Economy Business Banks №2(27)
Larisa G. ChuvakhinaPhD in economic sciences, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy and World Finance, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
The FED and the US debt economyAbstract Subject/Topic The coming to power of President D. Trump is accompanied by an increase in the deficit of the federal budget and the public debt of the United States. Simultaneously with the growth of public debt, budgetary expenses for its servicing are growing. The main reasons for reducing the revenue side of the federal budget and increasing government debt are D. Trump’s tax reform, the growth of the government spending, the policy of the US Federal Reserve System (FED) aimed at raising the discount rate and reducing its balance sheet. The implementation of a “quantitative tightening” policy by the Federal Reserve contradicts D. Trump’s economic development strategy, leading to an increase in mutual “incomprehension”. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to analyze the current trends of the monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve, affecting the state of the federal budget and the amount of public debt. Methodology In this work general and special research methods were used, including analysis, synthesis, generalization. Conclusion and Relevance The actions of the US Federal Reserve have a certain pressure on the amount of public debt in the direction of its increase. It can be expected that the base rate will continue to grow in 2019, despite the expected noticeable slowdown in US economic growth. The main goal for the Fed is profit. The higher the interest rate, the greater is the profit. The state of the real economy for the Fed is secondary. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is very closely monitoring the situation with the public debt, in respect that the Fed holds almost 40% of US debt. Despite the difficult situation in the debt market and the existing risks, foreign investors have no doubt that the United States is able to service a record public debt. However, if investors begin to doubt the ability of the United States to maintain financial stability, one can expect a surge in market volatility that could lead to the destabilization of the global financial markets. Keywords: debt policy, US Federal Reserve, federal budget, treasury bonds, discount rate, policy of quantitative tightening, foreign investors, US dollar. References: The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis Paperback -February 22, 2015 by Ben S. Bernanke (Author). Paperback: 144 pages. Publisher: Princeton University Press (February 22, 2015). Budget of the U.S. Government. Fiscal Year 2018. Historical Tables. Wash. 2017. Federal Government Debt and Interest Rates, Eric M. Engen, R. Glenn Hubbard. in NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2004, Volume 19, Gertler and Rogoff. 2005 The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2018 to 2028. Congressional Budget Office. Wash. 2018. Economic Report of the President 2018. Wash.,2018. Chuvakhina (2018) – Chuvakhina L.G. The role of the US Federal Reserve in the world economic system [Rol’ FRS SSHA v mirovoy ekonomicheskoy sisteme], Monograph. M .: Publishing house “Feather” [Monografiya. M.: Izd-vo «Pero»] 2018. P.162. [ in Russian] Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities. US Treasury. Wash. January 18, 2017. Neely C.J. The Large-Scale Asset Purchases Had Large International Effects/Research Division of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Working Paper Series. Working Paper 2010-018D.July 2010, Revised April 2012. |
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Svetlana M. DoguchaevaCandidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, associate professor «Department of data analysis, decision-making and financial technology» Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Modern trends of artificial intelligence in the space of innovative knowledgeAbstract: Today, the emergence of new blockchain and machine learning technologies opens up economic opportunities for combining information resources of civilization and providing access to them for the mass user. These technologies are characterized not only by a radical change in the socio-economic environment, but also by a steady trend of Informatization of management processes. One of the effective ways to expand the innovative it market is social and innovative orientation, which is supported by internal components, both technological and socio-economic. Advanced machine learning will result in a multitude of Autonomous or semi-Autonomous, intelligent machines and applications: robots, drones, Autonomous vehicles, as well as virtual personal assistants and smart consultants equipped with natural language processors. Today, it developers do not just design new mobile applications, they include using them a variety of devices, from smartphones to cars and entire factories, in a single experience-based it environment. Organizational participation prevails in the basic development of blockchain technologies, as it is more demanding and purposeful than individual participation. All this contributes to the promotion of modernization of industries through the transfer of innovative knowledge and technology within a single information technology space. In the basic development of blockchain technologies, organizational participation prevails, since it is demanding and purposeful than individual participation, when the company invests resources, there is more motivation to achieve the success of the project. Today, when companies communicate with each other outside of a specific project, there is greater accountability between them, which also gives impetus to further development. Importance Opportunities to implement it services in specific areas and types of applications in the blockchain space, enriching the ecosystem. Objective To study the possibilities of implementation of artificial intelligence, machine learning, mobile applications in Russian companies. Methods The paper analyzes to obtain a unique opportunity to access a large and detailed review of the blockchain ecosystem, artificial intelligence, neural networks, and as a consequence, machine learning. Conclusions and Relevance The relevance of the study due to the fact that in today’s market advantage remains for companies open to it innovation, allowing them to significantly improve the efficiency of business management. The questions of influence on the real economy of the new digital format are considered. Keywords: Mobile applications, cloud and blockchain technologies, ecosystem, artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, programming languages, task automation. 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Inga V. NikulkinaPhD in Economics, North-Eastern Federal University, Financial Economic Institute, Yakutsk, Russia ( Valentina O. PopovaGraduate student, North-Eastern Federal University, Financial Economic Institute, Yakutsk, Russia (E-mail: |
