The Modern Lawyer №3(28)
Alexandr S. Dekhanovhead advisor of the Regulatory Impact Assessment Department, Russian Ministry of Economic Development.
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Regulatory impact assessment as an institute for executive power normatoryAbstract Subject / Topic Regulatory impact assessment in the system of lawmaking of Federal Executive bodies. Goals / objectives Identification and justification of positive and negative factors that necessitate the assessment of regulatory impact (RIA) as a legal review of draft regulations. Methodology In the process of preparing the article, General scientific (logical-deduction and induction), private-legal (formal-legal, comparative-legal) and special methods (historical analysis) of cognition of objective reality in the sphere of regulatory impact assessment in the system of lawmaking of Federal Executive bodies were used. Conclusion and Relevance The implementation of RIA in Russia took into account the global trends of administrative reforms. Currently, RIA is an integral part of the regulatory process of the Federal Executive authorities. RIA is held by the Ministry of economic development of Russia and contributes to the level of the regulatory environment in the Russian Federation. Keywords: regulatory impact assessment, administrative reform, lawmaking process of Federal Executive bodies, assessment of actual impact. References: A comparative analysis of regulatory impact assessment in ten EU countries // EU Directors of Better Regulation Group, Dublin, 2004. Building an Institutional Framework for Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) /OECD 2008. Better Regulation in Europe // OECD 2010, URL.: (date of application 28.01.2019) Internet resource of the St. Petersburg international economic forum// [Electronic resource] URL: (date of application 30.03.2019) [Internet resurs Peterburgskogo mezhdunarodnogo jekonomicheskogo foruma]. Hayrapetyan L.N. Interaction between government and business in the development and implementation of targeted programs// thesis for the degree of candidate of economic Sciences, [Vzaimodejstvie vlasti i biznesa pri razrabotke i realizacii celevyh programm] 2012. Teplov O.M. Improvement of mechanisms of interaction between authorities and business (institutional aspects) // «Legal world», [Sovershenstvovanie mehanizmov vzaimodejstvija organov vlasti i biznesa (institucional’nye aspekty)] 2016, № 10. Vasilev V.P., Dehanova N.G., Los N.A. Kholodenko Y.A. State and municipal management. – Moscow: Yurayt, [Gosudarstvennoe i municipal’noe upravlenie] 2019. Dehanova N.G., Dehanov A.S. E-Government in modern Russia trends and development prospects. – «Social and political Sciences» [Elektronnoe pravitelstvo v sovremennoi Rossii: perspective razvitiya] 2019, № 3. Kotlyarov, Y.V., Stepanenko, Y.V., The problem of formation of a supranational system of acts of technical regulation in the Russian Federation acts of technical regulation in the Russian Federation – M.: Modern lawyer, [Problemi formirovanija nadnacional’noj sistemy aktov tehnicheskogo regulirovanija v Rossijskoj Federacii aktov tehnicheskogo regulirovanija v Rossijskoj Federacii] 2018, № 2. Kupryashin G. L., Soloviev A. I. State management. – Moscow: Yurayt, [Gosudarstvennyj menedzhment] 2016. Tikhomirov Y.A. Legal acts: assessment of consequences. M., [Pravovye akty: ocenka posledstvij] 2014. Tsygankov D. B. Integration of evaluation into the state administration of the Russian Federation // Evaluation of programs: methodology and practice / edited by A.I. Kuzmin. M.: Publishing house «Presto-RK», [Integracija ocenki v gosudarstvennoe upravlenie Rossijskoj Federacii // Ocenka programm: metodologija i praktika] 2009. – P. 170-192. Center for strategic development «Regulatory policy in Russia: key trends and architecture of the future». M., [Centr strategicheskih razrabotok «Reguljatornaja politika v Rossii: osnovnye tendencii i arhitektura budushhego»] 2018. OECD report «OECD Principles in regulatory policy: regulatory enforcement and verification». Dublin, 2014. A comparative analysis of regulatory impact assessment in ten EU countries // EU Directors of Better Regulation Group, Dublin, 2004. Better Regulation in Europe // OECD 2010, URL.: (date of application 28.01.2019). Building an Institutional Framework for Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) /OECD 2008. Internet resource of the St. Petersburg international economic forum// [Electronic resource] URL: (date of application 30.03.2019) [Internet resurs Peterburgskogo mezhdunarodnogo jekonomicheskogo foruma]. |
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Dmitry M. MatyushenkovPostgraduate student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSLA)», Moscow. E-mail: Yuri V. Stepanenkodoctor of Law, professor, professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Process, University of O.E. Kutafina (MSLA); professor of the autonomous non-profit organization of higher education «Open Humanitarian-Economic University»; Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow. Е-mail: |
On the legal status of young scientistsAbstract Subject / Topic. The legal status of young scientists in the Russian Federation is considered, the experience of domestic legal regulation and foreign experience in this field is analyzed, a theoretical-comparative study of certain aspects of this problem is carried out. Goals / Objectives. Identification and justification of the key features of the legal status of young scientists in the Russian Federation and several foreign countries. The practice of the CIS countries and some European countries in terms of determining the legal status of young scientists in them is considered, the legislation of individual subjects of the Russian Federation is analyzed. Methodology. Methods of analysis, synthesis, descriptions, comparisons, historical method, method of comparative jurisprudence, methods of formal logic were used. Conclusion and Relevance. In domestic and foreign legislation, as well as in the scientific doctrine, there is no unified approach to the definition of the concept «young scientist» and the content of the status of young scientists. At the same time, it is advisable to thoroughly study and use in foreign law the positive foreign experience of legal regulation and the establishment of the legal status of young scientists. Keywords: science, education, scientists, young scientists, youth. References: Gutnikov (2007) – Gutnikov O.V. The legal status of young scientists and research workers who retired // Journal of Russian Law [Pravovoy status molodyih uchenyih i nauchnyih rabotnikov, vyishedshih na pensiyu // Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava], 2007, № 7. (ATP Consultant Plus). Mehrishvili, Skrauch (2012) – Mehrishvili L.L., Skrauch O.N. Young scientists as a social group: on the issue of motivation of scientific activity and vocational guidance // Specificity of pedagogical education in the regions of Russia [Molodyie uchenyie kak sotsialnaya gruppa: k voprosu motivatsii nauchnoy deyatelnosti i professionalnoy orientatsii // Spetsifika pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya v regionah Rossii], 2012, № 1. P. 152-163. Shamsutdinova, Yagafarova, Isyangulova (2016) – Shamsutdinova N.K., Yagafarova D.G., Isyangulova E.I. Young scientists in the system of the scientific community // Collection of scientific articles of the Institute of Social Research, INGGU. – Magas: Ingush State University [Sbornik nauchnyih statey instituta sotsialnyih issledovaniy INGGU. – Magas: Ingushskiy gosuniversitet], 2016. P. 227-230. Nazarova, Antonovich (2018) – Nazarova N.A., Antonovich S.A. Questions of state stimulation of youth activity in the field of science, technology and innovation in the Russian Federation // Humanitarian sciences. Bulletin of the Financial University [Voprosyi gosudarstvennogo stimulirovaniya aktivnosti molodezhi v sfere nauki, tehniki i innovatsiy v Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Gumanitarnyie nauki. Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta]. 2018, Vol. 8, № 6. P. 24-28. |
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Tatiana B. GvozdevaPhD (Candidate in Historical Sciences), Associate professor, Department of Foreign Literature, Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature and Creative Writing, Moscow.
