Economy Business Banks №6(32)
Larisa G. ChuvakhinaPh.D. in Economics, Associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy and World Finance at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
New priorities in the American policy of reforming the health care systemAbstract
Subject/Topic The adoption of the health care reform in the United States and the health insurance system (Obamacare) initiated by B. Obama has caused different reaction in society. The promise to build the world best health care system, financially available for all citizens of the country, was not fulfilled. The constant rise in the cost of medical policies with the condition of their mandatory purchase has caused discontent among the middle class. With the arrival of D. Trump in the White House, the desire to cancel the reform adopted by B. Obama has intensified. Unable to overcome the resistance of Obamacare supporters in Congress, D. Trump proceeded to “smoothly dismantle” Obamacare using administrative measures. The priorities of D.Trump’s policy are: promoting competition in the field of health care and strengthening the role of the state executive in regulating affordable health insurance program. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to identify the priorities of D. Trump’s policy on the cancellation of the Obamacare program. Methodology In this work general and special research methods were used, including analysis, synthesis, generalization. Conclusion and Relevance The policy of D. Trump has led to a decrease in the role of the federal center in regulating the program of affordable medical insurance, to a reduction of its budget financing. The rights of the states to adopt their own health care programs and to attract private insurance companies were expanded. The policy of encouraging competition conducted by D. Trump has created conditions for Americans to buy health insurance from private companies at their discretion. Along with the adoption of administrative measures, the administration of D. Trump staked on the decisions of the judiciary in favor of canceling the Obamacare program. Carrying out a consistent policy on the abolition of key provisions initiated by B. Obama health care reform, D. Trump expects to fulfill his election promises on the eve of new elections. Keywords: health care reform, affordable health insurance, insurance companies, insurance exchange, budget financing, preferential subsidies, monopoly prices, federal court of appeal References: As More Americans Have Surgeries Overseas? US Companies Consider Medical Tourism a Health Care Option//ABC News. September 30, 2013. Roy A.Saving Medicare from Itself// National Affairs. Number 8 –Summer 2011. Oberlander, Jonathan (June 1, 2010). “Long Time Coming: Why Health Reform Finally Passed”. Health Affairs. 29 (6):1112–1116. Gruber, J. Healthcare Reform: what it is, why it’s necessary, how it works. – NY, 2011.– 160 pp. National Healthcare Disparities Report. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. AHRQ Publication. – 2012. No. 12–0006. – March. – 248 pp. CBO. American Health Care Act. March 2017. P.4-5. Office of Management and Budget. Budget of the United States Government. A new Foundation for American Greatness. Fiscal Year 2018. Wash.: US GPO, 2017. Chuvakhina (2017) – Chuvakhina L.G. New paradigm of the US economic policy: myth or reality? [Novaya paradigma ekonomicheskoy politiki SSHA: mif ili real’nost’?] Economic horizons.[ Gorizonty ekonomiki] 2017. № 1 (34). C.30-35.. [ in Russian] |
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Evgeniy V. SumarokovPh.D., Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: Andrey V. KlyuzkoMaster Student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
ICO turnkey - a new outsourcing type for a fast developing cryptocurrency marketAbstract Subject / Topic This article covers a new field of cryptocurrency for the modern financial market, in particular ICO, as an innovative way to raise funds for the project. The work reveals the meaning of this phenomenon, and the reason for its popularity in our time. This article also reveals the essence of the “token” – a unit of account, which can be both a kind of security and a mean of payment, depending on the idea of the project. Due to the high popularity and effectiveness of ICO, many companies decide to attract funding in this way, but they do not always have the opportunity to competently implement and organize a difficult campaign to conduct this crowdfunding method. Therefore, in the wake of the demand for the ICO product, there appears a proposal of outsourcing companies that are ready to take a part or full implementation of ICO. Prices and conditions vary in each case. Today, there are a large number of companies on the market that are ready to take on this job. Each company has its own conditions: someone is ready to do work for a certain amount in rubles, dollars or Bitcoin, someone to confirm the quality of his work asks for a percentage of the funds raised during the company, thus, in case of failure, risking to suffer lesion. Goals / Objectives The authors’ task is conducting an analysis of the market for ICO development services. Methodology The methodological basis was the practice of transferring ICO to outsourcing and the method of comparative analysis of various practices of this process. Conclusion and Relevance The growth of the outsourcing market for the preparation and conduct of ICO is expected. Keywords: Cryptocurrency, ICO, token, crowdfunding. References: Sanin M.K. The history of the development of crowdfunding. Classification of species. Analysis of development prospects and benefits [Sanin M.K. Istoriya razvitiya kraudfandinga. Klassifikatsiya vidov. Analiz perspektiv y razvitiya preimushestv] // Scientific journal NRU ITMO. Series of “Economics and Environmental Management.” [Nautchniy zurnal NUY ITMO. Seriya “Ekonomika i ekologicheskiy menedgment”] – 2015. – № 4. – pp. 57-63. Votinov, MV, Martyanova, IV, Shokin, G.O. Cryptocurrency: features of creation and implementation [Votinov M.V. Martianova I.V. Shokin G.O.Kriptovaliuta: osobennosti sozdania y vnedrenia]// New University.[Noviy universitet] 2015. No. 9-10 P. 43-44. Kluzko. Hidden mining cryptocurrency as a new tool of Internet fraud, [Klyuzko A.V. Skritiy maining kriptovaliut kak noviy vid internet moshennichestva] June 2018. New trajectories of the development of international financial relations: a modern model in the digital economy: a collection of works by young scientists: in 2 v. authors; by ed. N.V. Sergeeva, E.S. Sokolova. – Moscow: KNORUS [novie traektorii razvitiya mezdunarodnih finansovih otnosheniy: sovremennaya model v usloviah cifrovoy ekonomiki: sbornik trudov molodih uchenih v 2h tomah], 2018-p. 302. Maslennikov, V. V., Fedotova, M. A., Sorokin, A. N. New financial technologies are changing our world [Maslennikov, V. V., Fedotova, M. A., Sorokin, A. N. novie finansovie tehnologii meniayut nash mir]// Bulletin of Financial University. [Vestnik finansovogo universiteta] 2017. Vol. 21, No. 2.-p.7 Portnoy M. A. Cryptocurrency and money – Ways of interaction. World economy and international relations. [Portnoy M. A. kriptovaliuta I dengi – Puti vzaimodeystvia. Mirovaya ekonomika y megdunarodnie otnoshenia] Vol. 62, No. 10, p. 64–70. 2018. |
