Economy Buisness Banks №7(33)



Alexey V. Novikov

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology, history and philosophy, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: noval2403@

Alexey U. Oborsky

Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: AYО

Petr A. Novikov

2nd year student of the Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


The problems of digitization: assessing the quality of medical service in Russia


Subject/Topic The process of improving the quality of medical care of the Russian population / Problems of presentation in the digital measurement of the results of various studies of the real state of Russian medical care quality.

The socio-economic reforms carried out in the country require the achievement of the real effect of the implemented measures to ensure the availability and growth of the quality of medical care in the health care system of the country. The study of the population’s opinion on the responsiveness of the national health system to the expectations of the population in improving the quality and availability of medical care is currently not actually carried out in the Russian health care system.

Dynamic changes in the quality of Russian medical care should be controlled by monitoring, using a single officially adopted method of assessing the opinion of the Russian population on this issue.

Goals/Objectives To assess the quality of medical care in Russia in the digital measurement based on the analysis of statistical data.

To perform the analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to select the system of indicators and methods of assessing the quality of medical care in Russia.

Methodology The research methodology is an empirical level methodology. It is based on the application of general scientific research methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, population survey, as well as interdisciplinary analysis of the system of targets of the Russian population associated with the expectation of improving the quality of life in the country.

Conclusions and Relevance The analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the quality of Russian medical care system was conducted.

A method for digital assessment of the quality of medical care in Russia was developed / The use of unified system of indicators and single method for digital assessment of the quality of medical care in Russia corresponds to the strategic objective of improving the quality of life of the Russian population.

Keywords: quality of life, health care; quality of medical care; availability of quality medical care for the population, responsiveness of the Russian health care system to the expectations of the population.


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Alexander S. Rodionov

PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Professor of the Department of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Director of Scientific and Information Consulting of safe life and work, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow. President of Graduate School MВА «IntegraL» (Corporate University).


Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at Department of accounting, analysis and audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of “Economics of intellectual property” at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow


Risks of cognitive capital intellectualisation: scenario planning


Subject / Topic The article reflects the results of a multivariate study of the integration of new interdisciplinary approaches to the accumulation of cognitive capital in the “education – man – intelligence” system. The dialectics of its phase transition from a low-energy, physical level of extraction of surplus value to a higher level due to the exploitation of intellectual energy is considered.

Goals / objectives Analysis of the problems of cognitive capital accumulation and the prospects of using proactive risk-based scenario planning to assess the development of the “educational – human – intellectual” capital system; future scenario in the face of uncertainty and instability, dualism of fundamental concepts: state regulation (planning) and market relations; encyclopedia (universality) and specialization; deduction and induction; convergent and divergent thinking.

Methodology Methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison method.

Conclusions and Relevance A paradigm of scenario planning for minimizing risks in the context of cognitive capital intellectualization is proposed. The positive impact of intellectual property on the economy of normal life is substantiated, together with the formation of intellectual capital depending on the speed of new knowledge obtaining, the effectiveness of learning and its impact on the rate of change of the business environment, the search for promising drivers of economic growth as a strategic challenge for Russia.

Keywordscognitive capital, scenario planning, risk-based approach, results of intellectual activity, commercialization.


McMillan (2014) – McMillan, Jonathan. The End of Banking. Money, Credit and the Digital Revolution [Konets bankovskogo dela. Den’gi i kredit v epokhu tsifrovoy revolyutsii] / Jonathan McMillan; translation from English – M.: Publishing House ACT, 2014. – 256 p [in Russian]

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Victoria B. Frolova

Candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Corporate finance and corporate governance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia.

Foreign development practice of staffing the financial market digitalization processes


Subject/Topic The article reflects the results of the study of foreign practice of training and certification of financial market personnel taking into account modern processes of digitalization.

Goals/Objectives The study was conducted in order to identify and determine the possibility of implementing some elements of staffing of the financial market in accordance with the programs of development of digitalization in the Russian practice.