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Age categories of athletes at the olympic games of antiquityAbstract Subject/theme. The history of Olympic sports began in 776 BC, when the first Olympic games of antiquity were held in Elida. In VIII-VII centuries BC in competitions had the right to participate only adult athletes. And only since the last third of the VII century BC at the Olympic games for the first time were held special competitions for young athletes, which began the history of youth Olympic sports. Goals/objectives. The purpose of this article is to identify the main stages of development of youth Olympic sports in antiquity, as well as the right to participate in young athletes in different age groups of the Olympic games. Methodology. Identification of evidence of both written and epigraphic sources relating to the history of youth Olympic sports. Definition of stages of formation of the Olympic agonal program for group “boys”. Allocation of the legal basis for participation of young athletes in the Olympic games. Designation of the circle of persons responsible for young athletes at the Olympic games, their rights and obligations. Identify the special role of coaches, young athletes and referees of the Olympic games (hellanodikai) in the history of the youth Olympic sports of antiquity. Conclusion. The history of the youth Olympic movement in antiquity began much earlier, with the VII century BC, more precisely with 632 BC, when all athletes were divided by age into 2 groups – «men» (andres) and «boys» (paides). The introduction of different age groups of athletes required the organizers of the Olympic games to develop additional rules for the selection of participants in the games, which were mainly carried out by the judges of the Olympic games – hellanodikai. The rights of young athletes were not clearly stipulated in the rules of the Olympic games: their coaches were responsible for their physical training, and the judges made the final decision both on the right of participation of young athletes in competitions and on the distribution of athletes by age groups. Keywords: the Olympic games, Olympia, olуmpionikаi, hellanodikai, the Pythian games, the Panathenaic games, Milon, Pausanias. References: Gvozdeva (2011) – Gvozdeva T.B. The Great Panathenaia: in the shadow of the Olympic games [Velikie Panafinei: v teni Olimpijskih igr] // Bulletin of the Russian University of friendship of peoples. Series: General history [Vestnik rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Serija: Vseobshhaja istorija]. M., 2011. No. 2. P. 36–47. [in Russian] Gvozdeva (2013) – Gvozdeva T.B. The Olympic games of antiquity (from myth to history) [Olimpijskie igry antichnosti (ot mifa k istorii)]. М., 2013. [in Russian] Gvozdeva (2016) – Gvozdeva T.B. Olimpioniki ancient Greece – «second after Heracles» [Olimpioniki drevnej Jellady – «vtorye posle Gerakla»] // Bulletin of the Russian University of friendship of peoples. Series: General history [Vestnik rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Serija: Vseobshhaja istorija]. M., 2016. No. 4. P. 59–72. [in Russian] Evdokimov (2005) – Evdokimov P.A. Olympic oath [Olimpijskaja kljatva] // Ancient East and ancient world [Drevnij vostok i antichnyj mir]. M., 2005. Vol. 7. P. 69-84. Selivanova (2014) – Selivanova L.L. Victory and (or) death at the Greek games [Pobeda i (ili) smert’ na obshhegrecheskih igrah] // Problems of history, philology, culture [Problemy istorii, filologii, kul’tury]. Magnitogorsk, 2014. No. 1 (43). P. 3-21. Crowther (1988) – Crowther N.B. The Age Category of Boys at Olympia // Phoenix. Vol. 42. 1988. P. 304–308. Zarnowski (2013) – Zarnowski F. The Pentathlon of the Ancient World. North Carolina; London, 2013. |
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Lyudmila M.Kupriyanovacandidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of accounting, analysis and audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of «Economics of intellectual property» at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, E-mail: Stanislav V. NikolyukinPhD in Law, Russian State University of Justice, Moscow. E-mail: |
Features of the license agreementAbstract Subject / topic The subject of the study is public relations, in the field of regulatory regulation of a license agreement. Goals / Objectives The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the license agreement and the definition of its civil nature. Methodology The methodological basis of the research is: the universal method of cognition; general scientific research methods, including the systemic and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods, etc. Conclusion The license agreement in modern conditions is one of the most effective ways to engage in civil circulation of the exclusive right belonging to the copyright holder. A license agreement, as an act of disposition of an exclusive right, can be concluded only in relation to those results of intellectual activity and means of individualization in respect of which the disposition of the exclusive right is permissible and is permissible precisely in the contractual design of the license agreement. Keywords: license agreement; sublicense agreement; subjects (parties) of the license agreement, subject of the license agreement, remuneration, term of the license agreement, form of the license agreement; content of the license agreement; responsibility of the parties. Reference: Chernichkina G.N. Fundamentals of legal protection of industrial property and features of its protection [Osnovy pravovoj ohrany promyshlennoj sobstvennosti i osobennosti ee zashchity]: a training manual. M .: «RSUJ», 2019.P. 95. Morgunova EA Licensing and technology transfer: legal and economic aspects [Licenzirovanie i peredacha tekhnologij: yuridiko-ekonomicheskie aspekty ]// Issues of increasing the effectiveness of judicial protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization: collection of scientific articles. M.: RSUJ, 2018. P. 106-120. Chernichkina G.N. License agreement: theory and practice of its application [Licenzionnyj dogovor: teoriya i praktika ego primeneniya ]// Modernization of civil regulation of contractual relations: Collection of scientific articles / Otv. ed. L.A. Aksenchuk. M .: RAP, 2014. P. 293. Makhonina L. Legal regulation of the license agreement in the Russian Federation [Pravovoe regulirovanie licenzionnogo dogovora v Rossijskoj Federacii ] // Copyright and related rights. 2014. № 1. P. 34-35. Tolstoy V.S. Civil Information Law [Grazhdansko-informacionnoe pravo]. M.: Publishing House of the Academy for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Education Workers, 2009. P. 296. Grishaev S.P. The agreement on the alienation of exclusive rights and the license agreement in patent law [Dogovor ob otchuzhdenii isklyuchitel’nogo prava i licenzionnyj dogovor v patentnom prave ] // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2009. № 5. P. 15-16. Gavrilov E.P On the draft part of the fourth Civil Code of the Russian Federation on intellectual property law [O proekte chasti chetvertoj GK RF o prave intellektual’noj sobstvennosti ] // Economy and Law. 2006. № 11 P. 35. Babaev A. B. Agreement on novation, provision of compensation and forgiveness of debt [Soglashenie o novacii, predostavlenii otstupnogo i proshchenie dolga ] // Legislation. 2015. № 9 P. 15. Gavrilov E.P The division of civil contracts into consensual and real [Delenie grazhdanskih dogovorov na konsensual’nye i real’nye ] // Economy and law. 2015. № 7. P. 35. Melnikov V.S. Contracts for managing the results of intellectual activity [Dogovory po rasporyazheniyu rezul’tatami intellektual’noj deyatel’nosti ] // Russian Justice. 2013. № 1 (31). P. 38. Gorodov O.A. Industrial Property Law [Pravo promyshlennoj sobstvennosti] : A Textbook. M .: Statute, 2011. Kupriyanova L.M., Nikolyukin S.V. On the issue of liability for violations of copyright, related and patent rights [K voprosu ob otvetstvennosti za narusheniya avtorskih, smezhnyh i patentnyh prav] // Modern Lawyer. 2019. № 2 (27). P. 53-67. |
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Natalia I. Piskunovateacher of the civil law department of Russian State University of Justice, Moscow. E-mail: Tatyana A.Belyaevaolder teacher of the civil law department of Russian State University of Justice, Moscow. E-mail: |