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Lyudmila M. KupriyanovaPh.D. in Economics, Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics of Intellectual Property, Associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: Stanislav V. NikolyukinPhD in Law, Russian State University of Justice, Moscow, E-mail: |
The value of patent information on industrial property subjectAbstract
Subject/Toic Patent information and patent search. Currently, an important task in the field of innovation is the problem of practical use of the results of intellectual activity. Patent information is information about all objects of industrial property and means of individualization, including inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks and appellations of origin, which are published by patent offices of various countries, regional and international organizations, information centers. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the article is to consider the definition of the purposes of patent information application for specific groups (clusters) of consumers. For this purpose the following tasks were set: to give the concept of patent information, to determine the possible objectives of the use of patent information and identification and preparation of the group of users of patent information. Methodology The solution of the tasks set in the work was carried out on the basis of the application of general scientific research methods in the framework of comparative, logical and statistical analysis, as well as through the analysis of structure and dynamics, graphical interpretation of information, pricing methods, methods of financial analysis, etc. Conclusions and Relevance The developed classification of the purposes of using patent information for each member of the general composition of consumers is summarized in the table. It is concluded that patent information can be used at each stage of innovation activity by a wide range of consumers. Key words: patent information, innovative activity, patent activity, intellectual activity, commercialization. References Large legal dictionary [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access:… GOST R 15.011-96 System of development and production. Patent research. 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The history of the emergence and development of domestic patent information [Istoriya vozniknoveniya i razvitiya otechestvennoj patentnoj informacii]. – M .: Patent, 2018. – 458 p. Minaev (2014) – Minaev A.A. Fundamentals of the dynamic theory of innovation (patent information) [Osnovy dinamicheskoj teorii innovacij (patentnoj informacii)]. – M.: Sputnik +, 2013. – 52p. Parshina V. Patent activity as a factor in the efficiency of enterprise [Patentnaya deyatel’nost’ kak faktor effektivnosti funkcionirovaniya predpriyatiya ] / V. Parshina, Z. Koreysh // Intellectual property. Industrial property. – 2016. – № 5. – p. 33-42. Patent information of some Asian countries on the Internet / [V. V. Maksimova et al.] [Patentnaya informaciya nekotoryh stran Azii v Internete/ [V. V. Maksimova i dr.]. – M .: Patent, 2014. 103 p. The results of intellectual activity as the basis for the development of competitive products during R & D: creation, legal protection and use: monograph; under general ed. I.V. Polyakova, A.D. Korchagin [Rezul’taty intellektual’noj deyatel’nosti kak osnova razrabotki konkurentosposobnoj produkcii pri provedenii NIOKR: sozdanie, pravovaya ohrana i ispol’zovanie: monografiya; pod I.V. Polyakova, A.D. Korchagina]. – M.: INFRA-M, 2019. – 298 p. Skornyakov, Gorbunova (2011) – Skornyakov, E.P., Gorbunova, M.E. Patent research: educational and methodical manual [Patentnye issledovaniya: uchebnometodicheskoe posobie]. – 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. – M.: INITS «PATENT», 2011. – 164 p. Skornyakov (2014) – Skornyakov E.P. Theory and practice of patent research / E.P. Skornyakov, M.E. Gorbunova [Teoriya i praktika patentnyh issledovanij / E.P. Skornyakov, M. E. Gorbunova.]. – M .: INITS «PATENT», 2014. – 164 p. Minko (2014) – Minko I. S. Organization of information flows in innovation [Organizaciya informacionnyh potokov v innovacionnoj deyatel’nosti] // Scientific journal NRU ITMO. Ser. «Economics and environmental management». 2014. № 1. p. 3-14. Kupriyanova L.M., Nikolyukin S.V. On the issue of liability for violations of copyright, related and patent rights [K voprosu ob otvetstvennosti za narusheniya avtorskih, smezhnyh i patentnyh prav] // Modern lawyer. – 2019. – № 2 (27). – pp. 53-67. |
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Tatiyana V. PogodinaDoctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Alla V. FilushinSenior lecturer, Department of Management at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. |
Socio-economic indicators for assessing innovative activity at the macro levelAbstract
Subject/Topic The subject of this study is the relationship between social and economic indicators for the evaluation of innovation at the macro level. The relevance of the research topic is due to the lack of social indicators to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of innovation, while the social sphere is a key element of the modern economy, which stipulates the need to use new approaches to the development and evaluation of technological changes. Goals/Objectives The purpose of this study is the formation of social criteria and the development of recommendations for improving the tools for assessing innovation, taking into account the best foreign experience and the strategic vector of development of the Russian economy. Methodology Identification of strengths and weaknesses in ensuring the global competitiveness of the national economy through the use of methods of comparative, coefficient analysis. Systematization of factors of innovation activity and identification of the leading role of technologization of production and socialization of management in ensuring high rates and quality of economic growth in the long term. Conclusions and Relevance Five social channels of formation of external effects and corresponding sources of activation of i nnovative activity in economy – imitation, management, competition, human capital, backward and forward linkages are allocated. Based on the analysis of the key socio-economic indicators of innovation in various countries, the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian economy in achieving global competitiveness are highlighted. The main elements of the strategic vector of development of the Russian economy are defined and their characteristics are given. The need for the implementation of the technologization of production and socialization of management is identified. Keywords: innovative activity, technologization of production, strategic vector of development References: Korsuntsev O.V. Generation and implementation of strategy of increasing the level of utilization of production potential of mechanical engineering enterprises: author. theses. …. doctor. Econ. sciences’. – Samara, 2015. – 44 p. [Electronic resource]: URL: http://*=GV94KYFo7X%2FakMnZsN5bIFb3e0p7InVybCI6 Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: URL: Innovative potential of socio-economic system of the region / T. V. Pogodina, T. A. Medvedev // Economy. Taxes. Law. 2013. No. 6. P.56-62. Porter M. International competition: competitive advantages of countries [tr. fr. English.] /Michael porter; [Foreword. V. D. Shchetinina]. – M.: International. relations, 1993 – 895 p. Ranking of global competitiveness of the world. 