Current issues of planning budget allocations for the possible execution of state guarantees of the republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Abstract Subject/Topic The article is devoted to the problems of forming a budget allocation plan for the possible execution of state guarantees of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Goals/Objectives Development of recommendations for improving the methodical approach of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to planning budget allocations for the possible execution of issued state guarantees. Methodology General scientific methods of knowledge of economic phenomena, such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, tabular and graphical data representation were used in the process of preparation of this work. Conclusions and Relevance The proposed methods for assessing budget allocations will objectively determine the level of credit risk associated with the provision of state guarantees. Keywords: planning, budget, state guarantees, budget allocations, reserves, credit risk. References: Belostotskiy (2017) – Belostotskiy А.А. Management and forecasting problems of the state budget [Problemyi upravleniya i prognozirovaniya gosudarstvennogo byudzheta], Institutions and mechanisms of innovation development: world experience and Russian practice. Collection of scientific articles of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference [Institutyi i mehanizmyi innovatsionnogo razvitiya: mirovoy opyit i rossiyskaya praktika. Sbornik nauchnyih statey 7-y Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii] 2017. p. 123-127 [in Russian] Istomina (2018) – Istomina N.А. Current trends in the development of budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation in the context of an effective approach to budget planning and openness of budget data [Sovremennyie tendentsii razvitiya byudzhetov sub’ektov RF v kontekste rezultativnogo podhoda v byudzhetnom planirovanii i otkryitosti byudzhetnyih dannyih], Regional and municipal finance: priority directions of development. Collection of scientific papers [Regionalnyie i munitsipalnyie finansyi: prioritetnyie napravleniya razvitiya. Sbornik nauchnyih trudov] 2018. p. 161-166 [in Russian] Gracheva (2008) – Gracheva I.V. State guarantees in the system of public debt management of the Russian Federation [Gosudarstvennaya garantiya (finansovo-pravovoy aspekt)] 2008. 166 p. [in Russian] Ludinova (2004) – Ludinova Y.V. State guarantees in the system of public debt management of the Russian Federation [Gosudarstvennyie garantii v sisteme upravleniya gosudarstvennyim dolgom Rossiyskoy Federatsii] 2004. 145 p. [in Russian] Nesterenko (2013) – Nesterenko I.Y. The practice of providing state guarantees by constituent entities of the Russian Federation [Praktika predostavleniya gosudarstvennyih garantiy sub’ektami Rossiyskoy Federatsii], Finance and credit [Finansyi i kredit] 2013. # 34. p. 51-57 [in Russian] Tkach (2014) – Tkach E.S. Modernization of the debt policy of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation based on state guarantees [Modernizatsiya dolgovoy politiki sub’ekta RF na osnove gosudarstvennyih garantiy], Bulletin of the Amur State University named after Sholom Aleichem [Vestn. Priamurskogo gos. un-ta im.Sholom-Aleyhema] 2014. # 1. p. 94-99 [in Russian] Borovkova (2018) – Borovkova V.A. Forming an organization’s risk management strategy [Formirovanie strategii menedzhmenta riska organizatsii], Contradictions and trends in the development of modern Russian society. Collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference [Protivorechiya i tendentsii razvitiya sovremennogo rossiyskogo obschestva. Sbornik nauchnyih statey Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii] 2018. p. 47-63 [in Russian] |
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Taliya Kh. UsmanovaInstitute of economic forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences Chief researcher, E-mail: Dmitry A. Isakov“National economy investment fund” Chairman of Board of Directors, Ph.D in Economics, Member of RА NS, E-mail: |
Integration of innovative energy projects with scientific centres in conditions of intensive development of the world economyAbstract Object This article provides the analysis and research of processes of integration of innovative projects with scientific centres in conditions of intensive development of the world economy. All world scientific and expert community is involved in the formation of innovation based on advanced research and knowledge of scientists about new models, methods and project management methodologies for an entirely new generation. Currently, all industries are developing the latest technology to display products in competitive markets. The main directions of innovation development selects only high-tech industries that define the models, methodologies and project management. The purpose of the article is justification problems of forecasting, initiation, planning, energy projects, organization of scientific technologies in the integration of economies into the world economy. The hypothesis The development of a methodology for forecasting in part of integration projects of the fuel and energy complex of basic and applied scientific centres to develop a new generation of innovative technologies with high added value in the capital structure. Research methodology is based on the method of forecasting, expert evaluations and statistics, methods of economic analysis. The result of the practical significance of the research/is in the development of new instruments and mechanisms to improve the forecasting of the full life cycle of innovation projects in the energy sector, taking into account the existing capacities of research centers, basic science and production structures. Keywords: forecasting, lifecycle projects, fuel and energy complex, economic security, innovative technologies, planning, economic sustainability, economics. References: Shirov A.A. Role of instrumental methods of analysis and forecasting for substantiating economic policy. 2017. N 2 (161) p. 3-9 Belousov D.R., Ivanter V.V., Blokhin A.A., Borisov V.N., Budanov I.A., Govtvan O.D., Gusev M.S., Klepach A.N., Komkov N.I., Korovkin A.G., Ksenofontov M.Y., Kuvalin D.B., Mikheeva N.N., Moiseev A.K., Panfilov V.S., Pappe Y.S., Penukhina E.A., Porfiriev B.N., Polzikov D.A., Potapenko V.V. and others. Structural and investment policy in support of economic growth in Russia. Moscow, 2017. Bashmakov I.A. Development of integrated long-term energy efficiency programme. Abstract : 08.00.05. Moscow, 2013 Yusupov K.N., Yangirov A.V., Akhunov R.R., Toktamysheva Y.S. The assessment of the dynamics of region’s participation in interregional and international exchange processes based on the change in the ratio of intermediate and final products // Region’s economy. — 2017. — Т. 13, ed. 2. — p. 559-569 Isakov D.A. Management of development risks of municipal economic systems. Moscow, 2010. Safiullin M.R.., Elshin L.A., Prygunova M.I. Diagnostics of expectations of economic agents as an instrument for the modelling of economic cycles // Region’s economy. — 2017. — Т. 13, ed. 2. — p. 604-615 Komkov N.I. Complex forecast of scientific and technological development: experience and lessons learned. . Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2014. Т. 25. № 2. p. 111-121. Komkov N.I., Romantsov V.S. A progressive company: attributes and basics of formation. Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2013. Т. 24. N 5. p. 450-460. Komkov N.I. The conditions of structural and innovation policy of development of economy of Russia. MIR (Modernization. Innovation. Research). 2017. Т. 8. N 1 (29). p. 80-87. Mazurova O.V., Galperova E.V. The impact of economic parameter uncertainty growth on regional energy demand assesment// Region’s economy. — 2017. — Т. 13, ed. 2. — p. 465-476 Usmanova T.Kh. – Management of sustainable socio-economic development of regions within fiscal and monetary policy in Russia / MIR (Modernization. Innovation. Research). 2016. Т. 7. N 1 (25). p. 123-131. Usmanova T.Kh. Management of innovative improvement of quality of life and human capital / MIR (Modernization. Innovation. Research).2016. Т. 7. N 3 (27). p. 98-106. Ivanter V.V., Belkina T.D., Belousov D.R., Blokhin A.A., Borisov V.N., Budanov I.A., Govtvan O.D., Gusev M.S., Zayonchkovskaya Z.A., Komkov N.I., Korovkin A.G., Ksenofontov M.Y., Kuvalin D.B., Mikheeva N.N., Moiseev A.K., Panfilov VS, Pappe Y.S., Porfiriev B.N., Polzikov D.A., Revich B.A. and others. Recovery of financial growth in Russia. Forcasting. 2016. N 5 (158). Ivanter V.V. 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Xenia Y. KotovaPhD in economic science, Associate Professor of the Department of accounting and analysis, Perm State University, Russian Federation, Perm. E-mail: |