General provisions on civil liabilityAbstract Subject/ Topic In Russian civil law, the principle of good faith has been in force since March 1, 2013. It is one of the general principles of civil law. According to paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 of Art. 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in establishing, exercising and protecting civil rights and in the performance of civil duties, participants in civil relations must act in good faith. Honesty is an appraisal concept that allows participants in a civil turnover to regulate their relationship, and the court – to resolve the dispute based on the specific situation. The principle of good faith is applied in many areas of law. The implementation of the principle of good faith in civil law is based on legal regulation, implementation and protection of legal rights, as well as on the prohibition of obtaining any privilege from the contrary to the rules of conduct. Hence, the operation of the principle of good faith in the conditions of the principle of uncertainty in civil law. The abuse of law in civil law, as well as inappropriate actions, is a form of proper implementation of the rules. But, in essence, their nature is natural and legal, but they are unacceptable and invalid. Keywords: good faith, the principle of good faith, justice, the principle of conscientious fulfillment of obligations, abuse of law, invalidity of a marriage contract, the presumption of good faith. References: Agarkov M.M. The problem of abuse of law in Soviet civil law [Problema zloupotrebleniya pravom v sovetskom grazhdanskom prave ] // Selected works on civil law: in 2 vols. M .: TsentrYurInfoR, 2002. V. 2. P. 156. Afanasyeva E. G. 2002. 01. 044. The content of the marriage contract under American law (review) [Soderzhanie brachnogo dogovora po amerikanskomu pravu (obzor)] // Social and human sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 4: State and Law. Abstract journal. 2002. № 1. P. 171-174. Zarapina L.V. On the conditions that impede marriage [Ob usloviyah, prepyatstvuyushchih zaklyucheniyu braka ] // Collection «Reform of family law», M.: MFUA, 2016. Novitsky I.B. The principle of good conscience in the draft law of obligation [Princip dobroj sovesti v proekte obyazatel’stvennogo prava ] // Bulletin of civil law. 2006. № 1.P. 85 – 106. Ozhegov S.N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo yazyka]. M .: Azbukovnik, 1999. P. 173. |
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Tselovalnikova I.Y.candidate of law, senior lector, associate professor of the civil law department of Russian State University of Justice, Moscow E-mail: |
Constitutional and legal framework for combating corruption in the civil sphereAbstract Subject/theme This article discusses the constitutional and legal framework for combating corruption in the civil law sphere, the General provisions on civil liability as a type of legal liability, the possibilities and conditions of civil liability in the Commission of unlawful acts (omissions) corruption orientation. The article notes that in the existing system of civil legislation there are enough legal mechanisms to bring persons to justice in the case of crimes against the state authorities. However, the existing techniques and methods do not provide full protection in the implementation of the mechanism of bringing to civil liability, which is why, in this article, the author gives proposals of an applied nature. Keywords: constitutional and legal bases of counteraction of corruption, civil liability, legal mechanisms of attraction to civil liability References: The constitutional Court of the RF of 20.02.2002 № 22-O «On the complaint of the open joint stock company «Bolshevik» on violation of constitutional rights and freedoms by provisions of articles 15, 16 and 1069 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation» // Economy and life, № 16, 2002. The decision of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 3 July 2001 on the case of check of constitutionality of separate provisions of article 13 of the Federal law «On restructuring of credit institutions» and article 26 of the Federal law «On insolvency (bankruptcy) of credit organizations» and of 13 December 2001 on the case about the verification of constitutionality of part two article 16 of the Law of Moscow «About bases of paid land tenure in Moscow». The decision of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 2 February 1996 on business about check of constitutionality of provisions of articles 371, 374 and 384 of the criminal procedure code of the RSFSR and of 24 January 2002 on the case on verification of constitutionality of provisions of articles 170 and 235 of the Labor code of the Russian Federation and article 25 of the Federal law «On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of their activity». The resolution of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2001 on the case of check of constitutionality of point 2 of article 1070 of civil code of the Russian Federation. The resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 16.10.2009 № 19 «About court practice on cases on abuse of official powers and on excess of powers of office» // The Bulletin of the Supreme Court, № 12, December, 2009. Makovsky A. L. Civil responsibility of the state for acts of power [Grazhdanskaya otvetstvennost’ gosudarstva za akty vlasti ]/ the Civil code of Russia. Problems.Theory.Practice. M, 1998. P. 94-95 Piskunova N.I., Tselovalnikova I.Yu. General provisions on civil liability [Obshchie polozheniya o grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti ] // Modern Lawyer. 2018. № 3 (24). P. 60-65. TselovalnikovaI.Yu. Civil liability of participants in corporate relations [Grazhdansko-pravovaya otvetstvennost’ uchastnikov korporativnyh otnoshenij ] // Actual problems of Russian law. 2018. № 11 (96). P. 60-67. TselovalnikovaI.Yu. UK Bribe Law: Legal Aspect [Zakon Velikobritanii o vzyatkah: pravovoj aspekt ] // Russian Investigator. 2017. №. 11. P. 51-55. TselovalnikovaI.Yu. Legal support of state guarantees in the investment sphere [Pravovoe obespechenie gosudarstvennyh garantij v investicionnoj sfere ] // Scientific research and development. Economics of the company. 2017.Vol. 6. № 1. P. 26-31. TselovalnikovaI.Yu. Legal basis of investment strategy [Pravovye osnovy investicionnoj strategii ] // Bulletin of the Academy of Law and Management. 2016. № 4 (45). P. 68-72. TselovalnikovaI.Yu. International and national aspect of the fight against corruption in investment relations [Mezhdunarodnyj i nacional’nyj aspekt protivodejstviya korrupcii v investicionnyh otnosheniyah ] // Agricultural and land law. 2012. № 1 (85). P. 130-136. TselovalnikovaI.Yu. Civil-law mechanisms of the fight against corruption in investment relations [Grazhdansko-pravovye mekhanizmy bor’by s korrupciej v investicionnyh otnosheniyah ] // Law and state: theory and practice. 2011. № 11 (83). P. 102-108. TselovalnikovaI.Yu. On the issue of investments, guarantees and protection of the investment process from manifestations of corruption [K voprosu ob investiciyah, garantiyah i zashchite investicionnogo processa ot proyavlenij korrupcii ] // Agricultural and land law. 2011. № 12 (84). P. 34-40. |
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Galina N. Chernichkinacandidate of law, senior lector, professor of the civil law department of Russian State University of Justice, Moscow
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To the question about the general principles of intellectual property part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian FederationAbstract Subject/theme.The subject of the research is social relations related to the protection of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization, as well as the principles of their protection Goals/objectives The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the provisions of part 4 of the civil code, as well as the analysis of the practice of their application by courts to formulate common principles for part 4 of the civil code, on the basis of which the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization are protected Methodology The methodological basis of research are: universal methods of knowledge; scientific methods, including systematic and logical method and also the analysis, synthesis and analogy; formal legal method. Conclusion General principles of part 4 of the civil code remain without due attention. The author reveals the General principles of part 4 of the civil code and notes that they are normatively fixed, but not localized. The author of the article proposed their formulation, since the General principles have their continuation in each of the institutions of part 4 of the civil code and combine them into a sub-branch of civil law. In total, five principles were considered. Principle: the whole set of intellectual rights arises from the author, requires regulatory consolidation in paragraph 3 of article 1228 of the civil code. Keywords: principles of part 4 of the civil code; intellectual property; the moment genesis of intellectual property rights References: Gavrilov (2006) – Gavrilov E.P. Comment to the Decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2006 on the application of legislation on copyright and related rights (by article) [Kommentariy k Postanovleniyu Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 19 iyunya 2006 goda o voprosah primeneniya zakonodatelstva ob avtorskom prave i smezhnyih pravah (postateynyiy)] // prepared for ATP «Сonsultant Plus». [podgotovlen dlya SPS «KonsultantPlyus»]. 