2018. [Electronic resource]: URL: http:// The system of evaluation and monitoring of innovative development of the Russian regions I. M. Bortnik, G. I. Senchenya, Mikheeva N. N. [et al.] / / Innovations. 2012. № 9(167). P. 48-60. Federal state statistics service [Electronic resource]: URL: Borodin A.I., Ziyadin S., Streltsova E., Kiseleva N., Yakovenko I. and Baimukhanbetova E. Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of Projects on the Basis of Environmental Factors // Sustainability. – 2019. -11 (9). -pp. 1-16. Gubernatorov A.M., Kornilova o.A., Popadyuk T.G. Financing of innovative development of the textile industry / Izvestya Vysshikh Uchebonykh Zavedenii, Sriya Teknologiya Tekstil´noi Promyshlennosti – 2018. – 370 (4). – pp.170-21. Pogodina, T.V., Muzhzhavleva, T.V., Udaltsova, N.L. Characteristics of venture capital investing in the climate of digitalization of the Russian economy // International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology. 2018. – 9(10), pp. 698-706. Solvell O., Lindqvist G., Ketels Ch. The Cluster Initiative Greenbook. The Competitiveness Institute/VINNOVA, Gothenburg, 2003. Streltsova E., Borodin A. I., Yakovenko I., Sokira T., Bizhanova K. Information management system of industrial enterprise in conditions of digitalization // International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology- 2019-10(1).-pp.559-575. Trachuk . A. Linder N. Innovation and Performance: An Empirical Study of the Russian Industrial Companies // International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management – 2018 – 15 (3). |
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Svetlana V. KarpovaDoctor of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Deputy Vice-Rector for Research of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation E-mail: |
Preconditions for generation of intellectual contract system of procurement for state and municipal needsAbstract Subject / Topic The work is devoted to the identification and study of prerequisites for implementing electronics and digitalization of the procurement system for state and municipal needs, as well as for procurement functions in organizations. The prerequisites for generation of an intelligent contract system are the domestic contract procurement system itself, which has its drawbacks and problems, the advantages of implementing electronics and digitalization of the procurement and the experience of digitalization of foreign procurement systems. This study was carried out in the course of the state task within the framework of the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation” 2019 on the topic “Identification of non-market conditions for procurement with the use of categorization and cataloging”. Goals / Objectives Identification and analysis of the prerequisites for implementing electronics and digitalization of procurement activities to improve competitiveness, reduce costs and achieve other benefits of using digital tools to build an effective and transparent system. To achieve this goal, an analysis of the contract system in Russia was carried out, as well as the study of digital tools already being implemented in foreign procurement systems. Methodology The study used the following methods of scientific research: practical analysis, system analysis, statistical analysis and methods of graphical (tabular) provision of information. Conclusions and Relevance The work has shown that the study of prerequisites for generation of the intellectual contract system determines the relevance of electronization and digitalization of the procurement system, enables the identification of core new trends, field of implementation, required resources and skills – all of those non-market conditions necessary to improve the competitiveness of the procurement system for state and municipal needs. Keywords: electronics; digitalization; digital tools, intelligent contract system, smart contracts. References: New law on the contractual system: optimization of state procurement [Novyj zakon o kontraktnoj sisteme: optimizaciya goszakupok] // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa (date of access: 15.06.2019). On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for the state and municipal needs, Federal law from 05.04.2013 № 44-FZ [O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlya obespecheniya gosudarstvennyh i municipal’nyh nuzhd: federal’nyj zakon ot 05.04.2013 goda № 44-FZ] // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 2013. № 14. St. 1652. Monitoring of procurement [Monitoring zakupok] // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa (date of access: 20.06.2019). National accounts [Nacional’nye scheta] // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa (date of access: 20.06.2019). On procurement of goods, works, services effected by separate types of legal entities,Federal law from 18.07.2011 № 223-FZ [O zakupkah tovarov, rabot, uslug otdel’nymi vidami yuridicheskih lic: federal’nyj zakon ot 18.07.2011 goda № 223-FZ] //Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 2011. № 30. St. 4571. Summarizing the discussion “World of procurement: reload” [Po itogam ekspertnoj diskussii «Mir zakupok: perezagruzka»] // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa purchases/ (date of access:21.06.2019). Europe 2020: A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Available at SSRN: %20EN%20version.pdf (Accessed 22 June 2019). The technology of blockchain implemented in the sphere of state procurement [Tekhnologiya blokchejn nashla primenenie v sfere goszakupok] // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa (date of access: 21.06.2019). Presentation in the forum “State procurement” [Prezentaciya na forume «Goszakaz»] // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa (date of access: 21.06.2019). How Smart Contracts Started And Where They Are Heading. Available at SSRN: (Accessed 22 June 2019). Growth: the cost and digital imperative. Available at SSRN: (Accessed 22 June 2019). |
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Anna A. BakulinaDoctor of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Deputy Vice-Rector for Research of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation E-mail: |
Implementation of electronics and cataloging of the procurement system: new threats and emerging risksAbstract
