The Modern Lawyer №2(27)
Yuri V. Stepanenkodoctor of Law, professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Process, University of O.E. Kutafina (MSAL); professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow. Е-mail: Maria-Anastasia Y. Radkovskayastudent of the Institute of Prosecutor’s Office of the University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL), Moscow. Е-mail: |
To the question of the creation of private military companies in the Russian FederationAbstract Subject / Topic Activities of private military companies in the Russian Federation and abroad. Goals / Objectives. Identification and justification of positive and negative factors that determine the necessity, possibility or impossibility of creating private military companies in the Russian Federation. Methodology The methods of analysis, synthesis, description, comparison, historical method, the method of comparative jurisprudence, methods of formal logic were used. Conclusion and Relevance When creating private military companies in Russia, it is necessary to take into account the trends of their development in the modern world, since such institutions today are an important political tool for solving state problems both inside the country and abroad. At the same time, it is not worthwhile to mechanically copy foreign experience, but it should be carefully studied and adapted to the peculiarities of modern Russia. Keywords: private military companies, PMCs, war, armed forces, army, national security. References: Grebenkin, Starovoytova (2016) – Grebenkin F.B, Starovoytova D.A. Ensuring the safety of industrial facilities by private military companies: legal regulation // Business security [Obespechenie bezopasnosti promyishlennyih ob’ektov chastnyimi voennyimi kompaniyami: pravovaya reglamentatsiya // Bezopasnost biznesa]. 2016. № 5. P. 14 – 20. Vorobiev (2015) – Vorobiev E.G. The legal status of private military companies in a military conflict of a non-international character: legal remarks to the intentions of legalizing private military companies in the Russian Federation // Military Law Journal [Pravovoy status chastnyih voennyih kompaniy v voennom konflikte nemezhdunarodnogo haraktera: yuridicheskie remarki k namereniyam legalizatsii chastnyih voennyih kompaniy v Rossiyskoy Federatsii // Voenno-yuridicheskiy zhurnal]. 2015. № 7. P. 15 – 19. Gagarin (2015) – Gagarin E.O. What should be understood by private military companies? // Law in the Armed Forces [Chto sleduet ponimat pod chastnyimi voennyimi kompaniyami? // Pravo v Vooruzhennyih Silah]. 2015. № 6. P. 101 – 107. Syrkhaev (2012) – Syrkhaev A.A. Comparative legal study of the term «private military company» // International public and private law [Sravnitelno-pravovoe issledovanie termina «chastnaya voennaya kompaniya» // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo]. 2012. № 1. P. 19 – 20. Kashnikov (2010) – Kashnikov B.N. Private military companies and principles of jus in bello // Military Law Journal [Chastnyie voennyie kompanii i printsipyi jus in bello // Voenno-yuridicheskiy zhurnal]. 2010. № 12. P. 27 – 32. Zubarev (2019) – Zubarev S.M. Administrative and legal status of private military companies // Constitution of the Russian Federation and the modern law and order: conference materials: at 5 am. Part 2. M.: RG-Press [Administrativno-pravovoy status chastnyih voennyih kompaniy // Konstitutsiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii i sovremennyiy pravoporyadok : materialyi konferentsii : v 5 ch. Ch. 2. M.: RG-Press], 2019. P. 203-209. War and peace in terms and definitions. Military-political dictionary // Ed. ed. Rogoshchina D.O. / M.: Veche [Voyna i mir v terminah i opredeleniyah. Voenno-politicheskiy slovar] // Pod obsch. red. Rogoschina D.O. / M. : Veche, 2011. Ovcharov (2018) – Ovcharov A.V. Private military companies in Russia // Military. Bulletin of the East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Chastnyie voennyie kompanii v Rossii // Voennoe delo. Vestnik Vostochno-Sibirskogo instituta MVD Rossii]. 2018. P.85-86. Nadtok (2018) – Nadtok R.V. Private military companies as an active conductor of the national interests of the state: a threat or new opportunities for Russia? // State and law. Jurisprudence // Skif. Questions of student science [Chastnyie voennyie kompanii kak aktivnyiy provodnik natsionalnyih interesov gosudarstva: ugroza ili novyie vozmozhnosti dlya Rossii? // Gosudarstvo i pravo. Yuridicheskie nauki // Skif. Voprosyi studencheskoy nauki]. 2018. P. 7-9. |
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Alexandra V.Karzenkovacandidate of biological sciences, associate professor, Head of the department of civil law disciplines, City of perm. E-mail: Vladimir V. Kuralinassistant, department of civil law disciplines, Ural Humanitarian and Technical Institute for Professional Retraining and Advanced Training, Perm. E-mail: |
Some problems of legal regulation of the mortgage agreement by exclusive rightsAbstract Subject / topic The subject of the research is social relations that are formed in connection with the implementation of the pledge agreement with exclusive rights in law enforcement practice. Goals / Objectives Consideration of the issues of the development of the pledge right, the ratio of the legal and obligatory nature of the design of the pledge. In particular, the issues of formation of the pledge right as a guarantee in the field of intellectual property. Analyze the development trends of the pledge of exclusive rights. Methodology The methodological basis of the study consists of: universal methods of cognition; general scientific methods, including the system and logical methods, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods, such as the method of comparative law and the formal legal method. Conclusion The present study showed that at this stage of the legal development of national legislation, the issue of the pledge of intellectual rights does not have sufficient practical settlement, which causes in practice the application of legal conflicts and gaps. Undoubtedly, the federal legislator has to solve a number of practical and doctrinal issues that form such a phenomenon as a pledge of intellectual rights. Keywords: pledge, property security, exclusive rights, intellectual property. References: The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on 12/12/1993) (as amended by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12/30/2008 № 6-FKZ, of 12/30/2008 № 7-FKZ, of 05.02.2014 № 2 -FKZ, from 07.21.2014 № 11-FKZ) // Reference legal system «Consultant Plus». [Electronic resource]. – URL: Civil Code of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: Feder. Law of January 26, 1996 № 14-ФЗ: Ed. from 11/30/2011: at 4 o’clock // Reference legal system «Consultant Plus». [Electronic resource]. – URL: Federal law of 29.07.1998 № 135-ФЗ «On appraisal activity in the Russian Federation» // Reference legal system «ConsultantPlus». [Electronic resource]. – URL: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.12.2015 № 1416 «On the state registration of disposition of the exclusive right to an invention, utility model, industrial design, trademark, service mark, registered topology of an integrated circuit, computer program, database on the contract and transfer of exclusive right on the specified results of intellectual activity without an agreement» (together with the «Rules of state registration of disposition of the exclusive right to an invention, utility model, industrial image , Trademark, service mark, registered topology of integrated circuits, computer program, without a contract database for the contract and transfer of the exclusive rights to intellectual activity results indicated») // Reference legal system «Consultant». [Electronic resource]. – URL: The Civil Code of the RSFSR (approved by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR 06/11/1964) (as amended on 11/26/2001) // Reference legal system «Consultant Plus». [Electronic resource]. – URL: Demyanchenko (2013) Demyanchenko D.A. Comparative legal study of the regulation of the pledge of exclusive rights in the Russian and foreign legislation [Sravnitel’no-pravovoyeissledovaniyeregulirovaniyazalogaisklyuchitel’nykhprav v rossiyskom i zarubezhnomzakonodatel’stve]// International public and private law [Mezhdunarodnoyepublichnoye i chastnoyepravo]. 2013. № 4. Trakhtengerts (2013) L.A. Trakhtengerts Comment to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part four (itemized) [Kommentariy k GrazhdanskomukodeksuRossiyskoyFederatsii, chastichetvertoy (postateynyy)] / Ed. ed. L.A. Trakhtengerts. M., 2013. [in Russia]. Novitsky, Peretersky (1994) I.B. Novitsky and prof. I.S. PereterskyRoman Private Law: Textbook [Rimskoyechastnoyepravo: Uchebnik] / M.: Lawyer [Yurist], 1994. [in Russia]. Ruzakova (2012) Ruzakova O.A. Pledge of exclusive rights [Dogovorzalogaisklyuchitel’nykhprav] // Intellectual property. Copyright and related rights [Intellektual’nayasobstvennost’. Avtorskoyepravo i smezhnyyeprava]. 2012. № 2. [in Russia]. Shershenevich (2005) Shershenevich G.F. The textbook of Russian civil law (ed. 1907)[Uchebnikrusskogograzhdanskogoprava (poizd. 1907 g.)]. M.: Spark, 2005. [in Russia]. |
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Bidzina R.Кatcharavapost-graduate student of the Department of civil law disciplines, Moscow Сity University, Moscow, Russia.
