Economy Business Banks №5(31)



Svetlana S. Gorokhova

candidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor of the Depаrtment of legal regulation of economic activity Department at “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Mоscow. E-mail:

The development and introduction of new technologies, as the direction of the state policy in the sphere of ensuring economic security of russia


Subject/topic Relations related to the development of technologies to strengthen the competitive position of Russia in the global markets of products with high added value, which are the object of strategic planning to ensure the economic security of our state.

Goals/objectives Comprehensive analysis of a number of provisions of the Strategy of economic security of Russia for the period up to 2030, relating to the definition of public policy objectives to recreate the economic prerequisites for the development and implementation of innovative technologies.

Methodology Includes: General philosophical methods of cognition; as well as synergetic and systemic method, formal legal, statistical method and others.

Conclusion Set out in the Strategy task is very important, and over time, carried out serious work on their implementation. At the same time, some real, very encouraging results have been achieved (for example, a unique technology of layer-by-layer laser fusion for 3D printing has been developed), but many of the positions of the tasks set raise serious concerns in terms of their feasibility.

Keywords: security, economic security, Photonics, biotechnologies, additive technologies, venture financing.


Prilukov (2006) – Prilukov M.V. The Role of business (competitive) intelligence in national security and political stability in the Russian Federation.[ Rol’ delovoj (konkurentnoj) razvedki v obespechenii nacional’noj bezopasnosti i politicheskoj stabil’nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii] : diss … kand. polit. sciences’ : [diss. … kandid. рolit. nauk]: 23.00.02.- Moscow, 2006. C. 3,37 [in Russian]

Markovskaya (2013) – Markovskaya E I. Organization of financing of investment projects: theory and practice. [Organizaciya finansirovaniya investicionnyh proektov: teoriya i praktika]. – SPb.: Polytechnic University Press [Izdatel’stvo Politekhnicheskogo Universiteta], 2013. P. 6. [in Russian]


Oleg D. Аverchenko

PhD of Economics, Аssociаte Professor of the Depаrtment «Finаnciаl mаrkets» at Plekhаnov Russiаn University of Economics. Stremyаnny per. 36, Moscow, 117997, Russiаn Federаtion.

E-mаil: Аverchenko.OD@reа.ru

Methodicаl аpproаch to the selection of the optimаl model bаncаssurаnce


Importаnce The dynаmic development of the finаnciаl mаrket is аssociаted with ensuring effective interаction of finаnciаl intermediаries, in pаrticulаr, bаnks аnd insurаnce compаnies. Therefore, the question of choosing the optimаl model of such interаction between bаnks аnd insurаnce compаnies is relevаnt both for the pаrticipаnts themselves аnd for investors, which determines the theoreticаl аnd prаcticаl significаnce of this study.

Objectives The purpose of this аrticle is to reseаrch аnd develop а methodicаl аpproаch to choosing the optimаl model of interаction between bаnks аnd insurаnce compаnies in the finаnciаl mаrket.

Methods In this pаper, using the methods of generаl аnd system аnаlysis, logicаl generаlizаtion, scientific аbstrаction, аs well аs system-structurаl аnаlysis, we developed а methodicаl аpproаch to choosing the optimаl model of bаnk insurаnce.

Results Vаrious views of domestic аnd foreign experts on the interаction model of bаnks аnd insurаnce compаnies in the finаnciаl mаrket hаve been investigаted. The аuthor proposes а clаssificаtion of bаnk insurаnce models, tаking into аccount who in the “bаnk-insurаnce compаny” is the leаder. Considering this clаssificаtion of bаnk insurаnce models, а method for selecting the optimаl bаnk insurаnce model is proposed, аccording to which the purpose of bаnk insurаnce is formulаted, аn аssessment of potentiаl pаrtners is given for the proposed integrаl indicаtors, аs well аs аn аssessment of one’s own positions

Conclusions А methodicаl аpproаch to the selection of the optimаl bаnk insurаnce model is proposed, which consists in аpplying the principles of multi-criteriа evаluаtion аnd is bаsed on using the integrаl аssessment of the mаin indicаtors of the аctivities of bаnks аnd insurаnce compаnies.

Keywords: bаncаssurаnce, bаnk, insurаnce compаny, model, methodology, conglomerаte, strаtegic аlliаnce, finаnciаl mаrket.


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Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at Department of accounting, analysis and audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of “Economics of intellectual property” at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow


Tatyana V. Petrusevich

Senior lecturer at Department of accounting, analysis and audit, Deputy Head of the Chair of “Economics of intellectual property” at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

Informational and analytical support sustainable development: the intellectual and human capital


Subject / topic The study of theoretical and informational and analytical aspects of the sustainable development of the organization.

Goals / Objectives Consideration of existing concepts of sustainable development and the selection of the widest approach; justification of the choice of integrated reporting as an information and analytical source for assessing the sustainable development of an organization; the study of existing approaches to the definition of the terms “intellectual capital” and “labor capital”;

Methodology In preparing the article, the authors relied on the conceptual foundations of sustainable development, formed in the depths of economics, modern directions of organization management methodology, methodology of integrated business analysis, accounting methodology, principles of systemic and integrated approaches. The toolkit includes methods of induction and deduction, analysis, synthesis, methods of grouping and detailing, etc.

Conclusion The basic concepts of SD. Based on the study of approaches in the existing scientific practice in the definition of the terms “intellectual capital” and “human capital”, it was concluded that there is no single approach to the definition of these types of capital.

Keywords: Sustainable development, integrated reporting; intellectual capital; human capital; elements of intellectual capital, analytical support.