New contents of the russian banking business-modelsAbstract Subject / Topic The subject of the research is the approaches of foreign and Russian authors to the concept of “Business Model” and the transformation of its content in the banking sector in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. The tasks of the work are: consideration of existing approaches to the formation and description of business models of banks that have developed in the international and Russian economy; clarification of the concept “Business Model” of banking activities and disclosure of key elements of its content; determining the direction of transformation of business models of Russian banks in accordance with groups of commercial banks allocated by the Bank of Russia.Goals / Objectives The goal is a comprehensive study of the problematic aspects of the essence of the business models of banking in Russia in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. Tasks arising from the goal of the work: consideration of existing approaches to the formation and description of business models of banks that have developed in the international and Russian economy; clarification of the concept “Business Model” of banking activities and disclosure of key elements of its content; determining the direction of transformation of business models of Russian banks in accordance with groups of commercial banks allocated by the Bank of Russia.Methodology When presenting the material, the basis of the study was the normative acts, fundamental and applied research of foreign and Russian economists. The following methods of scientific knowledge were used: system analysis and synthesis, comparison, comparison, monographic. The author tried to use creative, logical, integrated thinking, contributing to a comprehensive analysis of information. Conclusion and relevance: We substantiated the content of the business model as a tool to improve the competitiveness of the organization. Its main features are customer focus, a combination of process and client approach, elements and indicators that take into account the level of introduction of new technologies and the development of cybersecurity technologies. The proposed approach to the provision of business models in banks and the content of its elements is the result of the development of strategies aimed at ensuring a stable and profitable business, satisfying user needs. The fields of application of the results of the article is the banking sphere. This work also represents a contribution to the development of management theory and management accounting. Keywords: banking system, banks, business models of banks, directions for the development of banking activities References:
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Olga V. ZakharovaMaster of Economics, Senior lecturer of the Department of Financial markets and banks, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail: |
Problems and the prospects of development of leasing in RussiaAbstract Subject/Topic Article is devoted to the analysis of problems and the prospects of development of leasing operations in modern Russia. Goals/Objectives The purpose of work is studying of features and the directions of development of activity of the leasing companies. Methodology In work the research of stages of development of leasing operations, costs and structures of contracts of financial leasing in Russia, problems of this type of financing is conducted. The reasons of development of leasing operations in Russia and the world are allocated, the prospects of development of leasing are considered. Results Based on the analysis, the author draws conclusions on the direction of the development of leasing market. Leasing merits and demerits for participants of the transaction are given. Conclusions and Relevance As a result of the analysis of the studied problem, the author makes offers in the field of simplification of process of leasing operations in Russia. Keywords: finance lease, leasing operations, leasing market, leasing agreement. References: Alexandrov A.D. New in the legislation on leasing [Novoe v zakonodatel’stve o lizinge]// Legal world [YUridicheskij mir] 2017. No. 3 [in Russian] Current trends of banking [Aktual’nye napravleniya razvitiya bankovskogo dela]: monograph. – N.E. Sokolinskiy, I.E. Shaker. – M.: KNORUS, 2018 [in Russian] Antonenko I.V. Practical grant of the lessee. Right, taxes, accounting, finance of the leasing transaction [Prakticheskoe posobie lizingopoluchatelya. Pravo, nalogi, buhuchet, finansy lizingovoj sdelki] M.: Berator-Press, 2017 [in Russian] Filosofova T. G.Leasing as a new product in the national market of financial services [Lizing kak novyj produkt na nacional’nom rynke finansovyh uslug]//Industrial policy in the Russian Federation [Promyshlennaya politika v Rossijskoj Federacii]. 2017. No. 5 [in Russian] Gazman V. D. Leasing pricing [Cenoobrazovanie lizinga]. M.: State University HSE, 2016 [in Russian] Vovchenko N.G., Holina M.G., Orobinskiy A.S., Sichev R.A. Ensuring Financial Stability of Companies on the Basis of International Experience in Construction of Risks Maps, Internal Control and Audit. European Research Studies Journal. Volume XX, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 350-368 |
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Olga А. ArtemyevaPhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management at Financial University under the Government, Russian Federation, Moscow |
Peculiarities of meeting the needs of active and passive sports touristAbstract Subject / topic With the improvement of sports and tourist infrastructure, the number of people willing to attend sports matches is increasing every year. The development of sports and event tourism contributes to the diversity of tourism in general, and also stimulates local, local and national economic development. In this regard, it represents an intereres consideration of the characteristics of meeting the needs of an active and passive sports tourist. Goals/objectives The purpose of the study is to determine the requirements of a sports tourist, according to which he is ready not only to attend a sporting event, but also to familiarize himself with the region as a whole, based on the systematization of the theory and analysis of the experience of fullness and focus of flows in event tourism. Methodology In the course of the present research, such research methods were used as analysis and synthesis, the generalization method, the statistical method, that is, as general. So special. Conclusion and Relevance Satisfaction of a sports tourist is based on desires: visit a sporting event; participate in recreational activities; get maximum emotions; chat with people from other countries; spend time effectively. All this – for a relatively low price of the tour. Keywords: sports and event tourism, consumers, needs, tourism, region, trends, dynamics, emotions, tour price. References: Artemieva 2017 – Artemieva O.A. Factors and prerequisites for the development of the health tourism market [Factory i predposylki stanovleniya rynka ozdorovitelnogo turizm/Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo]// Economy and Entrepreneurship. 2017. No. 5-2 (82). Pp. 562-565. Artemieva 2017- Artemieva O.A. Features of the development and promotion of services of the sports business [Osobennosti-razvitiya-i-prodvizheniya-uslug-sportivno-ozdorovitelnogo-biznesa /Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo] // Economy and Entrepreneurship. 