E-mail: |
Theatrical and imaging works as complex objects copyrightAbstract Subject/topic The subject of the study is the social relations arising in connection with the creation and use of the results of intellectual activity as part of the theatrical and entertainment works. Goals/objectives A comprehensive analysis of the legal regime of theatrical and entertainment works as a holistic entity with a complex hierarchical structure, systemically forming elements which contain not only the individual characteristics of such works, but also its common features. Methodology The methodological basis of the research consists of General, General scientific (analysis, synthesis, analogy, system-structural, etc.) and private scientific (comparative legal, formal legal, etc.) methods of scientific cognition. Conclusion and Relevance Despite the absence of theatrical and entertainment works as an independent object of exclusive rights, it is proved that it is necessary to identify such works as a complex legal act generating legal consequences and subject to legal protection. Keywords: сopyright; author; objects of copyright; composition; theatrical and spectacular work; audiovisual work; creation; creative activity. Reference Chernichkina (2019) – Chernichkina G. N. Fundamentals of legal protection of industrial property and features of its protection [Osnovy pravovoj ohrany promyshlennoj sobstvennosti i osobennosti ee zashchity]: textbook. M.: RGUP, 2019. P.6. Katcharava (2018) – Katcharava B. R. Non-Jurisdictional methods of copyright protection in the Russian Federation [Neyurisdikcionnye sposoby zashchity avtorskih prav v Rossijskoj Federacii] // Law and human rights: collection of student scientific articles [Pravo i prava cheloveka: sbornik studencheskih nauchnyh statej]. Otv. edited by A. V. Zvonarev. M.: Knegtel, 2018. P. 501-503. Gavrilov (1988) – Gavrilov E. P. Copyright. Publishing contracts. Royalty [Avtorskoe pravo. Izdatel’skie dogovory. Avtorskij gonorar]. M.: Legal literature, 1988. P. 10. Waxberg (1954) – Waxberg A. I. Some questions of Soviet copyright [Nekotorye voprosy sovetskogo avtorskogo prava] // Soviet state and law. 1954. № 8. P. 42. Rakhmatulina (2019) – Rakhmatulina R.Sh. Commercial use of copyright objects: monograph [Kommercheskoe ispol’zovanie ob”ektov avtorskogo prava: monografiya]. M.: Prospect, 2019. P.25-26. Serebrovsky (1956) – Serebrovsky V. I. Questions of Soviet copyright [Voprosy sovetskogo avtorskogo prava]. M.: Publishing house of the USSR, 1956. P. 34. Gavrilov (1984) – Gavrilov E. P. Soviet author’s right. Fundamentals. Development trend [Sovetskoe avtorskoe pravo. Osnovnye polozheniya. Tendencii razvitiya]. M., 1984. P. 83. Sisitsky (2019) – Sisitsky E. 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Methods of creating complex objects of copyright and disposal of rights to them [Sposoby sozdaniya slozhnyh ob”ektov avtorskogo prava i rasporyazheniya pravami na nih] // Actual problems of Russian law [Aktual’nye problemy rossijskogo prava.]. 2018. № 7 (92). P. 129-135. Ostroumov (2018) – Ostroumov N. I. Protection of exclusive rights to the character of the work [Zashchita isklyuchitel’nyh prav na personazh proizvedeniya ]// Issues of improving the effectiveness of judicial protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization: collection of scientific articles [Voprosy povysheniya effektivnosti sudebnoj zashchity prav na rezul’taty intellektual’noj deyatel’nosti i sredstva individualizacii: sbornik nauchnyh statej]. M.: RGUP, 2018. P. 152. Morgunova (2018) – Morgunova E. A. Copyrights to Soviet cartoons and works included in them[Avtorskie prava na sovetskie mul’tfil’my i proizvedeniya, voshedshie v nih]: // Issues of improving the effectiveness of judicial protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization [Voprosy povysheniya effektivnosti sudebnoj zashchity prav na rezul’taty intellektual’noj deyatel’nosti i sredstva individualizacii: sbornik nauchnyh statej] collection of scientific articles. M.: RGUP, 2018. P. 139. Kartseva (2013) – Kartseva G. A. the Content and form of a work of art [Soderzhanie i forma proizvedeniya iskusstva]. Vestnik TSU. Issue.1 (117), 2013. P. 205-209. Migalatiev (2001) – Migalatiev A. A. Philosophy: textbook for universities [Filosofiya: uchebnik dlya vuzov]. M.: YUNITI-DANA, 2001. P. 288-289. Kandinsky (1912) – Kandinsky V. V. About form in art (Der blaue Reiter. Herausgeber: Kandinsky, Franz Marc. München, 1912. S. 74-100). Kuleshova, Rakhmatulina, Ruzakova, Ruchkina, Sviridova (2019) – Kuleshova I. A., Rakhmatulina R. S., Ruzakova O. A., Ruchkina, G. F., Sviridova E. A. law of intellectual property: literary property [Pravo intellektual’noj sobstvennosti: hudozhestvennaya sobstvennost’]: book; ed. by G. F. Ruchkina. M.: INFRA-M, 2019. P. 98. |
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Olga V. KostinaAssociate Professor, Civil law Department of the Russian state University of justice, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow. E-mail: Aleksey A. KostinAssociate Professor of the Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation Department of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, E-mail: |
The concretization of the norms of civil and tax legislation in the implementation of hereditary successionAbstract Subject/theme The subject of the research is public relations related to the specification of the norms of civil and tax legislation in the implementation of hereditary succession. Goals/objectives. The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of individual provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as law enforcement practice in the direction under study. Methodology The methodological basis of research are: universal methods of knowledge; scientific methods, including systematic and logical method and also the analysis, synthesis and analogy; methods such as the method of comparative law and formal legal method. Conclusion The absence in the tax legislation of the rules for the treatment of heirs to the tax authorities and the procedure for returning overpayment amounts to heirs cannot constitute grounds for refusing to the tax authorities to return funds, otherwise contradicts the principles of Russian legislation, since the withdrawal of someone else’s property is unacceptable. From a systematic analysis of the norms of tax legislation, it follows that an excessively deposited amount of money is the property of the taxpayer, and in the event of his death, must be included in the inheritance mass. Overcoming the shortcomings of the legislative technique for the implementation of these provisions is possible by making additions to Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation «Property tax deductions», where it is necessary to determine the undisputed right to receive this tax advantage by heirs in the event that the taxpayer’s right is exercised and the tax authority confirms that he dies. Keywords: property tax deduction, heir, taxpayer, universal succession, inheritance. References: Marchenko (2009) – Marchenko M. N. Theory of state and law [Teoriya gosudarstva i prava]: textbook. – M.: Prospect, 2009. – 636 p. Sukhanov (2008) – Sukhanov E. A. Civil law of Russia – private law [Grazhdanskoe pravo Rossii – chastnoe pravo] / Ed. ed. V. S. Em. – Moscow: Statute, 2008. – 588 p. Ershov (2018) – Ershov V. V. Legal and individual regulation of social relations [Pravovoe i individual’noe regulirovanie obshchestvennyh otnoshenij]: Monograph. – Moscow: rsup, 2018. – 630 p. 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Lyudmila M. Kupriyanovacandidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of accounting, analysis and audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of «Economics of intellectual property» at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, E-mail: Stanislav V. NikolyukinPhD in Law, Russian State University of Justice, Moscow, E-mail: |
To the question of responsibility for violations of copyright, related rights and patentAbstract Subject / theme The subject of the research is social relations related to the protection and protection of exclusive rights, as well as responsibility for their violations. Goals / objectives The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the features of civil, administrative and criminal liability for violation of copyright, related and patent rights. Methodology The methodological basis of the research is: General methods of cognition; General scientific methods of research, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods, etc. Conclusion The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen the freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other forms of creativity. Intellectual property is protected by law. The natural and legal nature of this institution is recognized from the outset, which demonstrates the importance of providing adequate protection by all legal means: civil, administrative or criminal. Violations of copyright and related rights hamper the development of Russia’s intellectual and cultural potential, undermine its international authority, and lead to the loss of a significant part of budget revenues from taxation. Keywords: copyright, related rights, patent rights, intellectual property, civil liability, administrative liability, criminal liability. Reference: Albov, Nikolyukin (2017) – Albov A. P., Nikolyukin S. V. Intellectual property Law: textbook [Pravo intellektual’noj sobstvennosti: uchebnik]. M.: JUSTICE, 2017. P.8. Intellectual property (Rights to results of intellectual activity and means of individualization): studies.the manual [Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’ (Prava na rezul’taty intellektual’noj deyatel’nosti i sredstva individualizacii): ucheb.posobie ]/ under the General editorship of N. M. Korshunova. M.: Norma, 2008. P. 18. Rozhkova (2016) – Rozhkova M. A. Intellectual property: basic aspects of protection and protection: textbook [Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’: osnovnye aspekty ohrany i zashchity: uchebnoe posobie]. M.: Prospect, 2016. P. 161. Levushkin (2019) – Levushkin A. N. Problems of implementation and protection of civil rights. Actual problems of civil liability (CH. 3) / In the book. Actual problems of civil law: textbook [Problemy osushchestvleniya i zashchity grazhdanskih prav. Aktual’nye problemy grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti (gl. 3) / V kn. Aktual’nye problemy grazhdanskogo prava: uchebnik ] / group of authors; ed. R. V. Shagieva. M.: JUSTICE, 2019. Pp. 92-146. Chernichkina (2019) – Chernichkina G. N. On the issue of civil liability for violation of other intellectual rights /In the book. Civil liability for certain types of obligations: monograph / number of authors [K voprosu o grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti za narushenie inyh intellektual’nyh prav /V kn. Grazhdansko-pravovaya otvetstvennost’ po otdel’nym vidam obyazatel’stv: monografiya]; edited by V. V. Kulakov. M.: RUSYNS, 2019. P. 186 – 216. Shcherbak (2017) – Shcherbak N. V. Copyright [Avtorskoe pravo]. M.: Yurayt, 2017. 171 P. Methods of investigation of crimes under article 146 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation: scientific-methodical manual [Metodika rassledovaniya prestuplenij, predusmotrennyh stat’ej 146 UK RF: nauchno-metodicheskoe posobie]; under the editorship of V. N. Lopatina. M: Law center Press, 2004. P.2. |