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Kupriyanova, Basova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M., Basova A.G. Development of the Eurasian and national intellectual property markets [Razvitie evrazijskogo i nacional’nogo rynkov intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] // Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house “RIM University” [Izdatel’stvo RIM Universitet] // International scientific-practical journal Economy. Business. Banks. [Èkonomika, biznes, banki]. 2017. No. 1 (18). P. 121-130. [In Russian]

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Svetlana V. Karpova

Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, professor Department of Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Vitally I. Cherenkov

Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, professor Department of Marketing Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg,

Moscow. E-mail:

A complex model of duplex branding as a research and didactic tool


Importance Branding theory development concerning the real-virtual brand dualism and understanding the economic and semiotic nature of the brand taking into account the brand value perception by consumers empowered by including in active Internet communities.

Objective To show that a branding requires – in addition to effective using a toolkit of integrated marketing communications (IMC) – to strive to permanent brand innovation along with the adherence to the principles of total quality management (TQM) necessary to convert a trade mark in brand (in the economic sense of the last term). A contribution to the brand value due to networked consumers’ communities should be shown.

Methods Methodology includes: (1) semantic-statistical analysis of two core definitions from the branding terminology paradigm in English and in Russian; (2) content analysis of relevant articles; (3) logical-graphical modeling of branding which is the development of the cost-value model for the case of marketing exchanges of branded and non-brand products.

Conclusions and Relevance Complex duplex branding should be based on creating a more valuable mental image of branded products (by modern means of IMC, taking into account networking customers) and on implementing the concept of TQM that has to support their more valuable innovative functional and other physical features of branded products preventing destructions of the said image as a result of negative customers’ experience. Understanding the dualism of branding and a role of consumer online communities should find a place in the organization of research on branding and in teaching.

Keywords: additional brand value, additional cost, brand, brand addiction, brand dualism, complex duplex branding, dualism of brand, incremental innovation, mental construct, on-line community


Heyg 2003 – Heyg M. Biggest Branding Mistakes / per. s angl. – SPb.: 2003, 192 s [Krupneyshie oshibki brendinga], Science and education: industry and Economics; entrepreneurship; law and governance [Neva] 2003 192 рages [in Russian]

Dudnikova (2013) – Dudnikova N.Yu., Kuzmina E.V Approaches to assessing brand value [Podhodyi k otsenke tsennosti brenda], Modern problems of science and education. Electronic Scientific Journal  [Sovremennyie problemyi nauki i obrazovaniya. Elektronnyiy nauchnyiy zhurnal] 2013 # 2 [in Russian]

Starov 2017 –  Starov S.A., Cherenkov V.I., Kiryukov S.I. Trademark license agreement as a branding tool [Litsenzionnyiy dogovor na tovarnyiy znak kak instrument brendinga] Brand Management [Brend-menedzhment] 2017. # 1. pp. 60-78 [in Russian]

Karpova 2011 – Karpova S.V. Modern branding: monograph [Sovremennyiy brending : monografiya] Publishing house “Paleotype” [Izdatelstvo «Paleotip»] M.: 2011. 188 pages. [in Russian]

Cherenkov 2019 – Cherenkov V.I., Vereteno A.A. Some problems in the development of the theory and research of branding [Nekotoryie problemyi razvitiya teorii i issledovaniy brendinga] Bulletin of St. Petersburg. un-ta. Ser. Management [Vestnik S.-Peterb. un-ta. Ser. Menedzhment] 2019, Iss. 2(90) – pp. 3-32. [in Russian]

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Kondrashov 2017 – Kondrashov P. The absurdity that has become a habit [Nelepost, stavshaya privyichkoy]. Free thought [Svobodnaya myisl]. On-line [Elektronnyiy resurs], URL: (data obrascheniya: 26.01.2019). [in Russian]

Cherenkov 2019 – Cherenkov V.I., Maryanenko V.P., Cherenkova N.I.The development of innovation theory: Some problems [Razvitie teorii innovatsiy: Nekotoryie problemyi], Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. Economy [Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta] Ser. Ekonomika (6) 1: pp.3-32 [in Russian]

Cherenkov 2019 – Cherenkov V.I., Vereteno A.A. Brand and branding: to the definition of the economic essence of terms [Brend i brending: k opredeleniyu ekonomicheskoy suschnosti terminov]. Problems of the modern economy [Problemyi sovremennoy ekonomiki] 2019, #2, pp. 112-118 [in Russian]


Marina A. Kalinina

Associate professor, PhD, Department of management.

Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Leningradsky Prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia, E-mail: E-mail:

Gleb S. Marinin

3-d year student, Department of International economic relations, IF-3-1. Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Leningradsky Prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia


Sales at the subconscious level: breakthrough or another delusion?


Subject/topic Neuromarketing has become an integral part of the huge amount of advertising that the average consumer faces every day. Companies are trying to get into the brain of the buyer without his participation, to save themselves from unnecessary costs and ideas and do exactly what the potential audience need. The author considers the main types of neuromarketing, and also forms a general picture of the impact of each of them.

Goals/objectives The purpose of this study is to investigate and identify the immediate pros and cons of each type of neuromarketing, as well as the formulation of a General conclusion about whether neuromarketing is a technological breakthrough or a misconception.

Methodology The formulation of the problem is based on the use of foreign and domestic methodological materials.

Conclusion The task is – to conduct in-depth analysis of various types of neuromarketing, as well as to make a reasonable conclusion formulated on the basis of all the minuses and pluses found (the search for negative and positive aspects will be objective and supported by information, on the basis of which this conclusion was made).