2017. No: 5-1 (82) p. 436-441 Stytsyuk, Skulsky 2013 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Skulsky V.G. Foreign experience in forming the loyalty of consumers of financial services [Zarubezhnyj opyt formirovaniya loyalnosti potrebitelej finansovyh uslug/Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2013]// Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. S. 331-336 Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva OA, Motagali Ya.B. Application of marketing potential in order to increase the tourist appeal of destinations [Primenenie potenciala marketinga v celyah povysheniya turistskoj prityagatelnosti destinacij //Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2013] // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 174. S. 364-369. Stytsyuk, Artemieva 2013 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva O.A. Modern view on the new form of consumer behavior – trans-consumerism [Sovremennyj vzglyad na novuyu formu pokupatelskogo povedeniya transyumerizm // [Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2013] // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. S. 112-117. Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2012 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva OA, Motagali Ya.B. Methodical approaches to assessing the quality of the educational program of the university [Metodicheskie podhody k ocenke kachestva obrazovatelnoj programmy vuza//Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2012] // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2012. T. 166. p. 592-598. Stytsyuk 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Yu. Methodical approaches to increasing the level of competitiveness of Russian organizations in the national and global markets [Metodicheskie podhody k povysheniyu urovnya konkurentosposobnosti rossijskih organizacij na nacionalnom I globalnom rynkah] // Russian entrepreneurship [Rossiyskoe predprinimatelstvo] 2014 № 22 (268) p. 183-191 Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. The role of innovation in improving the competitiveness of modern organizations [Rol innovacionnoj deyatelnosti v povyshenii konkurentosposobnosti sovremennyh organizacij// Ehkonomika I upravlenie v mashinostroenii 2014] // Economics and Management in mechanical engineering. 2014. No. 5. P. 33-35. Official Report of the Premier League from the company PWC [Electronic resource].[Oficialnyj otchet RFPL ot kompanii PWC [ehlektronnyj resurs]] – URL: The official report of UEFA [Electronic resource]. [Oficialnyj otchet UEFA [ehlektronnyj resurs]] – URL: Karpova S. V. (2013) – Marketing: theory and practice: Textbook. allowance for bachelors [Marketing: teoriya i praktika: ucheb. posobie dlya bakalavrov]/ under total. Ed. S. V. Karpova [pod obsch. red. S. V. Karpovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2013. – 408 p. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course [Seriya: Bakalavr. Bazovyiy kurs]. [in Russian] Stytsiuk, Artemeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsiuk R.Yu., Artemeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. Methodological aspects of the resource support of tourism development in the regions [monograph] [Metodologicheskie aspektyi resursnogo obespecheniya razvitiya turizma v regionah] / – Arkhangelsk: Arkhangelsk Open Education Institute] [Arhangelsk: Arhangelskiy institut otkryitogo obrazovaniya] 2014. C. 230. [in Russian] Rozhkov 2013 – Rozhkov I.V. Modern directions of application of information technologies in marketing [Sovremennye napravleniya primeneniya informacionnyh tekhnologij v marketinge] / ETAP: economic theory, analysis, practice [ETAP: ehkonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika]. 2013. № 1. p. 113-122. [in Russian] Stytsiuk, Artemeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsiuk R.Yu., Artemeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. Marketing value of symbolic communication in postmodern society [Marketingovaya cennost’ simvolicheskogo soobshcheniya v obshchestve postmoderna] // Economics and management in mechanical engineering [Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii] 2014 # 5. p.33-35 [in Russian] Popova 2006 – Popova R.Yu. Basics of Entrepreneurship [Osnovi predprinimatelstva]- Cheboksary: VS Publishing House Shipilevsky, 2006, p. 205 [in Russian] Solberg HA, Preuss H. Major sport events and long-term tourism impacts. Journal of Sport Management. 2017; №21: p. 213-234 Rozanova, Stytsiuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2018 – Rozanova T.P., Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A., Motagali Y.B. Assessment of the tourism potential of the Russian Federation// В сборнике: Financial and Economic Tools Used in the World Hospitality Industry Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality. 2018. С. 183-188. |
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Rita Y. StytsiukDoctor of Economics, professor, professor of Management Department at Financial University under the Government, Moscow |
Theoretical and practical aspects of marketing services of airlinesAbstract Subject/topic The organization’s marketing policy in the service industry has significant differences from the marketing of the company that works with the goods. In this connection, it is of interest to analyze the aviation services market using the 4P and 7P complex marketing theory. Goals/objectives The purpose of the study – based on the systematization of the theory of an integrated approach in marketing services and analysis of information about customers of the airline, identify the causes of customer requests, assess the level of staff quality, identify sources of information about the airline, etc. Methodology In the process of writing the article, the author used various research methods, both special and general, in particular: the method generalizations, synthesis, analysis, statistical method and others. Conclusion and Relevance An analysis of the aviation services market allows us to conclude that the theory of the 7P marketing mix is transiently replacing previous models. Growth in demand for services rather than product contributes to the development of the 7P concept. The last three aspects of the concept are internal and constantly gaining momentum. Study showed that the aviation company PJSC AEROFLOT uses a variety of methods of interaction with consumers – this is: advertising in the media, press conferences, exhibitions, etc. However, more than half of the surveyed consumers use the Internet constantly (61%) and would like to receive information about aviation company from the Internet. Keywords: marketing mix, concept, airline, research, demand, preferences, Internet, service marketing, motivation, survey, competitiveness. References: Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. The role of innovation in improving the competitiveness of modern organizations [Rol innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti v povyishenii konkurentosposobnosti sovremennyih organizatsiy Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii. 2014] // Economics and Management in mechanical engineering. 2014. No. 5. P. 33-35. Stytsyuk, Artemyeva 2013 – Stytsyuk R.Yu., Artemyeva O.A. Modern view on the new form of consumer behavior – trans-consumerism [Sovremennyj vzglyad na novuyu formu pokupatel’skogo povedeniya – trans’yumerizm] // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. S. 112-117. Karpova S.V. (2016) – Innovative marketing: a textbook for undergraduate and graduate programs [Innovatsionnyiy marketing: uchebnik dlya bakalavriata i magistraturyi] / S. V. Karpova [and others]; Ed. S. V. Karpova [S. V. Karpova [i dr.]; pod red. S. V. Karpovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2016. – 457 p. 25-30 [in Russian]. Karpova S. V. (2013) – Marketing: theory and practice: Textbook. allowance for bachelors [Marketing: teoriya i praktika: ucheb. posobie dlya bakalavrov]/ under total. Ed. S.V. Karpova [pod obsch. red. S. V. Karpovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2013. – 408 p. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course [Seriya: Bakalavr. Bazovyiy kurs]. [in Russian] Zhiltsova O.N. (2014) – Marketing communications: textbook and practical work for applied bachelor’s degree [Marketingovyie kommunikatsii: uchebnik i praktikum dlya prikladnogo bakalavriata]/ S. Azarova [and others]; under the Ed. O. N. Zhiltsova [S. P. Azarova i dr.]; pod obsch. red. O. N. Zhiltsovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2014. – 456 p. [in Russian] Rozhkov I.V. (2014) – Rozhkov I.V. Information systems and technologies in marketing: Monograph [Informatsionnyie sistemyi i tehnologii v marketinge: Monografiya]. – Moscow: Rusains [Rusayns], 2014. – 196 c. Pp. 39-44. [in Russian] Rozhkov I.V. (2013) – Modern directions of application of information technologies in marketing [Sovremennye napravleniya primeneniya informacionnyh tekhnologij v marketinge] / ETAP: economic theory, analysis, practice [ETAP: ehkonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika]. 2013. № 1. p. 113-122. [in Russian] Romanenkova O.N. (2014) – Marketing research. Theory and practice: a textbook for bachelors [Marketingovye issledovaniya. Teoriya i praktika: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov] / under the ed. O. N. Romanenkova [pod obshch. red. O. N. Romanenkovoj] – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2014. – 315 p. [in Russian] «Aeroflot Russian Airlines[Aeroflot rossijskie avialinii]: Official website [Electronic resource] – URL: https://www.aerоlо «Aeroflot Russian Airline» sto shareholders and investors[«Aeroflot rossijskie avialinii » akcioneram i investoram]: Official website[Electronic resource] – URL: Aviation Portal АТО.ru [Delovoj aviacionnyj portal]: Official site [Electronic resource] – URL: https://www.аtо.ru/news RosBusinessConsulting[RosBiznesKonsalting]: Official website [Electronic resource] – URL: Three hundred words about marketing [ Trista slov o marketinge]: Official website [Electronic resource] – URL: https://www.mёmо Federal Agency for Air Transport[Federal’noe agentstvo vozdushnogo transporta]: Official website [Electronic resource] – URL: http: //www.fа «Expert» Russian business magazine [«Ekspert» rossijskij delovoj zhurnal]: Official site [Electronic resource] – URL: |
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Irina Y. ShvetsFinancial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Institute of Management Problems named after V.A. Trapeznikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Management, Moscow, Russia. (E-mail: |
Quality perceptions influencing influence on consumer experienceAbstract The article analyzes the gaps in the perception of factors influencing consumer experience by employees and consumers in the hospitality industry. The aim of the work is to identify discrepancies in the perception of factors influencing consumer experience by hotel staff and guests. The levels of consumer involvement in the process of interaction with the company are highlighted. Analyzed the methods of study, evaluation, analysis of consumer behavior. The main factors affecting customer satisfaction are highlighted. Analyzed the main causes of customer dissatisfaction with the services provided. Based on the analysis, a model of inconsistency in the quality of the service provided between the consumer, staff, and business owners was created. The presented model of service quality will make it possible to quickly respond to changes in the external environment, which is of fundamental importance today in the conditions of increasing concentration of competition. The main criteria for a quality approach to the provision of services in the hospitality industry are considered: accessibility, interpersonal skills, competence, courtesy and responsiveness, trust, reliability, security, and customer understanding. Identified and analyzed classifiers to determine the importance of service elements based on the perception of consumers. Thus, a comprehensive study of consumer experience, the improvement of the quality management system should lead to an increase in guest loyalty and, ultimately, an improvement in the efficiency of the hotel business. Keywords: consumer experience, consumer behavior, factors, hospitality industry, employees, consumers, quality. References: Meyer, Schwager (2007) – Meyer C., Schwager A. Understanding Customer experience// Harvard Business Review, 2007, p. 1-13. Kotler (1973) – Kotler P. What consumerism means for marketers// Harvard Business Review, 1973, p. 48-57. Pine, Gilmore (1999) – Pine B.J., Gilmore J.H. The Experience Economy. – Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1999. Shvets (2016) – Shvets I.Yu. Increasing the competitive advantages of the tourist region on the basis of customer-orientation [Povyshenie konkurentnyh preimushchestv turisticheskogo regiona na osnove klientoorietirovaniya]// Economy and management: problems, solutions [Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemy, resheniya] 2016. №8 volume 1. P. 176-183. Carbone, Haeckel (1994) – Carbone L.P., Haeckel S.H. Engineering Customer Experiences // Marketing Management Journal, 1994. Vol.3, p.- 1-14. Holbrook, Hirshman (1982) – Holbrook M.B., Hirshman E.C. The Experiental Acpects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun// The Journal of Consumer Research, 1982, Vol. 9, p. 132-140. Novak, Hoffman, You-Fai (1998) – Novak T.P., Hoffman D.L., You-Fai Yung. Measuring the Flow Construct in Online Environents: A structural Moseling Approach. Universiti of North Carolina. 1998. Mathwick, Rigdon (2004) – Mathwick C., Rigdon E. Play, Flow and the Online Search Experience // Jouranl of Consumer Research. 2004. Brakus, Schmitt, Zarantonello (2009) – Brakus J. Jos˘ko, Schmitt B.H., Zarantonello L. Brand Experience: What Is It? How Is It Measured? Does It Affect Loyalty? // Journal of Marketing. 2009. pp. 52-68. Avanesova (2006) – Avanesova G.A. Cultural and leisure activities: the theory and practice of organization [Kul’turno-dosugovaya deyatel’nost’: teoriya i praktika organizacii]. M .: Aspect Press, 2006. – 241 p. Balashov (2005) – Balashov E.A. Hotel business. How to achieve impeccable service [Gostinichnyj biznes. Kak dostich’ bezuprechnogo servisa]. M .: LLC “Vershina”, 2005. – 176 p. Volodomanova, Morozov, Umnov (2001) – Volodomanova N.Yu., Morozov MA, Umnov A.N. International service standards for enterprises of the hotel industry. M .: “Taller” investment fund, 2001. Tourism management [Menedzhment turizma]/ A. D. Chudnovsky, N. V. Korolev, Ye.A. Gavrilova, M.A. Zhukova, N.A. Zaitsev. M.: Federal Agency for Tourism, 2014. 576 p. Papirian G.A. (2000) – Papirian G.A. Management in the hospitality industry (hotels and restaurants) [Menedzhment v industrii gostepriimstva (oteli i restorany)]. M .: Economy, 2000. 208 p. Stadnik (1995) – Stadnik A.A. Technology of reception and service of tourists in the hotel [Tekhnologiya priema i obsluzhivaniya turistov v gostinice]. M., 1995. Chernyshev, Kokorina (2006) – Chernyshev A.V., Kokorina A.A. Training hospitality industry specialists (theory, practice, documents) [Podgotovka specialistov industrii gostepriimstva (teoriya, praktika, dokumenty)]. M.: LLC AS Plus, 2006. Chudnovsky (2005) – Chudnovsky A.D. Tourism and hotel industry [Turizm i gostinichnoe hozyajstvo]. M .: Yurkniga, 2005. 448 p. Fedtsov (2008) – Fedtsov V.G. Culture of hotel and tourist service [Kul’tura gostinichno-turistskogo servisa]. Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2008. 503 p. Shvets (2017) – Shvets I.Yu. Effective communication with guests [Effektivnoe obshchenie s gostyami]. M .: Perot, 2017. 319 p. Parasuraman, Zeithaml, Berry (1985) – Parasuraman А.А;, Valarie A. Zeithaml, Leonard L. Berry. Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research // Journal of Marketing. 