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Zhanna V. MalisAspirant of Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Partner LLC Edinaya gorodskaya sluzhba «Pomoshch Dolshchikam» Zemlyanoy Val, 9, Moscow, 105064, Russia. E-mail:
Concession of rights of claim under a contract of equity participation in construction: short stories of judicial practiceAbstract Purpose The purpose of this article is to analyze the current judicial practice, as well as to identify what problems arise in the consideration of the courts of this category and what new positions were expressed by the judicial authorities. Results The article analyzes both the existing judicial practice and the novelties that have appeared in recent years, identified the most significant positions of the courts, which in the future will set the direction of the practice of consideration of cases, as well as resolved some controversial issues arising in the resolution of cases. Value The number of contracts of equity participation in the construction is growing, unfortunately not all developers have time to pass the objects on time, which leads to the emergence of the buyer’s right to receive a penalty, for the implementation of which the latter must apply to the court, understanding of how the practice will develop in these cases in the future, will help both ordinary citizens and lawyers professionally engaged in this issue. Keywords: equity participation agreement, assignment of rights of claim, change of persons in obligation, penalty, consumer rights, developers, court practice. References: Journal «Сompany Lawyer» [Zhurnal «Yurist kompanii»] 2019 № 2. Р. 34. The civil code of the Russian Federation (part one) [Grazhdanskiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (chast pervaya)]. The law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 № 2300-1 «About protection of the rights of consumers» [Zakon RF ot 07.02.1992 № 2300-1 «O zaschite prav potrebiteley»]. Federal law «On participation in the shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate and on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation» [Federalnyiy zakon «Ob uchastii v dolevom stroitelstve mnogokvartirnyih domov i inyih ob’ektov nedvizhimosti i o vnesenii izmeneniy v nekotoryie zakonodatelnyie aktyi Rossiyskoy Federatsii»]. |
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Natalya E. Tihanovasenior lecturer in «Law, intellectual property and forensics», the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Bauman Moscow State Technical University (national research University)», Moscow, Russia. Е-mail: |
limits of legal protection of the character of a literary workAbstract Subject / Topic A character from a work of literature as a separate object of copyright. Goals / Objectives Based on the law, judicial practice and the specifics of the formation of the image of the hero by description, to establish the conditions of legal protection, the essence and limits of intellectual property rights to the character from the work of literature. Methodology We used logical methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), general scientific and private scientific methods: comparative, system-structural, formal-legal. Conclusion and Relevance The law protects only such a character who is an independent result of intellectual activity, that is, the character must be recognized outside the work. A character from a work of literature can only be recognized if he is popular, and there is a connection between the name and the specific hero of a particular work. Legal protection of a character from a literary work is the legal protection of his name, and the exclusive right is the right to use the name of the character only by the owner of the exclusive right or with his permission. When creating a derivative work, the exclusive right to the name of the character is reserved to the owner of the exclusive right to the initial result of intellectual activity. Keywords: character, part of the work, the exclusive right to the character, derivative work, independent result, the name of the character. References: Said, Zahr, Fixing Copyright in Characters: Literary Perspectives on a Legal Problem (April 7, 2013). URL: (accessed 31.05.2019). Bakhtin M. M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. M.: Art, 1979. 423 p. The civil code of the Russian Federation (part four): the Federal law of 18.12.2006 № 230-FZ (as amended on 23.05.2018 g) // collected legislation of the Russian Federation (SSRF). 2006. № 52 (1 HR.). St. 4552. On the application of part IV of the civil code of the Russian Federation: the Resolution of Plenum of VS Russian Federation from 23.04.2019, № 10 [Electronic resource]. Access from system «ConsultantPlus». Ostanina E. A. On the protection of the right to the character of the work: comparative legal aspect // law and Order: history, theory, practice. 2016. № 1 (8). C. 32-37. Resolution of the arbitration court of the Moscow district (FAS MO) of 24 may 2013 in case no. A40-116644/2012. URL: (accessed 13.05.2009). Sergeev A. P. intellectual property Law in the Russian Federation: textbook. Second edition, revised and expanded. M.: unincorporated business Grizenko, E. M., 2001. 752c. Yablonskaya L. V. Personal-tonal code as creation of an external image of the hero. Bulletin of Adyghe state University. 2015. Issue 1 (152). P. 130-135. |
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Maria A. KhvatovaCandidate of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence, Intellectual Property and Forensic Expertise, the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Bauman Moscow State Technical University (national research University)» (BMSTU), Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Х |
The participation of minors in legal relations in the sphere of banking activities (problems of theory and practice)Abstract Subject/Topic The article deals with the problems of civil status of juvenile participants in legal relations in the sphere of banking activity at the age of 14 to 18 years, the analysis of the volume of their legal capacity in this area. Goals/Objectives Analyze the state of legal regulation of relations in the field of banking activities involving minors, taking into account the comparison of general civil and banking legislation and on the basis of an analysis of judicial practice. Methodology The methodological basis of the study consists of universal methods of knowledge; general scientific research methods, including the system and logic method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy, etc. Conclusion and Relevance On the basis of the systematic interpretation of the Civil code of the Russian Federation by its comparison with banking legislation, as well as on the basis of the analysis of judicial practice, the author comes to the conclusion about the need for legislative clarification of the concept of «other income» and bringing banking regulations in accordance with the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Keywords: law, the Constitution, the law, juveniles, adolescents, capacity, disposal, income, banks, deposits. References: Bank of Russia instruction dated May 30, 2014. № 153-I (ed. November 14, 2016) «On opening and closing bank accounts, accounts for deposits (deposits), deposit accounts» (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia June 19, 2014 No. 32813) // Bulletin of the Bank of Russia, № 60, 06.26.2014. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 06-364 dated August 31, 2010 «On the Application of Legislation on Guardianship and Guardianship to Minors» // Education Herald. 2010. № 19. Khvatova (2014) – Khvatova M.A. Civil legal personality of individuals in the Russian Federation (problems of theory and practice): monograph [Grazhdanskaya pravosub”ektnost’ fizicheskih lic v Rossijskoj Federacii (problemy teorii i praktiki)]. M .: Yurlitinform, 2014. 288с. |
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Albina M.Fathutdinovacandidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor of the Depаrtment of legal regulation of economic activity Department at «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», Mоscow. E-mail: |