Keyword: neuromarketing, marketing, globalization, research, colors, sounds.


Triadl 2007 – Triadl A. Neuromarketing. Visualization of emotions. [Neyromarketing. Vizualizatsiya emotsiy]. – M.: Alpina publisher, 2007 – 114 p.

Lewis 2015, – Lewis D. Neuromarketing in action. As penetrate the brain to the buyer. [Neyromarketing v deystvii. Kak proniknut v mozg k pokupatelyu]. M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2015 – 103c.

Stepanov 2017, – Stepanov M. Why neuromarketing is the most important a big misconception of modernity. [Pochemu neyromarketing — samoe

bolshoe zabluzhdenie sovremennosti.]. M.: KINETICA, 2017.

Krasilnikov 2015, – Krasilnikov A. B. Formation of the concept of neuromarketing. [Stanovlenie kontseptsii neyromarketinga]. M.: Cyberleninka, 2015.

Lindstrom 2012, Lindstrom, M. Buyology: a fascinating a journey into the brain of the modern consumer (translated from English. Paluk, E.). [Buyology: uvlekatelnoe puteshestvie v mozg sovremennogo potrebitelya]. M.: Alpina Business books, 2012 – 240S.

Bazyleva, Niconet, Bazylev V. M., Nikonets O. E. Neuromarketing in the modern world // Scientific-methodical electronic journal “Concept”. [Neyromarketing v sovremennom mire // Nauchno-metodicheskiy elektronnyiy zhurnal «Kontsept»]. – 2017. – Vol. 39. – P. 61-65.

Steidl 2013, – Steidl P., Stephen J. Genco, Andrew P. Pohlmann, Neuromarketing for dummies. – 2013.

Dooley 2012, – Dooley R. Neuromarketing. How to influence the subconscious of the consumer. Translation. Publication in the Russian language. Registration. LLC “Potpourri”. [Neyromarketing. Kak vliyat na podsoznanie potrebitelya. Perevod. Izdanie na russkom yazyike. Oformlenie. OOO «Popurri»]. 2013.


Rita Y. Stytsiuk

Doctor of Economics, professor, professor of Management Department at Financial University under the Government, 125167 Moscow, Leningradski Street, 49

World trends for creating recreational parking territories


Subject/Topic The deterioration of living conditions of residents of modern megacities and large cities determines the need for searching reserves to increase the level of comfort and greening of urban development. It is interesting to study the foreign experience of creating park territories, which reflects the emergence of new trends.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to identify the trends in understanding of the global role of the ecological environment in urban recreation, as well as the development of new technologies, the creation of new spaces integrated into the city structure, based on the systematization of the theory and analysis of existing approaches to the creation of park territories in various countries.

Methodology When writing the work, general and special research methods were used, in particular, analysis, synthesis, generalization, statistical method, and others.

Conclusion and Relevance New trends in the development of park areas have been identified: they are created everywhere, even in the most unusual places, for example, underground; they are built in several floors, linear parks are gaining popularity as a new form of landscaping space; parks are built together with residential buildings; specialized parks are being created to launch unmanned aerial vehicles; millionaires love parks and actively donate large sums to their development; new forms of electricity reproduction are used in the parks.

Keywords: recreation, park areas, innovations, technologies, ecology, megalopolises, design, landscape, architecture, recreation.


Desyatnichenko, Zaporozhan, Kuklina 2017 – Desyatnichenko D.Yu., Zaporozhan A.Ya., Kuklina E.A. Recreation space as an object of managing the innovative development of the city’s territories. [Rekreatsionnoe prostranstvo kak ob’ekt upravleniya innovatsionnyim razvitiem territoriy goroda. // «Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie». 2017]// “Management Consulting”. 2017. №9 – with. 67

Nefedov 2013 – Nefedov V. Space for recreation: trends of the new century [Prostranstvo dlya rekreatsii: trendyi novogo veka // «Zelenyiy gorod». # 3(5), 2013] // “Green City”. № 3 (5), 2013. – p. 22-24 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. The role of innovation in improving the competitiveness of modern organizations // Economics and Management in mechanical engineering. 2014. No. 5. P. 33-35.

Stytsyuk, Artemyeva 2013 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva O.A. Modern view on the new form of consumer behavior – trans-consumerism [Rol innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti v povyishenii konkurentosposobnosti sovremennyih organizatsiy // Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii. 2014]// Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. S. 112-117.

You are your own guide. Information portal about tourism and travel. Park Andre-Citroen [Tyi sam sebe gid. Informatsionnyiy portal o turizme i puteshestviyah. Park Andre-Sitroen] // [Electronic resource]. – Access Mode:

The New York Times. A $ 100 Million Thank-You for a Lifetime’s Central Park Memories // [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

Source: [Electronic resource] URL:

Source: [Electronic resource] URL:

Source: [Electronic resource]


Source: [Electronic resource] URL:

Source: [Electronic resource] URL:

Source: [Electronic resource] URL:

Rozhkov 2013 – Rozhkov I.V. Modern directions of application of information technologies in marketing [Sovremennye napravleniya primeneniya informacionnyh tekhnologij v marketinge] / ETAP: economic theory, analysis, practice [ETAP: ehkonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika]. 2013. № 1. p. 113-122. [in Russian]


Olga А. Artemyeva

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management at Financial University under the Government, Russian Federation, Moscow

Conceptual aspects of the use of tourism in the problem of filling stadiums: domestic and foreign experience


Subject/Topic Football is the most popular sport in the world and in the Russian Federation. Due to the great competition in the world of sports, modern sports clubs operate in a complex, dynamic environment with a high degree of uncertainty. The relevance of the development of organized sports and tourism events, including visits of modern arenas becomes obvious.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to identify problems and prospects for the development of sports and event tourism, where tourists are football fans, based on the systematization of the theory and analysis of Russian and foreign experience in the struggle for an audience of football clubs.