Methodology The study is based on a systematic approach, methods of generalization and comparison.

Conclusion and Relevance The author’s study has allowed to make a number of conclusions, in particular, that in addition to the development of digital technologies and making appropriate changes in the training program and certification of personnel, the trends in the educational process are changing, focused on the generation of a professional of new formation, studying throughout all his life, ensuring the implementation of relevant competencies, including in the financial market. The main differences in the development of personnel support of the processes of digitalization of the financial market are associated with different approaches to personnel certification and with Russia’s refusal to accept the legal framework for the organization of the cryptocurrency market.

Keywords: digital technologies, financial market, cryptocurrency market, training and certification of personnel, financial market regulators.


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Vladislav V. Zimin

postgraduate student of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail:

Synergies in mergers and acquisitions: evaluation of the effectiveness


Subject / Topic The study is devoted to the analysis of existing methods of assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the synergetic effect in mergers and acquisitions.

Goals / Objectives To define approaches to the assessment of effectiveness in actually or potentially consolidated companies. To achieve this goal, an analysis of the approaches themselves, together with the models identified in the approaches, their advantages and disadvantages was carried out.

Methodology The study used a mixed methodology for the study of the task: theoretical and practical analysis, system analysis, classification methods. The methodology combines literature review, analysis of research results of scientists and scientific specialists for a comprehensive coverage of the goal.

Conclusions and Relevance The study revealed that there are different methods of assessing the effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions in the scientific literature and practice. However, analyzed methods have shortcomings and mostly evaluate only the qualitative aspect of synergy.

Keywords: synergy, synergistic effect, mergers and acquisitions, methods of evaluation, performance evaluation, perspective analysis, retrospective analysis.


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Svetlana P. Azarova

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics and Marketing, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Irina A. Firsova

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, Moscow.


Investigation of a financial product in the concept of a multi-attributive model of goods


Subject/Topic The authors consider the modern banking market situation, when the differences between products are not obvious, advertising is equally accessible to all players, and real and non-material assets, additional goods, services and guarantees are used to form “identification signals” in the consumer’s perception to stimulate consumer choice.

Goals/Objectives Analysis of the “multi-attribute product model” of a financial product in the approaches of F. Kotler, J.-J. Lamben and V. Blagoev.

Methodology Decomposition assessment on the four levels of the V. Blagoev multi-attribute product model using the example of credit and deposit banking products, as well as insurance and investment products provided to individuals.

Conclusions and Relevance The multi-attributive model of a financial product allows to structure marketing efforts related to the promotion of financial products and creates prerequisites for interaction with consumers through digital marketing channels (digital marketing) in the context of transformation of the financial sector under the influence of digitalization.

Keywords: financial product, direct marketing, multi-attribute product model


Blagoev (1993) – Blagoev V. Marketing definitions and examples [Marketing v opredeleniyah i primerah]/ Per. with bolg., scientific. Ed., ed. foreword A.M. Nemchin. – SPB .: DvAtrI, [DvaTrI ]1993. – 376 p. [in Russian]

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Iliya V. Rozhkov

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Types and characteristics of price strategies in the market activity of modern companies


Subject/Topic The relevance of the research and optimization of the practical use of basic tools to influence consumer choice is increasing in the conditions of increasing competition between domestic manufacturers. Price is one of the effective factors determining consumer behavior in the context of reduced consumer demand. Price determination occurs in the process of developing pricing policies, applying pricing methods, and choosing the type of pricing strategy. The success of the company in the market and customer satisfaction strongly depend on the correct understanding of the characteristics of basic pricing strategies. In this regard, updating the classification and identifying the characteristics of the main types of pricing strategies is an important theoretical applied task of market research.

Goals/Objectives The study attempts to classify and characterize the most popular pricing strategies applied in the market practice of modern companies.

Methodology The research is based on the use of methods of generalization, classification and systematization.

Conclusions and Relevance The article analyzes the main types of pricing strategies, identifies their market objectives, as well as the typical conditions of application by modern companies.