Subject / Topic The study is devoted to the analysis of the current situation of implementation of electronics and cataloging of the procurement system in Russia, the identification of potential threats and risks and the proposal of certain principles of their minimization. This study was carried out in the course of the state task within the framework of the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation” 2019 on the topic “Identification of non-market conditions for procurement with the use of categorization and cataloging”. Goals / Objectives Identification of the essence of digitalization, including cataloging of the procurement system in order to ensure effective evolution. To achieve this goal, the analysis of the main negative aspects of the development of this process at the current stage of development and the prediction of possible threats in the subsequent stages was carried out. Methodology The study used the following methods of scientific research: theoretical and practical analysis, system analysis, statistical analysis, classification methods. Conclusions and Relevance As a result of the study, the negative aspects of the process of implementation of electronics and indroduction and functioning of the Catalog of goods, works, services were identified; the economic nature of digitalization of the procurement system was determined. The existing and potential risks are classified, as well as some principles of risk management system implementation to minimize the negative consequences in the future during the evolutionary digital development of the procurement system are proposed. Keywords: electronics; digitalization; procurement system; catalog of goods, works, services; cataloging; risks of innovation. References: On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs, Federal law from 05.04.2013 № 44-FZ [O kontraktnoj sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlya obespecheniya gosudarstvennyh i municipal’nyh nuzhd: federal’nyj zakon ot 05.04.2013 goda № 44-FZ] // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 2013. № 14. p. 1652. Unified aggregator of trade “Berezka” – the fragment of article from the portal State contract [Edinyj agregator torgovli «Berezka» – eto fragment stat’i s portala Goskontrakt] // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa (date of access: 15.06.2019). Monitoring of procurement [Monitoring zakupok] // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa (date of access: 15.06.2019). Demina N.V., CHistova M.V. The types of electronic marketplace. Bulletin of expert council [Vidy elektronnyh torgovyh ploshchadok. Vestnik ekspertnogo soveta]. 2018. №1-2 (12-13). p. 132-137. Catalog of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs [Katalog tovarov, rabot, uslug dlya obespecheniya gosudarstvennyh i municipal’nyh nuzhd] // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa (date of access: 15.06.2019). On the procurement of goods, works, services by separate types of legal entities, Federal law from 18.07.2011 № 223-FZ [O zakupkah tovarov, rabot, uslug otdel’nymi vidami yuridicheskih lic: federal’nyj zakon ot 18.07.2011 goda № 223-FZ] //Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 2011. № 30. p. 4571. Digital Procurement: The Benefits Go Far Beyond Efficiency. Bain & Company. Available at SSRN: (Accessed 17 June 2019). Coinsiding reports [Sovpadayushchie otchety] // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa (date of access: 18.06.2019). The Future of Procurement Arrives at Last // (Elektronnyj resurs). Rezhim dostupa (date of access: 18.06.2019). Factsheet: Demand for Digital specialists. Available at SSRN: -2016/factsheet_demandfordigitalspecialists_july16.pdf (Accessed 18 June 2019). |
Inna N. RykovaDoctor of Economics, Head of the Center for Industrial Economics, Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E–mail: Sergey V. ShkodinskyDoctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Center for Sectoral Economics, Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E–mail: sh– Anna A. YuryevaJunior Researcher, Center for Sectoral Economics, Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E–mail: |
Reducing the risks of the federal budget during the implementation of federal projects in agricultureAbstract
Subject/Topic Mechanisms, methods and tools for reducing possible risks of the federal budget during the implementation of federal projects in agriculture. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the scientific article: on the basis of identification and systematization of possible risks of specific federal projects in agriculture, to develop proposals for their minimization and improvement of the existing regulatory framework in the studied field. Methodology The research methodology is based on the theory of risks, scientific approaches to the implementation of budget plans and programs, based on a systematic approach, as well as methods of comparison, synthesis, scientific analogy and empirical analysis of statistical data. Conclusions and Relevance The research conducted in the framework of studying possible risks for the federal budget in the course of implementing federal projects “Export of agricultural products”, “Creation of a farmers’ supporting system and development of rural cooperation” and a digital project in agriculture has allowed to identify and systematize the possibility of key risks for the federal budget in the implementation of these projects. The main methods of reducing possible risks for the federal budget probably should be: compensation method, which involves conducting strategic planning in the long term, forecasting the international situation, monitoring of socio–economic and regulatory environment; dissipation method involving the diversification of the nomenclature of agricultural exports, the diversification of the export markets for domestic agricultural products, the distribution of responsibility among the actors involved in the implementation of the federal project; localization method involving risk hedging; evasion method, which involves the intensification of the use of various insurance products at all stages of the project. Keywords: risks, budget, agriculture, identification, federal projects, methods, diversification References:
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Kalinina Marina A.Associate professor, PhD, Department of Management at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia. E-mail: Gilmanova Karina M.Student, Faculty of International Economic Relations at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia. E-mail: |
Transcreation as a new marketing tool in the global marketAbstract