Methodology When writing the work, general and special research methods were used, in particular, analysis, synthesis, generalization, statistical method, and others.

Conclusion and Relevance The atmosphere at the stadium is a link between the random arrival of a tourist for the first time at the stadium, and the desire to return again. This will be facilitated by a ticketing system through hotels. The football club needs to create tours for fans, as well as for tourists who can attend not only a football match, but also use other club services.

Keywords: event tourism, club, football, broadcast, tournament, stadium, sponsor, group games, loyalty program, subscription


Artemieva 2017 – Artemieva O.A. Factors and prerequisites for the development of the health tourism market [Factory i predposylki stanovleniya rynka ozdorovitelnogo turizm/Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo]// Economy and Entrepreneurship. 2017. No. 5-2 (82). Pp. 562-565.

Artemieva 2017- Artemieva O.A. Features of the development and promotion of services of the sports business [Osobennosti-razvitiya-i-prodvizheniya-uslug-sportivno-ozdorovitelnogo-biznesa /Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo] // Economy and Entrepreneurship. 2017. No: 5-1 (82) p. 436-441

Stytsyuk, Skulsky 2013 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Skulsky V.G. Foreign experience in forming the loyalty of consumers of financial services [Zarubezhnyj opyt formirovaniya loyalnosti potrebitelej finansovyh uslug/Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2013]// Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. S. 331-336

Stytsyuk, Artemieva 2013 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva O.A. Modern view on the new form of consumer behavior – trans-consumerism [Sovremennyj vzglyad na novuyu formu pokupatelskogo povedeniya transyumerizm //Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2013] // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. S. 112-117.

Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2012 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva OA, Motagali Ya.B. Methodical approaches to assessing the quality of the educational program of the university [Metodicheskie podhody k ocenke kachestva obrazovatelnoj programmy vuza//Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2012]   // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2012. T. 166. p. 592-598.

Stytsyuk 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Yu. Methodical approaches to increasing the level of competitiveness of Russian organizations in the national and global markets [Metodicheskie podhody k povysheniyu urovnya konkurentosposobnosti rossijskih organizacij na nacionalnom I globalnom rynkah] // Russian

Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. The role of innovation in improving the competitiveness of modern organizations [Rol innovacionnoj deyatelnosti v povyshenii konkurentosposobnosti sovremennyh organizacij// Ehkonomika I upravlenie v mashinostroenii 2014] // Economics and Management in mechanical engineering. 2014. No. 5. P. 33-35.

Official website of FC Borussia Dortmund [Electronic resource]. [Oficialnyj sajt fk Borussiya Dortmund [ehlektronnyj resurs]] – URL:

Official Report of the Premier League from the company PWC [Electronic resource].[Oficialnyj otchet RFPL ot kompanii PWC [ehlektronnyj resurs]] – URL:

The official report of UEFA [Electronic resource]. [Oficialnyj otchet UEFA [ehlektronnyj resurs]] – URL:

Stytsiuk, Artemeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsiuk R.Yu., Artemeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. Marketing value of symbolic communication in postmodern society [Marketingovaya cennost’ simvolicheskogo soobshcheniya v obshchestve postmoderna] // Economics and management in mechanical engineering [Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii] 2014 # 5. p.33-35 [in Russian]

Popova 2006 – Popova R.Yu. Basics of Entrepreneurship [Osnovi predprinimatelstva]- Cheboksary: VS Publishing House Shipilevsky, 2006, p. 205 [in Russian]

Rozanova, Stytsiuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2018 – Rozanova T.P., Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A., Motagali Y.B. Assessment of the tourism potential of the Russian Federation// В сборнике: Financial and Economic Tools Used in the World Hospitality Industry Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality. 2018. С. 183-188.


Suzana L.Balova

Ph.D (Economics), Аssociate professor Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:

Modern technology of the relationship between the financial sector and customers


Importance Conduct a study of the impact of innovative technologies on the transformation of the model of work with clients of the financial services market.

Objective The purpose of the study is to substantiate the development of innovative financial technologies and their active implementation in the banking, insurance, asset management, etc. and the formation of  behavioral technologies for the development of new forms and parameters of consumer behavior in the financial  market.

Methods The methodological basis of this study was the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, legislative and regulatory acts regulating banking activities in the Russian Federation, scientific monographs, dissertations, articles in periodicals, methodological recommendations for the development of customer loyalty programs of banks

Conclusions and Relevance Modern organizations of the financial sector cannot build an effective business model based on the traditional model of customer service, because The reality of the market is forcing financial organizations to improve the classical mechanisms and technologies for providing financial services to individuals and legal entities, to seek innovative approaches in the field of behavioral technologies.