Keywords: price, product, consumer, market, pricing strategy, marketing.


Zhiltsova O. N. (2014) – Marketing communications: textbook and practical work for applied bachelor’s degree [Marketingovyie kommunikatsii : uchebnik i praktikum dlya prikladnogo bakalavriata]/ S. Azarova [and others]; under the Ed. O. N. Zhiltsova [S. P. Azarova [i dr.]; pod obsch. red. O. N. Zhiltsovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Uright [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2014. – 456 p. [in Russian]

Kazakova N.V.,  Karpova S.V., Rozhkov I.V. (2010) – Information support of marketing activities in the innovation sphere  [Informacionnoe obespechenie marketingovoj deyatel’nosti v sfere innovacij]/ Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia [Nauchnye trudy Vol’nogo ekonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii]. Volume 130. M .: VEO of Russia, 2010. [in Russian].

Karpova S.V. (2016) – Innovative marketing: a textbook for undergraduate and graduate programs [Innovatsionnyiy marketing: uchebnik dlya bakalavriata i magistraturyi] / S.V. Karpova [and others]; Ed. S. V. Karpova [S. V. Karpova [i dr.] ; pod red. S. V. Karpovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Uright [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2016. – 457 p.  25–30 [in Russian].

Karpova S. V. (2013) – Marketing: theory and practice: Textbook. allowance for bachelors [Marketing: teoriya i praktika : ucheb. posobie dlya bakalavrov]/ under total. Ed. S. V. Karpova[pod obsch. red. S.V. Karpovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Uright [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2013. – 408 p. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course [Seriya: Bakalavr. Bazovyiy kurs]. [in Russian]

Romanenkova O. N. (2014) – Marketing research. Theory and practice: a textbook for bachelors [Marketingovye issledovaniya. Teoriya i praktika: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov] / under the ed. O.N. Romanenkova [pod obshch. red. O. N. Romanenkovoj] – M.: Publishing House Urtight [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2014. – 315 p. [in Russian]

Rozhkov I.V. (2013) – Modern directions of application of information technologies in marketing [Sovremennye napravleniya primeneniya informacionnyh tekhnologij v marketinge] / ETAP: economic theory, analysis, practice [ETAP: ehkonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika]. 2013. № 1. p. 113–122. [in Russian]

Rozhkov I.V. (2014) – Rozhkov I.V. Information systems and technologies in marketing: Monograph [Informatsionnyie sistemyi i tehnologii v marketinge: Monografiya]. – Moscow: Rusains [Rusayns], 2014. – 196 c. Pp. 39–44 [in Russian].

Rusin V.N., Rozhkov I.V. (2014) – Transformation of pricing methods: from the value of goods to its importance [Transformaciya metodov cenoobrazovaniya: ot stoimosti tovarov k ego znachimosti]/ Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia [Nauchnye trudy Vol’nogo ekonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii]. Volume 188. M .: 2014. pp. 23-27 [in Russian].

Stytsiuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov (2014) – Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A., Rozhkov I.V. The role of innovation activity in increasing competitiveness of modern companies [Rol innovatsionnoi deyatelnosti v povyshenii konkurentosposobnosti sovremennyh organizatsiy],  Economics and management in mechanical engineering [Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii] 2014 № 5. p. 33–35 [in Russian]

Stytsiuk, Artemeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsiuk R.Y ., Artemeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. Marketing value of symbolic communication in postmodern society  [Marketingovaya cennost’ simvolicheskogo soobshcheniya v obshchestve postmoderna] // Economics and management in mechanical engineering [Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii] 2014 № 5. p. 33–35 [in Russian]

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Svetlana P. Azarova

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics and Marketing, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


Tools of bank products promotion in online medium


Subject/Topic The author examines the tools for promoting banking products in the digital environment from the standpoint of a multi-attribute product model using examples from Russian banks.

Goals/Objectives An overview of modern tools to promote banking products in order to identify the key factors of promotion in the digital environment using the example of existing banking online services.