2006. (In Russ.) Gavrilov (2007) – Gavrilov E.P. Patent law in part four of the civil code: Commentary to Chapter 72 [Patentnoe pravo v chasti chetvertoy GK RF: Kommentariy k glave 72] // Economy and law [Hozyaystvo i pravo.] 2007. № 12. p. 3-13. (In Russ.) Gavrilov (2007) – Gavrilov E.P. In patent law – novelty, in copyright – originality [V patentnom prave – novizna, v avtorskom – originalnost] // Patents and licenses [Patentyi i litsenzii] 2007. № 12. P. 25-30. (In Russ.) Gavrilov (2009) – Gavrilov E.P. The comment to the Resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2009 N 5/29 «About some questions which arose in connection with introduction of part four of the Civil code of the Russian Federation»[ Kommentariy k Postanovleniyu Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF i Plenuma Vyisshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda RF ot 26 marta 2009 goda № 5/29 «O nekotoryih voprosah, voznikshih v svyazi s vvedeniem v deystvie chasti chetvertoy Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii»] // Economy and law [Hozyaystvo i pravo.]2009. № 10.p. 19 – 44. (In Russ.) Gorodov (2011) – Gorodov O.A. Industrial property law: textbook. M.: Statute [Pravo promyishlennoy sobstvennosti: uchebnik. M.: Statut], 2009. 942p. (In Russ.) Sukhanov (1998) – Sukhanov E.A. Civil law: the Textbook: In 2 t. T. 1 / Ed. Ed. Prof E. A. Sukhanov.[ Grazhdanskoe pravo: Uchebnik: V 2 t. T.1 / Otv. Red. Prof E.A. 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Criterion of creativity in copyright and judicial practice [Kriteriy tvorchestva v avtorskom prave i sudebnoy praktike] – Moscow.: Legal literature [Moskva.: Yuridicheskaya literatura], 1963. 138p. (In Russ.) Kashanin (2007) – Kashanin A. V. Creative character as a condition of the work’s protectability in Russian and foreign copyright [Tvorcheskiy harakter kak uslovie ohrnosposobnosti proizvedeniya v rossiyskom i inostrannom avtorskom prave] // Journal of civil law [Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava]. 2007.№ 2. р. 75-119. (In Russ.) Makovskiy (2008) – Makovskiy A. L. Comment to part four of the Civil code of the Russian Federation (by сhapter) [Kommentariy k chasti chetvertoy Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii (poglavnyiy)] / under the editorship of A. L. Makovsky [pod red. A.L. Makovskogo.] – Moscow.: Statute [Moskva.: Statut], 2008. 715p. (In Russ.) Krasavchikov (1984) – Krasavchikov O. A. Creativity and civil law (concept, subject and composition of the sub-branch) [Tvorchestvo i grazhdanskoe pravo (ponyatie, predmet i sostav podotrasli)]// Jurisprudence [Pravovedenie] – L.: Publishing house leningr. UN-TA [L.: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta], 1984. № 4. p. 14-23. (In Russ.) Kupriyanova (2018) – Kupriyanova L. M. Intellectual property law in the intellectual property market [Intellektualnoe pravo na ryinke intellektualnoy sobstvennosti] // The modern lawyer [Sovremennyiy yurist]. 2018. № 1 (22). p. 92-101. (In Russ.) Lipcik (2002) – Lipcik D. Copyright and related rights [Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnyie prava] / Per. with FR. M. Fedotov [Per. s fr. M. Fedotova.] – Moscow [Moskva], 2002. 794p. (In Russ.) Morgunova (2008) – Morgunova E. A. Copyright law: the textbook [avtorskoe pravo: ucheb. posobie] / under the editorship of V. P. Mozolin [otv. red. V.P. Mozolin] – Moscow: Norma [Мoskva: Norma], 2008. 288p. (In Russ.) Murzin ( 2016) – Murzin D. V. Unprotected results of creative activity, which should be protected by copyright [Neohranyaemyie rezultatyi tvorcheskoy deyatelnosti, kotoryie dolzhnyi ohranyatsya avtorskim pravom]. – In the book.: Private law. Overcoming challenges. For the 60th anniversary of B. M. Gongalo [V kn.: Chastnoe pravo. Preodolevaya ispyitaniya. K 60-letiyu B.M. Gongalo].- Moscow.: Statute [Moskva.: Statut], 2016. p. 65-89. (In Russ.) Marchenko (1998) – Marchenko M. N. General theory of state and law: Academic course: 2 vol. 2. Theory of law [Obschaya teoriya gosudarstva i prava: Akademicheskiy kurs: V 2 t. T. 2. Teoriya prava] / Under the editorship of Prof. M. N. Marchenko [Pod red. Prof. M.N. Marchenko]. – Moscow [Moskva], 1998. 640p. (In Russ.) Novoselova (2017) – Novoselova L. A. Intellectual property law: textbook [Pravo intellektualnoy sobstvennosti: uchebnik]. – Moscow: Statute [Moskva.: Statut], 2017. Т.1: General terms [Obschie polozheniya]. 512p. (In Russ.) Sergeev (1996) – Sergeev A. P. Intellectual property rights in the Russian Federation [Pravo intellektualnoy sobstvennosti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii] – Moscow: «Theis» [Moskva «Teis»], 1996. 704р. (In Russ.) Khokhlov (2008) – Khokhlov V. A. Legislation, theory, practice [Zakonodatelstvo, teoriya, praktika] – М.: Publishing House «Gorodets» [Izdatelskiy Dom «Gorodets»], 2008. 288р. (In Russ.) Chernichkina (2018) – Chernichkina G. N. On the issue of formation of the concept of «intellectual property» in the Russian legislation [K voprosu stanovleniya v Rossiyskom zakonodatelstve ponyatiya «intellektualnaya sobstvennost»] // Modern law [Sovremennoe pravo]. 2018. № 1. р. 57-65. (In Russ.) Chernichkina (2019) – Chernichkina G. N. Other intellectual rights of part four of the Civil code of the Russian Federation [Inyie intellektualnyie prava chasti chetvertoy Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii] // Modern law [Sovremennoe pravo]. 2019. № 3. р. 61-73. (In Russ.) |
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Dmitry M. NikitaevInstitute freedom of conscience, expert, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Sergey A.BuryanovInstitute of law and management MGPU, associate Professor, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
The question of a modern definition of the concept and content of the secular stateAbstract Subject / topic Provisions on secularism of the state, formulated in the scientific literature. Goals / objectives Research of approaches to the concept and content of «secularism of the state» developed in the scientific literature, Identification of the relationship between the concepts of «freedom of conscience» and «secularism of the state», the Formulation of the author’s definition of «secularism of the state». Methodology The basis was General scientific (analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, deductive and inductive methods), private scientific (historical and legal, comparative legal, formal legal methods). Conclusion Modern approaches to the definition of secularism of the state are investigated. It is revealed that approaches to the definition of secularism of the state were formulated historically. On the basis of the study of international universal documents (the universal Declaration of human rights of 1948, the International Covenant on civil and political rights of 1966, the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights of 1966, etc.) it is concluded that it is necessary to improve them by including the concept of «secularism of the state». On the basis of the provisions expressed in the scientific literature, the author’s definition of secularism of the state is formulated. The interrelation of the principle of secularism of the state and law is revealed freedom of conscience. The principle of secularism of the state stands as the most important guarantee of the right to freedom of conscience. The problems of theoretical character are revealed: the lack of modern correct conceptual apparatus in this sphere, the substitution of a broader concept of secularism of the state by a narrow one – the separation of the state from religious organizations. Practical problem: lack of provisions on secularism in international instruments and many domestic legal systems. In order to resolve this situation, it seems appropriate to make appropriate changes to the rules of international and domestic law. Keywords: secularism of the state; freedom of conscience; international law; constitutional law; human rights. References: Bulavina M.A. On the question of the legal content of the concept of «Secular state» [K voprosu o pravovom soderzhanii ponyatiya «Svetskoe gosudarstvo»]// MSTU news [Izvestiya MGTU]. 