravovoj aspect]. 2005. Irkutsk. 235 p. Bespalov (2001) – Bespalov Y.F. Family rights of the child and their protection [Semejnye prava rebenka i ih zashchita]. Vladimir 2001.209 p. Family law [Semejnoe pravo]/ ed. Y.F. Bespalov, O.A. Egorov, O.Y. Ilyin. M. 2015. 159 p. Raw (2015) – Raw V.M. The logical basis of the general theory of law [Logicheskie osnovaniya obshchej teorii prava]: in 2 vols. 1: Elementary composition. M. 2000.P. 436– 452. Vavilin (2012) – Vavilin E.V. The principles of civil law. The mechanism for the implementation and protection of civil rights [Principy grazhdanskogo prava. Mekhanizm osushchestvleniya i zashchity grazhdanskih prav]. Saratov.2012.364 p. |
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