Methodology Analysis of scientific, practical and educational publications, review of primary and expert sources of information, systematization and synthesis of the revealed facts.

Conclusions and Relevance Tools for promoting banking products in the digital environment are very diverse, developing due to the new communication capabilities that digitalization creates. The key factors of promotion in the digital environment are identified, on which the marketing management of the bank should be focused.

Keywords: banking product, online services, multi-attribute product model


Blagoev (1993) – Blagoev V. Marketing definitions and examples [Marketing v opredeleniyah i primerah]/ Tr. from bulg., scientific. Ed., A.M. Nemchin. – SPB .: DvAtrI, [DvaTrI ]1993. – 376 p. [in Russian]

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Zarbailova, Ivashkova (2016) – Zarbailova N.I., Ivashkova N.I. Modern IT-tools for organizing the sale of banking products and services [Sovremennyie IT-instrumentyi organizatsii prodazh bankovskih produktov i uslug ] // Human Capital and Professional Education. [Chelovecheskiy kapital i professionalnoe obrazovanie] – №1 (17). – 2016. – pp. 61-65. [in Russian]

Karpova, Rozhkov (2018) – Karpova S.V., Rozhkov I.V. The development of the financial services market based on the improvement of marketing tools [Razvitie ryinka finansovyih uslug na osnove sovershenstvovaniya marketingovyih instrumentov] // Marketing in Russia. 2018. Guild of Marketers Handbook [Marketing v Rossii. 2018. Spravochnik Gildii Marketologov] / Edited by I.S. Berezina. – M., 2018. – p. 147-158. [in Russian]

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Lаrisа S. Аleksаndrovа

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Researcher of the Research center of monetary relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

E-mаil: аls.007@yа

Olga V. Zakharova

Researcher of the Research center of monetary relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


External and internal factors of money supply: some issues of the theory


Subject/Topic The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical bases of functioning of modern, in particular, exogenous and endogenous money.

Goals/Objectives The aim of the work is to study the history of the development of monetary theories and the possibility of their use to form a model of regulation of the money supply.

Methodology In this article the authors analyze different forms and types of money, their characteristics, monetary theories, methods of control of the money supply offered by the founders of these theories.

Results On the basis of the analysis, the authors make an attempt to identify exogenous and endogenous money, formulate the advantages of various monetary theories in the field of regulation of the money supply.

Conclusions and Relevance As a result of the study of the problem, the authors clarify the definitions, highlight the features of different types of money, methods to regulate the value of the money supply, determine further directions of the study of modern money.

Key words: exogenous money, endogenous money, theories of money, methods of monetary regulation.


Abramova M.A. (2014) Improvement of legal and economic bases of modern money: Monograph. [Sovershenstvovanie pravovyh i ekonomicheskih osnov sovremennyh deneg]– Moscow: publishing: «RIM University». 2014. – 162 p.

  1. Thomas Mun (1953) – Tomas Mun England’s Treasure by Forraign Trade or, the Balance of Our Forraign Trade is the Rule of Our Treasure. [Bogatstvo Anglii vo vneshnej torgovle, ili Balans nashej vneshnej torgovli kak regulyator nashego bogatstva] – L: SOTSEKGIZ, 1953.

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Zakhar N. Gorbunov

magister legum, master of political science with command of foreign language, notary assistant in Moscow, Russian Federation.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Russian Ministry of Justice)”, Moscow, Russian Federation.


Inheritable trusts in the federal republic of Germany and the Russian Federation: comparative analysisInheritable trusts in the federal republic of Germany and the Russian Federation: comparative analysis


Subject / theme Comparative analysis of trust management of hereditary property and inheritable trusts in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Russian Federation.

Aims / tasks The study was aimed to consider the existing institutions of trust management of hereditary property and inheritable trusts in the national legislation and the legislation of Germany, to compare the institute of inheritable trust with the trust management of hereditary property in the legislation of the Russian Federation, to identify similarities and differences between the national inheritable trust and the German (posthumous) inheritable trust.