Keywords: behavioural engineering, financial technologies (FinTech), financial behavior, financial innovation, financial and technological digital platforms


  1. Reshetnikova I.I., Luk’yanenko N.A. Povedencheskie tekhnologii kak sovremennyj trend v internet – marketinge // Izvestiya Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta. Volgogradskij gosudarstvennyj tekhnicheskij universitet (Volgograd). 2016
  3. Balova S.L. Povyshenie loyal’nosti klientov bankov  pri transformacii,//Ekonomika. Biznes.Banki. № 3 (24) . 2018g. Izdatel’stvo: Russko-Ital’yanskij Mezhdunarodnyj Universitet (Institut) (Moskva) ISSN: 2304-9596
  4. O.R. ZHdanova, A.M. Karminskij Sovremennye tendencii bankovskih innovacij //XII Vserossijskoe Soveshchanie po problemam upravleniya VSPU.2014
  5. Filippov D. I. O vliyanii finansovyh tekhnologij na razvitie finansovogo rynka // «Rossijskoe predprinimatel’stvo». 2018.№ 5
  6. Bryanov G.A., Morozov S.V. Razvitie fintekh-startapov v Rossijskoj Federacii// «Global’nye rynki i finansovyj inzhiniring». 2017 .№ 1
  7. Remsha V. M. Kak razvitie tekhnologij menyaet finansovyj mir// Ideomatika (Fintekh v proekte Banking 2.0). 2018
  1. Pochemu banki investiruyut v fintekh, no obhodyat storonoj blokchejn // otchete SB Insights. Rusbase/RB. 2018  https: // Itogi zasedaniya nabsoveta ANO “Cifrovaya ekonomika”,2019g.
  1. Еlena Cvijovich,, Milica Kostich-Stankovich, Mariya Relikviya //Customer Relationship Management in the banking sector: a modern approach Industrija, Vol.45, No. 3, 2017 Belgradskij universitet
  1. Dzhon Ogden. Ispol’zovanie sily bihevioristskoj nauki v bankovskom dele //The Financial Brend. 2017’zovanie sily bihevioristskoj nauki v bankovskom dele
  1. Lopatnikov, L. I. Ot plana k rynku: karmannaya enciklopediya // M.: Izdatel’skij dom «Delo» RANHiGS, 2013.
  2. Ben Makklur (Ben McClure): Povedencheskie finansy //Info-Maker United Traders. 2018
  3. Perceva S.YU. Fintekh: mekhanizm funkcionirovaniya // Innovacii v menedzhmente. 2017. №12.
  4. Novaya cifrovaya era dlya bankov i strahovyh kompanij: IT-prognoz Software AG na 2019god//Tendencii rynka.Associaciya rossijskih bankov (ARB). 2018. .


Anna Y. Dudovich

2nd year student of the “Economics” department at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Oleko Dundicha, 23, Moscow, 123995, Russia

International cooperation of russia in the field of intellectual property


Subject / Topic Study of international treaties in the field of intellectual property concluded by the Russian Federation.  Their role and importance in the aspect of protection of intellectual rights of Russia in the international arena is considered.

Goals / Objectives The task is to study the role and importance of international treaties in the aspect of protection of intellectual rights of Russia in the international arena. Identify the problems faced by Russia associated with copyright restrictions.

Methodology Approaches and methods were used in the study. A systematic approach that helps to comprehensively assess the results of international treaties in the field of intellectual property, to identify their shortcomings.

Conclusion and Relevance The Russian Federation is actively involved in the development and protection of intellectual property. The concluded international agreements are the basis for the effective development of the protection of the rights of foreign authors and Russian authors on the world stage. The current problems in the field of international intellectual property related to copyright restrictions, the elimination of which is possible through the conclusion of an additional international agreement, are identified.

Keywords: intellectual property; copyright; economic development; international treaties


World intellectual property organization [Electronic resource].- URL:

Convention for the protection of industrial property [Electronic resource].- URL:

Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic works of 9 September. 1886 (as amended on 28 Sept. 1979). [Electronic resource.]- URL:

International Convention for the protection of performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations [Electronic resource].- URL

World copyright Convention (signed at Geneva on 6 September. 1952) (as amended on July 24, 1971) [Electronic resource]. – URL:

Convention establishing the world intellectual property organization (signed in Stockholm on 14 July 1967) [Electronic resource].- URL:

“Legal protection of intellectual property. Problems of theory and practice”. Proceedings of the III International IP forum. – M.: RG-Press, .

Shcherbacheva, L.V. Civil regulation of intellectual property in Russia at the present stage / L.V. shcherbacheva. – Moscow: Unity-Dana, 2014.


Dragos A. Savca

PhD student of the Financial markets and banks chair of the Finance University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, Investment Analyst at an international financial institution, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Applying the dea method for assessing the efficiency of development banks in the area of ppps


The purpose of this article is to justify the expediency of using, and the approbation of applying the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method for assessing the efficiency of development banks’ services for implementing public-private partnership (hereinafter PPP) projects. Based on the analysis of existing approaches to the definition of “public-private partnership”, the author (i) developed the formulation of this definition as a mechanism for solving important social issues, (ii) suggested a list of its principles, and (iii) explained the role of development banks in the implementation of PPP projects.

The author analyzed and systematized the types and еру content of financial and non-financial services delivered by development banks for the implementation of PPP projects based on Russian and international practice, justified the expediency of using, and approbated the applicability of the data envelopment analysis method to assess the efficiency of these services.

Keywords: development bank, development institution, financing, socio-economic development, efficiency, data envelopment analysis method.


Public-Private-Partnership Legal Resource Center. [Electronic resource] // The World Bank Group. – URL:

PPP Canada Inc. [Electronic resource] – URL:

Kabashkin (2010) – Kabashkin V.A. Public-private partnership: international practice and Russian prospects. [Gosudarstveno-chiastnoe partnerstvo: mezhdunarodniy opyt i rosiyskie perspektivy, Monography. International innovation center, 2010., 576 p. [in Russian].

Varnavskiy (2004) – Varnavskiy V.G. Public-private partnership in Russia: issues of formation. [Gosudarstveno-chiastnoe partnerstvo: problem stanovleniya]. Notes of the Fatherland. – 2004. #6. P. 1. [in Russian].