2014. №2 (20). P.166-171. [In Russian]. Buryanov S.A. Combating racism, discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in international law: Compendium of normative materials [Protivodeystvie rasizmu, diskriminatsii, ksenofobii i svyazannoy s nimi neterpimosti v mezhdunarodnom prave: Sbornik normativnyih materialov]. M., 2017. [In Russian]. Buryanov S.A. Freedom of conscience in a secular state and «latex religious studies» [Svoboda sovesti v svetskom gosudarstve i «lateksnoe religiovedenie»] // Science and religion in a secular state [Nauka i religiya v svetskom gosudarstve] 2017. p. 53-58. [In Russian]. Buryanov S.A. Secularism of the state in the Russian Federation. Theoretical and applied research for 2016 – early 2017 [Svetskost gosudarstva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Teoretiko-prikladnoe issledovanie za 2016-y – nachalo 2017 goda]. М.,2017. [In Russian]. Buryanov S.A., Nikitaev D.M. Secularism of the state as the most important guarantee of the right to freedom of conscience [Svetskost gosudarstva kak vazhneyshaya garantiya realizatsii prava na svobodu sovesti].// Expert of the year 2018: collection of articles of the II International scientific and practical competition.- Penza: ICNS «Science and enlightenment» [Ekspert goda 2018: sbornik statey II Mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-prakticheskogo konkursa.- Penza: MTsNS «Nauka i prosveschenie»]. 2018. P. 89-93. [In Russian]. Voronkova M.L. Constitutional foundations of a secular state in the Russian Federation: dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’ [Konstitutsionnyie osnovyi svetskogo gosudarstva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. Saratov, 2006. 179 р. [In Russian]. Denikaeva S.E. Constitutional and legal basis for the formation of the Russian Federation as a secular state: dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’ [Konstitutsionno-pravovyie osnovyi formirovaniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii kak svetskogo gosudarstva: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. Makhachkala, 2006. 168 р. [In Russian]. Kanevskiy K.G. Legal regulation of state-confessional relations in the Russian Federation: dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’ [Pravovoe regulirovanie gosudarstvenno-konfessionalnyih otnosheniy v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. М., 2004. 180 р. [In Russian]. Krivosheina E.Y. Philosophical concept of secular state: formation, development, modern features [Filosofskaya kontseptsiya svetskogo gosudarstva: stanovlenie, razvitie, sovremennyie chertyi]// NVG [ONV]. 2004. №1 (26). P. 33-40. [In Russian]. Lipchanskaya M.A. Secular state in modern Russia as a factor of national security [Svetskoe gosudarstvo v sovremennoy Rossii kak faktor obespecheniya natsionalnoy bezopasnosti]// News of PAGS [Vestnik PAGS]. №1 (52). P. 4-9. [In Russian]. Lagunova I.S. The importance of the principle of secularism in the modern state: political and legal analysis [Znachenie printsipa svetskosti v sovremennom gosudarstve: politiko-pravovoy analiz]// Philosophy of law [Filosofiya prava].2017. №2 (81). P. 65-68. [In Russian]. Lagunova I.S. Essence of «Secularism» policy: legal and philosophical aspects [Suschnost politiki «Svetskosti»: pravovoy i filosofskiy aspekty]// Bulletin of the Baltic Federal University. I. Kant. Series: Humanities and social Sciences [Vestnik Baltiyskogo federalnogo universiteta im. I. Kanta. Seriya: Gumanitarnyie i obschestvennyie nauki]. 2017. №3. P.16-20. [In Russian]. Lapitsky K.V. Interaction between Church and state: on the concept of «secular state» [Vzaimodeystvie tserkvi i gosudarstva: k voprosu o ponyatii «svetskoe gosudarstvo»] // Society: politics, Economics, law [Obschestvo: politika, ekonomika, pravo]. 2017. №10. P. 20-23. [In Russian]. Linkin V.N. The principle of the secular state as one of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation: dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’ [Printsip svetskogo gosudarstva kak odna iz osnov konstitutsionnogo stroya Rossiyskoy Federatsii: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. М., 2015. 172 p. [In Russian]. Malashenko A.V. Christianity and Islam in Russia: dialogue is just beginning [Hristianstvo i islam v Rossii: dialog tolko nachinaetsya]// Interreligious peace and harmony as a condition for the peaceful future of the peoples of the North Caucasus: materials mezhdunar. Conf. (Pyatigorsk,18-19 February 1998) [Mezhreligiozny`j̆ mir i soglasie kak uslovie mirnogo budushhego narodov Severnogo Kavkaza: materialy` mezhdunar. konf. (Pyatigorsk,18-19 fevralya 1998 g.)] М., 1998. P.24-32. [In Russian]. Nikitaev D.M. On the issue of modern definition of the concept and content of freedom of conscience [K voprosu o sovremennom opredelenii ponyatiya i soderzhanii svobodyi sovesti] // The modern lawyer [Sovremennyiy yurist]. 4(25). P. 66-75. [In Russian]. Nikitaev D.M. Interrelation of realization of the principle of secularism of the state and municipal system of education and social justice [Vzaimosvyaz realizatsii printsipa svetskosti gosudarstvennoy i munitsipalnoy sistemyi obrazovaniya i sotsialnoy spravedlivosti] // Principles of social justice and their implementation in the modern world [Printsipyi sotsialnoy spravedlivosti i ih realizatsiya v sovremennom mire]. P.280-284. [In Russian]. Minchenko T.P. Development of the right to freedom of conscience in the post-secular world [Razvitie prava svobodyi sovesti v postsekulyarnom mire]// Rights and freedoms of man and citizen: theoretical aspects and legal practice: Proceedings of the Interuniversity scientific conference in memory of Professor Felix Mikhailovich Rudinsky, April 26, 2012 [Prava i svobodyi cheloveka i grazhdanina: teoreticheskie aspektyi i yuridicheskaya praktika: Materialyi Mezhvuzovskoy nauchnoy konferentsii pamyati professora Feliksa Mihaylovicha Rudinskogo, 26 aprelya 2012 goda] . М., 2012. 153-157 p. [In Russian]. Osipova L.N. Interaction of state institutions and religious associations in modern Russia: dis. …kand. polit. sciences’ [Vzaimodeystvie gosudarstvennyih institutov i religioznyih ob’edineniy v sovremennoy Rossii: dis. …kand. polit. nauk]. Ufa, 2004. P. 187. [In Russian]. Ponkin I. V. Modern secular state: Constitutional and legal research: dis. …d-RA yurid. sciences’ [Sovremennoe svetskoe gosudarstvo: Konstitutsionno-pravovoe issledovanie: dis. …d-ra yurid. nauk.]. М., 2004. 362 р. [In Russian]. Rudinskiy F.M. Law, religion, offences [Zakon, religiya, pravonarusheniya]. Volgograd. 1971. P.143. [In Russian]. Rudinskiy F.M. Human rights science and constitutional law problems [Nauka prav cheloveka i problemyi konstitutsionnogo prava]. М., 2006. 570 p. [In Russian]. Rudinsky F.M., Buryanov S.A. Freedom of conscience: problems of theory and practice. Monograph [Svoboda sovesti: problemy teorii i praktiki. Monografiya]. М., 2012. 1120 р. [In Russian]. Savva S.S. Constitutional and legal consolidation of the principle of secularism of education: content and practice of implementation [Konstitutsionno-pravovoe zakreplenie printsipa svetskosti obrazovaniya: soderzhanie i praktika realizatsii] // Politics and society [Politika i obschestvo]. 2006. № 7-8. P. 106-115. [In Russian]. Filina N.V. The concept and features of a secular state [Ponyatie i priznaki svetskogo gosudarstva] // News of OMuA [Vestnik OmYuA]. 2014. №4 (25). P.3-6. [In Russian]. Khodykin I.V. Secularism as a constitutional and legal category [Svetskost kak konstitutsionno-pravovaya kategoriya]// North Caucasian legal Bulletin [Severo-Kavkazskiy yuridicheskiy vestnik]. 2015. P. 91-93. [In Russian]. Tsirendorzhieva D.S., Bagaeva A.K. Secularism in Russian society: social and philosophical context [Svetskost v rossiyskom obschestve: sotsialno-filosofskiy kontekst] // News of Irkutsk state University. Series: Political Science. Religious studies [Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Politologiya. Religiovedenie]. 2016. P.99-105. [In Russian]. Shmakova O.A. Institutions of religious legal policy in the modern secular state: dis. …kand. the faculty of law. sciences’ [Institutyi religioznoy pravovoy politiki v sovremennom svetskom gosudarstve: dis. …kand. yurid. nauk]. Rostov-on-don, 2008. 190 р. [In Russian]. |
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Elena G. Dzhioevaсandidate of Law, Department of Civil Law, Russian state university of justice, associate professor, Moscow.