The role of the doctrine in modern lawAbstract Subject/Topic The importance of scientific doctrine in the modern law of Russia and Western Europe. Goals/Objectives To reveal the role of legal doctrine in the law of Russia by solving the following tasks: analysis of the concept of «doctrine»; determining the value of this legal institution; studying the basis of the classification of legal doctrines and their individual types; determining the value of legal doctrine in modern Russian law. Methodology The article uses General scientific and private scientific methods of scientific cognition – analysis and synthesis, logical and comparative legal, sociological methods Conclusion and Relevance The conclusion that the concept of «legal doctrine» values differ depending on the legal system in which they are used is substantiated. It is noted that in the Anglo-Saxon legal system the use of scientific doctrine as a source of law is not peculiar. While the Romano-German system, if it does not fully use the doctrinal approach in law enforcement, the basis of a significant number of regulations is just a theoretical study. At the same time, the division of legal doctrines into types is based on completely different factors – the scope, duration of existence, the importance of the author, the degree of participation of the state. Keywords: doctrine, state, law, law enforcement, legal system, legislative acts, legal regulation, sources of law, modern society References: Еnvironmental doctrine of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] [Ekologicheskaya doktrina Rossiyskoy Federatsii, utv. Rasporyazheniem Pravitelstva RF ot 31.08.2002 № 1225-r [Elektronnyiy resurs] // Legal reference system Сonsultant plus [SPS KonsultantPlyus]. The military doctrine of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] [Voennaya doktrina Rossiyskoy Federatsii, utv. Prezidentom RF 25.12.2014 № Pr-2976 [Elektronnyiy resurs]// Legal reference system Сonsultant plus [SPS KonsultantPlyus]. Information security doctrine of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] [Doktrina informatsionnoy bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii, utv. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 05.12.2016 № 646 [Elektronnyiy resurs]// Legal reference system Сonsultant plus [SPS KonsultantPlyus]. Maritime doctrine of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] [Morskaya doktrina Rossiyskoy Federatsii, utv. Prezidentom RF 26.07.2015 [Elektronnyiy resurs] // Legal reference system Сonsultant plus [SPS KonsultantPlyus]. Foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] [Kontseptsiya vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii, utv. Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 30.11.2016 № 640 [Elektronnyiy resurs]// Legal reference system Сonsultant plus [SPS KonsultantPlyus]. Resolution of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1995 [Electronic resource] [Postanovlenie Konstitutsionnogo suda Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 31 iyulya 1995 g. [Elektronnyiy resurs]// Legal reference system Сonsultant plus [SPS KonsultantPlyus]. Baranov (2019) Baranov V.M. Risks of «qualified silence of the legislator»: doctrine, practice, technique [Riski «kvalifitsirovannogo molchaniya zakonodatelya»: doktrina, praktika, tehnika.]// Legal technique. [Yuridicheskaya tehnika]. 2019. № 13. Lyubitenko (2010) – Lyubitenko D.Yu. On the classification of legal doctrines [K voprosu o klassifikatsii pravovyih doktrin] // Bulletin of Perm University. Legal science [Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta. Yuridicheskie nauki], 2010, № 4 (10). Marchenko (2017) – Marchenko M.N. Source of law. Textbook. [Istochniki prava. Uchebnoe posobie.]. M.: Prospect [Prospekt]. 2017. Melehin (2019) – Melehin A.V. Theory of state and law [Teoriya gosudarstva i prava]. M.: Knorus [Knorus], 2019. Savini (2011) – Savini F.K. The system of modern Roman law. [Sistema sovremennogo rimskogo prava]. T.1. M.: Statut [Statut], 2011. Chashin. (2019) – Chashin A.N. Legal doctrine as a source (form) of Russian law: monograph [Pravovaya doktrina kak istochnik (forma) rossiyskogo prava: monografiya]. M.: INFRA-M, 2019. Tsvaygert (2000) – Tsvaygert K., Ketts X. Introduction to comparative law in the field of private law. [Vvedenie v sravnitelnoe pravovedenie v sfere chastnogo prava. V 2-h t. T. 1. Osnovyi.] – M.: International relations [Mezhdunarodnyie otnosheniya], 2000. |
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Ilya S. Iksanovcandidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor of the Depаrtment of legal regulation of economic activity Department at «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», Mоscow. E-mail: |
The characteristics of the judicial practice in cases of supranational citizenship of the eu Court of JusticeAbstract Subject.Topic The article discusses the role of the Court of justice of the EU, the specifics of its activities, its goals, as well as the historical aspect of the development of the court of Justice of the European Union. According to the author, the court of Justice of the European Union had a beneficial effect on the development of the rights granted by Union citizenship. The article reflects the significant improvement of the Court’s activity and reveals the possibilities of dispute resolution. The actions of the court of Justice of the EU have created new ground for persons with Union citizenship, increased access to social benefits beyond the content of the rights of economic migrants. The EU court of justice gave students the opportunity to travel for their education. I was looking for new ways to ensure their free movement and the opportunity to complete training, receiving funding in the event of unforeseen events. Most importantly, the court has focused on three core values to ensure that supranational European citizenship is not devalued. The EU court of Justice focused on non-discrimination of rights, the right to freedom of movement and the right to family life. Keywords: citizenship, rights, freedoms, citizen, human rights, European court of human rights, legal positions of the European court References: Karamanukyan (2013) – Karamanukyan D. T. Acts of the European court of human rights in the Russian legal system [Akty Еvropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka v rossijskoj pravovoj sisteme]: Textbook. Omsk: Omsk law Academy, 2013. Wildhaber (2001) – Wildhaber L. Precedent in the European Court of human rights [Precedent v Еvropejskom Sude po pravam cheloveka] // State and law. 2001. № 12. Ampleeva, Firsov (2015) – Ampleeva E. E., Firsov V. V. Practice of the European Court of human rights, Textbook Part I European system of human rights protection [Praktika Еvropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka, Uchebnoe posobie Chast’ I Еvropejskaya sistema zashchity prav cheloveka]. St. Petersburg, 2015. P. 51. Tiunov (2005) – Tiunov O. I. Legal problems of interstate integration [Pravovye problemy mezhgosudarstvennoj integracii ] // Journal of Russian law [Zhurnal rossijskogo prava]. 2005. № 5. Averyanov (2011) – Averyanov K. Y. Legal positions of the European Court of human rights: the problem of determining the essential characteristics [Pravovye pozicii Еvropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka: problema opredeleniya sushchnostnyh harakteristik ] // Bulletin of the International Institute of Economics and law [Vestnik Mezhdunarodnogo instituta ekonomiki i prava], 2011. C. 122-123. Entin (2003) – Entin M. L. Protection and enforcement of human rights under EU law [Zashchita i obespechenie prav cheloveka po pravu Еvrosoyuza]. M.,2003. 126 p. |
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Svetlana S. Gorokhovacandidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor of the Depаrtment of legal regulation of economic activity Department at «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», Mоscow. E-mail: |
About creation of economic conditions for stimulation of innovative development within ensuring economic security of RussiaAbstract Subject/topic Ensuring economic security of Russia, in particular, the creation of economic conditions to stimulate innovative development of the country’s economy. Subject/topic Ensuring economic security of Russia, in particular, the creation of economic conditions to stimulate innovative development of the country’s economy. Goals/objectives Analysis of a number of points of the Strategy of economic security of Russia, concerning the definition of tasks to create economic conditions to stimulate innovative development. Methodology General philosophical methods of cognition; as well as system, synergetic and logical method. Conclusion. The investigated tasks look reasonable, although not free of some, it is difficult to perceive from the point of view of applied terminology, and regulations. However, it can be concluded that a systematic and serious work. Keywords: economic security, applied research, transfer, public-private partnership. References: Gorokhova (2018) – Gorokhova S. S. On some aspects of improving the legal support of the organization of applied research in the Russian Federation [O nekotoryh aspektah sovershenstvovaniya pravovogo obespecheniya organizacii prikladnyh issledovanij v Rossijskoj Federacii ] //Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series: Economics and law. [Sovremennaya nauka: aktual’nye problemy teorii i praktiki. Seriya: Ekonomika i pravo] 2018. № 5. P. 171 – 175. [in Russian]. Gavrilyuk (2017) – Gavrilyuk A.V. Activation of innovative activity of the state Corporation «Rostec» and prospects of its development in the economic space of the EAEU Aktivizaciya innovacionnoj deyatel’nosti gosudarstvennoj korporacii «Rostekh» i perspektivy ee razvitiya v ekonomicheskom prostranstve ЕAES // Public administration. [Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie] 2017. № 60. P. 49-70. [in Russian]. Rementsov (2017) – Rementsov, A.A. Risk Assessment of public-private partnership in the implementation of infrastructure projects in the road complex [Ocenka riskov gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva pri realizacii infrastrukturnyh proektov v avtodorozhnom komplekse] [Text] : dis. … kand. Econ. Sciences : [dis. … kand. ekon. nauk] 08.00.05 / A. A. Rementsov. – M., 2017. P. 29-30. [in Russian]. Zaporozhan (2017) – Zaporozhan A. Y. Problems of formation and prospect of development of public-private partnership in Russia [Problemy formirovaniya i perspektiva razvitiya gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva v Rossii] //Power and economy [Vlast’ i ekonomika]. 2017. № 4. P. 66. [in Russian]. Kaigorodov, Gracheva (2016) – Kaygorodov A. G., Gracheva M. L. Organizational-economic support of transfer of innovative activities [Organizacionno-ekonomicheskoe obespechenie transfera v innovacionnoj deyatel’nosti] // Modern high technologies. [Sovremennye naukoemkie tekhnologii]. 2016. № 3 (47). P. 93-99[in Russian]. |
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Maryam A. Ahmadovacandidate of Law Sciences, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Russia, 117198, Moscow Miklukho-Maklaya str. 6. Email: |