Subject/Topic As the market continues to evolve, the advertisement must be compelling enough to reach the minds and hearts of people. Thus, adequate translation of the message is essential in achieving an effective marketing strategy. During the last couple of decades, it has become more and more frequent to see seemingly translation-like activities being carried out under a different name. One of these names is ‘transcreation’– a merger of the two words “translation” and “creation”. The purpose of transcreation is to transfer the intent, style and emotional salience of a message from the original language to the targeted one. The author considers the essence of using transcreation nowadays and gives examples of its successful fulfilling as well as demonstrates cases of failed advertising campaigns. Goals/Objectives The overall goal of this article is to give a thorough description of transcreation by comparing it with traditional translation and demonstrate how beneficial it is for international companies to use transcreation instead of simple translation to build a strong brand image in a foreign market. Methodology Task assignment is based on analysis, synthesis and data collection. Conclusion and Relevance The task determined by the author allows to define the concept of transcreation, taking into account particular cases when marketers use transcreation instead of simple translation. Keywords: globalization, international marketing, transcreation, translation. References: Aaker, D. A. 2002/2012 – Building strong brands, Simon and Schuster. Adab, B. 2001 – The translation of advertising: A framework for evaluation. Babel 47(2): 133-157. Gutt, E.-A. 2014 – Translation and relevance: Cognition and context, Routledge. Hermans, Theo 2013 – What is (not) translation? In The Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies, London and New York Katan, D. 2016 – Translation at the cross-roads: Time for the transcreational turn? In Perspectives, p. 365-381. Malenova, Evgenia M. 2017 – Subtitling Practice: From Translation to Transcreation. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2017 #4, p. 526-536. Rike, Sissel Marie 2013 – Bilingual corporate websites – from translation to transcreation? The Journal of Specialised Translation (20): 68-85. Valdés, Cristina 2013 – Advertising translation. In The Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies, London and New York. What is transcreationa and why does yiur business need it [Shto takoe transkreatsiya y pochemu ona nuzhna vashemy bisnesu] URL: Beyond localization: Why transcreation is essential for engaging the global audience. URL: |
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Olga А. ArtemyevaPhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. |
Marketing research of the Esports consumer segmentAbstract
Subject/Topic Cybersport or computer sports is a constantly growing industry that is gradually becoming a global phenomenon. This area attracts a huge number of people, and consequently, companies that want to draw the attention of the audience to their products. The relevance of marketing research in the market of eSports becomes obvious. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to systematize the theory and analysis of Russian and foreign experience in the development of new technologies and needs, to identify the main motives pushing people to play computer (including cyber sports) games and to characterize the segment of potential cybersport fans. Methodology When writing the work, general and special research methods were used, in particular, analysis, synthesis, generalization, statistical method, and others. Conclusion and Relevance The conclusion is made that now e-sports is a big business that continues to grow. However, to reach this level, investments are required, otherwise organizations are doomed to be in the middle of the standings and balance on the verge of, or even beyond, payback. The cybersport market is akin to a venture capitalist: the price for entry as an investor may seem high, but the benefit with a competent strategy repeatedly covers the costs. Keywords: cyberport, industry, devices, marketing research, cross-marketing, audience, team, content, deal. References: Nikitin 2017 – Nikitin, K.S. Is eSports a sport of the future or entertainment? [Kibersport – eto sport budushchego ili razvlechenie?] // Parliamentary newspaper. – 2017. – №21 (2792). – p. 6-7. Novoselov, Skarzhinskaya 2017 – Novoselov, MA, Skarzhinskaya, E.N. Actualization of scientific support of computer sports [Aktualizaciya nauchnogo soprovozhdeniya komp’yuternogo sporta]// Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. – 2017. – № 2. – p. 39-40. Stytsyuk, Artemyeva 2013 – Stytsyuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A. Modern view on the new form of consumer behavior – trans- consumerism [Sovremennyj vzglyad na novuyu formu pokupatel’skogo povedeniya – trans’yumerizm]// Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. p. 112-117. Stytsyuk 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Y. Methodical approaches to increasing the level of competitiveness of Russian organizations in the national and global markets [Metodicheskie podhody k povysheniyu urovnya konkurentosposobnosti rossijskih organizacij na nacionalnom I globalnom rynkah] // Russian Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Y., Artemyeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. The role of innovation in improving the competitiveness of modern organizations [Rol innovacionnoj deyatelnosti v povyshenii konkurentosposobnosti sovremennyh organizacij// Ehkonomika I upravlenie v mashinostroenii 2014] // Economics and Management in mechanical engineering. 2014. No. 5. P. 33-35. Marketing for masters, study guide. [Marketing dlya magistrov, uchebnoe posobie.] Moscow: Publishing House “University textbook”, 2016. p. 368 The official website of the streaming platform Twitch. [Oficial’nyj sajt strimingovoj platformy Twitch] [Electronic resource]. – URL: Official website of statistics on the Twitch streaming platform. [Oficial’nyj sajt statistiki strimingovoj platformy Twitch] [Electronic resource]. – URL: Official site of the Mail.Ru Group company. [ Oficial’nyj sajt kompanii Mail.Ru Group] [Electronic resource]. – URL: The official website of cybersport e-sports portal. [Oficial’nyj sajt kibersportivnogo portala cybersport] [Electronic resource]. – URL: (access date 03/05/2018). The official site of interactive entertainment complex Cyberspace. [Oficial’nyj sajt interaktivno-razvlekatel’nogo kompleksa Cyberspace] [Electronic resource]. – URL: (appeal date: 05/10/2018). Stytsiuk, Artemeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. Marketing value of symbolic communication in postmodern society [Marketingovaya cennost’ simvolicheskogo soobshcheniya v obshchestve postmoderna] // Economics and management in mechanical engineering [Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii] 2014 # 5. p.33-35 [in Russian] Popova 2006 – Popova R.Y. Basics of Entrepreneurship [Osnovi predprinimatelstva]- Cheboksary: VS Publishing House Shipilevsky, 2006, p. 205 [in Russian] Rozanova, Stytsiuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2018 – Rozanova T.P., Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A., Motagali Y.B. Assessment of the tourism potential of the Russian Federation// Financial and Economic Tools Used in the World Hospitality Industry Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality. 2018. p. 183-188. |
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Rita Y. StytsiukDoctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Management Department at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 125167 Moscow, Leningradski Street, 49 |
Modern methods and tools of promotion of recreational territoriesAbstract