The law on public-private partnership, municipal-private partnership in Russian Federation and amendments to individual legal acts of the Russian Federation [federal law from 01.017.2015 #224] [electronic resource]. KonsultantPlus = URL: [in Russian].

Charnes, A. Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory, Methodology, and Application / A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, A.Y. Lewin, L.M. – Seiford Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994. – 513 р.


Anna V. Surdina

Bachelor of 2 years, Faculty of Correspondence and Open Education in Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Violation of intellectual property rights


Subject/Topic Modern time is characterized by the rapid development of the economy against the background of technological progress, which leads to the introduction of more and more innovations to maintain its leading position in the market. After all, the world does not stand still, and to stand in the battle with competitors, you must have a trump card up your sleeve. Intellectual property, in this case, is one of the most important success factors.

Goals/Objectives Definition of the concept of intellectual property, its values and the need for the law to secure rights to the results of intellectual activity of the author of the idea. Analyze the causes and types of intellectual property infringement, consider ways to help protect it and determine which of them are the most effective.

Methodology Scientific deduction method, analysis

Conclusions and Relevance Intellectual property is very complex in its structure, a subject that has a great influence, and at the same time is so unique in its manifestation that it is almost impossible to create a single standard of assessment for its regulation. Therefore, the proceedings on the violation of intellectual rights is a very laborious process that requires an individual approach.

Keywords: Intellectual property, industrial property, copyright, exclusive right to invention, inviolability of work, commercialization, violation of rights.


Ivashchenko A.A. Traditions of entrepreneurship in Russia and the dialectic of its civil law regulation // Perm University Herald. Jurisprudence. 2014. No 4 (18). Pp. 73-82.

Dudchenko A.V. Civil law of Russia: actual problems of the theory and practice // Humanitarian, social-economic and social sciences. 2017 No 2 P.54-56.

Dudchenko A.V., Golotov M.A., Kolkareva I.N. Prav.-Krasnodar, 2016.-261с.

Baranov V.A. Commercial law. Legal regulation of the organization of   commercial activities; Tutorial. – Tambov: TSTU, 2017.

Boykova O.S. Commercial law: textbook. – M .: Dashkov and Co., 2014. – 450 p.


Olga S. Novak

Student of the Master program in Management, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.


Methods of competencies assessment by changing of organizational structure in banks


Subject / topic The subject of the study are employees’ competencies and the methods of its assessment.

Goals / objectives The aim of the study is to compare different assessment methods of employees’ competencies while the banks’ organizational structure is changing.

Methodology In study are used such methods as theoretical analysis, inductive and deductive analysis to define the major methods of assessment competencies during the change of organizational structure of the company. Comparison method was used to compare current assessment methods, which are used in banks.

Conclusion Assessment of employees’ competencies is integral part of personnel management in commercial bank. Transformation of applied assessment methods is compliant with both modern HR trends such as agile-groups appearance and development, integration of IT technologies, and with modern trends in banking sector such as tendency to cost cutting while increasing service level. Consequently, it leads to reorganization of the company. In this period combination of different assessment methods of employees’ competencies and engagement of consulting assessment centers to multidimension employees’ assessment will provide more proper and precise results.

Key words: banks, labor management, personnel management, competence, competencies’ assessment methods


Stellman.A. Green J. 2018. Learning Agile: Understanding Scrum, XP, Lean, and Kanban [Postigaya Adzhail. Tsennosti, printsipyi, metodologii] [in Russian]

Jurgen Apello. 2019. Management 3.0. Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders [Adzhail menedzhment. Liderstvo i upravlenie komandami] [in Russian]

Kudryavtseva E.I. 2012. Competencies and management: competencies in management, competencies of managers, management of competencies [Kompetentsii i menedzhment: kompetentsii v menedzhmente, kompetentsii menedzherov, menedzhment kompetentsiy]. [in Russian]

Spencer L.M. & Spencer S.M. 1993. Competence at work: Models for Superior performance [Kompetentsii na rabote: modeli maksimalnoy effektivnosti rabotyi]. John Whiley & Sons, Inc [Dzhon Vili i Syinovya, Ink]. [in Russian]

Peter Ward. 2015. 360-degree Feedback [Otsenka «360 gradusov»]. [in Russian]

Kiseleva M. 2015. Personnel’s assesment [Otsenka personala]. [in Russian]

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Victoria E. Shirokova

Master’s degree 2-nd year student, RUDN University, Executive assistant, JSC «Research and development  enterprise «Kant», Moscow, Russian Federation 

Innovative project management in high – tech company


Subject/Topic This article analyses different features of modern scientific and technical development, problems of specific organization are defined and financial analysis has been done while performing innovative project.

Goals/Objectives In the circumstances of complication and acceleration of the processes that take place in the market, the company needs to find completely new methods in terms of quality and ways of solving problems of both managerial and other nature. The problem of achieving the strategic success of the organization, retaining and obtaining competitive advantages is the most urgent. Innovative project management should contribute to solving such problems, being the basis for increasing the efficiency of the trading enterprise. Generalizing feature of the modern period of scientific and technical evolution is the transformation of science into the direct productive force of our society.

Methodology The system of innovative project management in high – tech organization as an instrument for the increase of the effectiveness of the activity of the innovative enterprise. The company’s key task is not only to bring the project to its logical conclusion, but also the need to obtain effective consequences of its implementation into mass production. Improvement of the innovative project is the selection of suppliers of materials and equipment for the implementation of the project that is held on a competitive basis through tenders.

Conclusions and Relevance In order to control and establish monitoring of an investment project, strategical department should be created in JSC “R&D organization “Kant”.