Guarantees to protect the interests of foreign investors in South Korea: some aspectsAbstract Subject / topic The subject of this research is the provision of certain legal guarantees to foreign investors, reflected in the provisions of the national legislation of the Republic of Korea, taking into account its recent changes. The scope of copyright concerns such guarantees as a guarantee of compensation for the expropriation (nationalization) of the property of a foreign investor; transfer of payments related to investment activities; insurance of non-commercial risks of foreign investors; proper resolution of an investment dispute. Goals / Objectives The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the provisions of the national investment legislation, which helps to ensure the preservation of the property of the investor and to guarantee his rights in the territory of the state by investing capital. Methodology General scientific methods are used in the work: system analysis and generalization of normative material, formal and dialectical logic: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, hypotheses, analogies, and special methods of legal and legal research – system analysis and interpretation of legal norms. Conclusion According to the results of the study, the author came to the conclusion that the Korean investment legislation, which is constantly being reformed in order to further liberalize the legal component of the country’s investment policy, fixes all the basic guarantees of protecting the interests of foreign investors that are financial and political. Keywords: Korea, investments, legal guarantees of investors, expropriation of property, insurance of investments, guarantee of transfer of payments, non-commercial risks, international commercial arbitration. References: (ИКСИД/ICSID) [рус., англ.] (Concluded in the city of Washington 03/18/1965). // From the information bank «International Law» of ATP «Consultant Plus». URL: doc & base = INT & n = 15167 # 010958474149590569 (accessed: 01/30/2019). Bogatyrev A.G. Investment law [Investitsionnoe pravo]. M. 1992. P.65. Bulletin of the Armed Forces of the USSR, 10.23.1991, № 43, Art. 1181. Doronina N.G., Semilyutina N.G. Russian legislation on foreign investments and the problem of insurance of foreign investors [Rossiyskoe zakonodatelstvo ob inostrannyih investitsiyah i problema strahovaniya nekommercheskih riskov inostrannyih investorov ] // Legal regulation of foreign investments in Russia [Pravovoe regulirovanie inostrannyih investitsiy v Rossii]. / Ed. ed. A.G. Svetlanov. M. 1995. p. 112; Bogatyrev A.G. Investment law [Investitsionnoe pravo]. M. 1992. p. 22. Sinyakova A.F. Current trends in the insurance market of the Republic of Korea [Aktualnyie tendentsii strahovogo ryinka Respubliki Koreya]. // Korea before new challenges [Koreya pered novyimi vyizovami]. – Moscow: IFES RAS, 2017. P. 24-215 (448 p.). See at (дата обращения: 13.05.2019). See. по адресу (дата обращения: 13.05.2019). See at (дата обращения: 13.05.2019). See at: (дата обращения: 14.01.2019) See at: The legal nature of investment disputes and some aspects of the procedure for their resolution by investors from the BRICS countries in ICSID [Pravovaya priroda investitsionnyih sporov i nekotoryie aspektyi protseduryi ih raz-resheniya investorami iz stran BRIKS v MTsUIS]. // Bulletin of arbitration practice [Vestnik arbitrazhnoy praktiki]. 2018. № 2 (75). Р. 67-78. See at: Nanolek and the South Korean company Green Cross intend to cooperate in the field of biopharmaceutics [Nanolek i yuzhnokoreyskaya kompaniya Grin Kross namerenyi sotrudnichat v oblasti biofarmatsevtiki]. URL: (appeal date: 02.21.2019) See at: Labin D.К. International law to protect and promote foreign investment [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo po zaschite i pooschreniyu inostrannyih investitsiy]. M. 2008. Р. 65; Komarov A.S., Zabelova L.B. Legal regulation of relations for the promotion and mutual protection of capital investments: A manual for students of 4-5 courses of the Moscow Oblast Fund and students of the third course of the Moscow Oblast Fund [Pravovoe regulirovanie otnosheniy po pooschreniyu i vzaimnoy zaschite kapitalovlozheniy: Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov 4-5 kursov d/o MPF i slushateley 3 kursa v/o MPF]. – Moscow: GOU VPO VAVT Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, 2011. 90 p. See at: Belikova K.M. 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Р. 180-188. See at: Chereshneva, IA Territories with a special mode of business activity: the experience of China [Territorii so spetsialnyim rezhimom osuschestvleniya predprinimatelskoy deyatelnosti: opyit Kitaya] // Actual problems of Russian law [Aktualnyie problemyi rossiyskogo prava]. 2018. № 6. Р. 162 – 168. A view from Seoul: how is arbitration viewed in Korea and how is it changing? URL: (дата обращения: 14.01.2019). Arbitration Act № 6083, Dec. 31, 1999. URL: (дата обращения: 13.05.2019). Arbitration Industry Promotion Act № 14471, Dec. 27, 2016. URL: (дата обращения: 13.05.2019). Civil Procedure Act № 547 of April 4, 1960, as last amended by Act No. 9171 of December 26, 2008. URL: (дата обращения: 13.05.2019). Commercial Act № 1000 of January 20, 1962 (as amended by Act No. 10696, May 23, 2011). URL: (дата обращения: 17.02.2019). Foreign Exchange Transaction Act, 1998. URL: (дата обращения: 30.01.2019). Foreign Investment Promotion Act, 1998. 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Nina A. KhoshobinaPhD Student, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.
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Enforcement mechanism for the implementation of the investors’ interests in Japan and South KoreaAbstract Importance This article focuses on enforcement mechanism for the implementation of the investors’ interests in Japan and South Korea. The object of the research drew up legislation of Japan and South Korea, scientific articles. Objective. The objective of the research is to study the enforcement mechanism of the investors’ interests under the laws of Japan and South Korea in the context of the development of the global investment market. Research problems of the study determine the main ways of securing and protecting the rights of foreign investors in Japan and South Korea. Methods While conducting the study, the author applied formal logical methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and the formal legal method, methods of synchronous and diachronic comparison. The study was based on a comparative legal approach. Conclusions and Relevance According to the results of the study, the author considered the peculiarities of ensuring the rights of foreign investors under the laws of Japan and South Korea. Attracting foreign investment is becoming an important part of the economic strategy of the leading countries of the world. Japan is one of the largest economies in the world and the Republic of Korea, as one of the most dynamically developing states, demonstrates a high interest in attracting foreign investment. The author found that in order to create a favorable investment climate, various bodies are being created, government and departmental programs are being adopted that formulate the main steps to increase the investment attractiveness of countries. One of the most important elements of increasing investment attractiveness is the creation of effective mechanisms to ensure and protect the rights of foreign investors. Keywords: Investment, enforcement mechanism, interest, Foreign Direct Investments, FDI, Japan, South Korea, JETRO, NEXI. References: Japan Revitalization Strategy from 14thJune, 2013. URL: (Accessed: 02.04.2019). Bystedt C.-G., Bonnardel N., Delgorge D., Glatz M. et. al. Investing and localizing in Japan./ EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation. Tokyo, 2011. 42 p. Foreign Investment Promotion Act from 16th September 1998 No. 5559. URL: (Accessed: 09.04.2019). GDP Rankings of The World’s Largest Economies, 2019. URL: (Accessed 02.04.2019). Invest Japan Business Support Center (IBSC). URL: (Accessed: 09.04.2019). InvestKorea. URL: 09.04.2019). Investment Climate Statement – Japan, 2012. URL: (Accessed: 07.04.2019). Japan External Trade Organization – JETRO. URL: (Accessed: 09.04.2019). Japan: Foreign investment. FDI in Figures. URL: (Accessed: 21.05.2019). Korean Free Economic Zones. URL: (Accessed: 21.05.2019). The Radio Law of Japan from 2nd May 1950 № 131. (на яп. яз. 電波法) URL: (Accessed: 21.05.2019). World investment report 2018. Investment and new industrial policies. / United Nations publication, Sales № E.18.II.D.4. 45 p. Yoon Y.S. Korea’s R&D Spending to GDP Ratio Highest in the World. URL.: (Accessed: 21.05.2019). Belikova K.M. Japan’s investment strategy [InvestitsionnayastrategiyaYaponii].// Law and Politics [Pravoipolitika]. 2018. № 7. P. 47-62.DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2018.7.26671 URL: (Accessed: 02.08.2018). Belikova K.M. National legal features of the implementation of investments in the economies of Russia, South Korea and Japan [Natsionalno-pravovyieosobennostirealizatsiiinvestitsiy v ekonomikiRossii, YuzhnoyKoreiiYaponii]. // Legal research [Yuridicheskieissledovaniya]. 2019. № 2. P. 1-9. DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.2.29011. URL: https:// (Accessed: 26.02.2019). Civil process and civil law in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region: monograph [Grazhdanskiyprotsessigrazhdanskoezakonodatelstvo v stranahAziatsko-Tihookeanskogoregiona]/ V.V. Bezbach, K.M. Belikova, N.V. Badayev, [and others]. [monografiya / V.V. Bezbah, K.M. Belikova, N.V. Badaeva, [i dr.]]. M .: PFUR [RUDN], 2015. 345 p. Law «On the restoration of solvency and corporate support» of June 26, 2009 № 63 [Zakon o «O vosstanovleniiplatezhesposobnostiikorporativnoypodderzh-keot 26 iyunya 2009 g. № 63.]. (in Japanese. 株式会社企業再生支援機構法). URL.: (Accessed: 09.04.2019). Investments in South Korea reached record levels in 2018 [Investitsii v YuzhnuyuKoreyudostiglirekordnyihznacheniy v 2018 godu]. URL: (Accessed: 07.04.2019). Korovin N. The problem of attracting foreign direct investment in Japan (2000–2015). [Korovin N.M. Problema privlecheniya pryamyih inostrannyih investitsiy v Yaponiyu (2000–2015 gg.)] / / Japanese research [Yaponskieissledovaniya]. 2017. № 1. C. 33-37. Kuznetsov A.V. Features of the investment strategy of Japan and the prospects for cooperation with Russia [Kuznetsov A.V. OsobennostiinvestitsionnoystrategiiYaponiiiperspek-tivyisotrudnichestva s Rossiey.]. // Finance: theory and practice [Finansyi: teoriyaipraktika]. 2017. T. 21. № 6. P. 106-112. The policy of foreign direct investment in South Korea [Politikapryamyihinostrannyihinvestitsiy v Yuzhnoy Koree]. URL: (Accessed: 09.04.2019). Belikova K.M. Investicionnaya politika I strategii privlecheniya investicij v YUzh-nojKoree: retrospektivaisovremennoesostoyanie. // Problemy ekonomiki i yuridiche-skojpraktiki. 2018. № 2. P. 131-137. |
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Nikolai V. DemidovCandidate of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law of the Law Institute of Tomsk State University; Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law, West-Siberian Branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Tomsk.