Methodology Such research methods as comparative legal analysis, synthesis, analysis, formal-logical and other methods of scientific research have been employed within the study conducted.

Conclusion Comparative legal analysis and comparison of the current Russian legislation with the experience of legislative regulation of (posthumous) inheritable trusts in the Federal Republic of Germany allowed to reveal a tendency of adopting positive experience of Germany.

Keywords: business inheritance, inheritable trust, fiduciary property management, beneficiary, notary, testator, heir.


Krasheninnikov (2018) – Inheritance Law / Krasheninnikov P.V.; 3rd edition. [Nasledstvennoe pravo; 3-e izdanie. M.: Statut] 2018. P. 137-152.

Krasheninnikov, Mikheeva (2018) – Krasheninnikov P.V., Mikheeva L., Rasskazova N., Petrov E., Kozlova N., Pavlova G., Ignatenko A., Goncharenko I., Budylin S., Zima I., Aleshchev I. Inheritable trust as an alternative to (common law) trusts in Russian law [Nasledstvennyiy fond alternativa trastam v rossiyskom prave. Zakon] 2018. N 9. P. 18-38.

Mikriukov, Mikriukova (2018) – Mikriukov V.A.; Mikriukova, G.A. Legal status of inheritable trusts [Grazhdansko-pravovoy status nasledstvennogo fonda. Notarius] 2018. N 8. P. 31-34.

Ayusheeva (2018) – Ayusheeva I.Z. Legal status of inheritable trusts [Osobennosti grazhdansko-pravovogo polozheniya nasledstvennogo fonda. Aktualnyie problemyi rossiyskogo prava] 2018. N 8. P. 100-108.

Akhmetyanova (2017) – Akhmetyanova Z.A. Trust management of hereditary property [Doveritelnoe upravlenie nasledstvennyim imuschestvom. Nasledstvennoe pravo] 2017. N 1. P. 95-104.

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Kirillova (2016) – Kirillova E.A. Trust management of hereditary property in the Russian Federation [Doveritelnoe upravlenie nasledstvennyim imuschestvom v RF zakonodatelnyie novellyi. Notarius] 2016. N 3. P. 33-36.

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Elena A. Nikiforova

postgraduate student of the Department of Personnel Management and Psychology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.


Management of professional orientation of personality at early stages of education and development


The achievement of the global competitiveness of the Russian education by  2024 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 No. 204 “On national goals and strategic objectives of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024” makes the issue of professional self-determination of the individual at the early stages of development fundamentally relevant. Currently, many high school students cannot define their socio-economic destination. This problem concerns not only schoolchildren and their parents, but also educational institutions, including universities, in which they will enter after graduation. It is universities that attract vocational-oriented and motivated applicants who plan to enroll in it in a certain direction and profile of education [1, 26]. Due to effective joint cooperation of schools and universities, in many cases it is possible to solve the problem of professional orientation of a person at early stages of education and development. Target audience of this research are schoolchildren aged from 7 to 17 years (grades 1-11).

Subject/Topic The subject of the research is the process of personal professional development of students of partner schools of higher educational institutions (hereinafter HEI).

Goals/Objectives The goal is to reduce the level of uncertainty when choosing a school educational trajectory in a professional environment based on a project approach to managing vocational guidance.

Results The results of the research of cooperation management of partner schools together with HEI were obtained in 2 stages: 1) analysis of scientific literature and the work of scientists on the research topic; 2) identification of the basics of managing the interaction of vocational orientation in the “School-University” models.

Methodology In the study of partnership interaction on the “School-University” models, general scientific methods were used such as: monographic, comparison, observation, dialectical logic, epistemological and logical analysis, modeling. The study of vocational guidance practices is based on the results of partnerships with the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the Financial University).

Conclusions and Relevance The article concludes that prospective management of vocational guidance is possible using the project approach [2]. This approach can be used by educational institutions in the “School-University” models in the implementation of vocational guidance.

Keywords: HEI; project approach; professional orientation of the individual; guidance; “School-University” model; management; project; career guidance.


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