Subject/Topic Traditional, non-digital marketing fades into the background in the matters of promotion, brand awareness, increasing the number of visitors, demonstrating its inefficiency in the age of Internet and modern technologies. In this regard, it is of interest to study the methods and tools of digital marketing in the promotion of recreational areas. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to systematize the theory and analysis of existing approaches to the promotion of recreational areas, to determine the nature and justify the use of modern methods and marketing tools in the digital environment, contributing to the popularity and effectiveness of the development of recreational spaces. Methodology When writing the work, general and special research methods were used, in particular, analysis, synthesis, generalization, statistical method, and others. Conclusion and Relevance The directions of using modern marketing to promote recreational areas are defined, including: social media marketing used for daily sales of coupons for various types of activity and managing the online reputation of a recreational territory, geolocation marketing (location-based marketing) and content marketing, creation and use of mobile applications to promote recreational spaces. Keywords: recreational area, marketing, social networks, geolocation, mobile applications, activity, corporate identity, visualization. References: Desyatnichenko D. Y., Zaporozhan A. Y., Kuklina E. A. Recreation space as an object of managing the innovative development of the city’s territories. [Rekreatsionnoe prostranstvo kak ob’ekt upravleniya innovatsionnyim razvitiem territoriy goroda. // «Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie». 2017]// “Management Consulting”. 2017. №9 – p. 67 Nefedov V. Space for recreation: trends of the new century [Prostranstvo dlya rekreatsii: trendyi novogo veka // «Zelenyiy gorod». # 3(5), 2013] // «Green City». № 3 (5), 2013. – p. 22-24 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Y., Artemyeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. The role of innovation in improving the competitiveness of modern organizations // Economics and Management in mechanical engineering. 2014. No. 5. P. 33-35. Stytsyuk, Artemyeva 2013 – Stytsyuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A. Modern view on the new form of consumer behavior – trans- consumerism [Rol innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti v povyishenii konkurentosposobnosti sovremennyih organizatsiy // Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii. 2014]// Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. p. 112-117. Step ahead. Case study: Foursquare // [Электронный ресурс] URL: Perfect Mind. Digital Marketing for Parks and Recreation // URL: URL: Karpova S. V. (2016) – Innovative marketing: a textbook for undergraduate and graduate programs [Innovatsionnyiy marketing: uchebnik dlya bakalavriata i magistraturyi] / S. V. Karpova [and others]; Ed. S. V. Karpova [S. V. Karpova [i dr.] ; pod red. S. V. Karpovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Uright [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2016. – 457 p. 25-30 [in Russian]. Karpova S. V. (2013) – Marketing: theory and practice: Textbook for bachelors [Marketing: teoriya i praktika: ucheb. posobie dlya bakalavrov]/ under total. Ed. S. V. Karpova [pod obsch. red. S. V. Karpovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2013. – 408 p. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course [Seriya: Bakalavr. Bazovyiy kurs]. [in Russian] Zhiltsova O. N. (2014) – Marketing communications: textbook and practical work for applied bachelor’s degree [Marketingovyie kommunikatsii: uchebnik i praktikum dlya prikladnogo bakalavriata]/ S. Azarova [and others]; under the Ed. O. N. Zhiltsova [S. P. Azarova [i dr.] ; pod obsch. red. O. N. Zhiltsovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Uright [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2014. – 456 p. [in Russian] Rozhkov I.V. (2014) – Rozhkov I.V. Information systems and technologies in marketing: Monograph [Informatsionnyie sistemyi i tehnologii v marketinge: Monografiya]. – Moscow: Ruscience [Rusayns], 2014. – 196 Pp. 39-44. [in Russian] Rozhkov I.V. (2013) – Modern directions of application of information technologies in marketing [Sovremennye napravleniya primeneniya informacionnyh tekhnologij v marketinge] / ETAP: economic theory, analysis, practice [ETAP: ehkonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika]. 2013. № 1. p. 113-122. [in Russian] Romanenkova O. N. (2014) – Marketing research. Theory and practice: a textbook for bachelors [Marketingovye issledovaniya. Teoriya i praktika: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov] / under the ed. O. N. Romanenkova [pod obshch. red. O. N. Romanenkovoj] – M.: Publishing House Uright [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2014. – 315 p. [in Russian] |
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Svetlana P. AzarovaPhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, E-mail: |
Study of the citizens’ behavior in the financial marketAbstract
Subject/Topic The study of financial behavior is an important state task, since the irrational actions of citizens can contribute to the retirement of cash, while rational financial behavior contributes to saturating the economy with money, developing the consumer and financial market, and raising the living standards of citizens. Goal/Objective The objectives of this study are: to consider the main trends in the behavior of citizens in the financial market; to highlight indicators of financial literacy of citizens; to identify problem points in the field of improving financial literacy; to formulate hypotheses and propose tools for testing them; to make a conclusion about the behavior of citizens in the financial market on the basis of economic results. Methodology To solve the set tasks, the methods of desk research from secondary sources of information, analysis, synthesis and synthesis were used. Conclusions and Relevance In the work were considered the trends in the behavior of citizens in the financial services market according to the data for 2015-2018; highlighted financial literacy indicators; generated hypotheses about communication barriers and information asymmetry of the financial market; proposed activities in the field of corporate and reputation management; the conclusion is made about the rational behavior of citizens in the banking market. Keywords: financial market, citizen behavior, financial literacy, information asymmetry References:
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Viktoriya K. LachkovaPost-graduate student of the Department of Economic theory, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. E-mail: |