1985. Vol. 49 (4). P. 41-50. Prizhennikova (2018) – Prizhennikova A.N. Human resources in innovation [Kadrovyj potencial v innovacionnoj deyatel’nosti]// Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2018. No. 2 (23). Pp. 138-146. Popovsky (2018) – Popovsky M.M. Signs of unfair competition associated with the creation of mixing [Priznaki nedobrosovestnosti konkurencii, svyazannye s sozdaniem smesheniya] // Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2018. No. 2 (23). Pp. 167-176. Fatkhutdinova (2017) – Fatkhutdinova A.M. On the issue of improving the legal regulation of economic relations [K voprosu sovershenstvovaniya pravovogo regulirovaniya ehkonomicheskih otnoshenij] // Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2017. No. 1 (218). Pp. 84-90. Ryzhik (2016) – Ryzhik A.V. Institutionalization of the interests of owners in the norms of Russian law [Institucionalizaciya interesov sobstvennikov v normah rossijskogo prava] // Modern Lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2016. № 4 (17). Pp. 14-20. Gavrilov (2016) – Gavrilov K.V. Limited liability company as a commercial corporate organization [Obshchestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost’yu kak kommercheskaya korporativnaya organizaciya] // Modern Lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2016. № 4 (17). Pp. 85-95. Chelenkov (2011) – Chelenkov A.P. Quality management in the service sector [Upravlenie kachestvom v sfere uslug]// Business World [Delovoj mir][Electronic resource]. Electron. journals 2011. 02 Feb. Access mode: (access date: 12.09.2018). |
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Yuriy.Y. ShvetsDepartment of Economic at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Institute of Management Problems named after V.A. Trapeznikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences Theory, Moscow. (E-mail: |
Indicators of quality assessment of medical servicesAbstract Analysis of indicators and criteria for assessing the quality of medical services is important for the development of new approaches to improving the quality of medical services, to improving the performance of medical organizations. The purpose of the article is to analyze the indicators and criteria for assessing the quality of medical services. The article analyzes the main trends, approaches to the creation and use of the instrumental base for assessing the quality and level of efficiency of the activities of medical organizations in the Russian Federation and some foreign countries. As a result of the study, it revealed the absence of a single mechanism to compare the performance of medical organizations, which are located in different subjects of the Russian Federation, and also noted the methodological dissociation in the selection of indicators and criteria for an independent assessment of the effectiveness of medical organizations. Not enough attention is paid to financial and economic incentive measures aimed at improving medical, social and economic efficiency in the activities of medical organizations. Thus, the basis of process quality indicators is to highlight the elements and desired actions that need to be taken in relation to patients with certain health problems. The most valuable indicators of process quality are actions that directly affect the effect of medical care. Indicators of the quality of activity results relate directly to the results of therapy and serve to measure the success or failure of the applied treatment methods. Measuring performance indicates only the level of quality of services provided. When constructing indicators of the quality of results, it is necessary to determine the so-called end points of therapy. Keywords: medical services, medical organizations, quality, evaluation, indicators, management, efficiency. References: Adler, Schepetova (2005) – Adler Yu.P., Schepetova S.E. Quality Economy System [Sistema ehkonomiki kachestva]. M .: RIA “Standards and Quality”, 2005. 182 p. Vyalkov, Katlinsky, Vorobyev (2009) – Vyalkov A.I., Katlinsky L.V., Vorobyev P.A. Standardization, pharmacoeconomics and the system of rational drug supply of the population [Standartizaciya, farmakoehkonomika i sistema racional’nogo lekarstvennogo obespecheniya naseleniya] // Problems of standardization in health care [Problemy standartizacii v zdravoohranenii]. 2009. №4. Pp. 3-6. Kadyrov (2007) – Kadyrov F.N. Economic methods for evaluating the effectiveness of medical institutions [Ekonomicheskie metody ocenki ehffektivnosti deyatel’nosti medicinskih uchrezhdenij]. M .: Healthcare Manager, 2007. 224 p. Kane, Ivanov, Koreshkov, Skhirtladze (2009) – Kane M.M., Ivanov B.V., Koreshkov V.N., Skhirtladze A.G. Systems, methods and tools of quality management [Sistemy, metody i instrumenty menedzhmenta kachestva]. SPb .: Peter, 2009. 389 p. Kondo (2002) – Kondo I. Quality management in the company: the formation and stages of development [Upravlenie kachestvom v masshtabah kompanii: stanovlenie i ehtapy razvitiya]: Per. from English / scientific ed. A.V. Glazunov, V.A. Lapidus, ME Serov. N. Novgorod: SMC “Priority”, 2002. 252 p. Kuznetsov (2008) – Kuznetsov L.A. Control and evaluation of multidimensional quality [Kontrol’ i ocenka mnogomernogo kachestva] // Quality management methods [Metody menedzhmenta kachestva]. 2008. № 10. P. 40-45. Kuznetsov (2006) – Kuznetsov O.I. Tendencies of change in the structure of labor relations in health care [Tendencii izmeneniya struktury trudovyh otnoshenij v zdravoohranenii]: dis. Ph.D.: 08.00.07. Saratov, 2006. 17 p. Lomakin V., Laukhin A. (2010) – Lomakin V.B., Laukhin A.E. Electronic registry innovative information technology for medical institutions [Elektronnaya registratura innovacionnaya informacionnaya tekhnologiya dlya lechebno-profilakticheskogo uchrezhdeniya] // Quality management of medical care [Upravlenie kachestvom medicinskoj pomoshchi]. 2010. №2. 34 р. Merkulov (2008) – Merkulov A.A. Health management as a territorial socio-economic system [Upravlenie zdravoohraneniem kak territorial’noj social’no-ehkonomicheskoj sistemoj]: dis. Ph.D.: 08.00.05. Saratov, 2008. 19 p. Pavlikov (2018) – Pavlikov S.G. On the relationship between human rights, interests of the people and the state (in the context of the issue of the priorities of their protection) [O sootnoshenii prav cheloveka, interesov naroda i gosudarstva (v kontekste voprosa o prioritetah ih zashchity)]// Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2018. No. 1 (22). C.40-51. Prizhennikova (2018) – Prizhennikova A.N. Human resources in innovation [Kadrovyj potencial v innovacionnoj deyatel’nosti]// Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2018. No. 2 (23). Pp. 138-146. Pushkarev (2009) – Pushkarev O.V. Human capital and modeling of medico-economic efficiency in health care [Chelovecheskij kapital i modelirovanie mediko-ehkonomicheskoj ehffektivnosti v zdravoohranenii]: dis. Doctor of Economics: 14.00.33. Novokuznetsk, 2009. 20 p. Rastorgueva (2009) – Rastorgueva T.I. Scientific substantiation of modern approaches to human resource management in health care [Nauchnoe obosnovanie sovremennyh podhodov k upravleniyu chelovecheskimi resursami v zdravoohranenii]: dis. Doctor of Economics: 14.00.33. M., 2009. 160 p. Ryzhik (2016) – Ryzhik A.V. Institutionalization of the interests of owners in the norms of Russian law [Institucionalizaciya interesov sobstvennikov v normah rossijskogo prava/] // Modern Lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2016. № 4 (17). Pp. 14-20. Safronov (2009) – Safronov J.O. Organizational and economic mechanism of effective investment in health care in the framework of targeted programs (regional aspect) [Organizacionno-ehkonomicheskij mekhanizm ehffektivnogo investirovaniya v zdravoohranenie v ramkah celevyh programm (regional’nyj aspekt)]: dis. Ph.D.: 08.00.05. M., 2009. 25 p. Starovoitova (2008) – Starovoitova I.M. Control and organizational work in medical organizations at the present stage [Kontrol’no-organizacionnaya rabota v medicinskih organizaciyah na sovremennom ehtape] // Deputy Head Physician: clinical work and medical examination [Zamestitel’ glavnogo vracha: lechebnaya rabota i medicinskaya ehkspertiza]. 