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Employee familiarization with the internal company labor policies: analysis of the judicial practiceAbstract Subject / topic Practical aspects of the relationship to familiarize the employee with the rules of internal labor regulations (RILR) as a special case of a local regulatory act. Goals / Objectives Studying the approaches developed by judicial practice to fill the gaps in the legislation in the field of familiarizing an employee with RILR, elaboration of proposals for improving the norms of labor law to familiarize an employee with local regulatory legal acts. Methodology Used methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, formal logical, dialectical. Conclusion and Relevance Familiarization of the employee with the RILR determines the possibility of bringing the employee to disciplinary and financial responsibility, allows to prove the actual labor relations in court. At the same time, the legislator has not regulated the methods of familiarization; gaps are filled by judicial practice. The study of court decisions makes it possible to consider the employee’s signature to be recorded on the sheets of the local act, on a separate sheet of familiarization, the inclusion of the relevant condition in the employment contract as permissible methods of familiarizing with the RILR. The general criterion is receipt of a receipt on a tangible medium, which makes electronic distribution and public placement unacceptable. On the whole, the existing gaps contradict the paradigm of administrativeism in labor law chosen by the Russian legislator. Keywords: labor relations, gaps in labor legislation, judicial practice, local regulatory act, internal labor regulations, disciplinary responsibility, administrative paradigm. References: Appeal definition of the Moscow City Court of November 16, 2015 № 33-42410. Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the North-Western District of October 30, 2014 № A52-245. The decision of the Konakovo City Court of the Tver Region dated April 4, 2016 № 2-436. Appeal definition of the Moscow City Court of February 20, 2015 № 33-5549. Appeal definition of the Moscow City Court of February 8, 2016 № 33-4253. Appeal definition of the Moscow City Court of 24.11.2015 № 33-42376. The definition of the Lipetsk Regional Court of January 17, 2011 № 33-62. Appeal definition of the Altai Regional Court of March 23, 2016 № 33-3080. The decision of the Apatity City Court of the Murmansk Region dated June 20, 2014 № 2-999. Decision of the Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Krasnoyarsk dated 30.05.2012 № 2-1027. Appeal definition of the Primorsky regional court of 06.03.2014 № 33-1126. Decision of the Nizhneingashsky District Court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of December 26, 2014 № 2-520. The decision of the Konakovo City Court of the Tver Region of April 4, 2016 № 2-436. The decision of the Soviet District Court of Tomsk dated August 13, 2012 № 2-1801. Appeal definition of the Tula regional court of March 10, 2016 № 33-522. |
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Evgenia V. Ivanovapostgraduate, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
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To the question about the possibility of borrowing of foreign rules of law for the construction of the disposition of article 126 of the criminal code of RussiaAbstract Subject/Topic The approach of the international community to the definition of the kidnapping is analyzed in the article, also positive and negative sites of various models of the law regulation of the question of the criminal responsibility for the kidnapping accepted in different states are distinguished. The norms which afford to arraign a parent or another near relative for the an unlawful withdrawal of their child are separately reviewed. Goals/Objectives The analysis of the foreign law norms to the subject of determination of this norms to the new redaction of the article 126 of the Criminal Code of Russia are pointed in the article. Methodology General scientific and special methods of scientific cognition have been used during the research conducted including analytical, comparative legal, systemic methods etc. Conclusion and Relevance The main difficulties in determination of the objective site of the kidnapping is common for foreign countries legislation and for the Russian Criminal Law; there is no foreign law norms which could be useful for the new redaction of the article 126 of the Criminal Code of Russia. Keywords: kidnapping, models of the norms about the criminal responsibility for the kidnapping, foreign legislation, kidnaping of the child, parent’s criminal responsibility. References: Vlasov, Mihal (2015) – Vlasov U.A., Mihal O.A. The qualification of the kidnapping: the theory and practice [Kvalifikaciya pohishcheniya cheloveka: teoriya i praktika: monografiya]. M., 2015. 160 p. Gorodnova (2012) – Gorodnova O.N. Child abduction by a parent as a criminal offence [Pohishchenie rebenka odnim iz roditelej kak ugolovno nakazuemoe deyanie ]// Chuvash university Gerald [Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta]. 2012. № 1. P. 129-135. Esakov, Rarog, Chuchaev (2008) – Esakov G. A., Rarog A. I., Chuchaev A. I. Handbook of the judge in criminal cases [Nastol’naya kniga sud’i po ugolovnym delam]. M., 2008. 576 p. Inogamova-Hegay, Rarog, Chuchaev (2009) – Inogamova-Hegay L. V., Rarog A. I., Chuchaev A. I. Criminal law of the Russian Federation. Special part [Ugolovnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii. Osobennaya chast’]: Tutorial. M., 2009. 559 p. Postovalova (2016) – Postovalova E. A. The history of the development of the legislation regulating the responsibility for the kidnapping of the person [Istoriya razvitiya zakonodatel’stva, reglamentiruyushchego otvetstvennost’ za pohishchenie cheloveka ] // Actual problems of law, Economics and management [Aktual’nye problemy prava, ekonomiki i upravleniya]. 2016. Issue. XII. P. 173-176. |
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Sergey P. StaviloCandidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor, Department of criminal law and criminology Novorossiysk branch of Krasnodar University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, Novorossiysk.