E-mail: |
Initiation of a proposal for the implementation of a public-private, municipal-private partnership project: questions and possibilityAbstract Subject / Торic. Since the adoption of the Federal Law «On Public-Private Partnerships, Municipal-Private Partnerships in the Russian Federation…» in 2015 to the present, the practical implementation of partnership projects has been experiencing significant difficulties. The reasons for this situation are related, inter alia, to the legal and financial risks, which manifest themselves even at the stage of initiating a proposal for the implementation of a public partnership project. This makes this form of partnership very unattractive for potential investors. This article is devoted to identifying the causes of the situation and trying to find ways to overcome it. Keywords: public-private partnership, municipal-private partnership, private partnership initiative, proposal on the implementation of a public-private, municipal-private partnership project. References: Commentary on the Federal Law «On Public-Private Partnerships, Municipal-Private Partnerships in the Russian Federation and Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation» (scientific, practical, article by article) / E.V. Gritsenko, E.A. Dmitrikova, A.K. Debts and others; under the editorship of V.F. Popondopulo, V.V. Kilinkarova.[Kommentariy k Federal’nomu zakonu «O gosudarstvenno-chastnom partnerstve, munitsipal’no-chastnompartnerstve v Rossiyskoy Federatsii i vneseniiizmeneniy v otdel’nyyezakonodatel’nyyeaktyRossiyskoyFederatsii» (nauchno-prakticheskiy, postateynyy)]. M .: Infotropic Media, 2016.352 p. Public-private partnership in Russia and foreign countries: legal aspects [Publichno-chastnoyepartnerstvo v Rossiiizarubezhnykhstranakh: pravovyyeaspekty]/ S.A. Belov, E.V. Gritsenko, D.A. Zhmulin and others; under the editorship of V.F. Popondopulo, N.A. Sheveleva. M .: Infotropic Media, 2015.528 р. Shokhin O.S. Public-private partnership: problems of legal support [Gosudarstvenno-chastnoyepartnerstvo: problemypravovogoobespecheniya]// Lawyer.[Yurist] 2018. № 2.C. 4-10. |
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Sergey G. Pavlikovdoctor of law, professor Professor at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
E-mail: |
About implementation in the USA of entrepreneurial and quasi-entrepreneurial activityAbstract Subject/topic The subject Of scientific analysis in this article is the characterization of activities based, as a rule, on the arms race, stimulated by the need to combat real (terrorist organizations), but more often – with imaginary enemies, including Russia. Whether such activity is entrepreneurial or is it a special kind of «American business» that multiplies on the basis of the conflict with our country, acquires very unusual forms in order to increase profits. The question is not indisputable, but the term quasi-economic activity in relation to such negative processes is positioned as the most «soft» and appropriate. Goals/objectives The purpose of the article: an attempt to understand the role of quasi-economic activity in the United States («strategic capitalism», «hypercompetition», etc.) in the development of modern entrepreneurship. Methodology The article uses General theoretical and special methods of scientific knowledge: analysis and synthesis, logical, dialectical, system-structural, comparative legal, sociological and statistical methods. Conclusion The conclusion that the law, policy and economy are interconnected, at least, in equal volume have influence on regulation of business activity is proved; respectively the address to the last factors, is not «leaving» from jurisprudence; as they are objectified in sources of the right. You can go the way that is called «from the opposite»: directly refer to the normative legal acts, but the result will be similar (for example, the «Magnitsky law», whose main task was not to «protect human rights», but to harm Russian business). A different research approach, however, was used – to completely (as far as possible) abstract from political issues. The us has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol; the reasons for ignoring this important act in the US are stated directly – it can harm business. And this is also a form of quasi-economic activity, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of business in the United States, but at the expense of the interests of the entire world community Keywords: Business activity, economic activity, USA, quasi-economic activity, entrepreneurship, state, Union, process, business, model, crisis. References: Shestakova (2017) – Shestakova K. S. Legal regulation of investment banking in the United States [Pravovyie osnovyi voenno-tehnicheskogo sotrudnichestva] // Business law. Appendix «Law and Business» [Predprinimatelskoe pravo. Prilozhenie «Pravo i Biznes]. 2017. No. 3. P. 49 – 53. Avakyan (2016) – Constitutional and legal bases of anticorruption reforms in Russia and abroad: educational-methodical complex (tutorial) [Konstitutsionno-pravovyie osnovyi antikorruptsionnyih reform v Rossii i za rubezhom: uchebno-metodicheskiy kompleks] / S. A. Avakyan, O. I. Bazhenova, O. A. Erzakova, etc.; ed. ed. S. A. Avakian. M.: Yustitsinform, 2016. 568 p. URL: // Kudashkin (2018) – Kudashkin V. V. Legal basis of military-technical cooperation [Pravovyie osnovyi voenno-tehnicheskogo sotrudnichestva]: 3rd ed., pererab. I DOP. M.: Statute, 2018. Vol. 1: Scientific and practical commentary on the Federal law «On military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign States» [Nauchno-prakticheskiy kommentariy k Federalnomu zakonu «O voenno-tehnicheskom sotrudnichestve Rossiyskoy Federatsii s inostrannyimi gosudarstvami»]. 1120 PP. D’aveni Richard A. (2012) – D’aveni Richard A. Strategic Capitalism: The New Economic Strategy for Winning the Capitalist Cold War / McGraw Hill; New York; Chicago; San Francisco; Lisbon; L.; Madrid; Mexico City; Milan; New Delhi; San Juan; Seoul; Singapore; Sydney; Toronto, 2012. Doronina (2017) – Doronina N. G., Kazantsev N. M. Semiluna N. G. Legal regulation of economic relations: global, national, regional monograph [Pravovoe regulirovanie ekonomicheskih otnosheniy: globalnoe, natsionalnoe, regionalnoe]. M.: SISP, NORMA, INFRA-M, 2017. 160 р. Conflict of interests in public and municipal service, in the activities of organizations: reasons, prevention, settlement: scientific and practical guide [Konflikt interesov na gosudarstvennoy i munitsipalnoy sluzhbe, v deyatelnosti organizatsiy: prichinyi, predotvraschenie, uregulirovanie: nauchno-prakticheskoe posobie] / T. S. Glazyrin, T. L. Kozlov, N. M. Kolosova, etc.; resp. ed. A. F. Nozdrachev. M.: SISP, INFRA-M, 2016. 224 p. P. 68. Jablonsky M., Powers S. The Real Cyber War: The Political Economy of Internet Freedom. University of Illinois Press. 2015. URL: // URL: // URL: // |
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Natalia N. Bocharovasenior lecturer, Department of financial law Federal state Autonomous educational institution «Southern Federal University», Rostov-on-don, Russia. E-mail: Yuri M. Moskalevlaw student Federal STATE Autonomous educational institution «Southern Federal University», Rostov-on-don, Russia. Е-mail: |