Keywords: innovative project management, high – tech development, performance improvement of an organization.


Efimenko, Leonenko (2014) – Efimenko T.I., Leonenko P.M. Scientific work of J. Shumpeter as an innovative activity and modernity. [Nauchnoe tvorchestvo J.A. SHumpetera kak innovacionnaya deyatel’nost’ i sovremennost’], 2014. Messenger PNIPU [Vestnik PNIPU].

Gracheva (2013) – Gracheva M.V. Project risk analysis. Tutorial for Universities. [Analiz proektnih riskov: uchebnoe posobie dlia vuzov], Moscow, Vlados, [Vlados] 2013, page 216.

Part ten, Federal Law No. 254 – FL 07.21.2011 [Chast 9, Federalnii zakon № 254-FZ].

Bocharov (2017) – Bocharov V.V. Economic analysis of innovative projects: tutorial, [Ekonomicheskiy analiz innovatsionnih proektov, uchebnoe posobie] Saint Petersburg, [Piter] 2017, page. 122.

Popov, Lyapunov and others (2014) – Popov V.M., Lyapunov S.I. Business planning of investment activity. Textbook. [Biznes planirovanie investitsionnoy deyatelnosti. Uchebnik] Moscow. Finance and statistics, [Finansi i statistika] 2014, page 672.

Balabanov (2015) – Balabanov I.T. Financial analysis and economic evaluation of innovative project. 2nd edition. [Finansoviy analiz i ekonomicheskaya otsenka innovatsionnogo proekta, 2-e izdanie] Moscow, Finance and statistics, [Finansi i statistika], 2015, page 208.

Jdanov (2017) – Jdanov S.A. Basics of the economic management theory. Manual. [Osnovi teorii ekonomicheskogo upravleniya predpriyatiem. Uchebnik]. Moscow, Science, [Nauka], 2017. Page 384.


Juliya V. Romanova

Graduate of Finаnce Univеrsity under the Govеrnment of the Russian Federation, management faculty, specialization «Corporate management», Moscow. E-mail:

The role of corporate culture in shaping responsible business conduct


In the work the dependence of the investment attractiveness of the company on the quality of corporate governance is revealed. The essence of the concept of corporate governance and the most important principles of the formation of an effective system of corporate governance were determined, the role of this system in creating the investment attractiveness of the company was revealed.

Subject/topic The process of analysis and evaluation of investment attractiveness of companies.

Goals/objectives Develop specific recommendations to improve investment attractiveness within the corporate governance system.

Methodology The main methods of scientific knowledge applied in the article are comparison, analysis and systematic approach.

nclusion and Relevance The quality of corporate governance, compliance with international principles and standards plays a huge role in shaping the investment attractiveness of the company, as well as depends on the size and capitalization of the company. For investors, one of the most important factors in making a decision to invest in a particular company is, in addition, the corporate governance system that has developed in the company, its transparency and openness, as well as the relationship between shareholders and top management.

Keywords: corporate governance, Board of Directors, top management, investment attractiveness.


Lakhmetkina (2016) – N. Lakhmetkina So. Investment strategy of the enterprise [Investicionnaya strategiya predpriyatiya] / M.: KNORUS, 2016. – 184 P. [in Russian]

Malenko, Khazanova (2013) – E. Malenko, V. Khazanova Investment attractiveness and its increase [Investicionnaya privlekatel`nost` i ee povy`shenie] // Top-manager. – 2013. – № 6. – P. 22-26.

Vishnevskaya (2013) – Vishnevskaya N. S. Best practice of corporate governance in state-owned enterprises: European approach [Luchshaya praktika korporativnogo upravleniya na gosudarstvenny`x predpriyatiyax: evropejskij podxod] // joint-Stock company: corporate governance issues [Akcionernoe obshhestvo: voprosy` korporativnogo upravleniya]. – 2013.- 254 P. [in Russian]

Gerchikova (2015) – Gerchikova I. N. Management [Menedzhment] / M.: Unity-Dana [Yuniti-Dana], 2015. – 510 p. [in Russian]

Komissarov (2014) – Komissarov G. P. Corporate management of the organization at the present stage [Korporativnoe upravlenie organizaciej na sovremennom e`tape]/ Money and credit [Den`gi i kredit]. – 2014. – № 3. – P. 42-46. [in Russian]

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Shebek (2015) – Shebek S. Corporate standards: all by the rules [Korporativny`e standarty`: vse po pravilam] // Economics and life [E`konomika i zhizn`]. – 2015. – № 2. – P. 18-23. [in Russian]

Shitkina (2003) – I. Shitkina corporate governance and corporate control in the holding company [Korporativnoe upravlenie i korporativny`j kontrol` v xoldingovoj kompanii] // Economy and law [Xozyajstvo i pravo]. – 2003. – № 3. – P. 45-51.

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Bezdenezhny (2013) – Bezdenezhny A.V. Problems of corporate governance in the implementation of modern models of corporate governance of Russian enterprises [Problemy` korporativnogo upravleniya pri realizacii sovremenny`x modelej korporativnogo upravleniya rossijskimi predpriyatiyami] // business Security [Bezopasnost` biznesa]. – 2013. – № 4. – P. 28-32. [in Russian]

Gogishvili (2014) – Gogishvili V. N. Internal control in the holding management system // company Management. – 2014. – 289 P. [in Russian]

Golovach (2013) – M. A. Golovach internal control and Internal audit in the organization: the division of competences [Vnutrennij kontrol` v sisteme upravleniya xoldingom] // Audit statements [Upravlenie kompaniej]. – 2013. – № 1. – P. 5-7. [in Russian]


Tatyana В. Trukhanova

Bachelor of 2 years, Faculty of Correspondence and Open Education in Economics at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

The main methods of introduction of intellectual property into civil circulation


Subject/Topic: organizational and economic methods of implementation of intellectual property in civil circulation, economic entities operating in the field of creation and use of intellectual property.