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The contradictions of criminal law in a separate terrorist crimesAbstract Subject/Topic The subject of scientific research in the framework of this article are criminal law, which provides for criminal liability for certain crimes of a terrorist nature, as well as a number of problems related to the qualification of the crimes in question. Goals/Objectives The aim of the study is an attempt to identify and describe the contradictions, inaccuracies and shortcomings associated with the construction of the analyzed criminal law in the criminal law, to formulate the main directions of their further improvement. Methodology The methodology is represented by General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, formal legal method. Conclusion and Relevance An attempt is made to identify the main «problematic» issues of qualification of individual crimes of a terrorist nature, the principles of their separation from related crimes are considered, contradictions, inaccuracies and shortcomings associated with the construction of the analyzed criminal law in the criminal law are described, the main directions of their further improvement are formulated, the theoretical and legal basis for further criminalization of negative social and legal phenomena related to terrorism is defined. Keywords: criminal law norm, contradictions, crime, terrorism, signs, qualification. References: Gabidullin (2019)- Gabidullin E. S. About the main direct object of the attack of a terrorist act and terrorist activity [Ob osnovnom neposredstvennom ob”ekte posyagatel’stva terroristicheskogo akta i terroristicheskoj deyatel’nosti ] // Russian investigator [Rossijskij sledovatel’]. 2019. № 1. P. 42-46. Litvyak, Troitskaya, Bondarev (2016) – Litvyak L. G., Troitskaya E. V., Bondarev S. P. Problems of qualification of crimes of an extremist orientation [Problemy kvalifikacii prestuplenij ekstremistskoj napravlennosti]. Krasnodar: Krasnodar University of the Russian interior Ministry [Krasnodar: Krasnodarskij universitet MVD Rossii], 2016. 84 p. Rueva, Vrazhnov (2019) – Rueva E. O., Vrazhnov A. S. Problems of definition formulation in extremist crimes [Problemy formulirovaniya definicij v prestupleniyah ekstremistskoj napravlennosti ] // Russian investigator [Rossijskij sledovatel’]. 2019. № 4. P. 36-40. |
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Sergey I. Girkochief researcher of the PKU research Institute of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia, doctor of legal Sciences, professor, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
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Inquiry in abbreviated form: the theoretical and organizational problemsAbstract Subject/Topic Practice of expedited inquiry: organizational and theoretical problems. Goals/objectives On March 4, 2013, after a 15-year break, the unified pre-trial proceedings in the form of a procedural form called «Inquiry in a shortened form» were returned to the Russian criminal procedure legislation. It happened for the first time after persistent long-term requirements of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the person of specialized departments of inquiry – the main subjects of the accelerated pre-trial production which according to statistics is carried out more than 95% of all pre-trial productions on the accelerated procedure. At the stage of the adoption of this novel, a significant number of scientists expressed skeptical assessments of the innovation, making claims of both theoretical nature and disappointing forecasts of the practical use of the introduced model. After 5 years, it is quite acceptable to assess the quality of the legislative initiative five years ago, both in terms of scientific approaches, and from the standpoint of the current practice of accelerated inquiry. In addition, it is appropriate to analyze the Russian model of inquiry in a shortened form through the prism of foreign practice of accelerated pre-trial proceedings, the experience of the Russian Empire. Methodology Analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, problem statement, hypotheses, specification, monitoring. Conclusion and Relevance The author comes to the conclusion that the practice of pre-trial proceedings in an accelerated form every year is increasingly mastered by the police practice, reaching at the end of 2018 a little less than 28%, unevenly spreading across the regions of the Russian Federation. At the heart of such a non-uniform practice are, first of all, the reasons are not theoretical, and organizational properties. Moreover, the model of inquiry in a shortened form, regulated by the code of criminal procedure, largely corresponds to international analogues, standards.. Keywords: inquiry in the reduced form, the international standards of police inquiry, the accelerated pre-judicial production, model of the accelerated inquiry, organizational measures of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, scales of application of the accelerated inquiry References: Girko (2013) – Girko S.I. Criminal proceedings of inquiry in abbreviated form: forecasts and judgments [Proizvodstvo po ugolovnomu delu doznanija v sokrashennoj forme: prognozi I suzjdenija]// Russian investigator [Rossijskij sledovatel]. 2013. № 21. Sumin (2013). Sumin A.A. Abbreviated inquiry: stillborn child of reformers of criminal procedure [Sokraschennoe doznanie: mertvorozhdennoe ditja reformatorov ugolovnogo processa] // Lawyer. [Loier] 2013. № 10. Dolja (2013) Dolja E.A. Features of evidence in the production of inquiry in abbreviated form [Osobennosti dokasivanija pri proizvodstve doznanija v sokrashennoi forme] // Russian judge [Rossijskij sudja]. 2013. № 6. Badoyan (2015) Bodojan S.M. Problematic issues of legal regulation of the order of the inquiry in a shortened form [ Problemnie voprosi pravovogo regulirovanija porjadka osushestvlenija doznanija v sokrashennoi forme] // Forensic tactics: the current state and prospects of development: [Kriminalisticheskaja taktika: sovremennoje sostojanie I perspektivi rasvitija] SB.mate. 56-Forensic. readings’. Part 1.M: Academy of internal Affairs of Russia, 2015. Belkin (2009) Belkin A.R. Inquiry in simplified form: doubtful scheme with truncated proof. Internet resource [Doznanije v uproschennoy forme : somnitelnaja shema s usechennim dokasivanijem]: -request from 23.01.2009 Bezlepkin (2015) Bezlepkin B.T., the Comment to code of criminal procedure: article-by-article [Kommentarij k UPK Rossijskoi Federacii]. 13th edition, perab. and additional M,: Prospect [Prospect, Moscov], 2015. Belkin (2013) Belkin A.R. Сode of criminal procedure: constructive criticism and possible improvements [ UPK RF konstruktivnaja kritica I vozmozhnie uluchenija] Part VII: initiation of criminal proceedings [Vozbuzhdenije ugolovnogo dela] 2-e Izd., DOP. M:, mgupi,[Moscow], 2013. Bezlepkin (2018) Bezlepkin B.T., Comment to the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation (article) .[Kommentarij k Ugolovno-processualnomu kodeksu Rossijscoi Federacii (postateinij)]. 14-e Izd. Pererab. and additional – Moscow: Prospect, 2018. Volevodz, Litvishko (2011) Volevods A.G., Litvishko P.A. Features of the simplified (accelerated) criminal sudoproizvodstva under the legislation of some European countries [Osobennosti uproschennogo (uscorennogo) ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva po zakonodatelstvu nekotorih evropeiskih stran]//State and law. – [Gosudarstvo I pravo] Yerevan [Erevan], 2011. № 1 (51). Frantsiforov (2015) Franciforov U.V. Ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of participants of process by manufacture of inquiry in abbreviated form [Obespechenije prav I zakonnih interesov uchastnikov processa pri proizvodstve doznanija v sokrashennoi forme] // the Judiciary and the criminal process [Sudebnaja vlast I ugolovnij process] 2015. № 4. Instruction to police officers on detection and investigation of crimes of the Prosecutor of the Moscow Judicial Chamber [Instruktsija chinam policii po obnarusheniju I issledovaniju prestuplenij Prokurora Sudebnoj Palati]. Collection and guide to the preparation of police reports with annexes [Sbornik I rukovodstvo k sostavleniju policejskih protokolov s prilosjenijami]. Publication of the Legal Bookstore I. I. Zubkov, under the firm of Jurisprudence. St. Petersburg [St. Petersburg], Foundry Ave., 53. 1911. Gavrilov (2018) Gavrilov B.Y., The Doctrine of pre-trial proceedings: present and future [Doktrina dosudebnogo proizvodstva: nastojashee I budushee]// Russian justice [Rossijskaja Usticija]. 2018. № 1. Legal consultant [Uridicheskij consultant]: Monthly information and practical journal [Egemesjachnij informacionno-practicheskij dgurnal]. № 3. M.: |
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Natalia N. Bocharovasenior lecturer, Department of financial law Federal state Autonomous educational institution «Southern Federal University», Rostov-on-don, Russia. E-mail: Denis V. Tolmachevlaw student Federal state Autonomous educational institution «Southern Federal University», Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: Nijat N.oglu Muradovlaw student Federal state Autonomous educational institution «Southern Federal University», Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: |
Analysis of some peculiarities of the legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian FederationAbstract Subject/theme The subject of the research is public relations related to the issues of legal regulation of the status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the identification of the features of this status: the duality of the legal position of the Bank of the Russian Federation, its place in the system of state bodies, the specifics of the functional. Goals/objectives The purpose of the study is a detailed analysis of certain provisions of the legislation establishing the legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, regulating its powers, interaction with other state bodies, as well as comparison with foreign experience. Methodology The methodological basis of the study are: General methods of cognition; General scientific methods, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and comparison; private scientific methods, such as formal legal method; and comparative legal. Conclusion The legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is characterized by specificity and ambiguity: on the one hand, it is a state body, similar in its powers to the Federal Executive authorities, having regulatory and Supervisory powers, and on the other hand, it is a Bank that carries out banking ctivities, while profit-making is not the purpose of such activities. The paper concludes that this status of the Bank of Russia is formulated not by chance – it is done to protect the economic and financial interests of Russia. Keywords: Central Bank of the Russian Federation; state body; Executive power; control; supervision, regulation; legal entity. References: Konstituciya Rossiiskoi Federacii (prinyata vsenarodnim golosovaniem 12.12.1993, (s uchetom popravok_ vnesennih Zakonami RF o popravkah k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 № 6- FKZ) ot 30.12.2008 № 7- FKZ ot 05.02.2014 № 2- FKZ ot 21.07.2014 № 11- FKZ). Grajdanskii kodeks RF. Federalnii zakon Federalnii zakon ot 10.07.2002 № 86_FZ (red. ot 27.12.2018) «O Centralnom banke Rossiiskoi Federacii (Banke Rossii)» (s izm. i dop) vstup. v silu s 01.01.2019 // Rossiiskaya gazeta. № 127. 13.07.2002. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 09.03.2004 № 314 (red. ot 12.04.2019) «O sisteme i strukture federalnih organov ispolnitelnoi vlasti» // Rossiiskaya gazeta. № 50. 12.03.2004. Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF ot 30.06.2004 № 329 (red. ot 29.09.2018) «O Ministerstve finansov Rossiiskoi Federacii» // Rossiiskaya gazeta. № 162. 31.07.2004. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 14.12.2000 № 268-O «O proverke konstitucionnosti chisti tretei st.75 FZ «O Centralnom banke Rossii». Zakon «O Federalnoi Rezervnoi Sisteme». Razd. 4, gl. 2. |