The world monetary system: the main development trends and perspectives of legal regulationAbstract Subject/theme The subject of the research is the social relations connected with the problems of the world currency system implementation at the present stage, and legal regulation of cryptocurrency as the main direction of the world currency system development in different countries of the world, revealing the ambiguity of such regulation and determining the prospects of the world currency system development. Goals/objectives The aim of the study is to analyze the prospects for the development of the world currency system at the modern stage, taking into account the appearance of the crypto currency, for which the experience of legal regulation of the crypto currency in foreign countries was studied and the practice of implementing one of the crypto-currencies – bitcoin. Methodology The methodological basis of the study are: General methods of cognition; General scientific methods, including a systematic and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and comparison; the main method was the comparative legal. Conclusion The modern world monetary system, which is a dual currency, cannot cope with new economic demands. In this regard, there are cryptocurrencies that can become an alternative to the dollar and the Euro. This raises the problem of their legal regulation. Different States address this problem in different ways: from a very cautious approach to a full solution. The article concludes by the example of one of the most famous cryptocurrencies – bitcoin, after analyzing its advantages and disadvantages that cryptocurrencies are supranational in nature and require supranational regulation. Keywords: world currency system; economy; financial instrument; cryptocurrency; regulation; bitcoin. References: Krasavina L. N. Mezhdunarodnye valyutno-kreditnye otnosheniya – M: «Yurajt», 2014. – 542str. Virmani A. Global Economic Governance: IMF Quota Reform. IMF working paper, 2011, no. 208 (in English). Johnston M. Which Economy Is Larger — The United States or China? Available at: http://www. of the method of valuation of the SDR — initial considerations. Available at: external/np/pp/eng/2015/071615.pdf (in English). Uil’yam Mogajar, Blokchejn dlya biznesa, Izdatel’stvo: «EKSMO», Mockva,2018. Digital Currency, Financial consumer of, URL: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Directive (EU) 2015/849 on the Prevention of the Use of the Financial System for the Purposes of Money Laundering or Terrorist Financing and Amending Directive 2009/101/EC, COM (2016) 450 final (July 5, 2016), URL: content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52016PC0450&from=EN, archived at Press Release, Finanstilsynet, Orientering om ICO’er [Orientation on ICOs] (Nov. 13, 2017). URL: Id. arts. 63-2 & 63-3. See also Details of Screening for New Registration Application as Virtual Currency Exchange Service Provider, FSA, URL:, archived at ElBahrawy A., Alessandretti L., Kandler A., Pastor-Satorras R., Baronchelli A. Bitcoin ecology: Quantifying and Modelling the Long-term Dynamics of the Cryptocurrency Market // Royal Society Open Science. 2017 [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: Narayanan A., Bonneau J., Felten E., Miller A., Goldfeder S. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies. – Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016. — 336 p. URL: // Dowd K. New Private Monies: A Bit-Part Player? – London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 2014. – 114 p Eichengreen B., Sachs J. Exchange Rates and Economic Recovery in the 1930s // The Journal of Economic History. 1985. Vol. 45. № 4. P. 925–946. Eichengreen B., Sachs J. Exchange Rates and Economic Recovery in the 1930s // The Journal of Economic History. 1985. Vol. 45. № 4. P. 925–946. |
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Svetlana S. Gorokhovacandidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor of the Depаrtment of legal regulation of economic activity Department at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Mоscow, Russia. E-mail: Irina O. Ryzhovacandidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor of management and trade, Mytischi city, Russia. E-mail: |
On quality of professional standards in the field of financial marketsAbstract Subject/topic Professional standardization of financial market specialists: theoretical and legal aspects. The work is based on the materials of the state assignment to the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation for 2019 on the theme «Staffing of the processes of digitalization of the financial market». Goals/objectives Analysis of theoretical and regulatory contradictions affecting the quality of training of financial workers. Methodology. Analysis, synthesis, comparative method used on the basis of dialectical approaches. Conclusion Of particular importance at the present time is the approach to the formation of professional standards, which would allow not only to form an agglomerate of competencies that meets the requirements of building a digital economy, but also corresponded to the principle of reliable verifiability in the process of independent assessment of employees ‘ qualifications. Keywords: professional competence, qualification, professional standard, independent assessment of qualifications, financial market. References:
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Vladimir E. Rubanikdoctor of law, professor of Department of legal regulation of economic activity Department at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Mоscow. E-mail: Dmitriy G. Morozovapplicant for the Law Institute. St. Petersburg. E-mail: |
On the issue of dominants in asserting the principle of the rule of law in modern Russia: the latest historiography of the problemAbstract Subject / Topic In the light of recent scientific developments of domestic lawyers, the development of approaches to understanding the principle of the rule of law in the legal regulation of social relations in the modern period, as well as the impact of this principle on the state-legal and social-economic life of modern Russia are analyzed. Identifies and emphasizes the originality of the goals and objectives of society in organizing the legal regulation of public relations on the basis of the rule of law, focuses on the prevalence of public law to the detriment of private law regulation, which ultimately led to the emergence of a number of problems in public law and the socio-economic life of Russian society. Goals / objectives The purpose of this article is: to study the reflection in the modern historiography of the issue of dominants in the assertion of the principle of the rule of law in modern Russia; clarification of some scientific statements about the real state of affairs regarding the organization of the legal regulation of social relations in Russia on the basis of the rule of law in the modern period; a description of the existing interpretations of the concept and principle of the rule of law in modern historiography, the presentation of the relevant issues through the prism of modern scientific tools, taking into account the concepts of the content of the rule of law and its meaning accumulated in domestic and foreign scientific legal literature. Methodology Methodological principles of article basic provisions and conclusions of social and deterministic gnoseology of the legal phenomena, dialectic, systems – but-functional approach to their knowledge, situation in a basis of a research of criteria of objectivity, compliance to the truth, the historical truth, logicality, sequence make, unities of logical and historical and also modern general-theoretical ideas of the state and the right. Conclusion and Relevance Examination of the recent historiography of the issue leads to the conclusion that several basic approaches to the understanding of the rule of law are distinguished in the literature: 1) identification of the rule of law with the rule of the constitution; 2) understanding of the rule of law as the rule of law in a broad sense, that is, as the rule of all regulatory legal acts; 3) the identification of the rule of law with the rule of law in its narrow sense; 4) identification of the rule of law with fundamental human rights; 5) the priority of generally accepted principles and norms of international law over national legislation; 6) the identification of the rule of law with the rule of intelligence and justice. In the Russian legal doctrine, there is still no generally accepted approach to understanding the principle of “Rule of law”, which in the Russian version of the translation has been called the “rule of law”. 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Roman G. Zeynalovpost-graduate student of the Department of history of law and state, «peoples’ Friendship University of Russia» (RUDN), Law Institute, 6 Miklukho-Maklaya street, Moscow, 117198, Russia.