2008. No. 2 (21). 60 s Stolbov (2011) – Stolbov A.P. Standardization of information technologies in health care and compulsory health insurance: fundamentals of methodology [Standartizaciya informacionnyh tekhnologij v zdravoohranenii i OMS: osnovy metodologii] // Information technologies in health care [Informacionnye tekhnologii v zdravoohranenii]. 2011. № 10-12. Pp. 22-26. Fedoseeva, Nazarkina (2010) – Fedoseeva L.S., Nazarkina I.M. The use of information and analytical systems in the management of the quality of medical care in the outpatient stage [Ispol’zovanie informacionno-analiticheskoj sistemy v upravlenii kachestvom okazaniya medicinskoj pomoshchi na ambulatornom ehtape]// Quality management of medical care [Upravlenie kachestvom medicinskoj pomoshchi]. 2010. № 1. 45 p. Feigenbaum (1986) – Feigenbaum A. Product quality control [Kontrol’ kachestva produkcii]. M .: Economics, 1986. 471 p. Flek, Kravchenko, Cherepanova (2001) – Flek V.O., Kravchenko N.A., Cherepanova I.S. Innovative resource management technologies in healthcare [Innovacionnye tekhnologii upravleniya resursami v zdravoohranenii]. M .: GEOTAR-MED, 2001. 144 p. Shvets (2017) – Shvets Yu.Yu. Analysis of the processes of modernization of the health care system in Russia and the results of their impact on the quality of medical services [Analiz processov modernizacii sistemy zdravoohraneniya v Rossii i rezul’taty ih vliyaniya na kachestvo medicinskih uslug] // Travel Guide entrepreneur [Putevoditel’ predprinimatelya]. 2017. 34. p. 322-332. Shvets (2017) – Shvets Yu.Yu. Methodical and regulatory interpretation of the quality management of medical services [Metodichesko-normativnaya interpretaciya upravleniya kachestvom medicinskih uslug]// Bulletin of the South-Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute). Series: Socio-economic sciences [Vestnik YUzhno-Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (Novocherkasskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta). Seriya: Social’no-ehkonomicheskie nauki]. 2017. №2. Pp. 19-26. Shmeleva (2011) – Shmeleva A.N. 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Victoria B. FrolovaCandidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Professor of the Department of corporate Finance and corporate governance at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia. Svetlana V. ShpakBachelor at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Leningradsky prospect, 49, Moscow, 125993, Russia. |
Evaluation of the prognostic reliability of models for forecasting bankruptiesАnnotation Subject / topic The article reflects the results of a study assessing the reliability of bankruptcy prediction models and ways to identify hidden and implicit factors of an organization’s actions leading to bankruptcy. Goals / Objectives To conduct a comparative assessment of the bankruptcy of the organization; assess the accuracy of forecasts of the bankruptcy model of the organization in the conditions of deliberate (fictitious) bankruptcy; construct an algorithm that determines the hidden and implicit factors leading to intentional (fictitious) bankruptcy. Methodology The study is based on a systems approach, data array analysis, methods of deduction, induction and comparison. Conclusion The proposed models of bankruptcy forecasting in the works of various scholars reflect the economic (accounting) component of an organization’s financial situation without taking into account hidden and implicit factors leading to insolvency (bankruptcy) of an organization. The algorithm developed by the author for identifying informal connections makes it possible at early stages to determine the risk of affinity for individuals and the consequences of their actions. Keywords: bankruptcy, bankruptcy models, deliberate bankruptcy, fictitious bankruptcy, bankruptcy assessment, bankruptcy algorithm. References Barilenko, V. I. Analysis of financial statements: Proc. manual / V. I. Barilenko, S. I. Kuznetsov, L. K. Plotnikova, O. V. Kairo: under the General ed. – M.: KnoRus, 2006. Bartkowa N. N., Saakov A. S. legal and Regulatory framework identification of posnikov deliberate (fictitious) the bankruptcy of the organization // Legal regulation. 2013. No. 4. P. 18-23. Vlasenko R. N. Legal basis and methods of identifying signs of fictitious and deliberate bankruptcy // Actual problems of Russian law. 2015. No. 5. With 102-105. The Method of quantitative assessment of the risk of bankruptcy of enterprises//risk Management. 1999. No. 3. S. 13– 20. Zaitseva O. p. anti-Crisis management in Russia / / Aval (Siberian financial school) 1998. No. 11– 12. Kovalev V. V., Financial statements. Analysis of financial statements (fundamentals of balance). Textbook. M., 2004. Kupriyanova L. M. Insolvency: factors limiting the activities of the organization // Economics. Business. Banks. 2017. № 3 (20). P. 162-173 Ribalka A, Salnikov B, Center for macroeconomic analysis and short-term forecasting №1-14. Savitskaya G. V. Analysis of economic activity of agricultural enterprises: studies. – 8-e ed., ISPR. – M.: research center INFRA-M, 2014. – 519 p. Slesarenko G. V. Problems of application of methods of bankruptcy forecasting. Bulletin of Udmurt University. 2010. No. 1. P. 38-45. Satanic Yu. N. Wrongful bankruptcy: economic characteristics and possible prevention // Finance and credit. 2014. P. 29-36. Frolova V. B. a Study of the criteria of financial instability // Economics. Business. Banks. 2017. № 4 (21). P. 159-170. Methods of financial analysis/ A. D. Sheremet, R. S. Saifulin, E. V. Negashev. – Moscow: INFRA-M, 2010. – 368 p. Debts didn’t fit in the bunker. The arbitration court declared bankrupt South of the Novorossiysk bunkering company. Kommersant. [Electronic resource.] – Access mode: The uniform Federal register of data on bankruptcy. [Electronic resource.] – Mode of access: Arbitration proceedings: A billion and a half disappeared in the blast furnace. The verdict in the case of a major theft from NLMK. Kommersant. [Electronic resource.] – Access mode: Checking contractors SPARK-Interfax. [Electronic resource.] – Access mode: |
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Daria D. NedospasovaMaster’s Degree student, International Finance Faculty at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 125167, Moscow, 49 Leningradsky av. E-mail: |
The effect of blockholders on company performanceAbstract Subject/topic: Different researches on the company’s ownership structure factors show mixed results. The question of the influence of institutional factors and blockholders on the capital structure of the company remains open for discussion. This paper examines the effect of blockholders on the company performance and provides an introductory look at the effect of blockholders on company value. There are related several different measures for blockholders, some binary and some gradient, such as ROA. The impact of block-holder dummy variable, share percentage hold by block-holders and the number of block-holders on a firm’s performance during a financial crisis were examined empirically. Goals/objectives: To assess the impact of the ownership structure of the share capital on the financial performance of US public companies using the methods of economic and mathematical modeling. Methodology: In this work general and special research methods were used, including analysis, synthesis, generalization, economic and mathematical modeling. Data was collected from WRDS and Compustat systems. Conclusion and Relevance: It is found that there is no significant relationship between return on asset and blockholder presence in the firm. Results indicate that block-holder variables cannot significantly influence firms’ performance. The correlation of firms with block-holders suffering a smaller loss during a financial crisis is actually due to firm size. The effect of blockholders on risk was measured and it was found a significant and positive relationship between the two. Finally, return on assets was measured as a measure of attractiveness for blockholders during the financial crisis and a significant relationship was found. Finally, the study indicates that there is a bunch of other measures that can be studied to interpret the effect of blockholder investment on a company. Key words: blockholders, structure of company ownership, company performance, ownership concentration References:
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Denis N. LoktevPhD student in Economic Sciences, Department on Economic Innovation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow (e-mail: |
Support for Russian small and medium eneterprises on the us marketAbstract Subject/ Topic The article presents an analysis of key issues in regards to Russian export support on the US market applied to small and medium-sized enterprises. Goals/ Objectives To provide a comprehensive analysis of conditions for Russian small and medium enterprises export to the US market. Methodology Three scientific methods were used in the current research: data-collection method and method of analysis and synthesis to collect volume and structure the data, as well as comparative method to compare experiences of Russia and other countries in their support to small and medium-sized enterprises. Conclusions and Relevance The research outcome stays in the conclusion that Russia does not supplies its small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly, on their exporting way to the US market. In this context the EU and US experience in this sphere should become a solution for Russian regulation. Keywords: small and medium enterprises, preferential lending, state support, microenterprises, development of innovative entrepreneurship. References: Degterev (2011) – Degterev D. Peculiarities of state regulation of foreign states’ export activity in the 21st century [Osobennosti gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya eksportnoy deyatel’nosti zarubezhnykh gosudarstv v XXI veke] // Russian foreign economic bulletin [Rossiyskiy vneshneekonomicheskiy vestnik]. – 2011. – No. 11; № 12. [in Russian] Fink (2012) – Fink T. Small and medium business: foreign experience of development [Malyy i sredniy biznes: zarubezhnyy opyt razvitiya] // The young scientist [Molodoy uchenyy]- 2012. – No. 4. – P. 177-181. [in Russian] Grazhdankin (2009) – Grazhdankin V. Small business in modern conditions [Maloye predprinimatel’stvo v sovremennykh usloviyakh] // Barnaul: AGAU Publishing House, 2009. [Izdatel’stvo AGAU] – P.4. [in Russian] Grazhdankin, Grazhdankina (2011) – Grazhdankin V., Grazhdankina O. The practice of state support of small and medium-sized enterprises in the United States and European Union countries [Praktika gosudarstvennoy podderzhki malogo i srednego predprinimatel’stva v SSHA i stranakh Evropeyskogo soyuza] // Bulletin of the Leningrad State University named after. AS Pushkin [Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. AS Pushkina]. – 2011. – No. 3. – T. 6. [in Russian] Kupriyanova, Sokolinskaya (2012) – Kupriyanova L., Sokolinskaya N. Trends in development and features of lending to small businesses in Russia [Tendentsii razvitiya i osobennosti kreditovaniya malogo biznesa v Rossii.] // Economy. business. banks. [Ekonomika. biznes. banki.] – 2012. – T. 3. – 164 p. [in Russian] Laricheva (2014) – Laricheva E.A. A comparative analysis of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia and abroad [Sravnitel’nyy analiz razvitiya malogo i srednego predprinimatel’stva v Rossii i za rubezhom] / Е.А. Laricheva, E.N. Sklar. – Bryansk, BSTU [Bryansk, BGTU] // (Electronic resource) [Elektronnyj resurs]. Access [Rezhim dostupa]: sravnit.htm. Vasilyev (1995) – Vasilyev Yu. The role of GATT in international economic integration. [Rol’ GATT v mezhdunarodnoy ekonomicheskoy integratsii] – Economics and commerce [Ekonomika i kommertsiya]. – 1995, No. 3. P.6. [in Russian] Vlasova (2017) – Vlasova N. The role and place of small and medium-sized businesses in the national economy in modern conditions [Rol’ i mesto malogo i srednego biznesa v natsional’noy ekonomike v sovremennykh usloviyakh]. – M.: 2017. – 147 p. [in Russian] Credit enhancement / Securitization. // (Electronic resource) [Elektronnyj resurs]. Access [Rezhim dostupa]: 08/17/2018. European Investment Fund. Portfolio Guarantees & Entrepreneurship in Europe // Routledge Revivals. The social Process. Routledge, 2015. Lending to small and medium-sized businesses. // (Electronic resource) [Elektronnyj resurs]. Access [Rezhim dostupa]: 09/06/2018. 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Guo ChenchenMoscow State University, Leninskie gory, 1, Moscow, 119234, Russian Federation. Guo Chenchen, postgraduate student, Department of Finance and Credit, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University. Email: |
Theoretical aspects of competitiveness of foreign and national commercial banks on the banking market of ChinaAbstract Subject The article offers an institutional analysis of the Chinese banking system as a competitive environment. The author substantiates this approach by the fact that the specific conditions inherent in national banking systems form the conditions for competition through national regulatory policies. In addition, a classification of banks in the Chinese banking system is presented, as well as a historical overview of its development and the evolution of regulatory instruments. Recent progressive changes contribute to increasing the openness of the Chinese banking market and, accordingly, to the development of competition in this market, which enables foreign banks to successfully master the market for bank loans. Goals / Objectives Theoretical aspects of the competitiveness of foreign and national commercial banks in the banking market of China and the prospects for the development of foreign banks in China Methodology. The research methodology is based on general and special methods of scientific knowledge: theoretical analysis and empirical research. Conclusions and Relevance The national banking market as a competitive environment operates within the national financial system. At the same time, competitiveness indicators are due to the specifics of the banking business. The main parameters determining the level of competitiveness of a bank are its turnover (it shows the volume of the share of the banking market), the profitability of capital and assets (performance indicators) are quantitative indicators. The government of the People’s Republic of China envisages several key measures in the direction of opening the Chinese financial market to foreign investors. This will bring new opportunities for business development to foreigners investing in China’s financial institutions. Keywords: competition, competitiveness, economic entity, banking system, banking market. References Ekmalyan (2017) – Ekmalyan A.M. Banking system and national security issues of the Russian Federation [Bankovskaya sistema i voprosy natsional’noy bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii], Proceedings of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences [Trudy Instituta gosudarstva i prava RAN]. 2017. #5. p. 63. [in Russia] Skarzhinsky, Chekmarev (2016) – Skarzhinsky M.I., Chekmarev V.V..Features of the methodology of evolutionary economic theory [Osobennosti metodologii evolyutsionnoy ekonomicheskoy teorii], 2016. [in Russia] Michael (2015) – Porter Michael. Competitive advantages of countries [Konkurentnyye preimushchestva stran]. M: International relations [Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya]. Moscow, 2015. [in Russia] Lambin (2011) – Lambin J.J. 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