The institutional balance in the sphere of ideology of the Russian sector of knowledgeAbstract Subject/Topic The subject of this research is the correlation between the alternative (X-, or redistributive, and Y-, or market) ways of fulfilling the functions of social interactions, or the basic institutions, in the field of ideology of the Russian sector of knowledge (areas of R&D and innovation). The relevance of the research topic is connected with the weak effectiveness of institutional reforms in the Russian knowledge sector, while this sector is a key element of the modern economy, and the need to use new approaches to the assessment and development of institutional reforms. Goals/Objectives The purpose of this study is to provide recommendations for improving the institutions of the Russian knowledge sector based on the study of compliance of the relationship between the X – and Y-basic institutions of its ideology to X-institutional balance (67.5% of the functions of social interactions fall on the X-basic institutions, 32.5% – Y-basic institutions), optimal for countries with the dominance of X-institutional matrix (X-basic institutions), which include Russia. Methodology Identification of manifestations of all pairs of basic X – and Y-ideological institutions in the field of R&D and innovation, the definition of the existing relations between them in the performance of the relevant ideological functions, the study of the correspondence of these relations to X-institutional balance, the issuance of recommendations to improve the institutions of the knowledge sector based on the need to achieve X-institutional balance. Conclusions and Relevance None of the pairs of basic institutions of ideology in the Russian knowledge sector, in particular in the areas of R&D and innovation, has achieved institutional X-balance, the ratio between the same X – and Y-ideological basic institutions in the areas of R&D and innovation is characterized by unevenness, i.e. different levels of approximation to the X-norm, including its failure in one case and the excess in another. This may explain the depressed state of the Russian sector of knowledge from the point of view of the X–Y-theory. Keywords: knowledge sector, R&D, innovation, institutional balance, basic institutions of ideology. References: Culture matters. How values contribute to social progress [Kul’tura imeet znachenie. Kakim obrazom cennosti sposobstvujut obshhestvennomu progress]. Moscow, Moscow school of political studies, 2002, 320 p. [in Russian] Kirilyuk I. L., Volynsky A. I., Kruglova M. S., etc. Empirical testing of institutional matrices theory by data mining [Jempiricheskaja proverka teorii institucional’nyh matric metodami intellektual’nogo analiza dannyh] // Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 923–939 [in Russian] Alexandrov Y. I., Kirdina S. G. Types of mentality and institutional matrices: multidisciplinary approach [Tipy mental’nosti i institucional’nye matricy: mul’tidisciplinarnyj podhod] // Sociological studies. 2012, no 8 (340), pp. 3–13. [in Russian] Kirdina, S. G. Institutional matrices and development of Russia: introduction to X-Y-theory [Institucional’nye matricy i razvitie Rossii: vvedenie v X-Y-teoriju]. Saint-Petersburg, Nestor-History, 2014, 468 p. [in Russian] Kirdina S. G. Institutional structure of modern Russia: evolutionary modernization [Institucional’naja struktura sovremennoj Rossii: jevoljucionnaja modernizacija] // Economic Issues, 2004, no 10, pp. 89–98. URL: evolucionnaa _modernizacia (date of access: 15.12.2018). [in Russian] Gorodnikova N. V., Gokhberg L. M., Ditkovsky K. A., etc. Science. Technologies. Innovation: 2019: Summary of statistics [Nauka. Tehnologii. Innovacii: 2019]. Moscow, Higher school of Economics, 2019, 84 p. [in Russian] Share of organizations implementing technological innovations in the total number of organizations surveyed [Dolja organizacij, osushhestvljavshih tehnologicheskie innovacii, v obshhem chisle obsledovannyh organizacij] [Electronic resource] / URL: (date of access: 05.06.2018). [in Russian] Bobyrev D. B., Kosorukov A. P. Analysis of innovative activity of domestic enterprises as a factor of improving the competitiveness of the national economy [Analiz innovacionnoj aktivnosti otechestvennyh predprijatij kak faktora povyshenija konkurentosposobnosti nacional’noj jekonomiki in Russian] // Fundamental research, 2017, no. 8–1, pp. 125–129. URL: (date of access: 13.03.2019). [in Russian] On the approval of the Strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020: The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2011 No. 2227-R [Ob utverzhdenii Strategii innovacionnogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda] [Electronic resource] / URL: (date of access: 05.06.2018). [in Russian] Gershman M. A., Zinina T. S., Romanov M. A., etc. Programs of innovative development of the companies with state participation: Interim results and priorities [Programmy innovacionnogo razvitija kompanij s gosudarstvennym uchastiem: Promezhutochnye itogi i prioritety] scientific. ed. by L. Gokhberg, A. N. Klepac, P. B. Mine, etc. Moscow, Higher school of Economics, 2015, 128 p. [in Russian] Statistics of science and education. Issue 6. Costs and sources of financing of research and development: INF.-stat. mat. [Statistika nauki i obrazovanija. Vypusk 6. Zatraty i istochniki finansirovanija nauchnyh issledovanij i razrabotok: Inf.-stat. mat.]. Moscow, FGBNU NII RINKCJe, 2018, 200 p. [in Russian] Great expectations: what young scientists are waiting from their future career [Electronic resource] [Bol’shie ozhidanija: chego molodye uchenye zhdut ot svoej budushhej kar’ery] / URL:https://indicator.EN/article/2017/02/07/bolshie-nadezhdy/ (date of access: 17.05.2019). [in Russian] Cherkashina T. Why did you choose science as your professional activity? [Electronic resource] [Pochemu Vy vybrali nauku v kachestve svoej professional’noj dejatel’nosti?] / URL: (date of access: 17.05.2019). [in Russian] According to the Ministerial account, salaries of scientists are growing at an unprecedented rate [Po ministerskomu schetu, zarplaty uchenyh rastut nebyvalymi tempami] / RAS. URL:http://www.ras.EN/news/shownews.aspx?id=0bc517dd-9b3b-436d-a7c3-d97fcda929a0 (date of access: 174.05.2019). [in Russian] Khusainova G. A. Motivational structure of employees of oil refineries (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan) [Motivacionnaja struktury rabotnikov neftepererabatyvajushhih predprijatij (na primere Respubliki Bashkortostan)] [Electronic resource] URL: (date of access: 17.05.2019). [in Russian] Bashneft [Bashneft’]. URL: (date of access: 17.05.2019). [in Russian] Investment in science: towards a knowledge economy. Proposals of the Russian Academy of Sciences to improve the efficiency of investments in the development of basic research and exploratory research [Investicii v nauku: na puti k jekonomike znanij. Predlozhenija Rossijskoj akademii nauk po povysheniju jeffektivnosti vlozhenija finansovyh sredstv v razvitie fundamental’nyh nauchnyh issledovanij i poiskovyh nauchnyh issledovanij]. Moscow, Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016, 42 p. [in Russian] |
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Alexey N. Repinpostgraduate, Financial markets and banks Department at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Moscow. E-mail: |
Macroprudential policy: emergence and developmentAbstract
Subject/Topic This paper examines the history of macroprudential policy, its main objectives, organizational structure and tools. Goals/Objectives To consider the genesis of the term «macroprudential», to define macroprudential policy, its main goals, objectives and institutional framework. Methodology The article uses the historical method, methods of general and system analysis, synthesis, classification, grouping, comparison. Conclusions and Relevance Conclusions are drawn about the historical development of the term “macroprudential”, a modern definition of macroprudential policy from the perspective of limiting systemic risk, the world standards of macroprudential instruments, a comparative review of macroprudential institutions and mandates of their powers in Russia, Europe and the United States. Keywords: macroprudential policy, financial stability, systemic risk, macroprudential policy, macroprudential tools. References: Clement. P. The term “macroprudential”: origins and evolution. // BIS Quarterly Review, March. 2010 Owen Evans, Alfredo M. Leone, Mahinder Gill, and Paul Hilbers Macro-prudential Indicators of Financial System Soundness // IMF Occasional L Paper 192, April 2000 Financial Soundness Indicators and the IMF, 2019. URL:
Elements of Effective Macroprudential Policies // IMF-FSB-BIS, 2016 Financial Stability Review SYSTEMIC RISK METHODOLOGIES // ECB 2011 Elements of Effective Macroprudential Policies // IMF-FSB-BIS, 2016 Structure of the Central office of the Bank of Russia [Struktura tsentralnogo apparata Banka Rossii] [in Russian] URL: The government of the Russian Federation Resolution of July 5, 2013. No. 571 [Pravitelstvo Rossiyskoy Federatsii Postanovlenie ot 5 iyulya 2013g. # 571] [in Russian] Federal law No. 86 – FZ «On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) » [Federalnyiy zakon # 86- FZ «O Tsentralnom banke Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Banke Rossii) »] [in Russian] URL: David Orsmond and Fiona Price Macroprudential Policy Frameworks and Tools // Reserve bank of Australia. Bulletin -2016 G20 framework agreement for strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth 2010 URL:// G20 Hangzhou Summit, 2016 URL: Macroprudential Policy: An Organizing Framework // IMF Background Paper 14 march 2011 URL: Loretta J. Mester A Practical Viewpoint on Financial System Resiliency and Monetary Policy // Third Annual ECB Macroprudential Policy and Research Conference European Central Bank Frankfurt, Germany May 18, 2018 URL: |
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Victoria V. Rebrova2nd-year Student, Magistracy of the Faculty of Sociology and political science at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Formation of the talent pool in the educational organizations (on the example of the Financial University)Abstract
Subject/Topic Talent pool and the process of its formation in the educational organization. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the article is the formation of proposals to improve the processes of formation of the talent pool in the educational budget organization based on the results of theoretical and empirical research. Tasks: to reveal the essence and functions of the talent pool of the educational organization; to identify the factors that determine the process of formation of the talent pool of the educational organization; to study the features of the Financial University as a type of social organization of the educational sphere in the context of human resources management. Methodology The author uses sociological approach to the study of the subject of research based on a number of particular sociological theories: sociology of management, sociology of social institutions and organizations, sociology of labor, sociology of education and sociology of youth (students). Together with this, was used the traditional method of analysis of documents (statistical, scientific, legislative) and the author’s sociological research on the topic: “Formation of talent pool in an educational organization. Tools – sociological questionnaire “Quality of training of talent pool”. Keywords: personnel, talent pool, personnel strategy, labor market, factors, educational budget organization. Reference: Bukhalkov M.I. Personnel management: the development of labor potential. Textbook [Upravleniye personalom: razvitiye trudovogo potentsiala] Uchebnoye posobiye/Bukhalkov M. I. – M.: NITs INFRA-M. 2016.-192 p. Kibanov A.Y. The economy of personnel management; textbook [Ekonomika upravleniya personalom: Uchebnik] /Kibanov A.Y.. Mitrofanova E.A.. Esaulova I.A; under ed. A.Y. Kibanova – M.: NITs INFRA-M. 2016. – 427 p. Reznik S.D.. Emelianova E.R.. Rybalkina Z.M. Formation and development of management potential of public educational organization: monograph [Formirovaniye i razvitiye upravlencheskogo potentsiala obshcheobrazovatelnoy organizatsii: Monografiya]/S.D. Reznik. E.R. Emelianova. Z.M. Rybalkina – M.: NITs INFRA-M. 2015. – 164 p. Fokin K.B. Talent pool management: theory and practice. Monograph [Upravleniye kadrovym rezervom: teoriya i praktika]: monografiya / K.B. Fokin. – M.: INFRA-M. 2017. – 277 p. |
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Ekaterina A. LukichevaStudent of the Department of Accounting, analysis and audit, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Transition to teal management in RussiaAbstract Subject/Topic Currently many leaders are directing their view on such a trend as “teal” management. Certainly, the transition of companies to “teal” management in Russia has its own characteristics. Goals/Objectives Analysis of “teal” management application by the Russian companies. Analysis of the stages preceding “teal” companies, the definition of the main characteristics of “teal” management and barriers that companies encounter when moving to it, review of international companies that have applied “teal” management. Methodology In article the methods of logical analysis were applied as the methods of scientific knowledge. Conclusions and Relevance Modern companies on the way to improvement and competitiveness are increasingly paying attention to the internal structure and corporate culture. This gives them absolute advantages over competitors and new prospects for development. But it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the use of “teal” management, so that it brings economic benefits to the company. Therefore, it is important to follow the fundamental principles of teal companies. Organizations of the future will be able to meet the needs of employees, even freelancers. Keywords: teal organization, organization of the future, human capital, intellectual capital, corporate culture References: Amerslanova A.N., Melnik M.V. New Approaches to the Estimation of the quality of the Audit company’s Activity/ Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2018, №7, pp. 752-758 Business of “teal” management [Electronic resource] // RBC.RU – October 4. 2016. —URL: The future is near: how the teal model will change our society [Electronic resource] – January 11. 2018. —URL: Lalu F. Reinventing Organizations/ F. Lalu tr. from English V. Kulyabina; [scientific ed. E. Golub]. – 2nd ed. – M .: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2017. – 432 p. Manifesto of living organizations 1.0 [Electronic resource] – October 19. 2016. —URL: Oborsky A.Y. Ethical problems of economic transformations in modern Russia / Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University. Series: Philosophical Sciences. 2017. № 2. pp. 94-99. Organizations of the future. How to create a company in which even freelancers will want to work [Electronic resource] – January 2, 2016. —URL: Official site of LLC «ВкусВилл» —URL: What was Frederick Lalue keeping silent about when describing the organizations of the future? [Electronic resource] – May 20, 2016. —URL: Why is it difficult to build a “teal” company in Russia [Electronic resource] – June 27, 2017. —URL: |
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