E-mail: |
The question of the formation of the ideology of the baltic private law in the nineteenth centuryAbstract Subject / Topic Formation of the ideology of Baltic private law in the XIX century Goals / objectives To analyze the formation of the Baltic private law ideology in the XIX century and the factors that influenced this formation. Show the point of view of scientists on the issue of formation of ideology of the Baltic private law in the nineteenth century. Methodology The methodological basis of the research is a set of scientific methods of cognition. The dialectical method allowed to study the processes of formation of the Baltic private law ideology and ideas about it as an objective phenomenon. The specific historical method was used to identify the unique features, characteristics and characteristics of Baltic private law in the 19th century. The comparative legal method made it possible by comparing different sources to identify the features of the formation of the legal ideology of the Baltic private law. The formal legal method was used in the analysis of legislative material and theoretical concepts of the essence of Baltic private law. Conclusion The formation of the ideology of Baltic private law in the XIX century took place under the influence of the law of the Russian Empire and its traditions. Being part of the Russian Empire predetermined the primacy of the conservative trend in the ideology of Baltic private law. Keywords: Baltic private law, legal ideology, reformation, codification, law. References: Speransky (2002) – Speranskii, M. M. a Guide to the knowledge of the laws. SPb., 2002. P.126. Meshchersky (1894) – Meshchersky VP Diary // Citizen. 1894. № 83. P.3. Meshchersky V. P. Diary. P.3. The law on adoption and legalization of persons born out of wedlock (1891). Russky Vestnik. 1891. May. P. 354-356. Pahman (1876) – Pahman S. V. History of the codification of civil law. SPb., 1876. Vol.2. P. 345. Katkov (1905) – Katkov M. N. The nobility. M.: Printing House Of A. I. Snegirev, 1905. P.7. Golovin (1908) – Golovin K. Memories. SPb., 1908. Vol.1. Pp. 158-159. Rudokvas (2006) – Rudokvas A. The Alien. Acquisitive Prescription in the Judicial Practice of Imperial Russia in the XIXth Century // Rechtsgeschichte. 2006. № 8. P. 60. Greiffenhagen (1891) – Greiffenhagen W. Dr.Jur. Fr.G. V. Bunge. Reval: Kluge, 1891. P. 15. Korkunov (2003) -Korkunov N. Mmm. Lectures on the General theory of law. SPb., 2003. P. 350-351. Nolde (1914) – Nolde A. E. Essays on the history of codification of local civil laws under count Speranskii. SPb.: Senate type., 1914. Vol. 2. P. 106 Pahman S. V. History. Vol.2. P. 344. Grafsky (2000) – Grafsky V. G. General history of state and law. M., 2000. P. 308. Madai. (Rezension): F. G. Bunge, Das Liv – und Esthländisches Privatrecht // Kritische Jahrbücher für Deutsche Rechtswissenschaft. Hrsg. A. L. Richter, R. Schneider. Jg. 5, 1841. P. 845. Dabelow Ch.Ch. Üeber die wissenschaftliche Behandlung des besonderen Rechts der Russischen Ostsee-Provinzen // Jahrbuch für Rechtsgelehrte in Russland. Dorpart: Hrsg. E. G. Bröcker, 1822. Bd. 1. P. 188. Numerov (1914) – Numerov PI Course in the history of Russian law. M., 1914. P.20-21. |
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To the question of the principle of justice in housing lawAbstract Subject/Topic The influence of the «principle of justice» on the right to housing. Goals/Objectives Consideration of the law relating to «justice» and «the principle of fairness». Identifying norms raises questions with ambiguous answers when considered in conjunction with «justice» and some aspects of law enforcement as is the question of«justice». Consideration of the law relating to and identify deficiencies such rules. Methodology Used the methods ofanalysis, description, comparison, historical method. Conclusion and Relevance Based on the provisions of the «principle of justice», as well as understanding of «justice» is necessary to clarify or specify certain provisions of law and regulation enforcement practice in certain matters. 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Anastasia A. ShpakStudent of the 4th course the faculty of Jurisprudence at FEFU, Vladivostok. E-mail: |
Critical analysis of article 144.1 of the criminal codeAbstract Subject / Topic The article analyzes the innovations in the Criminal code of the Russian Federation of article 144.1, penalizing the dismissal or rejection of a job pre-retirement citizen – because they reach a certain age. The issue under study is relevant because of recent changes in the labor and pension legislation, namely the increase in the age threshold for retirement. Now such workers (including potential ones – at employment) have become the most vulnerable party in labor relations, and the legislator considered it necessary to create additional guarantees of observance of constitutional rights and freedoms for them. Goals/objectives To characterize the new norm, to disclose the crime contained in it, to make assumptions about its further application, to give recommendations for use. Methodology In writing the article such methods of scientific knowledge as analysis, synthesis, comparative legal method are used. Conclusions and Relevance The rule is rather formal preventive in nature than the application. Keywords: pre-retirement age, employee, employer, discrimination, criminal code. References: On amendments to the criminal code of the Russian Federation: Federal law of 03.10.2018 № 352-FL [O vnesenii izmeneniya v Ugolovnyiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii: federalnyiy zakon ot 03.10.2018 № 352-FZ] // reference legal system «Consultant Plus»: [Electronic resource] / Company «Consultant Plus» (date accessed: 20.08.2019). On insurance pensions: Federal law of 28.12.2013 № 400-FL (with the latest changes from 06.03.2019) [O strahovyih pensiyah: federalnyiy zakon ot 28.12.2013 № 400-FZ (s posl. izm. i dop. ot 06.03.2019)] // reference legal system «Consultant Plus»: [Electronic resource] / Company «Consultant Plus» (date accessed: 19.08.2019). Labour code of the Russian Federation: Federal law of 30.12.2001 № 197-FL (with the latest changes from 02.08.2019) [Trudovoy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii: federalnyiy zakon ot 30.12.2001 № 197-FZ (s posl. izm. i dop. ot 02.08.2019)] // reference legal system «Consultant Plus»: [Electronic resource] / Company «Consultant Plus» (date accessed: 20.08.2019). Code of administrative offences of the Russian Federation: Federal law of 30.12.2001 № 195-FL (with the latest changes from 02.08.2019) [Kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ob administrativnyih pravonarusheniyah: federalnyiy zakon ot 30.12.2001 № 195-FZ (s posl. izm. i dop. ot 02.08.2019)] // reference legal system «Consultant Plus»: [Electronic resource] / Company «Consultant Plus» (date accessed: 21.08.2019). Russian Constitution (adopted by popular vote 12.12.1993) (including amendments introduced by Laws of the Russian Federation about amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation from 30.12.2008 № 6-FCL, from 30.12.2008 № 7-FCL from 05.02.2014 № 2-FCL, from 21.07.2014 № 11-FCL) [Konstitutsiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii (prinyata vsenarodnyim golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennyih Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitutsii RF ot 30.12.2008 № 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 № 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 № 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 № 11-FKZ)] // reference legal system «Consultant Plus»: [Electronic resource] / Company «Consultant Plus» (date accessed: 22.08.2019). About some questions of court practice on cases on crimes against constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen (article 137, 138, 138.1, 139, 144.1, 145, 145.1 Criminal code of the Russian Federation): the resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court of 25.12.2018 № 46 [O nekotoryih voprosah sudebnoy praktiki po delam o prestupleniyah protiv konstitutsionnyih prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina (stati 137, 138, 138.1, 139, 144.1, 145, 145.1 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii): postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 25.12.2018 № 46] // reference legal system «Consultant Plus»: [Electronic resource] / Company «Consultant Plus» (date accessed: 20.08.2019). Yurkov S.A. (2016) – Yurkov S.A. Some problems of application of article 145 of the Criminal code [Nekotorye problemy primeneniya stat’i 145 UK RF], Journal of Russian law [ZHurnal rossijskogo prava] 2016. N 10 (238). p. 95-100. [in Russian] |
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