Goals/Objectives: identification of the main ways of introduction of objects of intellectual property (IPO) into civil circulation, as well as the conditions under which the introduction of intellectual property will be legal and which can be used for commercial purposes in the future.

Methodology: the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and the method of comparison were used in the disclosure of the subject of research and presentation of the material.

Conclusionsand Relevance: the ultimate goal of commercialization of intellectual property is to profit from scientific, technical and innovative activities by organizing the production of high-tech competitive products. The conclusion is made that in order to carry out effective commercialization of intellectual activity results, it is necessary to have a qualified team of managers capable of developing and implementing the most optimal business strategy, within which a large number of tasks related to market research(marketing and patent research), the formation of a portfolio of intellectual property objects, the choice of economical ways of their maximum legal protection will be solved, as well as the choice and implementation of specific ways of introducing the IPO into civil circulation, continuous monitoring on the market and, if necessary, the adoption of protective measures.

Keywords: intellectual capital, intellectual asset, copyright, intellectual property, intellectual property, results of intellectual activity, commercialization.


Biryukov, P.N. Intellectual property law: textbook and workshop for academic undergraduate — 2nd ed., pererab. I DOP. — M.: yurayt Publishing house, 2017. — 352 p.

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Sineva, S. V. the Use of intellectual property in civil turnover : textbook, textbook for undergraduate and graduate / Sineva S. V., D. A. Kirillov. — Moscow : Yurayt Publishing House, 2016.

Intellectual property in Russia and the European Union. Legal problems : collection of articles / ed. M.M. Boguslavsky, A. G. Svetlanov ; Russian Academy. of Sciences, Institute of state and law, Russian-German legal Institute : Walter kluver, 2008. — 284 p.

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Intellectual property law: textbook for academic undergraduate / ed. L. A. Novoselova. — Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2017. — 302 p.


Maria A. Trofimova

3d year student, Faculty of international economic relations, IF3-1, at Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Leningradsky Prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia.


Peculiarities of competitive strategies of chinese tncs in the global market


Subject/Topic The globalization influences an economic interaction between different countries nowadays. And primarily it leads to different TNCs that have its own strategies in the global market. As Chinese companies are becoming more and more important for the whole world it is necessary to analyze their competitive strategies, especially for Russia, because our country has good relations with China. Futhermore, Chinese companies are considered as successful investors for Russian government and people in general.

Goals/Objectives The goal of the article is to present current competitive strategies of Chinese TNCs, to find out its features and to compare it with already existing theoretical strategies.

Methodology Task assignment is based on analysis, synthesis and data collection.

Conclusion and Relevance The task determined by the author allows to understand whether Chinese transnational companies use already existing strategies in the foreign market or not. What competitive strategies are more preferable for these companies and why this process is important for Russia.

Keywords: competitive strategy, global market, TNC (transnational company), differentiation strategy, focus strategy, absolute leadership.


Assen, Berg, Pitersma 2013 – M. van Assen, G. Van den Berg, P. Pitersma Key management models. 60 models that every manager should call [Klyuchevyie modeli menedzhmenta. 60 modeley, kotoryie dolzhen zat kazhdyiy menedzher]. Moscow: BINOM. Knowledge Lab [Laboratoriya znaniy], 2013. P.19 [In Russian].

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Porter 2005 – Porter M. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries ̆ and competitor [Konkurentnaya strategiya: Metodika analiza otrasley]. Moscow: Business books [Biznes buks]. 2005. p. 73-79.

Ryazanova 2018 – Ryazanova G.N. The impact of the processes of digitalization of the economy on the activities of non-financial organizations [Vliyanie protsessov tsifrovizatsii ekonomiki na deyatelnost nefinansovyih organizatsiy]. Management [Upravlenie]. 2018. – V.6.  # 2., p. 52-56 [In Russian].

Haymurzina, Lavrenteva, Aleshina 2016 – Haymurzina, N., Lavrenteva A., Aleshina Yu. Approaches to the formation of a competitive enterprise strategy [Podhodyi k formirovaniyu konkurentnoy strategii predpriyatiya]. Moscow, 2016.  #5(57), p.126-128 [In Russian].

Fortune Global 500 List 2018

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Artemii O. Babanin

3nd year student, Faculty of International economic relations, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Cybercrime on the global financial markets


In this article we will discuss the main types of cybercrime, common in the global financial markets today. The study of crime on the Internet is extremely important now, as the volume of thefts of confidential information and money in this sector of economy is growing from year to year. In addition to general information about each type of cybercrime, their distinctive characteristics and risk assessment will also be given.

To carry out this study, we will collect and analyze data on hacker attacks on the population of countries such as the United States, Great Britain and Russia, as well as large international companies and find out the size of the damage. Particular attention will be paid to the assessment of the danger of each type of cybercrime; we will highlight the main objectives of attacks by criminal groups that commit an Internet crime and try to develop a protective strategy. The data published by the Federal state statistics service of various countries, business Analytics websites and legal documents will be used in the course of writing the article. After studying all the necessary materials, we will conduct a detailed analysis and propose ways to further confront this type of crime, taking into account the experience of past years and forecasts of technology development.

Keywords: cybercrime, Internet, government regulation, Finance, theft


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