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Victoria V. Alexandrovastudent, bachelor, Finance University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. Email: Vladimir I. Bilyakstudent, bachelor, Finance University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
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Euthanasia as a form of realization of the right to death in modern statesAbstract Subject/topic This article comprehensively considers the problem of euthanasia realization as a right to death in Russia in comparison with European countries. The boundaries of euthanasia are determined, the current legislation and statistics of euthanasia application in different countries are analyzed in detail. Goal/objectives The main purpose of this work was to show the importance of the phenomenon of euthanasia and the need for a more adequate and loyal attitude to its use by citizens in dire need of it. That is why we propose to legalize euthanasia for patients without a chance of recovery. At the same time, a system of euthanasia should be clearly developed. Methodology Research includes a symbiosis of principles, means and methods of General philosophical, General scientific and private scientific approaches. The authors use historical, logical, system and structural-functional methods. Specifically, legal methods are represented by formal legal and comparative legal methods. Conclusions and Relevance Unsolved theoretically, continuing to be the subject of discussion as a problem, euthanasia is already being implemented in life, in medical practice, in legal laws. And regulation must meet this challenge of our time. We propose to legalize euthanasia in Russia with the restriction of use for terminally ill people that give them their right to death. Keywords: euthanasia, right to death, assisted suicide, personal rights, passive euthanasia, termination of life, voluntary euthanasia, «easy death». Reference: Fomichev E. K. Euthanasia as a form of realization of the right to death: General Theoretical aspect [Fomichev E.K. Evtanaziya kak forma realizacii prava na smert’: Obshcheteoreticheskij aspect]. Tambov. 2006. 225 PP. UK Australia. Scientific editing prof. I. D. Kozochkin, E.N. Tights [UK Avstralii. Nauchnoe redaktirovanie prof. I.D. Kozochkin, E.N. Trikoz]. Translation by E. N. Tights. St. Petersburg, Law center Press, 2002. Mustafayev S. E. Oglou. Euthanasia: legalization and criminal liability [Mustafaev S. E.Ogly. Evtanaziya: legalizaciya i ugolovnaya otvetstvennost’ ]. // Actual problems of Russian law. 2016. №3 (64). Bases of the legislation of the Russian Federation about health protection of citizens (as amended on 29.12.2004) [Osnovy zakonodatel’stva Rossijskoj Federacii ob ohrane zdorov’ya grazhdan (red. ot 29.12.2004)]. // SND and VS Russian Federation from 19.08.1993, No. 33, article 1318, Sz of the Russian Federation dated 06.12.2004, No. 49, p. 4850. Bykova S.U Ethical and philosophical aspects of the problem of euthanasia [Bykova S.YU. Etiko-filosofskie aspekty problemy evtanazii ]. Moscow. 1993. 118s Yu. A. Chernysheva. Euthanasia is the right to die [U.A. CHernysheva. Evtanaziya – pravo na smert’]. Journal “Medical law”, N 3, may-June 2017 The criminal code of Belgium of 08.06.1867 (as amended on 01.01.2012) [Ugolovnyj kodeks Bel’gii ot 08.06.1867 g. (v redakcii ot 01.01.2012 g.)] |
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Vladimir I. Bilyak Maksimovstudent, bachelor, Moscow, Russia. Email: Daniil S.student, bachelor, Moscow, Russia. Email: |
The institute of trade secrets as a means of protecting intellectual propertyAbstract Subject/topic Particularly relevant today is the problem of disclosure of trade secrets by employees of enterprises, which, despite all the preventive measures, according to statistics, happens more often. This article comprehensively examines the problem of disclosure and protection of trade secrets in the Russian Federation. Goal/objectives The main purpose of this work was to trace the trends in the development of the Institute of trade secrets in Russia, to define the concept of «insider information», to understand how this institution is regulated. Methodology The authors use historical, logical, system and structural-functional methods. Specifically, legal methods are represented by formal-legal and comparative-legal methods, which were most often used in the course of the study. Conclusions and Relevance There are negative trends in the protection of trade secrets. In international practice, there are often examples of disclosure of both trade secrets and insider information. The authors believe that the information about the company should remain secret, otherwise the companies will face all sorts of difficulties and will suffer losses. Keywords: trade secret, intellectual property, know-how, insider information, secrets of production. Reference: Law: textbook for academic undergraduate ed. VI Avdiyskogo, L. A. Bukalerova [Pravovedenie: uchebnik dlya akademicheskogo bakalavriata pod red. V. I. Avdijskogo, L. A. Bukalerovoj.] . — 4th ed., TRANS. and extra — M.: urait, 2018, p. 179, 180 I. Avdiyskiy and L. A. Bukalerova “Jurisprudence” 3rd edition of the per. and additional [V.I. Avdijskij i L.A. Bukalerova «Pravovedenie» 3-e izdanie per. i dop.] Textbook for academic bachelor, p. 233 The Russian newspaper / FZ “About the trade secret” of 29.07.2004 N 98 [Rossijskaya gazeta / FZ «O kommercheskoj tajne» ot 29.07.2004 N 98] The Russian newspaper /the Order of the Government of RSFSR of 05.12.1991 N 35 “About the list of data which cannot make the trade secret» [Rossijskaya gazeta /Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RSFSR ot 05.12.1991 N 35 «O perechne svedenij, kotorye ne mogut sostavlyat’ kommercheskuyu tajnu»] Macedonian S. A., Nikishova A.V. “Limitations and difficulties of protection of trade secrets” [Makedonskij S.A., Nikishova A.V. «Ogranicheniya i slozhnosti zashchity kommercheskoj tajny»] international scientific journal “Symbol of science” №03-2/2017 p. 89 |
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Maria A. Gnevushevastudent of the Institute of correspondence open education, bachelor, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Administrative and criminal liability for violation of copyright, related and patent rightsAnnotation Subject/topic This paper deals with administrative and criminal liability for violation of copyright, related and patent rights. Goals/objectives. Determine what constitutes administrative and criminal liability for violation of intellectual property rights and what punishment will follow for these violations. Methodology The paper uses two methods of scientific knowledge: the method of collecting facts and the method of synthesis and analysis of information. The first method was used to collect data on administrative and criminal violations. Using the second method, the collected data were analyzed and summarized. Conclusion To date, the Russian Federation has a well-developed system of legal norms governing relations on the creation and use of the results of intellectual activity. The main problems of legal protection of the results of copyright are concentrated in the practical plane. The gap between the requirements of the legislation and the real state of Affairs is very large. Keywords: administrative liability, criminal liability, copyright, related law, patent law, intellectual property, punishment, fine. References: Right intellectual property: actual problems: monograph / under total. ed. E. A. Morgunova. 2 e ed., Pererab. M. : Norm: INFRA M, 2017. 192 p. Intellectual property right. T. 2. Copyright law: Textbook / L. A. Novoselova. M .: Statute, 2017. 367 p. Civil Code RF: Copyright law. Rights adjacent to copyright. Post comments to chapters 69-71 / Under П. ed P. V. Krasheninnikov. M.: Statute, 2014. 510 p. URL: // |
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Maria O. SizovaStudent of the Higher School of Economics, Jurisprudence bachelor program, Moscow, Russia.
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Existence of justice in tax right: fiction or principle?Abstract Subject / topic Today, in the legal literature, the question arises about the existence of the principle of fairness of taxation, namely the principle of fairness when establishing a proportional (single tax rate regardless of the tax base) and a progressive tax rate (the tax rate increases as the tax base increases). Consider this discussion on the example of NDFL, in connection with the first reading of the draft law № 384276-7 «On Amendments to Chapter 23 of the RF Tax Code regarding the introduction of the progressive scale of NDFL», which will be considered in March 2019.Goals / Objectives The main purpose of this work is to implement the principle of justice in life by finding a balance between taxpayers and the state. The objectives of this study is to analyze the proportional and progressive tax rates, systematization of the pros and cons of these tax rates.Methodology The main research methods: analysis, synthesis, observation, comparative and statistical methods. Conclusion In the Tax Code of the Russian Federation there is a principle of justice, but in my opinion, if a progressive tax rate is established, justice will be fiction, since the state provides equal public services in return for all citizens, in particular, citizens have the right to get an education, find a job, conduct business activities as a result, the progressive tax rate limits the interest of citizens to the desire to achieve more.Keywords: Tax Code of the Russian Federation, principle of justice, elements of the principle of justice, differentiated tax rates, proportional tax rate, progressive tax rate, personal income tax. References: Aristov Y.V. Public goods: concept and constitutional legal characteristic [Obshchestvennye blaga: koncepciya i konstitucionno – pravovaya harakteristika.] // Bulletin of Perm University. Jurisprudence. 2016. № 2. P. 149-157 Malko A.V., Morozova I.S. Benefits in Russian law (problems of theory and practice) [L’goty v rossijskom prave (problemy teorii i praktiki)]. Saratov: Saratov State Academy of Law, 2004. P. 49. Maiburov I. A., Ushak N. V., Kosov M. E. Taxes and taxation. [Nalogi i nalogooblozheniye]. M.: Unity-dana, 2011. № 2. P. 422Smith A. Study on the nature and causes of the wealth of nations [Issledovaniye o prirode i prichinakh bogatstva narodov]. M: Eksmo, 2009. P. 761Spregner G.. Interaction: considerations about the anthropological understanding of the extent of justice [Vzaimodeystviye: soobrazheniya po povodu antropologicheskogo ponimaniya masshtabov spravedlivosti].// State and law. 2004. № 5. P. 27. |
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